
Faythe's Rite of Marythen

Aug 18th, 2020
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  1. (Yneli): You say, "Dear Mayflowers, might everyone be ready to gather for Faythe's Rite of Marythen?"
  3. (Yneli): Elexia (from the Realm of the Bloom of Serenity) says, "Aye!"
  5. (Yneli): Zitto (from the Realm of the Bloom of Serenity) says, "I await at the Font."
  7. (Yneli): Elexia (from the Realm of the Bloom of Serenity) says, "I'm so very excited for it!"
  9. You lift a hand languidly and send a moonbeam to Faythe.
  11. You gently rise into the air and dance along a moonbeam to Faythe.
  12. Decorated hunting lodge.
  13. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. Comprising a single large chamber, this hunting lodge is tall and grand and constructed with much love and attention. A number of tree trunks, bark and all, have been stacked up in a criss-cross pattern to form the walls of the lodge, the cracks caulked with dense, earth-hued clay. Carved into the trunks are images of the fauna of the forest: Squirrels dancing beside acorns, bucks and does in mid-leap as they frolic, frogs resting upon leaves and vines carved in winding trelisses along the wall, silvery salmon swimming along currents, fireflies blinking in the form of glittering gems. Two square windows have been sawn into the walls, facing one another and open to the air outside. Their frame has been painted a lovely emerald, inscribed with images of Moon in all her phases. Around the chamber, various racks and shelves have been placed for working of catches and storage of tools and ritual items. Overhead, several trophies of the hunt have been mounted; some have left offerings and mementos of honour to those same prey who gave the hunters a good chase. There are 4 wicker baskets here. Scarbearer Faythe is here.
  14. You see a single exit leading south.
  16. You have emoted: Lief flits merrily about Faythe. "Are you ready?" she beams.
  18. Lifting her head, Faythe starts at your appearance. Scuffing a bare foot along the ground, she turns to face you fully. She nods quietly, hair swaying with the motion. "I am," she replies quietly.
  20. You have emoted: Lief clasps her hands together. Her eyes glimmer with pride as she studies Faythe, and then she nods. "Follow me, then."
  22. Faythe begins to follow you.
  24. -l faythe
  25. She is a graceful elfen, fair-skinned and heavily freckled from the sun. As is typical of the elfen race, her athletic frame is fine-boned and graceful, about five and a half feet in height. Her hair is a deep, chestnut brown, tumbling down her back in gentle waves to just above her waist. A few shorter tendrils fall forward to frame her delicate features. Wide eyes of an olive-green are set in her heart-shaped face, just over a small nose and a full-lipped mouth. She walks with the truefavour of Orael the Anomaly.
  27. She is wearing:
  28. a cream-coloured gown embroidered with cherry blossoms that flows softly along her form.
  30. You draw on 500 of your Cult's essence.
  31. You place both hands upon your chest, drawing upon the strength within you, that part of your Goddess that dwells ever within in prismatic hues. Considering your place in the Unbroken, it is as if the world were no longer an obstacle, but a veil for you to bend and draw aside. You brush the air and find yourself stepping through rippling darkness, unformed, uncoloured.
  33. The darkness presses on you from all sides, buffeting you like winds in a storm, but you walk unbowed, led by the assurance of the vivid hues within you, which reach out from you to paint the darkness, to give it form, brightness, and meaning where there was none. Before long, you are wreathed in prismatic light, and you find yourself drawing aside the veil of reality to find the altar of the Unbroken resting beneath an ancient apple tree in the Kiunid Vruna.
  34. Faythe has left the area.
  35. Faythe follows you ether.
  36. Gazing over orchard hill.
  37. A solitary apple tree reaches towards the heavens here, its gnarled branches splayed out bearing brilliantly red fruit. The tree is the oldest in the orchard, with a hollowed-out base; it still produces an abundance of petals that glide down the hill. Looking out over the orchard, the shimmering petals swirl en mass, an ocean of colour that waves with the breeze. Peeking out from within the apple tree's hollowed out base, a stone altar rises, drooped over by fruit. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Covered with thorns and briars, a tarnished silver cup sits here. A hornbeam sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here.
