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Mar 8th, 2012
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  1. Japanese Attack Name | English Attack Name | Type | PP | Power/Accuracy | Added Effect | Physical/Special/Status
  3. はたく Pound - Illusion - 40pp - 40/100 - No Added Effect - Physical
  4. からてチョップ Karate Chop - Dream - 25pp - 50/100 - Increased Critical Hit Ratio - Physical
  5. はたきおとす Knock Off - Dark - 20pp - 50/100 - When Hit, the opponent will drop their held item. - Physical
  6. れんぞくパンチ Comet Punch - Dream - 15pp - 25/95 - Hits 2-5 times. - Physical
  7. ドレインパンチ Drain Punch - Dream - 5pp - 75/100 - Steals some health after damaging enemy. - Physical
  8. ねこにこばん Pay Day - Illusion - 20pp - 60/100 - Gain money after winning. - Physical
  9. ほのおのパンチ Fire Punch - Fire - 15pp - 75/100 - 10% of Burn - Physical
  10. れいとうパンチ Ice Punch - Ice - 15pp - 75/100 - 10% of Freeze - Physical
  11. かみなりパンチ Thunder Punch - Wind - 15pp - 75/100 - 10% of Paralysis - Physical
  12. ひっかく Scratch - Steel - 35pp - 40/100 - No Added Effect - Physical
  13. つじきり Night Slash - Dark - 15pp - 70/100 - Crits Are Easier To Land - Physical
  14. ジャッジメント Judgement - Shinto - 5pp - ---/30 - Instant Death - Special
  15. かぜおこし Gust- Wind - 35pp - 40/100 - Deals Twice As Much Damage To Enemies In Air - Special
  16. つるぎのまい Swords Dance - Steel - 30pp - Sharply Increases Attack - Status
  17. いあいぎり Cut - Steel - 20pp - 60/--- - Always hits - Physical
  18. かまいたち Razor Wind - Wind - 20pp - 60/--- - Always Hits - Special
  19. しっぷう Gale - Flying - 30pp - 40/100 - +1 Priority - Special
  20. ふきとばし Whirlwind - Wind - 20pp - ---/100 - Forced Switch - Status
  21. そらをとぶ Fly - Flying - 15pp - 90/100 - One Turn To Fly Into The Air, Next Turn hits - Physical
  22. しめつける Bind - Heart - 15pp - 60/90 - Binds Enemy For 2-5 turns for damage and unable to escape - Physical
  23. パワーウイップ Power Whip - Nature - 5pp - 120/85 - No Added Effect - Physical
  24. つるのむち Vine Whip - Nature - 35pp - 40/100 - No Added Effect - Physical
  25. ふみつけ Stomp - Beast - 20pp - 60/100 - 30% of Paralysis - Physical
  26. にどげり Double Kick - Dream - 30pp - 40/100 - Attacks Twice - Physical
  27. ギガインパクト Giga Impact - Dark - 10pp - 120/85 - Recoil damage if attack misses - Physical
  28. とびげり Jump Kick - Dream - 25pp - 85/95 - If Missed, Causes Damage To Yourself - Physical
  29. まわしげり Rolling Kick - Dream - 15pp - 80/90 - 20% of Enemy Flinching - Physical
  30. すなかけ Sand Attack - Earth - 15pp - ---/100 - Lowers Accuracy by 1 Stage - Status
  31. ずつき Headbutt - Heart - 15pp - 70/100 - 30% Chance Of Flinching - Physical
  32. ナイフなげ Knife Throw - Steel - 25pp - 50/100 - Increased Critical Hit Ratio - Physical
  33. マジックナイフ Magic Knife - Reason - 15pp - 25/95 - Hits 2-5 Times - Physical
  34. スカルプチュア Sculpture - Steel - 10pp - 95/--- - 100% Chance of Hitting - Physical
  35. たいあたり Tackle - Beast - 35pp - 35/95 - No Added Effect - Physical
  36. のしかかり Body Slam - Heart - 15pp - 85/100 - 20% Chance Of Paralysis - Physical
  37. まきつく Wrap - Nature - 15pp - 60/100 - Enemy is Binded for 2-5 Turns - Physical
  38. すてみタックル Double-Edge - Beast - 10pp - 120/90 - User Takes Recoil Damage - Physical
  39. あばれる Thrash - Dark - 10pp - 100/100 - User's defense is lowered - Physical
  40. もろはのずつき Head Smash - Earth - 10pp - 120/90 - User Takes Recoil Damage - Physical
  41. しっぽをふる Tail Whip - Beast - 30pp - ---/100 - Lowers Defense By 1 Stage - Status
  42. どくばり Poison Sting - Miasma - 30pp - 30/100 - 30% Chance Of Poison - Physical
  43. ふうましん Sealing Needle - Shinto - 25pp - 40/100 - 30% Chance Of Paralysis - Special
  44. ミサイルばり Pin Missile - Shinto - 15pp - 25/95 - Hits 2-5 Times - Physical
  45. にらみつける Leer - Illusion - 30pp - ---/100 - Lowers Defense By One Stage - Status
  46. かみつく Bite - Beast - 25pp - 60/100 - 30% Chance Of Flinching - Physical
  47. なきごえ Growl - Illusion - 40pp - ---/100 - Lowers Attack By One Stage - Status
  48. ほえる Roar - Beast - 20pp - ---/100 - Forced Switch - Status
