
Abused Sunset(Anon x Sunset Shimmer)

Sep 9th, 2014
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  1. >You are anon.
  2. >And Sunset Shimmer hates your guts.
  3. >Probably more than she hates anyone in the entire school.
  4. >Alot of the time she just knocks your shit out of your hands in the hall, spreads rumors about you, and just be a bitch in general.
  5. >But this is how she treats everyone else in the school except for maybe her boyfriend Quinn, so it’s not like you alone are the way she treats like this.
  6. >Infact, most of the time she was just sitting alone, the only person you had ever seen her hang around with was Quinn.
  7. >Quinn resembled one of those wannabe punk guys. most of his time being spent in gym working out, and he was always pretty quiet unless with Sunset. You never paid him any attention or cared. It was an enigma to you how anyone could put up with her enough to actually be with her in that way.
  8. >Quinn aside, you can’t help but feel as if she singles you out more so than the other students.
  9. >You weren’t entirely sure why she did these things to you and everyone else, according to a few people, you’ve heard that 2 years ago she was actually a pretty okay person to be around until she started to act more and more like a bitch.
  10. >It’s not like you cared that she did the things she did to you and others around her, it’s just a minor annoyance.
  11. >Still, you can’t help but wonder why she did this shit.
  12. >”Alright, class… Who can tell me the answer to page 4, question 2? I know alot of you had problems with this type of question…” The teacher was cut off by the sound of the bell ringing.
  13. >”That’s all for today, class. Be sure to remember to turn in your homework on the way out and have a good weekend.”
  14. >The students around you picked up their belongings and walked hastily out of the room, eager to start their weekend.
  15. >You started to follow them out the door, but before you could leave, the teacher stopped you.
  16. >”Anon, wait a sec.”
  17. >Great.
  18. >Stopping dead in your tracks, you turn to face the teacher.
  19. “Yes maam, Mrs. Cheerilee?”
  20. >”Anon, take a seat. I need to talk to you about your grades.”
  21. >This shit again? You already told her you’d do extra credit to make up for them.
  22. >Guess that’s not good enough.
  23. >Seeing no other option, you comply and take a seat next to her desk.
  24. >”Anon, your grades, they are getting worse.”
  25. >It’s true, they were getting shittier and shittier each week.
  26. >Truth be told, you didn’t give a fuck. You always made sure to keep them just high enough to get you by without incident, but now they were falling to behind.
  27. >So you did what you always did when you got in trouble; nod you head and agree.
  28. “Yes maam, I’m sorry. I’ll do better.”
  29. >”I mean it, anon. ‘sorry’ won’t cut it this time, you need to get your grades up, they’re the worst in the class.”
  30. >You sighed.
  31. “Alright, I will fix them I just need more time.”
  32. >”I’m serious this time, anon.”
  33. >Yeah, as if she wasn’t serious the other 2 times she did this.
  34. “I know, and this time so am I.”
  35. >And you meant it.
  36. >”Very well, you may leave now.”
  37. >’finally’ you think as you get up and leave the room albeit a little hastily.
  38. >The halls of the school had emptied relatively quickly, and you navigated through them easily.
  39. >A welcome change to the normally cramped and hectic crowds which cluttered the halls after school.
  40. >Usually Sunset was quick to meet you at your locker to get a quick jab in before the end of the week, probably to get her fix so she could have the patience to get through the weekend so she could resume her bitching, also known as ‘bullying’ on Monday.
  41. >You hit in your combination and pop the lock off, opening the door.
  42. >One question still lingers at the back of your head: Why you?
  43. >”I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to!”
  44. >Placing a few folders into the locker, you turn your head, glancing both ways searching for the source of the voice.
  45. >What the fuck was that?
  46. >You pause to listen again, waiting for another voice.
  47. >Nothing.
  48. >Strange.
  49. >But eh, stranger things have happened.
  50. >Putting the lock back on the locker, you turn and walk off, but you stop once you hear the voice, this time closer.
  51. >”But I- I- it was an accident!”
  52. >Sounds familiar…
  53. >You round the corner and see 2 figures down in the darkened, never used part of the hallway.
  54. >”No more fucking excuses.”
  55. >This next voice is gruff, male. Also familiar.
  56. >”Honey, please… I had to go to visit my uncle, my parents made me.”
  57. >You think about getting closer, but you hang at the corridor, peeking out only enough to be able to see them.
  58. >”Shut the fuck up, Sunset.”