  38. You see exits leading southwest and west.
  40. [Movement]
  42. Faythe follows you southwest.
  43. The Cloudless Sanctum.
  44. Flowing geometrical patterns of blue and ivory tiles line the high vaults of the ceiling, combining in curving circles and whorls that hint at more complex and meaningful patterns within the curves of the domes. High slits in the vaults of the ceiling admit light that spills across the sparkling waters of the font, raising silvery reflections from the quartz of the basin. Indistinct images whisper through the air, evaporating into daydreams as soon as they manifest. A soft, sweet breeze eddies through the chamber, bringing with it the scent of flowers and fresh air. Water flowing endlessly into the world beyond, the Font of Creativity stands here emanating a sense of peaceful serenity and power. Daiua Greenthorn stands here, her midnight-hued eyes darting about in constant examination. Tail twitching with barely-repressed energy, Nazli pauses here for the moment. Unscarred Tyrus is here. He wields a longsword of the stag and moon in his left hand and a steel broadsword in his right hand. Lord Zitto Shevat, a Servant Renewed drifts here, vibrant blossoms surging out of the ground around him. Regent Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon is here. She wields a rose-vine violin in her left hand. You notice a variety of WARES for sale here.
  45. You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
  46. 9800h, 6800m, 10800e, 10p Bexkb-inhale
  47. You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.
  49. Lord Zitto Shevat, a Servant Renewed says, "Oh, just so."
  51. Elexia smiles softly, dipping her head as she says, "I'm sure... Oh! There she is!" She wheels about on her toes, flashing Faythe a bright smile and a cheerful wave. She then shares a warm smile for you.
  53. Following behind you, Faythe enters into the temple proper, her bare feet moving softly along the floor. Lifting a hand, she brushes her hair away from her face, and then smiles almostly shyly at those gathered by the Font of Creativity.
  55. You have emoted: Lief clasps her hands before her lap and bows her antlered head to the gathering, her dragonfly wings keeping her aloft before she turns to Faythe. Pride gleams yet in her eyes with its manifold colors, each gilded at the edges.
  57. Passing by Elexia, Tyrus, and Zitto, Faythe smiles at them briefly in turn. She comes to a halt from the Font of Creativity, and grips the edge of the basin in a seemingly practiced gesture. She leans foward over the waters, lifting a hand out to barely skim the waters with her outspread fingers of her right hand.
  59. With a wistful look on her face, Faythe touches the Font of Creativity.
  60. Ripples move across the water of the font as Faythe dips her fingers into it.
  62. A smile on her face, Faythe slowly inhales.
  64. You dip your hand gently into the Font and caress the water, which swirls with a lovely prismatic brightness before parting to reveal a number of coloured scarves upon the quartz surface within. You lift them out reverently.
  66. Faythe lifts her gaze, studying each of the people gathered in turn.
  68. You have emoted: Lief tenderly drapes a veritable rainbow of scarves over her forearms, their bulk a touch too large for her. Winging to the gathering of Mayflowers, she alights upon the floor and studies Faythe.
  70. Elexia's violet eyes are glowing with their exuberance, though the smile upon her face is soft and proud. She cants her head curiously to Faythe for a moment, as if examining the elfen.
  72. Softly, with warmth, you say to Faythe, "When you are ready."
  74. Faythe's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
  76. Scarbearer Faythe says, "I am ready, Lief."
  78. You have emoted: Lief inclines her antlered head, then lifts it again, attentive upon Faythe.
  80. Tyrus waits in silence, hands clasped before him and his gaze upon Faythe.
  82. Faythe steps away from the Font of Creativity, turning to face those gathered. "I...I am Yneli, and I have discovered that I am more than I knew I was," she begins slowly.
  84. Elexia dips her head as if in agreement, a beaming smile upon her features.
  86. You have emoted: Lief bows her antlered head once more to Faythe, then steps forward. Her first few steps are purposeful upon the tiles, but her remaining are taken in the air, her wings humming to lift her and guide her to eye level with Faythe. She selects a bright red scarf with an embossed tulip and holds it in one hand.
  88. Searching and inquisitive, you say to Faythe, "Faythe, how have old and new bonds of Kinship rooted and uplifted you since awakening from your Slumber?"
