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Jan 23rd, 2018
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  1. [23:46] <@Lonoxtop> alright that looks like erryone here but tree
  2. [23:47] <Honoo> Yep. Tree, you picked a bad time to ping out.
  3. [23:49] <Serena> WHEN LAST WE MET: There was more investigating
  4. [23:49] <@Lonoxtop> and also the party was in a bar/tavern/whatever
  5. [23:49] <Serena> And we ended up in a pub... without booze.
  6. [23:50] <Honoo> There was this crap that burnt badly, though.
  7. [23:50] <@Lonoxtop> yeah
  8. [23:50] <Serena> BUrnt and smelled terrible, mostly of salt but a little of alcohol... if I remember right.
  9. [23:50] <Serena> and I had it in a jar.
  10. [23:50] <Honoo> You dropped that jar.
  11. [23:50] <Honoo> And it broke.
  12. [23:51] <@Lonox|gm> and also there was fish being cooked by the bartender
  13. [23:51] <Honoo> And delicious it is.
  14. [23:51] <Serena> Right.... and you owed me taxes for a new jar.
  15. [23:51] <Honoo> I will never pay you a dime.
  16. [23:51] <@Lonox|gm> alright, we ready?
  17. [23:52] <@Lonox|gm> typing what flavor i can
  18. [23:52] <Honoo> Or you. I won't pay you either.
  19. [23:53] <@Lonox|gm> "alright miss, heres your fish." the bartender slides the cooked fish over to serena, setting a napkin and some utensils by it. "want anything to drink with it? i have no booze but thers some fruit juice here..." the bar is still pretty quiet, almost like something just waiting to happen...
  20. [23:53] <@Lonox|gm> --- GAME START ---
  21. [23:54] * Serena sets to work eating the fish after dividinga smaller portion to Honoo.
  22. [23:56] <Moe> "So you guys are trying to solve this missing booze problem, huh? How's that going?"
  23. [23:56] <Honoo> Though things are quiet...well, Honoo doesn't eat quietly. As she takes the fish, giving a quick "Thanks" (She didn't even have punctuation!), she chows down on it rather quickly, like she was starved or something.
  24. [23:57] <Serena> "Honestly, We don't seem to have made any headway." Serena points her chopsticks at goop on the floor. "IF we could figure out what that stuff is, we might be able to save my storerooms."
  25. [23:57] <Serena> *Our
  26. [23:58] <Honoo> ...which if you looked at her figure, isn't really unlikely at all. "Yeah, our storerooms."
  27. [23:58] <Moe> "That stuff? Looks like... goop? Pretty gross, either way."
  28. [23:59] <@Lonox|gm> the bartender slides moe's fish to her on a plate as well, with utensils and napkin, as usual
  29. [00:00] <Serena> "Alcohol. Salt. Goop. Alcohol. Salt. Goop." She stuffs more fish into her mouth.
  30. [00:00] <Honoo> A nod. "Gross, smells terrible, and it doesn't burn. And it smells terrible. And doesn't burn. And it's gross."
  31. [00:01] <Daiko> The front door to the bar slams open as a Earth Rabbit Youkai stomps into the room, wearing flamboyantly dull clothing. The Rabbit hurries up to the bar and stares at the Bartender for a moment before stating in a somewhat unneededly loud voice: "Hey, you! I demand food! Be very fast about it, too!"
  32. [00:02] <Moe> Eating her fish with at least a bit of manners, she continplates the booze issue, and stares at the rabbit who just burst in the door. Not very suprising, it's a bar after all.
  33. [00:02] <@Lonox|gm> "Oi, is that really a way to ask for food? Asking like that is a good way to get charcoal to eat@
  34. [00:02] <@Lonox|gm> !"
  35. [00:02] <Honoo> "There's plenty of thrones available." Since she wants to be treated like a queen.
  36. [00:03] <Daiko> "I'm the best cook in Gensokyo! You should consider it an honor to give me food!" Daiko shouts at the Bartender, slamming a fist on the bar as she climbs onto one of the stools. "Be glad I don't put you out of business!"
  37. [00:05] * Serena thinks aloud "another girl has entered Our Presence without announcing herself. How very rude."
  38. [00:05] <@Lonox|gm> "If you are such a good cook, then why are you coming here to ask for food?" says the bartender with a smirk. "Well business is business i suppose, what will it be? we dont have any booze at the moment, but i do have some nice fish here to grill, and might be able to come up with some soup or something as well, and we have some fresh fruit juice or spring water to drink."
  39. [00:06] <Daiko> "I don't have time to cook right now! Just give me the thing you make which tastes the least bad, okay?" she says, shaking her head as though the man should have just assumed what she was going to say.
  40. [00:07] <@Lonox|gm> "alright, one fish coming up, thatl be 20 sen please."
  41. [00:07] <@Lonox|gm> the bartender tosses a fish on the grill behind the counter
  42. [00:08] <Honoo> Eating has (mostly) pacified Honoo....but with the fish gone in an instant, it's back to her hovering next to the flame, everwatching.
  43. [00:08] * Daiko glares at the bartender, then at the fish, and then back at the bartender for a moment and then shouts "That is a ridiculous amount of money! I refuse to pay such a sum for such meagre portions!"
