
Doggo Anime Night 3/5/17

Mar 5th, 2017
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  1. Frisk has crawled right back onto the couch and sits there, because they want to.
  2. StreamerDoggo is snoring somewhat loudly, drool dripping from the corner of his mouth as he lays across the arms of his comfy chair.
  3. danceralexis: *(The Souls of Virtue have arrived. They seem to be a common fixture at these gatherings as of late.)
  4. lq84i *The Dogi walk in, sniffing around.
  5. StreamerDoggo: ((Wrong account, Cro ))
  6. danceralexis: *(Alexis waves to the Dogi!)
  7. lq84i: ((wHOOPS.))
  8. StreamerDoggo: ((Start now Amatsu ))
  9. danceralexis: (( thank ))
  10. ModAskDogi *The Dogi walk in, sniffing around, for real this time.
  11. danceralexis: *(Guess which weeb is singing the intro, as usual.)
  12. Sharkatak *the shark waves at the dogi!
  13. ModAskDogi *Amy waves back!
  14. danceralexis: Emma: * Hello Amy, and Ressa.
  15. strxngfish91: ((Going to be away a couple mins, working on dinner))
  16. StreamerDoggo * [Adorably, Doggo kicks his foot in his sleep a bit, licking his muzzle before going right back to snoring.]
  17. ModAskDogi: * (Hello, boof~!)
  18. Frisk takes a nice bite out of their croissant, tweeting.
  19. ModAskDogi *Suddenly, another bite is missing out of Frisk's croissant. Frisk would probably know who it was.
  20. Sharkatak *the shark pokepokes the dogi.
  21. Frisk bites their lip and looks over at their fancy snack and oh!!! Oh... Who done it? ... Ah yes.
  22. ModAskDogi *Amy is poked.. He hugs Shana!
  23. Sharkatak: !!!!
  24. Sharkatak: *squeak!*
  25. Sharkatak: "H-how did you know it was me?!"
  26. Frisk: * Cooonvi? [ They're hoping that guess is right. ]
  27. ModAskDogi: * Heheheh, borf... I know your smell!
  28. strxngfish91: /nick Undyne, Alphys and Toriel arrive late!!
  29. strxngfish91: ((whoops))
  30. danceralexis: Emma: * A flying car would be useful. I should build one.
  31. strxngfish91 Undyne, Alphys and Toriel arrive late!!
  32. Sharkatak: "o-oh.. i thought the blanket would hide who i was..! whooops..."
  33. ModAskDogi *...In response, the next time Frisk looked to their side, there would be a rice dumpling to replace the missing bite, full of sweet fudge.
  34. ModAskDogi: * Nope, heheh... I could be blindfolded in a dark room and I'd still be able to tell!
  35. Sharkatak: "ohh.."
  36. Sharkatak: *blooop.
  37. ModAskDogi: * Oh noooo, the vein...!
  38. strxngfish91: U: Oh! This is it!!
  39. Sharkatak: "Veeeein!"
  40. ModAskDogi: * (..Is he really gonna do it?)
  41. danceralexis: Alexis: * Wait, is Vegeta...becoming a Super Saiyan...?!
  42. ModAskDogi: * Seems so!
  43. strxngfish91: U: Yeah! He learned by doing push-ups and sit-ups, and drinking plenty of juice!
  44. Frisk sniff sniff. They squint, fluffing up their feathers and cooing.
  45. ModAskDogi *From somewhere, Frisk can feel it. Convi's smirking at them.
  46. Frisk playfully grins by instinct, sticking their tongue out.
  47. Frisk: * Heh, you're free to come out if you like.
  48. danceralexis: Emma: * These androids do not seem very well designed.
  49. Frisk is all wide-eyed at that android getting blown the fuck out by the golden vegetable.
  50. strxngfish91: T: Wow!! That would be really grim if he wasn't a robot!
  51. Sharkatak *Shana snuggles into Amy. Bloop!*
  52. ModAskDogi: * Damn.. There goes his trump card.
  53. Sharkatak: "Booooom~"
  54. ModAskDogi: * (It's like a nuke!)
  55. Dogga: [*The door slams open and Dogga arrives, hugging seven buckets of popcorn to her chest and several containers of soda.]
  57. ModAskDogi: * (Hey, Dogga! Long time, no see!)
  58. ModAskDogi: * (He's Super Saiyan, yeah!)
  59. Sharkatak: "He's super-sideways.."
  60. Viviia: ((back))
  61. StreamerDoggo is still snoring on his comfy chair, slowly turning over...Oh crap, hes about to fall off.
  62. Viviia walks in with a party hat on and one of those weird un-named party favors hanging out of her mouth. She smells like she brought cookies.