  90. Faythe clasps her hands before her, considering you after the question is asked. "The two shining, constant pillars of light in my life, Lief and Elexia are my connection to my past. Friendships formed, and never wavering over the years. When I was lost in the darkness, stuck in my rest, it was their voices - your voices, your faces, your love, that shone in my minds eye and brought me home." She pauses, her gaze drifting to Tyrus. "My Circle widens ever more. Tyrus, once a stranger who has over the last few years, has become one of my closest companion." Her gaze turns once more, resting finally on Zitto. "And again, an addition to my small circle. New friends, from other lands to brighten my mind."
  92. You have emoted: Lief listens to Faythe's every word, affection compelling her to smile. "May your bonds of Kinship ever grow wider, a light in the darkness to guide you."
  94. A wave of emotion passes across Elexia's features as the faeling seems deeply moved by the words. Her hand rises over her heart first, as her other reaches to stifle the birth of a tear in one of her violet eyes. She takes a slow, even breath, and brings her hands back to their original position folded behind her back.
  96. You lift a bright red scarf with an embossed tulip and carefully place it upon Faythe.
  98. You have emoted: Lief draws back and, still hovering, still smiling, asks, "Who would ask the next question?"
  100. Lord Zitto Shevat, a Servant Renewed says, "I have one, but I would wait a while longer."
  102. Elexia raises a hand in the air as she says, "I would, Unbroken." Her butterfly wings stir, carrying the faeling aloft.
  104. You have emoted: Lief smiles fondly at Zitto, then turns her attention brightly to Elexia. "Wonderful!"
  106. Still smiling, you give a bright orange scarf with an embossed tiger lily to Regent Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon.
  108. Tyrus's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
  110. Elexia's fluttering brings her to just about eye-level with Faythe, as she smiles gently at her. "Of late, you sought out a new form of Expression, one you shared with many in a beautiful blend of Expression and Communion. What did you learn from the experience - from its highs, but also from its challenges?"
  112. A twinkle in her eyes as she clarifies, Regent Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says, "I speak, of course, of your debut upon the stage."
  114. You have emoted: Lief's ears twitch, and she inquisitively watches Faythe, her gray eyes glimmering with citrus orange and deep, sunset hues.
  116. Cunning Nazli lets out a displeased little growl, his tail lashing from side to side in mute proof of his agitation and boredom.
  118. You have emoted: Faint amusement flickers in Lief's eyes as she glances to Cunning Nazli for the briefest of moments.
  120. You think to yourself: Poor Nazli. He should find Lanni and play.
  122. Faythe tips her head back to study the ceiling as she takes a breath, thinking about her answer. "I... was ecstatic to play the part of Ellindel. Her story, her connection with the fae, her love and want to heal herself and the land... it echoes within me, second only to my deep passions that came with me beyond the Portals of Fate. It was a new interest, learned - or perhaps re-learned - after I was a novice in the Forest. To share that with others was... extraordinary." She takes another breath, lowering her gaze to look at the other Mayflowers gathered. "...And also terrifying for me," she says softly. "In the moment, I could not fully enjoy the opportunity, and it was only after, when the crowds had faded away, that I could relax enough to examine my own feelings. I..." She pauses again. "In the past few decades, for a number of reasons, I do not do well in crowds of strangers. It is something that I have discovered about myself, and something I look forward to growing from, as I continue my practices of Expression and Communion."
  124. Elexia dips her head, pride and joy dancing across her features as she hears Faythe's heartfelt answer. She flies forward in a smooth loop about Faythe, leaving a bright orange scarf with an embossed tiger lily draped in her wake.
  126. Elexia lifts a bright orange scarf with an embossed tiger lily and carefully places it upon Faythe.
  128. Elexia's wings carry her back towards the edge of the circle, where she alights once more.
  130. You have emoted: Lief lifts her free hand to touch her heart as she listens to Faythe, her eyes closing until she hears the end of Faythe's answer. "May you ever continue to shine for others and - more importantly - for yourself," she smiles, then turns to the gathering. Selecting a bright yellow scarf with an embossed daffodil, she offers it forward and asks, "Who would ask the next question?"
  132. Zitto steps forward and raises a hand. "I have a question," he states in a flat tone.
  134. You have emoted: Lief wings closer to Zitto, her gray eyes flickering with inquisitiveness as she searches his face for the briefest of moments.