  44. [00:09] <@Lonox|gm> "how about a fish and a half then? i gotta be able to eat too ya know...
  45. [00:09] <@Lonox|gm> "
  46. [00:09] <Honoo> And with where she is, that's probably pretty close to the shouting. "Hey! Pipe down, rabbit lady!"
  47. [00:10] <Daiko> "Two fishes for 20 sen! Or i'll boycott this place! No Rabbit will ever eat here again! Watch as your bar becomes the unluckiest place in all Gensokyo!"
  48. [00:10] <@Lonox|gm> "alright, alright, fine, have it your way..." the bartender throws another fish on the grill.
  49. [00:10] <Honoo> Ding. "...does this place serve rabbit stew?"
  50. [00:11] <@Lonox|gm> "uhh.... on occasion.... by special request only...."
  51. [00:11] <Serena> "The best chef in Gensokyo, hrrrrm?"
  52. [00:11] <@Lonox|gm> "surprisingly enough usually its the youkai who ask for it."
  53. [00:12] * Daiko finally pays attention to one of the girls at the bar. She turns to Serena and says "Of course! The Greatest Chef in Gensokyo! Daiko Usagi!"
  54. [00:12] * Serena beelines toward the rabbit, meaning she gets distracted by the vase on one of the other tables before getting there.:
  55. [00:12] <Honoo> "Hum. Well, does SHE serve rabbit stew?" A point at Daiko.
  56. [00:12] <Daiko> "I am not a Cannibal!"
  57. [00:12] <Serena> "We've heard that a great Chef knows how to pair food and drink, yes?"
  58. [00:12] <Moe> "You're all very loud, you know."
  59. [00:13] <Honoo> "Then I like this place more!" The FLAMES OF CONFLICT.
  60. [00:13] <Daiko> "Yes, Foods and Drinks are very good together!"
  61. [00:13] <Serena> "Have you heard of a drink that is blue and salty?"
  62. [00:13] * Serena takes another jar out of her bag and scoops up the substance on the ground
  63. [00:20] * Daiko crosses her arms and closes her eyes, smirking dramatically. "Yes, of course! It's called 'Blue Haze'! The drink of Sailors! Made of Sea Salt, a mix of stuff, and then Blueberry Juice!"
  64. [00:22] * Serena turns to Hoonoo and says "Aha! The Seaside. We will travel that way and find the CULPRIT!"
  65. [00:22] <@Lonox|gm> which is an interesting plan, if gensokyo had a sea connection
  66. [00:22] <Moe> "Sure sounds like a good idea, but... there's no ocean here."
  67. [00:22] * Moe scratches her head. "Or sailors, as far as I know."
  68. [00:22] <@Lonox|gm> thena gain with yukari and her gaps, who knows what ends up dropping in and out of gensokyo
  69. [00:23] <@Lonox|gm> well you are on the right track, what other place could qualify?
  70. [00:23] <Honoo> Honoo thinks of places that just have water instead, and immediately discards any thoughts about it with a shiver.
  71. [00:23] <@Lonox|gm> you need water to float a boat
  72. [00:23] <Serena> "Isn't there a octopus that lives in the lake? Maybe she did that?"
  73. [00:23] <Honoo> A pretty big shiver.
  74. [00:24] <Daiko> "Did what? You lot sure are confusing. First you talk to me and then you start talking about Scailors and Octopi!"
  75. [00:25] <@Lonox|gm> "havent you heard? all the booze in gensokyo is gone!"
  76. [00:25] <Serena> "Hoonoo, would you feel better if We conscripted a posse?" Serena looks at the tailor and the rabbit.
  77. [00:25] <@Lonox|gm> "At least whatever happened hit all of the bars at once, so we are all equally out of business..."
  78. [00:26] <@Lonox|gm> "But thats probably not a good thing what with the harvest festival around the corner in two days..."
  79. [00:26] <@Lonox|gm> "I dont think i want to be anywhere near the oni after that long without any booze."
  80. [00:26] <Daiko> "...All the booze is gone? But I just saw a huge barrel full of Alcohol floating down a river a bit ago." Daiko says, confused.
  81. [00:26] <Honoo> "We're INVESTIGATING!" They are. "...posse? Team?'ll take that one." A point to the tailor. "But that rabbit can just stew in here." Yep.
  82. [00:27] <@Lonox|gm> "Really? did you see anyone around?"
  83. [00:28] <Daiko> "Hmph. If you lot don't want me then i'll just go back to waiting for my food" Daiko says,
  84. [00:28] <Honoo> ...Down the a more intelligent fai--...being, this would lessen her worry. But instead, she ignores the reference like it didn't even exist.
  85. [00:28] <Honoo> "Yeah, you can stew in here." She is totally putting emphasis on that word.
  86. [00:28] <@Lonox|gm> the bartender puts the rabbits fish on a plate and shoves it towards her, providing the utensils, and a paper napkin
  87. [00:29] <@Lonox|gm> "Here. 20 sen please."
  88. [00:29] <@Lonox|gm> "Although if you have seen any booze around, if i were you i would go chase it, we need all the booze we can get to placate the oni..."
