
Apparitions 2.5

May 6th, 2011
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  1. [22:18] <GMOwen> It is the later hours of the night, Miss Magda's birthday still at hand, even if the celebration is not. The house is quiet as the "older" women are off tending to their own affairs, whatever those affairs might be given the time of day...
  2. [22:19] <GMOwen> The "younger" girls, however, remain in the living room, discussing this and that, as old friends often do...
  3. [22:21] * Phrine could care less that with the way she cut the cake, she probably ate more than her share. There's still some left, though. Nom nom nom...
  4. [22:24] <Phrine> "Mmm, hey, thanks for payin', by the way. I forgot if I have money right now or not..."
  5. [22:24] <Phrine> "S'one-a those things I should prolly care 'bout one day... ehh~"
  6. [22:25] <Kalinka> Is no problem for a dear friend on this, the day of her birthday.
  7. [22:25] * Kalinka smiles, just happy to be here and have found her.
  8. [22:26] <Phrine> "Aren't, but... Birthday, girls, GET, gifts, right...?"
  9. [22:26] <Phrine> "They don't... GIVE, them...?"
  10. [22:29] * Phrine scratches her pink hair with a pink frosting-ed fork. It's as if there's no frosting on her hair at all!
  11. [22:30] <Kalinka> Am I not a sufficient gift?
  12. [22:30] * Kalinka looks mock-hurt.
  13. [22:31] <Kalinka> Poor Magda, she is but chopped kidney.
  14. [22:31] * Phrine covers her mouth.
  15. [22:31] <Phrine> "No, I don't want you to be that!"
  16. [22:31] * Phrine hugs her friend and keeps her kidneys safe.
  17. [22:32] * Kalinka giggles and hugs her back.
  18. [22:32] <Kalinka> Is only a teasing.
  19. [22:32] <Phrine> "Yaaay~"
  20. [22:32] * Phrine goes back to her seat. Where'd that fork go...? Oh well.
  21. [22:33] <Phrine> "And anyways, aren't I the gift to you, or... something?"
  22. [22:36] * Phrine shrugs.
  23. [22:36] <Phrine> "I guess as long as we're both happy, then..."
  24. [22:36] * Kalinka has been having a bit of wine. Kind of a /lot/ of "bit of wine." It doesn't affect her speech centers, but her thought processes are a bit spotty, which is why she was thinkng of things in terms of Phrine's birthday, instead of her own, which is today.
  25. [22:37] <Kalinka> [=-= and it's definitely not because I forgot about that, no. No way at all is it that thing.]
  26. [22:38] <Phrine> [One day the might bracket text will break the bracketh wall and reign terror on the little girls who they so constantly defile.]
  27. [22:38] <Phrine> [ [=-= *mighty] ]
  28. [22:38] <Kalinka> Of course, of course~
  29. [22:38] * Phrine puts a hand to her cheek and leans, thinking deep thoughts. It doesn't hurt her brain like a silly people might imagine.
  30. [22:41] * Kalinka is happily buzzed~
  31. [22:41] <Phrine> "...Mmmmnnmnmnm...."
  32. [22:41] * Kalinka Like that!
  33. [22:43] * Phrine can't think very well. Perhaps this smart lady is a better thinker?
  34. [22:43] <Phrine> "H-Hey... best friend...?"
  35. [22:46] <Phrine> "You're... smart, yeah?"
  36. [22:51] <Phrine> "Do you... know the right answer, here?"
  37. [22:53] <Kalinka> ...Answer to what?
  38. [22:54] <Kalinka> Am not psyhic.
  39. [22:54] * Phrine swirls her other hand around like it's supposed to mean something.
  40. [22:54] * Kalinka 's tongue tangles around that word.
  41. [22:54] <Kalinka> Psy-chic.
  42. [22:55] <Phrine> "To... awww, brother, now I forgot how to say it..."
  43. [22:56] <Phrine> "To... money. Yeah, yeah, that."
  44. [22:56] * Phrine sighs.
  45. [22:57] <Kalinka> Yes. I money. No, I do not money.
  46. [22:57] * Kalinka nods, and then slowly re-examines what she just said.
  47. [22:57] <Phrine> "I feel like... I should, get some. For... like, for real. Instead of, for fake, like we kinda do now."
  48. [22:58] <Phrine> "Like a sort of... job, type thing..."
  49. [22:58] <Kalinka> Erm, hold for a moment. I--
  50. [22:58] * Kalinka stops, and throws out what she was going to say.
  51. [22:58] <Kalinka> --What?
