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a guest
Mar 23rd, 2018
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  1. Game 1
  2. MonkaS: no sums bot
  3. MonkaS: free ganks
  4. MonkaS: not my fault you int
  5. MonkaS: like a retard
  6. MonkaS: you run away from my heal
  7. MonkaS: and flash wall
  8. MonkaS: hardstuck d5 trash
  9. MonkaS: nice jungle pressure bro
  10. MonkaS: oh wait
  11. MonkaS: one more word and i afk
  12. MonkaS: :)
  13. MonkaS: might as well since we have no adc or jungle
  14. MonkaS: i have 3 times your dmg to champs
  15. MonkaS: nah
  16. MonkaS: cause you're afk
  17. MonkaS: Better adc wins
  18. MonkaS: unlucky
  19. MonkaS: with no adc or jungle
  20. MonkaS: nah
  21. MonkaS: says a yasuo player
  22. MonkaS: XD
  23. MonkaS: yas is meta lol
  24. MonkaS: yas has been meta since release
  25. MonkaS: 3rd highest playrate
  26. MonkaS: not meta
  27. MonkaS: :thinking:
  28. MonkaS: doesn't matter
  29. MonkaS: meta is playrate
  30. MonkaS: w/r only stat that indicates if a champ works???
  31. MonkaS: typical hardstuck kata
  32. MonkaS: score doesn't really matter when game was over after rengar inted mid
  33. MonkaS: Yeah my jungler flashing away from me was my bad XD
  34. MonkaS: unlucky game guys :)
  35. MonkaS: i literally had 80% hp
  36. MonkaS: tried to help rengar till he gave you free reset
  37. MonkaS: nice meme
  38. MonkaS: too bad you're hardstuck d5
  39. MonkaS: on a smurf LUL
  40. MonkaS: ggwp better jungler wins
  41. MonkaS: unlucky rengar :(
  42. MonkaS: rfc first item trist
  43. MonkaS: and i'm the troll
  44. MonkaS: XD
  45. MonkaS: ???
  46. MonkaS: RFC is still trash first item
  47. MonkaS: you go ie first
  48. MonkaS: idiot
  49. MonkaS: yes
  50. MonkaS: lmao
  51. MonkaS: actual d5 trash
  52. MonkaS: no wonder i lost lane with you
  53. MonkaS: when you have 0 clue
  54. MonkaS: no
  55. MonkaS: you autolost
  56. MonkaS: lmao
  57. Game 2
  58. MonkaS: typical
  59. MonkaS: yasuo
  60. MonkaS: main
  61. MonkaS: just ff
  62. MonkaS: better top wins
  63. MonkaS: nah
  64. MonkaS: our toplaner sololost
  65. MonkaS: well
  66. MonkaS: im afk
  67. MonkaS: till we ff or they end
  68. MonkaS: ????
  69. MonkaS: what do you want me to do
  70. MonkaS: against 2 junglers
  71. MonkaS: riven roaming freely cause yasuo died twice and sat afk top
  72. MonkaS: unfortunate
  73. MonkaS: gave up ages ago
  74. MonkaS: Not very fun jungling against 2 people
  75. MonkaS: riven solocarried
  76. MonkaS: cause yasuo let her roam freely
  77. MonkaS: for carrying your team?
  78. MonkaS: you literally solocarried
  79. MonkaS: cause of yasuo
  80. MonkaS: gg yasuo
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