  63. ModAskDogi *Ressa just kind of.. logrolls off the couch.
  64. Dogga stares at Doggo for a second..... before throwing one piece of popcorn at his face.
  65. Sharkatak: *sniff sniff. cookies.*
  66. ModAskDogi *She keeps rolling until she bumps into the chair where Doggo's about to fall.
  67. Frisk: [[ macaroni and cheese w/ my steak tonight \o/
  68. Viviia blows the party favor. It makes that annoying celebration sound. She sits on the floor in front of the couch.
  69. StreamerDoggo: * Hrmphph...Wha-
  70. Viviia: Pfft- [oops]
  71. StreamerDoggo begins to awake as the popcorn hits his face, though much too late. He rolls right off the chair, right on top of Ressa.
  72. beaniemage: *[The mageling quietly enters, and after a quick glance around the room he padsover to sit beside one of the other humans.]
  73. ModAskDogi *The bump she gave might just be enough to cause Doggo to fall off.. right onto her, the doggy herself positioned to catch him in her bosom.
  74. ModAskDogi *She catches him with a soft sound, before hugging him tightly and blepping.
  75. ModAskDogi: *(Gotcha, heehee~!)
  76. beaniemage: [[Next Ep amatsu
  77. ModAskDogi *Amy hugs Shana again.
  78. danceralexis: *(Alexis gives a wave to the mageling.)
  79. StreamerDoggo: ((Goddammit Kissanime, load the video ))
  80. StreamerDoggo: ((Okay there
  81. StreamerDoggo: ((00:30 ))
  82. StreamerDoggo: * SNRK! What! Huh!?
  83. StreamerDoggo wiggles around a bit, a bit shocked and confused at the sudden awakening.
  84. Sharkatak *Shana giggles somewhat. Canines are quite funny.
  85. ModAskDogi *Ressa chuckles a little; she's very comfy.
  86. ModAskDogi: * (Have a good sleep, Doggo?)
  87. StreamerDoggo: * Wh- Oh hey, Ressa. Uh, I guess so, how long you've been here?
  88. StreamerDoggo begins to calm down a bit as he realizes who he was laying on. Ressa is always pretty comfy.
  89. ModAskDogi: * (In your house? A little while, since Dragonball Z started. Here? You were gonna fall down a few moments ago, so I rolled on over to give you a nice, comfy pillow to fall on.)
  90. ModAskDogi *She whispers something in his ear.
  91. Sharkatak: "She literally rolled off the couch to catch you~!"
  92. ModAskDogi: *That's.. bad, isn't it?
  93. beaniemage: *'Hm?' [Another social one? Lloyd regards the dancer for a moment before giving a short wave back. Now what were these odd people watching today...]
  94. Dogga snrks and throws a piece of popcorn at both dog's muzzles.
  95. Viviia: As long as you're alright I don't think it's bad.. Rolling off the couch like that could have been painful.
  96. ModAskDogi *Ressa tries to catch it...
  97. ModAskDogi *...It bounces off her snoot instead.
  98. ModAskDogi: * (Mm, i'm alright. I'm used to getting knocked over from sparring with Amy. I know how to fall well!)
  99. Viviia: There's a way to fall well?
  100. StreamerDoggo * Same for Doggo, actually. Dang, he wanted some flying popcorn.
  101. Dogga: * Considering there's a way to fall badly, yes.
  102. Viviia stares at the fallen popcorn. It's just sitting there... She eats it.
  103. Sharkatak: *Shana boops Amy's cheek.
  104. Dogga sits down with her myriad of popcorn and soda surrounding her.
  105. ModAskDogi: * (Mhm! It's best to keep your legs and arms out and loose to absorb the fall better.)
  106. ModAskDogi: * (Already rolling when you're starting to fall is another way to disperse the force.)
  107. Viviia: Ah, I see. I feel like I should ask you to teach me how to spar sometime.
  108. StreamerDoggo * Eventually whatever Ressa whispered to him processes in his mind, making him begin to blush red. He whispers back.
  109. Sharkatak: "Aaaaamy!"
  110. danceralexis: Alexis: * I haven't sparred with someone in awhile either...
  111. Sharkatak: "oh, it's fun..! especially when it's with someone you really care about
  112. ModAskDogi: * Yeah?
  113. Sharkatak: !"
  114. StreamerDoggo: * ...But uh, we probably shouldn't lay on the floor too long, it'll get uncomfortable.
  115. ModAskDogi: * (Maybe we could spar sometime. And, alright..)
  116. Sharkatak: "I wanted to give you something, Aaaamy~"
  117. Frisk bites into the rice dumpling and at the same time their croissant. Purr, purr.
  118. Frisk: * I don't really spar, it's not my thing.
  119. ModAskDogi *Ressa just kind of.. gets up, still holding doggo, and sits down on the comfy couch again, him on her lap.
