
Scarlet Skulls/Hopeless

Dec 5th, 2016
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  1. Name: Park Minhae
  3. Birthday: September 30th, 1993
  5. Age: 23
  7. Nationality: Korean
  9. Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
  11. Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
  13. Family:
  14. Park Daechun/46/Father/Project manager/Always argue and fight with each other.
  15. Park JaKyung/45/Mother/Housewife/Close at times but don't talk much with each other.
  16. Park SangMi/15/Younger sister/High school student/She thinks that her sister is amazing and try's to be close with her.
  18. Personality: Park Minhae doesn't care what people think about her and she doesn't care if she hurt other people feelings. She very cold, harsh and cold blooded. Killing means nothing to her and she will hurt anyone that try's to get close to her or gets in her way. Deep down underneath all of that coldness she very nice, friendly and helpful towards her other members. She will help them with anything and lead them so that they don't fail.
  20. Background: Minhae at a young age has always been different to other kids. The kids were scared of her because she would hit anyone that said something bad about her or the person she like. Her parents didn't know what to do so they put her into a school that deals with kids like her. In her last year of high school she killed for the first time, she push a student off the edge of the building. Since then killing for her has been nothing. She created an gang because she overheard people talking about this gang called Scarlet Skulls. So she went around to found the best people she can get to beat this gang.
  22. Trivia:
  23. -She loves animals and can never hurt them.
  24. -She love to cook for her gang members
  25. -she has a tattoo of a wolf on her rib cage.
  26. -She hated her younger sister when she born.
  27. -She moved to Australia when she was 18 and came back when she was 21.
  30. -Working out
  31. -Fighting
  32. -Animals
  33. -Spicy food
  34. -blood
  35. -her gang members
  37. Dislikes:
  38. -Weak people
  39. -People who get in her way
  40. -burning her food
  41. -Summer
  42. -Losing
  44. Weapons:
  45. -Duel daggers on her waist
  46. -Close combat
  47. -cross bow (sometimes if she wants to do long range attacks)
  49. Target from Scarlet Skulls: The leader
  51. Slot: The Leader
  53. Backup slot: The Weapon Keeper
  55. Face Claim: Sohyun (4mintue) ( if you dont like that pic then use this one
  57. Backup Face Claim: Yeri (Red Velvet)
  59. Love Interest: Wonho (Monsta X) (
  61. Back Love Interest: S.coups (Seventeen)
  63. His Personality: He the flirty type and smart ass. He a very smooth talker and can get away with anything. He loyal to people who he cares about and will protect them. He does get angry and competitive very easily.
  65. How he acts around her: He likes to flirt around with her and try to get her attention. They practice together and he teaches her new tricks to do during fights. He get angry when other guys are around her.
  67. How you act around him: She always telling him off or making sure he doesn't do anything annoying. She always has an eye on him just to make sure he okay and not hurt.
  69. Love Interest Rival: Chansung (2pm) (
  71. --------------------------------------
  73. 1.Why did you join Hopeless?
  74. I join so i can beat the other gang and have people talk us and how dangerous we are.
  76. 2.Will you support this story even though you are not accepted?
  77. Yes i will still support this story, it seem very interesting and i can't wait to see how you write and how the story goes.
  79. 2.Message to your rival gang:
  80. You better watch out because you don't know when we will appear and beat you.
  82. 3.Message to your gang members:
  83. Hey girls! We can do it just trust and follow my lead.
  85. 4.Message to other gangs:
  86. You be stupid to get in our way and if you do you will be destroyed.
  88. 5.Message to your love interest:
  89. Come on! leave them alone they don't want to be annoyed by you.
  91. 6.Message to me:
  92. Keep up the good work! I can't wait to start reading the story once you have everyone you need.
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