  59. >...
  60. “Sunset?” you whisper, surprised.
  61. >One of the figures raises it’s hand to strike the other.
  62. >The lights in the darkened hall flicker on, although they are dim, and it is just enough light to get a good view of both the people.
  63. >There, you can clearly see Sunset and…
  64. >Quinn? Sunset’s boyfriend…
  65. >Quinn has his hand raised, ready to strike her. Sunset has her head in her hands, preparing for the strike, tears trailing down her face.
  66. >Noticing the lights flicker on, Quinn lowers his hand.
  67. >”Look, bitch.” He forces Sunset’s head up to where she is looking at him. “You BETTER be at my house tonight before my parents get home.” His hand clenches into a fist and he waves it threateningly.
  68. >”Got it?”
  69. >Sunset only whimpers. “Y- yes…”
  70. >Satisfied, Quinn smiles. “Good.”
  71. >Then, he turns and walks off as if nothing happened, leaving Sunset behind.
  72. >Before you could go up and talk to her, she runs off in the opposite direction that he ran, going down the other hallway.
  73. >...That was… unexpected.
  74. >You had no idea that Quinn could be abusing Sunset like this, she seemed so… strong, and tough.
  75. >Kinda think of it… Quinn started going out with her around the time people said she became a bitch, maybe Quinn had something to do with this?
  76. >Questions ringed on and on in your head on the entire walk home, and you knew you had to go and confront her about it.
  77. >But you couldn’t tonight, apparently the douchebag was making her go to his house.
  78. >That coupled with the fact that you didn’t exactly know where either of them lived meant you would have to wait until Monday to go and talk to her.
  79. >Which brings you to the next question: How would she react to you confronting her about this?
  80. >And finally, it boiled to the final question: Why were you so concerned for her?
  81. >She has always treated you like complete shit, stole your things, embarrassed you and everyone else in the school, ruined countless friendships but now, you know it is not entirely her fault.
  82. >You sigh, knowing exactly what you had to do. You had to talk to her on Monday.
  83. >The weekend flew by extremely fast, faster than you would have liked.
  84. >Most of it was spent doing the extra assignments Mrs. Cheerilee had given you to help give your grades the boost they so desperately needed.
  85. >Truth be told, you would have rather spent it playing video games or going and smoking a few blunts or something.
  86. >Such is the life of a student…
  87. >You gulp when you reach the front of the school, mentally preparing yourself for the day which awaited.
  88. >You weren’t exactly sure just how you were going to talk to Sunset about this, so you figured you would just go with whatever and wait for the opportunity.
  89. >The bell rings right as you sit down in the chair, beginning what would be a long day.
  90. -
  91. >Thank fucking God that shit is over. This was day had an especially awful workload.
  92. >4 of the classes required a benchmark, one of which took all the brain cells you could spare to finish, and the rest of the classes were long and boring.
  93. >Sunset was especially bitchy today as well, but you let it slide and ignored her for the most part.
  94. >There were a few times where you could go and talk to her, but everytime you got near her people would flood around her again.
  95. >It was a very annoying situation.
  96. >The bell rang and students got out of their seats as usual, hastily grabbing their items and rushing out of the classroom thankful the day was over.
  97. “Here you go, Mrs. Cheerlie.”
  98. >You place the assignments down on the desk.
  99. >“Thank you, anon. I hope these are good enough to boost you up a notch.”
  100. >Smiling, you nod at her.
  101. “I hope so too…”
  102. >Then you turn and leave.
  103. >The hallways were already almost empty, and you knew Sunset would be waiting for you at your locker.
  104. >This made you drag your feet a little, you were a little anxious at the challenge which awaited you.
  105. >And then the same question which had lingered in your mind popped up again: How the fuck were you going to do this?
  106. >You didn’t have much time to think when you neared your locker, and sure enough Sunset was standing, well, more like, leaning up against it waiting with her eyes closed.
  107. >You notice she has a bang of hair covering her right eye.
  108. >”It’s about time.” Her eyes opened up as you neared. “What, your pants fall down along the way?”
  109. “We need to talk.”
  110. >”Talk? About what? You coming out of the closet?”
  111. “No, it’s about-”
  112. >”Wait! You’re getting a sex change!”
  113. >You sigh, frustrated. This wasn’t going to be easy.
  114. “About your boyfriend!”
  115. >This causes her to pause. “W- what about him, geek?”
  116. >Shutting your eyes, you continue.
