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- <!--Saved by Quest 5.8.6836.13983-->
- <asl version="580">
- <include ref="English.aslx" />
- <include ref="Core.aslx" />
- <template name="UnrecognisedCommand">[Error]: Unrecognized command</template>
- <template name="UnresolvedObject">You don't see anything resembling the image you have in your mind as you scan the room.</template>
- <game name="Escape From Briarwood Hospital">
- <inherit name="theme_retro" />
- <gameid>77928bfe-b66d-4f24-950b-77c77c46faf3</gameid>
- <version>1.0</version>
- <firstpublished>2022</firstpublished>
- <author>Charles Chadwick</author>
- <category>Surreal</category>
- <feature_advancedscripts />
- <appendobjectdescription type="boolean">false</appendobjectdescription>
- <showdescriptiononenter />
- <gridmap />
- <defaultforeground>LawnGreen</defaultforeground>
- <backgroundimage type="string"></backgroundimage>
- <defaultlinkforeground>LawnGreen</defaultlinkforeground>
- <underlinehyperlinks type="boolean">false</underlinehyperlinks>
- <enablehyperlinks type="boolean">false</enablehyperlinks>
- <marginscolour>Black</marginscolour>
- <panestheme>Nature</panestheme>
- <customstatuspane />
- <statusandcompassattop />
- <showcommandbar />
- <borderlesscursor />
- <showborder type="boolean">false</showborder>
- <bordercolour>LawnGreen</bordercolour>
- <attr name="feature_pictureframe" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <setcustompadding type="boolean">false</setcustompadding>
- <showlocation type="boolean">false</showlocation>
- <classiclocation type="boolean">false</classiclocation>
- <customlocationcolour>Black</customlocationcolour>
- <customlocationtextcolour>LawnGreen</customlocationtextcolour>
- <feature_asktell />
- <feature_lightdark />
- <feature_advancedwearables />
- <autodescription type="boolean">false</autodescription>
- <changeroom_newline />
- <command_newline />
- <autodisplayverbs />
- <clearscreenonroomenter type="boolean">false</clearscreenonroomenter>
- <showtitle type="boolean">false</showtitle>
- <mapexitcolour>LawnGreen</mapexitcolour>
- <mapsize type="int">1000</mapsize>
- <mapscale type="int">20</mapscale>
- <commandcursor><![CDATA[>]]></commandcursor>
- <feature_limitinventory />
- <commandpane />
- <defaultfont>'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace</defaultfont>
- <turnoffinventory />
- <respondtogridclicks type="boolean">false</respondtogridclicks>
- <setcustomwidth type="boolean">false</setcustomwidth>
- <custompaddingleft type="int">0</custompaddingleft>
- <custompaddingright type="int">0</custompaddingright>
- <customwidth type="int">1500</customwidth>
- <feature_devmode />
- <custompaddingtop type="int">0</custompaddingtop>
- <ogg type="string"></ogg>
- <defaultfontsize type="int">9</defaultfontsize>
- <AudioStatus type="boolean">false</AudioStatus>
- <colourblend type="boolean">false</colourblend>
- <showscore type="boolean">false</showscore>
- <turnoffsavebutton type="boolean">false</turnoffsavebutton>
- <customlocationbordercolour>Black</customlocationbordercolour>
- <menuforeground>LawnGreen</menuforeground>
- <menuhoverbackground>LawnGreen</menuhoverbackground>
- <IntroShown type="boolean">false</IntroShown>
- <GameStartAudio type="boolean">false</GameStartAudio>
- <start type="script">
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- JS.eval ("$('#customLocation').hide();")
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- playhtmlaudio ("intro theme.ogg")
- game.code = "" + GetRandomInt(1000, 9999)
- centerimage ("ansi intro screen.gif")
- centerimage ("enter button push.gif")
- wait {
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- // JS.uiShow ("#location")
- JS.eval ("$('#customLocation').show();")
- stophtmlaudio
- }
- </start>
- <roomenter type="script">
- </roomenter>
- <scopebackdrop type="script">
- </scopebackdrop>
- <inituserinterface type="script"><![CDATA[
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- JS.ShowGrid (0)
- JS.eval ("var el = document.getElementById('txtCommand');el.placeholder = ' ';var css = '::-webkit-input-placeholder {color: green;}' + ':-moz-placeholder {color: green;}' + '::-moz-placeholder {color: green;}' + ':-ms-input-placeholder {color: green;}' + '::placeholder {color: green;}';var style = document.createElement('style');style.type = 'text/css';style.innerHTML = css;el.appendChild(style);")
- text = "color:lawngreen;font-family:'" + game.defaultwebfont + "';font-size: 10px"
- savetext = "color:lawngreen;font-family:'" + game.defaultwebfont + "';font-size: 8px"
- background = "background:black"
- button = "padding:2px;background:black;border:ridge lawngreen 1px;border-radius: 9px;"
- JS.setCommands ("Map;Help;Room;Save")
- JS.setCss ("#verblinkmap", button + ";" + text)
- JS.setCss ("#verblinkhelp", button + ";" + text)
- JS.setCss ("#verblinkroom", button + ";" + text)
- JS.setCss ("#verblinksave", button + ";" + text)
- JS.setCustomStatus ("<BR>[Pills taken]: [" + player.pills + "/99]<BR><BR>")
- request (SetInterfaceString, "PlacesObjectsLabel=[Objects in Room]")
- request (SetInterfaceString, "CompassLabel=[Go Direction]")
- JS.setCss (".ui-accordion-header", "border:ridge lawngreen;" + background + ";" + text)
- JS.setCss (".ui-accordion-content", "border:ridge lawngreen;" + background + ";" + text)
- JS.eval ("$('head').append('<style>.ui-accordion-content .ui-button { " + text + " !important; " + button + " !important; }</style>');")
- JS.setCss (".accordion-header-text", text)
- JS.eval ("$('#gamePanes').width(280);")
- JS.setCss ("#cmdCompassU", "display:none")
- JS.setCss ("#cmdCompassD", "display:none")
- JS.setCss ("#cmdCompassIn", "display:none")
- JS.setCss ("#cmdCompassOut", "display:none")
- JS.setCss ("#compassAccordion", "width: 150px;border:ridge #000000 1px")
- JS.setInterfaceString ("ContinueLabel", "<span style='font-family: \"Press Start 2P\", cursive, Lucida Console, Monaco, monospace; font-size: 12pt; color: lawngreen;'>Press enter to continue...</span>")
- JS.eval ("var style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = \"li.ui-selected { background-color: lawngreen !important; color: black !important; font-weight: bold !important; font-size: 120% !important; }\"; document.head.appendChild(style);")
- JS.eval ("document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = '.ui-button:active, .ui-icon:active { background-color: lawngreen !important; color: black !important; } .ui-button:active span, .ui-icon:active span { color: black !important; } .ui-button:focus, .ui-icon:focus { outline: none; color: black; }';")
- JS.eval ("document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = '#commandPane:active { background-color: lawngreen !important; color: black !important; } #commandPane:focus { outline: none; color: black; }';")
- JS.eval ("$('head').append('<style>#customLocation { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: green; color: lawngreen; font-family: \"Press Start 2P\"; font-size: 10pt; text-align: center; line-height: normal; height: 100%; border: solid lawngreen; }</style>');")
- JS.eval ("var customBarHTML = '<table width=\"100%\" style=\"height: 100%;\"><tr style=\"height: 100%;\"><td id=\"customLocation\" style=\"display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 100%;\">Briarwood Hospital</td><td id=\"altlocation\" align=\"right\"></td></tr></table>'; $('#location').parent().html(customBarHTML);")
- JS.eval ("$('head').append('<style>.ui-button {padding: 2px !important;background: black !important;border: ridge lawngreen 1px !important;border-radius: 9px !important;}.ui-button span {color: lawngreen !important;font-family: \"" + game.defaultwebfont + "\" !important;font-size: 10px !important;}</style>')")
- // mouse pointer and link selector code
- cursor = GetFileURL("Normal pixelated green.cur")
- selectCursor = GetFileURL("Link Select.cur")
- JS.eval (" = 'url(\"" + cursor + "\"), auto';")
- JS.eval ("document.body.addEventListener('mouseover', function(event) { if( === 'A') { = 'url(\"" + selectCursor + "\"), pointer'; } else { = 'url(\"" + cursor + "\"), auto'; } }, true);")
- JS.eval ("var css = '*::-webkit-scrollbar { height: 10px; width: 10px !important; } *::-webkit-scrollbar-track { border-radius: 5px !important; background-color: #000000 !important; border: 2px solid #00F300 !important; } *::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border-radius: 5px !important; background-color: #00F300 !important; } *::-webkit-scrollbar-button { display: none !important; }'; var style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; if (style.styleSheet){ style.styleSheet.cssText = css; } else { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); } document.head.appendChild(style);")
- JS.eval ("$('.ui-icon').css('background-image', 'url(" + GetFileURL("ui-icons_02560_256x240.png") + ")')")
- ]]></inituserinterface>
- <giftest type="script">
- JS.set ("displayGif", 'var gifContainer=document.createElement("div");"flex";"center";"center";"100vh";var gifImage=document.createElement("img");gifImage.src="";gifImage.width=854;gifImage.height=480;"contain";var containerWrapper=document.createElement("div");"flex";"center";"center";"100%";"100%";containerWrapper.appendChild(gifImage);gifContainer.appendChild(containerWrapper);document.body.innerHTML="";document.body.appendChild(gifContainer);')
- (JS.get("displayGif"))
- </giftest>
- <changedpov type="script">
- InitPOV (oldvalue, game.pov)
- </changedpov>
- </game>
- <command name="save">
- <pattern type="string">^save$</pattern>
- <script>
- if (HasAttribute(game, "questplatform")) {
- if (game.questplatform = "desktop") {
- request (RequestSave, "")
- }
- else {
- JS.saveGame ()
- }
- }
- else {
- request (RequestSave, "")
- }
- game.suppressturnscripts = true
- </script>
- </command>
- <object name="entry to a psychiatric ward">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <isroom />
- <descprefix>You are in</descprefix>
- <objectslistprefix type="string"></objectslistprefix>
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <AudioIsPlaying type="boolean">false</AudioIsPlaying>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <attr name="grid_parent_offset_x" type="int">0</attr>
- <attr name="grid_parent_offset_y" type="int">0</attr>
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <dropdestination type="object">entry to a psychiatric ward</dropdestination>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- firsttime {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You have just awoken on the floor of a dimly lit hallway. You find yourself in Briarwood Hospital's psychiatric ward, but that's all you remember. The details of why you're here elude you, leaving you feeling nervous, paranoid, and ill at ease. As you glance around, you notice an eerie silence; no one seems to be nearby. The hallway is sparsely furnished, with a few ratty chairs lining the walls.. A bulletin board stands ahead, with a note tacked onto it that simply says, \"hello.\" There's more writing on the note, but from your current position, you can't read it. To the south is the exit leading out of the ward, tempting you to escape this uneasy place. To the north lies a hallway.<BR><BR>")
- picture ("entryway 1.jpg")
- }
- otherwise {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in the Briarwood Hospital psychiatric ward. The hallway is sparsely furnished, with a few ratty chairs lining the walls. A bulletin board stands ahead with a note tacked onto it that says 'hello,' along with some smaller writing. To the south is the exit door for the ward, and to the north is a hallway.<BR>")
- picture ("entryway 1.jpg")
- }
- ]]></description>
- <beforefirstenter type="script">
- playhtmlaudio ("entry to a psych ward theme.ogg")
- </beforefirstenter>
- <beforeenter type="script">
- </beforeenter>
- <enter type="script">
- </enter>
- <firstenter type="script">
- </firstenter>
- <exit alias="south" to="entry section with unit door">
- <inherit name="southdirection" />
- <lockmessage>Y</lockmessage>
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <exit alias="north" to="entry to a psychiatric ward 2">
- <inherit name="northdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="bulletin board">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- <look type="script">
- msg ("It's an average bulletin board, home to a thousand pushpin pricks, old staples, and pieces of tape. Pinned to the board is a note with \"hello\" scrawled in large letters.")