  49. うたう Sing - Flying - 15pp - ---/60 - Causes Sleep - Status
  50. ジャミング Jamming - Heart - 5pp - ---/100 - Prevents Switching - Status
  51. ソニックブーム Sonicboom - Steel - 10pp - 80/100 - Has a 10% Of Lowering Sp.Def - Special
  52. かなしばり Disable - Ghost - 10pp - ---/100 - Enemy Cannot Use The Move Used Last - Status
  53. どくのしずく Poison Tears - Miasma - 30pp - 40/100 - Has a 10% Chance Of Lowering Sp.Def - Special
  54. ひのこ Ember - Fire - 25pp - 40/100 - 10% Chance Of Burn - Special
  55. かえんほうしゃ Flamethrower - Fire - 15pp - 90/100 - 10% Chance Of Burn - Special
  56. しろいきり Mist - Ice - 30PP - Prevents Status Change - Status
  57. みずでっぽう Water Gun - Water - 30pp - 60/100 - No Added Effect - Special
  58. ハイドロポンプ Hydro Pump - Water - 5pp - 120/85 - No Added Effect - Special
  59. なみのり Surf - Water - 15pp - 95/100 - No Added Effect - Special
  60. れいとうビーム Ice Beam - Ice - 10pp - 90/100 - 10% Chance Of Freeze - Special
  61. ふぶき Blizzard - Ice - 5pp - 120/75 - 10% Chance Of Freeze - Special
  62. サイケこうせん Psybeam - Reason - 20pp - 60/100 - 30% Chance Of Confuse - Special
  63. バブルこうせん Bubblebeam - Water - 20pp - 65/100 - 30% Chance Of Lowering Spd - Special
  64. オーロラビーム Aurora Beam - Ice - 20pp - 65/100 - 30% Chance Of Lowering Att - Special
  65. はかいこうせん Hyper Beam - Dark - 5pp - 120/80 - 20% Chance Of Lowering Sp.Def - Special
  66. つっつく Peck - Flying - 35pp - 40/100 - No Added Effect - Physical
  67. つばさでうつ Wing Attack - Flying - 25pp - 60/100 - 30% Chance Of Flinching - Physical
  68. じごくぐるま Submission - Dream - 20pp - 85/100 - No Added Effect - Physical
  69. けたぐり Low Kick - Shinto - 25pp - 60/100 - 30% Chance Of Flinching - Physical
  70. カウンター Counter - Dream - 20pp - ---/100 - Reflects x2 Damage Back At Enemy If Hit With Physical - Physical
  71. ちきゅうなげ Seismic Toss - Earth - 20pp - ---/100 - Deals Damage Equal To Your Level - Physical
  72. かいりき Strength - Dream - 15pp - 80/100 - 10% Of Raising Att - Physical
  73. すいとる Absorb - Nature - 25pp - 20/100 - Drains HP - Special
  74. メガドレイン Mega Drain - Nature - 15pp - 40/100 - Drains HP - Special
  75. やどりぎのたね Leech Seed - Nature - 10pp - ---/100 - Drains HP Each Turn - Status
  76. せいちょう Growth - Nature - 40pp - Increases Special Attack - Status
  77. はっぱカッター Razor Leaf - Nature - 25pp - 65/100 - Increased Critical Hit Ratio - Physical
  78. ソーラービーム Solarbeam - Nature - 10pp - 120/100 - One Turn To Charge Up, Next Turn Hits - Special
  79. どくのこな Poison Powder - Nature - 35pp - ---/75 - Poisons Enemy - Status
  80. しびれごな Stun Spore - Nature - 30pp - ---/75 - Paralyzes Enemy - Status
  81. ねむりごな Sleep Powder - Nature - 15pp - ---/75 - Sleeps Enemy - Status
  82. おうかせんせん Battle Chant - Steel - 10pp - 100/85 - 20% Chance to Increase Att - Physical
  83. ワイアーウェブ Wire Web - Nature - 10pp - ---/85 - Sharply Lowers Speed - Status
  84. あくのはどう Dark Pulse - Dark - 15pp - 80/100 - 20% Chance Of Flinching - Special
  85. ほのおのうず Fire Spin - Fire - 15pp - 60/90 - Enemy is Binded for 2-5 Turns - Special
  86. でんきショック Thundershock - Wind - 30pp - 40/100 - 10% Chance Of Paralysis - Special
  87. 10まんボルト Thunderbolt - Wind - 15pp - 90/100 - 10% Chance Of Paralysis - Special
  88. でんじは Thunder Wave - Wind - 20pp - ---/100 - Paralyzes Enemy - Status
  89. かみなり Thunder - Wind - 10pp - 120/70 - 30% Chance Of Paralysis, Increase Accuracy In Rain - Special
  90. いわなだれ Rock Slide - Earth - 10pp - 75/90 - 30% Chance Of Flinching - Physical
  91. じしん Earthquake - Earth - 10pp - 100/100 - Deals More Damage To Enemies Underground - Physical
  92. じわれ Fissure - Earth - 5pp - ---/30 - Instant Death - Physical
  93. あなをほる Dig - Earth - 10pp - 90/100 - Digs Underground for 1 turn, Attacks Next Turn - Physical
  94. どくどく Toxic - Miasma - 10pp - ---/85 - Badly Poisons Target - Status
  95. サイコショット Psyshot - Reason - 25pp - 40/100 - 10% Chance Of Confuse - Special
  96. マナバースト Mana Burst - Reason - 10pp - 90/100 - 10% Chance Of Lowering Sp.Def - Special
