
[Queen's Paradise: Prologue - Queen of Flesh]

Sep 29th, 2013
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  1. [15:27] <!CYOA-sama> [Queen's Paradise: Prologue - Queen of Flesh]
  2. [15:29] <!CYOA-sama> High above the capital, floating as if they were standing on solid ground Kendrick and a few young acolytes prepare a massive magical seal.
  3. [15:30] <!CYOA-sama> "M-master will you really be okay?" A young girl in a white hood asks, her eyes covered and her straw blonde bangs hanging down.
  4. [15:30] <!CYOA-sama> "No way... I'm gonna totally die. One of you should do it instead." Kendrick says with a sigh.
  5. [15:30] <!CYOA-sama> "E-eh?" The young girl begins to tremble with sadness.
  6. [15:31] <!CYOA-sama> "Tch... he'll be fine he's just being a crybaby." The other acolyte says with venom in her voice.
  7. [15:31] <!CYOA-sama> "Am not...." Kendrick says as he picks his ear.
  8. [15:32] <!CYOA-sama> "Will you really be able to seal out necromancy from the entire city?" The smaller girl asks.
  9. [15:32] <!CYOA-sama> "Nope, the seals gonna break and everyone is going to become zombies and eat each other." Kendrick says as he examines the earwax on his pinky.
  10. [15:33] <!CYOA-sama> Again the small girl begins to shake.
  11. [15:33] <!CYOA-sama> "It's done, so stop bitching and cast the spell." The older girl asks as she pats the sniffling acolyte on the head.
  12. [15:34] <!CYOA-sama> "Is this really needed?" The small girl asks another question.
  13. [15:34] <!CYOA-sama> Kendrick sighs.
  14. [15:34] <!CYOA-sama> "Do you know much about Necromancy?" He returns.
  15. [15:35] <!CYOA-sama> Both girls shake their heads.
  16. [15:36] <!CYOA-sama> "There are two branches, the one we're sealing out is known as Dark Necromancy, and it's what fuels the cration of undead."
  17. [15:36] <!CYOA-sama> "Among it there are four basic elements, the components Necromancers belive make up all living creatures."
  18. [15:37] <!CYOA-sama> "Flesh, blood, bone, and soul.... that's all."
  19. [15:37] <!CYOA-sama> "To Dark Necromancers living creatures are nothing but an assortment of raw materials to create undead."
  20. [15:38] <!CYOA-sama> "That's why this is necessarry."
  21. [15:38] <!CYOA-sama> Kendrick extends his hand and the glowing seal sheds a brilliant white light.
  22. [15:38] <!CYOA-sama> "What's.... what's the other school?" The girl asks.
  23. [15:39] <!CYOA-sama> Kendrick smiles.
  24. [15:39] <!CYOA-sama> The luminous energy spreads over the energy and a chill runs down the back of both undead queens already in the palace.
  25. [15:40] <!CYOA-sama> When it's done Kendrick "collapses", his "unconcious" body still floating in the air.
  26. [15:40] <!CYOA-sama> "So... tired... completely out of mana.... gonna die... need a mana transfer...." He mumbles.
  27. [15:40] <!CYOA-sama> The taller of the two acolytes steps on his face.
  28. [15:40] <!CYOA-sama> "Then how the fuck are you floating?"
  29. [15:41] <!CYOA-sama> ................
  30. [15:41] <!CYOA-sama> Kendrick falls out of the sky.
  31. [15:41] <!CYOA-sama> The acolyte quickly grabs him and pulls him up to her.
  32. [15:41] <!CYOA-sama> "I-IDIOT! Don't just cancel the spell for your stupid act! Do you wanna die?"
  33. [15:42] <!CYOA-sama> Kendrick smiles smugly as he rubs his head between the breasts of the blushing acolyte.
  34. [15:42] <!CYOA-sama> [Intermission]
  37. [16:00] <!CYOA-sama> [Intermission Out]
  38. [16:00] <!CYOA-sama> Meanwhile, in the throne room Aldeas laughs to himself.
  39. [16:01] <!CYOA-sama> "Those two are being-" "Responsible and considering the consequences of your brash selfish actions." Lucia cuts off Aldeas and smirks at him.