  136. With a gentle smile, you give a bright yellow scarf with an embossed daffodil to Lord Zitto Shevat, a Servant Renewed.
  138. Faythe's olive-green eyes turn to Zitto as he steps forward.
  140. Zitto examines Faythe for a few moments before putting a question to her. In a subdued tone he asks, "The path to Serenity is never smooth, never easy. What has been the hardest test you've faced since you began following our Lady's ways, and how have you grown from it?"
  142. Elexia's pointed ears twitch attentively to hear Faythe's answer.
  144. You have emoted: Lief likewise looks to Faythe, attentive and curious. Her idle fingers rearrange the last three cloths draping her forearm, aligning them in a cool-colored floral rainbow as she listens.
  146. You think to yourself: He is still... I should place my prayer in His Fulcrux soon.
  148. Faythe turns away from Zitto at the question, lifting a hand to touch the edge of the basin of the Font of Creativity. She slowly walks around its outer circumference, fingertips trailing along the edge. "There is no hardest test for me that I have faced, for every day is a trial for me," she replies quietly as she circles the Font of Creativity. "I still have not passed it. For me, my challenge is many-fold, and is due a combination of my own personal fears of vulnerability, and a person whom I cared very deeply for, who hurt and betrayed me." She continues to step, her gown rustling softly behind her. "Trust, love, hope, understanding, opening myself to others. Slowly, slowly as I have returned - nigh three years ago? - I have felt myself returning to who I once was, who I was meant to be, by this age in my life, had my growth been uninterrupted by sleep or pain." She comes to a stop before Zitto, looking up at him. "I have come full circle in these challenges, and it will continue to be a struggle for me, every day. But, I have taken the first step on this path - the one that draws away from everyone else, and I am... becoming less afraid. We are alone together, Zitto. Our paths may diverge, but we may but turn back and look to see the road that leads to home, and then draw our strength as we turn to embrace our future, and take the next step."
  150. You think to yourself: 'Every day is a trial...'
  152. Zitto nods silently in understanding. Without a word, he approaches with his scarf.
  154. Zitto lifts a bright yellow scarf with an embossed daffodil and carefully places it upon Faythe.
  156. You have emoted: Lief's idle fingers pause, then rest flat against the remaining scarves she holds as she searches Faythe in her quiet. She smiles slightly, one that manifests with glittering greens and indigos and flecks of rich, sunny golds in her eyes. "May the path you've tread ever urge you toward a brighter day."
  158. You have emoted: Lief clears her throat softly, then turns to Tyrus. "Would you ask a question next, dear Tyrus?"
  160. Elexia turns to glance at Tyrus curiously, an encouraging smile on her lips.
  162. Tyrus nods and steps forward. "I shall," he says.
  164. With a growing smile and an encouraging nod, you give a bright green scarf with an embossed carnation to Unscarred Tyrus.
  166. Faythe turns, smiling softly at Tyrus as he approaches her.
  168. You tell Lord Zitto Shevat, a Servant Renewed, "Are you well, my dearest...?"
  170. Zitto tells you, "My mind is own hardest trial. Our trial. It is what inspired me to ask."
  172. You tell Lord Zitto Shevat, a Servant Renewed, "This is where my mind wandered, too."
  174. You tell Lord Zitto Shevat, a Servant Renewed, "It was a good question."
  176. Zitto tells you, "It was, perhaps, a cruel one. I am not sure I should have asked it."
  178. You tell Lord Zitto Shevat, a Servant Renewed, "This rite is one for healing, for introspection, for communion, and for hope. She seemed able to provide an answer - and I am glad that you asked it."
  180. Tyrus turns to Faythe, a solemn smile upon his lips. "We know from your last answer that you carry with you a burden of great pain. And this pain may shape your views. Let us turn instead to the opposite direction. My question is this: What brings you the greatest joy, and how will you bring that to the world?"
  182. Zitto tells you, "Tyrus is kind."
  184. You tell Lord Zitto Shevat, a Servant Renewed, "He is not! He must have read my thoughts and stolen one of my questions."
  186. Zitto gives you a smile that slowly turns into a grin. After a few moments, his attention returns to Faythe.
  188. You have emoted: Lief returns Zitto's grin, her eyes glittering with flickers of merriment that she then directs onto Tyrus and Faythe, the latter of whom she listens intently to.
