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Feb 16th, 2018
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  1. agda - linguagem de programação funcional com tipagem dependente
  2. ale - motor e renderizador de captura sintética
  3. alienblaster - jogo de tiroteio clássico em 2D
  4. alienblaster-data - dados do jogo para o Alien Blaster
  5. ambdec - decodificador ambisônico para primeira e segunda ordem
  6. apache2-utils - servidor HTTP Apache (programas utilitários para servidores web)
  7. aplus-fsf - ambiente em tempo de execução da linguagem de programação A+
  8. aplus-fsf-dev - ambiente de desenvolvimento da linguagem de programação A+
  9. aranym - Atari Running on Any Machine ("Atari em Qualquer Máquina")
  10. arptables - administração de tabela ARP
  11. atheme-services - daemon modular de serviços IRC
  12. augeas-dbg - símbolos de depuração para a libaugeas0
  13. autofs - montador automático baseado no kernel para Linux
  14. ballerburg - jogo clássico de combate de castelos
  15. bbe - editor no estilo sed para arquivos binários
  16. berusky - jogo de lógica baseado no Sokoban
  17. berusky-data - arquivos de dados para o Berusky
  18. bible-kjv - versão do Rei James da Bíblia: programa com a interface do usuário
  19. bitmeter - ferramenta de diagnóstico para software de áudio JACK
  20. bleachbit - exclui arquivos desnecessários do sistema
  21. bless - um editor hexadecimal cheio de recursos
  22. blosxom - weblog leve, cheio de recursos com extensibilidade
  23. bochs - Emulador de PC IA-32
  24. bodr - Blue Obelisk Data Repository
  25. bopm - Blitzed Open Proxy Monitor
  26. botan1.10-dbg - biblioteca de criptografia multiplataforma (depuração)
  27. brandy - interpretador BBC BASIC V
  28. brickos - SO alternativo para "LEGO(r) Mindstorms RCX". Suporta desen. em C/C++
  29. brickos-doc - documentação para o brickOS um SO Alternativo para o RCX
  30. bucardo - sistema de replicação assíncrona para o PostgreSQL
  31. busybox-syslogd - fornece syslogd e klogd usando busybox
  32. bximage - ferramenta de criação de imagem de disco para o Bochs
  33. bzrtools - coleção de ferramentas para bzr
  34. cadaver - cliente de linha de comando WebDAV
  35. calcoo - calculadora científica (GTK+)
  36. cdo - Climate Data Operators
  37. cduce - linguagem de programação adaptada à manipulação de dados XML
  38. cervisia - cliente CVS gráfico
  39. cfengine3 - ferramenta para configurar e manter máquinas em rede
  40. checkpolicy - compilador de política SELinux
  41. chessx - banco de dados de xadrez
  42. chuck - linguagem de programação de áudio concorrente e sob demanda
  43. cl-cffi - a 'Common Foreign Function Interface' para 'Common Lisp'
  44. clc-intercal - compilador para a linguagem INTERCAL
  45. cobertura - ferramenta java que calcula a porcentagem de código acessado pelos testes
  46. codeblocks-contrib - plugins "contrib" para a IDE Code::Blocks
  47. coinor-csdp - pacote de software para programação semidefinida
  48. coinor-csdp-dbg - pacote de software para programação semidefinida
  49. coinor-csdp-doc - pacote de software para programação semidefinida
  50. coinor-libdylp0 - resolvedor de programação linear usando o algoritmo simplex dinâmico
  51. coinor-libdylp0-dbg - resolvedor de programação linear usando o algoritmo simplex dinâmico
  52. coinor-libdylp-dev - resolvedor de programação linear usando o algoritmo simplex dinâmico
  53. coinor-libdylp-doc - resolvedor de programação linear usando o algoritmo simplex dinâmico
  54. coinor-libflopc++0 - formulação de problemas de otimização linear em C++
  55. coinor-libflopc++0-dbg - formulação de problemas de otimização linear em C++
  56. coinor-libflopc++-dev - formulação de problemas de otimização linear em C++
  57. coinor-libflopc++-doc - formulação de problemas de otimização linear em C++
  58. coinor-libipopt1v5 - Otimizador de Ponto Interior - para otimização não-linear de grande escala
  59. coinor-libipopt1v5-dbg - Otimizador de Ponto Interior - símbolos de depuração
  60. coinor-libipopt-dev - Otimizador de Ponto Interior - arquivos de cabeçalho
  61. coinor-libipopt-doc - Otimizador de Ponto Interior - documentação
  62. coinor-libvol0 - resolvedor de programação linear coin-or
  63. coinor-libvol0-dbg - resolvedor de programação linear coin-or
  64. coinor-libvol-dev - resolvedor de programação linear coin-or
  65. coinor-libvol-doc - resolvedor de programação linear coin-or
  66. connman - Intel Connection Manager daemon
  67. connman-dev - arquivos de desenvolvimento para o connman
  68. coreutils - utilitários centrais do GNU
  69. crda - Agente Regulador Central de Domínio para redes sem fio
  70. crossfire-client - cliente para o jogo multijogador estilo rogue Crossfire
  71. crossfire-client-sounds - arquivos de som para jogar Crossfire
  72. crossfire-common - arquivos comuns para Crossfire-server independentes de arquitetura
  73. crossfire-server - Servidor para Jogos Crossfire.
  74. cstream - ferramenta de propósito geral para manipulação de fluxo similar ao dd
  75. cvs - Sistema de Versões Concorrentes ("Concurrent Versions System")
  76. dans-gdal-scripts - ferramentas GDAL, contribuição da Rede de Informações Geográficas do Alasca
  77. dar - Disk ARchive: backup da árvore de diretórios e arquivos
  78. darktable - mesa de luz e sala escura virtual para fotógrafos
  79. dar-static - Disk ARchive: backup da árvore de diretórios e arquivos
  80. dc - calculadora de precisão arbitrária polonesa-reversa dc GNU
  81. debian-faq - Perguntas frequentes do Debian
  82. debian-goodies - pequenos utilitários estilo toolbox para sistemas Debian
  83. defendguin - Clone de defender com pinguins.
  84. defendguin-data - Arquivos de dados para defendguin.
  85. doc-debian - documentação do Projeto Debian e outros documentos
  86. donkey - Calculadora de senha de uso único (OTP – "One-time password")
  87. ecl - Common-Lisp embutíveis: tem um interpretador e pode compilar em C
  88. edisplay - Programas de manipulação rápida de imagens (visualizador de imagens)
  89. eject - ejeta CDs e opera disqueteiras sob o Linux
  90. elpa-magit - interface do emacs para o Git
  91. exactimage - programas de manipulação rápida de imagens
  92. facter - coleta e exibe fatos sobre o sistema
  93. file-roller - gestor de arquivamentos para o GNOME
  94. foomatic-db - suporte a impressoras OpenPrinting - banco de dados
  95. foomatic-db-engine - suporte a impressoras OpenPrinting - programas
  96. foomatic-db-gutenprint - suporte a impressoras OpenPrinting - banco de dados para drivers Gutenprint
  97. foomatic-filters - suporte para impressoras OpenPrinting - filtros
  98. fosfat - biblioteca FUSE para acessar disco formatado Smaky (ro)
  99. fsviewer-icons - ícones para fsviewer para torná-lo mais parecido com o NeXT FileViewer
  100. fwbuilder - Ferramenta GUI para administração de Firewall
  101. gawk - awk GNU, linguagem de varredura de padrões e processamento
  102. gir1.2-soup-2.4 - dados de introspecção GObject para a biblioteca HTTP libsoup
  103. gir1.2-udisks-2.0 - biblioteca baseada no GObject para acesso a udisks2 - dados de introspecção
  104. git - sistema de controle de versão rápido, escalável e distribuído
  105. git-arch - sistema de controle de versão rápido, escalável e distribuído (interoperabilidade com arch)
  106. git-cvs - sistema de controle de versão rápido, escalável e distribuído (interoperabilidade com cvs)
  107. gitpkg - ferramentas para manter pacotes Debian com git
  108. git-svn - sistema de controle de versão rápido, escalável e distribuído (interoperabilidade svn)
  109. gnumeric - aplicação de planilha eletrônica para GNOME - programa principal
  110. gnumeric-common - aplicação de planilha para GNOME - arquivos comuns
  111. gnumeric-plugins-extra - aplicação de planilha eletrônica para GNOME - plugins adicionais
  112. gnupg-agent - GNU privacy guard - agente criptográfico
  113. goobox - reprodutor de CD e ripador com integração GNOME 3
  114. gpaint - GNU Paint - um programa de pintura pequeno e fácil de usar para o GNOME
  115. grub-invaders - jogo de núcleo compatível com multiboot
  116. grub-legacy - GRand Unified Bootloader (versão obsoleta)
  117. grub-legacy-doc - documentação do GRUB Legacy
  118. gstreamer1.0-alsa - extensão GStreamer para ALSA
  119. gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad - extensões GStreamer do conjunto "ruim" (bad)
  120. gstreamer1.0-plugins-base - extensões GStreamer do conjunto "base"
  121. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good - extensões GStreamer do conjunto "good" ("bom")
  122. gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly - extensões GStreamer do conjunto "ugly"
  123. gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio - plugin GStreamer para o PulseAudio
  124. gstreamer1.0-x - extensões GStreamer para X11 e Pango
  125. gthumb - navegador e visualizador de imagens
  126. gzip - utilitários de compactação GNU
  127. hardinfo - exibe informações do sistema
  128. heimdal-kcm - Kerberos Heimdal - daemon KCM
  129. homebank - Gerencie suas contas pessoais em casa
  130. hunt - sniffer de pacotes e intrusão de conexão avançados
  131. id3tool - editor de linha de comando para tags id3
  132. iselect - ferramenta de seleção de linha interativa em ncurses
  133. jfractionlab - programa educativo para praticar frações
  134. karbon - aplicação de gráfico vetorial para a suíte Calligra
  135. kcalc - calculadora científica e simples
  136. kdesvn - Cliente do subversion com estreita integração ao KDE
  137. keyutils - utilitários para gerenciamento de chaves no Linux
  138. koules - jogo de ação espacial abstrato
  139. kpartsplugin - extensão compatível com o Netscape para embarcar visualizadores de arquivos do KDE no navegador
  140. le - editor de texto com operações de bloco e binárias
  141. leptonica-progs - programas exemplo para a biblioteca de processamento de imagens Leptonica
  142. lhs2tex - gerador de código LaTeX para 'literate Haskell sources'
  143. libboost-system1.62.0 - biblioteca de sistema operacional (e.g. suporte a diagnósticos)
  144. libboost-system1.62-dev - biblioteca de sistema operacional (e.g. suporte a diagnósticos)
  145. libcairo2 - biblioteca gráfica de vetores 2D Cairo
  146. libcairo-ocaml - vínculos OCaml para Cairo (execução)
  147. libcairo-ocaml-dev - vínculos OCaml para a biblioteca Cairo
  148. libcairo-perl - interface perl para a biblioteca gráfica Cairo
  149. libdbi-perl - Database Interface (DBI) para Perl
  150. libgmp10 - biblioteca aritmética de multi precisão
  151. libgnome2-vfs-perl - interface Perl para as séries 2.x da biblioteca VFS GNOME
  152. libgnomevfs2-common - sistema de arquivos virtual do GNOME (arquivos comuns)
  153. libgstreamer1.0-0 - bibliotecas e elementos GStreamer centrais
  154. libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0 - arquivos de desenvolvimento GStreamer para bibliotecas do conjunto "bad"
  155. libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0 - bibliotecas GStreamer do conjunto "base"
  156. libhtml-widgets-selectlayers-perl - extensão Perl para camadas HTML selecionáveis
  157. libhttp-daemon-perl - classe de servidor http simples
  158. libisl15 - manipula conjuntos e relações de pontos inteiros limitados por restrições lineares
  159. libisl-dev - manipula conjuntos e relações de pontos inteiros limitados por restrições lineares
  160. libjcsp-java - biblioteca Java que fornece funcionalidades Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP)
  161. libjs-excanvas - Canvas HTML5 para o Internet explorer
  162. libjs-expect.js - "assertions" de testes orientados a comportamento - biblioteca JavaScript
  163. libjs-extjs - biblioteca JavaScript inter-navegador
  164. libjs-extjs-doc - biblioteca JavaScript inter-navegador (docs)
  165. libjs-jquery-jplayer - áudio & vídeo HTML5 para JQuery com um plano-b em Flash
  166. libjs-jquery-jush - realçador de sintaxe jQuery
  167. libjs-requirejs - carregador de módulo e arquivo JavaScript
  168. libkeyutils1 - utilitários de gerenciamento de chaves Linux (biblioteca)
  169. liblept5 - biblioteca de processamento de imagens
  170. libleptonica-dev - biblioteca de processamento de imagens
  171. liblqr-1-0 - converte imagens de array simples em representação multi-tamanho
  172. libmeschach1.2 - biblioteca para realizar operações em matrizes e vetores
  173. libmono-simd4.0-cil - Mono SIMD (para CLI 4.0)
  174. libmpc3 - biblioteca de ponto flutuante complexo de múltipla precisão
  175. libmtp9 - biblioteca Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
  176. libmtp-common - arquivos comuns do Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
  177. libmtp-runtime - ferramentas de execução do Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
  178. libnet-dbus-perl - extensão Perl para vínculos DBus
  179. libnspr4 - biblioteca NetScape Portable Runtime
  180. liborc-0.4-0 - Biblioteca de compilador de tempo de execução de loops internos otimizados
  181. libparse-http-useragent-perl - analisador de sintaxe para HTTP User Agent
  182. libparted-dev - manipulador de partições de disco - arquivos de desenvolvimento
  183. libproc-reliable-perl - módulo Perl para executar processos externos de forma confiável
  184. libsane - biblioteca de API para scanners
  185. libsane-common - biblioteca API para scanners -- arquivos de suporte e documentação
  186. libsane-extras - biblioteca API para scanners - - mecanismos extra
  187. libsane-extras-common - biblioteca API para scanners -- arquivos de suporte e documentação
  188. libselinux1 - bibliotecas compartilhadas de execução SELinux
  189. libselinux1-dev - cabeçalhos de desenvolvimento SELinux
  190. libsemanage1 - biblioteca de gerenciamento de políticas SELinux
  191. libsemanage1-dev - arquivos de cabeçalho e bibliotecas para manipulação de política SELinux
  192. libsemanage-common - arquivos comuns para as bibliotecas de gerencia de políticas SELinux
  193. libsepol1 - biblioteca SELinux para manipular políticas de segurança binárias
  194. libserf-1-1 - biblioteca de cliente HTTP assíncrona de alto desempenho
  195. libserf-dev - cabeçalhos de biblioteca de cliente HTTP assíncrona de alto desempenho
  196. libsocket-perl - funções de suporte e constante de rede
  197. libsort-fields-perl - ordena linhas contendo campos delimitados
  198. libsoup2.4-1 - implementação da biblioteca HTTP em C -- biblioteca compartilhada
  199. libsoup-gnome2.4-1 - implementação em C da biblioteca HTTP -- biblioteca de suporte GNOME
  200. libswresample2 - biblioteca FFmpeg para remasterização, reamostragem de áudio e etc - arquivos de execução
  201. libtree-redblack-perl - Implementação Perl da árvore balanceada vermelha/preta
  202. libudisks2-0 - biblioteca baseada no GObject para acesso a udisks2
  203. libudisks2-dev - biblioteca baseada no GObject para acesso a udisks2 - arquivos de desenvolvimento
  204. libupower-glib3 - Abstração para gestão de energia - biblioteca compartilhada
  205. libustr-1.0-1 - biblioteca micro string: biblioteca compartilhada
  206. libwaili1c2 - WAILI é uma biblioteca para transformadas "wavelet"
  207. libwgdb0 - biblioteca de banco de dados NoSQL leve, biblioteca compartilhada
  208. libwgdb-dev - biblioteca de banco de dados NoSQL leve, arquivos de desenvolvimento
  209. linux-image-686-pae - Linux para PCs novos (meta-pacote)
  210. linux-image-amd64 - Linux para computadores de 64 bits (meta-pacote)
  211. maptransfer - mapas de upload/download de/para um servidor de jogo VALVe (Cliente)
  212. memtest86 - testador de memória completa em modo real
  213. mgetty - substituto do Smart Modem getty
  214. moosic - Servidor/Cliente para agendar músicas para execução.
  215. node-expect.js - assertivas de testes orientados a comportamento - módulo Node.js
  216. ntp - "daemon" e programas utilitários do "Network Time Protocol"
  217. octave-image - manipulação de imagem para o Octave
  218. openssl - conjunto de ferramentas "Secure Socket Layer" (SSL) - utilitário de criptografia
  219. os-prober - utilitário para detectar outros Sistemas Operacionais num conjunto de discos
  220. overgod - jogo de fliperama de rolagem bidirecional
  221. parted - manipulador de partição de disco
  222. parted-doc - manipulador partição de disco - documentação
  223. pawserv - conjunto de análise de dados CERNLIB - servidores de transferência de arquivos e PAW distribuídos
  224. perlprimer - Desenho gráfico de iniciadores para PCR
  225. perlprimer-doc - Tutorial para perlprimer
  226. pitivi - editor de áudio/vídeo não-linear utilizando o GStreamer
  227. policykit-1 - framework pra gerenciamente de políticas e privilégios administrativos
  228. putty-tools - ferramentas de linha de comando para o SSH, SCP e SFTP
  229. python3-cairo-dev - vínculos cairo Python 3: arquivos de desenvolvimento
  230. python-gnome2-dev - vínculos Python p/ a área de trabalho GNOME - arquivos de desenvolvimento
  231. python-imaging-doc-html - Documentação para a Biblioteca de Imagens do Python.
  232. python-pil - biblioteca de imagens Python (fork Pillow)
  233. python-pqueue - Uma extensão de fila de prioridade para Python.
  234. python-pyorbit - Ligação da linguagem Python para a implementação do ORBit2 CORBA
  235. python-selinux - vínculos python para as bibliotecas compartilhadas SELinux
  236. python-xapian - interface de motor de busca Xapian para o Python
  237. qemu - Emulador de processador rápido
  238. qemu-guest-agent - agente do sistema qemu do lado convidado
  239. qsstv - TV e fax slow-scan baseados em Qt.
  240. rdiff-backup - backup incremental remoto
  241. rssh - shell restrito que libera scp, sftp, cvs, svn, rsync ou rdist
  242. rwhod - Servidor de status do sistema
  243. rygel - serviços GNOME UPnP/DLNA
  244. rygel-preferences - serviços GNOME UPnP/DLNA - ferramenta de preferências
  245. sane - interfaces gráficas de scanner
  246. sane-utils - biblioteca de API para scanners -- utilitários
  247. science-nanoscale-physics - Pacotes de Física em nanoescala do Debian Science
  248. seahorse - interface GNOME para o GnuPG
  249. sgabios - rom de BIOS opcional para fornecer um console serial legado para x86
  250. simutrans - simulador de transporte
  251. slapd-smbk5pwd - mantém senhas Kerberos e Samba em sincronia com slapd
  252. stgit - gerencie pilhas de patches num repositório git
  253. svnkit - cliente subversion em Java puro
  254. sylpheed - cliente de e-mail leve com GTK+
  255. syrep - ferramenta genérica de sincronização de repositório de arquivos
  256. syslinux-themes-debian - coleção de carregadores de inicialização (metapacote de tema)
  257. tagua - interface de tabuleiro para jogar variantes de xadrez e outros jogos
  258. tclxapian - interface do motor de pesquisa Xapian para Tcl
  259. the - Editor de texto em modo caractere em tela cheia
  260. tightvncserver - software de servidor de computação de redes virtuais
  261. timelimit - utilitário simples para limitar o tempo de execução absoluto de um processo
  262. tinymce - editor WYSIWYG Javascript/HTML na web independente de plataforma
  263. tk707 - Sequenciador de bateria para uma placa de som ou dispositivo MIDI
  264. tofrodos - converte arquivos de texto DOS <-> Unix e vice-versa
  265. udisks2 - serviço D-Bus para acessar e manipular dispositivos de armazenamento
  266. udisks2-doc - documentação do udisks
  267. unmass - extrair arquivos de jogos
  268. upower - abstração para gerenciamento de energia
  269. vim - Vi IMproved - editor vi melhorado
  270. vim-athena - Vi IMproved - editor vi melhorado - com interface gráfica Athena
  271. vim-gtk - Vi IMproved - editor vi melhorado - com interface gráfica GTK2
  272. vim-nox - Vi IMproved - editor vim aprimorado - com suporte de linguagens scripts
  273. vttest - ferramenta para testar compatibilidade com VT100 de terminais
  274. vtwm - Virtual Tab Window Manager
  275. vzquota - solução de virtualização de servidor - ferramentas de quota
  276. wireless-regdb - banco de dados de regulamentação de dispositivos sem fio
  277. wordwarvi - jogo de fliperama de tiro com rolagem horizontal estilo retrô
  278. x11-apps - aplicativos para o ambiente X
  279. xbill - Livre-se daqueles Vírus Wingdows!
  280. xfce4 - meta pacote para o o ambiente de área de trabalho leve Xfce
  281. xsane - interface gráfica cheia de recursos para o SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)
  282. xserver-xorg-input-mouse - servidor X.Org X -- driver de entrada para mouse
  283. xserver-xorg-video-geode - servidor X X.Org -- driver de display Geode GX2/LX
  284. fbb - Utilitários e caixa de correio para packet radio.