- </look>
- </object>
- <object name="note">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You look at the note. It is a message from an unknown narrator, an uncertain being with an ambiguous presence. What the note's narrative portends is hard to determine, but it seems to suggest what this place promises to deliver: benefits for a painful price.<BR>")
- picture ("entry to psychiatric ward note.jpeg")
- msg ("<BR>")
- EnterToContinue
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- <object name="player">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <inherit name="editor_player" />
- <attr name="feature_usegive" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <pills type="int">0</pills>
- <maxpills type="int">99</maxpills>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Green</attr>
- <SaveLocation type="object">entry to a psychiatric ward</SaveLocation>
- <look type="script">
- </look>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object name="entry section with unit door">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- if (unit door.locked = true) {
- JS.eval ("$('#txtCommand').val('');")
- msg ("You stand before the main door of the psychiatric unit. As you look at it, you feel like time is slipping away. To the left of the door, there is a keypad. To the north lies the entryway to the ward, beckoning you to explore further.<BR>")
- picture ("unit door-closed.jpg")
- }
- else if (unit door.locked = false) {
- JS.eval ("$('#txtCommand').val('');")
- msg ("You are standing at the main door of the psychiatric unit. Adjacent to the door is a keypad, and the door is open. To the north is a hallway. To the south, you see the entryway to the ward.<BR>")
- picture ("unit door-open.jpg")
- }
- ]]></description>
- <exit alias="north" to="entry to a psychiatric ward">
- <inherit name="northdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="keypad">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <feature_usegive />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Use</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <isroom />
- <used type="boolean">false</used>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("It is an average looking keypad. If the correct code is entered, the door to the ward will open.<BR><BR><img src=\"\"><BR>")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (keypad.used = true) {
- msg ("<BR>The door is open already...there's no point in using the keypad again.<BR>")
- }
- else {
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- JS.eval ("$('#txtCommand').val('');")
- JS.eval ("$(function () {var a=runCommand;runCommand=function(){sendCommand($(\"#txtCommand\").val());runCommand=a;};});")
- ClearScreen
- OutputTextNoBr ("Enter code:")
- get input {
- if (result = game.code) {
- ClearScreen
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("\"You enter the code onto the keypad, and the door opens automatically.<BR>")
- set (keypad, "used", true)
- UnlockExit (unit door)
- play sound ("unit door opening-loud.mp3", true, false)
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- ShowRoomDescription
- }
- }
- else {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("Invalid entry.<BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- ShowRoomDescription
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ]]></use>
- </object>
- <exit name="unit door" alias="south" to="hallway 4">
- <inherit name="southdirection" />
- <locked />
- <lockmessage>That way is locked. You need a keycard to open it. The nurses always have it...if only you did too...</lockmessage>
- </exit>
- <object name="sign">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- <look>The sign says that this is a restricted area.</look>
- <visible />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object name="hallway 4">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <description type="string"></description>
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <attr name="grid_render" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <exit alias="north" to="entry section with unit door">
- <inherit name="northdirection" />
- </exit>
- </object>
- <object name="entry to a psychiatric ward 2">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in the second section of the psychiatric ward entryway. To the west through an open door is the kitchen. You hear the hum of the refrigerator coming from there. To the north is the nurse's station. To the south is the entryway. You hear the ticking of the clock in the hallway.<BR><BR><img src=\"\"><BR>")
- ]]></description>
- <beforeenter type="script">
- </beforeenter>
- <enter type="script">
- </enter>
- <exit alias="south" to="entry to a psychiatric ward">
- <inherit name="southdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="clock">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- w = GetRandomInt(1, 12)
- x = GetRandomInt(10,59)
- y = GetRandomInt(1,2)
- if (y = 1) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The clock is unremarkable. It looks like any old one you'd see in a hospital anywhere, though the reliability of the device is questionable. The time is " + w + ":" + x + " AM...plenty of time to limp along....<BR><BR><img src=''><BR><BR>")
- wait {
- do (game.pov.parent, "description")
- }
- }
- else if (y = 2) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The clock is unremarkable. It looks like any old one you'd see in a hospital anywhere, though the reliability of the device is questionable. The time is " + w + ":" + x + " PM...plenty of time to limp along....<BR><BR><img src=''><BR><BR>")
- wait {
- do (game.pov.parent, "description")
- }
- }
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- <exit alias="west" to="kitchen">
- <inherit name="westdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <exit alias="north" to="nurses station with hallway junction">
- <inherit name="northdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="sign1">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <alias>sign</alias>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You take a closer look at the sign. You think that the sign, while perhaps being a safety warning, is a proper metaphor for your need to get out of this hospital.<BR><img src=\"\">")
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object name="kitchen">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in an old kitchen. It is relatively clean, and a refrigerator emits a low hum. In the center stands a long table, where you see a tape player and a clipboard with a piece of paper clipped to it. A handful of chairs line the table. To the west is the first section of the hospital hallway, and to the south, you find the TV lounge.<BR><BR><img src=\"\"><BR>")
- if (refrigerator.isopen) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in an old kitchen that is relatively clean. A refrigerator emits a low hum and inside it is a Dictaphone microcassette recorder. In the center of the room stands a long table, featuring a tape player and a clipboard with a piece of paper clipped to it. A handful of chairs line the table. To the west, you see the first section of the hospital hallway, and to the south lies the TV lounge.<BR><BR><img src=\"\"><BR>")
- }
- else {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in an old kitchen. It is relatively clean, and a refrigerator emits a low hum. In the center stands a long table, where you see a tape player and a clipboard with a piece of paper clipped to it. A handful of chairs line the table. To the west is the first section of the hospital hallway, and to the south, you find the TV lounge.<BR><BR><img src=\"\"><BR>")
- }
- ]]></description>
- <beforeenter type="script">
- </beforeenter>
- <firstenter type="script">
- playhtmlaudio ("entry to a psych ward music.ogg")
- </firstenter>
- <exit alias="east" to="entry to a psychiatric ward 2">
- <inherit name="eastdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="refrigerator">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <inherit name="openable" />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Open</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist" />
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <feature_container />
- <isroom type="boolean">false</isroom>
- <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
- <take type="boolean">false</take>
- <look type="script">
- if (not refrigerator.isopen) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You see an average refrigerator...shrouded in darkness. You feel a deep sense of unease, as if its countenance finds solace inside your inner core. That is, its aura is already a part of you.")
- picture ("refrigerator.jpg")
- EnterToContinue
- }
- else if (not Contains (refrigerator,audio tape)) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("Now that it no longer contains the tape it was meant to give you, which was its purpose in being, it now serves no purpose at all. Thus, it is ruined. But isn't everything? Eventually at least.")
- picture ("refrigerator broken.jpg")
- EnterToContinue
- }
- else if (refrigerator.isopen) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You open the refrigerator and see two pieces of fruit, a note inside, and a cassette tape. Undoubtedly, there is something of importance to hear on the tape. Let it speak to you.")
- picture ("refrigerator interior.jpg")
- EnterToContinue
- }
- </look>
- <openscript type="script">
- ClearScreen
- HelperOpenObject (refrigerator)
- msg ("You open the refrigerator and see two pieces of fruit, a note inside, and a cassette tape. Undoubtedly, there is something of importance to hear on the tape. Let it speak to you.")
- picture ("refrigerator interior.jpg")
- EnterToContinue
- </openscript>
- <closescript type="script">
- msg ("The refrigerator door emits a grating squeak as you close it.")
- HelperCloseObject (refrigerator)
- </closescript>
- <object name="audio tape">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <inherit name="container_open" />
- <take />
- <feature_usegive />
- <usemenuprompt>tape player</usemenuprompt>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <insert>You must use this on something.</insert>
- <put>You must use this on something.</put>
- <attr name="feature_container" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Take</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <takemsg>You pick up the tape, and its secrets.</takemsg>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Insert into tape player</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (Got(audio tape)) {
- ClearScreen
- PrintCentered ("The tape is in your hand, ready to be heard, but you need something to articulate its voice.")
- EnterToContinue
- }
- else {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("It appears to be a standard consumer-grade audio tape. Based on the label, one might guess that the tape contains some kind of message. However, the title is ambiguous enough that it's hard to imagine what the message might contain.<br/><BR><BR>")
- picture ("audio tape cu.jpg")
- EnterToContinue
- }
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script">
- msg ("A tape isn't of much use without something to play it on.")
- </use>
- <insertintotapeplayer type="script"><![CDATA[
- MoveObject (audio tape, tape player)
- HelperCloseObject (tape player)
- msg ("You insert the audio tape into the tape player.<BR>")
- ]]></insertintotapeplayer>
- <selfuseon type="scriptdictionary">
- <item key="tape player"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You put the audio tape into the tape player and hit play...<BR>")
- picture ("tape playing.gif")
- msg ("<BR>")
- TextFX_Typewriter ("<BR><BR>Listen to this message that I have for you, and only you. I exist only for the weary and the wounded. The vibrations of my voice will create for you the freedom that you crave. I am the antidote to your fears. Take the offering that I manifest for you here and in every room. The gift is of my body. I will continue to give you the restoration that you seek, if only you will continue to listen to my story. No one is here but me...I am your new dawn.", 55)
- play sound ("kitchen-tape.mp3", true, false)
- msg ("<BR>")
- play sound ("pill-manifestation.mp3", false, false)
- TextFX_Unscramble ("A pill of Clozapine materializes on the table.", 75, 1)
- MakeObjectVisible (clozapine)
- ]]></item>
- </selfuseon>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object name="tape player">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <inherit name="container_open" />
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <take />
- <feature_container />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <open />
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Press play</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <close />
- <isopen />
- <takemsg>You pick up the tape player, and slide it into your pocket.</takemsg>
- <listchildren type="boolean">false</listchildren>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (Got(tape player)) {
- ClearScreen
- PrintCentered ("The tape player sits in your pocket, waiting to be awoken from its energized slumber. Whenever you need to listen, it can speak in the voices of others. You suspect that its batteries will never die, just like everything in this place. You can't see anything ever dying here.")
- EnterToContinue
- }
- else {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The tape player appears ordinary and unassuming, yet it emits a cognitive resonance that captivates the mind. Whether it was used yesterday or a thousand years ago is unknown, but it seems to be in working order. Play a tape to find out.<BR><BR>")
- picture ("tape player.jpg")
- }
- ]]></look>
- <playtape type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (Contains (tape player,audio tape)) {
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You put the audio tape into the tape player and hit play...<BR>")
- EnterToContinueImage
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- TextFX_Typewriter ("<BR><BR>Listen to this message that I have for you, and only you. I exist only for the weary and the wounded. The vibrations of my voice will create for you the freedom that you crave. I am the antidote to your fears. Take the offering that I manifest for you here and in every room. The gift is of my body. I will continue to give you the restoration that you seek, if only you will continue to listen to my story. No one is here but me...I am your new dawn.", 55)
- play sound ("kitchen vo.mp3", true, false)
- msg ("<BR>")
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- wait {
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- TextFX_Unscramble ("A pill of Clozapine materializes on the table.", 50, 1)
- play sound ("pill manifestation.mp3", true, false)
- MakeObjectVisible (clozapine)
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("There is no tape in the tape player. You can't play thin air.<BR>")
- EnterToContinue
- }
- ]]></playtape>
- </object>
- <object name="clozapine">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- <attr name="feature_edible" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Swallow</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Drop</value>
- <value>Swallow</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <look><![CDATA[{img:clozapine.jpeg}<br/><br/>It's a small yellow pill with the number 100 stamped to it. It's called Clozapine, and it's one of the antipsychotic medications you take. Clozapine is classified as an atypical antipsychotic drug because it binds to serotonin as well as dopamine receptors. Clozapine is an antagonist at the 5-HT2A subunit of the serotonin receptor, putatively improving depression, anxiety, and the negative cognitive symptoms associated with schizophrenia.]]></look>
- <takemsg>You pick up the pill and slip it into your pocket.</takemsg>
- <dropmsg>You take the pill out of your pocket and drop it on the floor.</dropmsg>
- <not_all />
- <take type="script"><![CDATA[
- MakeObjectInvisible (clozapine)
- msg ("<BR>You swallow the pill and feel a building sense of reality and relief.<BR>")
- play sound ("pill-taking-sound.mp3", false, false)
- IncreaseObjectCounter (player, "pills")
- ]]></take>
- <swallow type="script"><![CDATA[
- pilltake
- MakeObjectInvisible (clozapine)
- ClearScreen
- play sound ("pill taking sound-high.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("<BR>You swallow the pill and feel a building sense of reality and relief.<BR>")
- ]]></swallow>
- </object>
- <exit alias="south" to="TV room">
- <inherit name="southdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="clipboard">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <takemsg>There's no need to take that...</takemsg>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\"><BR>")
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- <object name="fruit">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <look>The fruit is perplexing: two apples, one rotten and one fresh.</look>
- <scenery />
- </object>
- </object>
- <object name="storage">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <object name="throne room flag">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- </object>
- </object>
- <object name="TV room">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <dropdestination type="object">TV room</dropdestination>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in the TV room, which also serves as a group therapy room. A plethora of chairs are strewn about, facing in random directions. An old-fashioned TV sits in the corner of the room, displaying only static on its screen. On the wall hangs an unsettling picture of two wolves attacking each other, adding a sense of contained menace to the space. To the north, you see the entrance to the kitchen.<BR><BR><img src=\"\">")
- ]]></description>
- <exit alias="north" to="kitchen">
- <inherit name="northdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="television">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Use</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <feature_switchable />
- <feature_usegive />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("This appears to be a fairly old television, complete with dials and a woodgrain finish. It's turned on but is only showing static.<BR><BR><img src=\"\">")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (GetBoolean(television, "used")) {
- msg ("You manipulate the dials on the television, but unlike before, you are unable to find a working channel.")