  190. Faythe smiles softly at Tyrus. Instead of answering at first, she turns, walking as she did for her last question, but this time she pauses. Lightly, she touches Elexia upon the hair. She lingers a moment, smiling at Elexia, and then moves to you, touching your hand and offering a soft squeeze. She passes by Zitto, also reaching out and briefly touching him upon the arm, before she returns to her place in front of Tyrus. Now, she leans forward, lifting her hand to rest against his cheek. "My greatest joys," she answer simply. "May they ever come with me on my journey and continue to spread their light through the world. I do my best to take what they have given me, give what I can in return, and move with each passing day, thankful they are in my life." She lowers her hand, allowing it to drop back to her side.
  192. You think to yourself: She touched his cheek.
  194. You think to yourself: She touched his cheek. Are they...
  196. Elexia's hand reaches up to the spot where Faythe touched her hair, a soft smile upon her lips as she looks at Faythe.
  198. Zitto tells you, "One cannot help but notice Tyrus received special attention."
  200. You tell Lord Zitto Shevat, a Servant Renewed, "*I know*."
  202. Zitto murmurs a very soft, "Thank you" in response to Faythe's gesture.
  204. Tyrus smiles with a subtle wink and nod. Stepping forward he brings up the scarf towards Faythe.
  206. Zitto steps away from the gathering ever so silently, making his way back out of the inner temple.
  208. As Zitto departs to the northwest, the sense of warm serenity fades, leaving you colder in comparison.
  210. Zitto tells you, "I must go. Be well, love. I have offered Faythe my congratulations in advance."
  212. Tyrus puts a silk and wool scarf of varying sunset shades into a fesix backpack.
  214. Tyrus lifts a bright green scarf with an embossed carnation and carefully places it upon Faythe.
  216. An impish expression flits across her features for the briefest second as Tyrus puts the scarf on her. Faythe's expression settles back to calmness once more as she clasps her hands before herself.
  218. Tyrus steps back and smiles, awaiting for whatever comes next.
  220. You have emoted: Lief fidgets with the two remaining scarves on her arm, her smile bright and tinted with the faintest hints of mischief as she studies Faythe and Tyrus. The mischief is something she quells with Tyrus's return to the group, and she says with delight, "May your joy ever blossom forth in your truest of colors, Faythe."
  222. You have emoted: Lief turns to the group, pulling a bright blue scarf with an embossed forget-me-not from her forearm, and asks, "Who will ask the next question?"
  224. Raising a hand, Regent Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says, "I shall, Unbroken."
  226. With a warm smile, you give a bright blue scarf with an embossed forget-me-not to Regent Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon.
  228. Elexia's wings spring to life in sunset bursts of colour as she once again is carried aloft. She studies Faythe for a moment with a quiet smile, her fingers moving over the material of the vibrant scarf. "You have spoken much of what your bonds here mean to you. But I would like to ask of what you have found within yourself. What newness have you learned of your own heart so far, and what depths of your spirit do you look forward to learning more of?" Her voice is soft and gentle, and she cants her head curiously as she awaits Faythe's reply.
  230. You have emoted: Lief's smile remains as she turns her study from Elexia to Faythe. But one scarf remains on her arm, and she caresses the fabric smooth as she listens.
  232. Faythe blinks at Elexia. "Apple-blossom cake. The secrets of its recipe," she replies blithely, as though that is her answer.
  234. Thought passes over Elexia's face as she cants her head in the other direction now, appearing to take the statement very seriously.
  236. Faythe grins suddenly, reaching out and tweaking Elexia on the nose with her fingers lightly. Then, she leans back against the basin of the Font of Creativity, laughing merrily before she gives voice to her true answer.
  238. You have emoted: Lief lifts her hand from a bright purple scarf with an embossed violet to conceal the grin that threatens to overwhelm her entire expression.
  240. Elexia's look of perplexed thought whichly turns to one of sheepish embarrassment, her shoulders rising bashfully. It is for but a moment before she regains her gentle smile.
  242. Elexia's look of perplexed thought quickly turns to one of sheepish embarrassment, her shoulders rising bashfully. It is for but a moment before she regains her gentle smile.