  285. gadmin-bind - Ferramenta de configuração GTK+ para o bind9
  286. gbdfed - Editor de tipos de letra para o X11
  287. gbrainy - Jogo quebra-cabeças divertido e que mantém o seu cérebro treinado
  288. gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dbg - Plugins do GStreamer do conjunto "bad" (símbolos de depuração)
  289. gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-doc - Documentação do GStreamer para plugins do conjunto "bad"
  290. gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-apps - Programas de ajuda do GStreamer do conjunto "base"
  291. gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-dbg - Plugins do GStreamer do conjunto "base"
  292. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-dbg - Plugins para GStreamer do conjunto "good"
  293. gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-dbg - Plugins do GStreamer do conjunto "ugly" (símbolos de depuração)
  294. gstreamer1.0-tools - Ferramentas para usar com GStreamer
  295. gwenhywfar-tools - Aplicações de ajuda para a biblioteca Gwenhywfar
  296. hfsprogs - mkfs e fsck para sistemas de ficheiros HFS e HFS+
  297. ike-qtgui - Cliente Shrew Soft VPN - Gestor de ligação
  298. jajuk - Jukebox avançada e organizador de música
  299. kmymoney - Gestor de finanças pessoais para o KDE
  300. libblas3 - Implementações de Referência de Áĺgebra Linear Básica, biblioteca de partilha
  301. libghc-primitive-dev - Wrappers para operações primitivas
  302. libghc-xmonad-contrib-prof - Extensões para o xmonad; bibliotecas de perfilar
  303. libgnomekbd8 - biblioteca GNOME para gerir configuração de teclado - biblioteca compartilhada
  304. libgstreamer1.0-0-dbg - Bibliotecas e elementos do núcleo da GStreamer
  305. libmumps-ptscotch-4.10.0 - Resolvedor de sistemas lineares directo - bibliotecas de partilha versão PTScotch
  306. libxgks2 - Subsistema de Kernel Gráfico de X11, biblioteca
  307. lrzsz - Ferramentas para transferência de ficheiros de zmodem/xmodem/ymodem
  308. maria - analisador de acessibilidade para Redes de Sistemas Algébricos
  309. mtp-tools - Ferramentas para biblioteca de Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
  310. num-utils - programas para trabalhar com números a partir da linha de comandos
  311. partimage - Copia (backup) partições para uma imagem comprimida
  312. pfstmo - conjunto de operadores de mapeamento de tons
  313. photon - Um gerador de galerias HTML estático
  314. qrq - treino de morse de alta velocidade, semelhante ao Rufz de DL4MM
  315. samhain - Sistema de alerta de integridade de dados e intrusão em máquina
  316. seccure - Ferramentas de utilização de algoritmos baseados em curvas criptográficas elípticas (ECC)
  317. simutrans-data - Simulador de transporte (dados base)
  318. simutrans-makeobj - Compilador de ficheiros de dados para o Simutrans
  319. simutrans-pak128.britain - Simulador de transporte (ficheiros de dados)
  320. simutrans-pak64 - Simulador de transporte (ficheiros de dados)
  321. slice - Extrai fatias pré-determinadas de um ficheiro ASCII
  322. ssss - A implementação do esquema de partilha de segredos do Shamir
  323. tagcoll - Ferramenta de linha de comandos para executar operações em colecções rotuladas
  324. tapecalc - Um editor de 'rolo de fita' de écran completo que permite ao utilizador editar um cálculo
  325. tortoisehg - Ferramenta gráfica para trabalhar com o Mercurial
  326. uphpmvault - upload imagens de recuperação para o HP MediaVault2 via Ethernet
  327. whereami - Reconfigura automaticamente o seu sistema (portátil) para uma nova localização
  328. xprobe - Identificação remota do SO
  329. xtightvncviewer - Software cliente de computador virtual em rede (VNC) para o X
  330. 0xffff - Open Free Fiasco Firmware Flasher
  331. libaac-tactics-coq - Coq tactics for reasoning modulo AC (theories)
  332. libaac-tactics-ocaml - Coq tactics for reasoning modulo AC (plugin)
  333. libaac-tactics-ocaml-dev - Coq tactics for reasoning modulo AC (devt files)
  334. abcde - A Better CD Encoder
  335. abootimg - Tool to read/write/update android boot images
  336. elpa-ace-link - selecting a link to jump to
  337. acpica-tools - ACPICA tools for the development and debug of ACPI tables
  338. acr - autoconf like tool
  339. libadolc-dev - ADOLC development libs and headers
  340. libadolc2 - ADOLC automatic differentiation system, runtime libs
  341. agda-bin - commandline interface to Agda
  342. elpa-agda2-mode - dependently typed functional programming language — emacs mode
  343. libghc-agda-dev - dependently typed functional programming language
  344. libghc-agda-doc - dependently typed functional programming language; documentation
  345. agda-stdlib - standard library for Agda
  346. agda-stdlib-doc - standard library for Agda — documentation
  347. python-aiocoap-doc - Python implementation of CoAP (doc)
  348. python3-aiocoap - Python implementation of CoAP
  349. xul-ext-all-in-one-sidebar - sidebar extension for Firefox
  350. allegro5-doc - documentation for the Allegro 5 library
  351. liballegro-acodec5-dev - header files for the Allegro 5 audio codec addon
  352. liballegro-acodec5.2 - audio codec addon for the Allegro 5 library
  353. liballegro-audio5-dev - header files for the Allegro 5 audio addon
  354. liballegro-audio5.2 - audio addon for the Allegro 5 library
  355. liballegro-dialog5-dev - header files for the Allegro 5 dialog addon
  356. liballegro-dialog5.2 - dialog addon for the Allegro 5 library
  357. liballegro-image5-dev - header files for the Allegro 5 image addon
  358. liballegro-image5.2 - image addon for the Allegro 5 library
  359. liballegro-physfs5-dev - header files for the Allegro 5 physfs addon
  360. liballegro-physfs5.2 - physfs addon for the Allegro 5 library
  361. liballegro-ttf5-dev - header files for the Allegro 5 ttf addon
  362. liballegro-ttf5.2 - ttf addon for the Allegro 5 library
  363. liballegro-video5-dev - header files for the Allegro 5 video addon
  364. liballegro-video5.2 - video addon for the Allegro 5 library
  365. liballegro5-dev - development files for the Allegro 5 library
  366. liballegro5.2 - portable library for cross-platform game and multimedia development
  367. amanda-client - Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Client)
  368. amanda-server - Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Server)
  369. signtos - Android signing tool for signing Trusty images
  370. android-libdex - Dalvik Executable library
  371. android-libdex-dev - Dalvik Executable library - Development files
  372. dalvik-exchange - Manipulate Dalvik eXchange format and produce dex files
  373. libandroid-dex-java - Dalvik Executable Java library
  374. aidl - Binder generator of AIDL interfaces
  375. apksigner - command line tool to sign and verify Android APKs
  376. libcurator-client-java - Apache Curator Client
  377. libcurator-framework-java - Apache Curator Framework
  378. apg - Automated Password Generator - Standalone version
  379. python-apipkg - namespace control and lazy-import mechanism for Python
  380. python3-apipkg - namespace control and lazy-import mechanism for Python 3
  381. apparmor-utils - utilities for controlling AppArmor
  382. aprx - APRS Digipeater and iGate
  383. archipel-agent-hypervisor-platformrequest - Virtual Machine Orchestration (Agent Hypervisor Platformrequest)
  384. ardour - the digital audio workstation
  385. libarmci-mpi-dev - ARMCI-MPI (Development version)
  386. aroarfw-dev - framework to build hardware with RoarAudio protocol support
  387. aroarfw-doc - framework to build hardware with RoarAudio protocol support (documentation)
  388. preview-latex-style - extraction of elements from LaTeX documents as graphics
  389. autofs-hesiod - Hesiod map support for autofs
  390. autofs-ldap - LDAP map support for autofs
  391. libautomaton-java - Finite-State Automaton for Regular Expressions
  392. bacula-client - network backup service - client metapackage
  393. bacula-console-qt - network backup service - Bacula Administration Tool
  394. bacula-director - network backup service - Director daemon
  395. bacula-director-mysql - network backup service - MySQL storage for Director
  396. bacula-director-pgsql - network backup service - PostgreSQL storage for Director
  397. bacula-director-sqlite3 - network backup service - SQLite 3 storage for Director
  398. python3-barectf - C99 code generator to write native CTF
  399. bareos-director - Backup Archiving Recovery Open Sourced - director daemon
  400. bart - tools for computational magnetic resonance imaging
  401. bcrypt - Cross platform file encryption utility using blowfish (Decrypt only)
  402. bibtool - tool to manipulate BibTeX files
  403. bilibop - run Debian GNU/Linux from external media - metapackage
  404. bilibop-common - shell functions for bilibop scripts
  405. bilibop-lockfs - lock filesystems and write changes into RAM
  406. bilibop-rules - device management rules for OS running from external media
  407. bilibop-udev - minimal udev rule for Debian GNU/Linux running from external media
  408. r-cran-bitops - GNU R package implementing bitwise operations
  409. blkreplay - block device testing and benchmarking toolkit
  410. blkreplay-examples - block device testing and benchmarking toolkit (examples)
  411. blktap-dev - Xen API blktap shared library (development files)
  412. blktap-utils - utilities to work with VHD disk images files
  413. libblktapctl0 - Xen API blktapctl shared library (shared library)
  414. libvhd0 - VHD file format access library
  415. libvhdio-2.0.90 - Xen API blktap shared library (shared library)
  416. blktap-dkms - Xen API blktap kernel component DKMS package
  417. blktrace - utilities for block layer IO tracing
  418. bluefish - advanced Gtk+ text editor for web and software development
  419. bluefish-data - advanced Gtk+ text editor (data)
  420. bluefish-plugins - advanced Gtk+ text editor (plugins)
  421. libbobcat-dev - headers and documentation for the Bobcat library
  422. libbobcat4 - run-time (shared) Bobcat library
  423. sb16ctrl-bochs - control utility for Bochs emulated SB16 card
  424. boinc-manager - GUI to control and monitor the BOINC core client
  425. boolstuff - programs for operating on boolean expression binary trees
  426. boolstuff-dev - library for operating on boolean expression binary trees - devel
  427. libboolstuff-0.1-0 - library for operating on boolean expression binary trees
  428. libboolstuff-0.1-0-dbg - library for operating on boolean expression binary trees - debug
  429. libboost-atomic-dev - atomic data types, operations, and memory ordering constraints (default version)
  430. libboost-chrono-dev - C++ representation of time duration, time point, and clocks (default version)
  431. libboost-context-dev - provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread (default version)
  432. libboost-coroutine-dev - provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread (default version)
  433. libboost-fiber-dev - cooperatively-scheduled micro-/userland-threads (default version)
  434. libboost-filesystem-dev - filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, etc) in C++ (default version)
  435. libboost-python-dev - Boost.Python Library development files (default version)
  436. libboost-regex-dev - regular expression library for C++ (default version)
  437. libboost-system-dev - Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library (default version)
  438. libboost-atomic1.62-dev - atomic data types, operations, and memory ordering constraints
  439. libboost-atomic1.62.0 - atomic data types, operations, and memory ordering constraints
  440. libboost-chrono1.62-dev - C++ representation of time duration, time point, and clocks
  441. libboost-chrono1.62.0 - C++ representation of time duration, time point, and clocks
  442. libboost-context1.62-dev - provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread
  443. libboost-context1.62.0 - provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread
  444. libboost-coroutine1.62-dev - provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread
  445. libboost-coroutine1.62.0 - provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread
  446. libboost-fiber1.62-dev - cooperatively-scheduled micro-/userland-threads
  447. libboost-fiber1.62.0 - cooperatively-scheduled micro-/userland-threads
  448. libboost-filesystem1.62-dev - filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, etc) in C++
  449. libboost-filesystem1.62.0 - filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, etc) in C++
  450. libboost-python1.62-dev - Boost.Python Library development files
  451. libboost-python1.62.0 - Boost.Python Library
  452. libboost-regex1.62-dev - regular expression library for C++
  453. libboost-regex1.62.0 - regular expression library for C++
  454. bootstrap-vz - tool for creating Debian images for cloud platforms (CLI)
  455. bootstrap-vz-doc - tool for creating Debian images for cloud platforms (Docs)
  456. borgbackup - deduplicating and compressing backup program
  457. libbotan-1.10-1 - multiplatform crypto library
  458. libbotan1.10-dev - multiplatform crypto library (development)
  459. botch - tools to create and analyse dependency graphs
  460. brag - Downloads and assembles multipart Usenet binaries
  461. brasero-cdrkit - cdrkit extensions for the Brasero burning application
  462. brutefir - software convolution engine
  463. btanks - fast 2D tank arcade game with multiplayer and split-screen modes
  464. btanks-data - fast 2D tank arcade game -- data
  465. libbdd-dev - Binary decision-diagram library (development)
  466. caja-share - Allows one to quickly share a folder from the Caja file manager
  467. libcajun-dev - C++ headers for JSON generation and parsing
  468. libcalendar-ocaml - OCaml library providing operations over dates and times (runtime)
  469. libcalendar-ocaml-dev - OCaml library providing operations over dates and times (dev files)
  470. libcalendar-ocaml-doc - OCaml library providing operations over dates and times (doc)
  471. kexi - integrated database environment for the Calligra Suite
  472. libcamljava-ocaml-dev - interface between OCaml and Java via Caml/C interface and JNI
  473. libcamltemplate-ocaml - configurable library for generating text from templates in OCaml
  474. libcamltemplate-ocaml-dev - configurable library for generating text from templates in OCaml
  475. camo - SSL/TLS image proxy to prevent mixed-content warnings
  476. libcpprest-dev - Development files for Casablanca
  477. libcpprest-doc - Reference manual for Casablanca
  478. libcpprest2.9 - Shared library for Casablanca
  479. catch - C++ Automated Test Cases in Headers
  480. libbox-dev - Boxlib: C++ Block-structured finite difference algorithms library
  481. coop-computing-tools - cooperative computing tools
  482. python-workqueue - cooperative computing tools work queue Python bindings
  483. cdftools - Diagnostic tools for NEMO netCDF output
  484. celeryd - async task/job queue based on message passing (daemons)
  485. python-celery - async task/job queue based on message passing (Python2 version)
  486. python-celery-common - async task/job queue based on message passing (common files)
  487. python-celery-doc - async task/job queue based on message passing (Documentation)
  488. python3-celery - async task/job queue based on message passing (Python3 version)
  489. libmathlib2-dev - CERNLIB data analysis suite - core mathematical library (development files)
  490. libmathlib2-gfortran - CERNLIB data analysis suite - core mathematical library
  491. python-cf - Python processing of Climate and Forecast (CF) data models (Python 2)
  492. python-cf-doc - Python processing of Climate and Forecast (CF) data models (Documentation)
  493. libcgal-qt5-12 - C++ library for computational geometry (support for Qt5)
  494. libcgal12 - C++ library for computational geometry
  495. charybdis - fast, scalable irc server
  496. chasen - Japanese Morphological Analysis System
  497. libchealpix-dev - HEALPix representation of spherical data - C development library
  498. libchealpix0 - HEALPix representation of spherical data - C shared library
  499. cl-simple-date - Common Lisp types for dates, timestamps, and intervals
  500. classified-ads - Program for displaying classified advertisement items
  501. closure-linter - Closure Linter for JavaScript
  502. clsparse-doc - documentation for clSPARSE
  503. libclsparse-dev - development files for clSPARSE
  504. libclsparse1 - OpenCL library for sparse linear algebra
  505. libcobertura-java - java library that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests
  506. coinor-libcoinmp-dev - Simple C API for COIN-OR Solvers Clp and Cbc -- development
  507. coinor-libcoinmp1v5 - Simple C API for COIN-OR Solvers Clp and Cbc -- library
  508. coinor-libcgl-dev - COIN-OR Cut Generation Library (developer files)
  509. coinor-libcgl-doc - COIN-OR Cut Generation Library (documentation)
  510. coinor-libcgl1 - COIN-OR Cut Generation Library
  511. coinor-libcgl1-dbg - COIN-OR Cut Generation Library (debug symbols)
  512. coinor-libosi-dev - COIN-OR Open Solver Interface (developer files)
  513. coinor-libosi-doc - COIN-OR Open Solver Interface (documentation)
  514. coinor-libosi1v5 - COIN-OR Open Solver Interface
  515. coinor-libosi1v5-dbg - COIN-OR Open Solver Interface (debug symbols)
  516. coinor-libsymphony-dev - COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs (developer files)
  517. coinor-libsymphony-doc - COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs (documentation)
  518. coinor-libsymphony3 - COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs (shared libraries)
  519. coinor-libsymphony3-dbg - COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs (debug symbols)
  520. coinor-symphony - COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs
  521. coinor-libcoinutils-dev - Coin-or collection of utility classes (developer files)
  522. coinor-libcoinutils-doc - Coin-or collection of utility classes (documentation)
  523. coinor-libcoinutils3v5 - Coin-or collection of utility classes (binaries and libraries)
  524. collatinus - lemmatisation of latin text
  525. collectd-core - statistics collection and monitoring daemon (core system)
  526. tcl-combat - CORBA scripting with Tcl
  527. libcommons-daemon-java - Library to launch Java applications as daemons
  528. connman-doc - ConnMan documentation
  529. connman-vpn - Intel Connection Manager daemon - VPN daemon
  530. libcpl-dev - ESO library for automated astronomical data-reduction
  531. libcplcore26 - Fundamental CPL data types and functions
  532. cpl-plugin-fors - ESO data reduction pipeline for the FORS1/2 instruments
  533. cpl-plugin-kmos - ESO data reduction pipeline for the KMOS instrument
  534. cpl-plugin-uves - ESO data reduction pipeline for the UVES instrument
  535. cppcheck - tool for static C/C++ code analysis (CLI)
  536. cppcheck-gui - tool for static C/C++ code analysis (GUI)
  537. libcyrus-imap-perl - Interface to Cyrus imap client imclient library
  538. daemonlogger - simple network packet logger and soft tap daemon
  539. libdaq-dev - Data Acquisition library for packet I/O - development files
  540. libdaq2 - Data Acquisition library for packet I/O - shared library
  541. dar-docs - Disk ARchive: Backup directory tree and files
  542. libdar-dev - Disk ARchive: Development files for shared library
  543. libdar64-5000 - Disk ARchive: Shared library
  544. darts - C++ Template Library for implementation of Double-Array
  545. das-watchdog - solves system lock-ups by making all processes non-realtime
  546. dasher - graphical predictive text input system
  547. datamash - statistics tool for command-line interface
  548. davix - Toolkit for http based file management
  549. davix-dbg - Debug symbols for the davix tools
  550. davix-dev - Development files for davix
  551. davix-doc - Documentation for davix
  552. libdavix-dbg - Debug symbols for the davix library
  553. libdavix0v5 - Runtime library for davix
  554. dazzdb - manage nucleotide sequencing read data
  555. libdballe-dev - DB-All.e C development library for weather research
  556. dbconfig-common - framework that helps packages to manage databases
  557. dcfldd - enhanced version of dd for forensics and security
  558. astro-tasks - Debian Astronomy Pure Blend (tasksel tasks)
  559. debian-astro-logo - Debian Astronomy Pure Blends Logo
  560. debian-faq-de - Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in German
  561. debian-faq-fr - Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in French
  562. debian-faq-it - Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Italian
  563. debian-faq-ru - Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Russian
  564. debian-faq-zh-cn - Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Chinese
  565. hamradio-morse - Debian Hamradio Morse/CW Packages
  566. hamradio-satellite - Debian Hamradio Satellite Operation Packages
  567. debian-zh-faq-s - Debian Chinese FAQ (Chinese GB)
  568. debian-zh-faq-t - Debian Chinese FAQ (Chinese Big5)
  569. delaboratory - unique image postprocessing application
  570. detox - replace problematic characters in filenames
  571. dgit - git interoperability with the Debian archive
  572. dh-linktree - Create symlink trees within a Debian package
  573. libjs-diff-match-patch - diff/match/patch algorithms implemented in JavaScript
  574. digikam - digital photo management application for KDE
  575. diod - I/O forwarding server for 9P
  576. dish - diligence/distributed shell for parallel sysadmin
  577. diskscan - scan storage media for bad or near failure sectors
  578. libdisruptor-java - Disruptor - High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library for Java
  579. libdistorm64-1 - ultimate disassembler library for x86 code
  580. python-django-celery - Celery integration for Django
  581. python-django-celery-doc - Celery integration for Django (Documentation)
  582. python3-django-celery - Celery integration for Django (Python3 version)
  583. python-django-python3-ldap - Django LDAP user authentication backend (Python2 version)
  584. python3-django-python3-ldap - Django LDAP user authentication backend (Python3 version)
  585. dkimproxy - an SMTP-proxy that signs and/or verifies emails, using the Mail::DKIM module
  586. dmucs - distributed compilation system for use with distcc
  587. python-dockerpty - Pseudo-tty handler for docker Python client (Python 2.x)
  588. python3-dockerpty - Pseudo-tty handler for docker Python client (Python 3.x)
  589. libjs-dompurify - XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG
  590. node-dompurify - XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG - Node.js module
  591. downtimed - monitor of downtime, shutdown, and crashes
  592. python-drmaa - interface to DRMAA-compliant distributed resource management systems
  593. dwdiff - diff program that operates word by word
  594. libdynalang-java - JVM Dynamic Languages Metaobject Protocol
  595. libeasybind-java - helper library for custom JavaFX bindings using lamdas
  596. ebtables - Ethernet bridge frame table administration
  597. ecasound - multitrack-capable audio recorder and effect processor
  598. ecasound-doc - documentation files for Ecasound
  599. ecasound-el - multitrack-capable audio recorder and effect processor (emacs)
  600. ecatools - multitrack-capable audio recorder and effect processor (tools)
  601. libecasoundc-dev - multitrack-capable audio recorder and effect processor (C dev library)
  602. libecasoundc1v5 - multitrack-capable audio recorder and effect processor (C library)
  603. python-ecasound - multitrack-capable audio recorder and effect processor (Python bindings)
  604. ruby-ecasound - multitrack-capable audio recorder and effect processor (ruby bindings)
  605. eclipse-changelog - Automatic ChangeLog entry creation support for Eclipse
  606. edfbrowser - viewer for biosignal storage files such as bdf and edf
  607. eekboek - Bookkeeping software for small and medium-size businesses
  608. libeio-dev - EIO headers and static libraries
  609. libeio1 - Library providing non-blocking I/O using threads
  610. python-egenix-mxurl - flexible URL datatype for Python
  611. eggdrop - Advanced IRC Robot
  612. eiskaltdcpp - EiskaltDC++ metapackage
  613. eiskaltdcpp-cli - EiskaltDC++ command-line interface
  614. eiskaltdcpp-common - common files for EiskaltDC++
  615. eiskaltdcpp-daemon - EiskaltDC++ daemon
  616. eiskaltdcpp-daemon-dbg - EiskaltDC++ daemon (debug symbols)
  617. eiskaltdcpp-emoticons - emoticons for EiskaltDC++
  618. eiskaltdcpp-gtk - EiskaltDC++ GUI on Gtk
  619. eiskaltdcpp-gtk-data - data files for EiskaltDC++ Gtk
  620. eiskaltdcpp-gtk-dbg - EiskaltDC++ GUI on Gtk (debug symbols)
  621. eiskaltdcpp-gtk3 - EiskaltDC++ GUI on Gtk3
  622. eiskaltdcpp-gtk3-dbg - EiskaltDC++ GUI on Gtk3 (debug symbols)
  623. eiskaltdcpp-qt - EiskaltDC++ GUI on Qt
  624. eiskaltdcpp-qt-data - data files for EiskaltDC++ Qt
  625. eiskaltdcpp-qt-dbg - EiskaltDC++ GUI on Qt (debug symbols)
  626. eiskaltdcpp-qt-mini - EiskaltDC++ GUI on Qt (stripped-down version)
  627. eiskaltdcpp-qt-mini-dbg - EiskaltDC++ GUI on Qt (stripped-down version) (debug symbols)
  628. eiskaltdcpp-scripts - scripts examples for EiskaltDC++
  629. eiskaltdcpp-sounds - sound files for EiskaltDC++
  630. libeiskaltdcpp-dev - DC++ kernel from EiskaltDC++ (development files)
  631. libeiskaltdcpp2.2 - DC++ kernel library from EiskaltDC++
  632. libeiskaltdcpp2.2-dbg - DC++ kernel from EiskaltDC++ (debug symbols)
  633. ejabberd - distributed, fault-tolerant Jabber/XMPP server
  634. engrampa - archive manager for MATE
  635. enjarify - translate Dalvik bytecode to equivalent Java bytecode
  636. eperl - Embedded Perl 5 Language
  637. liberis-1.3-21 - WorldForge client entity library
  638. liberis-1.3-dev - WorldForge client entity library - development files
  639. liberis-doc - WorldForge client entity library - API documentation
  640. erlang - Concurrent, real-time, distributed functional language
  641. erlang-base - Erlang/OTP virtual machine and base applications
  642. erlang-base-hipe - Erlang/OTP HiPE enabled virtual machine and base applications
  643. erlang-mnesia - Erlang/OTP distributed relational/object hybrid database
  644. erlang-os-mon - Erlang/OTP operating system monitor
  645. erlang-luerl - implementation of Lua in Erlang
  646. esys-particle - Software for particle-based numerical modelling. MPI version.
