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Nov 22nd, 2019
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  1. ScarlettVonLunaScarlettVonLuna WhisperAdd Friend has joined the chat
  2. Kierin: Hello Scarlett. Welcome back. ^-^
  3. ScarlettVonLuna: Hallo darling ^^
  4. Kierin: How are you?
  5. ScarlettVonLuna: bored
  6. Kierin: Don't know if I can be much help. :/
  7. ScarlettVonLuna: lol well you are the only one in a room atm and the only one answering me lol
  8. Kierin: XD I don't like playing dead.
  9. Kierin: I don't see the point.
  10. Kierin: But I'm not going to work tonight so you can feel free to share some of your glorious music with me.
  11. ScarlettVonLuna: wooo XD
  12. Kierin: ^-^
  13. ScarlettVonLuna: current song im listening to
  14. Kierin: I'm pretty bored too. So I'm just roaming around IMVU.
  15. Kierin: Oh I forgot to shift into a male. Oh well. ~
  16. ScarlettVonLuna: you are fine just like that
  17. ScarlettVonLuna: ^^
  18. Kierin: IRP I'm supposed to stay a male until Yue changes me back. XD
  19. Kierin: It's an IC thing.
  20. Kierin: Sometimes I get people who visit me to do some light rping.
  21. Kierin never minds
  22. ScarlettVonLuna: well you can blame me XD
  23. Kierin is pretty bored
  24. Kierin: You turned me into a girl...? Interesting. XD
  25. Kierin doesn't care either way :P
  26. ScarlettVonLuna: well......
  27. ScarlettVonLuna: if you wanna go that way im a guy in rl
  28. ScarlettVonLuna: lol
  29. Kierin: XD I'm a whatever irl. -is actually a girl but doesn't care-
  30. ScarlettVonLuna: i just have more fun as female :P
  31. Kierin: I don't care anymore. I married my alt. :P
  32. Kierin: So I played both for so long and dated myself.
  33. ScarlettVonLuna: lol
  34. ScarlettVonLuna: i play my own daughter
  35. ScarlettVonLuna: lol
  36. Kierin: -was currently listening to that-
  37. Kierin: I feel like there's no need for an alt anymore. That and I was going mentally insane doing it.
  38. Kierin: So I decided that was a good sign to stop.
  39. Kierin: Just a little bit. XD
  40. ScarlettVonLuna: ooo i got a song that is orgasmic to the ears
  41. Kierin: ?
  42. ScarlettVonLuna:
  43. Kierin: I'll finish listening to the other one first. :P
  44. Kierin: Okay so your know FF7 right?
  45. Kierin: You make me think of a terk. Turk? -idr how to spell it- XD
  46. ScarlettVonLuna: yes even though i never got into the FF series
  47. Kierin: Or someone from the MIB crew. XD
  48. Kierin: But more like a turk. xD
  49. ScarlettVonLuna: lol
  50. ScarlettVonLuna: i needed a suit
  51. Kierin: It's cool. You don't see too many people wandering around in suits.
  52. ScarlettVonLuna: nope
  53. ScarlettVonLuna: i do like sressing up and down XDdepending on mood
  54. ScarlettVonLuna: dressing*
  55. Kierin: XD
  56. ScarlettVonLuna: i go from naked to classy XD
  57. ScarlettVonLuna: lol
  58. ScarlettVonLuna: although i dress up more then anything else :o
  59. Kierin: I just wear whatever. XD
  60. ScarlettVonLuna: about as casual as i go
  61. Kierin: Nice. ^-^
  62. Kierin: Both are good songs. I like the second one better though. ^-^ Feel free to play music if you've got any.
  63. Kierin is always a fan of listening to music
  64. ScarlettVonLuna: there now i fit the music mood
  65. Kierin: ^-^ Yay!
  66. Kierin: You look pretty. :o
  67. ScarlettVonLuna: *giggles* you havent seen nothing yet XD
  68. ScarlettVonLuna: hehe
  69. Kierin: ^-^
  70. Kierin loves music and fashion shows.
  71. ScarlettVonLuna: i like dancing in this outfit
  72. ScarlettVonLuna: class is in session
  73. ScarlettVonLuna: XD
  74. Kierin: I have a slow dancing node. XD I'm lame like that. ^^; It's two people though. But feel free to dance around if you have dances.
