
Serious RPG v1.1 Changelog

Mar 21st, 2018
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  1. v1.1 brings some changes which are not backwards compatible with previous version! You may finish a level which was loaded with older version of the mod, but next level after that will be broken! You need to start level fresh! You can use hidden menu options to catch up to your level.
  3. Minor changes:
  4. Changed resistances upgrades - with old system it wasn't quite obvious what attacks are you leveling resistance against, unless you are familiar with SED and know which attacks have which damage type.
  5. Now instead of 3 types of resistance upgrades there are two - "Melee damage resistance" (all kinds of punches, leaps, charges) and "Range/explosion damage resistance" (basically every other type of damage).
  6. However percentage of resistance per point and max points has been adjusted, as well as percentage/max points of "Movement speed" upgrades.
  7. Also changed experience amounts required for leveling up - consequence of Rare enemies changes.
  9. Major changes:
  10. Reworked Rare enemies system completely into Elite monsters!
  12. Rare enemies (old system):
  13. Every enemy can spawn as a rare enemy with some probability, which rises with your level;
  14. Rare enemies have 3x HP, 2x damage and 1.25x movement speed;
  15. Only enemies up to 1000HP can become rare (Khnums and bosses can't)
  17. Elite enemies (new system):
  18. Every enemy can spawn as an elite enemy with some probability, which is fixed (and can be changed manually using menu hidden options);
  19. Elite enemies have increased HP, but HP multiplier varies, depending on monster's base HP. So smaller monster will get higher HP multiplier, while tougher ones - smaller. E.g. Elite Rocketeers, Soldiers have around 4x HP, while Elite Major Biomechs - ~2.29x HP;
  20. Elite enemies have 1.1x movement speed;
  21. Khnums can now be elite too;
  23. Elite monsters get 1-4 affixes (amount of affixes depends on your level, 1 at level 1, 4 at levels 61+, something between at levels 2-60). Each affix makes a monster more powerful. Affix icons can be seen above monster's head. Here is the list of all affixes (with icon descriptions):
  25. Cold Enchanted (snowflake) - bonus damage, freezes player on hit, slowing movement down for several seconds;
  26. Fire Enchanted (flame) - bonus damage, ignites player on hit, making him burn for a couple seconds;
  27. Lightning Enchanted (lightning) - bonus damage, enemy emits lightning bolts when struck;
  28. Cursed (skull) - monster applies curse to player on hit. Curse lasts several seconds, cursed player receives more damage from all sources;
  29. Extra Fast (feather) - greatly increased movement speed;
  30. Stone Skin (shield) - high resistances to all incoming damage;
  31. Extra Strong (green fist) - greatly increased base damage;
  32. Corpse Explosion (dynamite) - monster explodes on death, dealing significant damage if you happen to be too close;
  33. Iron Maiden (three spikes) - monster reflects portion of incoming damage back to you. This status turns on and off, and is indicated by a spiky silver model inside the monster;
  34. Life Regen (plus) - monster slowly regenerates HP at a constant rate (not depending on max health);
  35. Ammo Steal (crossed rocket) - on every hit, monster steals part of the ammo for the weapon you are holding (proportionate to damage). Most of the stolen ammo is returned back when monster dies;
  36. Knockback (red fist) - monster knocks player back into the air with each hit. Knocked player can't use weapons for a short amount of time;
  37. Vortex (purple arrows) - monster periodically pulls all players within certain range to itself;
  38. Teleporting (cyan eye) - monster periodically teleports on top of the current target. Note that (1) only smaller enemies can have this affix and (2) after teleporting, enemy is disoriented and doesn't do anything for a split second (so you can escape from teleporting Kamikazes);
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