  647. etcd-fs - FUSE client for etcd
  648. libexactimage-perl - fast image manipulation library (Perl bindings)
  649. python-exactimage - fast image manipulation library (Python bindings)
  650. fastqc - quality control for high throughput sequence data
  651. fccexam - Study tool for USA FCC commercial radio license exams.
  652. fenics - Automated Solution of Differential Equations
  653. festival-freebsoft-utils - Festival extensions and utilities
  654. libswresample-dev - FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - development files
  655. libswscale-dev - FFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - development files
  656. python-fibranet - cooperative threading and event driven framework
  657. filo - FILe and stream Operations
  658. firebird3.0-server - Firebird Server - an RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code
  659. fitsh - Software package for astronomical image processing
  660. fityk - general-purpose nonlinear curve fitting and data analysis
  661. flam3 - render and animate FLAM3s and manipulate their genomes
  662. python-flask-migrate - SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic
  663. python3-flask-migrate - SQLAlchemy migrations for Flask using Alembic and Python 3
  664. fldigi - digital modem program for hamradio operators
  665. fnotifystat - file activity monitoring tool
  666. fonts-pecita - OpenType hand-written font whose letters are connected
  667. foomatic-db-compressed-ppds - OpenPrinting printer support - Compressed PPDs derived from the database
  668. foomatic-filters-beh - Openprinting Backend error handler
  669. forensics-extra - Forensics Environment - extra console components (metapackage)
  670. forensics-extra-gui - Forensics Environment - extra GUI components (metapackage)
  671. fosfat-dev - FUSE library to access Smaky formatted disk, development files
  672. libfosfat0 - API for the Smaky file system
  673. libfosgra0 - library to decode Smaky .IMAGE files
  674. frescobaldi - LilyPond sheet music text editor
  675. fstrm-bin - Frame Streams (fstrm) library (utilities)
  676. libfstrm-dev - Frame Streams (fstrm) library (development files)
  677. libfstrm0 - Frame Streams (fstrm) library
  678. libfstrm0-dbg - Frame Streams (fstrm) library (debug symbols)
  679. ftnchek - Semantic checker for Fortran 77 programs
  680. libghc-ftphs-dev - FTP Client and Server Library for Haskell
  681. libghc-ftphs-doc - FTP Client and Server Library for Haskell; documentation
  682. libghc-ftphs-prof - FTP Client and Server Library for Haskell; profiling libraries
  683. funtools - Minimal buy-in FITS utility package
  684. libfuntools-dev - Minimal buy-in FITS library (development files)
  685. libfuntools1 - Minimal buy-in FITS library
  686. tcl-funtools - Minimal buy-in FITS library (Tcl interface)
  687. fwbuilder-common - Firewall administration tool GUI (common files)
  688. fwbuilder-dbg - Firewall administration tool GUI (debugging symbols)
  689. fwbuilder-doc - Firewall administration tool GUI documentation
  690. fwknop-apparmor-profile - FireWall KNock OPerator - Apparmor profile
  691. fwknop-client - FireWall KNock OPerator client side - C version
  692. fwknop-server - FireWall KNock OPerator server side - C version
  693. libfko-doc - FireWall KNock OPerator - documentation
  694. libfko-perl - FireWall KNock OPerator - Perl module
  695. libfko-python - FireWall KNock OPerator - Python module
  696. libfko3 - FireWall KNock OPerator - shared library
  697. libfko3-dev - FireWall KNock OPerator - development library
  698. fwknop-gui - FireWall KNock OPerator Graphical User Interface
  699. libglobalarrays-dev - Distributed Shared-Memory Programming Environment (development)
  700. galculator - scientific calculator
  701. libga-dev - C++ Library of Genetic Algorithm Components
  702. libga2 - C++ Library of Genetic Algorithm Components
  703. gambas3-gb-opengl-glu - Gambas OpenGL utility
  704. ganeti - cluster virtualization manager
  705. ganeti-2.15 - cluster virtualization manager - Python components
  706. ganeti-doc - cluster virtualization manager - documentation
  707. ganeti-haskell-2.15 - cluster virtualization manager - Haskell components
  708. python-ganeti-rapi - cluster virtualization manager - RAPI client library
  709. libgavl-dev - low level audio and video library - development files
  710. libgavl-doc - low level audio and video library - documentation files
  711. libgavl1 - low level audio and video library - runtime files
  712. libgavl1-dbg - debugging symbols for libgavl1
  713. gb - project based build tool for Go
  714. golang-github-constabulary-gb-dev - project based build tool for Go (source)
  715. gcpegg - Global Consciousness Project EGG Software
  716. gddrescue - GNU data recovery tool
  717. geany-plugin-lineoperations - Line Operations plugin for Geany
  718. geany-plugin-vc - VCS plugin for Geany
  719. gearhead - roguelike mecha role playing game, console version
  720. gearhead-data - data files for gearhead
  721. gearhead-sdl - roguelike mecha role playing game, SDL version
  722. python-geolinks - Python 2 Library for using geospatial links (catalogue interoperablity)
  723. python3-geolinks - Python 3 Library for using geospatial links (catalogue interoperablity)
  724. gertty - Console-based interface to Gerrit
  725. libgmm++-dev - Generic C++ template library for sparse, dense and skyline matrices
  726. gfal2 - Grid file access library 2.0
  727. gfal2-plugin-dcap - Provides dcap support for gfal2
  728. gfal2-plugin-file - Provides file support for gfal2
  729. gfal2-plugin-gridftp - Provides the gridftp support for gfal2
  730. gfal2-plugin-lfc - Provides lfc support for gfal2
  731. gfal2-plugin-rfio - Provides rfio support for gfal2
  732. gfal2-plugin-srm - Provides srm support for gfal2
  733. libgfal-transfer2 - File Transfer logic of gfal2
  734. gimp-plugin-registry - repository of optional extensions for GIMP
  735. git-flow - Git extension to provide a high-level branching model
  736. git-remote-gcrypt - encrypted git repositories
  737. libgli-dev - C++ image library for graphics software
  738. libgli-doc - documentation for the OpenGL Image (GLI) library
  739. libglm-dev - C++ library for OpenGL GLSL type-based mathematics
  740. glurp - GTK+ frontend to the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
  741. libgmpxx4ldbl - Multiprecision arithmetic library (C++ bindings)
  742. gmtkbabel - graphical interface for mtkbabel
  743. python-gnome2-desktop-dev - Python bindings for the GNOME desktop environment
  744. libgnomevfs2-0 - GNOME Virtual File System (runtime libraries)
  745. libgnomevfs2-0-dbg - GNOME Virtual File System (debugging libraries)
  746. libgnomevfs2-bin - GNOME Virtual File System (support binaries)
  747. libgnomevfs2-dev - GNOME Virtual File System library (development files)
  748. libgnomevfs2-extra - GNOME Virtual File System (extra modules)
  749. gnucap - GNU Circuit Analysis package
  750. gnuit - GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer
  751. gnumeric-doc - spreadsheet application for GNOME - documentation
  752. libperformance-dev - GNUstep performance library (development files)
  753. libperformance0.5 - GNUstep performance library (runtime library)
  754. libperformance0.5-dbg - GNUstep performance library (debugging symbols)
  755. libsqlclient-dev - SQL client library for GNUstep (development files)
  756. libsqlclient1.7 - SQL client library for GNUstep (runtime library)
  757. goaccess - log analyzer and interactive viewer for the Apache Webserver
  758. golang-github-armon-go-radix-dev - Golang implementation of Radix trees
  759. golang-github-azure-azure-sdk-for-go-dev - Microsoft Azure SDK for Go
  760. golang-github-bkaradzic-go-lz4-dev - port of the LZ4 lossless compression algorithm to Go
  761. golang-github-dgryski-go-bits-dev - amd64 optimized bit operations
  762. golang-github-emicklei-go-restful-dev - build REST-style Web Services using Google Go
  763. golang-github-go-xorm-xorm-dev - Simple and Powerful ORM for Go, support mysql/sqlite3/postgres/mssql/oracle
  764. golang-github-hailocab-go-hostpool-dev - flexibly pool among multiple hosts from Go application
  765. golang-github-hashicorp-hcl-dev - Go implementation of HashiCorp Configuration Language
  766. golang-github-hashicorp-yamux-dev - Golang connection multiplexing library
  767. golang-github-ncw-go-acd-dev - Go library for accessing Amazon Cloud Drive
  768. golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec-dev - Open Container Initiative (OCI) Image Format Specification
  769. golang-github-pkg-sftp-dev - SFTP support for the package
  770. golang-github-shurcool-sanitized-anchor-name-dev - Go package for creating sanitized anchor names
  771. golang-github-skratchdot-open-golang-dev - library to open an URI in the user's preferred application
  772. golang-github-spf13-afero-dev - FileSystem Abstraction System for Go
  773. golang-golang-x-sys-dev - Low-level interaction with the operating system
  774. gox - simple cross compilation tool for Go
  775. gpart - Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions
  776. grads - Grid Analysis and Display System for earth science data
  777. gridsite - Grid Security for the Web, Web platforms for Grids
  778. gridsite-clients - Clients to gridsite: htcp, htrm, htmv
  779. gridsite-dbg - Debugging symbols for the gridsite clients and modules
  780. gridsite-doc - Developers Documentation for gridsite
  781. libgridsite-dbg - Debugging symbols for the gridsite library
  782. libgridsite-dev - Developers tools for gridsite
  783. libgridsite2 - Run time libraries for mod_gridsite and gridsite-clients
  784. gscan2pdf - GUI to produce PDFs or DjVus from scanned documents
  785. gssproxy - Privilege separation daemon for GSSAPI
  786. gir1.2-gst-plugins-bad-1.0 - GObject introspection data for the GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set
  787. libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "bad" set
  788. gir1.2-gst-plugins-base-1.0 - GObject introspection data for the GStreamer Plugins Base library
  789. gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "base" set
  790. libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "base" set
  791. gstreamer1.0-espeak - GStreamer plugin for eSpeak speech synthesis
  792. gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "good" set
  793. gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "ugly" set
  794. python-gst-1.0 - GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python
  795. python-gst-1.0-dbg - GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python (debug extensions)
  796. python3-gst-1.0 - GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python (Python 3)
  797. python3-gst-1.0-dbg - GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python (Python 3, debug extensions)
  798. gir1.2-gst-rtsp-server-1.0 - GObject introspection data for the GStreamer RTSP Server
  799. gstreamer1.0-rtsp - RTSP plugin for GStreamer
  800. gstreamer1.0-rtsp-dbg - RTSP plugin for GStreamer
  801. libgstrtspserver-1.0-0 - GStreamer RTSP Server (shared library)
  802. libgstrtspserver-1.0-0-dbg - GStreamer RTSP Server (debug symbols)
  803. libgstrtspserver-1.0-dev - GStreamer RTSP Server (development files)
  804. libgstrtspserver-1.0-doc - GStreamer RTSP Server (documentation)
  805. gir1.2-gstreamer-1.0 - GObject introspection data for the GStreamer library
  806. gstreamer1.0-doc - GStreamer core documentation and manuals
  807. libgstreamer1.0-dev - GStreamer core development files
  808. libgstreamermm-1.0-1 - C++ wrapper library for GStreamer (shared libraries)
  809. libgstreamermm-1.0-dev - C++ wrapper library for GStreamer (development files)
  810. libgstreamermm-1.0-doc - C++ wrapper library for GStreamer (documentation)
  811. gthumb-data - image viewer and browser - arch-independent files
  812. gthumb-dev - image viewer and browser - development files
  813. libh323-1.24.0v5 - H.323 aka VoIP library
  814. libh323plus-dev - H.323 aka VoIP library development files
  815. python-hachoir-metadata - Program to extract metadata using Hachoir library
  816. python-hachoir-regex - regular expressions manipulation Python library
  817. hashrat - hashing tool supporting several hashes and recursivity
  818. libghc-async-dev - run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results
  819. libghc-async-doc - run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results; documentation
  820. libghc-async-prof - run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results; profiling libs
  821. libghc-base-unicode-symbols-dev - Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators
  822. libghc-base-unicode-symbols-doc - Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators; documentation
  823. libghc-base-unicode-symbols-prof - Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators; profiling libraries
  824. libghc-basic-prelude-dev - enhanced core prelude
  825. libghc-basic-prelude-doc - enhanced core prelude; documentation
  826. libghc-basic-prelude-prof - enhanced core prelude; profiling libraries
  827. libghc-blaze-html-dev - HTML combinator library for Haskell
  828. libghc-blaze-html-doc - HTML combinator library for Haskell; documentation
  829. libghc-blaze-html-prof - HTML combinator library for Haskell; profiling libraries
  830. libghc-boolean-dev - generalized booleans
  831. libghc-boolean-doc - generalized booleans; documentation
  832. libghc-boolean-prof - generalized booleans; profiling libraries
  833. libghc-cereal-dev - binary serialization library
  834. libghc-cereal-doc - binary serialization library; documentation
  835. libghc-cereal-prof - binary serialization library; profiling libraries
  836. libghc-cipher-aes-dev - Fast AES cipher implementation
  837. libghc-cipher-aes-doc - Fast AES cipher implementation; documentation
  838. libghc-cipher-aes-prof - Fast AES cipher implementation; profiling libraries
  839. libghc-cipher-aes128-dev - AES and common modes
  840. libghc-cipher-aes128-doc - AES and common modes; documentation
  841. libghc-cipher-aes128-prof - AES and common modes; profiling libraries
  842. libghc-cond-dev - conditional and boolean operators with monadic variants
  843. libghc-cond-doc - conditional and boolean operators with monadic variants (docs)
  844. libghc-cond-prof - conditional and boolean operators with monadic variants (prof)
  845. libghc-crypto-api-dev - generic interface for cryptographic operations
  846. libghc-crypto-api-doc - generic interface for cryptographic operations; documentation
  847. libghc-crypto-api-prof - generic interface for cryptographic operations; profiling libraries
  848. libghc-csv-conduit-dev - fast, conduit-based CSV parser library
  849. libghc-csv-conduit-doc - fast, conduit-based CSV parser library; documentation
  850. libghc-csv-conduit-prof - fast, conduit-based CSV parser library; profiling libraries
  851. libghc-data-ordlist-dev - Set and bag operations on ordered lists
  852. libghc-data-ordlist-doc - Set and bag operations on ordered lists; documentation
  853. libghc-data-ordlist-prof - Set and bag operations on ordered lists; profiling libraries
  854. libghc-diagrams-lib-dev - Embedded domain-specific language for declarative graphics
  855. libghc-diagrams-lib-doc - Embedded domain-specific language for declarative graphics; documentation
  856. libghc-diagrams-lib-prof - Embedded domain-specific language for declarative graphics; profiling libraries
  857. libghc-dimensional-dev - statically checked physical dimensions
  858. libghc-dimensional-doc - statically checked physical dimensions; documentation
  859. libghc-dimensional-prof - statically checked physical dimensions; profiling libraries
  860. libghc-enumerator-dev - high-performance left-fold enumerators
  861. libghc-enumerator-doc - high-performance left-fold enumerators; documentation
  862. libghc-enumerator-prof - high-performance left-fold enumerators; profiling libraries
  863. libghc-exceptions-dev - extensible optionally-pure exceptions
  864. libghc-exceptions-doc - extensible optionally-pure exceptions; documentation
  865. libghc-exceptions-prof - extensible optionally-pure exceptions; profiling libraries
  866. libghc-fmlist-dev - FoldMap lists
  867. libghc-fmlist-doc - FoldMap lists; documentation
  868. libghc-fmlist-prof - FoldMap lists; profiling libraries
  869. libghc-graphviz-dev - bindings to Graphviz for graph visualization
  870. libghc-graphviz-doc - bindings to Graphviz for graph visualization; documentation
  871. libghc-graphviz-prof - bindings to Graphviz for graph visualization; profiling libraries
  872. libghc-happstack-server-dev - Happstack web framework, HTTP server
  873. libghc-happstack-server-doc - Happstack web framework, HTTP server; documentation
  874. libghc-happstack-server-prof - Happstack web framework, HTTP server; profiling libraries
  875. libghc-hashtables-dev - mutable hash tables
  876. libghc-hashtables-doc - mutable hash tables -- documentation; documentation
  877. libghc-hashtables-prof - mutable hash tables -- profiling libraries; profiling libraries
  878. libghc-hit-dev - Git operations in Haskell
  879. libghc-hit-doc - Git operations in Haskell; documentation
  880. libghc-hit-prof - Git operations in Haskell; profiling libraries
  881. libghc-hopenpgp-dev - implementation of OpenPGP (RFC4880)
  882. libghc-hopenpgp-doc - implementation of OpenPGP (RFC4880); documentation
  883. libghc-hopenpgp-prof - OpenPGP (RFC4880); profiling libraries
  884. libghc-io-choice-dev - choice for IO and lifted IO
  885. libghc-io-choice-doc - choice for IO and lifted IO; documentation
  886. libghc-io-choice-prof - choice for IO and lifted IO; profiling libraries
  887. libghc-lifted-async-dev - operations from async lifted to MonadBase
  888. libghc-lifted-async-doc - operations from async lifted to MonadBase; documentation
  889. libghc-lifted-async-prof - operations from async lifted to MonadBase; profiling libraries
  890. libghc-lifted-base-dev - Lifted IO operations from the base library
  891. libghc-lifted-base-doc - Lifted IO operations from the base library; documentation
  892. libghc-lifted-base-prof - Lifted IO operations from the base library; profiling libraries
  893. libghc-memory-dev - memory and related abstraction stuff
  894. libghc-memory-doc - memory and related abstraction stuff; documentation
  895. libghc-memory-prof - memory and related abstraction stuff; profiling libraries
  896. libghc-monad-control-dev - Monad transformers to lift control operations
  897. libghc-monad-control-doc - Monad transformers to lift control operations; documentation
  898. libghc-monad-control-prof - Monad transformers to lift control operations; profiling libraries
  899. libghc-monad-loops-dev - monadic looping
  900. libghc-monad-loops-doc - monadic looping; documentation
  901. libghc-monad-loops-prof - monadic looping; profiling libraries
  902. libghc-monadplus-dev - Haskell98 partial maps and filters over MonadPlus
  903. libghc-monadplus-doc - Haskell98 partial maps and filters over MonadPlus; documentation
  904. libghc-monadplus-prof - Haskell98 partial maps and filters over MonadPlus; profiling libraries
  905. libghc-network-dev - Haskell low-level network library
  906. libghc-network-doc - Haskell low-level network library; documentation
  907. libghc-network-prof - Haskell low-level network library; profiling libraries
  908. libghc-newtype-dev - A typeclass for working with newtypes
  909. libghc-newtype-doc - A typeclass for working with newtypes; documentation
  910. libghc-newtype-prof - A typeclass for working with newtypes; profiling libraries
  911. libghc-newtype-generics-dev - Typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes
  912. libghc-newtype-generics-doc - Typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes; documentation
  913. libghc-newtype-generics-prof - Typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes; profiling libraries
  914. libghc-numtype-dev - type-level (low cardinality) integers
  915. libghc-numtype-doc - type-level (low cardinality) integers; documentation
  916. libghc-numtype-prof - type-level (low cardinality) integers; profiling libraries
  917. libghc-numtype-dk-dev - type-level integers without fundeps
  918. libghc-numtype-dk-doc - type-level integers without fundeps; documentation
  919. libghc-numtype-dk-prof - type-level integers without fundeps; profiling libraries
  920. libghc-operational-dev - implementation of difficult monads made easy with operational semantics
  921. libghc-operational-doc - implementation of difficult monads made easy with operational semantics; documentation
  922. libghc-operational-prof - implementation of difficult monads made easy with operational semantics; profiling libraries
  923. libghc-pipes-group-dev - group streams into substreams
  924. libghc-pipes-group-doc - group streams into substreams; documentation
  925. libghc-pipes-group-prof - group streams into substreams; profiling libraries
  926. libghc-primitive-doc - Wrappers for primitive operations; documentation
  927. libghc-primitive-prof - Wrappers for primitive operations; profiling libraries
  928. libghc-shake-data - Haskell library for writing build systems; data files
  929. libghc-shake-dev - Haskell library for writing build systems
  930. libghc-shake-doc - Haskell library for writing build systems; documentation
  931. libghc-shake-prof - Haskell library for writing build systems; profiling libraries
  932. libghc-stateref-dev - abstraction for things that work like IORef
  933. libghc-stateref-doc - abstraction for things that work like IORef; documentation
  934. libghc-stateref-prof - abstraction for things that work like IORef; profiling libraries
  935. libghc-strict-dev - Strict variants of standard Haskell datatypes
  936. libghc-strict-doc - Strict variants of standard Haskell datatypes; documentation
  937. libghc-strict-prof - Strict variants of standard Haskell datatypes; profiling libraries
  938. libghc-swish-dev - semantic web toolkit - libraries
  939. libghc-swish-doc - semantic web toolkit - library documentation
  940. libghc-swish-prof - semantic web toolkit - profiling libraries
  941. swish - semantic web toolkit - tools
  942. libghc-text-dev - efficient packed Unicode text type for Haskell
  943. libghc-text-doc - efficient packed Unicode text type for Haskell; documentation
  944. libghc-text-prof - efficient packed Unicode text type for Haskell; profiling libraries
  945. libghc-th-extras-dev - grab bag of functions for use with Template Haskell
  946. libghc-th-extras-doc - grab bag of functions for use with Template Haskell; documentation
  947. libghc-th-extras-prof - grab bag of functions for use with Template Haskell; profiling libraries
  948. libghc-unixutils-dev - interface between Haskell and Unix-like operating systems
  949. libghc-unixutils-doc - interface between Haskell and Unix-like operating systems; documentation
  950. libghc-unixutils-prof - interface between Haskell and Unix-like operating systems; profiling libraries
  951. libghc-unordered-containers-dev - Efficient hashing-based container types
  952. libghc-unordered-containers-doc - Efficient hashing-based container types; documentation
  953. libghc-unordered-containers-prof - Efficient hashing-based container types; profiling libraries
  954. libghc-utf8-string-dev - GHC libraries for the Haskell UTF-8 library
  955. libghc-utf8-string-doc - GHC libraries for the Haskell UTF-8 library (documentation)
  956. libghc-utf8-string-prof - Profiling support for the GHC Haskell UTF-8 library
  957. libghc-vector-space-dev - Vector & affine spaces, linear maps, and derivatives library
  958. libghc-vector-space-doc - Vector & affine spaces, linear maps, and derivatives library; documentation
  959. libghc-vector-space-prof - Vector & affine spaces, linear maps, and derivatives library; profiling libraries
  960. libghc-wizards-dev - library for interrogative programs
  961. libghc-wizards-doc - library for interrogative programs; documentation
  962. libghc-wizards-prof - library for interrogative programs; profiling libraries
  963. libghc-x509-system-dev - per-operating-system X.509 accessors and storage
  964. libghc-x509-system-doc - per-operating-system X.509 accessors and storage; documentation
  965. libghc-x509-system-prof - per-operating-system X.509 accessors and storage; profiling libraries
  966. libghc-xml-types-dev - basic types for representing XML
  967. libghc-xml-types-doc - basic types for representing XML; documentation
  968. libghc-xml-types-prof - basic types for representing XML; profiling libraries
  969. libhawknl - Hawk game oriented network library API
  970. libhawknl-dbg - Hawk game oriented network library API (debug package)
  971. libhawknl-dev - Hawk game oriented network library API (development headers)
  972. libhealpix-cxx-dev - representation of spherical data - C++ development library
  973. libhealpix-cxx0 - representation of spherical data - C++ shared library
  974. health-check - process monitoring tool
  975. python3-heapdict - heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations for Python 3
  976. hercules - System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator
  977. hgsvn - Scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial
  978. r-cran-hmisc - GNU R miscellaneous functions by Frank Harrell
  979. homebank-data - Data files for homebank
  980. homebank-dbg - Debugginf symbols for homebank
  981. hostap-utils - Utility programs for Host AP driver for Intersil Prism2/2.5/3
  982. hoteldruid - web-based property management system for hotels or B&Bs
  983. hping3 - Active Network Smashing Tool
  984. xhtml2ps - HTML to PostScript converter (Tcl/Tk GUI frontend)
  985. libhugs-unix-bundled - POSIX functionality
  986. libhupnp1 - Library for building UPnP devices
  987. hydroffice.bag-doc - documentation for hydroffice.bag
  988. hydroffice.bag-tools - command-line tools for hydroffice.bag
  989. python-hydroffice.bag - manage Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG) data files (Python 2)
  990. python3-hydroffice.bag - manage Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG) data files (Python 3)
  991. ibod - ISDN MPPP bandwidth on demand daemon
  992. icicles - emacs library that enhances minibuffer/input completion
  993. idlestat - measure CPU time in idle and operating states
  994. igtf-policy-classic - IGTF classic profile for Certificate Authorities
  995. igtf-policy-experimental - IGTF experimental Certificate Authorities
  996. igtf-policy-iota - IGTF IOTA profile for Certificate Authorities
  997. igtf-policy-mics - IGTF MICS profile for Certificate Authorities
  998. igtf-policy-slcs - IGTF SLCS profile for Certificate Authorities
  999. igtf-policy-unaccredited - IGTF unaccredited Certificate Authorities
  1000. ike - Shrew Soft VPN client - Daemon and libraries
  1001. im - mail/news handling commands and Perl modules
  1002. imagination - DVD slide show maker
  1003. libiml-dev - Integer Matrix Library, development files
  1004. libiml0 - Integer Matrix Library, runtime files
  1005. libimlib2 - image loading, rendering, saving library
  1006. libimlib2-dev - image loading, rendering, saving library (development files)
  1007. imwheel - program to support non-standard buttons on mice in Linux
  1008. inspircd - Modular IRCd written in C++
  1009. inspircd-dbg - Modular IRCd written in C++ - debugging symbols
  1010. inspircd-dev - Modular IRCd written in C++ - development headers
  1011. ion - NASA implementation of Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN)
  1012. ion-doc - Interplanetary Overlay Network - examples and documentation
  1013. libion-dev - NASA implementation of Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) - development files
  1014. libion0 - NASA implementation of Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) - main libraries
  1015. irssi-scripts - collection of scripts for irssi
  1016. isatapd - creates and maintains an ISATAP client tunnel (RFC 5214)
  1017. libisl-dbg - manipulating sets and relations of integer points bounded by linear constraints
  1018. istgt - iSCSI userspace target daemon for Unix-like operating systems
  1019. isync - IMAP and MailDir mailbox synchronizer
  1020. itamae - Simple Configuration Management Tool
  1021. libjama-java - Basic linear algebra library for Java
  1022. libjama-java-doc - Basic linear algebra library for Java (documentation)
  1023. japi-compliance-checker - tool to compare compatibility of Java library API
  1024. libjboss-xnio-java - simplified low-level I/O layer for NIO
  1025. libjcsp-java-doc - Documentation for libjcsp-java
  1026. jets3t - graphical and command-line tools for Amazon S3 and CloudFront
  1027. libjexcelapi-java - Java API to read, write and modify Excel spreadsheets
  1028. libjexcelapi-java-doc - Java API to read, write and modify Excel spreadsheets - documentation
  1029. libjimfs-java - In-memory file system implementing the java.nio.file APIs
  1030. libjimfs-java-doc - Documentation for libjimfs-java
  1031. libjnr-x86asm-java - Pure java x86 and x86_64 assembler
  1032. libjs-jquery-tablesorter - Flexible client-side table sorting
  1033. libjs-jquery-treetable - jQuery treeTable Plugin
  1034. jsamp - Java Simple Application Messaging Protocol tool for VO
  1035. libjsamp-java - Java Simple Application Messaging Protocol library
  1036. libjsamp-java-doc - Java Simple Application Messaging Protocol library docs
  1037. jsxgraph - Interactive Geometry with JavaScript
  1038. jtb - syntax tree builder and visitors generator for JavaCC
  1039. libjts-java - JTS Topology Suite
  1040. python-junos-eznc - Junos 'EZ' automation for non-programmers
  1041. jxplorer - Java LDAP Browser
  1042. kakoune - Vim-inspired, selection-oriented code editor
  1043. kamailio-xml-modules - XML based extensions for Kamailio's Management Interface
  1044. libkmediaplayer4 - KMediaPlayer Interface for the KDE Platform
  1045. libplasma3 - Plasma Library for the KDE Platform
  1046. libsolid4 - Solid Library for KDE Platform
  1047. kdepim - Personal Information Management apps from the official KDE release
  1048. kdepim-addons - Addons for KDE PIM applications
  1049. libkf5webkit-dev - development files for kdewebkit
  1050. libkf5webkit5 - KDE Integration for QtWebKit.