  117. “I know, Sunset.” You open your eyes. “I know what he does to you.
  118. >After saying this, an immediate silence follows.
  119. >The shock registers on her face.
  120. >”How…”
  121. “How long have I known? Since Friday. I heard the two of you and saw him almost hit you…”
  122. >You step closer to her.
  123. “Why do you let him do this to you?”
  124. >”I…”
  125. >Your look moves to the bang of hair covering her eye, and you curiously bat it away only for your suspicions to be confirmed when you see the eye under it is black and bruised.
  126. “Did he do this to you?”
  127. >Sunset backs up. “I…”
  128. “Sunset, please let me help you.”
  129. >”SHUT UP ANON!” She suddenly yells. “I don’t NEED your help… I’m not some weak little girl!” tears start forming in her eyes.
  130. >”I’m not…”
  131. “I wasn’t saying you were, Sun, it’s not your fault - what he does to you.”
  132. >”I deserve it though… I’m like what he says… a piece of shit…” Tears start trailing slowly down her face.
  133. “Sun…”
  134. >You place a hand on her shoulder, but she bats it away and starts walking off. “Anon, please don’t talk to him or do anything about this. I don’t want you to get hurt.” she says sadly, wiping off a few of the tears.
  135. >Then she continues walking.
  136. >You can’t help but call after her.
  137. “Going back to him?”
  138. >She stops in her tracks for a second, but then starts walking off faster than before.
  139. >You had to fucking put an end to this.
  140. >Somehow, you were going to help her.
  141. >It is there where you decided, you decided that by Friday you will have fixed this.
  142. >This will be the last week that Sunset has to go another day with that… bastard.
  143. -
  144. >Over the course of the week, you couldn’t help but pay more attention to Sunset and Quinn while they were out in the open in school, and you then started to notice just how scared and miserable she looked with him.
  145. >Occasionally he would whisper to her when he thought no one was looking, and Sunset would shut her eyes and try and fight back tears.
  146. >One time, she caught you staring and sent you a pleading look along with the shake of her head.
  147. >Along with this, she had stopped bullying you, and it wasn’t much of a surprise when she started to just outright avoid you completely.
  148. >Finally, Friday came. this was the day you were going to makes things right - you could feel it.
  149. >”Goodbye students, have a great weekend!” the bell rang, only this time, it was much more ominous.
  150. >You quickly gathered your belongings and hurried through the door before Mrs. Cheerilee could look up from her desk to stop you and delay you.
  151. >Walking up to your locker, you had hoped Sunset would be there. You knew she wouldn’t be, but you had become so used to seeing her at your locker at Friday that you held onto the hope she would, only this time she wasn’t.
  152. >Turning through the halls, you found Quinn’s locker where the bastard was waiting outside it.
  153. >You had a feeling you knew exactly what he was waiting for, and you hid at the corner of the hall, much like you did when you first witnessed him beating Sunset.
  154. >Soon the halls emptied and Sunset came up to him.
  155. >The two conversed, unbeknownst that you were close by listening.
  156. >”Alright, bitch. Let’s go.”
  157. >”A- actually I…”
  158. >”Wait, don’t tell me! You have something to fucking do today?” His voice had noticeable anger in it. “Always fucking leaving me, you cheating on me?”
  159. >He raised his hand. “Huh?”
  160. >Sunset raised her hands out infront of her trying to calm him down. “N- no I..”
  161. >”That’s it, isn’t it? Who you cheating on me with, that pencil dick anon? I’ll fucking beat the shit out of him and you both if you don’t come with me.”
  162. >He raised his hand higher, preparing to strike her.
  163. >Feeling your rage boil over, you step out into view.
  164. “That’s enough, you fucking asshole.”
  165. >Sunset’s eyes widened. “Anon… No!”
  166. >Quinn only smiled and turned. “Anon, huh? You don’t look so tough.”
  167. >You stepped closer to him, your hand balling up into a fist.
  168. “You should stop beating her, if you know what is good for you.”
  169. >”Anon please don’t-”
  170. >”Shut the fuck up, Sunset.” He snapped at her. “And you…” He turned his attention to you. “You don’t know what the fuck you’re doing, just go home anon, this is none of your business.”
  171. “None of my business? You think you can just fucking sit here and treat her the way you do and get away with it? It is my fucking business, and it ends right here.”
  172. >You step closer, and this only makes his grin wider. “I could probably beat the shit out of you, anon.”