  244. Bracing her hands on the edges of the basin of the Font of Creativity as she leans backward, Faythe shakes her head, her hair swaying against her back with the motion. "I have discovered that my own inquisitiveness has a spark that can be fanned - sometimes to ridiculous heights - in order to seek the truth of some things." She leans to one side, glancing around Elexia to shoot Tyrus a wry smile. "And sometimes ends with feathers." She grins again, and then looks back at Elexia. "I am looking forward to learning more about this inquisitiveness, this mischief that wells inside me, and what other forms it will appear in my life ahead, on my journey of Marythen."
  246. Elexia beams brightly at the reply, then flits about Faythe to drape a bright blue scarf with an embossed forget-me-not.
  248. Elexia lifts a bright blue scarf with an embossed forget-me-not and carefully places it upon Faythe.
  250. Elexia alights once more at the edge of the circle, dipping her head.
  252. The corners of Tyrus's mouth turn up as he grins mischeviously.
  254. You have emoted: Lief's grin grows into a broad smile as she listens to Faythe, her hand resting once more upon the last scarf that she bears. "May your inquisitiveness open new worlds of perspective and light for you," she says, and then pulls a bright purple scarf with an embossed violet into both of her hands. Her wings lift her once more from the tiles, and they carry her nearer to Faythe. Her smile fades into serious contemplation as she considers, and then asks, "What is one thing that greatly motivates you in your journey toward Certainty?"
  256. The pointed tips of Elexia's ears twitch as she tries to listen closely to Faythe.
  258. Faythe hesitates over her reply. She turns to face the Font, leaning forward as she looks down into its depths, as though for inspiration as she takes a moment to gather her thoughts.
  260. Cunning Nazli collapses upon his side, the nimble tail going limp and his mossy green eyes rolling back in his head, obviously too bored to live.
  262. A sense of warm serenity settles upon the surroundings as Zitto strides in from the northwest.
  264. Letting out a plaintive little whin, Cunning Nazli looks at Zitto as though hoping for some play.
  266. Zitto slides quietly back into the gathering.
  268. You have emoted: Lief's eyes break from Faythe for just a moment, recognizing Zitto's presence with a little smile.
  270. You tell Lord Zitto Shevat, a Servant Renewed, "She is answering the final question - I have asked her what greatly motivates her in her journey toward Certainty."
  272. Faythe's gaze flickers, and then she turns, walking around the Font of Creativity so she is facing the others, with it in between them. She leans forward, gesturing to herself briefly. "This is me now, as I am, as I am becoming. A Yneli, discovering I am more than I was." She leans forward, lifting her hands to scoop up the waters of the Font of Creativity. She brings them up, allowing the water to trickle through her fingers, sparkling with many refractive colors in the light. "This is my journey of my self discovery. My path towards Certainty." She waves a hand over the waters, pressing her hand flat against the surface, although she does not break it. "I want to know more of what I am. My motivation - the self that I am, the quartz at the bottom of the Font. The unattainable future that glitters so brightly, yet consumes me in my quest for it." She turns her gaze away from the others, once again pressing her hands to the edges of the basin as she leans forward over the water. Her hair drifts over her shoulders, the ends gently floating on the top of the liquid. "I want to reach the quartz. I want to know its secrets. I will, some day - as I will know my true self, some day. That is what motivates me. The future, and my intent, shooting straight forward like an arrow from the bow." She smiles wistfully as she stares at the stone so far below.
  274. Elexia seems entranced by Faythe's words, and for the briefest of her moments her lips part in wonder. Then, a mix of pride and joy replaces her awe.
  276. You have emoted: Lief's attentiveness on Faythe is nearly unwavering, save from the momentary glance toward Zitto. She smiles, her hand fondly handling a bright purple scarf with an embossed violet, until, at the last, she nods. Winging forward, lifting the fabric to lay across Faythe's shoulders from behind, she says quietly, "May you never lose sight of the glittering crystal within you."
  278. You lift a bright purple scarf with an embossed violet and carefully place it upon Faythe.
  280. You have emoted: Lief draws back from Faythe, her wings maneuvering her to stand upon the tiles once more with the other Mayflowers. Her hands clasping before her kimono's lap, she watches Faythe attentively.