  1051. gir1.2-keybinder-0.0 - registers global key bindings for applications - introspection data
  1052. keybinder-doc - registers global key bindings for applications - documentation
  1053. libkeybinder-dev - registers global key bindings for applications - development headers
  1054. libkeybinder0 - registers global key bindings for applications
  1055. python-keybinder - registers global key bindings for applications - Python bindings
  1056. gir1.2-keybinder-3.0 - registers global key bindings for applications - Gtk+3 - typelib
  1057. keybinder-3.0-doc - registers global key bindings for applications - Gtk+3 - documentation
  1058. libkeybinder-3.0-0 - registers global key bindings for applications - Gtk+3
  1059. libkeybinder-3.0-dev - registers global key bindings for applications - Gtk+3 - development headers
  1060. libkeyutils-dev - Linux Key Management Utilities (development)
  1061. opencl-1.2-html-doc - OpenCL 1.2 documentation - html pages
  1062. opencl-1.2-man-doc - OpenCL 1.2 documentation - man pages (experimental)
  1063. kio - Resource and network access abstraction
  1064. libkf5kio-dev - Resource and network access abstraction
  1065. libkf5kiocore5 - Resource and network access abstraction
  1066. libkf5kiofilewidgets5 - Resource and network access abstraction
  1067. libkf5kiogui5 - Resource and network access abstraction
  1068. libkf5kiontlm5 - Resource and network access abstraction
  1069. libkf5kiowidgets5 - Resource and network access abstraction
  1070. klog - Multiplatform ham radio logging program
  1071. klone - embedded web application development framework
  1072. libkf5mediaplayer-data - Plugin interface for media player features.
  1073. libkf5mediaplayer-dev - Plugin interface for media player features.
  1074. libkf5mediaplayer5 - Plugin interface for media player features.
  1075. libmeryl-dev - in- and out-of-core kmer counting and utilities (development lib)
  1076. meryl - in- and out-of-core kmer counting and utilities
  1077. python-kmodpy - Python binding for kmod
  1078. kmymoney-common - KMyMoney architecture independent files
  1079. kmymoney-dev - KMyMoney development files
  1080. kodi-pvr-mythtv - MythTV PVR Addon for Kodi
  1081. koji-servers - RPM-based build system - server components
  1082. python-kombu - AMQP Messaging Framework for Python
  1083. python-kombu-doc - AMQP Messaging Framework for Python (Documentation)
  1084. python3-kombu - AMQP Messaging Framework for Python (Python3 version)
  1085. kraken - assigning taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences
  1086. krb5-auth-dialog - tray applet for reauthenticating kerberos tickets
  1087. kde-telepathy-filetransfer-handler - KDE Telepathy file transfer handler
  1088. libblas-dev - Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines 3, static library
  1089. libblas-test - Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines 3, testing programs
  1090. liblapack-dev - Library of linear algebra routines 3 - static version
  1091. liblapack-doc - Library of linear algebra routines 3 - documentation (HTML)
  1092. liblapack-doc-man - Library of linear algebra routines 3 - documentation (manual pages)
  1093. liblapack-pic - Library of linear algebra routines 3 - static PIC version
  1094. liblapack-test - Library of linear algebra routines 3 - testing programs
  1095. liblapack3 - Library of linear algebra routines 3 - shared version
  1096. liblapacke - Library of linear algebra routines 3 - C lib shared version
  1097. liblapacke-dev - Library of linear algebra routines 3 - Headers
  1098. laserboy - Laser show software for soundcard operation
  1099. laserboy-indep - Laser show software for soundcard operation - data files
  1100. liblasi-dev - development files and documentation for the LASi library
  1101. liblasi0 - creation of PostScript documents containing Unicode symbols
  1102. latencytop - A tool for developers to visualize system latencies
  1103. lava-dispatcher - Linaro Automated Validation Architecture dispatcher
  1104. lava - Linaro Automated Validation Architecture metapackage
  1105. lava-dev - Linaro Automated Validation Architecture developer support
  1106. lava-server - Linaro Automated Validation Architecture server
  1107. lava-server-doc - Linaro Automated Validation Architecture documentation
  1108. lava-tool - command line utility for LAVA
  1109. lavapdu-daemon - LAVA PDU control daemon
  1110. python-lazr.smtptest - framework for testing SMTP-based applications and libraries
  1111. python-lazr.smtptest-doc - framework for testing SMTP-based applications and libraries
  1112. python3-lazr.smtptest - framework for testing SMTP-based applications and libraries
  1113. python-lazyarray - Python module providing a NumPy-compatible lazily-evaluated array
  1114. libldap-java - Netscape Directory SDK for Java
  1115. python-ldaptor - pure-Python library for LDAP operations
  1116. leaktracer - Simple and efficient memory-leak tracer for C++ programs
  1117. lecm - Let's Encrypt Certificate Manager
  1118. lefse - determine features of organisms, clades, taxonomic units, genes
  1119. libleveldb1v5 - fast key-value storage library
  1120. libace-perl - Object-Oriented Access to ACEDB Databases
  1121. libacme-bleach-perl - Perl module for really clean programs
  1122. libacme-brainfck-perl - Embed Brainf*ck in your perl code
  1123. libacme-constant-perl - module that makes inconstant constants, except actually not
  1124. libacme-damn-perl - Perl module to unbless objects
  1125. libad9361-0 - Library of functions specific to the Analog Devices AD9361
  1126. libad9361-dev - Development files specific to the Analog Devices AD9361
  1127. libalt-alien-ffi-system-perl - simplified alternative to Alien::FFI that uses system libffi
  1128. libam7xxx-dev - library for accessing am7xxx devices - development files
  1129. libam7xxx0.1 - library for accessing am7xxx based devices
  1130. libam7xxx0.1-bin - library for accessing am7xxx devices - utilities
  1131. libam7xxx0.1-dbg - debugging symbols for libam7xxx
  1132. libam7xxx0.1-doc - library for accessing am7xxx devices - documentation
  1133. libanyevent-termkey-perl - module for terminal key input using libtermkey with AnyEvent
  1134. libaopalliance-java - library for interoperability for Java AOP implementations
  1135. libaopalliance-java-doc - library for interoperability for Java AOP implementations - documentation
  1136. libapache-db-perl - module to run the interactive Perl debugger under mod_perl
  1137. libapache2-mod-encoding - Apache2 module for non-ascii filename interoperability
  1138. libapache2-mod-ldap-userdir-dbg - Debugging symbols for mod_ldap_userdir
  1139. libarray-unique-perl - Tie-able array that allows only unique values
  1140. libasterisk-agi-perl - Collections of Perl modules to be used with Asterisk PBX AGI
  1141. libatomic-ops-dev - A library for atomic operations (development files)
  1142. libautobox-core-perl - module providing automatic methods for core functions
  1143. libautobox-junctions-perl - module providing autoboxified junction-style operators
  1144. libb-utils-perl - Perl module assisting with op tree manipulation
  1145. libbio-samtools-perl - Perl interface to SamTools library for DNA sequencing
  1146. libbit-vector-perl - Perl module for bit vectors and more
  1147. libbitmask-dev - header files and docs for libbitmask
  1148. libbitmask1 - supports multi-word bitmask operations
  1149. libboost-geometry-utils-perl - Perl module providing bindings to the Boost Geometry library
  1150. libcache-historical-perl - simple data caching service with time history
  1151. libcarp-datum-perl - Debugging And Tracing Ultimate Module (for perl)
  1152. libcatalyst-plugin-authorization-acl-perl - ACL support for Catalyst applications
  1153. libccp4-data - CCP4 core functionality - common files
  1154. libccp4-dev - CCP4 core functionality - development files
  1155. libccp4c0 - CCP4 core functionality - C runtime
  1156. libccp4c0-dbg - CCP4 core functionality - debug symbols
  1157. libccp4f0 - CCP4 core functionality - fortran runtime
  1158. libccp4f0-dbg - CCP4 core functionality - debug symbols
  1159. libcgi-untaint-perl - module to process CGI input parameters
  1160. libclass-autoloadcan-perl - module managing conflict between AUTOLOAD, can and inheritance
  1161. libclass-container-perl - Perl module to glue object frameworks together transparently
  1162. libclass-trait-perl - Implementation of Traits in Perl
  1163. libccgnu2-1.8-0v5 - GNU package for creating portable C++ programs
  1164. libcommoncpp2-dbg - Debug symbols for Common C++ "2"
  1165. libcommoncpp2-dev - Header files and static libraries for Common C++ "2"
  1166. libcommoncpp2-doc - Documentation files for Common C++ "2"
  1167. libcommons-modeler-java - convenience library to use Java Management Extensions (JMX)
  1168. libcoro-perl - Perl framework implementing coroutines
  1169. libcpan-reporter-perl - module which adds CPAN Testers reporting to
  1170. libcrypt-des-ede3-perl - Triple-DES EDE encryption/decryption for perl
  1171. libcrypt-openssl-bignum-perl - Perl module to access OpenSSL multiprecision integer arithmetic libraries
  1172. libcrypt-smime-perl - S/MIME message signing, verification, encryption and decryption module
  1173. libcrypto++-dev - General purpose cryptographic library - C++ development
  1174. libcrypto++-doc - General purpose cryptographic library - documentation
  1175. libcrypto++-utils - General purpose cryptographic library - utilities and data files
  1176. seahorse-daemon - Seahorse pass phrase caching agent
  1177. libdancer-plugin-flashmessage-perl - Dancer plugin to display temporary, so called "flash messages"
  1178. libdata-stream-bulk-perl - N at a time iteration API
  1179. libdata-structure-util-perl - module to change nature of data within a data structure
  1180. libdata-swap-perl - Perl module to swap type and contents of variables
  1181. libdata-table-perl - module to manipulate data tables in perl (as in R)
  1182. libdate-calc-perl - Perl library for accessing dates
  1183. libdate-jd-perl - conversion between flavours of Julian Date
  1184. libdate-manip-perl - module for manipulating dates
  1185. libdbicx-sugar-perl - syntax sugar for DBIx::Class
  1186. libdbix-class-perl - extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
  1187. libdbix-class-schema-config-perl - Credential Management for DBIx::Class
  1188. libdbix-xmlmessage-perl - perl module for exchanging XML messages between DBI data sources
  1189. libdevel-overloadinfo-perl - module to introspect overloaded operators
  1190. libdirectory-scratch-perl - easy-to-use self-cleaning scratch space
  1191. libdist-zilla-role-bootstrap-perl - Shared logic for Dist::Zilla-related bootstrap things
  1192. libdogleg-dev - Powell's dog-leg nonlinear least squares solver for sparse matrices
  1193. libdogleg-doc - Powell's dog-leg nonlinear least squares solver for sparse matrices
  1194. libdogleg2 - Powell's dog-leg nonlinear least squares solver for sparse matrices
  1195. libdogleg2-dbg - Powell's dog-leg nonlinear least squares solver for sparse matrices
  1196. libeatmydata1 - Library and utilities to disable fsync and friends - shared library
  1197. libemail-abstract-perl - unified interface to mail representations
  1198. libenv-path-perl - Perl module implementing advanced operations on path variables
  1199. libextutils-f77-perl - module to compile and link FORTRAN 77 code for Perl modules
  1200. libextutils-pkgconfig-perl - Perl interface to the pkg-config utility
  1201. fastahack - utility for indexing and sequence extraction from FASTA files
  1202. libfastahack-dev - library for indexing and sequence extraction from FASTA files (devel)
  1203. libfastahack0 - library for indexing and sequence extraction from FASTA files (lib)
  1204. libfastutil-java - Java API providing type-specific maps, sets, lists and queues
  1205. libfastutil-java-doc - API documentation for libfastutil-java
  1206. libfile-dropbox-perl - convenient and fast Dropbox API abstraction
  1207. libfile-fu-perl - module for manipulating files and directories as objects
  1208. libfile-wildcard-perl - Enhanced glob processing
  1209. libfixbuf3 - Implementation of the IPFIX protocol - shared library
  1210. libfixbuf3-dev - Implementation of the IPFIX protocol - development headers
  1211. libfixbuf3-doc - Implementation of the IPFIX protocol - documentation
  1212. libflorist2016 - POSIX.5 Ada interface to operating system services: shared library
  1213. libflorist2016-dev - POSIX.5 Ada interface to operating system services: development
  1214. libfm4 - file management support (core library)
  1215. libfuture-perl - module for operations awaiting completion
  1216. gir1.2-gkbd-3.0 - GObject introspection data for the GnomeKbd library
  1217. libgnomekbd-common - GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - common files
  1218. libgnomekbd-dev - GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - development files
  1219. libgraph-perl - Perl module for graph data structures and algorithms
  1220. libgsystem0 - GIO-based library targeted at operating system components
  1221. libgtk2-ex-printdialog-perl - pure-perl alternative to the Gnome2::Print libraries
  1222. libgtk3-simplelist-perl - Perl simple interface to GTK+ 3's complex MVC list widget
  1223. libgwengui-cpp0 - C++ bindings for the Gwenhywfar GUI implementation
  1224. libgwengui-fox16-0 - Gwenhywfar GUI implementation for the FOX Toolkit
  1225. libgwengui-fox16-dev - Gwenhywfar GUI implementation for the FOX Toolkit (development files)
  1226. libgwengui-gtk2-0 - Gwenhywfar GUI implementation for GTK2
  1227. libgwengui-gtk2-dev - Gwenhywfar GUI implementation for GTK2 (development files)
  1228. libgwengui-qt4-0 - Gwenhywfar GUI implementation for Qt4
  1229. libgwengui-qt4-dev - Gwenhywfar GUI implementation for Qt 4 (development files)
  1230. libgwengui-qt5-0 - Gwenhywfar GUI implementation for Qt5
  1231. libgwengui-qt5-dev - Gwenhywfar GUI implementation for Qt 5 (development files)
  1232. libgwenhywfar-core-dev - OS abstraction layer (core development files)
  1233. libgwenhywfar-data - OS abstraction layer - data files
  1234. libgwenhywfar-doc - OS abstraction layer (API documentation)
  1235. libgwenhywfar60 - OS abstraction layer
  1236. libgwenhywfar60-dbg - OS abstraction layer - debug symbols
  1237. libgwenhywfar60-dev - OS abstraction layer (meta package)
  1238. libhtml-popuptreeselect-perl - Perl module for HTML popup tree widget
  1239. libhttp-lite-perl - lightweight HTTP implementation for perl
  1240. indi-bin - INDI server, drivers and tools
  1241. libindi-data - Instrument-Neutral Device Interface library -- shared data
  1242. libindi-dev - Instrument-Neutral Device Interface library -- development files
  1243. libindi-plugins - Instrument-Neutral Device Interface library -- plugins
  1244. libindi1 - Instrument-Neutral Device Interface library -- client library
  1245. libindialignmentdriver1 - Instrument-Neutral Device Interface library -- alignment driver lib
  1246. libindidriver1 - Instrument-Neutral Device Interface library -- driver library
  1247. libio-aio-perl - asynchronous IO module for Perl
  1248. libio-all-perl - Perl module for unified IO operations
  1249. libio-async-loop-mojo-perl - Perl module to use IO::Async with Mojolicious
  1250. libio-async-perl - modules for asynchronous event-driven programming
  1251. libio-bufferedselect-perl - Perl module for line-buffered select interface
  1252. libio-interface-perl - socket methods to get/set interface characteristics
  1253. libio-pipely-perl - portable way to create pipe() or pipe-like handles
  1254. libio-socket-multicast-perl - module for sending and receiving multicast messages
  1255. libio-socket-timeout-perl - IO::Socket with read/write timeout
  1256. libio-string-perl - Emulate IO::File interface for in-core strings
  1257. libipc-run-perl - Perl module for running processes
  1258. libipc-sharelite-perl - Perl module that provides a simple interface to shared memory
  1259. libipc-system-simple-perl - Perl module to run commands simply, with detailed diagnostics
  1260. libiterator-perl - Perl implementation of iterators
  1261. libixp-dev - simple 9P client-/server-library (development)
  1262. libixp0 - simple 9P client-/server-library
  1263. libjava-jdbc-clojure - Clojure interface to sql databases via jdbc
  1264. libje-perl - Pure-Perl ECMAScript (JavaScript) Engine
  1265. libjira-client-perl - Perl interface to JIRA's API
  1266. libjlha-java - LHA compress/decompress library for Java
  1267. libjlha-java-doc-ja - Japanese documentation for libjlha-java, the LHA library for Java
  1268. libjs-graphael - charts for raphael
  1269. libjs-require-css - requiring and optimization with almond support
  1270. libjson-pointer-perl - Perl implementation of JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
  1271. libjsr166y-java - Parallel computation framework for Java
  1272. libjsr166y-java-doc - Documentation for libjsr166y-java
  1273. libjtype-java - Helper library for the Java 5 Type
  1274. libkdtree++-dev - C++ template container implementation of kd-tree sorting
  1275. python-kdtree - container for kd-tree sorting for Python
  1276. python-kdtree-dbg - container for kd-tree sorting for Python (debug extension)
  1277. python3-kdtree - container for kd-tree sorting for Python 3
  1278. python3-kdtree-dbg - container for kd-tree sorting for Python 3 (debug extension)
  1279. libkeepalive0 - enable tcp keepalive support in programs using shared libraries
  1280. libkf5kipi-bin - KDE Image Plugin Interface - runtime tools
  1281. libkf5kipi-data - KDE Image Plugin Interface library -- data files
  1282. libkf5kipi-dev - KDE Image Plugin Interface library -- development files
  1283. libkf5kipi31.0.0 - KDE Image Plugin Interface library
  1284. libkf5kmanagesieve5 - Sieve remote script management support for kdepim, library
  1285. libkinosearch1-perl - Perl library providing search engine features
  1286. libkml-dev - Library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - development files
  1287. libkml-java - Library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - Java package
  1288. libkmlbase1 - Library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - libkmlbase
  1289. libkmlconvenience1 - Library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - libkmlconvenience
  1290. libkmldom1 - Library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - libkmldom
  1291. libkmlengine1 - Library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - libkmlengine
  1292. libkmlregionator1 - Library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - libkmlregionator
  1293. libkmlxsd1 - Library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - libkmlxsd
  1294. python-kml - Library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - Python extension
  1295. liblbfgs-dev - L-BFGS solver for unconstrained nonlinear optimization problems
  1296. liblbfgs0 - L-BFGS solver for unconstrained nonlinear optimization problems
  1297. liblbfgs0-dbg - L-BFGS solver for unconstrained nonlinear optimization problems
  1298. liblinux-io-prio-perl - interface to Linux ioprio_set(2) and ioprio_get(2)
  1299. libbasicusageenvironment1 - multimedia RTSP streaming library (BasicUsageEnvironment class)
  1300. liblockfile-simple-perl - Perl module for simple advisory file locking
  1301. liblog-dispatch-filewriterotate-perl - module to log to files that archive/rotate themselves
  1302. liblog-fast-perl - fast and flexible logger
  1303. liblog-handler-perl - module to handle output destined for log files
  1304. liblqr-1-0-dbg - converts plain array images into multi-size representation (debug package)
  1305. liblqr-1-0-dev - converts plain array images into multi-size representation (developments files)
  1306. liblucy-perl - search engine library
  1307. libm4rie-0.0.20150908 - extended Method of the Four Russians Inversion library, shared library
  1308. libm4rie-dev - extended Method of the Four Russians Inversion library, development files
  1309. libmail-imapclient-perl - Perl library for manipulating IMAP mail stores
  1310. libmango-perl - Pure-Perl non-blocking I/O MongoDB client
  1311. libmatch-simple-perl - simplified clone of smartmatch operator
  1312. gir1.2-matekbd - GObject introspection data for libmatekbd and libmatekbdui
  1313. libmatekbd-common - MATE library to manage keyboard configuration (common files)
  1314. libmatekbd-dev - MATE library to manage keyboard configuration (development files)
  1315. libmatekbd4 - MATE library to manage keyboard configuration
  1316. libmath-bigint-perl - arbitrary size integer/float math package
  1317. libmath-calculus-differentiate-perl - Algebraic Differentiation Engine
  1318. libmath-calculus-expression-perl - Algebraic Calculus Tools Expression Class
  1319. libmath-calculus-newtonraphson-perl - Algebraic Newton Raphson Implementation
  1320. libmath-mpfr-perl - perl interface to the MPFR (floating point) library
  1321. libmath-prime-util-gmp-perl - utilities related to prime numbers, using GMP