- }
- else {
- ClearScreen
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("You begin to fiddle with the channel knobs on the TV, but each channel shows nothing but static. Suddenly, one of the channels you arrive at begins to emit a voice.<BR<BR>")
- SetTimeout (6) {
- msg ("<img src=\"\"><BR><BR>")
- TextFX_Typewriter ("Look into my bones and discover who you really are. When you first arrived here, I knew why you had come. Maybe I'll let you know why you're here a little later. There's a difference between let and tell. Tell is not restrictive. Someone decides to tell you and then you know, it was never yours and never will be. With let you are being given permission to take something. If you reject my offerings, then escape is not possible. You'll never get out of here. I'll keep talking to you as you go along, reminding you that I'm here and that your total healing lies with me. ", 55)
- play sound ("book-talking-audio.mp3", true, false)
- msg ("<BR>")
- play sound ("pill-manifestation.mp3", false, false)
- TextFX_Unscramble ("A pill of Trilafon materializes on the ground.", 75, 1)
- MakeObjectVisible (trilafon)
- SetObjectFlagOn (television, "used")
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- }
- }
- ]]></use>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object name="bookcase room">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <dropdestination type="object">bookcase room</dropdestination>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- firsttime {
- ClearScreen
- play sound ("breeze.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("You find yourself in a small room. Books are the building materials that this room is made of: books not made for reading. A paperback lies at your feet. Its cover and pages are in bad shape from repeated readings. It has been waiting for you. There is a breeze in the room even though there are no windows or ventilation that you can see. You wonder both where this room is and if there is anything outside at all.<BR><BR>")
- picture ("bookcase room2.jpg")
- }
- otherwise {
- if (Got(book)) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You find yourself in a small room. Books are the building materials that this room is made of: books not made for reading. There is a breeze in the room even though there are no windows or ventilation that you can see. ")
- picture ("bookcase room2.jpg")
- }
- else if (not Got(book)) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You find yourself in a small room. Books are the building materials that this room is made of: books not made for reading, A paperback lies at your feet. Its cover and pages are in bad shape from repeated readings. It has been waiting for you. There is a breeze in the room even though there is no discernable outside, windows, or ventilation.")
- picture ("bookcase room2.jpg")
- }
- }
- ]]></description>
- <object name="book">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <feature_usegive />
- <take />
- <read>You need to use the book in order to read it.</read>
- <usestandardverblist />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (Got(book)) {
- picture ("book cu.jpg")
- msg ("<BR>You are holding the's begging to be read.<BR><BR>")
- }
- else if (not Got(book)) {
- picture ("book on floor.jpg")
- msg ("<BR>The book is at your feet, next to a couple of burning candles. It looks highly used, and has a small illustration on the cover. Its title reads 'Briarwood Hospital Patient Handbook.'<BR><BR>")
- }
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- picture ("book look at.jpg")
- msg ("<BR>You open the book and hear a voice...<BR><BR>")
- TextFX_Typewriter ("Look into my bones and discover who you really are. When you first arrived here, I knew why you had come. Maybe I'll let you know why you're here a little later. There's a difference between let and tell. Tell is not restrictive. Someone decides to tell you and then you know, it was never yours and never will be. With let you are being given permission to take something. If you reject my offerings, then escape is not possible. You'll never get out of here. I'll keep talking to you as you go along, reminding you that I'm here and that your total healing lies with me. ", 55)
- play sound ("book-talking-audio.mp3", true, false)
- msg ("<BR>")
- play sound ("pill-manifestation.mp3", false, false)
- TextFX_Unscramble ("A pill of Trilafon materializes on the table.", 75, 1)
- MakeObjectVisible (trilafon)
- ]]></use>
- </object>
- <object name="trilafon">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <attr name="feature_edible" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- <look><![CDATA[{img:trilafon.jpg}<br/><br/>This medication is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (such as schizophrenia, manic phase of bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder). This medicine helps you to think more clearly, feel less nervous, and take part in everyday life. It can reduce aggressive behavior and the desire to hurt yourself/others. It may also help to decrease hallucinations (such as hearing/seeing things that are not there). Perphenazine is a psychiatric medication (antipsychotic-type) that works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances (such as dopamine) in the brain.]]></look>
- <take />
- <useindividualverblist type="boolean">false</useindividualverblist>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Take</value>
- <value>Swallow</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <usestandardverblist />
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Drop</value>
- <value>Swallow</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <takemsg>You pick up the pill, and hold it in your hand while you gaze at it.</takemsg>
- <swallow type="script">
- play sound ("pill-taking-sound.mp3", false, false)
- TextFX_Unscramble ("You swallow the Trilfon and experience greater quiet in your mind. And you are transported back to the TV room...", 100, 10)
- wait {
- SetObjectFlagOn (trilafon, "swallowec")
- MakeObjectInvisible (trilafon)
- play sound ("teleport-sound.mp3", false, false)
- MoveObject (book, storage)
- MoveObject (player, TV room)
- }
- </swallow>
- </object>
- </object>
- <verb>
- <property>swallow</property>
- <pattern>swallow</pattern>
- <defaultexpression>"You can't swallow " + object.article + "."</defaultexpression>
- </verb>
- <object name="nurses station with hallway junction">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (GetBoolean(diagram, "lookedat")) {
- ClearScreen
- stop sound
- msg ("You are at the nurses' station. It's composed of a desk with random office supplies scattered about upon it, seeming like someone just dropped everything and left in a hurry. The diagram you looked at is still lying there. A couple of office chairs are pushed against the desktop. To the right of the desk there is a sign. There is a door to the north that opens to the interior of the nurses' station, where many important items are kept. To the east and west are two hallways. To the south is the hallway by the kitchen.<BR><BR>")
- picture ("nurses station.jpg")
- }
- else if (not GetBoolean(diagram, "lookedat")) {
- ClearScreen
- stop sound
- msg ("You are at the nurses' station. It's composed of a desk with random office supplies scattered about upon it, seeming like someone just dropped everything and left in a hurry. There is a diagram on the desk that catches your eye...its subject matter and style appear peculiar, like it doesn't belong in its present context. A couple of office chairs are pushed against the desktop. There is a sign to the right of the desk, and also behind the desk is the door to the inside of the nurses' station, where important items are kept. To the east and west are two hallways. To the south is the hallway by the kitchen.<BR><BR>")
- picture ("nurses station.jpg")
- }
- ]]></description>
- <object name="diagram">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- firsttime {
- ClearScreen
- picture ("erics drawing-tv surveillance.jpg")
- msg ("<BR>You see the picture, and hear it speak to you...<BR><BR>")
- TextFX_Typewriter ("I know more than you know. What you see here is how, I, see. But the question really is, how many do I see? What are they, really? Are they kind...? Are they evil...? The point is that when they come here, their true purpose is to find, and undo, the curse that has rendered them alone in the universe. More importantly, however, is that I see every aspect of their transformations. I see, and I control. Don't ever forget that. And also, don't ever forget that behind a door, the key to my death, might manifest.", 55)
- play sound ("eric-drawing-narration.mp3", true, false)
- SetObjectFlagOn (diagram, "lookedat")
- msg ("<BR>")
- play sound ("pill-manifestation.mp3", false, false)
- TextFX_Unscramble ("A pill of Loxapine materializes on the counter.", 75, 1)
- MakeObjectVisible (loxapine)
- }
- otherwise {
- ClearScreen
- picture ("erics drawing-tv surveillance.jpg")
- msg ("<BR>You look at the drawing, but it no longer speaks to you.")
- }
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- <object name="loxapine">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- <look><![CDATA[{img:loxapine image.jpg}<br/><br/>Loxapine is used to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia (a mental illness that causes disturbed or unusual thinking, loss of interest in life, and strong or inappropriate emotions). Loxapine is in a group of medications called conventional antipsychotics. It works by decreasing abnormal excitement in the brain.]]></look>
- <attr name="feature_edible" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Take</value>
- <value>Swallow</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Drop</value>
- <value>Swallow</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <swallow type="script"><![CDATA[
- play sound ("pill-taking-sound.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("You swallow the Loxapine and feel the aura of your suffering decrease slightly.<BR>")
- MakeObjectInvisible (loxapine)
- SetObjectFlagOn (loxapine, "swallowed")
- ]]></swallow>
- </object>
- <exit alias="south" to="entry to a psychiatric ward 2">
- <inherit name="southdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <exit alias="northwest" to="inside of nurses station">
- <inherit name="northdirection" />
- <runscript type="boolean">false</runscript>
- <locked />
- <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
- <grid_render />
- <lockmessage>The door to the nurse's station is locked. A sign on the door reads: "Unmedicated patients will be denied entry."</lockmessage>
- <script type="script">
- </script>
- </exit>
- <object name="desk">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- <look>The desk is large and affixed to the floor, like one in any doctor's office. It has a couple of office chairs up against it, presumably for nurses to sit on...whenever the ward last had nurse's. It also has an elevated countertop where patients could fill out paperwork, be handed medication to take, etc. The desk in front of the office chairs has various office supplies strewn about upon it, along with a diagram on a piece of paper.</look>
- </object>
- <object name="office chairs">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <look>These are a couple of ratty old office chairs; highly used. You can imagine various staff sitting there for countless hours, scraping away the bones of their hands filling out infinite paperwork. In your mind, you can see them sitting there for thousands of years, each generation of nurses dying and being replaced, all to the purpose of minding the patients, scribbling out their paperwork, and scanning their little vacuum packs of pills.</look>
- <scenery />
- </object>
- <exit alias="north" to="quadrangle 1">
- <inherit name="eastdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- </object>
- <object name="inside of nurses station">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <exit alias="southeast" to="nurses station with hallway junction">
- <inherit name="northeastdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- </object>
- <object name="quadrangle 1">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- firsttime {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in one section of the hallway. You hear a droning sound in your mind, or is it real? In front of you you see a poster tacked to the wall that is more peculiar than your average one, along with a fire extinguisher. There is a piece of strange art to your side. To your other side are a drinking fountain and a fire axe that's mounted on the wall. To the east is the nurse's station, and to the north is the next section of hallway with the patient bedrooms.<BR><BR>")
- picture ("quadrangle 1.jpg")
- msg ("<BR>")
- play sound ("black hole sound.mp3", false, false)
- }
- otherwise {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in one section of the hallway. In front of you you see a poster tacked to the wall that seems more peculiar than your average one, along with a fire extinguisher. There is a piece of art to your side. While initially dismissing it as just some stock art you'd see in any hospital or hotel room, from the corner of your eye it looks like it may be more than that. To your other side are a drinking fountain and a fire axe that's mounted on the wall. To the east is the nurse's station, and to the north is the next section of hallway with the patient bedrooms.<BR><BR>")
- picture ("quadrangle 1.jpg")
- msg ("<BR>")
- }
- ]]></description>
- <exit alias="south" to="nurses station with hallway junction">
- <inherit name="westdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="poster">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <takemsg>The poster is glued to the wall, so you can't take it.</takemsg>
- <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- firsttime {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("What a strange poster. Why would the staff of the ward tack this to the wall? You feel as if it is trying to convey a cryptic message to you.<BR><BR>")
- picture ("poster with heads.jpg")
- }
- otherwise {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You contemplate the unusual artwork...<BR><BR>")
- picture ("poster with heads.jpg")
- }
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- <object name="fire axe">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <isroom type="boolean">false</isroom>
- <scenery />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <takemsg>There is no need to take the axe.</takemsg>
- <feature_usegive />
- <look type="script">
- msg ("It is an average looking fire axe, intended to be used during a fire of course.")