  97. さいみんじゅつ Hypnosis - Reason - 20pp - ---/60 - Sleeps Enemy - Status
  98. しねんのずつき Zen Headbutt - Reason - 15pp - 80/90 - 20% Chance Of Flinching - Physical
  99. こうそくいどう Agility - Flying - 30pp - Sharply Increases Speed - Status
  100. でんこうせっか Quick Attack - Flying - 30pp - 40/100 - +1 Priority - Physical
  101. いかり Rage - Dark - 15pp - 60/100 - 70% Chance Of Burning Yourself - Physical
  102. テレポート Teleport - Reason - 20pp - Run From Touhou - Status
  103. ナイトヘッド Night Shade - Ghost - 20pp - ---/100 - Deals Damage Equal To Your Level - Special
  104. ものまね Mimic - Illusion - 10pp - Copies Enemy's Last Move Used - Status
  105. いやなおと Screech - Ghost - 20pp - ---/90 - Sharply Lowers Defense - Status
  106. かげうち Shadow Hit - Ghost - 15pp - 70/100 - Increased Critical Hit Ratio - Physical
  107. じこさいせい Recover - Illusion - 20pp - Heal 50% Of Your Health - Status
  108. かたくなる Harden - Steel - 30pp - Increase Defense By One Stage - Status
  109. ちいさくなる Minimize - Earth - 20pp - Increase Evasion By One Stage - Status
  110. えんまく Smokescreen - Fire - 20pp - ---/100 - Lower Accuracy - Status
  111. あやしいひかり Confuse Ray - Ghost - 10pp - ---/100 - Confuse Enemy - Status
  112. からにこもる Withdraw - Heart - 40pp - Increase Defense And Sp.Def By One Stage- Status
  113. まるくなる Defense Curl - Heart - 40pp - Increase Defense - Status
  114. バリアー Barrier - Reason - 30pp - Sharply Increase Defense - Status
  115. ひかりのかべ Light Screen - Shinto - 30pp - The Party Has Increased Protection From Special Attacks - Status
  116. くろいきり Haze - Ice - 30pp - All Status Changes Are Removed - Status
  117. リフレクター Reflect - Dream - 20pp - The Party Has Increased Protection From Physical Attacks - Status
  118. きあいだめ Focus Energy - Dream - 30pp - Increases Critical Hit Ratio - Status
  119. かばう Guard - Dream - 20pp - All Enemy attacks Are Directed At User - Status
  120. ゆびをふる Metronome - Illusion - 10pp - Randomly Uses Any Attack - Status
  121. みねうち False Swipe - Illusion - 40pp - 40/100 - If Killing Blow Than Leaves One HP - Physical
  122. じばく Selfdestruct - Illusion - 5pp - 200/100 - Sacrifices Yourself - Physical
  123. マインドボム Mind Bomb - Heart - 20pp - ---/100 - Deals Damage Depending On Enemy Cost/Weight - Physical
  124. したでなめる Lick - Ghost - 25pp - 30/100 - 30% Chance Of Paralysis - Physical
  125. しょうき Toxic Gas - Miasma - 20pp - 65/100 - 40% Chance Of Poison - Special
  126. ポイズンボム Poison Bomb - Miasma - 15pp - 95/100 - 20% Chance Of Poison - Special
  127. ホネこんぼう Bone Club - Shinto - 100pp - 60/90 - No Added Effect - Physical
  128. だいもんじ Fire Blast - Fire - 5pp - 120/80 - 10% Chance Of Burn - Special
  129. たきのぼり Waterfall - Water - 15pp - 80/100 - 20% Chance Of Flinching - Physical
  130. マナシールド Mana Shield - Reason - 40pp - Increases Sp.Def By One Stage - Status
  131. スピードスター Swift - Illusion - 20pp - 60/--- - Always Hits - Special
  132. ロケットずつき Skull Bash - Steel - 10pp - 120/100 - Charges For One Turn and Raises Def, Attacks Next Turn - Physical
  133. クイック Quick - Illusion - 10pp - 30/100 - Always goes first, pierces Detect - Physical
  134. からみつく Constrict - Nature - 30pp - 30/100 - 30% Chance Of Paralysis - Physical
  135. ドわすれ Amnesia - Reason - 20pp - Sharply Increases Sp.Def - Status
  136. さくやのせかい Sakuya's World - Ice - 5pp - 40/55 - 100% Chance Of Freezing If Hits - Special
  137. タマゴうみ Softboiled - Illusion - 10pp - Recovers 50% Of User's Health - Status
  138. とびひざげり High Jump Kick - Dream - 20pp - 110/90 - If missed then damage is dealt back to user - Physical
  139. いあつ Coerce - Dark - 10pp - ---/100 - Removes 2-5pp from your enemy's last move used - Status
  140. ゆめくい Dream Eater - Dark - 10pp - 75/100 - Drains HP (Target Does Not Have To Be Sleeping) - Special
  141. あやしいかぜ Ominous Wind - Ghost - 5pp - 70/100 - 10% Chance Of Raising All Stats - Special
  142. たまなげ Barrage - Shinto - 30pp - 40/100 - Attacks Twice - Physical
  143. きゅうけつ Leech Life - Dark - 15pp - 40/100 - Drains HP - Physical