  1322. libmath-prime-util-perl - utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves and factoring
  1323. libmath-quaternion-perl - Perl routines to handle operations on quaternions
  1324. libmath-sparsevector-perl - Provides a sparse vector class for perl
  1325. libmath-vecstat-perl - module providing some basic numeric stats on vectors
  1326. libmath-vector-real-perl - Perl module for real number vector arithmetic
  1327. libmatheval-dev - GNU library for evaluating symbolic mathematical expressions (development)
  1328. libmatheval1 - GNU library for evaluating symbolic mathematical expressions (runtime)
  1329. libmemcached-dbg - Debug Symbols for libmemcached
  1330. libmemcached-dev - C and C++ client library to the memcached server (development files)
  1331. libmemcached11 - C and C++ client library to the memcached server
  1332. libmemcachedutil2 - library implementing connection pooling for libmemcached
  1333. libmemcached-libmemcached-perl - thin, fast, full interface to the libmemcached client API
  1334. libmemory-usage-perl - Determine actual memory usage of Perl programs
  1335. libmime-base64-urlsafe-perl - Perl version of Python's URL-safe base64 codec
  1336. libmixin-linewise-perl - module to handle general file input/output operations
  1337. libmodule-faker-perl - module to build fake dists for testing CPAN tools
  1338. libmodule-versions-report-perl - Report versions of all modules in memory
  1339. libmongo-client0 - Alternate C driver for the MongoDB document-oriented datastore
  1340. libmoosex-async-perl - Moose metaclasses to support asynchronous operations
  1341. libmoosex-attribute-chained-perl - Moose attribute that returns the instance to allow for chaining
  1342. libmoosex-markasmethods-perl - moose extension to ark overload code symbols as methods
  1343. libmoosex-role-withoverloading-perl - Moose extension for roles that support overloading
  1344. libmoosex-types-set-object-perl - Perl module providing a Set::Object type
  1345. libmtp-dbg - Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) debugging symbols
  1346. libmtp-dev - Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) development files
  1347. libmtp-doc - Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library documentation
  1348. libnet-dns-sec-perl - DNSSEC extension to NET::DNS
  1349. libnet-epp-perl - module implementing the Extensible Provisioning Protocol
  1350. libnet-interface-perl - Perl module for manipulating host network interfaces
  1351. libnet-ldap-filterbuilder-perl - module to build LDAP filter statements
  1352. libnet-netmask-perl - parse, manipulate and lookup IP network blocks
  1353. libnet-openssh-perl - Perl SSH client package implemented on top of OpenSSH
  1354. libnet-server-coro-perl - co-operative multithreaded server using Coro
  1355. libnet-smpp-perl - implementation of Short Message Peer to Peer protocol over TCP
  1356. libnet-smtp-ssl-perl - Perl module providing SSL support to Net::SMTP
  1357. libnet-subnet-perl - Fast IP-in-subnet matcher module for IPv4 and IPv6
  1358. libnet-subnets-perl - module for IPv4 subnet calculations
  1359. libnet-traceroute-perl - traceroute(1) functionality in perl
  1360. libnetaddr-ip-perl - IP address manipulation module
  1361. libnumber-tolerant-perl - module defining tolerance ranges for inexact numbers
  1362. liboglappth-dev - Oglappth Library (development files)
  1363. liboglappth2 - Oglappth Library
  1364. liboop-dbg - Event loop management library - debug symbols
  1365. liboop-dev - Event loop management library - development files
  1366. liboop-doc - Event loop management library - documentation
  1367. liboop4 - Event loop management library
  1368. liborigin2-1v5 - library for reading OriginLab Origin 7.5 project files (runtime)
  1369. liborigin2-dev - library for reading OriginLab Origin 7.5 project files (development)
  1370. gir1.2-libosinfo-1.0 - GObject introspection data for libosinfo
  1371. libosinfo-1.0-0 - Library for managing information about operating systems and hypervisors
  1372. libosinfo-1.0-dev - libosinfo development files
  1373. libosinfo-bin - Tools for querying the osinfo database via libosinfo
  1374. libosinfo-l10n - Translations for libosinfo
  1375. libengine-pkcs11-openssl - OpenSSL engine for PKCS#11 modules
  1376. libengine-pkcs11-openssl1.1 - OpenSSL 1.1 engine for PKCS#11 modules
  1377. libpackage-stash-perl - module providing routines for manipulating stashes
  1378. libparallel-forkmanager-perl - simple parallel processing fork manager for Perl
  1379. libparams-classify-perl - Perl module for argument type classification
  1380. libparse-syslog-perl - perl module for parsing syslog entries
  1381. libpath-iterator-rule-perl - iterative, recursive file finder
  1382. libpcl1 - Portable Coroutine Library (PCL)
  1383. libpcl1-dev - Portable Coroutine Library (PCL), development files
  1384. libperl-osnames-perl - Perl module to list possible $^O ($OSNAME) values with description
  1385. libperl6-junction-perl - module providing Perl6-style Junction operators in Perl5
  1386. libphone-utils-dev - library for basic phone operations - development files
  1387. libphone-utils0 - library for basic phone operations
  1388. libpod-abstract-perl - abstract document tree for Perl POD documents
  1389. libpoe-component-pool-thread-perl - POE Managed Boss/Worker thread pool
  1390. libpoe-perl - event-driven component architecture for Perl
  1391. libpolyclipping-dev - polygon clipping, polygon offsetting and polyline offsetting library
  1392. libpolyclipping16 - polygon clipping, polygon offsetting and polyline offsetting library
  1393. qapt-batch - Batch package manager for KDE
  1394. libquantum-dev - library for the simulation of a quantum computer (development files)
  1395. libquantum8 - library for the simulation of a quantum computer
  1396. libquantum-entanglement-perl - Quantum Mechanic entanglement of variables in perl
  1397. amqp-tools - Command-line utilities for interacting with AMQP servers
  1398. librabbitmq-dbg - AMQP client library written in C - Debug Files
  1399. librabbitmq-dev - AMQP client library written in C - Dev Files
  1400. librabbitmq4 - AMQP client library written in C
  1401. libreoffice-canzeley-client - LibreOffice Extension to organize a German Law Office
  1402. libreoffice-voikko - Spellchecker, grammar checker and hyphenator for LibreOffice
  1403. librostlab-doc - C++ library for computational biology (documentation)
  1404. librostlab3 - C++ library for computational biology
  1405. librostlab3-dbg - debugging symbols for librostlab
  1406. librostlab3-dev - C++ library for computational biology (development)
  1407. librsb-dev - recursive sparse blocks matrix computations library (development)
  1408. librsb-doc - recursive sparse blocks matrix computations library (documentation)
  1409. librsb0 - recursive sparse blocks matrix computations library
  1410. libsafe-isa-perl - module for safely calling isa and friends on things that may not be objects
  1411. libschedule-at-perl - OS independent interface to the Unix 'at' command
  1412. libsdl-sge - extension of graphic functions for SDL multimedia libraries
  1413. libsdl-sge-dev - extension of graphic functions for the SDL multimedia, development files
  1414. libsdsl-dev - succinct data structure library - development files
  1415. libsdsl3 - succinct data structure library
  1416. libsearch-gin-perl - Perl module for Generalized Inverted Indexing
  1417. libsearch-queryparser-perl - Perl module to parse URI query strings into a data structure
  1418. libsecp256k1-0 - library for EC operations on curve secp256k1
  1419. libsecp256k1-dev - library for EC operations on curve secp256k1 - development headers
  1420. python3-selinux - Python3 bindings to SELinux shared libraries
  1421. ruby-selinux - Ruby bindings to SELinux shared libraries
  1422. python-semanage - Python bindings for SELinux policy management
  1423. python3-semanage - Python3 bindings for SELinux policy management
  1424. ruby-semanage - Ruby bindings to for SELinux policy management
  1425. semanage-utils - SELinux policy management utilities
  1426. libserial0 - Serial port programming in C++ under POSIX operating system
  1427. libset-scalar-perl - Perl interface for operations on finite sets
  1428. libset-tiny-perl - module for simple sets of strings
  1429. smitools - various tools operating on MIB module files
  1430. sndfile-programs-dbg - debugging symbols for sndfile-programs
  1431. libsnmp-multi-perl - Perform SNMP operations on multiple hosts simultaneously
  1432. libsocket-msghdr-perl - sendmsg, recvmsg and ancillary data operations
  1433. libsocket-multicast6-perl - base module for IPv4 and IPv6 multicast socket operations
  1434. libsodium-dbg - Network communication, cryptography and signaturing library - debug symbols
  1435. libsodium-dev - Network communication, cryptography and signaturing library - headers
  1436. libsodium18 - Network communication, cryptography and signaturing library
  1437. libsoundio-dev - cross platform audio input and output library (development files)
  1438. libsoundio1 - cross-platform audio input and output library
  1439. libsoup-gnome2.4-dev - HTTP library implementation in C -- GNOME support development files
  1440. libsoup2.4-dev - HTTP library implementation in C -- Development files
  1441. libsoup2.4-doc - HTTP library implementation in C -- API Reference
  1442. libspreadsheet-xlsx-perl - Perl extension for reading MS Excel 2007 files
  1443. libstatistics-online-perl - module to perform statistic operations on large datasets
  1444. libsub-infix-perl - create a fake infix operator
  1445. libswarmcache-java - SwarmCache - Distributed caching mechanism for Java
  1446. libsyntax-keyword-junction-perl - Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5
  1447. libsys-cpuaffinity-perl - module to set CPU affinity for processes
  1448. libsys-hostname-long-perl - Figure out the long (fully-qualified) hostname
  1449. libsys-meminfo-perl - module to query the total free and used physical memory
  1450. libsys-mmap-perl - module for using POSIX mmap
  1451. libsysadm-install-perl - module for typical installation tasks of system administrators
  1452. libtask-weaken-perl - module for ensuring that a platform has weaken support
  1453. libtest-deep-perl - Perl module for extremely flexible deep comparisons
  1454. libtest-file-perl - Perl module to test file attributes
  1455. libtest-net-ldap-perl - Net::LDAP subclass for testing
  1456. libtest-number-delta-perl - module to compare the difference between numbers against a given tolerance
  1457. libtest-portability-files-perl - Perl module to check that file names in a distribution are portable
  1458. libtest-strict-perl - test module for checking the syntax of use strict and test coverage
  1459. libthrift-java - Java language support for Thrift
  1460. libthrust-dev - Thrust - Parallel Algorithms Library
  1461. libticables-dev - Texas Instruments link cables library [development files]
  1462. libticables2-6 - Texas Instruments link cables library
  1463. libticables2-dbg - Texas Instruments link cables library [debugging symbols]
  1464. libticonv-dbg - Texas Instruments calculators charsets library [debugging symbols]
  1465. libticonv-dev - Texas Instruments calculators charsets library [development files]
  1466. libticonv7 - Texas Instruments calculators charsets library
  1467. libtie-dbi-perl - module tying hashes to relational databases
  1468. libtie-ixhash-perl - Perl module to order associative arrays
  1469. libtifiles-dev - Texas Instruments calculator files library [development files]
  1470. libtifiles2-9 - Texas Instruments calculator files library
  1471. libtifiles2-9-dbg - Texas Instruments calculator files library [debugging symbols]
  1472. libtime-out-perl - module to easily timeout long running operations
  1473. libwandio1 - multi-threaded file compression and decompression library
  1474. libwandio1-dev - development headers for the libwandio library
  1475. libtree-multinode-perl - a multi node tree object
  1476. libtypes-serialiser-perl - module providing simple data types for common serialisation formats
  1477. libu2f-host-dev - Development files for the U2F host C library libu2f-host
  1478. libu2f-host0 - Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) host communication C Library
  1479. u2f-host - Command line tool to do Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) operations
  1480. libu2f-server-dev - Development files for the U2F server C library libu2f-server
  1481. libu2f-server0 - Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) server communication C Library
  1482. u2f-server - Command line tool to do Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) operations
  1483. libunicode-maputf8-perl - Perl module for converting between any character sets and UTF8
  1484. libunwind-dev - library to determine the call-chain of a program - development
  1485. libunwind8 - library to determine the call-chain of a program - runtime
  1486. libusb-java - Java wrapper for libusb
  1487. libuv1 - asynchronous event notification library - runtime library
  1488. libuv1-dbg - asynchronous event notification library - debugging symbols
  1489. libuv1-dev - asynchronous event notification library - development files
  1490. libva-dev - Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- development files
  1491. libva-drm1 - Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- DRM runtime
  1492. libva-egl1 - Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- EGL runtime
  1493. libva-glx1 - Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- GLX runtime
  1494. libva-tpi1 - Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- TPI runtime
  1495. libva-wayland1 - Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- Wayland runtime
  1496. libva-x11-1 - Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- X11 runtime
  1497. libva1 - Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- runtime
  1498. vainfo - Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- info program
  1499. libvariable-magic-perl - module to associate user-defined magic to variables from Perl
  1500. libvcflib-dev - C++ library for parsing and manipulating VCF files (development)
  1501. libvcflib-tools - C++ library for parsing and manipulating VCF files (tools)
  1502. libvcflib1 - C++ library for parsing and manipulating VCF files
  1503. libvdpau-dev - Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (development files)
  1504. libvdpau-doc - Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (documentation)
  1505. libvdpau1 - Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (libraries)
  1506. vdpau-driver-all - Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (driver metapackage)
  1507. libweb-id-perl - implementation of WebID (a.k.a. FOAF+SSL)
  1508. libwibble-dev - Library of various useful C++ code
  1509. libwww-bugzilla-perl - Perl module to manipulate a Bugzilla database
  1510. libxml-hash-lx-perl - module to convert hash to xml and vice versa using LibXML
  1511. libxml-writer-perl - Perl module for writing XML documents
  1512. libxml-xql-perl - Perl module for querying XML tree structures with XQL
  1513. libxray-spacegroup-perl - symmetry operations for the crystal space groups
  1514. libyami-dev - high-level abstraction for Video Acceleration (VA) API (development files)
  1515. libyami1 - high-level abstraction for Video Acceleration (VA) API (shared library)
  1516. libyami-utils - high-level abstraction for Video Acceleration (VA) API (utils)
  1517. libykneomgr-dev - Yubico YubiKey NEO CCID Manager library development files
  1518. libykneomgr0 - Yubico YubiKey NEO CCID Manager library
  1519. ykneomgr - Yubico YubiKey NEO CCID Manager tool
  1520. libzen-dev - ZenLib C++ utility library -- development files
  1521. libzen-doc - ZenLib C++ utility library -- documentation
  1522. libzen0v5 - ZenLib C++ utility library -- runtime
  1523. lighttpd-mod-webdav - WebDAV module for lighttpd
  1524. likwid - toolsuite for performance oriented programmers
  1525. lilo - LInux LOader - the classic OS boot loader
  1526. python-linop - Linear mathematical operators in Python (Python 2)
  1527. python-linop-doc - Linear mathematical operators in Python (documentation)
  1528. python3-linop - Linear mathematical operators in Python (Python 3)
  1529. libmediastreamer-base3 - Linphone web phone's media library
  1530. libmediastreamer-dev - Linphone web phone's media library - development files
  1531. linpsk - program for operating PSK31/RTTY modes with X GUI
  1532. linsmith - tool to generate Smith Charts
  1533. linssid - graphical wireless scanner
  1534. lintian - Debian package checker
  1535. linux-image-4.9.0-4-686-pae - Linux 4.9 for modern PCs
  1536. linux-image-4.9.0-4-amd64 - Linux 4.9 for 64-bit PCs
  1537. ftpd-ssl - FTP server with SSL encryption support
  1538. linuxdcpp - Port of the Windows file-sharing program, DC++
  1539. dvb-apps - Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) applications
  1540. libliquid-dev - signal processing library for software defined radio (development files)
  1541. libliquid1d - signal processing library for software defined radio
  1542. liquidsoap-plugin-gd - audio streaming language -- libgd plugin
  1543. liquidsoap-plugin-graphics - audio streaming language -- Graphics plugin
  1544. liquidsoap-plugin-gstreamer - audio streaming language -- GStreamer plugin
  1545. logdata-anomaly-miner - This tool allows one to create log analysis pipelines
  1546. love - 2D game development framework based on Lua and OpenGL
  1547. love-doc - 2D game development framework - documentation
  1548. lua-bit32 - Backport of the Lua 5.2 bit32 library to Lua 5.1
  1549. lua-dbi-common - DBI library for the Lua language, common files
  1550. lua-dbi-mysql - DBI library for the Lua language, MySQL backend
  1551. lua-dbi-postgresql - DBI library for the Lua language, PostgreSQL backend
  1552. lua-dbi-sqlite3 - DBI library for the Lua language, sqlite3 backend
  1553. lua-http - HTTP library for Lua
  1554. lua-ldap - LDAP library for the Lua language
  1555. libluasandbox0 - Generic Lua sandbox library for dynamic data analysis — dynamic library
  1556. lua-scrypt - Lua binding to libscrypt
  1557. lua-scrypt-doc - Documentation for lua-scrypt
  1558. lua-term - Lua module for manipulating a terminal
  1559. lua-term-dev - Lua module for manipulating a terminal
  1560. luckybackup - rsync-based GUI data backup utility
  1561. luckybackup-data - rsync-based GUI data backup utility (data files)
  1562. liblwt-glib-ocaml - cooperative GLib bindings for OCaml (runtime)
  1563. liblwt-glib-ocaml-dev - cooperative GLib bindings for OCaml
  1564. liblwt-ocaml - cooperative light-weight thread library for OCaml (runtime)
  1565. liblwt-ocaml-dev - cooperative light-weight thread library for OCaml
  1566. liblwt-ocaml-doc - cooperative light-weight thread library (documentation)
  1567. liblwt-ssl-ocaml - cooperative OpenSSL bindings for OCaml (runtime)
  1568. liblwt-ssl-ocaml-dev - cooperative OpenSSL bindings for OCaml
  1569. lxqt-openssh-askpass - OpenSSH user/password GUI dialog for LXQt
  1570. mac-robber - collects data about allocated files in mounted filesystems
  1571. mailfilter - Program that filters your incoming e-mail to help remove spam
  1572. masscan - TCP port scanner
  1573. mate-core - MATE Desktop Environment (essential components, dummy package)
  1574. mate-desktop-environment - MATE Desktop Environment (metapackage)
  1575. mate-desktop-environment-core - MATE Desktop Environment (essential components, metapackage)
  1576. mate-desktop-environment-extra - MATE Desktop Environment (extra components, dummy package)
  1577. mate-desktop-environment-extras - MATE Desktop Environment (extra components, metapackage)
  1578. mate-user-guide - User documentation for MATE Desktop Environment
  1579. fonts-mathjax - JavaScript display engine for LaTeX and MathML (fonts)
  1580. fonts-mathjax-extras - JavaScript display engine for LaTeX and MathML (extra fonts)
  1581. libjs-mathjax - JavaScript display engine for LaTeX and MathML
  1582. libjs-mathjax-doc - JavaScript display engine for LaTeX and MathML (documentation)
  1583. mathomatic - portable Computer Algebra System (CAS)
  1584. maude - high-performance logical framework
  1585. libmaven-scm-java - Maven SCM - Common API for SCM operations (Core API)
  1586. libmaven-scm-java-doc - Maven SCM - Common API for SCM operations (Documentation)
  1587. libmaven-scm-providers-java - Maven SCM - Common API for SCM operations (Providers)
  1588. libmbedcrypto0 - lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library - crypto library
  1589. libmbedtls-dev - lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library - development files
  1590. libmbedtls-doc - lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library - documentation
  1591. libmbedtls10 - lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library - tls library
  1592. libmbedx509-0 - lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library - x509 certificate library
  1593. mbr - Master Boot Record for IBM-PC compatible computers.
