
Chat Log Rena 1

Feb 2nd, 2016
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  1. EmeliaBowers: hey
  2. Sytheno: Haii :]
  3. EmeliaBowers: What's up
  4. Sytheno: nothing, bored figured i pop in and see how you are
  5. EmeliaBowers: I'm fine, kinda tired
  6. Sytheno: awwee
  7. Sytheno: not sleeping?
  8. EmeliaBowers: nahhh
  9. Sytheno: why not
  10. Sytheno: eveyrthing ok
  11. EmeliaBowers: Yeah just waiting on a phone call
  12. Sytheno: oo.
  13. EmeliaBowers: Yep yep
  14. Sytheno: quincy out on work ? or somehting else o-o
  15. EmeliaBowers: Yeah he's working right now
  16. EmeliaBowers: it's my day fof
  17. EmeliaBowers: off*
  18. Sytheno: awe <3
  19. Sytheno: /me is totally raiding your shop-
  20. Sytheno: >.>
  21. Sytheno: <.<
  22. EmeliaBowers: meh my shop sucks
  23. EmeliaBowers: I'm waiting on my new usb connector to get here before I can make more
  24. Sytheno: ooo
  25. Sytheno: ive gotten new textures but i gotta wait to get credits
  26. Sytheno: til after my court hearing
  27. EmeliaBowers: Court hearing?
  28. Sytheno: spousel support on david
  29. Sytheno: o-o did i not tell you...
  31. Sytheno: O_O
  32. EmeliaBowers: and no you didn't tell me
  33. Sytheno: z
  34. Sytheno: xD
  35. EmeliaBowers: I thouht it was you
  36. Sytheno: are you sitting down?
  37. EmeliaBowers: but I never fucking know
  38. EmeliaBowers: yes
  39. Sytheno: everything breakable away from you
  40. Sytheno: except the pc?
  41. EmeliaBowers: ....
  42. EmeliaBowers: Why
  43. Sytheno: a friend broke her phone over this
  44. Sytheno: um
  45. Sytheno: well see what had happened was.. me nd david went to his mothers
  46. Sytheno: for thankgiving
  47. Sytheno: we ate dinner
  48. Sytheno: we went back to his mothers place
  49. Sytheno: and there was a bit of drinking
  50. Sytheno: but you know me i dont drink much
  51. EmeliaBowers: You told me what happened
  52. Sytheno: o-o
  53. EmeliaBowers: How you court mashaled him
  54. Sytheno: o--o
  55. EmeliaBowers: how he's being held on the military base
  56. EmeliaBowers: I know all that Adrianne
  57. Sytheno: ok
  58. Sytheno: thats what i emnt
  59. Sytheno: by did i tell you
  60. Sytheno: lol.
  61. EmeliaBowers: I didn't know you were going to cour
  62. EmeliaBowers: court*
  63. Sytheno: oh yeah for spousel support
  64. Sytheno: and then some time after tht therell be a divorce hearing
  65. Sytheno: hopefully..
  66. Sytheno: i wish i could get it all taken care of
  67. Sytheno: at one place at one time
  68. Sytheno: ><
  69. EmeliaBowers: a divorce hearing?
  70. EmeliaBowers: Why
  71. Sytheno: he still has my stuff
  72. Sytheno: sooo if he doesnt give it all back
  73. Sytheno: after the spousel hearing
  74. Sytheno: ill have to take him again
  75. Sytheno: for divorce
  76. Sytheno: to have him court ordered again
  77. Sytheno: nd then if he did what people think he did
  78. EmeliaBowers: To give you back your stuff?
  79. Sytheno: i cant take him for stolen property i guess
  80. Sytheno: yes
  81. Sytheno: i got some of it
  82. Sytheno: but litterally over nd i mean voer half of it
  83. Sytheno: stillup ther
  84. Sytheno: there^
  85. EmeliaBowers: Like your clothes and stuff?
  86. Sytheno: yeah
  87. Sytheno: clothes
  88. Sytheno: kitchen table
  89. Sytheno: shoes
  90. Sytheno: a few other things
  91. Sytheno: tht were gifts
  92. Sytheno: to me specificatly
  93. EmeliaBowers: Get that shit back woman
  94. EmeliaBowers: XD
  95. Sytheno: as far as my screen name goes < you see i had plexxed at one point cause someone took perplextions at one point soo when they changed it i got perplextions back and when i did that stalker dude came back round and yeah you tht story so i went back to sytheno
  96. Sytheno: and itll stay sytheno
  97. Sytheno: he wont send me my stuff
  98. Sytheno: so i ened him court ourdered to
  99. Sytheno: odered^
  100. Sytheno: im sorry my spelling off today
  101. EmeliaBowers: It's fine
  102. EmeliaBowers: Welcome, status upon loading please
  103. Guest_keikochandesu: I'm looking to adopt. -nods gently-
  104. EmeliaBowers: Please have a seat on the black couch
  105. Guest_keikochandesu: Thank you.
  106. EmeliaBowers: Adrianne come sit on the pillow beside me, you're not up for adoption dork.4
  107. Guest_keikochandesu: -laughs softly and pulls out a mirror, checking her appearence-
  108. Guest_keikochandesu: I wonder if you'd be interested in helping me decide something really quickly. -she looks over to the other-
  109. EmeliaBowers: She raised an eyebrow slightly and tilted her head to the side, the long strands of her silk like ebony hair trailing over the contrastingly sharp features of her face. She pursed her plum shaded lips for a moment before returning to letting her fingers play with a stray string at the knee of her ink black jeans. "Hmm, inquire away."