  120. danceralexis: Alexis: * That might be fun!
  121. ModAskDogi: *Hm? What's that?
  122. Sharkatak: *She motions for him to move his head closer.*
  123. ModAskDogi *Amy moves his head next to Shana's.
  124. Sharkatak: *Aaand she holds up a slice of pizza.*
  125. ModAskDogi *...nom.
  126. strxngfish91: A: You know, Yajirobe was originally introduced by Toriyama because he wanted Krillen's voice actor to have something to do after Krillen got killed by Demon King Piccolo
  127. Sharkatak: "Good, hm?"
  128. Viviia: Oh- I brought cookies if anyone wants some.
  129. StreamerDoggo giggles, adjusting his body to rest his head against the female dog, positioned so he can still see the screen.
  130. ModAskDogi *He nods! His mouth is around her hand, though he's being very careful not to bite. He opens his jaws again a moment later.
  131. beaniemage: * [Sparring? This girl would willingly let a monster attack her just to practice?! Weirdos. Lloyd scoots away juuust a bit.]
  132. strxngfish91: U: Just like Captain Ginyu!
  133. ModAskDogi: * (There's still a chance they won't win..)
  134. Viviia: Wait, so is the future messing with the past?
  135. Sharkatak: *shana sloowly puts her muzzle in amy's mouth.*
  136. ModAskDogi *Amy gently puts his mouth around shana's muzzle. Wolf kisses.
  137. Sharkatak: *blooop~*
  138. strxngfish91: T: 17 and 18?
  139. Viviia: Why are they numbers?
  140. Sharkatak: *shana slooowly sticks her tongue out, touching amy's!*
  141. StreamerDoggo: ((Next Ep))
  142. ModAskDogi: * Probably parf of a seriefh.
  143. Viviia: Like a series of android clones???
  144. Frisk: * Maybe, it's easier to organize `em that way.
  145. strxngfish91: U: They're not clones. I think some are robots and others are cyborgs?
  146. Viviia: Huh.
  147. Sharkatak: *muffled shana noises. it appears she's trying to speak with her mouth in amy's, and failing miserably.*
  148. Viviia: Uh..?
  149. strxngfish91: U: It's kind of vague. I know in the original dragonball there was a character named Android 8 who was like Frankenstein's Monster.
  150. Viviia just... hands Shana a sugar cookie.
  151. ModAskDogi *Amy chuckles and pulls his own muzzle free again.
  152. beaniemage: * 'Well, it would've been impossible to make the perfect one on the first try. It makes sense for there to be more.'
  153. ModAskDogi: * Plah, heheheheh!
  154. Sharkatak: "aaaah.. hehe..."
  155. ModAskDogi: * What, no time paradox?
  156. Viviia: Android 8.. Do you think he could have been related to them?
  157. StreamerDoggo: ((What the hell, theres an ad thing in the top left))
  158. StreamerDoggo: ((And theres no X to get rid of it ))
  159. StreamerDoggo: ((Oh, its gone ))
  160. StreamerDoggo: ((Weird))
  161. beaniemage: [[weird. Crashed ad maybe heh]]
  162. nolvlost: //ho boy what i miss
  163. Sharkatak: [[there it is again]]
  164. strxngfish91: U: Yeah, I think so. Android 8 was made by the Red Ribbon Army, and the ones from Z were made by Dr. Gero, who used to be Red Ribbon.
  165. StreamerDoggo: ((Nope, back))
  166. beaniemage: [[Violence.
  167. Frisk: [[ androids,
  168. beaniemage: [[Hey there sims heh
  169. StreamerDoggo: (( Iiii, might have to refresh the page))
  170. StreamerDoggo: ((Hold on))
  171. Viviia: [[probably]]
  172. StreamerDoggo: ((Amatsu, gonna be at 5:45 after I refresh))
  173. Dogga: [[i cant seem to find a good browser to run vaughn on :// ]]
  174. ModAskDogi: ((I usually just use chrome))
  175. StreamerDoggo: ((Starting again...Now ))
  176. Frisk: * Both of these androids seem to have worse haircuts than Briefs.
  177. beaniemage: [[working fairly fine on firefox for me.
  178. Dogga: [[ i installed java and suddenly mozilla started running like a snail]]
  179. Dogga: [[but i couldnt watch without java.]]
  180. Viviia: [[it keeps lagging on and off on my end. =v=
  181. Dogga: [[yea same for me]]
  182. strxngfish91: ((Chrome works alright for me. I had to click on the page to get it display for some reason. IDK.))