  282. Faythe walks back around the the Font of Creativity a final time. She steps forward, facing the other Mayflowers, resplendant with the colours of the many scarves upon a cream-coloured gown embroidered with cherry blossoms. She smiles softly again, her olive-green eyes shining with some deeply felt emotion. "I am a Mayflower, and I will continue to discover that I am more than I know I am," she announces.
  284. You conjure forth a sparkling stream of your divine essence and send it swirling into the air.
  285. * * *
  286. * * *
  287. * * *
  288. * * *
  289. -----------
  290. | POOF! |
  291. -----------
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  295. * * *
  297. You conjure forth a sparkling stream of your divine essence and send it swirling into the air.
  298. * * *
  299. * * *
  300. * * *
  301. * * *
  302. -----------
  303. | POOF! |
  304. -----------
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  307. * * *
  308. * * *
  310. You conjure forth a sparkling stream of your divine essence and send it swirling into the air.
  311. * * *
  312. * * *
  313. * * *
  314. * * *
  315. -----------
  316. | POOF! |
  317. -----------
  318. * * *
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  320. * * *
  321. * * *
  323. You hum a happy tune.
  325. Meeting Faythe's eyes, you rest your hand over your heart in greeting, sensing the link between your kindred spirits as a prismatic array of colour shimmers through your vision.
  327. You graciously grant Faythe entrance into the Divine Order of Maylea, Bloom of Serenity.
  329. As if she had been holding back all this time, Elexia cheers loudly and pumps a fist in the air in her jubilee.
  331. You exclaim to Faythe, "Welcome to Marythen!"
  333. Elexia turns toward Faythe and touches her chest in greeting, an array of prismatic colours briefly glinting in her eyes.
  335. Elexia claps her hands together, and a fountain of coloured light leaps into the air.
  336. * * *
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  341. * * *
  342. +=======+
  343. * * * * * *| BOOM! |* * * * * *
  344. +=======+
  345. * * *
  346. * * *
  347. * * *
  348. * * *
  349. * * *
  350. * * *
  352. Zitto smiles warmly and offers polite applause.
  354. (Order): You say, "Welcome to Marythen, Faythe!"
  356. Brightly, Regent Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon says, "Welcome to Marythen, Dear Faythe!"
  358. (Order): Elexia says, "Welcome, welcome!"
  360. Eyes glinting with an array of prismatic colours, Faythe rests her hand upon her chest and inhales slowly.
  362. Tyrus smiles broadly, clapping in earnest. "You did it!"
  364. Faythe gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
  366. Faythe nods her head at Tyrus, showing her acceptance.
  368. Scarbearer Faythe laughingly says, "I did, at last."
  370. Faythe's gaze trails down to a translucent crystal bindi resting in her palms. She lifts her hands to study it.
  372. Elexia smiles softly.
  374. Lord Zitto Shevat, a Servant Renewed says to Faythe, "Congratulations!"
  376. You have emoted: Interrupting her study, Lief wings closer to Faythe, opening her arms to fold them around her in lingering warmth. "My dear friend,".
  378. You have emoted: Interrupting her study, Lief wings closer to Faythe, opening her arms to fold them around her in lingering warmth. "My dear friend," she says.
  380. Elexia reaches her hand up near her own translucent crystal bindi. She stops just short of touching it, allowing the prismatic light to dance between her splayed fingers.
  382. -l faythe
  383. She is a graceful elfen, fair-skinned and heavily freckled from the sun. As is typical of the elfen race, her athletic frame is fine-boned and graceful, about five and a half feet in height. Her hair is a deep, chestnut brown, tumbling down her back in gentle waves to just above her waist. A few shorter tendrils fall forward to frame her delicate features. Wide eyes of an olive-green are set in her heart-shaped face, just over a small nose and a full-lipped mouth. She walks with the truefavour of Orael the Anomaly.
  385. She is wearing:
  386. a cream-coloured gown embroidered with cherry blossoms that flows softly along her form
  387. a bright red scarf with an embossed tulip
  388. a bright orange scarf with an embossed tiger lily
  389. a bright yellow scarf with an embossed daffodil
  390. a bright green scarf with an embossed carnation
  391. a bright blue scarf with an embossed forget-me-not
  392. a bright purple scarf with an embossed violet.