  144. あくまのキッス Lovely Kiss - Dark - 10pp - ---/70 - Sleeps Enemy - Status
  145. ゴッドバード Sky Attack - Flying - 5pp - 160/100 - 80% Chance Of Flinching Enemy + Higher Critical Hit Ratio but has a charge up time - Physical
  146. へんしん Transform - Illusion - 10pp - Turn Into The Target - Status
  147. あわ Bubble - Water - 25pp - 40/100 - 10% Chance Of Lowering Spd - Special
  148. ピヨピヨパンチ Dizzy Punch - Heart - 15pp - 75/100 - 20% Chance Of Confusing - Physical
  149. やけどごな Burn Powder - Nature - 15pp - ---/75 - Burns Enemy - Status
  150. フラッシュ Flash - Shinto - 15pp - 65/90 - 30% Chance Of Lowering Accuracy - Special
  151. サイコウェーブ Psywave - Reason - 15pp - ---/100 - Damage Is Determined Upon Usage - Special
  152. はねる Splash - Illusion - 40pp - Does Absolutely Nothing - Status
  153. むさん Proletariat - Miasma - 40pp - Sharply Increases Defense - Status
  154. アクアジェット Aqua Jet - Water - 30pp - 40/100 - +1 Priority - Physical
  155. だいばくはつ Explosion - Illusion - 5pp - 250/100 - Sacrifices Yourself - Physical
  156. みだれひっかき Fury Swipes - Beast - 15pp - 20/85 - Attacks 2-5 Times - Physical
  157. ホネブーメラン Bonemerang - Earth - 10pp - 50/90 - Attacks Twice - Physical
  158. ねむる Rest - Illusion - 10pp - Heals Yourself, But Causes Sleep For Two Turns - Status
  159. がんせきほう Rock Wrecker - Earth - 5pp - 120/80 - 20% Chance of Raising Defense - Physical
  160. キリングバイツ Killing Bite - Beast - 10pp - 100/80 - 20% Chance Of Flinching - Physical
  161. かくばる Sharpen - Steel - 30pp - Raises Attack By One Stage - Status
  162. テクスチャー Conversion - Illusion - 30pp - Change Your Own Type From One Of Your Enemy's Moves - Status
  163. トライアタック Tri-Attack - Heart - 10pp - 80/100 - 20% Chance Of either Burn, Paralysis or Freeze - Special
  164. ヒートクロー Heat Claw - Beast - 20pp - 1/100 - Power is based on Cost - Physical
  165. きりさく Slash - Beast - 10pp - 90/100 - Increase Critical Hit Ratio - Physical
  166. みがわり Substitute - Illusion - 10pp - Sacrifice 1/4 Of Your HP To Create A Decoy - Status
  167. わるあがき Struggle - Illusion - 50/100 - Use After No More PP, User Takes Recoil Damage - Physical
  168. ぐもんしき Sketch - Illusion - 1pp - Copy Last Move Permanently - Status
  169. トリプルキック Triple Kick - Dream - 15pp - 10/100 - Base Power Increases By 10 For Each Successive Hit - Physical
  170. どろぼう Thief - Dark - 20pp - 40/100 - Steals Enemy Item - Physical
  171. クモのす Spider Web - Nature - 10pp - 50/80 - 100% Of Paralysing If It Hits - Special
  172. こころのめ Heart's Eye - Heart - 40pp - ---/85 - Sharply Lowers Target Sp.Def - Status
  173. ナイトメア Nightmare - Ghost - 10pp - 70/100 - 10% chance of inducing Sleep - Special
  174. かえんぐるま Flame Wheel - Fire - 20pp - 60/100 - 30% Chance Of Burn - Physical
  175. いびき Snore - Dream - 15pp - 70/100 - 30% Chance Of Flinching, Only Usable While Asleep - Special
  176. のろい Curse - ??? - 10pp - Increase Att + Def, Lowers Spd. If Ghost Type Then Sacrifice Half Health To Deal reduce enemy HP by 1/4 of their Max Health - Status
  177. じたばた Flail - Illusion - 15pp - ---/100 - Deals Damage Depending On How Low The User's HP Is - Physical
  178. テクスチャー2 Conversion 2 - Illusion - 30pp - Changes Type To Resist What Move The Enemy Used Last - Status
  179. エアロブラスト Aeroblast - Wind - 10pp - 90/100 - Increased Critical Hit Ratio - Special
  180. わたほうし Cotton Spore - Nature - 40pp - ---/100 - Sharply Lowers Speed - Status
  181. きしかいせい Reversal - Dream - 15pp - ---/100 - Deals Damage Depending On How Low The User's HP Is - Physical
  182. うらみ Spite - Ghost - 10pp - ---/100 - Removes 2-5pp from your enemy's last move used - Status
  183. こなゆき Powder Snow - Ice - 25pp - 40/100 - 10% Chance Of Freeze - Special
  184. まもる Protect - Illusion - 20pp - Increase Both Your Defense And Sp.Def By One Stage - Status
  185. マッハパンチ Mach Punch - Dream - 30pp - 40/100 - +1 Priority - Physical
  186. こわいかお Scary Face - Dark - 10pp - ---/100 - Sharply Lowers Speed - Status
  187. だましうち Faint Attack - Dark - 20pp - 60/--- - Always Hits - Physical
