
hanko chases a man thru the forest.

May 10th, 2014
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  1. Hankolijo had left his house once again, dressed in a 1'500$ Armani suit, out to buy a Rolex. Cause he had a shitload of money and nothing better to do. Hank returned to his home, once again finding the door open. More mercenaries? Hank stepped in, taking his SIG out from his suits inner pocket, listening caefully. Noise. It came from the cellar. Hank slowly opened the cellar door and rushed down the stairs, the light had already been on. Hank looked around. It was completely silent for a moment. Then Hank heard what sounded like a footstep coming from the computer room. Hank holstered his gun and lit blue flames around his hands, ready to burn whoever was in there to a black crisp. Hank stopped right in front of the door, his hand extended. "Jeeves?" he asked. A quiet shuffle from inside the room. Hank stepped inside and was hit in the head by a large pipe. Hank was blown against the wall by the force, falling, giving the man who hit him time to start running. Hank only gave the monitors a small peek. He knew exactly what the man had just done. He had to stop him. Hank jumped up and started running after the man, firing a bolt of black fire behind him. The man ran out of the cellar, the flame hitting the wall.
  2. Hankolijo ran up the stairs, just as the man ran out of his house. Hank fired several more bolts of fir at the person, but they missed. The man was wearing a tight, black uniform, along with a helmet and Kevlar vest. Hank continued running, following the individual into the forest. As Hank chased the man through the foliage, he heard a familiar noise- the sound of spinning helicopter blades. He looked up to see several black choppers fly across the sky. They had mounted machine guns. Suddenly, they began to fire at Hank, hitting the ground and foliage around him as he ran. They didn't have a clear shot. The man had made it further in front of Hank, running in between two cliffs. As the man made it through, one of the choppers launched two missiles, one at each of the cliffs, causing a large rock slide to block Hanks path. He didn't stop, instead blasting his purple flames under his feet, jumping and propelling himself forward and over the blockade. He then attempted to blast both black, purple and red flames at the choppers, but the flames were too slow and were dispersed by the wind that the helicopters produced. Hank uttered a swear and pulled his SIG out again, firing at the chopper above, still running forward. Three shots reached the target. Two hit the bottom of the chopper and one hit the front window, bouncing off. Fucking bulletproof. Hank uttered a swear and placed the gun back into his pocket, concentrating on the man running from him, trying to figure out where was he going to run next. Hank noticed the man give a small nod to the side, and prepared the blue flames. As a man, dressed just like the one running, jumped out from a bush, an MP5 pointed at Hank, he was ready. Hank made a slight leap forward, placing his hands on the mans face. In a split second Hank had cleared the flames off his hands, taken the gun, rolled forward to keep his momentum and continued running. The split second was enough to get himself shot several times from the hail of bullets raining down upon him. But it didn't matter. It didn't matter so long as none of the bullets hit a bone.
  3. Hankolijo fired the MP5 at the man in front of him, seemingly clipping his side. However, he kept going. And so did Hank. Hank followed a man into a clearing, the helicopters now had a straight shot of him. A chopper had landed a bit further and was flying up, a rope ladder hanging down. The man began climbing and the chopper started to take off, but Hank used the purple flames to propel himself forward, launching himself towards the ladder. He released a quick burst of shots at the helicopter as the man climbed in. Hank started to climb up, getting pelted by bullets, begging that they don't hit anything he needs. A man leaned forward from the helicopter, cutting at the rope. The rope dropped very slightly and Hank began climbing faster. He launched a black flame at the man, burning his body and making him stumble forward, falling on Hank. The combined weight and force was too much for the already cut ropes to handle. It fell, Hank launching another ball of black flame at the bottom of the chopper before falling. It left a noticeable mark. Hank slammed to the ground, a chilling "crack" escaping his back. The other helicopters left, following along the one carrying the man that had escaped Hank. And with that man- information that was keeping this forest from getting destroyed. Hank tried to stand up, but realized... He couldn't move his lover body. At all. He moaned and tried to fix his back up. Maybe it was just bent somehow? Of course, that was no way the case. Hank had broken his back. He sighed and laid back. Suddenly, there was an end of a gun in front of his eyes. The man behind it wasn't wearing the same uniform as the other operatives. Hank sighed again and activated his blue flames, placing them on the mans neck. Once Hank released him, a quiet gargle escaped the mercenaries mouth before he collapsed by Hank. hank closed his eyes for a moment before exclaiming: "JEEVES? COULD USE SOME HELP HERE. "
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