  89. [00:30] * Daiko pays the Bartender and starts eating. Well, she inhales the food, really. Not quite 'eating' as most people would. "I dmm't cmrh 'boaut Onis!" She says around her mouth full of food.
  90. [00:30] * Serena tries to think of a way to convince the tailor to come along... comes up with nothing and simply says "You've been conscripted. We're going to save the booze and if We make any profit you will be rewarded."
  91. [00:31] <@Lonox|gm> "well since they are only sober when drunk, and can throw mountains around, i dont think theres going to be a whole lot left of gensokyo unless the booze is found."
  92. [00:31] <Honoo> "Yeah, you just stew over here, rabbit stew." She's just being blunt now. This will continue without a forseeable end.
  93. [00:31] <@Lonox|gm> "That means no food to be made by or for anyone."
  94. [00:31] <@Lonox|gm> "Or anyone to serve it to/"
  95. [00:32] <Moe> "Or any more people to make dresses for!"
  96. [00:32] <Daiko> "Well it's not my fault these jerks are rude to me! I'll keep my information to myself and go find it by myself later unless SOMEONE apologizes to me" She says, already finished with her two fishes.
  97. [00:32] <@Lonox|gm> "Although if you are sick of life here, then yeah, by all means, sit around and do nothing with the rest of us. most of us are busy with that fire going on in the forest, but if things keep up thers not much point to anything."
  98. [00:32] * Serena makes a beeline to the door. Meaning she looks once more at the vase on the table, picks up her bags, puts on her shoes, and is actually the last to get to the door.
  99. [00:34] <@Lonox|gm> the bartender picks up the plate of fish bones and puts it behind the counter on a stack of dishes waiting to be cleaned. its not a very tall stack.
  100. [00:35] <Honoo> Honoo's triumphant expression on the tender's mentioning of the fire is slightly disturbing. "Yeah, that's a pretty good fire. I should do that more often."
  101. [00:36] <@Lonox|gm> "Well how about this, if the oni come and crush everything, you might as well burn everything while you can, but try tto hold off on that until then..."
  102. [00:36] * Moe follows the rest of the girls, lacking a better idea or any other work to do today. Maybe she'll make some money helping with the booze problem and she could even finish her new dress.
  103. [00:37] <Honoo> ...hey, maybe... ", wait...if they destroy everything, there won't be anything left to burn!" And with that, she's out the door.
  104. [00:37] <Daiko> "I didn't even tell any of you where the Booze was!" Daiko shouts at the group that is in the process of leaving.
  105. [00:37] <Honoo> "I'll never be able to make a fire like that again~!"
  106. [00:38] <Serena> "Maybe We should consript you as well." Serena says as she poots on her other boot.
  107. [00:39] <@Lonox|gm> well you are the queen, after all
  108. [00:39] <@Lonox|gm> no problem doing that.
  109. [00:39] <Daiko> "In return I demand money! And food!" Daiko says, jumping off the stool.
  110. [00:40] <Serena> "Yes, We will conscript you as well. perhaps we will give you honey to cook for Us with."
  111. [00:41] <@Lonox|gm> alright, so with the party more or less assembled, if you want to start meandering towards wherever dai saw things, now would be a good time
  112. [00:41] <Honoo> ...Though Honoo pauses again, after realizing where they could actually be going. Leading? No, not at all.
  113. [00:41] <Serena> With that serena ties her shoe and follows the group toward the river, unless someone has a better direction in which to head.
  114. [00:42] <@Lonox|gm> the sounds of a few more battles can be distantly heard far off in the distance
  115. [00:43] * Daiko leads the way! "I saw something carrying it on the road next to the river! It was fast! I think it was headed to that stupid Lake where all those stupid fairies live."
  116. [00:43] <@Lonox|gm> the occasional stray bullet or beam can be sen above the horison every so often
  117. [00:43] <@Lonox|gm> looks like the oni are feeling the hurt sooner than expected
  118. [00:43] * Serena follows until something interesting happens.
  119. [00:44] <Honoo> Though the sound of battle makes her pick up the pace...towards the conflict. "Yeah, where all the stupid...faries live." She mulled on that one for a while.
  120. [00:44] <Honoo> You can only wonder if she missed the point entirely or got the point in the wrong way.
  121. [00:45] <@Lonox|gm> alright, so you are on that path now
  122. [00:45] <@Lonox|gm> it goes by one of the rivers of gensokyo, a little stream that feeds the lake
  123. [00:47] <@Lonox|gm> is that something way off in the distance along the path? hard to make out what it is but it looks brown.
  124. [00:48] <@Lonox|gm> to the sharper-eyed of the party, what looks like a small barrel is bobbing down the path off in the distance
  125. [00:49] <Moe> "Oh look, there's a barrel over that-away."
  126. [00:49] <Daiko> "See! There it is!"
  127. [00:50] * Serena speeds up a bit in hopes thats its from her stores and hasn't been consumed yet."
  128. [00:51] <Serena> "Hoonoo, you might not owe Us anything." Serena is actually focused now, and starts leading the group.
  129. [00:52] <Honoo> That is totally going to THAT lake. That cold lake with that cold tough fairy. "If...if I don't owe any of you anything, does that mean I can leave?, don't want to you guys got it right?"