  188. てんしのキッス Sweet Kiss - Heart - 10pp - ---/90 - Confuses Target - Status
  189. はらだいこ Belly Drum - Dream - 10pp - Sacrifice Half Health To Increase Your Attack To Max - Status
  190. ダストシュート Dust Shoot - Miasma - 5pp - 120/75 - 30% Chance Of Poison - Physical
  191. マッドショット Mud Shot - Earth - 15pp - 65/90 - 30% Chance Of Lowering Accuracy - Special
  192. くろいはもん Black Ripple - Dark - 25pp - 60/100 - 20% Chance To Paralyze - Special
  193. まこびし Spikes - Earth - 20pp - Entry Hazard - Status
  194. エナジーボール Energy Ball - Dream - 5pp - 120/75 - 10% Chance Of Lowering Sp.Def - Special
  195. みやぶる Foresight - Reason - 40pp - ---/100 - Removes Evasion Down To 0% - Status
  196. みちずれ Destiny Bond - Ghost - 5pp - If The Enemy Kills The User After Activation, The Enemy Dies With The User - Status
  197. ほろびのうた Perish Song - Ghost - 5pp - All Targets Faint After 3 Turns, Switching Removes The Side Effect - Status
  198. こごえるかぜ Icy Wind - Ice - 15pp - 55/90 - Lowers Target Speed If It Hits - Special
  199. みきり Detect - Dream - 10pp - User Protects Against Any Harmful Attacks - Status
  200. ボーンラッシュ Bone Rush - Earth - 10pp - 25/80 - Attacks 2-5 Times - Physical
  201. ロックオン Lock On - Reason - 15pp - ---/100 - Raises your accuracy by 2 stages - Status
  202. げきりん Outrage - Dark - 5pp - 120/80 - 20% Chance Of Flinching - Physical
  203. すなあらし Sandstorm - Earth - 10pp - Changes Weather To Sandstorm - Status
  204. ギガドレイン Giga Drain - Nature - 10pp - 75/100 - Drains HP - Special
  205. こらえる Endure - Dream - 10pp - Endure A Killing Blow With 1 HP - Status
  206. スマイル Smile - Heart - 20pp - ---/100 - Sharply Lowers Attack - Status
  207. じひびき Tremor - Earth - 20pp - 40/90 - Damage Doubles Each Successive Hit - Special
  208. いっせん Draw The Line - Steel - 15pp - 80/100 - Increased Critical Hit Ratio - Physical
  209. いばる Swagger - Dark - 15pp - ---/90 - Sharply Increases Enemy Attack, But Confuses - Status
  210. ミルクのみ Milk Drink - illusion - 10pp - Recover 50% Of User's HP - Status
  211. ほうでん Discharge - Wind - 15pp - 80/100 - 30% Chance Of Paralysis - Special
  212. れんぞくぎり Fury Cutter - Steel - 20pp - 40/90 - Damage Doubles Each Successive Hit - Physical
  213. はがねのつばさ Steel Wing - Steel - 15pp - 75/100 - 10% Chance Of Raising Defense - Physical
  214. みわくのひとみ Charming Look - Heart - 20pp - ---/100 - Causes The Enemy To Use Only Attack Moves - Status
  215. メロメロ Attract - Heart - 15pp - ---/100 - Any Enemy With The Opposite Ying Yang/Gender Will Be Infatuated - Status
  216. ねごと Sleep Talk - Illusion - 10pp - The User Randomly Uses One Of His Own Moves. Can Only Be Used While Asleep - Status
  217. しんぴのベール Heal Bell - Heart - 5pp - All Characters On Your Party Are Healed Of Status Ailments - Status
  218. おんがえし Return - Illusion - 20pp - ---/100 - Power Depends On How Much The User Loves The Trainer - Physical
  219. いたずら Prank - Dark - 10pp - ---/90 - Halves opponent's HP - Physical
  220. やつあたり Frustration - Illusion - 20pp - ---/100 - Power Depends On How Much The User Dislikes The Trainer - Physical
  221. しんぴのまもり Safeguard - Shinto - 25pp - The User's Party Is Protected From Status Ailments - Status
  222. いたみわけ Pain Split - Ghost - 20pp - ---/100 - Both The Enemy And The User Share And Balance Their HP Amounts - Status
  223. せいなるほのお Sacred Fire - Shinto - 10pp - 100/85 - 20% Chance To Raise Attack - Physical
  224. マグニチュード Magnitude - Earth - 30pp - ---/100 - Damage Depends On The Magnitude Given - Physical
  225. ばくれつパンチ Dynamicpunch - Dream - 5pp - 120/80 - 20% Chance To Confuse - Physical
  226. ブレイブバード Brave Bird - Flying - 10pp - 120/90 - User Takes Recoil Damage - Physical
  227. ふんえん Lava Plume - Fire - 20pp - 80/100 - 30% Chance To Burn - Special
  228. バトンタッチ Baton Pass - Heart - 40pp - Switch to Another Character, Passes Stats - Status
  229. アンコール Encore - Heart - 5pp - ---/100 - The Opponent Must Use The Same Attack - Status
  230. おいうち Pursuit - Dark - 10pp - 50/100 - Power Is Doubled When The User Is Switching Out - Physical