  173. “DO IT THEN, BITCH!”
  174. >You finally release your anger and you slam your fist into the side of his face, causing him to fall to the ground clutching his cheek and Sunset to gasp.
  175. >He keels over for a minute, then starts laughing before rising back to his feet.
  176. >”So anon, you wanna fucking go?”
  177. >He shoves you, and it is at this moment when you realize just how strong he looks compared to you.
  178. >You had barely done any physical activity outside of walking home and going to the school gym, whereas you have seen Quinn do the weight lifting classes.
  179. >There was no way you could possibly win a fight with him and for a moment, you think about running off and just finding a cop.
  180. >But then, the thought of Quinn beating Sunset again made you stay.
  181. >You HAD to do this, for her.
  182. “Yeah actually, I do. Bring it the fuck on.”
  183. >Quinn only chuckled. “Alright, pencil dick.”
  184. >He raised his fists, as you did yours.
  185. >”Let’s go.”
  186. >You barely manage to dodge his right fist, you move in and deliver a blow of your own into his stomach coming him to gasp, but he quickly recovers and delivers a hard blow to your chest.
  187. >Fuck! That hurt!
  188. >You jump a few steps back, clutching your chest, but you couldn’t quit now.
  189. >You raise your fists again before he could move in to get another shot off and start throwing fists at his direction in an effort to hit him.
  190. >A few light blows strike his body, but this guy is built like a fucking tank;he isn’t going down.
  191. >He hits like one, too.
  192. >Sunset only stands by, watching in shock.
  193. >Quinn slams his fist down hard into your stomach, making you cough up some blood.
  194. >Your vision and head blurs a little, but you manage to prepare yourself again for another round.
  195. >This only makes him laugh and prepare for another series of punches.
  196. >This is it.
  197. >You clench your fist up as hard as you could, taking all the strength you had left in you, all the anger, all the hatred you had for him, and in a striking display which would make every weak nerd proud, you slam it right into his nose.
  198. >He screams in pain, blood shooting from his nose as he falls to the ground, holding it.
  199. >But you aren’t done yet, you want to make this shit suffer for what seems to be two years of suffering he put Sunset through.
  200. >You kick him the stomach. Hard.
  201. >He flies onto his back, still holding onto his nose.
  202. >Then, you get on top of him and start delivering blows to his face.
  203. “Listen to me, you fucker…”
  204. >You hold your fist up to his face threateningly, then deliver another blow to his face.
  205. “If you go near her ever again, I’m going to fucking KILL you, you got it?”
  206. >He can’t talk, all he does is moan in pain.
  207. >You punch him again in the cheek.
  208. “I SAID, GOT IT?”
  209. >He nods his head slowly, and you get off him, kicking him in the side one more time.
  210. >After a few minutes of him writhing on the floor bleeding from the nose, he manages to get enough strength to get to his feet and he immediately runs off.
  211. >You had done it.
  212. >You had won the fight.
  213. >Brushing yourself off, you turn to Sunset who is currently backed up against a locker, a look of complete shock on her face.
  214. “You alright, Sunset?” You ask her, returning to your calm state.
  215. >Sunset looks at you, her mouth hanging open.
  216. >”Anon… I…” Tears fall from her face and she rushes to you, hugging you. “Thank you…” She whispers.
  217. >Then she starts sobbing, letting it all out.
  218. >And you hold her, allowing her to cry lightly into your shoulder.
  219. “Shh… It’s all okay now…”
  220. >She tightens her embrace around you, crying harder, all of the repressed emotions leaking out.
  221. >Then, she unexpectedly pulls you into a deep, loving kiss.
  222. >This was a side of Sunset you had never seen before, possibly the side no one has seen in her for a long, long time.
  223. >”Anon…”
  224. “Sunset…”
  225. >For a few minutes, the two of you hold each other, Sunset’s crying stopping and being replaced with an occasional sob.
  226. >Then, she finally releases you.
  227. >”Anon… Here…”
  228. >She pulls out a slip of paper and writes something down on it, then hands it to you.
  229. >Before you can react, she kisses your cheek and runs off down the hall giggling and smiling, a free spirit at last.
  230. >You look after her, feeling the urge to chase after her and get another kiss, but you turn your attention to note which has a line of numbers written on it followed by a message which reads ‘call me!’
  231. >Smiling, you place the note in your pocket.
  232. >Will do, Sunset.
  233. >Will do.
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