  130. [00:52] <Honoo> Backing away.
  132. [00:53] <@Lonox|gm> well if you are going to do anything about that barrel that is rapidly receding along the path, you might want to do so sooner rather than later
  133. [00:54] * Serena speeds up and tries to see if its her Mead.
  134. [00:54] <Honoo> And then Serena was terrifying. Thankfully for our current situation, Honoo's will is currently bending like a wet noodle. "F-f-fine!" She's shaking, but it seems that she'll follow. Behind. Shivering. It probably IS cold, but she's shivering much more than she should be. Even for a fire fairy.
  135. [00:55] <@Lonox|gm> its hard to see, but its about the right size for a barrel of mead.
  136. [00:55] <Daiko> "What's wrong with you? Don't you like this lake? Besides all the annoying fairies, it's good for fishing!" Daiko says to Honoo
  137. [00:56] <@Lonox|gm> funny, didnt they just take the booze and leave the batrrel last time?
  138. [00:56] <Serena> There is nothing funny about stolen booze.
  139. [00:57] <Honoo> "No no, not me! I hate this lake!" Shiver. "I don't care if it has all the fish in the world! I hate it!" Shiver.
  140. [00:58] <@Lonox|gm> as you get closer to the barrel, it appears there is a small glowing thing carriying it, if a bit erratically
  141. [00:58] <@Lonox|gm> you are getting closer to catching up to it, but you will likely catch it before it hits the lake
  142. [00:58] <@Lonox|gm> probably
  143. [00:58] <@Lonox|gm> you are close to the lake now
  144. [00:59] <Honoo> Honoo, realizing this, charges the fuck at it. BEFORE THE LAKE.
  145. [00:59] <Serena> "AH-HA, the culprit. We will arrest it now!"
  146. [00:59] * Serena whistles and buzzes at her "posse"
  147. [01:00] <Daiko> "I don't see what the big deal is. It's just a barrel of mead."
  148. [01:01] <Serena> "It stole all the booze in Gensokyo, imagine the profit I... We mean he taxes the Queendom can charge for the only alcohol left."
  149. [01:02] <Honoo> Honoo didn't catch that. Lucky her. She's too busy charging the being and barrel for all they are worth. BEFORE THEY GET TO THE LAKE.
  150. [01:02] <Daiko> "What Queendom?" Daiko asks, confused. "I don't know any Queens."
  151. [01:03] <Serena> "We are tired of this Conversation. We are the Queen, you are... proudly serving in the Queen's Regiment."
  152. [01:05] <Honoo> And charge she does. She charges it, charges it...keeps going forward...past it...still going...
  153. [01:05] <@Lonox|gm> but she does catch a glimpse of whats carrying it, its a small water fairy!
  154. [01:06] <@Lonox|gm> the fairy is weaving around a lot, almost as drunk...
  155. [01:06] <@Lonox|gm> *as if
  156. [01:06] <Honoo> Thankfully, it's not an ice fairy. That said, that's still a bit dangerous for her. Just not as feared. Of course, she's still going, at least until a wave of cold hits her again. "Huh? Wait...oh. Oh."
  157. [01:07] <@Lonox|gm> sounds like honoo is over the lake or something
  158. [01:07] * Serena fires a single yellowjacket..ed shot at the thing carrying the barrel.
  159. [01:07] <Serena> and SPLISH it lands in the water.
  160. [01:08] <@Lonox|gm> the barrel makes a sharp right turn, now heading towards some shrubberies
  161. [01:08] <@Lonox|gm> and over them, towarsd the woods beyond
  162. [01:08] <@Lonox|gm> then crashes to the ground
  163. [01:08] <Honoo> Oh. Survival instincts GO. As in, she goes. Away. From the lake. Back where she came. Away from the lake. Maybe she won't overshoot this time.
  164. [01:08] <@Lonox|gm> not breaking, though
  165. [01:10] * Serena makes a b-line, as in direct path. To the fairy and the barrel.
  166. [01:11] * Daiko shrugs and follows Serena
  167. [01:11] <@Lonox|gm> the fairy is sitting atop the barrel, drunk as a skunk
  168. [01:11] <@Lonox|gm> *hic* "whachu shootin at me for?"
  169. [01:12] <@Lonox|gm> "i din do nuffin" *hic*
  170. [01:12] <Honoo> That fairy probably doesn't like Honoo by default. What with her Outcast status. And being water. "For the booze! I still need to see if it's flammable! ...And onis! Yeah, onis!"
  171. [01:13] <@Lonox|gm> "Heh, you goin after the rest of the booze too? i was just headed back to refill..."
  172. [01:14] <@Lonox|gm> the fairy is too drunk to care, she probably sees you as a talking tree or alligator or something
  173. [01:14] * Daiko walks over and grabs the barell from under the fairy and lifts it up.
  174. [01:14] <@Lonox|gm> empty.
  175. [01:14] <Serena> "We believe you have stolen much of the alcohol in Gensokyo, and as such you owe Reparations."
  176. [01:14] <@Lonox|gm> it does reek of booze though.
  177. [01:15] * Daiko turns and hands the barell to Serena. "There. Now give me food and money!"