- </look>
- <use type="script">
- msg ("There is no need to use the fire axe. After all, there is no fire.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="art">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <takemsg>You can't take the artwork without severely damaging it, since it is firmly connected to the wall.</takemsg>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- firsttime {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("As you contemplate the unusual artwork, your head begins to ache. What would this kind of art be doing in a hospital psychiatric unit, you wonder. Does its image have anything to do with you peculiar situation?<BR>")
- picture ("woman on tv in hallway in frame.jpg")
- }
- otherwise {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You contemplate the unusual artwork.<BR>")
- picture ("woman on tv in hallway in frame.jpg")
- }
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- <exit alias="north" to="quadrangle 2">
- <inherit name="northdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="drinking fountain">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <look>The drinking fountain looks like any old one you'd see anywhere. It is noticeably old and corroded.</look>
- <scenery />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <feature_usegive />
- <takemsg>The drinking fountain is connecated to the wall, and so cannot be taken.</takemsg>
- <use type="script">
- msg ("You attempt to use the drinking fountain, but it is inoperable.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="fire extinguisher">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <look>The fire extinguisher looks the same as any other one you'd find in a commercial space. It is firmly attached to the wall.</look>
- <scenery />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <feature_usegive />
- <takemsg>There's no reason to take the fire's bulky and heavy. And besides, there's no fire.</takemsg>
- <use type="script">
- msg ("There is no need to use the fire extinguisher. There is no fire to put out.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="axe">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <look>It is an average looking fire axe, intended to be used during a fire of course.</look>
- <scenery />
- <takemsg>There is no need to take the axe.</takemsg>
- <feature_usegive />
- <use type="script">
- msg ("There is no need to use the fire axe. After all, there's no fire.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="fountain">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- <look>The drinking fountain looks like any old one you'd see anywhere. It is noticeably old and corroded.</look>
- <takemsg>The drinking fountain is connecated to the wall, and so cannot be taken.</takemsg>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <feature_usegive />
- <use type="script">
- msg ("You attempt to use the drinking fountain, but it is inoperable.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="artwork">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <takemsg>You can't take the artwork without severely damaging it, since it is firmly connected to the wall.</takemsg>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- firsttime {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("As you contemplate the unusual artwork, your head begins to ache. What would this kind of art be doing in a hospital psychiatric unit, you wonder. Does its image have anything to do with you peculiar situation?<BR>")
- picture ("woman on tv in hallway in frame.jpg")
- }
- otherwise {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You contemplate the unusual artwork.<BR>")
- picture ("woman on tv in hallway in frame.jpg")
- }
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object name="quadrangle 2">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- stop sound
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You're in a dark hallway. On the left hand wall are some chairs that look like they've had a lot of use, with tears and black stains in their cloth upholstry. On the right hand wall is a warning sign, and next to it is a switch with a speaker alongside it. The hallway is dim, and is lit by a vertical neon lamp up ahead. To the northwest is a door, and to the northeast is another door. To the west is the hallway leading to the nurses' station, and to the north is another section of hallway.<BR><BR>")
- picture ("dark hospital hallway.jpg")
- ]]></description>
- <exit alias="south" to="quadrangle 1">
- <inherit name="southdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <exit name="bedroom1door" alias="northeast" to="art therapy room">
- <inherit name="northeastdirection" />
- <locked type="boolean">false</locked>
- <lockmessage>The door is locked tight. There must be some way to open it though.</lockmessage>
- </exit>
- <exit name="bedroom2door" alias="northwest" to="writers room">
- <inherit name="northwestdirection" />
- <locked type="boolean">false</locked>
- <lockmessage>The door is locked tight. There must be some way to open it though.</lockmessage>
- </exit>
- <object name="switch">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <inherit name="switchable" />
- <look><![CDATA[You see a switch next to a speaker. Who knows what will happen when you press it?<br/><br/>{img:speaker and switch on wall.jpg}]]></look>
- <attr name="feature_usegive" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Switch on</value>
- <value>Switch off</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Use</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <switchonmsg> </switchonmsg>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <takemsg>The switch is attached to the cannot take it.</takemsg>
- <feature_switchable />
- <use type="script">
- </use>
- <onswitchon type="script"><![CDATA[
- firsttime {
- ClearScreen
- picture ("sound_wave.gif")
- msg ("<BR>The speaker emits a voice...<BR><BR>")
- TextFX_Typewriter ("This corridor is a vein for your blood, and I flow through it. See the chambers in which I live.", 55)
- play sound ("quadrangle-2-voiceover.mp3", true, false)
- msg ("<BR>")
- UnlockExit (bedroom1door)
- UnlockExit (bedroom2door)
- msg ("Both nearby bedroom doors unlock...")
- play sound ("quadrangle-2-doors.mp3", false, false)
- }
- otherwise {
- msg ("You flip the switch, but nothing happens.")
- }
- ]]></onswitchon>
- </object>
- <object name="speaker">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- </object>
- <object name="chairs1">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <alias>chairs</alias>
- <scenery />
- </object>
- <object name="neon lamp">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- </object>
- <object name="lamp">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- </object>
- <exit alias="north" to="quadrangle 3">
- <inherit name="northdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- <runscript />
- <script type="script">
- stophtmlaudio
- playhtmlaudio ("quadrangle 3 music.ogg")
- MoveObject (player, quadrangle 3)
- </script>
- </exit>
- </object>
- <object name="art therapy room">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (not IsSwitchedOn(device)) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in what appears to be a room that is (or was) used by patients to do art therapy. Empty easels stand around the room, with only one holding a painting. The painting looks to be unfinished, almost as if someone abandoned its production in a hurry. There seems to be a general lack of any generation of art in the room at all, since in addition to the empty easels there are empty frames hung all over the walls. On the ground is a cup with some dirty brushes in it, and behind the unfinished painting is some kind of device plugged into the wall. It has a switch on it that is currently turned to the off position.<BR><img src=\"\" width=\"700\" height=\"400\" /><BR>")
- }
- else if (IsSwitchedOn(device)) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in what appears to be a room that is (or was) used by patients to do art therapy. Empty easels stand around the room, with only one holding a painting. The painting shows a screaming figure buried in abstraction. Aside from that, there seems to be a general lack of any generation of art in the room at all, since in addition to the empty easels there are empty frames hung all over the walls are empty frames. On the ground is a cup with some dirty brushes in it, and behind the unfinished painting is some kind of device plugged into the wall. It has a switch on it that is currently turned to the on position.<BR><BR>")
- picture ("art therapy room with screaming painting.jpg")
- }
- ]]></description>
- <enter type="script">
- </enter>
- <exit alias="southwest" to="quadrangle 2">
- <inherit name="southwestdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="device">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <inherit name="switchable" />
- <feature_switchable />
- <switchonmsg> </switchonmsg>
- <switchoffmsg>You turn off the device.</switchoffmsg>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Switch on</value>
- <value>Switch off</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <takemsg>It's pointless to take the device. Without power, it's useless, and its purpose is ambiguous.</takemsg>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("This is some kind of electrical device. It is plugged in to a power transformer that is connected to the wall. Both of them appear corroded with age. The device has a switch on it.<BR><img src=\"\" width=\"640\" height=\"400\" /><BR>")
- msg ("<BR>")
- ]]></look>
- <onswitchon type="script"><![CDATA[
- firsttime {
- ClearScreen
- picture ("screaming painting.jpg")
- PrintCentered ("<BR>You turn on the device, and the unfinished paiting completes itself, taking on a frightening visage. It begins to speak...<BR>")
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- TextFX_Typewriter ("What you see is one of my bodies. Not the only one, but one locked into terror. I have no choice but to scream. My vocation is the absorption of all of your negative emotions and cognitions. When you feel ill at ease, this is what I become, and it is what possesses you, albeit temporarily. Here is a token of my generosity. It will relieve you of this form. It will save you from my horrific distortions, but only sometimes. You still have a ways to go, but I will be with you...whether you choose it or no.", 55)
- play sound ("art-therapy-room-vo.mp3", true, false)
- msg ("<BR>")
- TextFX_Unscramble ("A pill of mirtazapine materializes on the counter.", 75, 1)
- play sound ("pill-manifestation.mp3", false, false)
- MakeObjectVisible (amitriptyline)
- }
- otherwise {
- msg ("You turn on the device, but it seems to have no effect on anything.")
- }
- msg ("<BR><BR>")
- ]]></onswitchon>
- <onswitchoff type="script">
- </onswitchoff>
- </object>
- <object name="amitriptyline">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Drop</value>
- <value>Swallow</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Take</value>
- <value>Swallow</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <take />
- <takemsg>You pick up the pill and put it into your pocket.</takemsg>
- <dropmsg>Even though you probably shouldn't drop the pill, you do anyway.</dropmsg>
- <visited />
- <grid_render />
- <swallow type="script">
- play sound ("pill-taking-sound.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("You take the amitriptyline and feel a palpable sense of renewal...")
- MakeObjectInvisible (amitriptyline)
- SetObjectFlagOn (amitriptyline, "swallowed")
- </swallow>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- picture ("Amitriptyline box.jpg")
- msg ("<BR>This medication is used to treat mental/mood problems such as depression. It may help improve mood and feelings of well-being, relieve anxiety and tension, help you sleep better, and increase your energy level. This medication belongs to a class of medications called tricyclic antidepressants. It works by affecting the balance of certain natural chemicals (neurotransmitters such as serotonin) in the brain. Due to the frequency and prominence of side effects, amitriptyline is generally considered a second-line therapy for this indication.<BR>")
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object name="writers room">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <dark />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (GetBoolean(typewriter, "used")) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You see a desk with a lamp illuminating a typewriter. Bizarrely, the light coming through the window seems to suddenly illuminate itself too. The window implies that an outside to the building exists, but besides a silhouette of a tree and the pure white light, you cannot see anything at all beyond the walls of the room. There is a bookcase with old books lining its shelves, an old couch, and a coffee table with an empty glass upon it. Through the half-light to the northwest is an iron gate that leads to a room filled with illumination.<BR><BR><img src=\"\" width=\"700\" height=\"400\" /><BR>")
- }
- else if (not GetBoolean(typewriter, "used")) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You see a desk with a lamp illuminating a typewriter. Bizarrely, the light coming through the window seems to suddenly illuminate itself too. The window implies that an outside to the building exists, but besides a silhouette of a tree and the pure white light, you cannot see anything at all beyond the walls of the room. There is a bookcase with old books lining its shelves, an old couch, and a coffee table with an empty glass upon it. Through the half-light to the northwest is a iron gate with an automatic lock that's shut tight. The room beyond is in darkness.<BR><BR><img src=\"\" width=\"688\" height=\"388\" /><BR>")
- // picture ("dark study.jpg")
- }
- ]]></description>
- <darkroomdescription type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The room is oppressively dark. Its gloom is a grainy and animated collage of oppressive feeling. Through the darkness' lack, one's fears can expand into all areas of the mind. The hallway's light extends slightly into the chamber, illuminating a light switch on the wall by the door.<BR><BR><img src=\"\">")
- ]]></darkroomdescription>
- <exit alias="southeast" to="quadrangle 2">
- <inherit name="southeastdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="light switch">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <inherit name="switchable" />
- <usedefaultprefix />
- <feature_switchable />
- <feature_lightdark />
- <lightstrength>weak</lightstrength>
- <lightsource />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Switch on</value>
- <value>Switch off</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Switch on</value>
- <value>Switch off</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <switchoffmsg>You flip the switch, and the room goes dark.</switchoffmsg>
- <look type="script">
- if (not IsSwitchedOn(light switch)) {
- msg ("You cannot see the light switch very well, but you're able to ascertain that it is there by touch alone.")
- }
- else {
- msg ("It's a light switch.")
- }
- </look>
- <onswitchon type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("You flip the light switch, and the room is illuminated.")
- play sound ("light-switch-on.mp3", true, false)
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("You see a desk with a lamp illuminating a typewriter. Bizarrely, the light coming through the window seems to suddenly illuminate itself too. The window implies that an outside to the building exists, but besides a silhouette of a tree and the pure white light, you cannot see anything at all beyond the walls of the room. There is a bookcase with old books lining its shelves, an old couch, and a coffee table with an empty glass upon it. Through the half-light to the northwest is a iron gate that's shut tight. The room beyond is in darkness.<BR><BR>")
- picture ("dark study.jpg")
- SetLight (writers room)
- ]]></onswitchon>
- <onswitchoff type="script">
- SetDark (writers room)
- </onswitchoff>
- <flip type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- play sound ("light-switch-on.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("You see a desk with a lamp illuminating a typewriter. Bizarrely, the light coming through the window seems to suddenly illuminate itself too. The window implies that an outside to the building exists, but besides a silhouette of a tree and the pure white light, you cannot see anything at all beyond the walls of the room. There is a bookcase with old books lining its shelves, an old couch, and a coffee table with an empty glass upon it. Through the half-light to the northwest is a iron gate with an automatic lock that's shut tight. The room beyond is in darkness.<BR><BR>")
- picture ("dark study.jpg")
- SetLight (writers room)
- SwitchOn (light switch)
- ]]></flip>
- </object>
- <object name="typewriter">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <inherit name="surface" />
- <attr name="feature_container" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <hidechildren />
- <feature_usegive />
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Use</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <takemsg>There's no need to take the typewriter. What are you going to do, put it in one of your pockets?</takemsg>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Use</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (GetBoolean(typewriter, "used")) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("It is an antique typewriter...mid-twentieth century. It looks as if it has gotten a lot of use by the many different people who have passed through this room...hammering away at its keys with their fragile fingers. It contains a typewritten page.<BR><BR><img src=\"\" width=\"574\" height=\"376\" /><BR>")
- }
- else {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("It is an antique typewriter...mid-twentieth century. It looks as if it has gotten a lot of use by the many different people who have passed through this room...hammering away at its keys with their fragile fingers. The paper the device contains is blank.<BR><BR><img src=\"\" width=\"588\" height=\"388\" /><BR>")
- }
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (GetBoolean(typewriter, "used")) {
- msg ("The paper in the typewriter has already been typed on, and you can see no blank paper lying around. It wouldn't make much sense to type anything.<BR>")
- }
- else {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The typewriter begins to type by itself...")