  110. Guest_keikochandesu: -a soft exhale escaped as she stretched before opening her mouth to continue- I cannot decide if I should be an owner or return to being a pet... things do not seem to be working out either way, so I am curious as to what you might think about it.
  111. EmeliaBowers: She chuckled softly and waved her left hand, letting the long slender profile of her fingers float aimlessly through the air as she responded in her normal aloof tone. "My dear to consider either is to think deeply about what you are as a person. To be a pet is to belong to another, to be an Owner is to inwuire can you care for another, however one cannot exist without the other. To find neither working properly means either you are faultering or the other is faultering. To find a tride and true loyal pet is rare, but to find a decent half brained owner is even more rare."
  112. Guest_keikochandesu: A soft laugh escaped as the other finished her statement. "You seem to have a very good head on your shoulders if I may say so myself. I suppose sticking to being a pet would be best. One can only hope to find someone as skilled as yourself." She stood, bowing deeply. "Where would you like me to go, now that I am looking to be adopted?" He ran her hands over her tail shyly.
  113. EmeliaBowers: She smiles slightly, pulling at the corners of her lips before motioning to the floating pillows. "I already have two pets myself, so I'd link to think I've learned my way through my own mistakes and they teach me as much as I teach them. Please have a seat on the floatie pillows or in the cage."
  114. Guest_keikochandesu: She bows deeply once more before going over to the cage. "I wish you nothing but luck. And thank you so much for your advice. I suppose being a stray for 5 months will make one begin to question who they are."
  115. EmeliaBowers: "Thank you for the kind wors, and fear not, finding a proper fit can take time. Took me six years to discover who I was and what I needed."
  116. Guest_keikochandesu: She nods gently in agreement. "Well, I will stay in this cage because I am very sure this is where I belong and what I need." She laughs dryly, rubbing her face.
  117. Sytheno: xDD
  118. Sytheno: im back sorry
  119. Sytheno: my insurance company being a butt ><
  120. Sytheno: ;o and Hello
  121. Guest_keikochandesu: -she lifts her head, speaking to the other- hello, dear.
  122. Sytheno: how are you doing?
  123. Guest_keikochandesu: She laughs softly. "I am tired.. and kind of lonely but other than that.. I am alive and a little hungry."
  124. Sytheno: /smiles softly as she plays with her newly washed hair as she bite her soften lip- awe im tired too been up since sunrise practicly playing adult >< which isn' easy at the moment im trying not to break my phone
  125. EmeliaBowers: You chased her off
  126. EmeliaBowers: XDD
  127. Sytheno: >:}
  128. Sytheno: good
  129. EmeliaBowers: Woman stop chasing off clients
  130. Sytheno: i didnt mean too
  131. Sytheno: :/
  132. Sytheno: i swear
  133. EmeliaBowers: XD
  134. EmeliaBowers: Welcome Status upon loading please
  135. Sytheno: o.-- brb someone got me off hold now
  136. Sytheno: afk
  137. EmeliaBowers: tyt
  138. Guest_MarieINS222: looking to adopt
  139. Guest_MarieINS222: well im not, she is
  140. Guest_MarieINS222: shes just taking a while to load
  141. EmeliaBowers: No problem, when you load please have a seat on the black couch, both of you
  142. EmeliaBowers: You're more than welcome to stick around until a pet comes in
  143. Guest_MarieINS222: thank you very much
  144. EmeliaBowers: Of course
  145. Guest_hotemo222: my apologies, internet has been actting up
  146. EmeliaBowers: Don't fret too much about it, We understand sometimes you're at the mercy of your internet connection.
