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Mar 8th, 2018
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  2. New patches:
  4. [Allow render_template to work recursively + specs
  5. Aman Gupta <>**20071018131712] {
  6. hunk ./lib/ramaze/helper/partial.rb 58
  7. - options[:instance] ||= current.instance
  8. + options[:instance] ||= current.instance.dup
  9. hunk ./spec/ramaze/helper/partial.rb 6
  10. +# autoload template engines used
  11. +Ramaze::Template::Haml
  12. +Ramaze::Template::Nagoro
  13. +
  14. hunk ./spec/ramaze/helper/partial.rb 28
  15. +
  16. + def recursion engine = nil
  17. + @n = 1
  18. + if %w{haml nag}.include? engine
  19. + render_template("recursive.#{engine}")
  20. + else
  21. + render_template('recursive.xhtml')
  22. + end
  23. + end
  24. hunk ./spec/ramaze/helper/partial.rb 51
  25. +
  26. + it 'should work recursively' do
  27. + %w{ /recursion /recursion/nag /recursion/haml }.each do |path|
  28. + get(path).body.gsub(/\n|\s+/,'').should ==
  29. + '<ul><li>1</li><ul><li>2</li><li>2</li></ul><li>1</li></ul>'
  30. + end
  31. + end
  32. addfile ./spec/ramaze/helper/template/recursive.haml
  33. hunk ./spec/ramaze/helper/template/recursive.haml 1
  34. -
  35. +%ul
  36. + %li= @n
  37. + - if @n < 2
  38. + - @n += 1
  39. + = render_template('recursive.haml')
  40. + - @n -= 1
  41. + %li= @n
  42. addfile ./spec/ramaze/helper/template/recursive.nag
  43. hunk ./spec/ramaze/helper/template/recursive.nag 1
  44. -
  45. +<ul>
  46. + <li>#@n</li>
  47. + <?r if @n < 2 ?>
  48. + <?r @n += 1 ?>
  49. + #{render_template('recursive.nag')}
  50. + <?r @n -= 1 ?>
  51. + <?r end ?>
  52. + <li>#@n</li>
  53. +</ul>
  54. addfile ./spec/ramaze/helper/template/recursive.xhtml
  55. hunk ./spec/ramaze/helper/template/recursive.xhtml 1
  56. -
  57. +<ul>
  58. + <li>#@n</li>
  59. + <?r if @n < 2 ?>
  60. + <?r @n += 1 ?>
  61. + #{render_template('recursive.xhtml')}
  62. + <?r @n -= 1 ?>
  63. + <?r end ?>
  64. + <li>#@n</li>
  65. +</ul>
  66. }
  68. Context:
  70. [Add Ramaze::APPDIR to complement Ramaze::SEEED, make Global.public_root and Global.template_root relative from the APPDIR so we don't have to care where we run start.rb from
  71. Michael Fellinger <>**20071018044723]
  72. [Change spec to point to an unexisting file in any case
  73. Michael Fellinger <>**20071018044704]
  74. [Some improvments for whywiki
  75. Michael Fellinger <>**20071018044220]
  76. [Introduce Controller::engine and change specs to use the new form
  77. Michael Fellinger <>**20071017234039]
  78. [LinkHelper was escaping query-parameters, update implementation and specs.
  79. Michael Fellinger <>**20071017130736]
  80. [Add template example for nagoro
  81. Michael Fellinger <>**20071017130725]
  82. [Remove some junk from Rakefile, we don't use svn
  83. Michael Fellinger <>**20071017123101]
  84. [Make examples/sourceview work anywhere
  85. Michael Fellinger <>**20071017122821]
  86. [A few cleanups to the whywiki example (thanks gimb)
  87. Aman Gupta <>**20071017192459]
  88. [Keep the session[:STACK] out if we don't need it
  89. Michael Fellinger <>**20071016144938]
  90. [Simplify redirection
  91. Michael Fellinger <>**20071016140908]
  92. [Correct $LOAD_PATH in spec/helper.rb
  93. Michael Fellinger <>**20071016140854]
  94. [Sequel API change
  95. Michael Fellinger <>**20071016133116]
  96. [Small improvment for docs of RedirectHelper
  97. Michael Fellinger <>**20071016145327]
  98. [Small beautification to Dispatcher::File
  99. Michael Fellinger <>**20071016145239]
  100. [Don't mention coderay in README anymore
  101. Michael Fellinger <>**20071016152037]
  102. [Adapt Nagoro for latest API changes
  103. Michael Fellinger <>**20071016120024]
  104. [Add (for now optional) support for Nagoro templates.