  178. [01:15] <@Lonox|gm> *hic* "i din steal nuffin, just from those guys." the fairy makes a sweeping gesture towards the lake and promptly falls off the barrel
  179. [01:16] <@Lonox|gm> "wheeeeee~*hic*"
  180. [01:16] <Honoo> " the...lake...huh..." Shiver me timbers.
  181. [01:16] <@Lonox|gm> "dem stars are spinning a lot..."
  182. [01:16] * Serena reaches into her backpack and hands the rabbit a honey bun, "We've yet to conclude our business. Consider this the first payment."
  183. [01:17] <@Lonox|gm> the fairy lets out a large belch and promptly passes out.
  184. [01:17] * Daiko scarfs down the bun with lightning speed. "Hmm! Pretty good! I like you! Let's go find those guys so you can give me more honey-related foods!"
  185. [01:18] <Serena> "yes. Let us" she sweeps her hand to Moe and Hoonoo as well "do that."
  186. [01:18] <Honoo> In any other situation, Honoo would charge at the destination. This one? No, not at all. Selena's ability to be terrifying is what's dragging her along. "Y-yeah..."
  187. [01:18] * Serena bends down and looks at the barrel to see if its one of hers.
  188. [01:19] <@Lonox|gm> its not one of the bee queens, but it is the same size as the ones she uses. then again, the sizes are pretty much standardized
  189. [01:21] * Serena leaves the clearly and looks up the river. Any sign of a party of any sort?
  190. [01:22] * Daiko is also looking for things. She is hungry.
  191. [01:22] <@Lonox|gm> nothing upriver you can see, might wanna look the other way
  193. [01:23] <Honoo> Honoo, facing her fear for a moment, looks DOWN the river. OK.
  194. [01:23] <@Lonox|gm> well, theres nothing obvious, but something seems... odd about some of the waves on the lake
  195. [01:23] <@Lonox|gm> they look a bit... out of place
  196. [01:24] <@Lonox|gm> nothing you can see is causing it though
  197. [01:24] <Honoo> "...of course...only someone that vile would do such a thing..." ...she's probably assuming wrong, isn't she. Regardless, that's what she said.
  198. [01:26] <@Lonox|gm> gee, you might want to investigate that MYSTERIOUS SPOT
  199. [01:26] <Serena> "Yes, someone who needs to be put in her place!" Serena bumbles off again, toward the lake.
  200. [01:26] <Honoo> Someone else has to lea--there we go! Honoo trails behind Serena.
  201. [01:26] * Daiko follows Serena and Honoo. "So, we're going swimming, then?"
  202. [01:27] <Serena> "If need be."
  203. [01:27] <@Lonox|gm> you are now at the shore of the lake, there is a small pier here, with a few fishing boats anchored at it.
  204. [01:27] <@Lonox|gm> nobody around.
  205. [01:27] <Honoo> " can force me near the lake, but I WON'T go swimming, no matter what anyone says."
  206. [01:28] <Daiko> "I didn't bring my swimming suit anyway."
  207. [01:28] * Daiko doesn't bring up that the last swimming suit she bought doesn't fit anymore.
  208. [01:29] <Serena> "Who swims in the fall?" She lands on the pier and looks for anyone who could be a culprit.
  209. [01:29] * Honoo looks around for a sign of anything out of the ordinary. A sign of an AMBUSH. This is a scary place for her.
  210. [01:29] <@Lonox|gm> theres not a whole lot around here, just the pier and the lake, and that odd spot in the water where the waves are ever so slightly out of sync...
  211. [01:30] <@Lonox|gm> the place is deserted, the fishermen having seen the smoke and come ashore to go fight the fire
  212. [01:31] <@Lonox|gm> why they would do that is currently unknown, even to the GM
  213. [01:31] * Daiko climbs onto a boat and starts messing with the oars.
  214. [01:31] * Serena simply throws at rock at the water.
  215. [01:31] <Honoo> ...oh god is something lurking in there?! Not wanting to be taken by surprise, Honoo shoots the spot.
  216. [01:31] <@Lonox|gm> well its a bit big for oars, its more of a sailboat
  217. [01:32] <@Lonox|gm> actually yes, they are all sailboats, just smallish fishing vessels
  218. [01:32] <@Lonox|gm> ther are a few rowboats around, but none big enough for the whole party
  219. [01:33] <@Lonox|gm> well, if some fly it would fit the ones who cant i guess
  220. [01:33] <Honoo> Honoo's basic mode of transportation is flight. She's a fairy. This said, firing away, she does.
  221. [01:35] * Daiko shrugs and just flies to the spot instead.
  222. [01:35] <@Lonox|gm> the flaming attack hits an invisible wall, causing it ro ripple and shimmer a bit on the space above the spot, but just for a bit
  223. [01:35] * Serena gets in the rowboat with Daiko and a Moe. If they won't row, she will.
  224. [01:37] <@Lonox|gm> YOU ARE NOW ON THE LAKE
  225. [01:37] <@Lonox|gm> you are about 200 yards from the spot
  226. [01:38] <Honoo> Huh, a wall? A...barrier? YOU CANNOT STOP THE FIRE FAIRY, BARRIER! Honoo flies at it, probably firing at it too.
