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Dec 29th, 2019
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  1. It's absolutely shocking how bad our economic system has become: [productivity is rising but wages are stagnant,]( and [the minimum wage is actually falling when you adjust for inflation.]( Despite our constantly increasing productivity, it keeps getting harder for working class people to make a living. That's because all of the profit is going to the ultra-wealthy, so [wealth inequality is mind-bogglingly extreme]( and it's affecting our political and economic systems too. A Princeton study showed that [what corporations want has more of an effect on policy than the voters do.]( It's so bad that [billionaires are warning their fellow billionaires about how unsustainable our current system is.](
  3. When you look at all these problems, I believe that Bernie is clearly the best choice to solve them. In fact, [he has been fighting against these issues for decades.](
  5. He's also the only candidate who [cautioned us about the war in Iraq before it happened,]( and he was absolutely right.
  7. Additionally, he [brought attention to the dangers of climate change more than 30 years ago,]( and he was absolutely right again.
  9. He has demonstrated that he will do the right thing and fight for people, whether it's easy or hard. When he was [protesting segregation]( and [fighting for gay rights,]( he was on the right side even when people warned him that it would end his political career. And he doesn't just fight, [he gets results.]( He has the strongest record of any candidate because he's shown that he will stand on his principles because he genuinely cares about people. Bernie has been fighting for us since before most of us were born, and I think that he deserves our support now.
  11. The fact that he's such a good candidate makes it even more upsetting that [the media constantly makes baseless attacks on his character,]( or [omits him from coverage altogether.]( Someone put the data together recently and [the news mentions Biden *four times* as much as Bernie]( despite similar polling numbers. They also mention Warren more than twice as much and they even mention Buttigieg more often despite the fact that he's polling in single digits. Mainstream media is giving him such bad coverage that [Fox News viewers are more likely to support Bernie than MSNBC viewers are.]( Yup, they're trying to rig this election [just like the last one.]( So of course they'll do their best to downplay the fact that [Bernie has the most supporters by far]( and that's [despite the fact that he's the only candidate not accepting money from billionaires.]( Plus he also has [overwhelming support amongst young voters]( and [also among people of color.]( And on top of all that, [he has the best chance of beating Trump.](
  13. The [other candidates]( just [don't stack up.](
  15. If anyone wants to learn more about Bernie I would recommend watching [a speech]( or [an interview.]( And I'd definitely suggest that you [read about his plans and positions,]( I'd also recommend checking out the Bernie subreddits, r/SandersForPresident, r/WayOfTheBern and r/OurPresident.
  17. We don't have the luxury of a close race, if there's no clear frontrunner then it's almost certain that the DNC will give the nomination to an establishment candidate (probably Biden). We can't let that happen. It's coming down to a simple choice: Bernie or the establishment.
  19. We only have a short amount of time, so we need to fight for him as hard as we can while we have the chance. The media won't give him fair coverage, so we have to get the word out as much as possible. Let people know that the media isn't treating him fairly, and tell them who he really is. Get people registered as democrats so they can vote in the primaries. Donate time or money if you're able to. There are so many ways that you can support Bernie, and if we all work together we can do this!
  21. • • • • • • •
  23. If anyone would like to copy this post, [here's a pastebin link.](
  25. And if you'd like to see more information like this, check out r/MobilizedMinds.
  27. Thanks for listening :)
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