  105. Michael Fellinger <>**20071015045805]
  106. [Add caching to sourceview
  107. Aman Gupta <>**20071015221353]
  108. [Fix ezamar morpher, seems to break on 0.6 - simplify implementation at the same time... couldn't do a real benchmark for the new vs old since the old one doesn't seem to be able to process more complex documents, new one builds on XPATH functionality of hpricot and is a lot more robust but at the same time much easier to understand. Extend specs for it and don't require it by default anymore.
  109. Michael Fellinger <>**20071012124124]
  110. [layout example should not have an Element
  111. Michael Fellinger <>**20071011152604]
  112. [Minor sourceview cleanups
  113. Aman Gupta <>**20071011043035]
  114. [Numeric#human_readable_filesize_format #=> Numeric#filesize_format
  115. Michael Fellinger <>**20071011035130]
  116. [gzip filter added
  118. [Fix <title> in layout example
  119. Michael Fellinger <>**20071010122507]
  120. [Remove mention of Nginx from feature CGI
  121. Michael Fellinger <>**20071009170713]
  122. [Add sourceview example- syntax highlighting source browser for ramaze source code
  123. Aman Gupta <>**20071011013118]
  124. [rescue MissingArgument for missing arguments in bin/ramaze
  125. Michael Fellinger <>**20071006222648]
  126. [Add doc/LEGAL that is required by doc/LEGAL, holds a list of licenses and authors of files we use but do not 'own'.
  127. Michael Fellinger <>**20071005152720]
  128. [Add Global.boring to avoid logging of some static files
  129. Michael Fellinger <>**20071005052916]
  130. [Don't overwrite Global on sourcereload
  131. Michael Fellinger <>**20071005015003]
  132. [Move auth example into its own dir and separate out templates so action stubs aren't required. Make AuthHelper#login_required private
  133. Aman Gupta <>**20071003043840]
  134. [Add benchmark suite
  135. Aman Gupta <>**20071003010530]
  136. [Add the needed adapter/swiftiplied_mongrel and adapter/evented_mongrel
  137. Michael Fellinger <>**20071002233631]
  138. [Support :adapter => (:evented_mongrel|:swiftiplied_mongrel), setting by ENV with :adapter => :mongrel and (SWIFT|EVENT)=1 should still work. we require 'mongrel' in any case, could that lead to problems?
  139. Michael Fellinger <>**20071002233135]
  140. [AuthHelper cleanups and an example using Sequel
  141. Aman Gupta <>**20071002234747]
  142. [Ignore /favicon.ico by default
  143. Aman Gupta <>**20071002234355]
  144. [Fix hash-order issue for gestalt spec.
  145. Michael Fellinger <>**20071002152504]
  146. [Fix reference and logging of CGI adapter.
  147. Michael Fellinger <>**20070930163354]
  148. [Fix docs for AuthHelper
  149. Michael Fellinger <>**20070930051429]
  150. [Gestalt should accept symbols as attributes
  151. Michael Fellinger <>**20070929133737]
  152. [[localize] normalize session locale too
  153. Jonathan Buch <>**20070926160207]
  154. [Minor cleanup of whitespace
  155. Jonathan Buch <>**20070926102009]
  156. [[localize] normalize dictionary to regard symbols and strings the same, add usage doc
  157. Jonathan Buch <>**20070926095546]
  158. [Expand new Layout lookup so it can be relative paths too (no / at beginning means current controller)
  159. Jonathan Buch <>**20070925171154]
  160. [Add Stephan Maka to authors.
  161. Michael Fellinger <>**20070925160834]
  162. [spec/helper/wrap now handles rubygems version mismatch better.
  163. Michael Fellinger <>**20070925042337]
  164. [Do not automatically wrap layout paths in R(self, path) anymore, this allows for absolute paths so you can use layouts from other controllers easily.
  165. Michael Fellinger <>**20070925041727]
  166. [trivial comment changes
  168. [Global.ignore now only ignores files if they don't exist.
  169. Michael Fellinger <>**20070923051241]
  170. [Fix requires for to specs.