  183. Sharkatak: ((I still have plenty of problems in chrome.))
  184. Viviia: [[tried chrome, edge, and firefox. same problem on all 3.]]
  185. Dogga: [[chrome has the lag too]]
  186. Dogga: [[its dumb =w=]]
  187. Viviia: [[i have no idea why it's been doing this lately.
  188. Dogga: [[i'm sad b/c i dont wanna miss jojo if it wins :L]]
  189. strxngfish91: ((Also I had to re-download flash and restart my computer, so there's that.))
  190. Dogga: [[oh god yea sorry i said java earlier, but i meant flash[[
  191. Viviia: [[tried doing that last time.
  192. Frisk decides on laying on the couch this time.
  193. Sharkatak: [[doesn't look like jojo's winning.]]
  194. Frisk: [[ its 5-6, madoka to jojo
  195. StreamerDoggo: ((Jojo is forward by one vote
  196. Viviia slowly slides a box of cookies into Doggo's lap.
  197. nolvlost: // id say madoka b/c it'll end quick too
  198. StreamerDoggo picks up a cookie, looking at it.
  199. StreamerDoggo: * What kind is this?
  200. beaniemage: [[well vote then Sims : P
  201. Viviia: Sugar cookie.
  202. StreamerDoggo: (( ))
  203. beaniemage: [[its Win/Win to me heh
  204. Frisk: [[ same i love both series
  205. beaniemage: *'How are they flying for so long...?'
  206. Frisk: * Stamina, I'm guessin'.
  207. nolvlost: // i did >:Y guess i gotta just /watch/ jojos and figure out whats going on
  208. strxngfish91: A: Ki, mainly.
  209. nolvlost: [Arrival of some beanie wearing dork and some glasses wearing dork. Gabe bought food! And Teddy bought Gabe. The day is saved.]
  210. Dogga: [[there's next to nothing saying why this is happening save one tweet saying it's the caster's problem, but everyone else seems to have it working fine ...]
  211. Dogga: [[ugh]]
  212. Dogga: [[i fucking hate this]]
  213. Dogga: [[i just wanna enjoy anime night]]
  214. nolvlost: Gabe: * I could've swore that guy died last time I was here. This show's so fast paced!
  215. beaniemage: [[Eh, while there is a bit of continuity you only really need to know about Stands to understan Jojo pt 4, Sims.
  216. StreamerDoggo: ((Theres always getting the Kissanime link and syncing up))
  217. Viviia: Oh, and the frosting on that one is strawberry.
  218. Dogga: [[i guess that's true]]
  219. Dogga: [[but i'd rather not go that length LMAO]]
  220. Dogga: [[ima lazy bun]]
  221. ModAskDogi: * Sure is, boof.
  222. StreamerDoggo: * Oh! Alright, good I can eat it then
  223. Frisk: [ * Levels of comfy has increased, Frisk gives a chill wave over to Gabe. ]
  224. StreamerDoggo then just stuffs it down his gullet
  225. beaniemage: * [Huh, its the geek from last week, sans the loudmouth too! Lloyd gives Teddy a slight wave.]
  226. StreamerDoggo: * Mmpfh...Ofh! Gotta checkfh the phote!
  227. StreamerDoggo swallows it down.
  228. Viviia: Mhm~! I asked dad not to make any chocolate ones this year since I wanted to bring a bunch for ya.
  229. StreamerDoggo: * Ah...Alright, looks like by a single vote...We're doing Jojo Part 4!
  230. ModAskDogi: *(Aww, that's nice, Vivi!)
  231. strxngfish91: U: YES!
  232. Dogga: "Oh yeah! Also, don't forget to like, not give dogs grapes."
  233. Dogga: "That stuff's killer."
  234. Viviia: I brought some for you two, too!
  235. StreamerDoggo: * That includes raisins
  236. StreamerDoggo: * Raisins are dried grapes
  237. strxngfish91: T: Duly noted!
  238. StreamerDoggo: * Anyway, give me a sec to get Jojo up
  239. danceralexis: (( And that's Diamond is Unbreakable, right? ))
  240. Viviia: Raisins and grapes would be gross inside of sugar cookies anyway..
  241. Frisk: [[ yep
  242. nolvlost: [Nope, he's just a smaller loudmouth. Teddy gives a wave back to Lloyd. Gabe scoots his way over to the birdnerd with food in tow.]
  243. beaniemage: * 'Isn't ki just another word for magic?
  244. nolvlost: Teddy: * What's a Jojo?
  245. danceralexis: Emma: * Oh, hello Teddy.