  1594. mccs - multi-critera CUDF solver
  1595. megatools - Command-line client for the Mega cloud storage service
  1596. metacam - extract EXIF information from digital camera files
  1597. metview - Interactive data visualization and analysis environment,
  1598. mffm-fftw-dev - C++ wrapper for the C library (version 3)
  1599. mffm-fftw1 - C++ wrapper for the C library (version 3)
  1600. mia-tools - Command line tools for gray scale image processing
  1601. mia-tools-doc - Cross-referenced documentation of the MIA command line tools
  1602. chimeraslayer - detects likely chimeras in PCR amplified DNA
  1603. miredo - Teredo IPv6 tunneling through NATs
  1604. miscfiles - Dictionaries and other interesting files
  1605. mksh - MirBSD Korn Shell
  1606. mldonkey-gui - Graphical frontend for mldonkey based on GTK+
  1607. libgmp-ocaml - OCaml bindings for the GNU multiprecision arithmetic library
  1608. libgmp-ocaml-dev - OCaml bindings for the GNU multiprecision arithmetic library
  1609. python-mockldap - simple mock implementation of python-ldap
  1610. python-mockldap-doc - simple mock implementation of python-ldap (Documentation)
  1611. libmono-tasklets4.0-cil - Mono Tasklets library (for CLI 4.0)
  1612. mono-mcs - Mono C# 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.0 compiler for CLI 2.0 / 4.0 / 4.5
  1613. libmono-zeroconf-cil-dev - CLI library for multicast DNS service discovery
  1614. libmono-zeroconf1.0-cil - CLI library for multicast DNS service discovery
  1615. mzclient - CLI library for multicast DNS service discovery (commandline tool)
  1616. monotone - Distributed version (revision) control system
  1617. monotone-doc - Distributed version (revision) control system - documentation
  1618. monotone-extras - Distributed version (revision) control system - extras
  1619. monotone-server - Distributed version (revision) control system - server scripts
  1620. moreutils - additional Unix utilities
  1621. mothur-mpi - mpi-enabled binary for mothur
  1622. libmpc-dev - multiple precision complex floating-point library development package
  1623. libmpfi-dev - multiple precision floating-point interval computation library -- libdev
  1624. libmpfi-dev-common - multiple precision floating-point interval computation library -- headers
  1625. libmpfi-doc - multiple precision floating-point interval computation library -- doc
  1626. libmpfi0 - multiple precision floating-point interval computation library -- lib
  1627. libmpfrc++-dev - multi-precision floating point number class for C++
  1628. python-mpmath - library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic
  1629. python-mpmath-doc - library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic - Documentation
  1630. python3-mpmath - library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic (Python3)
  1631. libmrmpi-dev - Implements MapReduce operation on top of standard MPI message - development
  1632. libmrmpi1 - Implements MapReduce operation on top of standard MPI message - runtime
  1633. mrmpi-doc - Implements MapReduce operation on top of standard MPI message - doc
  1634. mscgen - Message Sequence Chart (MSC) generator
  1635. msi-keyboard - command line tool to change MSI steelseries keyboards color setup
  1636. msktutil - Utility for interoperability with Active Directory
  1637. libmtj-java - Java library for developing numerical applications
  1638. mtkbabel - Tool for managing i-Blue 747 and compatible GPS data loggers
  1639. multicat - Set of tools for multicast and transport stream manipulation
  1640. libmumps-4.10.0 - Direct linear systems solver - parallel shared libraries
  1641. libmumps-dev - Direct linear systems solver - parallel development files
  1642. libmumps-ptscotch-dev - Direct linear systems solver - PTScotch-version development files
  1643. libmumps-scotch-4.10.0 - Direct linear systems solver - Scotch-version shared libraries
  1644. libmumps-scotch-dev - Direct linear systems solver - Scotch-version development files
  1645. libmumps-seq-4.10.0 - Direct linear systems solver - non-parallel shared libraries
  1646. libmumps-seq-dev - Direct linear systems solver - non-parallel development files
  1647. mumps-test - Example/test binaries using MUMPS
  1648. mumudvb - multicasts all channels of a DVB transponder on a network
  1649. munin-async - network-wide graphing framework (async master/client)
  1650. munin-plugins-core - network-wide graphing framework (plugins for node)
  1651. libmuparserx-dev - mathematical expression parser library (development files)
  1652. libmuparserx4.0.7 - mathematical expression parser library
  1653. murasaki-mpi - homology detection tool across multiple large genomes (MPI-version)
  1654. ospics - Some images of operating system logos/mascots
  1655. mylvmbackup - quickly creating backups of MySQL server's data files
  1656. mysqltuner - high-performance MySQL tuning script
  1657. libnacl-dev - High-speed software library for network communication
  1658. nacl-tools - NaCl and CurveCP tools
  1659. nageru - modern free software video mixer
  1660. nagios-plugins-contrib - Plugins for nagios compatible monitoring systems
  1661. libnanomsg-dev - nanomsg development files
  1662. libnanomsg4 - high-performance implementation of scalability libraries
  1663. nanomsg-utils - nanomsg utilities
  1664. nautilus-admin - Extension for Nautilus to do administrative operations
  1665. nautilus-wipe - Secure deletion extension for Nautilus
  1666. ncbi-entrez-direct - NCBI Entrez utilities on the command line
  1667. nco - Command-line operators to analyze netCDF files
  1668. ncrack - High-speed network authentication cracking tool
  1669. ncview - X11 visual browser for NetCDF format files
  1670. nescc - Programming Language for Deeply Networked Systems
  1671. fpdns - remotely determine DNS server version
  1672. netemul - program for simulating computer networks
  1673. ftp-ssl - FTP client with SSL or TLS encryption support
  1674. telnet-ssl - telnet client with SSL encryption support
  1675. telnetd-ssl - telnet server with SSL encryption support
  1676. tftpd - Trivial file transfer protocol server
  1677. netscript-2.4 - Linux 2.4/2.6/3.x router/firewall/VM host network config system.
  1678. network-config - Simple network configuration tool
  1679. libnewmat10-dev - matrix manipulations library (C++ headers files)
  1680. libnewmat10ldbl - matrix manipulations library (C++)
  1681. libnginx-mod-stream - Stream module for Nginx
  1682. nip2 - spreadsheet-like graphical image manipulation tool
  1683. njam - pacman-like game with multiplayer support
  1684. node-channels - Event channels in Node.js
  1685. node-deep-eql - Improved deep equality testing for Node.js and the browser
  1686. node-defined - return the first argument that is `!== undefined`
  1687. node-fs-extra - fs-extra contains methods not included in the Node.js fs module
  1688. node-is-promise - Test whether an object looks like a promises-a+ promise
  1689. node-keese - arbitrary-precision floats encoded as strings - Node.js module
  1690. node-leveldown - LevelDB bindings - Node.js module
  1691. node-pend - simple parallel async callback helper - Node.js module
  1692. node-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations module for Node.js
  1693. node-setimmediate - shim for the setImmediate efficient script yielding API
  1694. node-tar-stream - streaming tar parser and generator - Node.js module
  1695. node-wrench - Recursive filesystem (and other) operations for Node.js
  1696. nordugrid-arc-cache-service - ARC cache service
  1697. libnpth-mingw-w64-dev - replacement for GNU Pth using system threads (Windows dev)
  1698. libnpth0 - replacement for GNU Pth using system threads
  1699. libnpth0-dev - headers for libnpth0
  1700. nsis - Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (modified for Debian)
  1701. nsis-common - Nullsoft Scriptable Install System stubs and plugins
  1702. nsis-doc - Nullsoft Scriptable Install System documentation
  1703. nsis-pluginapi - Nullsoft Scriptable Install System plugin API
  1704. libnspr4-dbg - Debugging symbols for the NetScape Portable Runtime library
  1705. libnspr4-dev - Development files for the NetScape Portable Runtime library
  1706. libntirpc-dev - new transport-independent RPC library - development files
  1707. libntirpc1.4 - new transport-independent RPC library
  1708. python-numexpr - Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy
  1709. python-numexpr-dbg - Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy (debug ext)
  1710. python3-numexpr - Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python 3 and NumPy
  1711. python3-numexpr-dbg - Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python 3 and NumPy (debug ext)
  1712. obnam - online and disk-based backup application
  1713. libfileutils-ocaml-dev - File manipulation for OCaml
  1714. libgstreamer-ocaml - OCaml interface to the gstreamer library -- runtime files
  1715. libgstreamer-ocaml-dev - OCaml interface to the gstreamer library -- development files
  1716. libinifiles-ocaml - read and write .ini files for OCaml (runtime)
  1717. libinifiles-ocaml-dev - read and write .ini files for OCaml
  1718. libzarith-ocaml - arithmetic and logical operations over arbitrary-precision integers (runtime)
  1719. libzarith-ocaml-dev - arithmetic and logical operations over arbitrary-precision integers (dev)
  1720. libzarith-ocaml-doc - arithmetic and logical operations over arbitrary-precision integers (doc)
  1721. libocamlbricks-ocaml-dev - Miscellaneous utility functions in OCaml for Marionnet
  1722. libcreal-ocaml-dev - O'Caml library that implements exact real arithmetic
  1723. libocamlgraph-ocaml-dev - graph library for OCaml
  1724. libocamlgraph-viewer-ocaml-dev - graph library for OCaml
  1725. ocrmypdf - add an OCR text layer to PDF files
  1726. octave-geometry - geometric computing functions for Octave
  1727. octave-octclip - boolean operations with polygons in Octave
  1728. octave-symbolic - symbolic package for Octave
  1729. ohai - Detects data about your operating system and reports it in JSON
  1730. olsrd - optimized link-state routing daemon (unik-olsrd)
  1731. olsrd-gui - GTK GUI to control and get info about olsrd
  1732. libcos4-1 - omniORB CORBA services stubs
  1733. libcos4-1-dbg - omniORB CORBA services stubs debugging symbols
  1734. libcos4-dev - omniORB CORBA services stubs development files
  1735. libomniorb4-1 - omniORB core libraries
  1736. libomniorb4-1-dbg - omniORB core libraries debugging symbols
  1737. libomniorb4-dev - omniORB core libraries development files
  1738. libomnithread3-dev - C++ threading library development files
  1739. libomnithread3c2 - C++ threading library
  1740. omniidl - omniORB IDL to C++ and Python compiler
  1741. omniorb - IOR and naming service utilities for omniORB
  1742. omniorb-doc - omniORB documentation
  1743. omniorb-idl - omniORB CORBA services idl files
  1744. omniorb-nameserver - omniORB naming service
  1745. libopal-dbg - OPAL library debug symbols
  1746. libopal-dev - OPAL library header files
  1747. libopal-doc - OPAL library documentation files
  1748. libopal3.10.10 - Open Phone Abstraction Library - successor of OpenH323
  1749. open-infrastructure-container-tools - manage systemd-nspawn containers
  1750. openalpr - Command line program to operate the OpenALPR library
  1751. osmocom-bsc - GSM Base Station Controller
  1752. libcv-dev - Translation package for libcv-dev
  1753. libcv2.4 - computer vision library - libcv* translation package
  1754. libcvaux-dev - Translation package for libcvaux-dev
  1755. libcvaux2.4 - computer vision library - libcvaux translation package
  1756. libhighgui-dev - Translation package for libhighgui-dev
  1757. libhighgui2.4 - computer vision library - libhighgui translation package
  1758. libopencv-calib3d-dev - development files for libopencv-calib3d
  1759. libopencv-calib3d2.4v5 - computer vision Camera Calibration library
  1760. libopencv-contrib-dev - development files for libopencv-contrib
  1761. libopencv-contrib2.4v5 - computer vision contrib library
  1762. libopencv-core-dev - development files for libopencv-core
  1763. libopencv-core2.4v5 - computer vision core library
  1764. libopencv-dev - development files for opencv
  1765. libopencv-features2d-dev - development files for libopencv-features2d
  1766. libopencv-features2d2.4v5 - computer vision Feature Detection and Descriptor Extraction library
  1767. libopencv-flann-dev - development files for libopencv-flann
  1768. libopencv-flann2.4v5 - computer vision Clustering and Search in Multi-Dimensional spaces library
  1769. libopencv-gpu-dev - development files for libopencv-gpu2.4v5
  1770. libopencv-gpu2.4v5 - computer vision GPU library
  1771. libopencv-highgui-dev - development files for libopencv-highgui
  1772. libopencv-highgui2.4-deb0 - computer vision High-level GUI and Media I/O library
  1773. libopencv-imgproc-dev - development files for libopencv-imgproc
  1774. libopencv-imgproc2.4v5 - computer vision Image Processing library
  1775. libopencv-legacy-dev - development files for libopencv-legacy
  1776. libopencv-legacy2.4v5 - computer vision legacy library
  1777. libopencv-ml-dev - development files for libopencv-ml
  1778. libopencv-ml2.4v5 - computer vision Machine Learning library
  1779. libopencv-objdetect-dev - development files for libopencv-objdetect
  1780. libopencv-objdetect2.4v5 - computer vision Object Detection library
  1781. libopencv-ocl-dev - development files for libopencv-ocl2.4v5
  1782. libopencv-ocl2.4v5 - computer vision OpenCL support library
  1783. libopencv-photo-dev - development files for libopencv-photo2.4v5
  1784. libopencv-photo2.4v5 - computer vision computational photography library
  1785. libopencv-stitching-dev - development files for libopencv-stitching2.4v5
  1786. libopencv-stitching2.4v5 - computer vision image stitching library
  1787. libopencv-superres-dev - development files for libopencv-superres2.4v5
  1788. libopencv-superres2.4v5 - computer vision Super Resolution library
  1789. libopencv-ts-dev - development files for libopencv-ts2.4v5
  1790. libopencv-ts2.4v5 - computer vision ts library
  1791. libopencv-video-dev - development files for libopencv-video
  1792. libopencv-video2.4v5 - computer vision Video analysis library
  1793. libopencv-videostab-dev - development files for libopencv-videostab2.4v5
  1794. libopencv-videostab2.4v5 - computer vision video stabilization library
  1795. libopencv2.4-java - Java bindings for the computer vision library
  1796. libopencv2.4-jni - Java jni library for the computer vision library
  1797. opencv-data - development data for opencv
  1798. opencv-doc - OpenCV documentation and examples
  1799. python-opencv - Python bindings for the computer vision library
  1800. opendnssec-signer - daemon to sign DNS zone files periodically
  1801. libgtp-dev - Development files for libgtp
  1802. libgtp0 - library implementing the GTP protocol between SGSN and GGSN
  1803. openggsn - Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN)
  1804. libopengm-bin - command line tools for OpenGM
  1805. libopengm-dev - C++ template library for discrete factor graph models
  1806. libopengm-doc - documentation and examples for OpenGM
  1807. python-opengm - Python interface to OpenGM
  1808. python-opengm-doc - documentation for the Python interface to OpenGM
  1809. libngram-dev - OpenGRM n-gram Language Modeling toolkit - development files
  1810. libngram-tools - OpenGRM n-gram Language Modeling toolkit
  1811. libngram2 - OpenGRM n-gram Language Modeling toolkit - runtime library
  1812. libopenhft-chronicle-bytes-java - OpenHFT byte buffer library
  1813. libopenigtlink-dev - Open IGT Link is a simple network protocol - development
  1814. libopenigtlink1.11 - Open IGT Link is a simple network protocol - runtime
  1815. libopenigtlink1.11-dbg - debugging symbols for libopenigtlink1.11
  1816. openigtlink-doc - Open IGT Link is a simple network protocol - documentation
  1817. openigtlink-examples - Open IGT Link is a simple network protocol - examples
  1818. libopenjfx-java-doc - JavaFX/OpenJFX 8 - Rich client application platform for Java (Javadoc)
  1819. libopenjfx-jni - JavaFX/OpenJFX 8 - Rich client application platform for Java (native libraries)
  1820. openjfx - JavaFX/OpenJFX 8 - Rich client application platform for Java
  1821. openjfx-source - JavaFX/OpenJFX 8 - Rich client application platform for Java (sources)
  1822. libopenlibm-dev - standalone implementation of C mathematical functions (development files)
  1823. libopenlibm2 - standalone implementation of C mathematical functions (shared library)
  1824. opensc - Smart card utilities with support for PKCS#15 compatible cards
  1825. opensc-pkcs11 - Smart card utilities with support for PKCS#15 compatible cards
  1826. opensips-regex-module - PCRE regexp modules for OpenSIPS
  1827. trove-guestagent - Database as a Service for OpenStack - guest agent
  1828. trove-taskmanager - Database as a Service for OpenStack - taskmanager
  1829. opus-tools - Opus codec command line tools
  1830. liborbit-2-0 - high-performance CORBA implementation - common libraries
  1831. liborbit2 - high-performance CORBA implementation - extra libraries
  1832. liborbit2-dev - high-performance CORBA implementation - development
  1833. orbit2 - high-performance CORBA implementation - Object Request Broker
  1834. orbit2-nameserver - high-performance CORBA implementation - name server
  1835. liborc-0.4-0-dbg - Library of Optimized Inner Loops Runtime Compiler (debug package)
  1836. liborc-0.4-dev - Library of Optimized Inner Loops Runtime Compiler (development headers)
  1837. liborc-0.4-dev-bin - Library of Optimized Inner Loops Runtime Compiler (development tools)
  1838. liborc-0.4-doc - Library of Optimized Inner Loops Runtime Compiler (documentation)
  1839. ori - peer-to-peer distributed file system
  1840. orpie - RPN calculator for the terminal
  1841. os-autoinst - automated testing of Operating Systems
  1842. osinfo-db - Operating system database files
  1843. osinfo-db-tools - libosinfo database tools
  1844. osmosis - Command line OpenStreetMap data processor
  1845. gir1.2-ostree-1.0 - content-addressed filesystem for operating system binaries (introspection)
  1846. libostree-1-1 - content-addressed filesystem for operating system binaries (library)
  1847. ostree - content-addressed filesystem for operating system binaries
  1848. ostree-tests - content-addressed filesystem for operating system binaries - tests
  1849. overgod-data - graphics and audio data for overgod
  1850. owx - utility to program Wouxun dual-band handheld radios
  1851. oz - install virtual machine guest OSs with minimal input the user
  1852. libp8-platform-dev - Pulse-Eight's platform support library -- development files
  1853. libp8-platform2 - Pulse-Eight's platform support library
  1854. pandorafms-agent - Pandora FMS - The Flexible Monitoring System (agent)
  1855. parcimonie - privacy-friendly helper to refresh a GnuPG keyring
  1856. elpa-paredit - Emacs minor mode for structurally editing Lisp code
  1857. python3-partd - Appendable key-value storage for Python 3
  1858. libparted-fs-resize0 - disk partition manipulator - shared FS resizing library
  1859. libparted-i18n - disk partition manipulator - i18n support
  1860. libparted0-dev - disk partition manipulator - transitional package
  1861. libparted2 - disk partition manipulator - shared library
  1862. python-path - module wrapper for os.path for Python 2
  1863. python3-path - module wrapper for os.path for Python 3
  1864. pax - Portable Archive Interchange (cpio, pax, tar)
  1865. pcs - Pacemaker Configuration System
  1866. pd-iemmatrix - Pd-objects for simple matrix operations
  1867. pd-list-abs - library of list operations for Pd
  1868. pd-lyonpotpourri - potpourri of Pd objects for synthesizing with audio
  1869. pd-pool - Hierarchical data storage for Pure Data
  1870. pd-py - Python scripting objects for Pure Data
  1871. libperlbal-perl - Perlbal libraries; embed perlbal into another app
  1872. perlbal - Perl-based reverse proxy load balancer and web server
  1873. petitboot - ncurses version of petitboot, a kexec based bootloader
  1874. petitboot-twin - Twin GUI version of petitboot, a kexec based bootloader
  1875. postgresql-9.6-pgfincore - set of PostgreSQL functions to manage blocks in memory
  1876. pgreplay - replay PostgreSQL log files
  1877. libphutil - Shared library for Arcanist and Phabricator
  1878. phing - PHP5 project build system based on Apache Ant
  1879. php-mockery - mock object framework for PHPUnit and other testing framework
  1880. php-mockery-doc - mock object framework for PHPUnit - documentation
  1881. php-monolog - send logs to various destination and web services
  1882. php-net-socket - Network Socket Interface
  1883. php-pear - PEAR Base System
  1884. php-proxy-manager - library providing utilities to operate with Object Proxies
  1885. phpunit-resource-operations - provide a list of PHP built-in functions that operate on resources
  1886. picocom - minimal dumb-terminal emulation program
  1887. python-pil-dbg - Python Imaging Library (debug extension)
  1888. python-pil-doc - Examples for the Python Imaging Library
  1889. python3-pil - Python Imaging Library (Python3)
  1890. python3-pil-dbg - Python Imaging Library (Python3 debug extension)
  1891. pinto - application for curating a repository of Perl modules
  1892. libpirl-java - PIRL Java Packages
  1893. libpirl-java-doc - PIRL Java Packages Documentation
  1894. piuparts-master - piuparts master components
  1895. piuparts-slave - piuparts slave components
  1896. pkgsync - automated package list synchronization
  1897. libalgorithms1 - GDAL add-on tools to perform useful raster processing - libalgorithms
  1898. libbase1 - GDAL add-on tools to perform useful raster processing - libbase
  1899. libfileclasses1 - GDAL add-on tools to perform useful raster processing - libfileClasses
  1900. libimageclasses1 - GDAL add-on tools to perform useful raster processing - libimageClasses
  1901. liblasclasses1 - GDAL add-on tools to perform useful raster processing - liblasClasses
  1902. pktools - GDAL add-on tools to perform useful raster processing
  1903. pktools-dev - GDAL add-on tools to perform useful raster processing - development files
  1904. libplexus-io-java - Plexus IO Components
  1905. pmw - Philip's Music Writer
  1906. mcstrans - SELinux core policy utilities (mcstrans utilities)
  1907. newrole - SELinux core policy utilities (newrole application for RBAC/MLS)
  1908. policycoreutils - SELinux core policy utilities
  1909. policycoreutils-dev - SELinux core policy utilities (development utilities)
  1910. policycoreutils-gui - SELinux core policy utilities (graphical utilities)
  1911. policycoreutils-python-utils - SELinux core policy utilities (Python utilities)
  1912. policycoreutils-sandbox - SELinux core policy utilities (graphical sandboxes)
  1913. restorecond - SELinux core policy utilities (restorecond utilities)
  1914. polkit-kde-agent-1 - KDE dialogs for PolicyKit
  1915. libpolkit-qt-1-1 - PolicyKit-qt-1 library
  1916. libpolkit-qt-1-dev - PolicyKit-qt-1 development files
  1917. libpolkit-qt5-1-1 - PolicyKit-qt5-1 library
  1918. libpolkit-qt5-1-dev - PolicyKit-qt5-1 development files
  1919. libpolylib64-8 - Polyhedral library - long int version
  1920. libpolylib64-8-dbg - Debugging symbols for the long int version of PolyLib
  1921. libpolylib64-dev - Development files for the long int version of PolyLib
  1922. polylib-utils - Various tools using libpolylib
  1923. poretools - toolkit for nanopore nucleotide sequencing data
  1924. poretools-data - toolkit for nanopore nucleotide sequencing data -- sample datasets
  1925. libportsmf-dev - Portable Standard Midi File Library (development files)
  1926. libportsmf0 - Portable Standard Midi File Library
  1927. postgresql-contrib-9.6 - additional facilities for PostgreSQL
  1928. postgresql-9.6-debversion - Debian version number type for PostgreSQL
  1929. postgresql-9.6-unit - SI Units for PostgreSQL
  1930. postmark - File system benchmark from NetApp
  1931. libpowerman0 - Client library for Powerman - Centralized PDU management
  1932. libpowerman0-dev - Development files for Powerman - Centralized PDU management
  1933. powerman - Centralized Power Distribution Unit (PDU) management
  1934. prctl - Process control operations
  1935. prerex - course prerequisite chart editor for LaTeX/TikZ
  1936. python-psphere - Python bindings for the vSphere Web Services SDK
  1937. pssh - Parallel versions of SSH-based tools
  1938. python-psycopg2 - Python module for PostgreSQL
  1939. python-psycopg2-doc - Python module for PostgreSQL (documentation package)
  1940. python3-psycopg2 - Python 3 module for PostgreSQL
  1941. ptpd - Precision Time Protocol daemon
  1942. puppet-module-puppet-community-mcollective - Puppet module for mcollective to handle and install clusters
  1943. libpurify-dev - Routines for radio interferometric imaging (development files)
  1944. libpurify2.0 - Routines for radio interferometric imaging (shared lib)
  1945. purify - Collection of routines for radio interferometric imaging
  1946. pybind11-dev - seamless operability between C++11 and Python
  1947. python-bluez - Python wrappers around BlueZ for rapid bluetooth development
  1948. python-cairo-dev - Python cairo bindings: development files
  1949. pycassa-doc - Documentation for the Pycassa library
  1950. python-pycassa - Client library for Apache Cassandra
  1951. python-pyevolve - complete genetic algorithm framework
  1952. python-pyevolve-doc - documentation for the Pyevolve genetic algorithm framework
  1953. python-pygeoif - basic implementation of the __geo_interface__
  1954. python3-pygeoif - basic implementation of the __geo_interface__ (Python 3)
  1955. python-gtk2-dev - GTK+ bindings: devel files
  1956. python-kerberos - GSSAPI interface module - Python 2.x
  1957. python3-kerberos - GSSAPI interface module - Python 3.x
  1958. python-pykickstart - Python library for manipulating kickstart files
  1959. pymoctool - Python Multi-Order Coverage maps tool for Virtual Observatory
  1960. python-pymoc - Python 2 Multi-Order Coverage maps for Virtual Observatory
  1961. python3-pymoc - Python 3 Multi-Order Coverage maps for Virtual Observatory
  1962. python-pyorbit-dev - PyORBit: development files
  1963. pyp - sed/awk-like tool with Python language
  1964. pyqso - logging tool for amateur radio operators
  1965. python-pysynphot - Python Synthetic Photometry Utilities
  1966. python3-pysynphot - Python 3 Synthetic Photometry Utilities
  1967. python-astropy-affiliated - Collection of all astropy affiliated packages (Python 2)
  1968. python3-astropy-affiliated - Collection of all astropy affiliated packages (Python 3)
  1969. python-buzhug - pure-Python database engine, using a Pythonic, no-SQL syntax
  1970. python-cdo - Python module for Climate Data Operators
  1971. python3-cdo - Python3 module for Climate Data Operators
  1972. python-characteristic - helper for implementing attribute-related object protocols (Python 2)
  1973. python3-characteristic - helper for implementing attribute-related object protocols (Python 3)
  1974. python-cjson - Very fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python
  1975. python-cjson-dbg - Very fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python (debug extension)
  1976. python-cmislib - CMIS client library for Python
  1977. python-cmislib-doc - CMIS client library for Python (documentation)
  1978. python-congressclient - client for the open policy framework for the cloud - Python 2.x
  1979. python-congressclient-doc - client for the open policy framework for the cloud - doc
  1980. python3-congressclient - client for the open policy framework for the cloud - Python 3.x
  1981. python-csa - Connection-Set Algebra (CSA) implemented in Python
  1982. python-dcos - Datacenter Operating System (DCOS) CLI - Python 2.7
  1983. python-dendropy - DendroPy Phylogenetic Computing Library (Python 2)
  1984. python3-dendropy - DendroPy Phylogenetic Computing Library (Python 3)
  1985. python-diff-match-patch - robust algorithms for synchronizing plain text (Python 2 module)
  1986. python3-diff-match-patch - robust algorithms for synchronizing plain text (Python 3 module)
  1987. python-diskimage-builder - image building tools for Openstack
  1988. python3-dugong - HTTP 1.1 client module for Python
  1989. python-fswrap - Unified object oriented interface for interacting with file system objects
  1990. python-gear - Pure Python Async Gear Protocol Library - Python 2.x
  1991. python3-gear - Pure Python Async Gear Protocol Library - Python 3.x
  1992. python-geopandas - Python tools for geographic data
  1993. python-geopandas-doc - Documentation for the geopandas library
  1994. python3-geopandas - Python3 tools for geographic data
  1995. python3-gimmik - generator of matrix multiplication kernels (Python 3)
  1996. python-pygraph - library for working with graphs in Python
  1997. python3-pygraph - library for working with graphs in Python (Python3)
  1998. python-htmltmpl - Templating engine for separation of code and HTML
  1999. python-imaging-doc-pdf - Documentation for the Python Imaging Library.
