
Dragon Force

Jul 9th, 2017
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  1. Writing entry for ab art jam
  5. Ember was hosting the Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle. A standard international relations building dinner at Ember’s grand hall, though dragons cared little for diplomacy. Ember hoped that the pony princess would bring that little assistant of hers, Spike. The reason she hosted this dinner in the first place was because the famed pony princess had taken such good care of the baby dragon; though Spike was still just a runt he was a well taken care of runt and that spoke well of ponykind.
  7. Ember walked into the hall where she would be dining with the princess and surveyed the spread of food on the gem studded table. Daffodil and Daisy sandwiches, cider battered hay logs spiced with herbs,among other dishes Ember was certain a pony would like and even some cuisine that a dragon would like.
  9. “I don’t think she’s gonna like roasted sticks and gems…” Ember mumbled.
  11. Preparations were in place for the event, despite the groaning protest of her dragon kin who questioned her relentlessly about why she was letting a pansy pony princess eat dinner with a dragon as superior as herself. Ember rebuked the questions and became so caught up in making sure things would be perfect that she failed to even realize that the acclaimed Princess of Friendship had shown up and was waiting for the Dragon Lord Ember to greet her and her entourage.
  13. A brief moment of panic turned into anger and Ember gripped one of her dragon subordinates by their horn and put them face first into the dirt, holding her grand Bloodstone Scepter threateningly close to his face.
  15. “You had better give me a very good reason why not a single one of you told me that Princess Twilight Sparkle was here,” Ember growled.
  17. “Uhhh, cause I was eating,” He replied.
  19. Ember scoffed before a realization hit her. Leaning back down and the Bloodstone glowing a ominous red.
  21. “What did you eat?” Ember snarled.
  23. Twilight had come with her friends to the dragon kingdom, intent on building that small candle of friendship the two nations had into a metaphorical bonfire. Waiting patiently in the entrance hall of the Dragon Lords keep when the door opened and in entered the esteemed ruler.
  25. “Princess Twilight Sparkle. I welcome you to my kingdom,” Ember said, putting her grand scepter out and striking a dominant pose.
  27. “Dragon Lord Ember, it is a honor and privilege to be here in your kingdom,” Twilight said with a bow of respect, “However you may drop the formalities if you wish, just Twilight will be fine,”
  29. Ember sighed and relaxed “I extend the same courtesy to you,”
  31. “Hiya Ember! Long time no see huh?” Spike exclaimed
  34. Spike walked to Ember and, as if she were a friend to him from his hatchday, hugged her tightly. Ember looked around, not wanting other dragons to see the strange action but seeing the coast was clear she returned the embrace, although with one arm.
  36. “If you will follow me this way, I assume you and your clan are famished from the long trip here,” Ember said, motioning for the seven friends to follow her.
  38. “You know it!” Pinkie Pie yelled.
  40. Ember brought the party to the banquet room, where once sat a table full of food now sat a table, empty with just jewel studs in it to show its value.
  42. “Hey! What gives? I thought you said there would be food?” Rainbow Dash said doing a quick lap around the table.
  44. “There will be! The Dragon Lord does not lie, now sit down!” Ember spat, pointing the Bloodstone scepter at Rainbow Dash.
  46. Rainbow Dash felt the warmth of the scepters glow and just looked at Ember, unimpressed with her actions. Ember lowered the scepter and took a breath, getting a hold of her temper and gesturing to the seats.
  48. “Please...Please sit down is what I meant. The food will be along shortly,” Ember said.
  50. The ponies took a seat, avoiding the grandest looking one clearly meant for Ember to sit in while Ember made way to the next room over to see how the food was coming. The mane six talked in her absence, making enough noise between them to sound like a real party was going on until Rainbow Dash spoke.
  52. “Man I thought these dragons were scary tough but seeing them up close and personal they’re just pushovers,” Rainbow Dash boasted.
  54. A series of thumps echoed across the hall as six dragons landed around the table.
  56. “Pushovers? Compared to what? A stupid pony like you?” Garble spoke walking to the table.
  58. “Well, well, well. What has our darling Dragon Lord Ember dragged into our lands?” Garble said, circling the table.
  60. “We are the honored guests of Ember, is this a problem for you?” Twilight said, her voice stern.
  62. “Problem?” Garble said before laughing “No no esteemed pony princess, why would I have a problem with food!”
  64. With a snap of Garble’s fingers the 5 other dragons leapt into action. Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie let out screams as one dragon each opened their maws. Twilight could barely react to the sudden onslaught before a scaled claw wrapped itself around her muzzle and lifted her off her chair.
  66. Fluttershy watched wide eyed as Rarity was tossed backwards into the dragon’s drooling maw, the sharp fangs scratching her pristine coat as she went over the edge of those lips before he closed his jaws around her, the frantic screaming muffled as the dragons long, thick, tongue moving around his mouth he began tasting the fabulous meal.