  246. Viviia slid another box onto the couch for Amy and Ressa.
  247. StreamerDoggo: (( for anyone who needs to sync ))
  248. nolvlost: Teddy: * Hey, Em! What're we watching tonight?
  249. Dogga: * Oh, Jojo's just like the best anime ever, that's all."
  250. ModAskDogi: * It is, boof!
  251. danceralexis: Emma: * I am not certain.
  252. Dogga: * I actually binge watched part four once we finished part three!"
  253. StreamerDoggo: ((Starting...Now))
  254. Dogga: * Cause JOTARO'S BAAAACK!
  255. Frisk: [ * They snatched a snack out of Gabe's hands and smirked. ]
  256. Frisk: * Ayyyy, thanks for the food.
  257. Viviia: That bacon looks good...
  258. nolvlost: Gabe: * I bought fo- Frisk-- if anyone wants. They're a bunch of meat patties!
  259. Sharkatak: [awwww yeeeah]
  260. strxngfish91: A: Ah yes, the beautiful twon of Duwang.
  261. nolvlost: Teddy: * They're incredible. [Yeah they are.]
  262. strxngfish91: T: You mean town?
  263. Sharkatak: "AAAACK"
  264. strxngfish91: A: No.
  265. Viviia: Uh..
  266. Sharkatak: *shana hides her face, whimpering*
  267. ModAskDogi *Amy hugs Shana.
  268. ModAskDogi: * Why's the sky yellow, anyway..?
  269. Viviia: Why is the sky yellow???
  270. beaniemage: * [Well now, that started pretty grim! The mageling is just sttaring a bit wide eyed at the screen.]
  271. strxngfish91: A: Aesthetic.
  272. Viviia: Huh..
  273. nolvlost: Gabe: * Is his hat his hair?
  274. beaniemage: [[damn, whats with the hand removal today? lmao
  275. strxngfish91: U: Guanglai Kangyi.
  276. Frisk: [ * Bird pout. ] Sorry! They just taste good--- oh boy, tiny dude.
  277. ModAskDogi: * (It kinda melds, or something.)
  278. Sharkatak: "m-meeeh... is the h-hand g-g-gone...?"
  279. ModAskDogi *Ressa wiggles, getting comfy again.
  280. ModAskDogi: * ..Yeah.
  281. strxngfish91: T: Jotaro is back!
  282. Frisk: * Ah, Jotty's still wearin' the uniform.
  283. strxngfish91: T: I'm surprised wearing a variation of what he wore in high school.
  284. Viviia: The poor turtle!
  285. Frisk: * Oh!!
  286. StreamerDoggo: * Oh geez...
  287. Viviia: No!
  288. strxngfish91: T: Oh no!!
  289. StreamerDoggo: * ...Man now im reminded of Gerson and that makes me sadder.
  290. Sharkatak: *welp. there goes shana hiding her face again.*
  291. Viviia: Nooo//
  292. Viviia whines.
  293. nolvlost: Teddy: * What's this guy's problem?
  294. beaniemage: * 'What the hell is with this show?!'
  295. Dogga sits herself down next to Ressa cause why not.
  296. strxngfish91: A: It's him! The new Jojo!
  297. Viviia: Oooooooh
  298. Frisk: * Siiiiiick!
  299. ModAskDogi: * Boy...
  300. strxngfish91: U: How this a kid I can dig! I'd do that same thing!
  301. ModAskDogi: * I feel the same way about my hair, though not QUITE as strongly, boof!
  302. Viviia: ....Eh?
  303. nolvlost: Gabe: * I relate so much, suddenly
  304. Sharkatak: "m-meeeeh..."
  305. beaniemage: * [Okay. Now the mageling is a bit interested. Still wide-eyed and freaked the hell out, but leaning forward at the STAND!]
  306. ModAskDogi: * He looks like an old guy now.
  307. strxngfish91: T: Serves them right!
  308. nolvlost: Gabe: * Atleast the turtle's okay again.
  309. Viviia: Mhm
  310. strxngfish91: A: Back in Part 3!
  311. Frisk: * Whoa, whoa. Joseph, excuse me?
  312. strxngfish91: T: He's Joseph Joestar's son?! I can't believe the nerve of him!
  313. Viviia: Oh gee.
  314. ModAskDogi: * Well, he can be polite, huh?
  315. strxngfish91: T: Still, his son is good boy.
  316. Viviia: Aw..
  317. beaniemage: * 'Hmph. Doormat.'
  318. Viviia: Oh no.
  319. StreamerDoggo: ((C'mon Kissanime, load the thing))
  320. Viviia: ((oh, did it stop?
  321. Frisk: * Damn, he is just pissed, ain't he?
  322. Viviia: ((what time are you guys at? it was lagging too bad so I'm just trying to stay synced up
  323. StreamerDoggo: ((Theres the occasional brief pause on my end))
  324. strxngfish91: U: He's right! It is awesome hair!