  2000. python-imaplib2 - Threaded Python IMAP4 client
  2001. python3-imaplib2 - Threaded Python IMAP4 client (Python 3)
  2002. python-iowait - Platform-independent module for I/O completion events
  2003. python3-iowait - Platform-independent module for I/O completion events
  2004. python-iptables - Python bindings for iptables (Python 2 interface)
  2005. python-iptables-doc - documentation for the python-iptables library
  2006. python3-iptables - Python bindings for iptables (Python 3 interface)
  2007. python-json-patch - library to apply JSON patches - Python 2.x transitional package
  2008. python-jsonpatch - library to apply JSON patches - Python 2.x
  2009. python3-json-patch - library to apply JSON patches - Python 3.x transitional package
  2010. python3-jsonpatch - library to apply JSON patches - Python 3.x
  2011. python-jsonpath-rw - extended implementation of JSONPath for Python 2.x
  2012. python3-jsonpath-rw - extended implementation of JSONPath for Python 3.x
  2013. python-jsonpath-rw-ext - extensions for JSONPath RW - Python 2.x
  2014. python-jsonpath-rw-ext-doc - Extensions for JSONPath RW - doc
  2015. python3-jsonpath-rw-ext - Extensions for JSONPath RW - Python 3.x
  2016. python-lightblue - cross-platform Bluetooth API for Python
  2017. python-lockfile - file locking library for Python — Python 2 library
  2018. python3-lockfile - file locking library for Python — Python 3 library
  2019. python-ncclient - Python library for NETCONF clients
  2020. python-ntlm - Python library that provides NTLM support
  2021. python-oerplib - Python client library to Odoo server
  2022. python-oerplib-doc - Python client library to Odoo server (documentation)
  2023. omniidl-python - omniidl backend to compile Python stubs from IDL files
  2024. python-omniorb - Python bindings for omniORB
  2025. python-omniorb-dbg - Python bindings for omniORB
  2026. python-omniorb-doc - omniORBpy documentation
  2027. python-omniorb-omg - CORBA OMG standard files for python-omniorb
  2028. python-openstackclient - OpenStack Command-line Client - Python 2.7
  2029. python-openstackclient-doc - OpenStack Command-line Client - doc
  2030. python3-openstackclient - OpenStack Command-line Client - Python 3.x
  2031. python-oslo.versionedobjects - deals with DB schema versions and code expectations - Python 2.x
  2032. python-oslo.versionedobjects-doc - deals with DB schema versions and code expectations - doc
  2033. python3-oslo.versionedobjects - deals with DB schema versions and code expectations - Python 3.x
  2034. python-padme - mostly transparent proxy class for Python 2
  2035. python-padme-doc - mostly transparent proxy class for Python (documentation)
  2036. python3-padme - mostly transparent proxy class for Python 3
  2037. python-pathlib - set of Python 2 classes to handle filesystem paths
  2038. python-pathlib-doc - set of Python 2 classes to handle filesystem paths (Documentation)
  2039. python-pint - define, operate and manipulate physical quantities - Python 2.x
  2040. python-pint-doc - define, operate and manipulate physical quantities - doc
  2041. python3-pint - define, operate and manipulate physical quantities - Python 3.x
  2042. python-progressbar - text progress bar library for Python
  2043. python3-progressbar - text progress bar library for Python (Python 3)
  2044. python-pyhsm - Python code for talking to a Yubico YubiHSM hardware
  2045. yhsm-tools - Common files for YubiHSM applications
  2046. python-pykka - Actor model library (Python 2)
  2047. python3-pykka - Actor model library (Python 3)
  2048. python-pykmip - implementation of the Key Management Interoperability Protocol - Python 2.x
  2049. python3-pykmip - KMIP v1.1 library - Python 3.x
  2050. python-pyldap - implements an LDAP client - Python 2.7
  2051. python-pyldap-doc - implements an LDAP client - doc
  2052. python3-pyldap - implements an LDAP client - Python 3.x
  2053. python-pylibacl - module for manipulating POSIX.1e ACLs
  2054. python-pylibacl-dbg - module for manipulating POSIX.1e ACLs (debug extension)
  2055. python-pylibacl-doc - module for manipulating POSIX.1e ACLs (documentation)
  2056. python3-pylibacl - module for manipulating POSIX.1e ACLs (Python3 version)
  2057. python3-pylibacl-dbg - module for manipulating POSIX.1e ACLs (Python3 debug extension)
  2058. python-pyo - Python module written in C to help digital signal processing script creation
  2059. python3-pyo - Python3 module written in C to help digital signal processing script creation
  2060. python-pysolr - lightweight Python wrapper for querying Apache Solr
  2061. python3-pysolr - lightweight Python wrapper for querying Apache Solr
  2062. python-pyxattr - module for manipulating filesystem extended attributes
  2063. python-pyxattr-dbg - module for manipulating filesystem extended attributes (debug extension)
  2064. python-pyxattr-doc - module for manipulating filesystem extended attributes (documentation)
  2065. python3-pyxattr - module for manipulating filesystem extended attributes (Python3)
  2066. python3-pyxattr-dbg - module for manipulating filesystem extended attributes (Python3 debug version)
  2067. python-repoze.who - ident and auth framework for Python WSGI applications - Python 2.x
  2068. python3-repoze.who - ident and auth framework for Python WSGI applications - Python 3.x
  2069. python-requestsexceptions - import exceptions from bundled packages in requests. - Python 2.7
  2070. python3-requestsexceptions - import exceptions from bundled packages in requests. - Python 3.x
  2071. python-rjsmin - javascript minifier written in Python - Python 2.7
  2072. python3-rjsmin - javascript minifier written in Python - Python 3.x
  2073. python-shapely - geometric objects, predicates, and operations (Python 2)
  2074. python-shapely-doc - geometric objects, predicates, and operations (documentation)
  2075. python3-shapely - geometric objects, predicates, and operations (Python 3)
  2076. python-smmap - pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager
  2077. python3-smmap - pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager
  2078. python-snuggs - S-expressions for numpy - Python 2 version
  2079. python3-snuggs - S-expressions for numpy - Python 3 version
  2080. python-stdnum - Python module to handle standardized numbers and codes
  2081. python3-stdnum - Python module to handle standardized numbers and codes (Python3 version)
  2082. python-tackerclient - CLI and Client Library for OpenStack Tacker - Python 2.7
  2083. python-tackerclient-doc - CLI and Client Library for OpenStack Tacker - doc
  2084. python3-tackerclient - CLI and Client Library for OpenStack Tacker - Python 3.x
  2085. python-thrift - Python library for Thrift
  2086. python-trezor - library for communicating with TREZOR Bitcoin HW wallet
  2087. python-urlobject - utility class for manipulating URLs.
  2088. python3-urlobject - utility class for manipulating URLs.
  2089. python-urwidtrees - Urwid Tree Container API
  2090. python3-urwidtrees - Urwid Tree Container API
  2091. python-watcherclient - OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service client - Python 2.7
  2092. python-watcherclient-doc - OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service - client doc
  2093. python3-watcherclient - OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service client - Python 3.x
  2094. python-xattr - module for manipulating filesystem extended attributes - Python 2
  2095. python3-xattr - module for manipulating filesystem extended attributes - Python 3
  2096. xattr - tool for manipulating filesystem extended attributes
  2097. python-xstatic - XStatic base package with minimal support code - Python 2.x
  2098. python-xstatic-doc - XStatic base package with minimal support code - doc
  2099. python3-xstatic - XStatic base package with minimal support code - Python 3.x
  2100. python-xstatic-angular - Angular JS XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2101. python3-xstatic-angular - Angular JS XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2102. python-xstatic-angular-mock - Angular JS Mock XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2103. python3-xstatic-angular-mock - Angular JS Mock XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2104. python-xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker - Bootstrap-Datepicker XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2105. python3-xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker - Bootstrap-Datepicker XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2106. python-xstatic-d3 - D3 JS XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2107. python3-xstatic-d3 - D3 JS XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2108. python-xstatic-hogan - Hogan.js XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2109. python3-xstatic-hogan - Hogan.js XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2110. python-xstatic-jasmine - Jasmine JS XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2111. python3-xstatic-jasmine - Jasmine JS XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2112. python-xstatic-jquery - jquery XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2113. python3-xstatic-jquery - jquery XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2114. python-xstatic-jquery-migrate - JQuery Migrate XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2115. python3-xstatic-jquery-migrate - JQuery Migrate XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2116. python-xstatic-jquery-ui - JQuery UI XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2117. python3-xstatic-jquery-ui - JQuery UI XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2118. python-xstatic-jquery.quicksearch - jQuery.quicksearch XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2119. python3-xstatic-jquery.quicksearch - jQuery.quicksearch XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2120. python-xstatic-jquery.tablesorter - JQuery Tablesorter XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2121. python3-xstatic-jquery.tablesorter - JQuery Tablesorter XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2122. python-xstatic-jsencrypt - JSEncrypt XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2123. python3-xstatic-jsencrypt - JSEncrypt XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2124. python-xstatic-qunit - QUnit XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2125. python3-xstatic-qunit - QUnit XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2126. python-xstatic-rickshaw - Rickshaw JS XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2127. python3-xstatic-rickshaw - Rickshaw JS XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2128. python-xstatic-spin - Spin.js XStatic support - Python 2.x
  2129. python3-xstatic-spin - Spin.js XStatic support - Python 3.x
  2130. python-xvfbwrapper - headless display inside Xvfb - Python 2.x
  2131. python3-xvfbwrapper - headless display inside Xvfb - Python 3.x
  2132. python-yaql - Yet Another Query Language - Python 2.7
  2133. python3-yaql - Yet Another Query Language - Python 3.x
  2134. python-zaqarclient - OpenStack Zaqar Queueing API, client and library - Python 2.7
  2135. python3-zaqarclient - OpenStack Zaqar Queueing API, client and library - Python 3.x
  2136. pythonpy - 'python -c', with tab completion and shorthand
  2137. python-pywbem - Python WBEM Client and Provider Interface
  2138. python-pyx - Python 2 module for generating PostScript graphics
  2139. python3-pyx - Python 3 module for generating PostScript graphics
  2140. iep - transitional dummy package for IEP
  2141. pyzo - interactive editor for scientific Python
  2142. pyzo-doc - documentation for Pyzo
  2143. libqsopt-ex-dev - Exact linear programming solver -- development files
  2144. libqsopt-ex2 - Exact linear programming solver -- shared library
  2145. qsopt-ex - Exact linear programming solver
  2146. qtpass - GUI for password manager pass
  2147. quelcom - Command line editing tools for MP3 and WAV files
  2148. quicksynergy - GUI for easy configuration of Synergy
  2149. quisk - Software Defined Radio (SDR)
  2150. r-recommended - GNU R collection of recommended packages [metapackage]
  2151. r-bioc-metagenomeseq - GNU R statistical analysis for sparse high-throughput sequencing
  2152. r-cran-magrittr - GNU R forward-pipe operator
  2153. r-cran-matrixstats - GNU R methods that apply to rows and columns of a matrix
  2154. r-cran-plyr - tools for splitting, applying and combining data
  2155. r-cran-polyclip - GNU R Polygon Clipping
  2156. r-cran-rcpparmadillo - GNU R package for Armadillo C++ linear algebra library
  2157. r-cran-rsdmx - GNU R package for the Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) framework
  2158. r-cran-xts - GNU R package for time series analysis -- xts
  2159. ragel - compiles finite state machines into code in various languages
  2160. ratt - Rebuild All The Things!
  2161. elpa-recursive-narrow - narrow-to-region that operates recursively
  2162. redeclipse - free, casual arena shooter
  2163. rekall-core - memory analysis and incident response framework
  2164. reposurgeon - Tool for editing version-control repository history
  2165. node-requirejs - JavaScript file and module loader - NodeJS
  2166. rev-plugins - reverb LADSPA plugin
  2167. ricochet-im - anonymous metadata-resistant instant messaging
  2168. ripe-atlas-tools - command-line interface for RIPE Atlas
  2169. ripe-atlas-tools-doc - command-line interface for RIPE Atlas (documentation)
  2170. python-rope - Python refactoring library
  2171. python-ropemacs - Emacs mode for Python refactoring
  2172. libclass-loader-dev - development files for Robot OS class_loader library
  2173. libclass-loader0d - ROS class_loader library
  2174. cl-geometry-msgs - Messages relating to Robot OS geometry, LISP interface
  2175. libgeometry-msgs-dev - Messages relating to Robot OS geometry, C/C++ interface
  2176. python-geometry-msgs - Messages relating to Robot OS geometry, Python interface
  2177. ros-geometry-msgs - Messages relating to Robot OS geometry, definitions
  2178. tf-tools - Set of utilities to operate with the Robot OS tf lib
  2179. rox-filer - simple graphical file manager for X11
  2180. rsbackup - rsync-based backup utility
  2181. librtaudio-dev - C++ library for realtime audio input/ouput (development files)
  2182. librtaudio5a - C++ library for realtime audio input/ouput
  2183. librtmidi-dev - C++ library for realtime MIDI input/ouput (development files)
  2184. librtmidi3 - C++ library for realtime MIDI input/ouput
  2185. ruby-amazon-ec2 - Ruby library for accessing Amazon EC2
  2186. ruby-amqp - feature-rich, asynchronous AMQP client
  2187. ruby-beautify - CLI binary and module that will pretty up Ruby code
  2188. ruby-chunky-png - pure ruby library for read/write, chunk-level access to PNG files
  2189. ruby-dbus - Ruby binding for D-Bus
  2190. ruby-directory-watcher - Watch directory/files and Generate events by file change
  2191. ruby-dirty-memoize - Similar to ruby-memoize, but for mutable and parameterizable objects
  2192. ruby-filepath - small library to manipulate paths
  2193. ruby-fog-vsphere - Module for the 'fog' gem to support VMware vSphere
  2194. ruby-ftw - Ruby For The Web - APIs for client and server web stuff
  2195. ruby-i18n-inflector - enhance i18n backend with inflections
  2196. ruby-levenshtein - calculates the Levenshtein distance between two sequences
  2197. ruby-mail-gpg - GPG/MIME encryption plugin for the Ruby Mail Library
  2198. ruby-moneta - Ruby interface to multiple key/value stores
  2199. ruby-net-scp - pure ruby implementation of the SCP protocol
  2200. ruby-oily-png - native mixin to speed up ChunkyPNG
  2201. ruby-ole - Ruby library for read/write access for OLE compound documents
  2202. ruby-openid-connect - OpenID Connect Server & Client Library
  2203. ruby-rails-assets-jquery-fullscreen-plugin - jQuery fullscreen plugin for rails applications
  2204. ruby-ridley - Ruby library that provides a full featured Chef API client
  2205. ruby-sham-rack - Net::HTTP-to-Rack plumbing for HTTP testing
  2206. ruby-stud - reusable common code to enhance Ruby's stdlib library
  2207. ruby-websocket-extensions - Generic extension manager for WebSocket connections
  2208. librudecgi-dev - C++ parser library for CGI applications - development libraries
  2209. librudecgi5 - C++ parser library for CGI applications - runtime
  2210. libstd-rust-1.14 - Rust standard libraries
  2211. libstd-rust-dev - Rust standard libraries - development files
  2212. rust-doc - Rust systems programming language - Documentation
  2213. rust-gdb - Rust debugger (gdb)
  2214. rust-lldb - Rust debugger (lldb)
  2215. rustc - Rust systems programming language
  2216. librygel-core-2.6-2 - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - core library
  2217. librygel-db-2.6-2 - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - db library
  2218. librygel-renderer-2.6-2 - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - renderer library
  2219. librygel-renderer-gst-2.6-2 - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - renderer library
  2220. librygel-ruih-2.0-1 - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - ruih library
  2221. librygel-server-2.6-2 - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - server library
  2222. rygel-2.6-dev - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - plugin development files
  2223. rygel-gst-launch - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - gst-launch plugin
  2224. rygel-playbin - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - GStreamer Media Renderer plugin
  2225. rygel-ruih - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - Ruih plugin
  2226. rygel-tracker - GNOME UPnP/DLNA services - Tracker plugin
  2227. libsafe-iop-dev - Safe integer operation library for C - Development files
  2228. libsafe-iop0 - Safe integer operation library for C - Dynamic library
  2229. safecopy - data recovery tool for problematic or damaged media
  2230. libbam-dev - manipulates nucleotide sequence alignments in BAM or SAM format
  2231. libsane-dbg - API development library for scanners [debug symbols]
  2232. libsane-dev - API development library for scanners [development files]
  2233. libsane-extras-dev - API development library for scanners [development files]
  2234. sane-dbg - scanner graphical frontends (debug symbols)
  2235. libsbc-dev - Sub Band CODEC library - development
  2236. libsbc1 - Sub Band CODEC library - runtime
  2237. sbc-dbg - Sub Band CODEC library - debugging symbols
  2238. sbc-tools - Sub Band CODEC library - tools
  2239. sbuild - Tool for building Debian binary packages from Debian sources
  2240. scantailor - interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages
  2241. schroot - Execute commands in a chroot environment
  2242. schroot-common - common files for schroot
  2243. python-scoop - Python library for concurrent parallel programming
  2244. python3-scoop - Python3 library for concurrent parallel programming
  2245. scoop-doc - Python library for concurrent parallel programming (docs)
  2246. scotch - programs and libraries for graph, mesh and hypergraph partitioning
  2247. xul-ext-scrapbook - Firefox extension to save and manage Web pages
  2248. scrub - writes patterns on magnetic media to thwart data recovery
  2249. libscythestat-dev - header files for Scythe statistics library.