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- msg ("<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" title=\"source:\" /></a>")
- src = ""
- msg ("<audio src='" + src + "' autoplay />")
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- TextFX_Typewriter ("You are a living narrative. You exist because of the stories you tell yourself, and the stories you tell about yourself to others. You are a living fiction, and your presence on earth is a fiction. All of us are surrounded by lies. The world can be a lie. One might ask, what is a world? Is the house in which you live a world? If so, then home would be a lie. And if a cage was a world, then it would be a lie as well. I am changing the world as we speak...spinning a fictitious story for you that will change this unfolding horror. Am I lying? Only a fool would lie. I suppose then that we're all fools. Fools that live in the darkness of truth. Enter the darkness and live with me.", 60)
- play sound ("32s02.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("5-sec-silence.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("5-sec-silence.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- ClearScreen
- msg ("An iron gate opens, and the lights flicker on in the room that it lies beyond it.")
- src2 = ""
- msg ("<audio src='" + src2 + "' autoplay />")
- play sound ("5-sec-silence.mp3", true, false)
- SetObjectFlagOn (typewriter, "used")
- UnlockExit (jaildoor)
- do (game.pov.parent, "description")
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- }
- ]]></use>
- </object>
- <object name="typewriter paper">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- <alias>paper</alias>
- <scenery />
- </object>
- <exit name="jaildoor" alias="northwest" to="chapel">
- <inherit name="northwestdirection" />
- <locked type="boolean">false</locked>
- <lockmessage>The gate is locked. There must be some way to open it...</lockmessage>
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- </object>
- <object name="chapel">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in the hospital's chapel. The entropy that has affected the room has eaten away its interior. There are some windows on the wall look upon pure white...nothing is visible through them. Debris litters the floor. Some pews used to stand proudly within the room, but since have fallen into disrepair. There is an old crucifix hung above the altar, with the latter being a filthy old oaken table. Strangely, a decrepit payphone siands in the center of the room.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"500\" height=\"500\" />")
- ]]></description>
- <exit alias="southeast" to="writers room">
- <inherit name="southeastdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="phone">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Use</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist" />
- <feature_usegive />
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The phone is old and rusted. The handset looks like it hasn't been picked up for millennia.<BR><BR><img src=\"\" width=\"700\" height=\"525\" /><BR>")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (GetBoolean(phone, "used")) {
- ClearScreen
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("<BR>You pick up the phone's receiver to use it...")
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("phone out of order.mp3", true, false)
- msg ("<BR>But it seems to be out of order...<BR>")
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- }
- else if (not GetBoolean(phone, "used")) {
- ClearScreen
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- msg ("<BR><img src=\"\"><BR><BR>You start to pick up the phone's receiver, but it starts ringing before you can...<BR><BR>")
- play sound ("payphone ring.mp3", true, false)
- msg ("You pick it up...")
- play sound ("phone pick up.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- ClearScreen
- src3 = ""
- msg ("<audio src='" + src3 + "' autoplay />")
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- TextFX_Typewriter ("An auditory hallucination is like an evil is a curse that is cast upon you by nature. If you have one, then you will have many, and you likely will hear them for your entire life. It is similar to a radio station you'd rather not listen to. They are ugly sounds that emerge from noise, and they are unwanted. A peaceful unfolding broadcast is interrupted by the vulgar sounds of disorder and madness. In that case, what you hear is not what you hear at all. My voice is flowing through you via a direct line to the void. Lucky you. And from the void comes your relief. Do not reject it. In fact, I recommend that you love it. Take this gift from me and heal. See you next time. Talk to you later.", 55)
- play sound ("15.1s.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("15.1s.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("15.1s.mp3", true, false)
- msg ("<BR>You slam down the phone receiver...<BR>")
- play sound ("phone slam.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- TextFX_Unscramble ("<BR>And a pill materializes on the ground...", 50, 1)
- play sound ("pill manifestation.mp3", true, false)
- msg ("<BR>")
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- MakeObjectVisible (imipramine)
- SetObjectFlagOn (phone, "used")
- }
- ]]></use>
- </object>
- <object name="imipramine">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- <take />
- <takemsg>You pick up the pill and place it in your pocket...</takemsg>
- <dropmsg>You might not want to drop that, but alas, you do it anyway.</dropmsg>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- picture ("imipramine.jpg")
- msg ("<BR>Imipramine tablets are used to treat depression. It is in a class of medications called tricyclic antidepressants. It treats depression by increasing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain that are needed to maintain mental balance.<BR>")
- ]]></look>
- <swallow type="script"><![CDATA[
- msg ("<BR>You swallow the imipramine pill and feel a newfound sense of mental balance...<BR>")
- play sound ("pill-taking-sound.mp3", false, false)
- MakeObjectInvisible (imipramine)
- SetObjectFlagOn (imipramine, "swallowed")
- ]]></swallow>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object name="quadrangle 3">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in a long hallway. It is eerily lit with flourescent lights whose illuminations on the walls taper off into soft shadows. There's a large door at the very end. To the east is another door. On the ground is a piece of paper with writing on it. You feel a powerful sense of deja vu...and an even deeper sense of the bleak energies that color the floor, the walls, and everything else here. Your intuition tells you that this is not a hallway, but a problem to be solved. Even if the solution lies elsewhere.<BR>")
- picture ("hallway with paper on floor.jpg")
- ]]></description>
- <enter type="script">
- </enter>
- <beforeenter type="script">
- </beforeenter>
- <onexit type="script">
- </onexit>
- <firstenter type="script">
- </firstenter>
- <exit name="door to quad2" alias="south" to="quadrangle 2">
- <inherit name="southdirection" />
- <locked type="boolean">false</locked>
- <visible />
- <grid_render />
- <runscript />
- <script type="script">
- stophtmlaudio
- playhtmlaudio ("entry to a psychiatric ward music.ogg")
- MoveObject (player, quadrangle 2)
- </script>
- </exit>
- <exit name="quad3door" alias="north" to="quadrangle 4">
- <inherit name="northdirection" />
- <locked type="boolean">false</locked>
- <grid_render />
- <runscript type="boolean">false</runscript>
- <script type="script">
- </script>
- </exit>
- <object name="message">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <alias>piece of paper</alias>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Read</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <feature_usegive />
- <look type="script">
- msg ("The paper looks like it's been here for quite a long time, and was put here on purpose. There is something written on it.")
- </look>
- <read type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"1000\" height=\"547\" /><BR>")
- wait {
- ShowRoomDescription
- }
- ]]></read>
- <use type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"1000\" height=\"547\" /><BR>")
- wait {
- ShowRoomDescription
- }
- ]]></use>
- </object>
- <exit name="doortothroneroom" alias="east" to="throne room">
- <inherit name="eastdirection" />
- <locked type="boolean">false</locked>
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- </object>
- <object name="quadrangle 4">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <onexit type="script">
- </onexit>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (computer terminal.openexteriordoor = true) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The passageway turns a corner, and you find yourself, strangely, in a dimly lit school hallway. Lines of lockers stretch on into deep perspective on either side of you. There is a locker door hanging ajar, leading into a passageway. In front of you is a door that hangs open, emitting an efffulgence of light.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- }
- else {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The passageway turns a corner, and you find yourself, strangely, in a dimly lit school hallway. Lines of lockers stretch on into deep perspective on either side of you. There is a locker door hanging ajar, leading into a passageway. The door at the end of the hall is locked tight.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- }
- ]]></description>
- <enter type="script">
- </enter>
- <exit name="quadrangle 4 door" alias="south" to="quadrangle 3">
- <inherit name="southdirection" />
- <locked type="boolean">false</locked>
- <lockmessage>That way is locked. You need to fall into a machine to open it.</lockmessage>
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <exit name="quadrangle 5 door" alias="north" to="quadrangle 5">
- <inherit name="northdirection" />
- <locked type="boolean">false</locked>
- <lockmessage>That way is locked. You must use a computer to open it.</lockmessage>
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <exit name="computer room door" alias="east" to="computer room">
- <inherit name="eastdirection" />
- <locked type="boolean">false</locked>
- <visible />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="locker door">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <inherit name="openable" />
- <feature_container />
- <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
- <look type="script">
- if (GetBoolean(variable1, "true")) {
- msg ("The locker door is old and rusty. It looks to be open.")
- }
- </look>
- <openscript type="script"><![CDATA[
- msg ("<BR>You open the locker door and flourescent light streams out. Through the locker is a passageway leading east.<BR>")
- MakeExitVisible (computer room door)
- UnlockExit (computer room door)
- ]]></openscript>
- <closescript type="script"><![CDATA[
- msg ("<BR>You close the locker door, and the light coming from the passageway it guards dies away.")
- MakeExitInvisible (computer room door)
- LockExit (computer room door)
- ]]></closescript>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object name="throne room">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- JS.eval ("$('#txtCommand').val('');")
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in a throne room. Before you sits an ornate chair, surrounded by lit candles. Someone of great power, or someone who thought that they had great power, sat here. Whether this person was alive or dead, we'll never know. Or maybe this place decided that they were no longer needed? In front of the chair is a film projector sitting on an antique table.<BR>")
- picture ("throne room.jpg")
- ]]></description>
- <enter type="script">
- </enter>
- <onexit type="script">
- </onexit>
- <firstenter type="script">
- </firstenter>
- <exit name="throne room door" alias="west" to="quadrangle 3">
- <inherit name="westdirection" />
- <locked type="boolean">false</locked>
- <lockmessage>That way is locked. You must finish your conversation, then you will be able to leave.</lockmessage>
- <runscript type="boolean">false</runscript>
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="film projector">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <inherit name="switchable" />
- <feature_switchable />
- <switchedon type="boolean">false</switchedon>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <onswitchoff type="script">
- </onswitchoff>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- msg ("<BR>The film projector is nothing out of the ordinary. It is covered with dust.There is a reel of film loaded into it. It seems to be able to run, with a switch on the side that you can use to turn it on and play the film that is in it. It looks like the projector can play the film on loop.<BR> ")
- ]]></look>
- <onswitchon type="script">
- </onswitchon>
- <turnon type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (GetBoolean(goodbye, "said")) {
- msg ("<BR>The old projector refuses to turn on, as if its body has lost its soul.<BR>")
- }
- else if (not GetBoolean(goodbye, "said")) {
- ClearScreen
- picture ("projector.gif")
- picture ("horror woman.gif")
- msg ("<BR>You turn the projector on and it comes to life. Its scratchy motor, with its worn out belts, rumbles while the reels begin to squeakily turn. The room fills with light, and you cover your eyes with your hand momentarily. A woman appears in the projected image, and says \"If you speak with me, I will unlock the door to this room for you. Be sure to ask me every question and bid me goodbye. If you do not, then you will be stuck here forever.\"<BR>")
- LockExit (throne room door)
- MakeObjectVisible (woman)
- SwitchOn (film projector)
- }
- ]]></turnon>
- <turnoff type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (ListContains(ScopeVisible(), woman)) {
- msg ("<BR>You attempt to turn off the projector, but it refuses.<BR>")
- }
- else if (not IsSwitchedOn(film projector)) {
- msg ("<BR>You can't turn off something that isn't on.<BR>")
- }
- ]]></turnoff>
- </object>
- <object name="woman">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <speak type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- picture ("horror woman.gif")
- msg ("<BR>The woman says: \"Ask me three questions, and then you may proceed...don't forget to say goodbye to me before I leave...not doing so is extremely rude.\"<BR>")
- JS.setCss ("#txtCommandDiv a", "color:green;")
- JS.setInterfaceString ("ContinueLabel", "Press any key to continue...")