  75. ScarlettVonLuna: i love when they fall to their knees onfront of me XD
  76. ScarlettVonLuna: lol
  77. Kierin: ^^
  78. ScarlettVonLuna: hehe
  79. Kierin: That looks so cool!
  80. Kierin: I'm so glad that tech has gotten better.
  81. Kierin: Remember in the good old days when outfit changes would crash us out?
  82. Kierin: XD
  83. ScarlettVonLuna: yep
  84. ScarlettVonLuna: been on imvu 14 years total
  85. Kierin: :3
  86. Kierin: Been here since 2005...
  87. ScarlettVonLuna: i started around then too
  88. Kierin: My husband has my oldest account. XD
  89. Kierin: I hate showing me age.
  90. ScarlettVonLuna: lol
  91. ScarlettVonLuna: hehe all class right here
  92. Kierin: :O That's so pretty.
  93. Kierin: Sorry. Got distracted petting my cat.
  94. Kierin: He rarely wants to cuddle and he was practically falling asleep in my arm.
  95. ScarlettVonLuna: royal
  96. ScarlettVonLuna: lol
  97. Kierin: So you did the empire thing too?
  98. Kierin: XD
  99. ScarlettVonLuna: i got kitties too
  100. Kierin: Awww.
  101. ScarlettVonLuna: yeah i did on my main
  102. Kierin: How'd it go?
  103. Kierin: :P
  104. ScarlettVonLuna: my family has stood for over 10 years
  105. ScarlettVonLuna: and still stands
  106. ScarlettVonLuna: rl may take them elsewhere but thye are still family
  107. ScarlettVonLuna: i welcomed all races
  108. ScarlettVonLuna: in fact... im thinking of opening a club soon XD
  109. Kierin: What's your family? :o
  110. ScarlettVonLuna: the Ravnos family
  111. ScarlettVonLuna: but we arnt part of the other groups with the same name
  112. Kierin: Hmm. -never heard of them but somehow wounds familiar.-
  113. Kierin: I was apart of the BloodDiamondDynasty when I first started.
  114. ScarlettVonLuna: i had many names overtime
  115. ScarlettVonLuna: Dercylidas, blutengel, serafino, ravnos
  116. ScarlettVonLuna: i got 6 daughters
  117. Kierin: :o
  118. ScarlettVonLuna: no sons, 2 mothers, various aunties and a few sisters
  119. Kierin: Noooooooooooooooooooo. >w< Don't be one of those man hating female types! Dx
  120. Kierin has come across them and always gets in trouble ;w;
  121. ScarlettVonLuna: lol im a guy in rl.. scar has guy friends but nothing more
  122. Kierin: I've met guys irl that hate their gender.
  123. Kierin: I'm like, "NOT ALL MEN ARE EVIL."
  124. Kierin: x-x People...
  125. Kierin: So you don't date on here? :o
  126. ScarlettVonLuna: i do have a distrust for my gender but i i dont use that to judge
  127. ScarlettVonLuna: i look at their nature and such
  128. ScarlettVonLuna: im dating my best friend on my main.. otherwise im single here and rl.... goin on 11 years in rl
  129. Kierin: ^^
  130. ScarlettVonLuna: i flirt yes
  131. Kierin: I love Yue irl. I love Gwen irl. I'm really glad that the three of us are together.
  132. ScarlettVonLuna: but the last time i dated with scar it went sour fast
  133. Kierin: :/
  134. Kierin: Sorry to hear.
  135. ScarlettVonLuna: its ok... sadly im used to it
  136. ScarlettVonLuna: none of my relationships on here lasted more then 6 months
  137. Kierin: Wanna talk about it? :/
  138. ScarlettVonLuna: not much to really say
  139. Kierin: My cat is so adorable! *^* He's rolling around and nuzzling me. ♥♥♥
  140. ScarlettVonLuna: i just lost 2 friends since i got back a few days ago...
  141. Kierin: x-x What happened?
  142. ScarlettVonLuna: drama
  143. Kierin: That sucks. :/
  144. ScarlettVonLuna: thats all im saying
  145. Kierin: That's imvu.
  146. Kierin: XD
  147. Kierin is mostly here because seion drug me back
  148. ScarlettVonLuna: lol
  149. Kierin: God I can't wait until we get Yue irl.
  150. Kierin: It'll be so nice going out for coffee and crafting. *w*
  151. Kierin: And dancing. XD
  152. ScarlettVonLuna: i almost didnt come back in 2009 after my 2 year break
  153. Kierin: I almost didn't come back a lot of times.
  154. ScarlettVonLuna: imvu has lost a lot of luster over the years
  155. Kierin: People just went crazy.
  156. Kierin: They realized that hiding behind an avi and alts gives them power to do and say whatever they want.
  157. Kierin once knew someone with 7 alts
  158. Kierin: x-x
  159. ScarlettVonLuna: yeah
  160. ScarlettVonLuna: i got 3...
  161. ScarlettVonLuna: main, this one and my backup
  162. Kierin: ^^ I just have this one and Kaede. I'm not gonna let Kaede be active. XD
  163. ScarlettVonLuna: same with alexios aka my backup
  164. Kierin: ^^
  165. Kierin: I hurt a lot of people unintentionally.
  166. ScarlettVonLuna: as have i
  167. Kierin: So if I'm gonna do stupid things not meaning to I'd rather just do it on one account and not get double the heat.