  171. Michael Fellinger <>**20070923050957]
  172. [Remove unused methods from Action
  173. Michael Fellinger <>**20070922191754]
  174. [XSLT template example: add Content-Type
  176. [XSLT template spec: two more examples
  178. [XSLT templates: add extFunctions capability
  180. [Ramaze support for XSLT templates, example
  182. [Instruct SourceReload to expand filenames before loading to make sure they really do exist where we think they do.
  183. Michael Fellinger <>**20070921140842]
  184. [Slight 'beautifcation' for specwrapper
  185. Michael Fellinger <>**20070921081739]
  186. [SourceReload#reload_glob is now SourceReload.trait[:reload_glob] for ultimate control.
  187. Michael Fellinger <>**20070921080937]
  188. [This improves logging a bit by introducing the :dev tag and so lowering the overall output in default mode.
  189. Michael Fellinger <>**20070921064236]
  190. [Gestalt: allow text in arguments, properly escape this text and attributes
  192. [alias Ramaze.contrib to Ramaze::Contrib.load
  193. Aman Gupta <>**20070919153655]
  194. [Add $0 to files being sourcereloaded.
  195. Michael Fellinger <>**20070919062417]
  196. [Implement Global.ignore and spec it.
  197. Michael Fellinger <>**20070919062143]
  198. [Add Global.cache_alternative so you can specify a different cache-class to use for only certain caches. For example: Ramaze::Global.cache_alternative[:sessions] = Ramaze::MemcachedCache
  199. Michael Fellinger <>**20070918104659]
  200. [Small improvment to the sequel/fill contrib
  201. Michael Fellinger <>**20070918054112]
  202. [Add contrib/sequel/fill
  203. Michael Fellinger <>**20070918053330]
  204. [alias redirect_referer to redirect_referrer in RedirectHelper
  205. Michael Fellinger <>**20070918045439]
  206. [Allow custom /helper directory in apps, will be searched before ramazes helpers.
  207. Michael Fellinger <>**20070918014843]
  208. [Add the wikore example and fix spec for wiktacular a little.
  209. Michael Fellinger <>**20070917114503]
  210. [Improve output of spec wrapper a bit.
  211. Michael Fellinger <>**20070917114458]
  212. [Adding path for OSX to tool/tidy and improve readability of the spec for it a bit.
  213. Michael Fellinger <>**20070912125255]
  214. [Fixing dependence on the debug.rb implementation of ruby, since this may vary between different versions/implementations, use gestalt.rb instead, the oldest and most stable file we have.
  215. Michael Fellinger <>**20070912090809]
  216. [Small beautification/speedup for the mocked http
  217. Michael Fellinger <>**20070911084731]
  218. [Clean up the controller/resolve part a bit, implement raise_no_filter which throws a NoFilter error now and fix a minor bug that would result in a faulty response if an element of Cache.resolved was no valid action. Added docs for all methods in Controller.
  219. Michael Fellinger <>**20070911162955]
  220. [Restructuring of how contribs are handled, introducing the Ramaze::Contrib namespace, adding Global.contribs so we can add a unified shutdown in future, fixing routing so it won't try to match an already resolved route again and thereby avoiding recursion.
  221. Michael Fellinger <>**20070911144843]
  222. [Adding snippet for Array#put_within/put_before/put_after plus specs. docs missing.
  223. Michael Fellinger <>**20070911054158]
  224. [Updated spec for route
  225. Aman Gupta <>**20070910063242]
  226. [This introduces the first contrib for routes, slight restructuring of Controller::resolve to allow filtering based on Controller::FILTER like we know it from Dispatcher. Added dictionary.rb from facets to allow sorted but hash-like routes-adding. Spec for routes added as small showcase.
  227. Michael Fellinger <>**20070910044521]
  228. [Add basic Ramaze::contrib as future helping instance for contributed things.
  229. Michael Fellinger <>**20070910044506]
  230. [make snippets/struct/values_at behaviour compatible with standard ruby (orig. by riffraff)
  231. Michael Fellinger <>**20070907083216]
  232. [Fix for directory-listing, always sort files/dirs shown
  233. Michael Fellinger <>**20070907083158]
  234. [TAG 0.1.4
  235. Michael Fellinger <>**20070906135219]
  236. Patch bundle hash:
  237. 8607c10745c63bbcf61679dca144c8b03aba8856
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