  52. [22:59] * Kalinka 's nose wrinkles.
  53. [22:59] * Phrine stares at her friend. Did she say something wrong?
  54. [22:59] <Kalinka> Why? You do not need for working.
  55. [23:01] <Phrine> "B-But... I, like cake. And, shooting guns. Ya' need money for thats."
  56. [23:01] <Phrine> "I don't wanna keep asking Judy and Letty for it all the time... Not really."
  57. [23:03] * Phrine sighs against and cranes her head back, looking at the ceiling.
  58. [23:03] <Phrine> "The real world is harder than I thought it was gonna be..."
  59. [23:04] <Kalinka> I do not work.
  60. [23:04] <Kalinka> I work for my life. Buying, I do not do.
  61. [23:04] * Kalinka frowns.
  62. [23:04] <Kalinka> ...Is not helpful for you, however.
  63. [23:05] <Kalinka> Hmm.
  64. [23:05] <Phrine> "...but, the... cake. You, bought the cake, yeah?"
  65. [23:05] * Kalinka freezes.
  66. [23:05] <Kalinka> Um.
  67. [23:05] <Kalinka> Was gift.
  68. [23:05] <Kalinka> Is birthday, after all, no?
  69. [23:06] * Kalinka is the BRILLIANT-EST
  70. [23:07] <Phrine> "I guess, I guess... must be nice, hehe~"
  71. [23:07] * Kalinka nods and smiles. That was close.
  72. [23:07] <Phrine> "Buuuut, like... It's not my birthday every day, Maggy."
  73. [23:08] <Kalinka> ...But money, I do not require it. Often. The things you need, I can obtain these.
  74. [23:09] * Kalinka would kill anyone else who called her that. Phrine is very lucky that she is who she is. Which is her.
  75. [23:09] * Phrine wrinkles her nose at Maggy's statement, and even squints.
  76. [23:10] <Phrine> "...N-No."
  77. [23:10] * Kalinka is given pause, and seems genuinely confused, after a moment.
  78. [23:10] <Kalinka> Why not?
  79. [23:10] * Phrine shakes her head and repeats it a little more forcefully.
  80. [23:11] <Phrine> "No."
  81. [23:11] <Phrine> "I... no."
  82. [23:12] * Phrine curls her legs and feet up into her chair and looks away. She looks hesitant and unsure, but is quite the opposite.
  83. [23:12] <Kalinka> Yes. Many of these you have said. Am asking why.
  84. [23:12] <Phrine> "I'm... a woman."
  85. [23:12] <Phrine> "Because I'm a... woman."
  86. [23:12] <Phrine> "Not a, not a... girl."
  87. [23:13] * Kalinka is blitzed and having a hard time thinking straight, so this seems extra-bizarre. Even for Phrine, so you can imagine how bad it must be.
  88. [23:14] <Phrine> "I should have stopped being a girl a long time ago. But I... forgot to."
  89. [23:14] * Kalinka as a result, it takes Magda a good minute or so to line up her thoughts well enough to muster a solid response.
  90. [23:15] <Phrine> "...'cause, it's was easy, you know~?"
  91. [23:15] <Kalinka> ...I am... this thing you are saying, it has made me lost.
  92. [23:17] * Kalinka takes a wild grab for something to work with.
  93. [23:18] <Kalinka> Ease is ... it is for it comes with being more than human. Is benefit.
  94. [23:18] * Phrine looks back at Magda. For once... Phrine is being too complicated...?
  95. [23:19] * Phrine considers the comment...
  96. [23:19] * Kalinka is drunk on top of that, so yeah, it's kind of a mess.
  97. [23:19] <Phrine> "But... it... No. No, I... That's, wrong."
  98. [23:20] <Phrine> "I... I need to... DO, something. Something... that matters... yeah."
  99. [23:21] <Phrine> "Been here in Chicagoland for a bunch of a lot of years already... done nothin'..."
  100. [23:21] * Phrine pouts.
  101. [23:22] <Phrine> "Drank homeless peoples and ate cake and bought Colt Single Action Armies."
  102. [23:24] <Phrine> "...Boring..."
  103. [23:24] * Phrine is almost afraid... She recalls her days in the orphanage when every day was the same; when every day didn't matter.
  104. [23:27] * Kalinka considers it in that light. "Boredom" makes a little more sense, at least.
  105. [23:28] * Phrine rubs her temple. She hasn't had a drink yet today; it's getting a little hard to focus.
  106. [23:32] <Phrine> "Gotta... Gotta DO, something... Be a woman. Women, do things, right...?"