  168. Kierin: One of the biggest things...
  169. Kierin: So my old brother was dating this married woman irl while dating a girl on the side...
  170. Kierin: I decided to tell both of them.
  171. Kierin: x-x
  172. Kierin: And he blamed them.
  173. ScarlettVonLuna: oh boy
  174. Kierin: He was like, "The girls made me do it. Neither one would let me say no."
  175. Kierin hates that
  176. ScarlettVonLuna: oh yeah... seen that happen more then once
  177. Kierin: I created for one.
  178. Kierin: Deved a really nice place for her.
  179. Kierin: So she used me. XD
  180. Kierin: Her bf even sent her creds to pay me.
  181. Kierin: She NEVER paid me in full.
  182. ScarlettVonLuna: i use in a good way ;)
  183. Kierin: UGh. I hate how all she wants is a bf on here. -w-
  184. ScarlettVonLuna: oh damn :o
  185. Kierin: People like that drive me crazy. -w-
  186. Kierin: KatarynaSilverMoon
  187. Kierin: Check out her coven. I did a pretty good job on most of her things.
  188. ScarlettVonLuna: i dev myself
  189. ScarlettVonLuna: on my main
  190. Kierin: I'm not gonna. I spent too much money.
  191. Kierin: I made this room shell.
  192. Kierin: And the furniture in the bedroom.
  193. ScarlettVonLuna: i had a sponser
  194. Kierin: Not much else. XD
  195. Kierin: Nice.
  196. ScarlettVonLuna: at one point i was sitting on $675k
  197. Kierin: O____O
  198. ScarlettVonLuna: in credits.... all from them
  199. Kierin: I would've ran through that so fast. XD
  200. Kierin: I have a problem. :P
  201. ScarlettVonLuna: all they wanted was 3 rooms and furniture for them
  202. Kierin: O__O;
  203. Kierin: Wow.
  204. ScarlettVonLuna: did their request spent 35k and then they PAID me another 350k AFTER
  205. Kierin: o...o
  206. ScarlettVonLuna: yeah... it was insane
  207. ScarlettVonLuna: i deved like mad
  208. ScarlettVonLuna: im better now then i was back then
  209. Kierin: ^^
  210. ScarlettVonLuna: i mainly do rooms, furniture and frames
  211. Kierin: This was one of my recent items.
  212. Kierin: This whole set. ^^
  213. Kierin: BEfore I quit.
  214. ScarlettVonLuna: this is nice ^^
  215. Kierin: Thanks.
  216. Kierin: But. No regrets.
  217. Kierin: I need to stop spending money.
  218. ScarlettVonLuna: i would have to get on my main to show you my stuff
  219. Kierin: I have to upgrade apartments so that way Yue can legally come to me. :)
  220. ScarlettVonLuna: lol
  222. Kierin: Making this room gave me that itch.
  223. Kierin: XDDDD
  224. Kierin: I have a horrible addiction to spending money on this site.
  225. Kierin: I've had interventions it's so bad.
  226. Kierin: I have spent 200 or more a month sometimes.
  227. ScarlettVonLuna: O.O
  228. Kierin: YEAH.
  229. Kierin: IT'S THAT BAD.
  230. ScarlettVonLuna: i spend less then $50 a month
  231. Kierin: And then I would spend weeks creating.
  232. Kierin: I wouldn't talk to Yue.
  233. ScarlettVonLuna: i get most gifted
  234. Kierin: Or anyone.
  235. Kierin: I would just sit there and dev.
  236. Kierin: All the time.
  237. Kierin: Nonstop.
  238. Kierin: After a while she got really sad.
  239. Kierin: I never came out.
  240. Kierin: XD
  241. ScarlettVonLuna: yue better give you a good eating to keep you distracted then XD
  242. Kierin: Eh....she's really shy since we started dating irl.
  243. Kierin: She used to jump my bones allll the time. XD
  244. ScarlettVonLuna: hehe i know she is XD
  245. Kierin: Especially on my male alt. XD
  246. Kierin: But now...
  247. Kierin: I feel kinda bad because she's so shy. :/
  248. Kierin: Not really sure how I can help.
  249. Kierin: :/
  250. ScarlettVonLuna: she will come out of it
  251. ScarlettVonLuna: she was like that with me for a while... then my mian got hot and that made her less shy zs
  252. ScarlettVonLuna: LOL
  253. Kierin: and Yue dated?
  254. ScarlettVonLuna: i used to tease the hell out of her... hell i didnt even have to say anything... i just sat that XD
  255. ScarlettVonLuna: no
  256. Kierin: Oh.
  257. Kierin: ....o.o
  258. ScarlettVonLuna: ?
  259. Kierin idk XD
  260. ScarlettVonLuna: id tell more but i dont want it to cause issue...
  261. Kierin: ......I...never know how to respond to that when people are like, "I used to hit on your current person so hard! We flirted and rolled around! Oh! It was good times."
  262. Kierin: I'm like...."....just wait until you go out with one of my exes..."
  263. Kierin: XD
  264. Kierin: But ti's not cool when I talk about deep throating them.
  265. Kierin: Nah.
  266. Kierin: XD
  267. ScarlettVonLuna: lol that was me and yue... we fooled around sometimes but it wasnt like constant... maybe at most 3 times a month.... of that...