  147. Guest_hotemo222: haha, yes. so we are able to wait?
  148. Sytheno: omgawd >..< i hate this
  149. Sytheno: im on hold >><<
  150. EmeliaBowers: Yes you are
  151. EmeliaBowers: Forgive my slow replies, I'm on the phone with my mechanic
  152. Sytheno: ;o sis what did you do to your car?
  153. Guest_hotemo222: its fine
  154. EmeliaBowers: I just got some bad news
  155. Sytheno: o--o
  156. Sytheno: ?
  157. EmeliaBowers: My car is fucked up
  158. Sytheno: ;o what happened
  159. EmeliaBowers: My water pump is leaking my shocks are bad my spark plugs need replaced and my wheels are out of alignment
  160. Sytheno: O__O
  161. Sytheno: girl buy a new car
  162. Sytheno: i cantell you now its cheeper
  163. Sytheno: my dad saying its cheeper
  164. Sytheno: i think people are too impatient
  165. EmeliaBowers: I do too
  166. Sytheno: if i was looking to be adopted or to adopt id sit here all day i swear
  167. Sytheno: i hate trying to be an adult
  168. Sytheno: ><
  169. EmeliaBowers: MEE TOO
  170. EmeliaBowers: I'm dealing with my own car
  171. EmeliaBowers: YAY
  172. Sytheno: im trying to help grams
  173. Sytheno: i like these boxes their cute <3
  174. Sytheno: they picked up
  175. Sytheno: brb
  176. Sytheno: woohoo
  177. Sytheno: i got it :D
  178. Sytheno: it works i fixed it :D
  179. EmeliaBowers: XDD
  180. EmeliaBowers: ?
  181. Sytheno: grams was having issues with a password reset
  182. Sytheno: and i got it all worked out
  183. Sytheno: now she has what she needs to file income tax
  184. Sytheno: ii
  185. Sytheno: now tomarrow i will set up a OBGYN apppointment
  186. EmeliaBowers: 2/3/16 10:00am
  187. Sytheno: o-o
  188. Sytheno: soo specific
  189. EmeliaBowers: that's when my cars getting done
  190. EmeliaBowers: I had to write it down
  191. EmeliaBowers: XD
  192. EmeliaBowers: and this was easiest
  193. Sytheno: lmfao
  194. Sytheno: i do it
  195. Sytheno: shit i had 10 different appointment times in one chat
  196. Sytheno: people were like O______________________O
  197. EmeliaBowers: XDD
  198. EmeliaBowers: So Ima have to go afk for a bit to pick up my car
  199. Sytheno: o-o
  200. Sytheno: tyt
  201. EmeliaBowers: Yeah now they're gonna take forever to come pick me up
  202. EmeliaBowers: Hello Rena
  203. MorenaNyx: Hello.
  204. EmeliaBowers: How are you today?
  205. MorenaNyx: I'm good. Yourself
  206. MorenaNyx: ?
  207. EmeliaBowers: I'm fine thank you for asking
  208. MorenaNyx: That's good. :)
  209. EmeliaBowers: The boredom.
  210. MorenaNyx: For real. ;u; Jack is busy with something for PT
  211. EmeliaBowers: Yeah, he's got a lot on his plate right now
  212. MorenaNyx: Aye, he does.
  213. EmeliaBowers: Poor guy :/
  214. MorenaNyx: /: Yeah. Hopefully he has time to relax tonight for our anniversery though.
  215. Sytheno: lol. xD i got food
  216. Sytheno: o-o haii
  217. EmeliaBowers: 0.o I thought you guys weren't dating yet?
  218. EmeliaBowers: The anger flowing through my veins
  219. Sytheno: why
  220. EmeliaBowers: is..... interesting.
  221. Sytheno: ?
  222. EmeliaBowers: This is my pet's supposed love interest
  223. EmeliaBowers: but he's awaiting my permission to date her
  224. Sytheno: oohh..
  225. EmeliaBowers: and I haven't given it yet
  226. Sytheno: oh..
  227. Sytheno: oh.
  228. MorenaNyx: Hello~ Uh, yeah... We've been dating for a week. o3o
  229. EmeliaBowers: Interesting.
  230. Sytheno: /walks on over look to her sister with an arched brow-
  231. Sytheno: this is intersting
  232. MorenaNyx: How?
  233. Sytheno: has he/she told you they have permission to date you?
  234. Sytheno: i know her pet been interested in you
  235. MorenaNyx: He said so, and has me out.. twice~ -shrugs-
  236. Sytheno: mhmm..
  237. Sytheno: think about it
  238. Sytheno: why would a pet owner and her sister in rl
  239. Sytheno: say this is interesting
  240. MorenaNyx: I'm out of here, I'm not gonna take this shit. xD Bye~
  241. Sytheno: z
  242. Sytheno: i think she did tht on purpose
  243. Sytheno: for her to come in and no question anything
  244. Sytheno: and blert out their dating
  245. Sytheno: and an early aniversary
  246. Sytheno: that was all done on purpose
  247. EmeliaBowers: WOMAN
  248. Sytheno: O_O
  249. Sytheno: ?
  250. Sytheno: i didnt do it !
  251. Sytheno: z
  252. Sytheno: but you could read it clearly
  253. Sytheno: shes doing it all on purpose
  254. EmeliaBowers: I'm trying to keep the peace woman.
  255. Sytheno: specially when she said " i dont have do deal with this "
  256. Sytheno: keeping the peace
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