  2250. sdb - a command line client for Mono's soft debugger
  2251. seascope - source code navigation tool
  2252. secilc - SELinux CIL compiler
  2253. secilc-doc - documentation for the SELinux CIL Compiler
  2254. python-senlin - clustering service for OpenStack clouds - Python 2.7
  2255. senlin-api - clustering service for OpenStack clouds - API
  2256. senlin-common - clustering service for OpenStack clouds - common files
  2257. senlin-doc - clustering service for OpenStack clouds - docs
  2258. senlin-engine - clustering service for OpenStack clouds - Engine
  2259. seqprep-data - example data set for seqprep - only used for testing
  2260. setop - apply set operations like intersection to text inputs
  2261. libsfcgal-dev - Library for ISO 19107:2013 and OGC SFA 1.2 for 3D operations (dev part)
  2262. libsfcgal1 - Library for ISO 19107:2013 and OGC SFA 1.2 for 3D operations (runtime part)
  2263. sfcgal-dbg - Debug symbols for SFCGAL
  2264. shapetools - Configuration and Release management using AtFS
  2265. sipwitch-cgi - secure peer-to-peer SIP VoIP server - CGI XML-RPC interface
  2266. python-sireader - Python module to communicate with SportIdent main stations (Python 2)
  2267. python3-sireader - Python module to communicate with SportIdent main stations (Python 3)
  2268. skrooge - personal finance manager for KDE
  2269. skyeye - Embedded Hardware Simulation
  2270. libtsk-dev - library for forensics analysis (development files)
  2271. libtsk13 - library for forensics analysis on volume and filesystem data
  2272. sleuthkit - tools for forensics analysis on volume and filesystem data
  2273. slony1-2-doc - Slony-I documentation
  2274. slop - queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout
  2275. smlsharp - Standard ML compiler with practical extensions
  2276. sndfile-tools - Collection of programs for operating on sound files
  2277. libkf5solid-bin - Qt library to query and control hardware
  2278. libkf5solid-dev - Qt library to query and control hardware
  2279. libkf5solid5 - Qt library to query and control hardware
  2280. libkf5solid5-data - Qt library to query and control hardware
  2281. qml-module-org-kde-solid - Qt library to query and control hardware plugin
  2282. solvespace - Parametric 2d/3d CAD
  2283. python-sourcecodegen - Python source-code generator based on the compiler.ast abstract syntax tree
  2284. spacefm - Multi-panel tabbed file manager - GTK2 version
  2285. spacefm-gtk3 - Multi-panel tabbed file manager - GTK3 version
  2286. spark - SPARK programming language toolset
  2287. libsparskit-dev - A basic tool-kit for sparse matrix computations - devel
  2288. libsparskit2.0 - A basic tool-kit for sparse matrix computations - runtime
  2289. libspdylay-dbg - implementation of SPDY protocol in C - debug symbols
  2290. libspdylay-dev - implementation of SPDY protocol in C - development files
  2291. libspdylay-utils - implementation of SPDY protocol in C - utilities
  2292. libspdylay7 - implementation of SPDY protocol in C
  2293. speakup-doc - Documentation for speakup kernel modules
  2294. libsphere-dev - Development files for Spherepack scientific library
  2295. libsphere0d - Spherepack scientific library for geophysical processes
  2296. spim - MIPS R2000/R3000 emulator
  2297. splitpatch - split the patch up into files or hunks
  2298. sqlite3-pcre - Perl-compatible regular expression support for SQLite
  2299. sra-toolkit - utilities for the NCBI Sequence Read Archive
  2300. stalin - An extremely aggressive Scheme compiler
  2301. statnews - Extracts useful statistics out of a newsgroup or mailing list
  2302. stress - tool to impose load on and stress test a computer system
  2303. stress-ng - tool to load and stress a computer
  2304. subtitlecomposer - Subtitles editor for KDE
  2305. sugar-write-activity - Sugar Learning Platform - writing activity
  2306. libsundials-nvecserial0 - vector operations library (SUNDIALS library)
  2307. libsvnkit-java - pure Java Subversion client library
  2308. libsvnkit-java-doc - documentation for libsvnkit-java
  2309. libasyncaudio-dev - AsyncAudio library for SvxLink (development files)
  2310. libasyncaudio1.4 - AsyncAudio library for SvxLink
  2311. libasynccore-dev - AsyncCore library for SvxLink (development files)
  2312. libasynccore1.4 - AsyncCore library for SvxLink
  2313. libasynccpp-dev - AsyncCpp library for SvxLink (development files)
  2314. libasynccpp1.4 - AsyncCpp library for SvxLink
  2315. libasyncqt-dev - AsyncQt library for SvxLink (development files)
  2316. libasyncqt1.4 - AsyncQt library for SvxLink
  2317. libecholib-dev - EchoLib library for SvxLink (development files)
  2318. libecholib1.3 - EchoLib library for SvxLink
  2319. qtel - Graphical client for the EchoLink® protocol
  2320. qtel-icons - Icons for graphical client for the EchoLink® protocol
  2321. remotetrx - Remote controller for radio transceivers
  2322. svxlink-server - Voice-over-IP server for ham radio operators
  2323. syncache - Thread-safe time-limited cache for Ruby
  2324. synergy - Share mouse, keyboard and clipboard over the network
  2325. syslinux-themes-debian-squeeze - collection of boot loaders (debian-squeeze theme)
  2326. libtcc-dev - fast library for dynamic code generation
  2327. tcl-xmlrpc - XML-RPC implementation for Tcl
  2328. tcllib - Standard Tcl Library
  2329. tclx8.4 - Extended Tcl (TclX) - shared library
  2330. tclx8.4-dev - Extended Tcl (TclX) - development package
  2331. tclx8.4-doc - Extended Tcl (TclX) - manpages
  2332. tcpser - emulate a Hayes compatible modem
  2333. libteem-dev - Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images - development
  2334. libteem2 - Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images - runtime
  2335. libteem2-dbg - debugging symbols for libteem2
  2336. teem-apps - Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images - command line tools
  2337. golang-github-tendermint-go-merkle-dev - Merkle-ized data structures with proofs
  2338. golang-github-tendermint-log15-dev - Tendermint logging toolkit
  2339. tenshi - log monitoring and reporting tool
  2340. texlive-generic-extra - TeX Live: Generic additional packages
  2341. texlive-latex-extra - TeX Live: LaTeX additional packages
  2342. texlive-pstricks - TeX Live: PSTricks
  2343. texlive-science - TeX Live: Mathematics and science packages
  2344. thrift-compiler - code generator/compiler for Thrift definitions
  2345. tiger - Report system security vulnerabilities
  2346. tiger-otheros - Scripts to run Tiger in other operating systems
  2347. tigervnc-scraping-server - Virtual network computing server performing X screen scraping
  2348. tigervnc-standalone-server - Standalone virtual network computing server
  2349. tigervnc-viewer - Virtual network computing client for X
  2350. tinydyndns - pop-before-dyndns service using djbdns
  2351. tinyos-source - operating system for sensor motes and embedded devices
  2352. tinyos-tools - development tools for TinyOS
  2353. tkdesk - Tk/tcl based X11 Desktop/File manager
  2354. tlf - console based ham radio contest logger
  2355. python-toolz-doc - List processing tools and functional utilities documentation
  2356. python3-toolz - List processing tools and functional utilities
  2357. tor-geoipdb - GeoIP database for Tor
  2358. tortoisehg-nautilus - Graphical tool for working with Mercurial (Nautilus extension)
  2359. totalopenstation - download and process data from total station devices
  2360. trafficserver - fast, scalable and extensible HTTP/1.1 compliant caching proxy server
  2361. trafficserver-experimental-plugins - experimental plugins for Apache Traffic Server
  2362. trickle - user-space bandwidth shaper
  2363. libtrilinos-anasazi-dev - large-scale eigenvalue algorithms - development files
  2364. libtrilinos-anasazi12 - large-scale eigenvalue algorithms - runtime files
  2365. libtrilinos-ifpack2-12 - next generation algebraic preconditioners - runtime files
  2366. libtrilinos-ifpack2-dev - next generation algebraic preconditioners - development files
  2367. libtrilinos-intrepid-dev - compatible discretizations of PDEs - development files
  2368. libtrilinos-intrepid12 - compatible discretizations of PDEs - runtime files
  2369. libtrilinos-rtop-dev - reductions/transformation operators - development files
  2370. libtrilinos-rtop12 - reductions/transformation operators - runtime files
  2371. libtrilinos-rythmos-dev - Trilinos transient integrator - development files
  2372. libtrilinos-rythmos12 - Trilinos transient integrator - runtime files
  2373. libtrilinos-shards-dev - interoperability tools for PDE solving - development files
  2374. libtrilinos-shards12 - interoperability tools for PDE solving - runtime files
  2375. libtrilinos-teko-dev - block preconditioners - development files
  2376. libtrilinos-teko12 - block preconditioners - runtime files
  2377. libtrilinos-thyra-dev - interoperability layer for numerical software - development files
  2378. libtrilinos-thyra12 - interoperability layer for numerical software - runtime files
  2379. libtrilinos-zoltan-dev - parallel dynamic load balancing - development files
  2380. libtrilinos-zoltan12 - parallel dynamic load balancing - runtime files
  2381. tryton-modules-production-routing - Tryton Application Platform (Production Routing Module)
  2382. twpsk - Soundcard-based X program for operating PSK31
  2383. ucarp - user-space replacement to VRRP -- automatic IP fail-over
  2384. udiskie - automounter for removable media for Python
  2385. unadf - Extract files from an Amiga Disk File dump (.adf)
  2386. uncrustify - C, C++, C#, D, Java and Pawn source code beautifier
  2387. libjs-underscore.string - String manipulation extensions - browser library
  2388. node-underscore.string - String manipulation extensions - node module
  2389. libunsafe-mock-java - Java library providing backported sun.misc.Unsafe class from JDK 8
  2390. gir1.2-upowerglib-1.0 - GObject introspection data for upower
  2391. libupower-glib-dev - abstraction for power management - development files
  2392. upower-doc - abstraction for power management - documentation
  2393. uronode - Node front end for AX.25, NET/ROM, Rose and TCP
  2394. libuser-agent-utils-java - Utilities for processing user-agent strings
  2395. libustr-1.0-1-dbg - Micro string library: debugging symbols
  2396. libustr-dev - Micro string library: development stuff
  2397. libustr-doc - Micro string library: documentation
  2398. libutf8proc-dev - C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data (development files)
  2399. libutf8proc2 - C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data (shared library)
  2400. uwsgi-plugin-fiber - Fiber plugin for uWSGI
  2401. validns - high performance DNS/DNSSEC zone validator
  2402. libvanessa-socket2 - Library to simplify TCP socket operations
  2403. vdpauinfo - Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (vdpauinfo utility)
  2404. libviennacl-dev - Scientific computing library written in C++ based on OpenCL
  2405. libviennacl-doc - ViennaCL API and user documentation
  2406. vifm - flexible vi-like file manager using ncurses
  2407. vim-gtk3 - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK3 GUI
  2408. virtualjaguar - Cross-platform Atari Jaguar emulator
  2409. voctomix - Full-HD Software Live-Video-Mixer
  2410. voctomix-core - Full-HD Software Live-Video-Mixer (Core)
  2411. voctomix-gui - Full-HD Software Live-Video-Mixer (GUI)
  2412. volatility - advanced memory forensics framework
  2413. libvolk1-bin - vector optimized runtime tools
  2414. libvolk1-dev - vector optimized function headers
  2415. libvolk1.3 - vector optimized functions
  2416. voxbo - processing, statistical analysis, and display of brain imaging data
  2417. libvulkan-dev - Vulkan loader library -- development files
  2418. libvulkan1 - Vulkan loader library
  2419. vzctl - server virtualization solution - control tools
  2420. libwaili-dev - WAILI is a wavelet transform library (develop. files)
  2421. python-watcher - OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service - Python 2.7 libraries
  2422. watcher-api - OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service - API server
  2423. watcher-applier - OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service - Applier
  2424. watcher-common - OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service - common files
  2425. watcher-decision-engine - OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service - Decision Engine
  2426. watcher-doc - OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service - doc
  2427. wcalc - Flexible command-line scientific calculator
  2428. weechat - Fast, light and extensible chat client
  2429. weechat-core - Fast, light and extensible chat client - core files
  2430. weechat-curses - Fast, light and extensible chat client - console client
  2431. weechat-dbg - Fast, light and extensible chat client - debugging symbols
  2432. weechat-dev - Fast, light and extensible chat client - development headers
  2433. weechat-doc - Fast, light and extensible chat client - documentation
  2434. weechat-plugins - Fast, light and extensible chat client - plugins
  2435. whitedb - lightweight NoSQL database library
  2436. why3 - Software verification platform
  2437. wl - mail/news reader supporting IMAP for emacsen
  2438. wl-beta - mail/news reader supporting IMAP for emacsen (development version)
  2439. wmaloader - firmware downloader for Linksys WMA11B media adapter
  2440. wmcliphist - Dockapp which provides a history for X11 selections
  2441. wmctrl - control an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager
  2442. woof - share files through HTTP protocol
  2443. wordnet-sense-index - electronic lexical database of English language (index)
  2444. libwsclean0 - Fast generic widefield interferometric imager (shared library)
  2445. wsclean - Fast generic widefield interferometric imager
  2446. wsclean-dev - Fast generic widefield interferometric imager (development files)
  2447. x11proto-render-dev - X11 Render extension wire protocol
  2448. libxapian-java - Xapian search engine interface for Java
  2449. libxapian-java-doc - Xapian search engine interface for Java (documentation)
  2450. libxapian-jni - Xapian search engine interface for Java (JNI library)
  2451. python3-xapian - Xapian search engine interface for Python3
  2452. ruby-xapian - Xapian search engine interface for Ruby
  2453. xdemorse - decode Morse signals to text
  2454. libxdffileio-dev - Library to read/write EEG data file formats (development files)
  2455. libxdffileio0 - Library to read/write EEG data file formats
  2456. libxdffileio0-dbg - Library to read/write EEG data file formats (debugging symbols)
  2457. xflr5 - analysis tool for airfoils
  2458. xflr5-doc - xflr5 documentation
  2459. xfstt - X Font Server for TrueType fonts
  2460. libxgks-dev - X11 Graphical Kernel Subsystem, development files
  2461. xjdic - Japanese-English dictionary search program
  2462. xlassie - Dockable mail notifier w/ message count & POP3/APOP/IMAP support
  2463. xlog - GTK+ Logging program for Hamradio Operators
  2464. xlog-data - data for xlog, a GTK+ Logging program for Hamradio Operators
  2465. xml-security-c-utils - C++ library for XML Digital Signatures (utilities)
  2466. libghc-xmonad-contrib-dev - Extensions to xmonad
  2467. libghc-xmonad-contrib-doc - Extensions to xmonad; documentation
  2468. xserver-xorg-core - Xorg X server - core server
  2469. xorgxrdp - Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) modules for
  2470. xrdp - Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server
  2471. xsane-dbg - featureful graphical frontend for SANE (Debug files)
  2472. libxstr-ocaml-dev - OCaml library for frequent string operations
  2473. xsynth-dssi - classic-analog (VCOs-VCF-VCA) style software synthesizer
  2474. xwiimote - Nintendo Wii Remote Linux Device Driver Tools
  2475. libyara-dev - YARA development libraries and headers
  2476. libyara3 - YARA shared library
  2477. yara - Pattern matching swiss knife for malware researchers
  2478. yara-doc - HTML documentation for YARA
  2479. python-yara - Python 2 bindings for YARA
  2480. python3-yara - Python 3 bindings for YARA
  2481. yasr - General-purpose console screen reader
  2482. erlang-yaws - Erlang application which implements HTTP webserver
  2483. yaws - High performance HTTP 1.1 webserver written in Erlang
  2484. yaws-mail - Webmail application for Yaws webserver
  2485. yorick - interpreted language and scientific graphics
  2486. yorick-mira - optical interferometry image reconstruction within Yorick
  2487. yorick-soy - sparse matrix operations for the Yorick language
  2488. yorick-yeti - utility plugin for the Yorick language
  2489. youtube-dl - downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites
  2490. python-yt - Framework for analyzing and visualizing simulation data (Python 2)
  2491. python3-yt - Framework for analyzing and visualizing simulation data (Python 3)
  2492. libpam-yubico - two-factor password and YubiKey OTP PAM module
  2493. libykpiv-dev - Development files for the YubiKey PIV Library
  2494. libykpiv1 - Library for communication with the YubiKey PIV smartcard
  2495. ykcs11 - PKCS#11 module for the YubiKey PIV applet
  2496. yubico-piv-tool - Command line tool for the YubiKey PIV applet
  2497. yum - Advanced front-end for rpm
  2498. z80dasm - disassembler for the Zilog Z80 microprocessor
  2499. libz80ex-dev - z80ex emulation library, development files
  2500. libz80ex1 - z80ex emulation library, shared files
  2501. python-zaqar - OpenStack Queueing as a Service - Python libraries
  2502. zaqar-common - OpenStack Queueing as a Service - common files
  2503. zaqar-server - OpenStack Queueing as a Service - API server
  2504. python-zaqar-ui - OpenStack Queueing as a Service - Dashboard plugin
  2505. libzed-ocaml - abstract engine for text edition in OCaml (runtime)
  2506. libzed-ocaml-dev - abstract engine for text edition in OCaml (development tools)
  2507. 0install - cross-distribution packaging system
  2508. 0install-core - cross-distribution packaging system (non-GUI parts)
  2509. libzita-resampler1 - C++ library for resampling audio signals
  2510. zoem - general-purpose macro/programming language for transforming text
  2511. zzuf - transparent application fuzzer
  2512. atari800 - Atari 8-bit emulator for SDL
  2513. basilisk2 - 68k Macintosh emulator
  2514. corsix-th - Open source clone of Theme Hospital
  2515. corsix-th-data - Open source clone of Theme Hospital (data package)
  2516. cpl-plugin-kmos-calib - ESO data reduction pipeline calibration data downloader for KMOS
  2517. dosemu - DOS Emulator for Linux
  2518. exult - engine for Ultima VII (BG, FOV, SI, SS)
  2519. iucode-tool - Intel processor microcode tool
  2520. libmtj-java-doc - Java library for developing numerical applications (documentation)
  2521. nvidia-settings - tool for configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver
  2522. nvidia-settings-legacy-304xx - tool for configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver (304xx legacy version)
  2523. nvidia-settings-legacy-340xx - tool for configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver (340xx legacy version)
  2524. pvpgn - gaming server that emulates
  2525. repo - repository management tool built on top of git
  2526. sandboxgamemaker - 3D game maker and 3D game design program
  2527. xtrs - emulator for TRS-80 Model I/III/4/4P computers
  2528. afio - archive file manipulation program
  2529. bluez-firmware - Firmware for Bluetooth devices
  2530. embassy-phylip - EMBOSS conversions of the programs in the phylip package
  2531. gawk-doc - Documentation for GNU awk
  2532. xfonts-x3270-misc - Font files for the x3270(1) IBM 3270 emulator
  2533. inform - story file compiler for the Inform interactive fiction language (v6)
  2534. inform-docs - documentation for the Inform interactive fiction language (v6)
  2535. iozone3 - Filesystem and Disk Benchmarking Tool
  2536. irpas - Internetwork Routing Protocol Attack Suite
  2537. libjabsorb-java - Java to Javascript object request broker
  2538. jhove - JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment
  2539. lmbench - Utilities to benchmark UNIX systems
  2540. madfuload - Firmware loader for M-Audio DFU audio devices
  2541. midisport-firmware - Firmware loader for M-Audio's MidiSport devices
  2542. libcusparse8.0 - NVIDIA cuSPARSE Library
  2543. libnppial8.0 - NVIDIA Performance Primitives lib for Image Arithmetic and Logic
  2544. libnppim8.0 - NVIDIA Performance Primitives lib for Image Morphological operations
  2545. libnvgraph8.0 - NVIDIA Graph Analytics library (nvGRAPH)
  2546. os8 - DEC OS8 images for a PDP-8 emulator
  2547. r-cran-rjsonio - Serialize R objects to JSON, JavaScript Object Notation
  2548. shapetools-tutorial - Tutorial for ShapeTools
  2549. sl-modem-daemon - SmartLink software modem daemon
  2550. snaphu - Statistical-Cost, Network-Flow Algorithm for 2D Phase Unwrapping
  2551. w3-recs - Recommendations of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
  2552. zekr - Quranic Study Tool
  2553. linux-image-4.9.0-3-686-pae - Linux 4.9 for modern PCs
  2554. linux-image-4.9.0-3-amd64 - Linux 4.9 for 64-bit PCs
  2555. linux-image-4.9.0-5-686-pae - Linux 4.9 for modern PCs
  2556. linux-image-4.9.0-5-amd64 - Linux 4.9 for 64-bit PCs
  2557. libopenjfx-java - JavaFX/OpenJFX 8 - Rich client application platform for Java (Java libraries)
  2558. biboumi - XMPP gateway to connect to IRC servers
  2559. mate-applet-brisk-menu - Solus Project's Brisk Menu MATE Panel Applet
  2560. caja-rename - Batch renaming extension for Caja
  2561. libcctz-dev - Library for computing dates, times and time zones, development files
  2562. libcctz-doc - Library for computing dates, times and time zones, documentation
  2563. libcctz2 - Library for computing dates, times and time zones, shared library
  2564. golang-github-google-go-cmp-dev - Package for comparing Go values in tests
  2565. golang-github-nightlyone-lockfile-dev - Golang library to handle locking via pid files
  2566. libgstreamerd-3-0 - GStreamer media framework - D bindings
  2567. libgstreamerd-3-dev - GStreamer media framework - development files for D
  2568. gir1.2-matekbd-1.0 - GObject introspection data for libmatekbd and libmatekbdui
  2569. linux-image-4.13.0-0.bpo.1-686-pae - Linux 4.13 for modern PCs
  2570. linux-image-4.13.0-0.bpo.1-amd64 - Linux 4.13 for 64-bit PCs
  2571. linux-image-4.14.0-0.bpo.2-686-pae - Linux 4.14 for modern PCs
  2572. linux-image-4.14.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 - Linux 4.14 for 64-bit PCs
  2573. linux-image-4.14.0-0.bpo.3-686-pae - Linux 4.14 for modern PCs
  2574. linux-image-4.14.0-0.bpo.3-amd64 - Linux 4.14 for 64-bit PCs
  2575. python3-mockldap - simple mock implementation of python-ldap (Python3 version)
  2576. pypy-pyaes - Pure-Python implementation of the AES cipher (PyPy)
  2577. python-pyaes - Pure-Python implementation of the AES cipher (Python 2)
  2578. python3-pyaes - Pure-Python implementation of the AES cipher (Python 3)
  2579. r-cran-bit - GNU R class for vectors of 1-bit booleans
  2580. r-cran-bit64 - GNU R S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers
  2581. r-cran-shinyjs - Easily Improve the User Experience of Your Shiny Apps in Seconds
  2582. ruby-parallel - library to run any kind of code in parallel processes
  2583. schleuder-cli - command line tool to configure schleuder mailing lists
  2584. libsfcgal-osg1 - Library for ISO 19107:2013 and OGC SFA 1.2 for 3D operations (OpenSceneGraph)
  2585. tails-installer - Installer for the Tails live operating system
  2586. libwslay-dev - WebSocket library written in C. Development files
  2587. libwslay-doc - WebSocket library written in C. Documentation
  2588. libwslay1 - WebSocket library written in C. Shared library
  2589. torbrowser-launcher - helps download and run the Tor Browser Bundle
  2590. virtualbox - x86 virtualization solution - base binaries
  2591. virtualbox-dkms - x86 virtualization solution - kernel module sources for dkms
  2592. virtualbox-guest-dkms - x86 virtualization solution - guest addition module source for dkms
  2593. virtualbox-guest-source - x86 virtualization solution - guest addition module source
  2594. virtualbox-guest-utils - x86 virtualization solution - non-X11 guest utilities
  2595. virtualbox-guest-x11 - x86 virtualization solution - X11 guest utilities
  2596. virtualbox-qt - x86 virtualization solution - Qt based user interface
  2597. virtualbox-source - x86 virtualization solution - kernel module source
  2598. adobe-flashplugin - Adobe Flash Player plugin
  2599. adobe-flash-properties-gtk - GTK+ control panel for Adobe Flash Player plugin
  2600. adobe-flash-properties-kde - KDE control panel Adobe Flash Player plugin
  2601. ti-blas - Basic Linear Algebra for TI devices
  2602. vmware-view-client - Deliver rich, personalized virtual desktops with VMware View 5
  2603. opera - Fast and secure web browser and Internet suite
  2604. opera-beta - Fast and secure web browser
  2605. opera-developer - Fast and secure web browser
  2606. opera-next - Fast and secure web browser and Internet suite
  2607. opera-stable - Fast and secure web browser
  2608. virtualbox-5.2 - Oracle VM VirtualBox
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