  268. Kierin: HEll one girl irl didn't wait until they became my ex. -w-
  269. ScarlettVonLuna: if*
  270. Kierin: She wanted him then and she cornered him and made out with him irl.
  271. Kierin: Made me think we were best friends etc.
  272. Kierin: Really she was just getting closer to my bf.
  273. Kierin: It was terrible the first time.
  274. Kierin: The second time I wanted to kill her.
  275. ScarlettVonLuna: im sure
  276. Kierin: By the third time I was like, "Oh fuck it. Just fuck Christine. You can have her."
  277. Kierin: FUCK CHRISTINE ASHLEY! FUCK THAT...I'm sorry.
  278. Kierin: What were we talking about? XD
  279. ScarlettVonLuna: LOL XD i like you!!!
  280. ScarlettVonLuna: we are gonna be great friends XD
  281. Kierin: So I was engaged to this horrible woman beating asshole.
  282. Kierin: He choked me.
  283. Kierin: Cheated on me.
  284. Kierin: Lied to me.
  285. Kierin: Sent me home in bruises.
  286. Kierin: Christine came over ONE TIME. Sobbed about how much she missed her ex/my old fuck buddy.
  287. ScarlettVonLuna: >.< those kind of guys i hate with a passion
  288. Kierin: And then she ends up engaged to the asshole!!!
  290. Kierin: She was like, "Well he treats me well.."
  291. Kierin: And then I fell madly in love with his best friend and she seduces him in the worst way possible!
  292. Kierin: Everytime we were having a moment and she was there she'd go into fake seizures!
  293. Kierin: And then he'd drop me and run to her!
  294. Kierin: FUCK THAT BITCH.
  295. Kierin: And finally I get a guy who has a good job but I want out of the relationship.
  296. Kierin: I introduce him to Christine.
  297. Kierin: SHE DOESN'T FUCK HIM.
  299. Kierin: UGH!
  300. Kierin: Dx
  301. ScarlettVonLuna: i had one ex get mad at me for flirting with her...
  302. Kierin: FUCK HER.
  303. Kierin: XD
  304. Kierin: With Yue? x-x
  305. ScarlettVonLuna: no
  306. Kierin: Yeah...don't flirt with Yue around me...I'm territorial.
  307. Kierin: Scorpio's do that. XD
  308. ScarlettVonLuna: oh i know
  309. Kierin: Hot headed scorpio here!
  310. Kierin: But anyway, you were saying about your ex.
  311. Kierin: -is now eating from the popcorn bucket that says christine must day choking on a big black dick-
  312. ScarlettVonLuna: my ex would get mad when id flirt with her.. her=exgf
  313. ScarlettVonLuna: so id be flirting with my own gf and she would get pissed that i was
  314. Kierin: Ahhh. o.o
  315. ScarlettVonLuna: mhm
  316. Kierin: Well yeah...XD
  317. Kierin: No one likes seeing their SO being hit on.
  318. Kierin: IT's awkward.
  319. Kierin: XD
  320. ScarlettVonLuna: noo
  321. Kierin: Oh they were exes.
  322. Kierin: Well then that's fair game I think...unless you were friends...@-@
  323. Kierin is coming down from must kill christine boost of rage. hard to make sense from the red rage XD
  324. ScarlettVonLuna: no.... i was dating this girl and she would get mad that i was flirting WITH her...
  325. Kierin: It'd be so much different if that happened on here and not rl....x-e
  326. ScarlettVonLuna: i dont flirt with others while i date...
  327. Kierin: She was mad that you were flirting with your gf?
  328. Kierin: Because that makes 0 sense.
  329. ScarlettVonLuna: i know
  330. ScarlettVonLuna: but thats what happened
  331. Kierin: Yay! I got it right that time! Gimme a prize! XD
  332. Kierin: Ugh my head hurts from that fit of rage. >w<
  333. Kierin bashed my skull with a 50 lb weight
  334. ScarlettVonLuna: aww
  335. Kierin has brain damage and nerve damage irl from it
  336. Kierin: >~<
  337. Kierin: It's cool that you're popular with the girls on here though. XD
  338. ScarlettVonLuna: i had a head injury like that... killed my memory...
  339. Kierin: x-e
  340. Kierin: You attempted suicide too? :/
  341. ScarlettVonLuna: most of my memories are fragmented or i just dont remember
  342. ScarlettVonLuna: no... this was accidental but i have tried...
  343. Kierin: Mine is a weird injury. I can lose the left side of my body if I get too worked up. It'll seize. x-x
  344. Kierin: It pisses me off more everytime. XD
  345. ScarlettVonLuna: i got scars all over my arms, legs and even some on my face
  346. Kierin: x-e
  347. Kierin: Yeah...-takes all the sharp obejects from you-
  348. Kierin: Nuuu moreeee..
  349. Kierin: Not worth it.
  350. ScarlettVonLuna: low self esteem
  351. Kierin: Hello! That's everyone on IMVU! XD
  352. Kierin: We all come on here to feel pretty and escape whatever we're running from.
  353. ScarlettVonLuna: yeah but i cant seem to escape from mine no matter where i go
  354. Kierin: It's awesome being a big shot creator and having adoring fans. -didn't have any. can't relate to your level of fame.-
  355. Kierin: What is your main account anyway?
  356. Kierin: -is now curious to see if i'm a fan-
  357. ScarlettVonLuna: Killianravnos
  358. Kierin: Nope...don't know who you are. But it does sound familiar enough that I've probably been in your shop once or twice. XD