  325. Frisk: * Well, to me, it's just a burnt steak.
  326. nolvlost: Gabe: * Ooooooh that's what his weird hat hair is.
  327. strxngfish91: U: Still, I think I'll stick with what I've got. More practical for combat.
  328. nolvlost: Gabe: * I don't think I'd actually fight someone over dissing my hair though. It is pretty amazing. ( uwu)
  329. Viviia: Oh gee..
  330. ModAskDogi: * Not QUITE as amazing as mine, but I can respect it.
  331. ModAskDogi *Amy playfully taps his hair curl.
  332. Frisk: * Y'can say so, Gabby, `cause it's true.
  333. Viviia: Your hair is pretty amazing.
  334. Sharkatak: *Shana sloowly reaches for the hair curl. she can't help herself.*
  335. ModAskDogi *Amy lowers his head down.
  336. Sharkatak: *boops the curl.*
  337. Sharkatak: "Aaaah! it's perfect!"
  338. nolvlost: Gabe: * Haha, you wish, 'Amy! [He sticks a tongue out at the dog monster. He could do pomps he probably would.] * And Thaaaanks, Frisk.
  339. strxngfish91: T: It makes sense. A lot of wound can heal in strange ways.
  340. Viviia: Oooh snap!!!
  341. nolvlost: Teddy: * She reminds me of Aisha.
  342. nolvlost: Teddy: * Oh god it's Aisha.
  343. strxngfish91: U: HELL YEAH!!!!
  344. beaniemage: *'Creepy is right. This show is like a damn nightmare!'
  345. danceralexis: Emma: * This is a very strange show.
  346. Frisk: * It's no problem. [ They nibble their patty, giggling. ]
  347. strxngfish91: A: And that's Josuke's mom!
  348. strxngfish91: T: I can see where he got it from!
  349. Viviia: She's so rad..
  350. StreamerDoggo: ((...Oh just remembered, I forget if its this episode or the next two, but I was told to give a huge warning for one of Jojo's peaks of brutal shit))
  351. StreamerDoggo: * Wait, Angelo?
  352. Frisk: [[ this episode yes
  353. ModAskDogi: * (ooooh....)
  354. danceralexis: Alexis: * ...
  355. ModAskDogi: * boy.
  356. nolvlost: //YIKES
  357. strxngfish91: T: Oh my goodness!
  358. beaniemage: * 'That was Josuke's mom? Is there any normal people in that family?!'
  359. Sharkatak: "wh-ACK"
  360. Viviia shivered.
  361. Viviia: Geh..
  362. StreamerDoggo: * Man, i'd hate to have the same name as that guy...
  363. beaniemage: [[Safe word still rero? heh
  364. Frisk: * Okay, but, Josuke. Josuke's cute.
  365. Sharkatak: *Shana just buried her face in Amy's floof. no more eerie stuff for her. nope.*
  366. Frisk: [[ yeah lets keep it to rero
  367. Viviia: Oh god-
  368. Viviia: Oh no..
  369. strxngfish91: U: !!
  370. ModAskDogi: ((There's a decent amount of rero in this episode.
  371. strxngfish91: U: Kick his ass!
  372. beaniemage: * 'Reckless doormat idiot!'
  373. nolvlost: // neat magic trick
  374. StreamerDoggo: * Holy shit
  375. beaniemage: *'What?!'
  376. nolvlost: Gabe: * Holy shit
  377. strxngfish91: A: I think "reckless doormat" is a bit of an oxymoron.
  378. StreamerDoggo: * ...I-i mean, crap.
  379. ModAskDogi: * (holy...)
  380. Viviia: What the heck?!
  381. ModAskDogi: *...shit.
  382. strxngfish91: T: Enemy stand!!
  383. nolvlost: // heathers voice: holy sh*t holy sh*t holy sh*t
  384. ModAskDogi: * Welp.
  385. Frisk: * Josuke's still cute, though.
  386. Viviia: Oh no.
  387. strxngfish91: T: Oh no!
  388. ModAskDogi: * Oh no!!!
  389. Frisk: * Ah boy.
  390. StreamerDoggo: ((Next Ep, Amatsu ))
  391. beaniemage: [[jojo, making even the milkman disturbing as hell
  392. ModAskDogi *Amy does a half-decent Joseph impression.
  393. nolvlost: // man this is hecking weird but thanks for showing it b/c i probably wouldnt in my free time gosh golly
  394. nolvlost: Teddy: * So what do you have to do to be a stand user? It sounds useful.