  227. [01:39] <@Lonox|gm> suddenly, an iron ball comes flying through the invisible barrier!
  228. [01:39] <@Lonox|gm> it whizzez by, narrowly missing honoo!
  229. [01:40] <@Lonox|gm> *whizzes
  230. [01:40] <@Lonox|gm> it lands in the shore of the lake with a crash
  231. [01:41] <Honoo> SUDDENLY, IRON. Whoosh, bang! But what threw that? Whatever it is, Honoo proceeds to charge at the barrier, firing as she goes for no good reason. Row that boat good!
  232. [01:46] * Daiko stands up in the boat and stares at the strange waves. "Aha! Now it's Daiko Usagi's turn to strike!"
  233. [01:49] <Daiko> "Extra Large Sign - Graceless Guillotine!" Daiko shouts, invoking a Spellcard!
  234. [01:51] <@Lonox|gm> the bullets slam into the mysterious barrier, causing it to ripple, shake, waver, and finnally collapes with a backlash that destroys most of the remaining bullets revealing...
  235. [01:51] <@Lonox|gm> A PIRATE SHIP!
  236. [01:52] <@Lonox|gm> with the jolly roger at the top of the mast, and everything! there are some GHOST PIRATES on the ship getting cannons loaded and such, and the captain is shouting orders and insults with equal fire!
  237. [01:52] <Serena> "Ahha, our culprits if ever We saw them"
  239. [01:53] <Honoo> The pirates are stealing all of the booty! Booze..y. Boozey? ...Pirate ship made out of wood? "Let's take em all down!" Vigor restablished, it's time to kick ass!
  240. [01:53] <@Lonox|gm> "GIVE EM A BRAODSIDE!"
  242. [01:54] <@Lonox|gm> [PIRATICAL SIGN] DANCE OF THE JOLLY ROGER!
  243. [01:54] <@Lonox|gm> er
  244. [01:54] <@Lonox|gm> DANCE OF THE HANGMANS NOOSE
  245. [01:55] <Honoo> SO MUCH DANCING, SO LITTLE TIME.
  246. [01:58] <@Lonox|gm> goddamn, that is fuckign insane, how are cannons even doiung that. all flailing around and fireing HUEG beams and stuff
  247. [01:58] <@Lonox|gm> thats crazy
  248. [01:58] <Honoo> None at all, actually. "[IGNITION SIGN] THE GREAT FIRE OF TENMEI!"
  249. [01:59] <Honoo> And suddenly, fuck huge fireballs everywhere to somewhat counter these beams.
  251. [02:00] <Honoo> Really big fuckton fireballs coming straight out of her, the kind that linger. And then, beams. Fucking. Beams. 2 so so beams, but one beam looks like it could have started that huge fire. And actually, it did.
  252. [02:00] <@Lonox|gm> "POUND EM, LADS, POOOUND EEEEMMM!"
  253. [02:00] <Honoo> Concern over the safety of the alcohol? Hell no. That thing shot a cannonball at her.
  254. [02:00] <Daiko> "You're not going to pound me!" Daiko shouts
  255. [02:01] <Honoo> There will probably be reports of a huge amount of steam in the Misty Lake area. Huh.
  256. [02:01] <Serena> "Pound? Do they m,ean Squish?" Squishing is a BADTHING "and Serena lets off volley after volley of "DANCE SIGN: HONEY GAATHEERING BIRGADE"
  257. [02:02] <@Lonox|gm> a crewman shouts to the captain "THE SHEILDS CANNAE TAKE IT CAPTIN, IM GIVING YA ALL SHES GOT!"
  258. [02:02] <Serena> With that she flies toward the ship itself and rides that like a hat!
  259. [02:02] <Serena> *wears
  260. [02:03] <@Lonox|gm> wears the ship? i dont think you are strong enough to lift it out of the water alone
  261. [02:03] <Honoo> "NO SHIELD CAN WITHSTAND MY MIGHT! SHRIVEL UP!" Just look at those fuckton beams and fireballs.
  262. [02:03] <@Lonox|gm> also theres still CANNONBALLS flying at you
  263. [02:03] <@Lonox|gm> the shields crack a lot more!
  265. [02:04] <Honoo> Unrelenting, Honoo still advances despite the strain a lot of fucking beams should be putting on her.
  266. [02:05] <@Lonox|gm> THE CANNONS ROAR AGAIN!
  267. [02:05] <@Lonox|gm> the shields finally give way, all the beams setting the superstructure of the ship alight!
  269. [02:06] <Honoo> And Honoo laughs like a maniac as she does. Fire nut? Yes. Very yes.
  270. [02:06] <@Lonox|gm> "
  271. [02:06] <@Lonox|gm> "DUMP CARGO!"
  272. [02:07] <@Lonox|gm> the crewmen begin hastily throwing barrel after barrel off the side of the ship
  273. [02:07] <Daiko> "Looks like the booze will be okay!"
  274. [02:07] <@Lonox|gm> its not fast enough! the ship is catching fire!
  275. [02:07] <Serena> "Indeed. when we get some of it to shore, I will pay you your wages."
  276. [02:08] <@Lonox|gm> the beams holding up the sails fall to the deck, setting parts of it ablaze!