  359. ScarlettVonLuna: im sure
  360. Kierin: But judging from the way you're dressed you're probably awesome.
  361. Kierin: -goes to search in the shop anyway- o...o
  362. ScarlettVonLuna: brb
  363. Kierin: -doesn't want to but now has to- XD tyt.
  364. ScarlettVonLuna has left the chat
  365. KillianRavnos has joined the chat
  366. KillianRavnos: now you get to meet me for real
  367. Kierin: :oo
  368. Kierin: Sweet.
  369. Kierin: But really don't hurt yourself, okay? :/
  370. Kierin: It's not worth it.
  371. Kierin hugs
  372. KillianRavnos: i havent for a while
  373. Kierin nods
  374. KillianRavnos: but my anxitey is getting worse same with my depression
  375. KillianRavnos: and i refuse to pop pills for it... this is why i smoke
  376. Kierin: Kudos.
  377. Kierin: I HATED THAT SHELL.
  378. Kierin: :I
  379. KillianRavnos: pills make me 100 times worse
  380. Kierin: With a burning passion.
  381. Kierin: That shell needs to be updated or die. XD
  382. KillianRavnos: ive done that mesh so may times
  383. Kierin: That stupid mesh. XD
  384. Kierin: IT SUCKS RIGHT?
  385. Kierin: It eats everything!
  386. Kierin: Dx
  387. KillianRavnos: i didnt mind it
  388. KillianRavnos: i got 2 rooms that you would love XD
  389. KillianRavnos: one of them is rather pricey
  390. Kierin: Link?
  391. Kierin: I won't buy anything for a lonnnnnnnnng time.
  392. Kierin: I"m really content.
  393. Kierin: Besides I made the best thing ever so I'm pretty content I went out with a bang.
  394. KillianRavnos:
  395. Kierin: My old house was stunning.
  396. Kierin: * ^ *
  397. Kierin: It's good for an old school product but I'm not really into old school. XD
  398. Kierin: I know a lot of people that are though. ^-^
  399. Kierin: Want to see my biggest project?
  400. Kierin: I spent well over 300 irl on it. XD
  401. Kierin: Sugar. I will have to go brb/afk in a min. o.o My floor needs to be vaccumed. XD
  402. KillianRavnos: oh my
  403. KillianRavnos: lol ok
  404. Kierin: DAmn. I can't invite you. You're offline. Oh well. XD But Yue helped.
  405. Kierin: She was my assistant. :)
  406. Kierin: She helped me create most of my good projects by picking out color schemes etc.
  407. KillianRavnos: you dont have me added XD
  408. KillianRavnos: lol
  409. Kierin: Yue and I spent days. XD
  410. Kierin: Weeks.
  411. Kierin: XD
  412. KillianRavnos: wait i seen that place
  413. Kierin: It's too dark to vaccum.
  414. Kierin: :/
  415. Kierin: Stupid daylight's savings time. x-x
  416. KillianRavnos: lol dont you just hate that
  417. Kierin: Yep.
  418. Kierin: You haven't deved in a while, huh? :o
  419. KillianRavnos: no
  420. KillianRavnos: i do frames now and then
  421. Kierin: Looks ancient. OwO But in a fun way. :P Still know a lot of people who are into that. XD
  422. Kierin: I saw that. :)
  423. Kierin: Those are nice. ^-^
  424. KillianRavnos: but havent done anything big in a while
  425. Kierin: If you do show me sometime. It'd be cool to see. :)
  426. KillianRavnos: i will
  427. KillianRavnos: my card pic i did myself
  428. Kierin: That's way better than mine. x-e
  429. Kierin did mine myself too
  430. Kierin jelly
  431. Kierin: :P
  432. Kierin: But it's hard to get both of my avi's in a pic since I'm not using my alt for it.
  433. KillianRavnos: the full size version
  434. KillianRavnos: words are done by me as well
  435. Kierin: Awwwww. ♥♥♥
  436. Kierin: Cute. :)
  437. Kierin: why aren't you together irl? :o
  438. KillianRavnos: thats my scorpio queen XD
  439. KillianRavnos: shes married in rl...
  440. Kierin: am I....but that never stopped us. XD But I get your point.
  441. KillianRavnos: but its on the rocks atm and thats all im saying... we have a bond thats lasted from the day we met almost 9 years ago