  395. Frisk: [[ rero
  396. Frisk: * I dunno, have willpower and uh. Willpower.
  397. beaniemage: [[rero, rero!
  398. StreamerDoggo: ((Theres a dog, theres most likely going to be rero with tha- YEAH THERE IT IS ))
  399. strxngfish91: A: He really can shit!
  400. StreamerDoggo: * OH MY GOD
  401. Viviia: NO!!!
  402. Frisk: * Damn, daaaamn.
  403. danceralexis: *(Alexis and Emma look a bit ill.)
  404. Viviia: No no no no no
  405. ModAskDogi: * [Both the dogi cringe.]
  406. Frisk: [[ op time
  407. StreamerDoggo: * Why must this show keep killing dogs?!? WHY?!?
  408. beaniemage: * '!' [Lloyd might be lookin a bit pale there...]
  409. strxngfish91: A: That's...a goood question.
  410. Sharkatak: "eeeeh...."
  411. ModAskDogi: * Wait, the little kid poses in the OP..
  412. ModAskDogi: * Is he gonna get a stand?
  413. Viviia gives comforting pats to Doggo, Ressa, and Amy's legs.
  414. nolvlost: [Gabe looks sick. Teddy has some concerns.]
  415. Frisk: * I hope so, like, that'd be kinda wild.
  416. nolvlost: Teddy: * Yeesh.
  417. Viviia: I'd love to see that.
  418. ModAskDogi *Amy desperately wants to change the subject from killing dogs.
  419. ModSeraphRetribution * [In another time and place, another is a bit miffed at his name being used for such a brutal villain.]
  420. Frisk: [ * Ah, blue friend's not looking good here. They cuddle up to him for a little bit, for calms, of course. ]
  421. beaniemage: * 'Oh no...'
  422. ModAskDogi: [[rERO
  423. Viviia: Whoa-
  424. ModAskDogi: [[too late soz
  425. Sharkatak: *aaaand shana slowly turns her face into amy's fur*
  426. beaniemage: *'Just punched hi wn...she didn't notice or feel that?!'
  427. danceralexis: Emma: * His Stand seems to possess immense healing powers.
  428. Sharkatak: "E-e-eeeew...."
  429. ModAskDogi: * Yeah, it might just. be best if you stay like that for a while, Shana.
  430. Sharkatak: "o-okay..."
  431. beaniemage: * '...huh. Thats intriguing.'
  432. Viviia: Pfft-
  433. nolvlost: [Gabriel appreciates it, Frisk, but man this is wild. This is only the second episode too.]
  434. Viviia: What an interesting grandpa.
  435. strxngfish91: A: He's playing Oh! That's A Baseball! '99!
  436. beaniemage: *'Heh. Evil geezer.'
  437. nolvlost: Teddy: * His dad's kind of an ass. Oh, granddad.
  438. nolvlost: Teddy: * Reminds me of Wander for some reason.
  439. Viviia: Oh no.
  440. beaniemage: *'Hey, he doesn't seem that bad. Let the old man have a bit of fun.'
  441. Viviia: Oh gross.
  442. ModAskDogi: * That's... bad.
  443. Frisk: * Okay, shit, Aqua Necklace can do that???
  444. beaniemage: * [Somewhere, somehow a goopman sneezes.]
  445. Viviia: NO
  446. Sharkatak: *Shana whispers into amy's ear shakily.*
  447. Viviia: Nooo I liked the grandpa!
  448. Frisk: [ * The bird shakes their head. ]
  449. beaniemage: *'Too late, isn't he?'
  450. Viviia sniffles.
  451. Frisk: * Aw man...
  452. strxngfish91: T: ...
  453. Viviia curls up on the floor.
  454. ModAskDogi: * (You okay, Vivi...?)
  455. beaniemage: *'I hope he rearranges that nutjobs face...'
  456. Viviia: He didn't deserve that at all..
  457. strxngfish91: A: Oh hey, I didn't notice the foreshadowing in that shot.
  458. Frisk: * "Calm." [ In air quotes. ]
  459. ModAskDogi: * (..he didn't.)
  460. Frisk: * Oh shit.
  461. Viviia rests her head on Ressa's feet.
  462. ModAskDogi: * That's not good, huh, Shana?
  463. Sharkatak: "N-nooo..."
  464. strxngfish91: T: Clever!
  465. nolvlost: // i gotta do some Things so i missed/missing some things and rip
  466. Frisk: * Clearly, they should stay away from fuckin' everything.
  467. nolvlost: //rip that water bill
  468. Viviia: I don't like water..
  469. StreamerDoggo: * Josuke, you fought a water stand before
  470. beaniemage: *'Huh. Might be a nutjob, but Asselo really knows how to work his ability.'