  40. [16:01] <!CYOA-sama> ".... that too. But I was going to say paranoid, so far the undead queens are all sweethearts." He returns with a smile.
  41. [16:02] <!CYOA-sama> "Speaking of, the next one apparently just arrived." Mesinna says as she opens a missive from one of the town couriers.
  42. [16:03] <!CYOA-sama> "She's cowering at the gate because of that light... one of the guards offered her his helmet claiming it would protect her from the "bad magic" she was mumbling about. She's on her way, evidently it worked."
  43. [16:03] <!CYOA-sama> .....
  44. [16:04] <!CYOA-sama> Lucia sighs. "She sounds adorable..."
  45. [16:04] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas laughs loudly.
  46. [16:04] <!CYOA-sama> It's moments later that the "queen" comes walking gingerly up the steps.
  47. [16:04] <!CYOA-sama> Her figure is unmistably undead.
  48. [16:05] <!CYOA-sama> Her curvy body and huge breasts are impossibly perfect, and the tattered cotton dress she wears leaves little to the imagination.
  49. [16:06] <!CYOA-sama> Her feet are bare and her green hair hangs down to her round bottom.
  50. [16:06] <!CYOA-sama> Despite her beautiful figure her undeath is apparent in the stich marks over all her visible skin.
  51. [16:07] <!CYOA-sama> Agatha... the queen of flesh, who sews her own body together from all her favorite "components".
  52. [16:07] <!CYOA-sama> She's beautiful except her stitching, but even that is neat and precise.
  53. [16:07] <!CYOA-sama> Her mismatched blue and purple eyes seems to twitch and dart around frantically as she walks up the stairs covering her head with the helmet.
  54. [16:08] <!CYOA-sama> "Hehe...heh... Hi there.... I'm... I'm the Queen of everything dead and made of meat..... nice to meet you." She says as she walks in circles as if she thinks something is sneaking up on her.
  55. [16:09] <!CYOA-sama> "It's a pleasure milady." Aldeas says with a slight bow.
  56. [16:18] <!CYOA-sama> The undead woman barely acknowledges Aldeas with a nod.
  57. [16:18] <!CYOA-sama> As she looks around her eyes meet Lucia and she seems to light up.
  58. [16:18] <!CYOA-sama> "Waah! You're so pretty... can I-can I... can I... can I what?... Can I try on your skin?" She asks as she quickly runs up to Lucia.
  59. [16:19] <!CYOA-sama> The guards instantly react but Lucia holds up her hand to stop them despite recoiling at the sudden request and invasion of her personal space.
  60. [16:19] <!CYOA-sama> "If I take off my skin I'll die, you know?" Lucia says.
  61. [16:20] <!CYOA-sama> "Ah! That's right... you liveys have to have all your parts to keep your souls in... that must be so frustrating."
  62. [16:21] <!CYOA-sama> "Like... like... what? Like, when you... when you have a dress that doesn't match your eyes... and you can't swap out your eyes what do you do?" She asks as she stands up and does her best to emphasize her question with gestures like some bizarre game of charades.
  63. [16:22] <!CYOA-sama> ".... change dresses." Lucia says befuddles by the apparent complete idiocy... or insanity... or both, of the queen before her.
  64. [16:22] <!CYOA-sama> "Ah... ah, you're smart... and pretty... are you the queen? You must be the queen."
  65. [16:22] <!CYOA-sama> "I'm the queen..." Lucia confirms.
  66. [16:23] <!CYOA-sama> ".... Can I borrow your eyes?" Agatha asks after a long pause of her staring vacantly at Lucia.
  67. [16:24] <!CYOA-sama> "We just..." "Oh yeah! I forgot... I forgot... I... what did I do?" Agatha interrupts and sits cross legged as if in deep thought.
  68. [16:25] <!CYOA-sama> "Lady Agatha, are you alright?" Aldeas asks after watching the entire exchange between the two.
  69. [16:25] <!CYOA-sama> "Ah! No, I'm nuttier than a hookers breath!" Agatha says with a wave as if to dismiss the very notion of her sanity.
  70. [16:26] <!CYOA-sama> "Ehehe...heh...hehe... So why did I come ehre? Something about butts?"