  277. [02:08] * Serena grabs what she can and gets it outside the range of the flames, perhpas into the boat.
  278. [02:08] <Honoo> If the barrels don't burn, thus making holes and there goes all the booze, Misty Lake will have the most drunk fish, yeah it'd be OK. Honoo, even after the card is over, continues attacking the wooden structure.
  279. [02:09] <@Lonox|gm> the flames reach one of the powder magazines...
  280. [02:09] <@Lonox|gm> BOOOOOOM!!!
  281. [02:09] <@Lonox|gm> THERE IS NOW A HOLE IN THE SIDE OF THE SHIP!
  282. [02:09] <@Lonox|gm> THE CARGO BAY IS VISIBLE!
  283. [02:10] <@Lonox|gm> the ship starts heeling over!
  284. [02:10] <Honoo> Such a victory over the Misty Lake, of all places! The explosion further increases her urge to attack. It would take a solid smack to get her to pay attention to anything else.
  285. [02:10] <@Lonox|gm> barrel after barrel start rolling out of the hold!
  286. [02:10] <Honoo> Thankfully, she does not shoot the barrels.
  287. [02:10] <Serena> The question, is are the barrels full and do they make it free of the blaze?
  288. [02:10] <Honoo> ...on purpose, at any rate.
  289. [02:11] <@Lonox|gm> the barrels are drifint towards shore for some reason, most of them are not on fire
  290. [02:11] <Honoo> She's probably shooting the cargo bay now that it's open, actually.
  291. [02:11] <@Lonox|gm> the crewmen are running about like a kicked anthill trying to keep the ship afloat
  292. [02:11] <@Lonox|gm> well, floating about
  293. [02:12] <@Lonox|gm> they are GHOAT PIRATES after all
  294. [02:12] <Daiko> "Well...Should we just go collect the rest of the barrels and let them alone?" Daiko says, turning to face Serena
  295. [02:12] <@Lonox|gm> *GHOST
  296. [02:12] <@Lonox|gm> one of the masts falls over from the fire!
  297. [02:12] <Serena> "Yeah, even if they're empty at least we have something.
  298. [02:13] <@Lonox|gm> the ship is sinking lower in the water!
  299. [02:13] <Honoo> So satisfying...BUT NOT UNTIL THE ENTIRE THING IS SUNK.
  300. [02:13] <Honoo> FIRE FIRE FIRE etc
  301. [02:13] <@Lonox|gm> the whole ship is burning merrily!
  302. [02:13] <@Lonox|gm> even the ghosts are on fire!
  303. [02:13] * Daiko begins rowing to aquire booze!
  304. [02:14] <Honoo> What a joyous occasion. It's worth a dance. Only she's not dancing because she's too busy setting everything that isn't booze containing barrels on fire.
  305. [02:14] <@Lonox|gm> and row she does! its like a goddamned powerboat with her speed!
  306. [02:14] <Honoo> And that's wonderful. Or terrible. Depending on who you are.
  307. [02:15] <@Lonox|gm> "captain! the fire is spreading to the rest of the magazines, even the special weapons storage is on fire!"
  308. [02:15] <@Lonox|gm> special weapons? uh oh, who knows what other crap these guys have stolen in the past...
  309. [02:15] <Serena> "We are vindicated." With that she leaves the boat to burn and helps power the rowboat to shore.
  310. [02:16] <Honoo> "THERE IS NO ESCAPE FOR YOUR SHIP! ABANDON IT, FOR IT IS LOST!" Pew pew pew pew pew pew pew
  311. [02:17] <@Lonox|gm> the poor ship seams to screech in agony as the fire lances through it, setting another part ablaze!
  312. [02:17] <@Lonox|gm> suddenyl...
  313. [02:17] <@Lonox|gm> "captian, the chronoton bombs!"
  314. [02:17] <@Lonox|gm> "WHAT?!"
  315. [02:17] <@Lonox|gm> "ABANDON SHIP!"
  316. [02:17] <@Lonox|gm> vweeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  317. [02:18] <@Lonox|gm> BOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!
  318. [02:18] <Honoo> This is gonna be so good, and Honoo realizes this. FIRING FIRING FIRING--chrono? FIRING ANYWAY. UNTIL THE END. OF A BEGINNING. OR SOMETHING.
  319. [02:19] <@Lonox|gm> A MASSIVE EXPLOSION RIPS THE BOAT TO PEICES, but the explosion seems to slow further and further, untill its crawling...
  320. [02:19] <@Lonox|gm> some other, non-gunpowderlooking explosions ripple and blossom slowly across the ship...
  321. [02:19] <Serena> "Chronowhatzits? Whatever." When she feels safe she stis on a barrel, digs into her backpack and hands Daiko another bun and two jars of honey.
  322. [02:19] <Serena> (sits
  323. [02:20] <@Lonox|gm> its quite a beutiful sight, but this explosion appears to be QUITE A BIT BIGGER than the last ones!
  324. [02:20] <@Lonox|gm> as in HOLY SHIT I REALLY SHOULD NOT BE THIS CLOSE BIG
  325. [02:20] <@Lonox|gm> GET YO ASSES TO SHORE
  326. [02:20] <Honoo> ...OK, mission accomplished. A slow bomb...bombs...entire ship with weapons...yeah, that ship is gone. No more. Fly to shore! And then further. Away from the lake. Hopefully they got the whole lake. Weee~
  327. [02:20] * Daiko takes the Honey and devours the bun. "Mhmmph!"