  231. こうそくスピン Rapid Spin - Miasma - 30pp - 40/100 - Removes Entry hazards and released from binding - Physical
  232. しぜんのちから Nature Power - Nature - 20pp - ---/100 - Power Depends On Enemy Cost/Weight - Special
  233. はがねのこぶし Steel Fist - Steel - 10pp - 100/80 - 30% Chance To Lower Enemy Defense -
  234. メタルクロー Metal Claw - Steel - 20pp - 75/100 - 10% Chance To Increase Attack - Physical
  235. あてみなげ Vital Throw - Heart - 10pp - 80/100 - -1 Priority, has a 50% Chance Of Preventing Item Usage - Physical
  236. エナジーライト Energy Light - Nature - 15pp - 80/100 - 10% Chance To Lower Sp.Def - Special
  237. こうごうせい Synthesis - Nature - 5pp - Recover 50% HP. Depending On Weather Alters HP Recovery - Status
  238. LUNATIC LUNATIC - Steel - 5pp - 120/80 - 20% Change of lowing Special Defense - Special
  239. チャージ Charge - Heart - 10pp - 50/90 - Has a 70% Chance Of Increasing Special Attack - Special
  240. クロスチョップ Cross Chop - Dream - 10pp - 100/85 - Increased Critical Hit Ratio - Physical
  241. たつまき Twister - Wind - 30pp - 40/100 - Removes Entry Hazards and Releases From Binding - Special
  242. あまごい Rain Dance - Water - 5pp - Changes Weather To Rainy - Status
  243. にほんばれ Sunny Day - Fire - 5pp - Changes Weather To Sunny - Status
  244. かみくだく Crunch - Beast - 15pp - 80/100 - 30% Chance To Lower Defense - Physical
  245. ミラーコート Mirror Coat - Heart - 20pp - ---/100 - Reflects x2 Damage Back At Enemy If Hit With Special - Special
  246. じこあんじ Psych Up - Reason - 10pp - Copies Your Enemy's Stat Changes - Status
  247. しんそく Extremespeed - Illusion - 5pp - 80/100 - +1 Priority - Physical
  248. げんしのちから Ancientpower - Earth - 5pp - 120/80 - 20% Chance Of Increasing Defense - Special
  249. シャドーボール Shadow Ball - Ghost - 15pp - 90/100 - 10% Chance Of Lowering Sp.Def - Special
  250. サイコカッター Psycho Cut - Reason - 20pp - 70/100 - Increased Critical Hit Ratio - Physical
  251. いわくだき Rock Smash - Dream - 20pp - 50/100 - 50% Chance To Lower Defense - Physical
  252. うずしお Whirlpool - Water - 15pp - 60/90 - Binds Enemy - Special
  253. ふくろだたき Beat Up - Dark - 10pp - 10/100 - All Surviving Character in your party that does not suffer a major status ailment attacks the enemy for 10 base damage. - Physical
  254. ねこだまし Fake Out - Heart - 10pp - 40/100 - +1 Priority, always Flinches Target. Cannot Be Used, Other Than the First Turn. - Physical
  255. えんそう Performance - Ghost - 10pp - 100/100 - Attack for 2-5 turns, Sleep Status Cannot Be Used While This Is In Effect - Special
  256. わるだくみ Nasty Plot - Dark - 20pp - Sharply Increases Sp.Att - Status
  257. ミラーショット Mirror Shot - Heart - 15pp - 65/90 - 30% Chance Of Lowering Accuracy - Special
  258. Mystic Water - Water - 10pp - Recovers 1/16th of Max HP every turn, user can't switch out - Status
  259. ねっぷう Heat Wave - Fire - 10pp - 100/90 - 10% Chance Of Burn - Special
  260. あられ Hail - Ice - 10pp - The Weather Is Now Changed To Hail - Status
  261. いちゃもん Torment - Dark - 15pp - ---/100 - The Enemy Is Forced To Not Use The Same Attack Twice In A Row - Status
  262. おまじない Lucky Chant - Shinto - 20pp - Sharply raises Sp.Def - Status
  263. おにび Will-o-Wisp - Fire - 15pp - ---/75 - Causes Burn - Status
  264. おきみやげ Memento - Ghost - 10pp - ---/100 - Sacrifices Yourself In Order To Lower The Attack And Special Attack of Your Enemy Sharply - Status
  265. からげんき Facade - Illusion - 15pp - 75/100 - Damage Increases When You Have A Status Condition - Physical
  266. きあいパンチ Focus Punch - Dream - 20pp - 150/100 - User focuses an attack. If interuppted, the character flinched - Physical
  267. きつけ Smellingsalt - Shinto - 15pp - 75/100 - Deals Twice As Much Damage To A Paralyzed Enemy, But Heals Them Of The Paralysis - Physical
  268. かくらん Disturbance - Heart - 20pp - ---/90 - Lowers Accuracy - Status
  269. Rock Bullet - Earth - 40pp - 40/100 - Always goes first - Physical
  270. じゅうでん Battery Charge - Wind - 40pp - Raises Sp.Att By One Stage - Status
