
SMW Practice Cart v2.5.0 Changelog

Jan 3rd, 2017
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  1. v2.5.0:
  2. * fixed enemies facing the direction on room/level resets
  3. * fixed the level fanfare carrying over a room/level reset if you had perfect timing
  4. * fixed wings sometimes allowing a new record with level resets/room advances
  5. * fixed some settings not persisting over a console reset
  6. * fixed wings exits not showing the final time on the timer during level fade out
  7. * fixed the RNG viewer (now the memory viewer) so it actually shows the correct values
  8. * fixed DS1's secret gold time being 9'03
  9. * fixed a few of FoI4's gold/pink times being swapped
  10. * fixed save states making the world psychedelic colors on some platforms
  11. * fixed music going mute after dying and loading state
  12. - changed warping from yoshi's house to special with B instead of X/Y
  13. + added movie recording: enter a level with X to start a recording and enter with Y to play a movie
  14. + exit a currently playing movie by pressing start and select simultaneously
  15. + progress meter shows how much space the movie is taking up until it is too big to be saved
  16. + export up to 2 movies to save ram
  17. + import 2 movies from save ram, or 2 demo movies (coming soon)
  18. + you can see which movies are saved and loaded by the numbers 1 and 2 (saved movies in sram) and the letter L (currently loaded) on the overworld
  19. + movies will record crashes & L+R resets on all platforms. movies not on Super Everdrive can record save states as well
  20. + you can put a display name in the menu which will show up in game and will save with exported movies
  21. + you can now start+select after dying
  22. + there is a toggle option for L+R reset so you can practice things like RLX cloud
  23. + implemented memory viewer that obsoletes the RNG viewer (e.g. $148D = RNG, $00E4 = 0xB5 cloud x pos)
  24. + if the game crashes, it shows a stack dump and will try to load a save state if it exists
  25. + you can now see the gold/pink goal times by pressing L+R on the overworld
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