  442. KillianRavnos: and we have met in rl wice
  443. KillianRavnos: twice
  444. KillianRavnos: also.... i hate her hubby... he is a total ass that id love to just make..... vanish
  445. Kierin: So you'll probably end up with her? :o
  446. KillianRavnos: idk...
  447. KillianRavnos: i mean that thought has always been there ive just accepted that we got a bond that not many have
  448. KillianRavnos: and yes we do love each other...
  449. Kierin: That must be hard. :/
  450. Kierin: When you met up irl how was it?
  451. KillianRavnos: oh god... my first thought was "this woman is even more beautiful in person"
  452. Kierin: Awwwww. ♥♥♥
  453. KillianRavnos: and the 2nd meeting was almost kinda like a date XD
  454. Kierin: Ah. So you had some fun then? ^_-
  455. KillianRavnos: no
  456. KillianRavnos: we have never had sex in rl...
  457. Kierin: So are you gonna go see her again?
  458. Kierin: :o
  459. KillianRavnos: on here yeah XD took her 5 years of trying
  460. KillianRavnos: lol
  461. KillianRavnos: she lives on the other side of the country
  462. KillianRavnos: i would if it wasnt for her jackass hubby
  463. KillianRavnos: but all in all i been single 11 years and havent had any "fun" in over 5 years
  464. Kierin: o...o
  465. KillianRavnos: shocking i know
  466. KillianRavnos: im the type that doesnt get looked at in that way....
  467. Kierin: Wanna swap rl photos? XD
  468. KillianRavnos: sure
  469. KillianRavnos: i dont have many recents though
  470. KillianRavnos: this is my best pic
  471. Kierin:
  472. Kierin: My recent pic
  473. Kierin: Most recent
  474. KillianRavnos: oooo :o cutie ^^
  475. Kierin: That pic was taken a few weeks ago.
  476. Kierin: I'm 29 irl.
  477. Kierin: :)
  478. KillianRavnos: 33
  479. Kierin: Most don't seem to think so though. XD
  480. Kierin: Nice. :) You look scary in that pic though. XD Like you're gonna come out of the computer and eat me alive. o..o