  71. [16:26] <!CYOA-sama> "N-no... you're hear to represent the Undead of the Flesh in our peace conference."
  72. [16:27] <!CYOA-sama> "Oh... does it involve butts? I'm pretty sure it involved butts...."
  73. [16:28] <!CYOA-sama> "No... it doesn't really require butts at all, but they certainly don't hinder the process." Aldeas says trying to get on the same wavelength as the clearly psychotic abomination.
  74. [16:28] <!CYOA-sama> "Do you like butts?"
  75. [16:28] <!CYOA-sama> "I like butts." Aldeas confirms.
  76. [16:29] <!CYOA-sama> "Do you like mine? You can have it if you want I have spares." Agatha says as she stands and turns around firmly gripping her full backside prepared to simply pull it off and hand it to Aldeas.
  77. [16:29] <!CYOA-sama> "N-no thank you... I prefer them attached to lovely women like yourself." Aldeas says.
  78. [16:30] <!CYOA-sama> "I see...." Agatha looks over to Lucia and inches towards her, butt first as if offering to loan it to her.
  79. [16:30] <!CYOA-sama> "N-NO THANK YOU! MY BUTT IS FINE LIKE IT IS!" Lucia says as she turns red.
  80. [16:30] <!CYOA-sama> "... Kay."
  81. [16:30] <!CYOA-sama> .....
  82. [16:31] <!CYOA-sama> Agatha sits back down and stares vacantly into space as if waiting for something in her head to click.
  83. [16:31] <!CYOA-sama> "..... I'm hungry." She says after several minutes of awkward silence.
  84. [16:31] <!CYOA-sama> "Can I have food?" She asks as she turns to Aldeas.
  85. [16:32] <!CYOA-sama> "Of course milady, however much you want."
  86. [16:32] <!CYOA-sama> "What... what do you eat?"
  87. [16:33] <!CYOA-sama> "I eat... I eat... what do I eat?... I don't remember..."
  88. [16:33] <!CYOA-sama> "Do I eat dick? I remember having dicks in my mouth at some point..."
  89. [16:33] <!CYOA-sama> Lucia's cheeks turn crimson.
  90. [16:34] <!CYOA-sama> "I don't think I chewed them though...."
  91. [16:34] <!CYOA-sama> "That would be bad." Aldeas says while making a complicated expression.
  92. [16:34] <!CYOA-sama> "Aye..." Sir Bradly adds while he and his squires cover their nether with their shields.
  93. [16:35] <!CYOA-sama> "I'm pretty sure I eat meat though... can I have meat?"
  94. [16:35] <!CYOA-sama> "Steak? Of course, I'll have the kitchen prepare one for each of us, how do you take it?"
  95. [16:35] <!CYOA-sama> "Raw..."
  96. [16:35] <!CYOA-sama> "Raw?..."
  97. [16:35] <!CYOA-sama> "Raw?" Agatha asks herself.
  98. [16:36] <!CYOA-sama> "Raw." She states answering her own question.
  99. [16:36] <!CYOA-sama> Moments later the cook brings her a freshly sliced raw steak, which she carries to a corner of the throne room and eats while mumbling to herself.
  100. [16:37] <!CYOA-sama> "She... might be difficult to deal with." Aldeas says.
  101. [16:37] <!CYOA-sama> "Glad the boy cast his spell now?" Sir Bradly asks.
  102. [16:37] <!CYOA-sama> "Well... better safe than sorry."
  103. [16:38] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas rubs his temple as he stares at the beautiful woman curled up in the corner chewing comically on a slab of raw beef.
  104. [16:38] <!CYOA-sama> She stares back and smiles with blood covering her cheeks before returning to her meal.
  105. [16:38] <!CYOA-sama> "At least she doesn't seem... dangerous."
  106. [16:39] <!CYOA-sama> "Maybe not to you... she wanted my skin." Lucia says with a worried expression, Aldeas only now noticing her slight trembling she's been repressing the entire time.
  107. [16:39] <!CYOA-sama> He pats Lucias head gently and laughs.
  108. [16:40] <!CYOA-sama> [Queen of Flesh - End]
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