- wait {
- talkinginthroneroom
- }
- ]]></speak>
- <conversation1 type="script">
- msg ("hello")
- </conversation1>
- <mainconversation type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- picture ("horror woman.gif")
- msg ("<BR>")
- TextFX_Typewriter ("I have no name, yet I am familiar to you. To open the next portal, you must quiz me on all topics. If you do not, then you cannot proceed. Where I live there is no language, so you are lucky to be able to speak with me.", 100)
- msg ("<BR>")
- topics = Split ("How is it that you can become my own voice;What is the nature of this maze;How do I defeat you", ";")
- switch (result) {
- case (How is it that you can become my own voice) {
- msg ("<BR>")
- wait {
- TextFX_Typewriter ("Conversation1", 100)
- }
- SetObjectFlagOn (conversation1, "asked")
- }
- case (What is the nature of this maze) {
- msg ("<BR>")
- wait {
- TextFX_Typewriter ("Conversation2", 100)
- }
- SetObjectFlagOn (conversation2, "asked")
- }
- case (How do I defeat you) {
- msg ("<BR>")
- TextFX_Typewriter ("Conversation2", 100)
- wait {
- SetObjectFlagOn (conversation3, "asked")
- }
- }
- }
- ]]></mainconversation>
- <look type="script">
- ClearScreen
- picture ("")
- </look>
- <mainmenu type="script"><![CDATA[
- picture ("ansi menu.jpg")
- get input {
- switch (result) {
- case (4) {
- msg ("goodbye<BR>")
- SetObjectFlagOn (goodbye, "said")
- }
- default {
- msg ("you need to answer")
- }
- }
- }
- ]]></mainmenu>
- </object>
- <object name="question1">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- </object>
- <object name="question2">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- </object>
- <object name="question3">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- </object>
- <object name="goodbye">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object name="quadrangle 5">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <grid_render />
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You enter a hallway in a dungeon. The idea of a hospital having a dungeon evokes an uncanny logic...a deep and dark irony. The hallway is filled with rocks and other debris, with a greasiness to its brick walls. A torch is lit here and there...who maintains them is unknown. Perhaps they have been burning forever. To the northeast lies a dark passageway, with another extending off to the northwest. Both transition into inky blackness. To the south lies the school hallway.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- ]]></description>
- <exit alias="south" to="quadrangle 4">
- <inherit name="southdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <exit alias="northeast" to="modern hospital bedroom">
- <inherit name="northeastdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <exit alias="northwest" to="quadrangle 6">
- <inherit name="northwestdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- </object>
- <object name="computer room">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <pilltaken type="boolean">false</pilltaken>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- JS.eval ("$('#txtCommand').val('');")
- msg ("You are in an old room containing an antiquated computer mainframe, humming away as if it was invented yesterday, surrounded by tape machines. The tape readers sound operative due to them exuding the sounds of some sort of cooling system, built to chill the artefacts of another era. A small terminal, with a monitor and keyboard, plus a humble office chair, beckon your use.<BR><img src=\"\" width=\"900\" height=\"601\" />")
- ]]></description>
- <firstenter type="script">
- </firstenter>
- <enter type="script"><![CDATA[
- src = ""
- msg ("<audio src='" + src + "' autoplay loop />")
- ]]></enter>
- <exit name="exit to quadrangle 4" alias="west" to="quadrangle 4">
- <inherit name="westdirection" />
- <locked type="boolean">false</locked>
- <runscript type="boolean">false</runscript>
- <visible />
- <grid_render />
- <script type="script">
- </script>
- </exit>
- <object name="computer terminal">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <feature_usegive />
- <feature_switchable />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Use</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <selections type="int">0</selections>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Use</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <switchonmsg>The computer terminal comes to life, having slept, waiting for its next user.</switchonmsg>
- <switchoffmsg>The terminal turns slumber until it is needed again.</switchoffmsg>
- <openexteriordoor type="boolean">false</openexteriordoor>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("It looks to be a standard computer terminal of its master's unknown era, with a monitor, keyboard, and comfortable office chair waiting for its next partner.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"546\" /><BR>")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script"><![CDATA[
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- ClearScreen
- picture ("computer reels spinning.gif")
- msg ("<BR>The tape reels surrounding the computer terminal come to life, and it starts to boot up.<BR>")
- wait {
- stop sound
- computerbootup
- }
- ]]></use>
- </object>
- <object name="office chair">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <visible />
- <scenery />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <feature_usegive />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The chair has seen a great deal of use. The floor it lies upon is somewhat dirty, and its upholstery has stains and dirt here and there. But, it seems fit to sit in.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"619\" />")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script">
- msg ("You can sit in it if you use the computer terminal.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="computer mainframe">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- <feature_usegive />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The computer mainframe is a hulking and ancient looking supercomputer...long obsolete. Even though this hospital and its maze are eternal...what is ancient is perfectly suited to it. Nothing can be eternal without things that exist that both embody and withstand age and decay. The inner workings of this mainframe are inscrutable, but from where does the maze spring? Perhaps from inside this object, but perhaps also not.<BR><BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" />")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script">
- msg ("The computer can't be used have to use the computer terminal to access it.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="tape machines">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- <feature_usegive />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You see multiple magnetic tape reading machines, capable of storing computer data. They are undoubtedly for storing the information used by the computer mainframe in this room. It's a mystery to you what magnetic illusions are contained within them.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"534\" />")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script">
- msg ("The tape readers will not work without something to control them.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="tape machine">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
- <scenery />
- <feature_usegive />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("It's a magnetic tape reader, capable of storing computer data. They are undoubtedly for storing the information used by the computer mainframe in this room. It's a mystery to you what magnetic illusions are contained within it.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"605\" />")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script">
- msg ("The tape reader will not work without something to control it.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="keyboard">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- <feature_usegive />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("It's a keyboard that looks highly used. The keys are worn down, and somewhat dirty. It seems operable however.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"751\" height=\"734\" />")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script">
- msg ("You can use the keyboard if you use the computer terminal.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="monitor">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- <feature_usegive />
- <use type="script">
- msg ("You can use the monitor if you use the computer terminal.")
- </use>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The terminal monitor is primitive. Monochrome and ASCII characters only. Outside of the hospital, it would likely have limited use.<BR><img src=\"\" width=\"600\" height=\"546\" />")
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- <object name="computer monitor">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- <feature_usegive />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The terminal monitor is primitive. Monochrome and ASCII characters only. Outside of the hospital, it would likely have limited use.<BR><img src=\"\" width=\"600\" height=\"546\" />")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script">
- msg ("You can use the monitor if you use the computer terminal.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="mainframe">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- <feature_usegive />
- <use type="script">
- msg ("The computer can't be used have to use the computer terminal to access it.")
- </use>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The computer mainframe is a hulking and ancient looking supercomputer...long obsolete. Even though this hospital and its maze are eternal...what is ancient is perfectly suited to it. Nothing can be eternal without things that exist that both embody and withstand age and decay. The inner workings of this mainframe are inscrutable, but from where does the maze spring? Perhaps from inside this object, but perhaps also not.<BR><BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" />")
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- <object name="computer">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- <feature_usegive />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The computer mainframe is a hulking and ancient looking supercomputer...long obsolete. Even though this hospital and its maze are eternal...what is ancient is perfectly suited to it. Nothing can be eternal without things that exist that both embody and withstand age and decay. The inner workings of this mainframe are inscrutable, but from where does the maze spring? Perhaps from inside this object, but perhaps also not.<BR><BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" />")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script">
- msg ("The computer can't be used have to use the computer terminal to access it.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="tape reader">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
- <scenery />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("It's a magnetic tape reader, capable of storing computer data. They are undoubtedly for storing the information used by the computer mainframe in this room. It's a mystery to you what magnetic illusions are contained within it.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"605\" />")
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- <object name="tape readers">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
- <scenery />
- <feature_usegive />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You see multiple magnetic tape reading machines, capable of storing computer data. They are undoubtedly for storing the information used by the computer mainframe in this room. It's a mystery to you what magnetic illusions are contained within them.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"534\" />")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script">
- msg ("The tape readers will not work without something to control them.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="computer tape readers">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- <feature_usegive />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You see multiple magnetic tape reading machines, capable of storing computer data. They are undoubtedly for storing the information used by the computer mainframe in this room. It's a mystery to you what magnetic illusions are contained within them.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"534\" />")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script">
- msg ("The tape readers will not work without something to control them.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="computer tape reader">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
- <scenery />
- <feature_usegive />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("It's a magnetic tape reader, capable of storing computer data. They are undoubtedly for storing the information used by the computer mainframe in this room. It's a mystery to you what magnetic illusions are contained within it.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"605\" />")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script">
- msg ("The tape reader will not work without something to control it.")
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="keyboard keys">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- </object>
- <object name="keys">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- </object>
- <object name="computer keys">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- </object>
- <object name="computer key">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- </object>
- <object name="key">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <attr name="feature_usegive" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <scenery />
- <use type="script">
- </use>
- </object>
- <object name="keyboard key">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- </object>
- <object name="nardil">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <feature_usegive />
- <take />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Swallow</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("Nardil is a drug that performs miracles. It heals those who are awake yet walk in sleep. It cuts through the molasses of the depressive mundane. It restores novelty where it formerly existed<BR><BR><img src=\"\" width=\"660\" height=\"645\" />")
- ]]></look>
- <swallow type="script">
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("You swallow the pill and begin to feel more alive.")
- MakeObjectInvisible (Molindone)
- play sound ("pill taking sound-high.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("3-sec-silence.mp3", true, false)
- pilltake
- computer room.pilltaken = true
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- ShowRoomDescription
- </swallow>
- </object>
- </object>
- <command name="Map">
- <pattern type="string">map</pattern>
- <script>
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- JS.ShowGrid (1000)
- Grid_SetCentre (0, 0)
- wait {
- JS.ShowGrid (0)
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- ClearScreen
- if (HasScript (game.pov.parent, "description")) {
- do (game.pov.parent, "description")
- }
- else {
- ShowRoomDescription
- }
- }
- </script>
- </command>
- <object name="modern hospital bedroom">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <pilltaken type="boolean">false</pilltaken>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (hospital bedroom 2 door.locked = true) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in a modern hospital bedroom. Everything seems untouched. If someone was here, they made sure to restore their surroundings before they departed. In the corner, there is a wheelchair, and next to it, an IV bag is hung up beside a neatly made bed. The IV bag has been drained dry. On a plastic chair next to the bed, there is a book. In the northwest, there is an outline of some sort of passage in the wall, though it is closed.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- }
- else {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You find yourself in a modern hospital bedroom. Everything appears untouched. If someone was here, they made sure to restore their surroundings before departing. In the corner, there is a wheelchair, and nearby, an IV bag hangs up next to a neatly made bed. The IV bag has been drained dry. On a plastic chair next to the bed, there is an open book. To the northwest, there is an open passageway.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- }
- ]]></description>
- <onexit type="script">
- </onexit>
- <firstenter type="script">
- </firstenter>
- <enter type="script"><![CDATA[
- src = ""
- msg ("<audio src='" + src + "' autoplay loop />")
- ]]></enter>
- <exit name="hospital bedroom 2 door" alias="northwest" to="hospital bedroom 2">
- <inherit name="northwestdirection" />
- <locked type="boolean">false</locked>
- <lockmessage>That way is closed.</lockmessage>
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="journal">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <alias>journal</alias>
- <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Read</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <feature_usegive />
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <takemsg>There's no reason to take the journal. It has only one entry after all. What lasting entertainment could be obtained from reading that over and over again?</takemsg>
- <visible />
- <read type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- msg ("<img src=\"\"><BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\"><BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("A section of wall opens in the bedroom. It leads to yet another bedroom.")
- play sound ("stone slab sliding-high.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", true, false)
- ClearScreen
- UnlockExit (hospital bedroom 2 door)
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- ShowRoomDescription
- }
- }
- ]]></read>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("It is a journal...worn with use. Its age you cannot guess. The owner is undoubtedly long departed, and it begs of you to decipher its pages.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You pick up the book and open it in order to read it. Amongst the scribblings and scrawled writing on the pages, you surmise that it is a journal...<BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\"><BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\"><BR>")
- wait {
- do (game.pov.parent, "description")
- }
- }
- }
- ]]></use>
- </object>
- <exit alias="southwest" to="quadrangle 5">
- <inherit name="southwestdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- </object>
- <object name="hospital bedroom 2">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">Green</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">Green</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_borderwidth" type="int">1</attr>
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("This is a second hospital bedroom, albeit entropic, with a rusting bed with its mattress almost completely decayed. A beat up and corroded wheelchair lies to the side of the bed. It feels almost as though someone died in here, yet no corpse remains. There are a television and VCR in the corner. To the south is the more modern hospital bedroom. An odd pairing these two rooms make.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- ]]></description>
- <enter type="script">
- </enter>
- <exit alias="southeast" to="modern hospital bedroom">
- <inherit name="southeastdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <object name="vcr2">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <inherit name="switchable" />
- <inherit name="container_open" />
- <attr name="feature_usegive" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <visible />
- <alias>VCR</alias>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Switch on</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <attr name="feature_container" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <feature_switchable />
- <attr name="feature_player" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <switchonmsg>You press the power button on the VCR, and it comes to life.</switchonmsg>
- <switchoffmsg>There's point in switching it least your mind in its melancholy tells you that.</switchoffmsg>
- <close type="boolean">false</close>
- <open type="boolean">false</open>
- <isopen />
- <use type="script">
- </use>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (IsSwitchedOn(vcr2)) {
- ClearScreen
- msg (" The VCR looks old, and is potentially one of the first models ever produced; undoubtedly obsolete. It is turned on.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- }
- else if (not IsSwitchedOn(vcr2)) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The VCR looks old, and is potentially one of the first models ever produced; undoubtedly obsolete. It is turned off. It looks like it has the potential to function however, since it doesn't seem to be damaged in any way.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- }
- ]]></look>
- <addscript type="script">
- </addscript>
- <onswitchoff type="script">
- SwitchOn (vcr2)
- </onswitchoff>
- </object>
- <object name="television1">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <inherit name="switchable" />
- <alias>television</alias>
- <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <watch type="string"></watch>
- <feature_switchable />
- <switchedon />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (ListContains(ScopeVisible(), videotape1)) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The television is old...static dances across its scratched glass screen. On the floor is an old VCR. A labyrinth of wires go this way and that across the floor, with two haphazardly plugged into the back of the unit. The scene reminds one of if a pack of scurrying rats tried to set up the technology to entertain humans.There is a tape on the floor...the label has something written on it. The writing is clear enough to read.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" />")
- }
- else {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The television is old...static dances across its scratched glass screen. On the floor is an old VCR. A labyrinth of wires go this way and that across the floor, with two haphazardly plugged into the back of the unit. The scene reminds one of if a pack of scurrying rats tried to set up the technology to entertain humans.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" />")
- }
- ]]></look>
- <onswitchoff type="script">
- msg ("There's point in switching it least your mind in its melancholy tells you that.")