  481. KillianRavnos: im also tall...
  482. KillianRavnos: lol
  483. KillianRavnos: 6'5
  484. Kierin: :o
  485. Kierin: 4'11 and a half. :P
  486. KillianRavnos: lol
  487. KillianRavnos: i like short girls XD
  488. Kierin: Corset dress pic... o...o
  489. Kierin: I got all prettied up for Yue and Gwen. ♥
  490. KillianRavnos: awww ^^
  491. Kierin: Taken on the same day as the other one. XD
  492. Kierin: I got some new make up so I was testing it out.
  493. KillianRavnos:
  494. Kierin: Yue's so pretty irl. *////*
  495. KillianRavnos: taken a few months ago
  496. Kierin: Says I can't access it.
  497. Kierin: :/
  498. Kierin: IDK why. :/
  499. Kierin: 404. That's an error. -what google is saying-
  500. KillianRavnos:
  501. KillianRavnos: im right in the center
  502. KillianRavnos: in blue
  503. Kierin: Tha'ts a cool pic. :o
  504. Kierin: I don't have many pics of myself with others. ;w;
  505. KillianRavnos: my class reunion
  506. Kierin: Nice. :O
  507. Kierin: How'd it go?
  508. KillianRavnos: good
  509. KillianRavnos: it was hot that day
  510. KillianRavnos: lol
  511. Kierin: Looks like fun though.
  512. Kierin: ^-^
  513. KillianRavnos: we didnt leave till like 2am
  514. KillianRavnos: lol
  515. Kierin: :)
  516. KillianRavnos:
  517. Kierin: Sounds pretty. o.o
  518. Kierin: You have a very unique taste in music.
  519. Kierin: But it's nice. ^-^
  520. KillianRavnos: im trying to keep my mind busy. im finding myself bordering on a possible code red meltdown
  521. Kierin: What's going on?
  522. Kierin: Are you okay?
  523. KillianRavnos: ill be fine.. just gotta rough it out
  524. Kierin: ...would it help to talk vocaly? I have a discord....
  525. KillianRavnos: naw cause my issues i dont want heard by the other in this house
  526. KillianRavnos: the other is my mother...
  527. Kierin: Ahhh.
  528. Kierin: Ahhhhhhh. x-x
  529. Kierin: It's okay then.
  530. Kierin: ...what can I do to help?
  531. KillianRavnos: i lost my apt a year ago and had to move back and it seems that its been one hell after another resulting in an overnight hospital stay and blood loss other days and severe anger outburts
  532. KillianRavnos: my stress got so bad that it almost killed me.... for real
  533. KillianRavnos: ended up with both lungs riddled with blood clots...
  534. Kierin: You don't have to go into detail if you don't want to but I'm sorry to hear about all of that. :/
  535. Kierin: Especially losing your home.
  536. Kierin: That's never an easy thing to go through.
  537. Kierin: I whored up with a lot of men in order to stay out of my parent's house.
  538. Kierin: They weren't the nicest people.
  539. Kierin: Much like Yue's situation only a bit worse depending.
  540. Kierin: Hopefully your mom is nice.
  541. Kierin: And supportive. :/
  542. KillianRavnos: i dont have many friends that are able to take me in so it was be homeless or ack to my moms.... i was deadset on going homeless
  543. Kierin can relate to that too