  271. ちょうはつ Taunt - Dark - 20pp - ---/100 - The Enemy Is Only Allowed To Use NonStatus Attacks - Status
  272. てだすけ Helping Hand - Heart - 20pp - ---/100 - You boost your ally's base move power by 50% - Status
  273. トリック Trick - Reason - 10pp - ---/100 - Switches Items - Status
  274. そうき Recollection - Heart - 10pp - Transforms Into Target - Status
  275. ねがいごと Wish - Shinto - 10pp - ---/100 - User makes a wish. Any character in the user's position will be healed for 50% of their max health. - Status
  276. ねこのて Assist - Illusion - 20pp - ---/100 - The user uses a random move from it's allies - Status
  277. ねをはる Ingrain - Nature - 20pp - ---/100 - Recovers 1/16 HP each turn, but prevents switching or forced escapes. Baton Pass negates this effect. - Status
  278. ばかぢから Superpower - Dream - 5pp - 120/100 - Lowers Att + Def After Use - Physical
  279. マジックコート Magic Coat - Reason - 15pp - --/100 - Reflects Status Ailments Back At Enemy - Status
  280. リサイクル Recycle - Water - 10pp - ---/100 - Replenishes Any Item That Was Lost. - Status
  281. リベンジ Revenge - Dream - 10pp - 60/100 - Power Is Doubled If Damaged Before Usage - Physical
  282. かわらわり Brick Break - Dream - 15pp - 75/100 - Light Screen/Reflect Is Removed After Usage - Physical
  283. あくび Yawn - Illusion - 10pp - ---/100 - Causes The Enemy To Sleep After One Turn - Status
  284. ブレイバー Braver - Steel - 5pp - 120/80 - 20% Chance Of Lowering Defense - Physical
  285. がむしゃら Endeavor - Flying - 5pp - ---/100 - Your Enemy's HP Is Now Equal To Your HP - Physical
  286. ふんか Eruption - Fire - 5pp - 150/100 - The Power Depends On How High The User's HP Is - Special
  287. スキルスワップ Skill Swap - Reason - 10pp - ---/100 - Abilities Are Switched - Status
  288. ふういん Imprison - Shinto - 10pp - ---/100 - The Enemy Cannnot Use Any Moves You Have - Status
  289. リフレッシュ Refresh - Water - 20pp - ---/100 - Heals The User From Any Status Ailment - Status
  290. シャドーダンス Shadow Dance - Ghost - 15pp - 120/100 - Goes on a 2-3 Turn Rampage, After That, The User Is Confused. - Physical
  291. よこどり Snatch - Dark - 10pp - ---/100 - Steals Any Status Change Move The Enemy Might Use -
  292. ひみつのちから Secret Power - Illusion - 20pp - 70/100 - Move Depends On Location - Special
  293. シャドーダイブ Shadow Dive - Ghost - 5pp - 140/100 - Dives In Shadow First Turn, Attacks Next Turn - Physical
  294. はっけい Force Palm - Shinto - 15pp - 80/100 - 25% Chance Of Paralysis - Physical
  295. ほごしょく Camouflage - Illusion - 20pp - The User Changes Type Depending On Location - Status
  296. マナチャージ Mana Charge - Reason - 20pp - Increases Sp.Att and Sp,Def By One Stage - Status
  297. ラスターパージ Luster Purge - Reason - 5pp - 120/80 - 20% Chance Of Lowering Sp.Def - Special
  298. ミストボール Mist Ball - Heart - 5pp - 120/80 - 30% Chance Of Lowering Accuracy - Special
  299. フェザーダンス Roost - Flying - 10pp - Recover Your HP By 50% - Status
  300. フラフラダンス Teeter Dance - Heart - 20pp - ---/100 - Causes Everyone But The User In The Battle To Be Confused - Status
  301. ブレイズキック Blaze Kick - Fire - 15pp - 90/90 - 10% Chance Of Burn with Increased Critical Hit Ratio - Physical
  302. どろかけ Mud Slap - Earth - 10pp - 30/100 - Lowers Accuracy If It Hits - Special
  303. アイスボール Ice Ball - Ice - 10pp - 90/100 - 10% Chance Of Lowering Def - Physical
  304. ニードルアーム Needle Arm - Nature - 15pp - 75/100 - 20% Chance Of Flinching - Physical
  305. なまける Slack Off - Dream - 10pp - Recovers 50% Of Your HP - Status
  306. ハイパーボイス Hyper Voice - Dream - 15pp - 95/100 - No Added Effect - Special
  307. クロスポイズン Cross Poison - Miasma - 20pp - 70/100 - 10% Chance Of Poison with Increased Critical Hit Ratio - Physical
  308. ブレイククロー Crush Claw - Beast - 10pp - 75/95 - 50% Chance Of Lowering Defense - Physical
  309. ブラストバーン Blast Burn - Fire - 5pp - 140/90 - Sp.Att Sharply Decreases After Usage - Special
  310. ハイドロカノン Hydro Cannon - Water - 5pp - 140/90 - Sp.Att Sharply Decreases After Usage - Special
  311. コメットパンチ Meteor Mash - Steel - 5pp - 120/80 - 20% Change of Lowering Speed - Physical