  107. [23:32] <Kalinka> I see. You want hobby, then?
  108. [23:33] * Phrine lacklusterly spins a Colt around her finger.
  109. [23:33] <Phrine> "Nope; got one~"
  110. [23:34] <Kalinka> Keeps you interested, not bored? Is a hobby.
  111. [23:35] <Kalinka> Can also make you money, but that is small bonus.
  112. [23:35] * Phrine starts pchooing things in her mind as she mimes with the gun. Pchoo~ Pchoo~
  113. [23:36] <Phrine> "But, that's not... It's doing something, not DOOING something, you know, Maggy?"
  114. [23:36] <Phrine> "Like, it's like, like that one time! With the stuff and the girls and things!"
  115. [23:37] <Phrine> "I didn't do anything! I just... was, kinda, there. Spinnin' my gun around n' stuff..."
  116. [23:37] <Kalinka> Is very doing something.
  117. [23:38] <Kalinka> If it keeps you interested, it is always something.
  118. [23:38] <Kalinka> ...PURPOSE, Phrine.
  119. [23:38] * Phrine doesn't know how to explain it...
  120. [23:38] <Kalinka> That is the gift.
  121. [23:39] <Kalinka> Its gift. Not mine. Or yours.
  122. [23:39] * Kalinka suddenly got screwed up at the end.
  123. [23:39] <Kalinka> Um.
  124. [23:39] <Phrine> "I, I know, but it's... There's MORE, I, I know there is..."
  125. [23:39] * Kalinka 's dramatic wind dies before it really starts filling her sails. Damn.
  126. [23:40] <Kalinka> ...Maybe I am not person to talk to about this.
  127. [23:40] * Phrine can't explain it. The remaining vestiges of her humanity, perhaps, never fully crushed. A voice in her head, always making her think strange things.
  128. [23:41] * Kalinka seems frustrated at her own inability to communicate.
  129. [23:41] <Phrine> "No, no, you're the best person, Maggy. Best friend~"
  130. [23:41] <Phrine> "Judy, she's..."
  131. [23:41] * Phrine looks around the room and pulls in close, dropping her voice.
  132. [23:42] <Phrine> "She's kinda old~"
  133. [23:42] <Phrine> "Letty too~"
  134. [23:42] <Kalinka> ...Yes. Your sister-womens, they have more advice that is you. For you.
  135. [23:43] <Kalinka> My advices, they are... not as for you, I think.
  136. [23:43] <Kalinka> If you want money...
  137. [23:44] * Kalinka strains to keep herself from adding anything unkind about that
  138. [23:44] <Kalinka> ...and want interesting things to do, go. Do them.
  139. [23:44] <Phrine> "...Really...?"
  140. [23:49] <Kalinka> Yes.
  141. [23:49] * Kalinka thinks for a moment.
  142. [23:50] <Kalinka> Do you have ...job... in head?
  143. [23:50] <Kalinka> ...Mind?
  144. [23:51] * Phrine stands back up and bows to her friend awkwardly and kind of stiffly. After hearing the question, she shrugs.
  145. [23:51] <Phrine> "Not really."
  146. [23:51] <Phrine> "But thanks."
  147. [23:51] * Phrine leans over and gives Kalina a quick peck on the cheek for no particular reason.
  148. [23:51] <Phrine> "Best friend~"
  149. [23:52] * Kalinka blinks, but smiles.
  150. [23:52] <Kalinka> Truest comrade.
  151. [23:53] <Phrine> "I'ma go grab life and do it now, kay~?"
  152. [23:53] * Phrine thumbs at the door.
  153. [23:54] * Kalinka nods.
  154. [23:55] <Kalinka> ...Have good living.
  155. [23:55] * Kalinka adds, after a second:
  156. [23:56] <Kalinka> Avoid shady people or slick bastards!
  157. [23:56] <Kalinka> They are ruin.
  158. [23:56] * Phrine nods back, grabs her coat, and traipses out the door to go life live and not be useless.
  159. [23:57] <Phrine> "I can always kill em~!"
  160. [23:57] <Kalinka> Keep that to alleyways!
  161. [00:00] * Kalinka would consider going with her, but she has skipped that kind of important step in her head --or forgotten it-- due to aforementioned holes in logic.
  162. [00:00] * Kalinka is instead worrying about what she's going to tell the others when they come asking where Phrine is.
  163. [00:02] * Kalinka How she can ponder the fallout and forget the original problem... Well, that's why she normally doesn't drink within a week before OR after a job.
  164. [00:02] <GMOwen> Such is the life of the dead, or mostly-dead.
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