  544. Kierin: I'm really sorry that you're going through that.
  545. Kierin: But it'll get better, alright?
  546. Kierin: Just keep trying.
  547. Kierin: Don't give up.
  548. KillianRavnos: now if my dad were still alive i wouldnt be in this situation
  549. Kierin: You got let go of from your job or something? What happened? :/
  550. Kierin: Depending upon your region I may be able to help but idk. I can't take in another roommate though. ^^; After all I have to prepare for Yue.
  551. Kierin: But I might be able to help job wise.
  552. Kierin: Maybe.
  553. KillianRavnos: no hun dont... this i have to do myself...
  554. Kierin: Alright. But don't die in the process. What good would that solve?
  555. KillianRavnos: i lost my place due to a lapse in rent.... tried to get it taken care of but by the time i knew it i was already $3700 behind
  556. Kierin: ...............................O________O
  557. KillianRavnos: annd the fucked up part.... i WAS working....
  558. Kierin: That sounds like something you'd notice. That's a few months behind.
  559. Kierin: How did you not notice? x-x
  560. KillianRavnos: thats like 7 months total plus late fees
  561. KillianRavnos: i noticed....
  562. Kierin: ......x---x
  563. Kierin: Also that's a cheap place.
  564. Kierin: Nice score!
  565. KillianRavnos: and tried hard to get it selt with but i couldnt get ANY help
  566. Kierin pays 1000 a month for my shoebo
  567. Kierin shoebox
  568. KillianRavnos: i was on income based
  569. Kierin: Ohhh. o.o Section 8. -nods-
  570. KillianRavnos: i get disability
  571. Kierin: Ah.
  572. Kierin: That's still rough. :/
  573. Kierin: I'm sorry that you went through that.
  574. Kierin has seen some really nice section 8 housing
  575. KillianRavnos: so i was paying $185 a month
  576. Kierin: LUCKY. XD
  577. KillianRavnos: i was NEVER late on any bills untill that momrnt
  578. KillianRavnos: in fact i got refunds back from my electric, net and even my doctors
  579. Kierin: Hmm. o.o
  580. KillianRavnos: i always rounded my bills up if they were close
  581. KillianRavnos: say one was $56.68 id pay $57
  582. Kierin: Ah.
  583. KillianRavnos: yeah
  584. KillianRavnos: but in the end i lost my apt. lost my truck, almost lost my life, currently losing my sanity
  585. KillianRavnos: and now im no more then an asset to my own mother cause im pretty much paying for everything putting myself in the grasp of payday loans thanks to her
  586. Kierin: That sounds terrible. :/
  587. KillianRavnos: she has poor money managment skills.... i tried to get everything back in balance but she keeps throwing it off
  588. KillianRavnos: im switching back to scarlett
  589. KillianRavnos has left the chat
  590. ScarlettVonLuna has joined the chat
  591. Kierin: weba.
  592. Kierin: Does being Scarlett help with your anxeity?
  593. ScarlettVonLuna: sometimes... not as much as it used to
  594. Mulcere has joined the chat
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