- SwitchOn (television1)
- </onswitchoff>
- </object>
- <object name="videotape1">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <inherit name="container_open" />
- <alias>videotape</alias>
- <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
- <open type="boolean">false</open>
- <attr name="feature_container" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <close type="boolean">false</close>
- <isopen />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Play</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <take type="boolean">false</take>
- <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Use</value>
- <value>Drop</value>
- <value>Put</value>
- </inventoryverbs>
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- <feature_usegive />
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <attr name="feature_edible" type="boolean">false</attr>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("The tape is old, as is obvious by the damage to the label stuck to the top of it. \"THE ABSORPTION OF ABSORPTION.01\" is written in a messy fashion on the label.<BR>")
- msg ("<img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"534\" />")
- ]]></look>
- <onopen type="script">
- </onopen>
- <insertintovcr type="script">
- if (IsSwitchedOn(vcr2)) {
- }
- </insertintovcr>
- <ontake type="script">
- SetObjectFlagOn (videotape1, "true")
- </ontake>
- <play type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (IsSwitchedOn(vcr2)) {
- if (not GetBoolean(videotape1, "played")) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\"><BR>You pick up the videotape and give it a gentle push into the VCR. The VCR produces some whirring a clicking sounds and begins to play.<BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("<CENTER><img src='' width='854' height='480'><BR><img src=\"\"></CENTER>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src='' width='854' height='480' /><BR><img src=\"\"></CENTER>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src='' width='854' height='480' /><BR><img src=\"\"></CENTER>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src='' width='854' height='480' /><BR><img src=\"\"></CENTER>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src='' width='854' height='480' /><BR><img src=\"\"></CENTER>")
- wait {
- MakeObjectInvisible (videotape1)
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\"><P>The tape ends and the image bleeds into static. You've witnessed the absorption of Absorption.01.")
- play sound ("tv static.mp3", false, false)
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- TextFX_Unscramble ("A pill of Molindone appears on the floor.", 50, 1)
- play sound ("general materialization sound.mp3", true, false)
- msg ("<BR>")
- MakeObjectVisible (Molindone)
- SetObjectFlagOn (videotape1, "played")
- ShowRoomDescription
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (not IsSwitchedOn(vcr2)) {
- msg ("The VCR must be turned on before you can play a tape.")
- }
- ]]></play>
- <use type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (IsSwitchedOn(vcr2)) {
- if (not GetBoolean(videotape1, "played")) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\"><BR>You pick up the videotape and give it a gentle push into the VCR. The VCR produces some whirring a clicking sounds and begins to play.<BR>")
- wait {
- stop sound
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("<CENTER><img src='' width='854 height='480' /\"><BR><img src=\" width='854' height='480' /\"></CENTER><")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src='' width='854' height='480' /><BR><img src=\"\"></CENTER>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src='' width='854' height='480' /><BR><img src=\"\"></CENTER>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src='' width='854' height='480' /><BR><img src=\"\"></CENTER>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src=\"\" width='854' height='480' /><BR><img src=\"\"></CENTER>")
- wait {
- MakeObjectInvisible (videotape1)
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\"><P>The tape ends and the image bleeds into static. You've witnessed the absorption of Absorption.01.")
- play sound ("tv static.mp3", false, false)
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- TextFX_Unscramble ("A pill of Molindone appears on the floor.", 50, 1)
- play sound ("general materialization sound.mp3", true, false)
- msg ("<BR>")
- MakeObjectVisible (Molindone)
- SetObjectFlagOn (videotape1, "played")
- ShowRoomDescription
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (not IsSwitchedOn(vcr2)) {
- msg ("The VCR must be turned on before you can play a tape.")
- }
- ]]></use>
- <watch type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (IsSwitchedOn(vcr2)) {
- if (not GetBoolean(videotape1, "played")) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\"><BR>You pick up the videotape and give it a gentle push into the VCR. The VCR produces some whirring a clicking sounds and begins to play.<BR>")
- wait {
- stop sound
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("<CENTER><img src='' width='854 height='480' /\"><BR><img src=\" width='854' height='480' /\"></CENTER><")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src='' width='854' height='480' /><BR><img src=\"\"></CENTER>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src='' width='854' height='480' /><BR><img src=\"\"></CENTER>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src='' width='854' height='480' /><BR><img src=\"\"></CENTER>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src=\"\" width='854' height='480' /><BR><img src=\"\"></CENTER>")
- wait {
- MakeObjectInvisible (videotape1)
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\"><P>The tape ends and the image bleeds into static. You've witnessed the absorption of Absorption.01.")
- play sound ("tv static.mp3", false, false)
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- TextFX_Unscramble ("A pill of Molindone appears on the floor.", 50, 1)
- play sound ("general materialization sound.mp3", true, false)
- msg ("<BR>")
- MakeObjectVisible (Molindone)
- SetObjectFlagOn (videotape1, "played")
- ShowRoomDescription
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (not IsSwitchedOn(vcr2)) {
- msg ("The VCR must be turned on before you can play a tape.")
- }
- ]]></watch>
- </object>
- <object name="journal1">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <alias>journal</alias>
- <feature_usegive />
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Read</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <read type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (not ListContains(ScopeVisible(), videotape1)) {
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src=\"\" width=\"594\" height=\"750\" /></CENTER><BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src=\"\" width=\"594\" height=\"750\" /></CENTER><BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src=\"\" width=\"594\" height=\"750\" /></CENTER><BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- TextFX_Unscramble ("A videotape materializes in the room.", 50, 1)
- play sound ("general materialization sound.mp3", true, false)
- SetTimeout (1) {
- msg ("<BR>")
- MakeObjectVisible (videotape1)
- if (HasScript (game.pov.parent, "description")) {
- do (game.pov.parent, "description")
- }
- else {
- msg (GetRoomDescription())
- }
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src=\"\" width=\"594\" height=\"750\" /></CENTER><BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src=\"\" width=\"594\" height=\"750\" /></CENTER><BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src=\"\" width=\"475\" height=\"600\" /></CENTER><BR>")
- wait {
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- if (HasScript (game.pov.parent, "description")) {
- do (game.pov.parent, "description")
- }
- else {
- msg (GetRoomDescription())
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ]]></read>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("This is another journal, like in the previous bedroom. Though this one emits a mysterious light, beckoning you to read it.<BR><BR><img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"500\" />")
- ]]></look>
- <use type="script"><![CDATA[
- if (not ListContains(ScopeVisible(), videotape1)) {
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src=\"\"></CENTER><BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src=\"\"></CENTER><BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src=\"\"></CENTER><BR>")
- wait {
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- TextFX_Unscramble ("A videotape materializes in the room.", 50, 1)
- play sound ("pill-manifestation.mp3", false, false)
- SetTimeout (5) {
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- MakeObjectVisible (videotape1)
- if (HasScript (game.pov.parent, "description")) {
- do (game.pov.parent, "description")
- }
- else {
- msg (GetRoomDescription())
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src=\"\"></CENTER><BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src=\"\"></CENTER><BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<CENTER><img src=\"\"></CENTER><BR>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- if (HasScript (game.pov.parent, "description")) {
- do (game.pov.parent, "description")
- }
- else {
- msg (GetRoomDescription())
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ]]></use>
- </object>
- <object name="Molindone">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- <not_all />
- <drop type="boolean">false</drop>
- <feature_usegive />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- <value>Swallow</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("Molindone is an inhibitor of magical thinking. It reduces cognitive distortions, and desolidifies personal obstacles. In the context of the maze, it has these alternative properties. Side effects for medications administered at Briarwood Hospital are non-existant, per the 1979 decree of the watcher.<BR><BR><img src=\"\" width=\"660\" height=\"495\" />")
- ]]></look>
- <swallow type="script">
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("You swallow the pill and feel a building sense of reality and relief.")
- MakeObjectInvisible (Molindone)
- play sound ("pill taking sound-high.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("3-sec-silence.mp3", true, false)
- pilltake
- set (modern hospital bedroom, "pilltaken", true)
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- ShowRoomDescription
- </swallow>
- <take type="script">
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("You swallow the pill and feel a building sense of reality and relief.")
- MakeObjectInvisible (Molindone)
- play sound ("pill taking sound.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", false, false)
- pilltake
- set (modern hospital bedroom, "pilltaken", true)
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- </take>
- <use type="script">
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (false)
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("You swallow the pill and feel a building sense of reality and relief.")