  312. おどろかす Astonish - Ghost - 25pp - 50/100 - 30% Chance Of Flinching - Physical
  313. ウェザーボール Weather Ball - Heart - 10pp - 50/100 - Type And Power Changes Depending On Weather - Special
  314. アロマセラピー Aromatherapy - Nature - 5pp - The User And His Party Are Healed From Status Ailments - Status
  315. うそなき Fake Tears - Dark - 20pp - ---/100 - Sharply Lowers Sp.Att - Status
  316. エアスラッシュ Air Slash - Flying - 10pp - 75/90 - 30% Chance Of Flinching - Special
  317. フレアドライブ Flare Blitz - Fire - 10pp - 120/90 - User Takes Recoil Damage - Physical
  318. かげぶんしん Double Team - Illusion - 15pp - Raises Evasion - Status
  319. がんせきふうじ Rock Tomb - Earth - 15pp - 55/90 - Decreases Speed If It Hits - Physical
  320. ぎんいろかぜ Silver Wind - Shinto - 5pp - 120/80 - 30% Chance Of Decreasing Spd - Special
  321. バインドボイス Binding Voice - Beast - 15pp - 80/100 - 10% Chance Of Flinching - Special
  322. しぜんのねいろ Nature Sound - Nature - 15pp - 95/100 - No Added Effect - Special
  323. くすぐる Tickle - Dream - 20pp - ---/100 - Lowers Attack And Defense By One Stage - Status
  324. りゅうせいぐん Draco Meteor - Illusion - 5pp - 140/90 - Sharply Lowers Sp.Att After Usage - Special
  325. アクアシャワー Aqua Shower - Water - 5pp - 150/100 - Power Depends On How High The User's HP Is - Special
  326. シグナルビーム Signal Beam - Heart - 15pp - 90/100 - 10% Chance Of Confusion - Special
  327. シャドーパンチ Shadow Punch - Ghost - 20pp - 60/--- - Always Hits - Physical
  328. じんつうりき Extrasensory - Shinto - 15pp - 80/100 - 20% Chance Of Flinching - Special
  329. ひしょう Soar - Flying - 15pp - 90/100 - Deals Twice As Much Damage To Enemies In Air - Physical
  330. すなじごく Sand Tomb - Earth - 15pp - 60/90 - Enemy Is Binded For 2-5 Turns - Special
  331. ぜったいれいど Sheer Cold - Ice - 5pp - ---/30 - Instant Death - Special
  332. だくりゅう Muddy Water - Water - 15pp - 80/90 - 30% Chance To Lower Accuracy - Special
  333. タネマシンガン Bullet Seed - Nature - 15pp - 25/95 - Hits 2-5 Times - Physical
  334. つばめがえし Blade Flash - Steel - 30pp - 40/100 - +1 Priority - Physical
  335. こおりのつぶて Ice Shard - Ice - 30pp - 40/100 - +1 Priority - Physical
  336. てっぺき Iron Defense - Steel - 15pp - Sharply Raises Defense - Status
  337. とおせんぼう Block - Dream - 5pp - ---/100 - Prevents Escape - Status
  338. とおぼえ Howl - Beast - 40pp - Raises Attack By One Stage - Status
  339. ハートブレイク Heart Break - Dark - 15pp - 80/100 - No Added Effect - Physical
  340. ハードプラント Frenzy Plant - Nature - 5pp - 140/90 - Sharply Lowers Sp.Att After Usage - Special
  341. ビルドアップ Bulk Up - Dream - 20pp - Raises Attack And Defense By One Stage - Status
  342. とびはねる Bounce - Flying - 10pp - 85/100 - First turn, user is in air, next turn attacks. 30% Chance of Paralysis - Physical
  343. だいちのちから Earth Power - Earth - 10pp - 90/100 - 10% Chance Of Lowering Sp.Def - Special
  344. どくずき Poison Jab - Miasma - 20pp - 80/100 - 30% Chance Of Poison - Physical
  345. ほしがる Wanting - Heart - 25pp - 40/100 - Steals Enemy Item - Physical
  346. ボルテッカー Volt Tackle - Wtind - 10pp - 120/90 - User Takes Recoil Damage - Physical
  347. マジカルリーフ Magical Leaf - Nature - 20pp - 60/--- - Always Hits - Special
  348. スプラッシュ Splashing - Water - 10pp - 60/100 - Power Doubles If User Was Hit Before Usage - Physical
  349. めいそう Calm Mind - Shinto - 20pp - Raises Sp.Att And Sp.Def By One Stage - Status
  350. リーフブレード Leaf Blade - Nature - 10pp - 90/100 - Increased Critical Hit Ratio - Physical
  351. おいかぜ Tailwind - Wind - 20pp - Raises Attack And Speed By One Stage - Status
  352. ロックブラスト Rock Blast - Earth - 10pp - 25/95 - Attacks 2-5 Times - Physical
  353. でんげきは Shock Wave - Wind - 20pp - 60/--- - Always Hits - Special
  354. みずのはどう Water Pulse - Water - 20pp - 60/100 - 30% Chance Of Confusion - Special
  355. さばきのつぶて Decision - Shinto - 20pp - 60/--- - Always Hits - Special
  356. サイコブースト Psycho Boost - Reason - 5pp - 140/90 - Sharply Lowers Sp.Att After Usage - Special
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