
Dragon Omake

Apr 9th, 2015
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  1. Being a dragon was hard work.
  3. At least that’s what she’d always figured. After all from the day of her birth she’d been beset upon, bullied, beaten by others who were bigger and stronger than she was, and generally made to struggle for her very existence. But Rubido was not ever one to be deterred by such minor things as pain and misery. She remembered fondly the day she’d evolved her form from that of a drake to the final magnificence which she’d currently achieved, allowing her to finally tower over those who had done nothing but give her pain.
  5. Her trio of vapid sisters.
  7. Or rather a single sister who shared three bodies between herself. It was bothersome growing up with the terrible triplet...
  9. But she had been smart, she’d been quick, and she’d gotten out the moment that she could find her way away from the accursed pit they’d called home. An actual pit really, It had been a breeding place for dragons as seen over by a host of Cyclopes hoping to raise some dragons as pets. Idiot things never realized that most dragons were too stupid and vicious to train.
  11. And those of them who weren’t, well they were far too Smart and Vicious to keep when the training was done.
  13. Unintangling herself from the entire deal had been the best thing she’d ever done for herself.
  15. Or at least so she thought before she met Alan.
  17. “Oy. Dragon. Dragon!” She remembered the day he barged into her lair, plain as day. Not even a cursory attempt at hiding himself or pretend that he actually could be sneaky in those loud blue robes which shouted ‘Mage CLASS’ with the same vigour with which they shouted ‘No CLASS’.
  19. “Who awakens me from my slumber.” Ok so the lines were a bit cheesy and rote, but she’d just been woken from a really good dream with a beautiful side of lamb. “Make it quick so I can roast you alive and have my midweek snack before I get back to bed.”
  21. “Hey. Are you looking down on me?” A rather testy human, cute with that little irritated quirk in his eyebrow.
  23. “Well... yes. I believe I am.” She spoke as her head drew downward, leaving her eyes on level with his. She was at least 5 times his size. “I suppose I’m doing it literally too.”
  25. “... Ah...” He seemed almost at a loss for words, accustomed to a very different set of responses when posing said question. “Well... ah... Don’t!”
  27. Very eloquent... she’d give it a generous two. On a scale of one to one hundred that was.
  29. “While I’m aware that I’m possibly smarter than any specimen of your pathetic breed...I can’t quite imagine that you measure up to the average.” If she had lips they’d probably pursed as she studied the anomalous human before her.
  31. Blue Magi were usually odd birds of humanity, relatively rare creatures because their pursuit of power involved exposing themselves to danger and surviving to live to tell the tale. Honestly she couldn’t think of a more paradoxical path for such small, weak, squishy creatures. She only knew of them really due to having one stop by a few years back attempting to gain special abilities from anything on the mountain.
  33. That is until he tried to catch her breath attack to the face and died.
  35. She remembered distinctly how crunchy that particular meal had turned out.
  37. It looked like she was about to get a repeat performance.
  39. “Come on ya yellow lizard brain. Show me what ya got!” He tried lamely to provoke her, hands raised in what looked like a very untrained combat stance.
  41. “Human. Are you trying to die? Do I need to check your corpse for brain-worms before I eat it? I mean I’d appreciate knowing just a bit.” She sighed, exasperated by the human’s antics.
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