  471. Viviia: SHIT!
  472. ModAskDogi *Amy and Ressa are both.. silent?
  473. strxngfish91: A: Yes, of course he knew that.
  474. ModAskDogi *Amy's smirking.
  475. Frisk: * How the fuck do you..? [ The thing where they do the hands. ] How???
  476. Viviia: ...Eh?
  477. strxngfish91: T: That's...definitely one way to stop someone with control over water.
  478. beaniemage: *'Heh..heheh hah! That's just brilliant!'
  479. ModAskDogi: * (He's trying to talk his way out of this? NOW?)
  480. Frisk: * Ahahahaha!!!
  481. Viviia: That works.
  482. ModAskDogi: * ...huh.
  483. beaniemage: * 'Fitting.'
  484. StreamerDoggo: ((Next ep ))
  485. StreamerDoggo: ((Ugh, wait ))
  486. StreamerDoggo: ((Loading issues ))
  487. danceralexis: Alexis: * I'm not sure if I like this series...
  488. strxngfish91: A: It gets better as it goes on.
  489. Viviia: ((oh no
  490. StreamerDoggo: ((Okay there ))
  491. Frisk: [[ the koichi pose is the best
  492. Viviia: This opening is pretty groovy.
  493. ModAskDogi *Amy lets out a little huff.
  494. Sharkatak *Shana whimpers.*
  495. Frisk tweets.
  496. strxngfish91: A: Personally I'm a fan of crazy, noisy, bizarre, town. Probably not as good an OP as Great Days, though.
  497. ModAskDogi: Just remembered, me an' Ressa have to get to sleep early. We have first shift tomorrow.
  498. beaniemage: *'Yeah, a bit too brutal for me. But these stand things are great!'
  499. Viviia: Aw..
  500. StreamerDoggo: * Wha- Oh dang.
  501. ModAskDogi: (Right. Sorry, Doggo, can't be your pillow any longer, at least for tonight..)
  502. strxngfish91: T: His belt's look like Caesar's.
  503. strxngfish91: T: Like his headband, I mean.
  504. Dogga: * Ah damn, it's a shame you can't stay. I was actually gonna see about staying the night m'self.
  505. ModAskDogi: (Well, I hope you have a good time, at least! Don't forget you're free to stay the night at our cabin, too, anytime.)
  506. StreamerDoggo: * Well you know theres always a room for you, 'A!
  507. ModAskDogi *Ressa shifts Doggo off of her onto the chair, very gently.
  508. StreamerDoggo: * ...The room being my room but still.
  509. StreamerDoggo moves over as she shifts him, to assist.
  510. Frisk: * Who in the fuck?
  511. Viviia scoots out of the way
  512. ModAskDogi *Ressa gets up, patting Doggo, before heading for the door.. Amy gets up rather suddenly, as well, shifting Shana to be in his arms.
  513. Viviia: How much hair gel does that guy use?
  514. ModAskDogi *He appears to be carrying her princess-carry.
  515. nolvlost: //what a miss i just see something soemthing /balls shivel up/
  516. ModAskDogi: * Hup! Alright, C'mon, Shana.
  517. Frisk: [[ history of how he got his stand
  518. Sharkatak: "o-okay..."
  519. ModAskDogi: * Shana might be back, later, but we're goin', for now.
  520. ModAskDogi: * Night, Doggo!
  521. StreamerDoggo: * Night Ames! Night Ress!
  522. Viviia: Oh no-
  523. ModAskDogi: * (Night, Vivi, Dogga, everybody!)
  524. strxngfish91: T: That's a pretty dangerous way of removing arrows.
  525. Viviia: Oh, night~
  526. Frisk: * Night, you two!
  527. nolvlost: Gabe: * Why don't they ever look at their enemy?
  528. ModAskDogi *The Dogi head out. Shana in Amy's arms.
  529. Frisk: * Fucking incredible.
  530. strxngfish91: U: Serves him right!
  531. Viviia decides to lay on Doggo's feet now.
  532. beaniemage: [[two yare yare dazes in one ep. Shit just got real!
  533. Viviia: [[Pff!!- They just greet him.]]
  534. beaniemage: [[Beautiful lol
  535. strxngfish91: A: In the last episode there was a shot of some people moving into here.
  536. beaniemage: [[Having loading problems Joe, or it just me?
  537. Frisk: * OOOOH, well!
  538. ModAskDogi: [[Night, everyone!]]
  539. Viviia: [[nighty night
  540. Frisk: [[ nini!
  541. strxngfish91: ((Goodnight!))
  542. nolvlost: //night
  543. Viviia: Don't hurt the kid!!
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