  68. The kicking rear legs of Rarity were the last thing Fluttershy saw before being laid on her back across the juicy tongue, her fear overwhelming and paralyzing her. The roof of those jaws dripped drool across her belly and face before the tongue curled around her from the sides like a hotdog bun with her as the meat. The dragon loved the taste but impatiently tossed his head back and with a thick gulp sent the plush pegasus down his belly filling up with the pony meal.
  70. Rainbow Dash and Applejack squirmed and struggled, their anger flaring to life as they saw Fluttershy gulped down without a fight and the hungry dragon with Rarity in his jaws jerked his head back and snapped up the rest of the fashionista before tossing her back in forth in his mouth and with a thick swallow watched the lump of Rarity in the dragon's throat push out, hooves visible underneath the scales for a moment before a second glrk finished Rarity, sending her down to his gut.
  72. “You scaly punks! I'm gonna skin ya alive, tan your hides and use them to-” Applejack said, landing after after blow on the chin and snout of the dragoness.
  74. Rainbow Dash was already hip deep in a dragon's throat, her strikes having not much better effect as little slurps and swallows pulled her deeper and deeper. The dragon holding Applejack spread his lips and a long lithe tongue came out, catching one of her hooves and from their wrapping around her body, covering her in drool and knocking her stetson to the floor as he reeled the farm pony into his hungry maw.
  76. Rainbow Dash felt the muggy heat of the dragon's mouth rapidly crawling up her barrel, the little gulps and the slick tongue licking her, tasting her, Rainbow Dash’s grunts turned to pants and moans as the dragon's tongue ran from her belly across her wings down her rump and between her legs. With the bumpy surface of the tongue stimulating and making Rainbow Dash’s muscles tense. Slipping across the cusp of the dragons lips the jaws framed everything Rainbow Dash saw. Applejack's cutie mark vanish with a soft ulp, and one resounding gulp later Applejack's wiggling rear hooves followed her down the throat and making the dragoness belly distend and wriggle.
  78. The feeling of the tongue massaging and invading every nook and cranny of her body, the sucking motion of the dragon devouring her; a well slurp of the bumpy tongue hit all the right spots setting Rainbow Dash off. Rainbow Dash let out a breathless moan and the extra “sauce” delighting the dragon as she clamped her jaws shut and gulped down the blue pegasus mid orgasm, her quivering form constricted by the wet tight throat.
  80. Pinkie Pie tried her best to wriggle free, the dragon dropping her rear first into his open jaws. The descent down the open throat was halted as Pinkie Pie’s sizeable rump blocked the dragon's throat. The dragon tried to swallow but the pink pony posterior was too ponderous to put away.
  82. “Ha! Looks like you bit off more than you can chew!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.
  84. Twilight watched all her friends become dragon chow, her shock and panic making her mind run blank with solutions. Pinkie Pie was the only one still outside of a dragon when a jerking gulp alerted Twilight to her own predicament. Garble had began swallowing her down, his claws clasped around her barrel and pinning her wings to her side. Twilight kicked and struggled, yanking her hooves from Garble’s throat for only a moment before being shoved right back in.
  86. “Ember! Ember help!” Twilight hollered feeling another swallow pull her down
  88. The choking dragon was distressed, it's full body meal clogging his throat, he held the swollen part of throat where Pinkie Pie’s rump sat. Pinkie smiled nervously, not wanting to bet everything on her ass she looked around for anything to help her only to feel something give in the throat. Looking back she saw the dragon working her plump rump down slowly, a hard gulp in combination with his hand stroking the bulge she made.
  90. “Ooh that's not good…” Pinkie muttered before diving her hooves into her mane for something, anything to help her.
  92. Garble didn't so much as enjoy the taste of his Alicorn prey as he did shove her as roughly into his gullet as possible, the sounds of her pained “ows” and sharp hisses as her constant, desperate struggles caused her to catch her coat on his sharp teeth. Twilight couldn't give up, her horn sparked magic as every spell she tried fizzled out before it could be channeled through her panic. Both Pinkie and Twilight tried to reach each other, stretching their hooves out to grab each other even as they were swallowed down.
  94. Garble felt those feathery wings slip into his throat and his lips clasp around Twilight's throat. Reaching a claw around, Garble grabbed Twilight's face and stuffed her the rest of the way into his gullet while the other dragon slithered a strong, broad, wet tongue under the soft belly of Pinkie Pie and wrapping it up and around her face and pulling her back from her friend. Garble finished his meal with a single gulp, the princess of friendship filling the dragon's belly and leaving a nice little bump. Pinkie Pie was a little harder to down, but after some work the dragon fell to his ass and took in a deep breath as his belly hung out, distended and full.
  96. “Good Work guys,” Garble said, burping up some feathers “Let's get out of here, let Dragon Lord Ember see what real dragons ate all about,”
  98. “Yo, Garble! What about the dragon turned pony here!” The one who ate Rainbow Dash said, pulling up a crying Spike from under the table.
  100. “Bring the snack to me, that Princess was all feathers no substance,” Garble said, walking away and his pony filled posse following closely after.
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