  394. Faythe folders her fingers around the bindi in one hand, lifting the other to hug you in return with a startled laugh.
  396. You have emoted: Lief draws back, laughing, clapping her hands together.
  398. Elexia is next, launching herself with the aid of her wings to embrace Faythe tightly. "I'm so, so happy for you, my dear!" she cries.
  400. You tell Scarbearer Faythe, "When you wear it, you may TOUCH your BINDI to draw our Lady's gaze to you, should you wish to call upon Her notice."
  402. You tell Scarbearer Faythe, "She may, occasionally, whisper to you through your bindi. If She does have something for you to hear, it should be fairly obvious, and you may LISTEN to your BINDI."
  404. Faythe hugs Elexia compassionately.
  406. A strange look crosses Faythe's expression, as though some thought has just occurred to her. She opens her hand slowly, revealing a translucent crystal bindi perched upon her palm. She considers it, and then oddly turns to glance back at the Font of Creativity behind her. She glances up again, this time turning to glance at Tyrus, and then back down at a translucent crystal bindi again. She grins suddenly, mischief written in every line of her features as she turns to consider the Font of Creativity once more.
  408. You ponder the situation.
  410. You pipe the words in frosting onto a little apple blossom cake, "Welcome to Marythen, Faythe!".
  412. Beaming, you give a little apple blossom cake to Scarbearer Faythe.
  414. Elexia giggles happily.
  416. Tyrus tilts his head curiously at Faythe.
  418. Faythe beckons to Tyrus.
  420. You have emoted: Lief flits nearer to Zitto, her eyes bright as she watches Faythe and Tyrus.
  422. Still grinning, Faythe gestures for Tyrus to join her at the Font of Creativity.
  424. Tyrus steps forward cautiously, "What is it?" he asks.
  426. To herself, you whisper, "Please do not put your bindi into the Font. Please do not put your bindi into the Font."
  428. Faythe leans forward to whisper something to Tyrus, leaning up on her bare toes to reach his ears alone.
  430. Elexia looks to you with sudden alarm, her pointed ear twitching.
  432. The bright, bell-like voice of Elexia rings in your ear, "She wouldn't."
  434. The bright, bell-like voice of Elexia rings in your ear, "...Would she?"
  436. You tell Regent Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon, "Are we... certain?"
  438. The bright, bell-like voice of Elexia rings in your ear, "I... ah..."
  440. Faythe opens her palm to show a translucent crystal bindi to Tyrus.
  442. Zitto shrugs as he watches the unfolding scene before moving to wrap an arm around your far shoulder and leaning ever so slightly against you.
  444. The bright, bell-like voice of Elexia rings in your ear, "...Please do not put your bindi in the Font, please do not put your bindi in the Font..."
  446. Zitto tells you, "I think we're obligated to demote her back down to Yneli if she puts the bindi in the Font."
  448. You have emoted: Lief's smile wavers into anxiety as she watches Faythe. Zitto's touch causes her to jump a little before she settles lightly against him. She shares an alarmed look with Elexia, one filled with mounting dread.
  450. Faythe grins impishly at Tyrus, eyes lit with mischief.
  452. You have emoted: Lief clasps her hands together as though in prayer.
  454. Elexia winces, and she covers her eyes with her hands. Even so, she peeks through them at Faythe and Tyrus.
  456. Faythe raises an eyebrow at Tyrus.
  458. Unscarred Tyrus asks, "An offering?"
  460. Tyrus ponders the situation.
  462. The corners of Faythe's mouth turn up as she grins mischeviously.
  464. Positively radiating with innocence, Scarbearer Faythe says to Tyrus, "A... welcoming gift perhaps?"
  466. You think to yourself: Please do not...put your bindi into the Font...
  468. In a mock-saintly tone, Lord Zitto Shevat, a Servant Renewed says, "Dear Faythe, I think you are causing us no small amount of anxiety. When you consider the Font, it is surely not your bindi you are contemplating putting in it?"
  470. Faythe turns with a whirl, tucking her hands behind her back as the scarves flutter around her with the motion. She smiles, the expression sweet and light as she looks over at Zitto.
  472. Faythe looks about innocently, points at herself, and asks, "Who, me?"
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