- MakeObjectInvisible (Molindone)
- play sound ("pill taking sound.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("1 sec silence.mp3", false, false)
- pilltake
- set (modern hospital bedroom, "pilltaken", true)
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- </use>
- </object>
- </object>
- <verb>
- <property>play</property>
- <pattern>play</pattern>
- <defaultexpression>"You can't play " + object.article + "."</defaultexpression>
- </verb>
- <object name="scenery">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <object name="wall">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <scenery />
- <look>The wall looks dirty and worn with age. Other than that, there is nothing remarkable about it.</look>
- </object>
- <object name="chairs">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <look>The chairs are beat up and old. They might of at one time been comfortable to sit on, but the years have ruined them. They sit in a sad row next to the bulletin board.</look>
- <scenery />
- </object>
- <object name="chair">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <alias>chair</alias>
- <look>The chair is beat up and old. It might of at one time been comfortable to sit on, but the years have ruined it.</look>
- <scenery />
- </object>
- <object name="door">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <isroom type="boolean">false</isroom>
- <scenery />
- <look>It looka to be an average looking door. Sometimes going through a door is like entering a gateway into your own mind, where you find that up is down and down is up. Or, at the same time, perhaps not.</look>
- </object>
- </object>
- <command name="Help">
- <pattern>Help</pattern>
- <script><![CDATA[
- msg ("These are the instructions.<BR>")
- ]]></script>
- </command>
- <command name="Room">
- <pattern>room</pattern>
- <script>
- do (game.pov.parent, "description")
- </script>
- </command>
- <verb>
- <property>watch</property>
- <pattern>watch</pattern>
- <defaultexpression>"You can't watch " + object.article + "."</defaultexpression>
- </verb>
- <verb>
- <property>playintapeplayer</property>
- <pattern>play in tape player</pattern>
- <defaultexpression>"You can't play in tape player " + object.article + "."</defaultexpression>
- </verb>
- <verb>
- <property>insertintotapeplayer</property>
- <pattern>insert into tape player</pattern>
- <defaultexpression>"You can't insert into tape player " + object.article + "."</defaultexpression>
- </verb>
- <verb>
- <property>playtape</property>
- <pattern>play tape</pattern>
- <defaultexpression>"You can't play tape " + object.article + "."</defaultexpression>
- </verb>
- <object name="quadrangle 6">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- ]]></description>
- <exit alias="east" to="museum of trauma">
- <inherit name="eastdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <exit alias="southeast" to="quadrangle 5">
- <inherit name="southeastdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- </object>
- <object name="museum of trauma">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <visited type="boolean">false</visited>
- <grid_render />
- <attr name="grid_label" type="string"></attr>
- <attr name="grid_fill">Black</attr>
- <attr name="grid_label_colour">LawnGreen</attr>
- <attr name="grid_border">LawnGreen</attr>
- <alias>Briarwood Hospital</alias>
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You have entered the Museum of Trauma. Here, our visitors deposit their most vile yet transformative experiences, which are then frozen in glass and framed. These exhibits serve as warnings to others, cautioning them against venturing where others have suffered. They can also be seen as a warning, or perhaps even a promise of freedom.Trauma runs deep beneath the ground, unseen but firmly rooted. It resists all attempts at excavation. If you choose to bury your pain here, it becomes sustenance for an insatiable hunger. This is where the Banyan Tree thrives. Before you, three paintings stand. Gaze upon them and discover a path leading to numerous chambers<BR><BR><img src=\"\">")
- ]]></description>
- <enter type="script">
- </enter>
- <object name="left painting">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <isroom />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- PrintCentered ("We met down by the Banyan Tree, where I beckoned for you to enter, so that you could solve your pain and ultimately destroy me. I have opened a gateway for that you can see.<BR><BR>")
- picture ("painting 1.jpg")
- msg ("<BR>")
- play sound ("portal opening sound effect.mp3", true, false)
- picture ("enter button push.gif")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- MakeExitVisible (left painting exit)
- ShowRoomDescription
- }
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- <object name="center painting">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <displayverbs type="stringlist">
- <value>Look at</value>
- </displayverbs>
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- PrintCentered ("Inside the Banyan Tree, my trauma plagues me. The branches of the tree spread without limit, extending my pain indefinitely. I have opened a portal, so that you can see the you that is me.<BR><BR><img src=\"\"><BR><BR>")
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- <object name="right painting">
- <inherit name="editor_object" />
- <look type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- PrintCentered ("Your task lies twisted around the Banyan Tree, where the maze is you.<BR><BR><img src=\"\"")
- ]]></look>
- </object>
- <exit alias="west" to="quadrangle 6">
- <inherit name="westdirection" />
- <grid_render />
- </exit>
- <exit name="left painting exit" alias="northwest" to="left painting">
- <inherit name="northwestdirection" />
- <runscript />
- <visible type="boolean">false</visible>
- <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
- <script type="script">
- play sound ("teleport-sound.mp3", false, false)
- MoveObject (player, three gateways)
- </script>
- </exit>
- <object name="three gateways">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <description type="script"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("You are in a vast gallery facing three open doorways. Two windows, so effulgent that you are blinded to what lies beyond their exterior, shine before you. While the doors have infinite depth, the windows lead nowhere. The hall is luxurious and well-kept, while oddly, a beautiful sort of debris covers the floor. This museum gallery is its own exhibit and is the monarch here, where its subjects are the doors. Each one leads to a different exhibit.<BR><BR>")
- // msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- picture ("trauma museum room with doors.jpg")
- ]]></description>
- <object name="left room exhibit 1">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <description type="script">
- ClearScreen
- picture ("banyan tree in ice block.jpg")
- </description>
- <exit alias="southeast" to="three gateways">
- <inherit name="southeastdirection" />
- </exit>
- </object>
- <exit alias="northwest" to="left room exhibit 1">
- <inherit name="northwestdirection" />
- </exit>
- <exit alias="north" to="left room exhibit 2">
- <inherit name="northdirection" />
- </exit>
- <object name="left room exhibit 2">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <description type="script">
- ClearScreen
- picture ("banyan tree with two wolves.jpg")
- </description>
- <exit alias="south" to="three gateways">
- <inherit name="southdirection" />
- </exit>
- </object>
- <object name="left room exhibit 3">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <description type="script">
- ClearScreen
- picture ("banyan tree in junkyard.jpg")
- </description>
- <exit alias="southwest" to="three gateways">
- <inherit name="southwestdirection" />
- </exit>
- </object>
- <exit alias="northeast" to="left room exhibit 3">
- <inherit name="northeastdirection" />
- </exit>
- </object>
- </object>
- <object name="IntroRoom">
- <inherit name="editor_room" />
- <description type="script">
- ShowIntro
- game.IntroShow = true
- MoveObject (player, player.SaveLocation)
- </description>
- </object>
- <type name="theme_retro">
- <defaultbackground>Black</defaultbackground>
- <defaultforeground>Lawngreen</defaultforeground>
- <defaultlinkforeground>Lawngreen</defaultlinkforeground>
- <defaultfont>'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace</defaultfont>
- <defaultwebfont>Press Start 2P</defaultwebfont>
- <menufontsize type="int">14</menufontsize>
- <menufont>'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace</menufont>
- <menubackground>Black</menubackground>
- <menuforeground>Lawngreen</menuforeground>
- <menuhoverbackground>GreenYellow</menuhoverbackground>
- </type>
- <function name="talkinginthroneroom"><![CDATA[
- JS.eval ("$('#txtCommand').val('');")
- ClearScreen
- picture ("ansi menu.jpg")
- msg ("<BR>")
- JS.eval ("$(function () {var a=runCommand;runCommand=function(){sendCommand($(\"#txtCommand\").val());runCommand=a;};});")
- get input {
- if (result = "1") {
- if (GetBoolean(question1, "answered")) {
- msg ("<BR>You've asked that question will not hear the answer again. Ask another.")
- wait {
- talkinginthroneroom
- }
- }
- else if (not GetBoolean(question1, "answered")) {
- ClearScreen
- picture ("question 1 response in throne room.jpg")
- wait {
- SetObjectFlagOn (question1, "answered")
- talkinginthroneroom
- }
- }
- }
- else if (result = "3") {
- if (GetBoolean(question3, "answered")) {
- msg ("<BR>You've asked that question will not hear the answer again. Ask another.")
- wait {
- talkinginthroneroom
- }
- }
- else if (not GetBoolean(question3, "answered")) {
- ClearScreen
- picture ("question 3 response in throne room.jpg")
- wait {
- SetObjectFlagOn (question3, "answered")
- talkinginthroneroom
- }
- }
- }
- else if (result = "4") {
- if (GetBoolean(question1, "answered")) {
- if (GetBoolean(question2, "answered")) {
- if (GetBoolean(question3, "answered")) {
- ClearScreen
- picture ("goodbye screen.jpg")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- msg ("As the woman retracts her hand back into the screen, you hear \"You may continue your exploration. All portals have been opened.\" The projector shuts off and the screen goes blank. You hear the latch of the door re-open. In the corridor beyond, you hear another door open as well.")
- SwitchOff (film projector)
- SetObjectFlagOn (goodbye, "said")
- MakeObjectInvisible (woman)
- UnlockExit (throne room door)
- UnlockExit (quad3door)
- UnlockExit (door to quad2)
- wait {
- HandleCommand ("look", null)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- msg ("<BR>You have not asked all of the questions. I will not allow you to conclude our conversation, or proceed at all, until you do. Saying goodbye prematurely is uncalled for.")
- wait {
- talkinginthroneroom
- }
- }
- }
- else if (result = "2") {
- if (not GetBoolean(question2, "answered")) {
- ClearScreen
- picture ("question 2 response in throne room.jpg")
- wait {
- SetObjectFlagOn (question2, "answered")
- talkinginthroneroom
- }
- }
- else if (GetBoolean(question2, "answered")) {
- msg ("<BR>You've asked that question will not hear the answer again. Ask another.")
- wait {
- talkinginthroneroom
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- msg ("<BR>That is not a question. Saying nonsense, or saying nothing at all, gets you nowhere. Try again.")
- wait {
- talkinginthroneroom
- }
- }
- }
- ]]></function>
- <function name="computerbootup"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- SetTimeout (5) {
- computeroperation
- }
- ]]></function>
- <function name="email"><![CDATA[
- JS.eval ("$('#txtCommand').val('');")
- ClearScreen
- play sound ("computer beep sound.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- JS.eval ("$(function () {var a=runCommand;runCommand=function(){sendCommand($(\"#txtCommand\").val());runCommand=a;};});")
- get input {
- if (result = "1") {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- email
- }
- }
- else if (result = "2") {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- email
- }
- }
- else if (result = "3") {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- email
- }
- }
- else if (result = "4") {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- email
- }
- }
- else if (result = "5") {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- email
- }
- }
- else if (result = "x") {
- computeroperation
- }
- else {
- msg ("<BR>Invalid entry!<br>")
- wait {
- email
- }
- }
- }
- ]]></function>
- <function name="patientlog"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- computeroperation
- }
- ]]></function>
- <function name="allofus"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- play sound ("computer beep.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("<img src=''>")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- computeroperation
- }
- ]]></function>
- <function name="userprofiles"><![CDATA[
- JS.eval ("$('#txtCommand').val('');")
- ClearScreen
- play sound ("computer beep sound.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- JS.eval ("$(function () {var a=runCommand;runCommand=function(){sendCommand($(\"#txtCommand\").val());runCommand=a;};});")
- get input {
- result = LCase(result)
- if (result = "1") {
- play sound ("computer beep.mp3", false, false)
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- userprofiles
- }
- }
- else if (result = "2") {
- ClearScreen
- play sound ("computer beep.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- userprofiles
- }
- }
- else if (result = "3") {
- ClearScreen
- play sound ("computer beep.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- userprofiles
- }
- }
- else if (result = "4") {
- ClearScreen
- play sound ("computer beep.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- userprofiles
- }
- }
- else if (result = "x") {
- computeroperation
- }
- else if (result = "5") {
- ClearScreen
- play sound ("computer beep.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- userprofiles
- }
- }
- else {
- msg ("<BR>Invalid entry..<BR>")
- wait {
- userprofiles
- }
- }
- }
- ]]></function>
- <function name="computeroperation"><![CDATA[
- JS.eval ("$('#txtCommand').val('');")
- ClearScreen
- play sound ("computer beep sound.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("<img src=''>")
- JS.eval ("$(function () {var a=runCommand;runCommand=function(){sendCommand($(\"#txtCommand\").val());runCommand=a;};});")
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- get input {
- result = LCase(result)
- if (result = "1") {
- ClearScreen
- email
- }
- else if (result = "2") {
- patientlog
- }
- else if (result = "3") {
- modem
- }
- else if (result = "4") {
- userprofiles
- }
- else if (result = "5") {
- obituaries
- }
- else if (result = "6") {
- allofus
- }
- else if (result = "x") {
- if (computer terminal.selections >= 15) {
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=''>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- TextFX_Unscramble ("A pill of Molindone appears on the floor.", 50, 1)
- play sound ("general materialization sound.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("3-sec-silence.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("<BR>")
- MakeObjectVisible (nardil)
- ShowRoomDescription
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- JS.panesVisible (true)
- }
- }
- else {
- msg ("<BR>You must thoroughly explore all the options in the computer before exiting.<BR>")
- wait {
- computeroperation
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- msg ("<BR>Invalid entry.<BR>")
- SetTimeout (2) {
- computeroperation
- }
- }
- }
- ]]></function>
- <function name="obituaries"><![CDATA[
- JS.eval ("$('#txtCommand').val('');")
- ClearScreen
- play sound ("computer beep sound.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- JS.eval ("$(function () {var a=runCommand;runCommand=function(){sendCommand($(\"#txtCommand\").val());runCommand=a;};});")
- get input {
- result = LCase(result)
- if (result = "1") {
- play sound ("computer beep.mp3", false, false)
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- obituaries
- }
- }
- else if (result = "2") {
- ClearScreen
- play sound ("computer beep.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- obituaries
- }
- }
- else if (result = "x") {
- computeroperation
- }
- else {
- msg ("<BR>Invalid entry.<BR>")
- wait {
- obituaries
- }
- }
- }
- ]]></function>
- <function name="modem"><![CDATA[
- ClearScreen
- JS.uiHide ("#txtCommandDiv")
- play sound ("computer beep.mp3", false, false)
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- SetTimeout (15) {
- play sound ("modem sound.mp3", true, false)
- ClearScreen
- msg ("<img src=\"\">")
- play sound ("32s02.mp3", true, false)
- play sound ("hang up sound.mp3", false, false)
- JS.uiShow ("#txtCommandDiv")
- wait {
- IncreaseObjectCounter (computer terminal, "selections")
- computeroperation
- }
- }
- ]]></function>
- <function name="pilltake">
- IncreaseObjectCounter (player, "pills")
- JS.setCustomStatus ("[Pills taken]: [" + player.pills + "/99]")
- </function>
- <function name="centerimage" parameters="filename"><![CDATA[
- msg ("<center><img src=\"" + GetFileURL(filename) + "\" /></center>")
- ]]></function>
- <function name="playhtmlaudio" parameters="file"><![CDATA[
- src = GetFileURL(file)
- msg ("<audio src='" + src + "' autoplay loop />")
- ]]></function>
- <function name="stophtmlaudio">
- JS.eval ("$('audio').remove();")
- </function>
- <function name="EnterToContinue"><![CDATA[
- filename = "enter button push.gif"
- msg ("<center><img src=\"" + GetFileURL(filename) + "\" /></center>")
- wait {
- ClearScreen
- ShowRoomDescription
- }
- ]]></function>
- </asl>
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