  328. [02:22] <@Lonox|gm> as you leave the glorious burning pillar of fire behind, it speeds back up, and the resulting BANG is so loud it is very startling, and there is a very hot flash of heat across your skin as the ship goes up in one hueg glorious blaze.
  329. [02:23] <@Lonox|gm> the still burning hulk of what remains of the ship sinks slowly beneath the waves, the fire extinguishing as it is consumed by the water
  330. [02:23] <Honoo> That heat feels so fucking good right now. Especially in the ice fairy's domain--wait what if she noticed this--GO FASTER THEN, DUH--but watch the blaze backwards!
  331. [02:23] <Honoo> Or just look back or something. Yeah.
  332. [02:23] <@Lonox|gm> WOO
  333. [02:23] <@Lonox|gm> BATTLE OVER
  334. [02:23] <@Lonox|gm> YOU'RE WINNER
  335. [02:24] <@Lonox|gm> YOU NOW HAS: ALL THE BOOZE!
  336. [02:24] <@Lonox|gm> so players, you just killed off the pirates and saved gensokyo, what are you going to do now?
  337. [02:25] <Honoo> On the last bit of removed fire, Honoo realizes that they now have all the booze. And so, she flies back to the boat that isn't wrecked...
  338. [02:25] <Honoo> "Hey, can I see one of those barrels?"
  339. [02:25] * Serena assumes she won't have time to answer before its set aflame
  340. [02:26] <@Lonox|gm> one of the barrels atop the stack is cruedly labeld WARNING, HIGH PROOF
  341. [02:26] * Daiko plans to stick around until she gets paid considerably more than two jars of Honey.
  342. [02:27] <Honoo>'re actually getting time now. Amazing, she has some degree of patience. And self-control. After that? Amazing. On getting no answer (some degree), she opens the high proof barrel right on up, and is...a flashback to how she just set a boat alight... "Hey, let's hurry up and get to shore. Wanna see something."
  343. [02:28] <@Lonox|gm> the escapong alcohol vapors are very strong, youd better be careful not to get intoxicated...
  344. [02:29] <@Lonox|gm> this stuff smells strong enough to be somethign fit for an oni!
  345. [02:30] <@Lonox|gm> YOU ARE NOW AT THE SHORE
  346. [02:30] * Serena hashes out payments with Daiko and Moe, and takes her stock back to wherever she wants.
  347. [02:31] <@Lonox|gm> the villiage headman is here with a group of sooty villiagers, the fire brigade back from putting out the forest fire from earlier.
  348. [02:31] <Honoo> And giving that they're at shore, Honoo keeps the high proof barrel...and is careful to set the CONTENTS alight. Instead of the barrel.
  349. [02:31] <@Lonox|gm> "Man, i guess fire follows you all wherever you go..."
  350. [02:31] <Honoo> The barrel might shortly follow, but this is only a test.
  351. [02:32] <@Lonox|gm> the alcohol burns with an almost colorless flame, a light blue flame is all that is visible
  352. [02:32] <Daiko> "Why are you burning the booze, you idiot?"
  353. [02:32] <@Lonox|gm> there is a bit of yellow near the tips on occasion, but the alchohol does indeed burn.
  354. [02:32] <Serena> "Its... her payment
  355. [02:32] <Daiko> "Pft. Stupid Fairies"
  356. [02:33] <Honoo> "It's why I was trying to find it! That and oni. Yeah. Totally. Oni. Right." Just look at that new flame go~
  357. [02:33] <Honoo> ...and of course, this is going to result in horrible side effects. She doesn't seem to mind, though.
  358. [02:34] <Honoo> Even if it makes her pass out. With burning this sort of stuff, that could totally happen.
  359. [02:35] * Daiko is busy shoving honey into her mouth with one hand. "Well, Serena, you'll have to get me more of this, it's good!"
  360. [02:35] <@Lonox|gm> "Well at least you guys got it all back. now the oni wont kill us all, congratulations!"
  361. [02:36] <@Lonox|gm> "As long as you dont burn the place down, you are welcome to stick around and enjoy the harvest festival!"
  362. [02:36] <Daiko> "Do I get free food?"
  363. [02:36] <@Lonox|gm> "Sure!"
  364. [02:36] <@Lonox|gm> the headman motions the villiagers to take care of the barrels of booze.
  365. [02:37] * Serena dances out a set of directions to her hive for Daiko. "Indeed, eventually it will cost you, but for now its payment for your services to the Queendom."
  366. [02:37] <@Lonox|gm> AND SO ONCE AGAIN, THE DAY.... IS SAVED.... THANKS TO, well, these guys.
  367. [02:37] <Honoo> "Woo~" Still burning this barrel's worth, though. Woe to whoever owned it before. "I think I'm satisfied for now! I guess I'll come!"
  368. [02:37] <Honoo> Girls.
  369. [02:37] <@Lonox|gm> yeah whatever
  370. [02:38] <@Lonox|gm> ---- FINIS ----
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