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Apr 24th, 2024
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  1. Wad: TNT Evilution
  2. Map: 02
  3. Skill: 4
  4. Category: Pacifist
  5. Sourceport: DSDA-Doom v0.27.5
  6. Complevel: 04
  7. Time: 0:46.14
  9. Author: Orii
  10. Date: 22/04/2024 DD/MM/YYYY
  12. Description: This is by far the stupidest demo I have recorded or even attempted to record. I got "baited" (Told that this run was mud) by Meowgi and for some reason decided to go for it. 4441 attempts total later of running through hitscanners and I was able to achieve this run. You could execute theoretically perfect movement and still have to suffer the numerous RNG checks throughout the level, and the worst part of it all is the fact that in a run such as this one where the RNG is unbelievably good, it makes the run look fucking easy LMAO!!!!! Anyway, since its hard to see some of these terrible chokepoint, i'll talk through the main sections of the level and how each part can screw you over.
  14. Thankfully the absolute worst part of the level to handle is right at the start so you're able to spam attempts. The chaingunner in the first corridoor is a major chokepoint, if he targets you early you just restart, I also try to run as close to the left handside wall as possible in order to keep atleast one shotgunner asleep. You can keep both asleep but it doesn't end up mattering much, and maybe having them infight is better for the end of the run, not sure. As I drop down I try to run out wide but then return to pick up the 10 health as I believe this helps to promote better infighting, which is more than needed when returning to this area. Next is probably the biggest reset point of the run, the two shotgunners from just outside need to not block you or shoot you to low hp as you go for a precise step up onto the narrow ledge. This strat leads to more resets than just running around, however it keeps a chaingunner and two shotgunners asleep for your return to the start, which is INCREDIBLY helpful. In this run I make the jump with 71 health, which is a really good health stack.
  16. As I approach the red key door, I try to run out wide to wake up the shotgunner causing him to walk to the left OR forward, and then I scooch around him and open the door, hoping he doesnt shoot me in the back. Then in the corridoor, I do my best to hug the right hand side to keep the next shotgunner away from the barrel so that I can run between the three things. One frustrating part you wouldn't expect is that sometimes the shotgunner in the back can wake up while you're opening the red door thereby blocking you, and practically garunteeing a reset or a big health drop.
  18. Now for the BIG room, this is probably the part of the run I felt like I had the least amount of control over, as you can really just get shot at any point in time. As I enter I try and run as close to the back wall as possible, as this wakes up the shotgunner by the barrels later so he is less likely to shoot you. I also felt as though this path lead to less shots landing from the other shotgunners in the room too. Then comes the switch, and subsequently the shotgunner next to the switch. 75% of runs will have to tank a shot from this guy and you just have to hope for a good damage roll. If you're able to make it past the imps, which often try blocking you, you then have to run past THREE more shotgunners and just hope that they don't immediately kill you. If you don't make it past those guys you have the only major change from Adam W's previous time, and one of the only real movement skill checks in the level, and thats running past these pinkies. Its not too difficult to achieve in isolation, but it mostly depends on your angle coming into the corridoor again so as to not wake up any pinkies early. Ofcourse, this angle can sometimes be occupied by a twatting shotgunner, in which case you restart. ADDITIONALLY, the shotgunner from outside the RK door can fully body block you, in which case you restart, and If he's not busy body blocking you, he's busy shooting you in the back 90% of the time.
  20. In this run, I got hit ONCE in the segment between jumping up onto the ledge and returning back up the stairs, and had 53 health to work with coming back. This was the second highest health stack I had out of 4441 attempts, thats how much luck is in 20 seconds of gameplay.
  22. That being said, the run is far from over, as i had many attempts get to the stairs with good health and die to the hitscanners on the way back to the spawn room. There really isn't any technical or deliberate movement here, just hope to get lucky. I think the only part where I got unlucky was at this point of the run, getting shot down to 35 health on my way to pick up the medkit. Once this is picked up you can attempt "The jump". This is another completely random section where you just hope to not get blocked by enemies. Sometimes there's 5 enemies in that small corner and sometimes there's only 1, and its completely random and not up to you. In order to maximise my odds here, I jump from the brown floor onto the railing and then to the yellow key at an angle to attempt to run past any enemies that are close to the wall where they *should* be grouped. I then pause for just a second to try drag any enemies towards me before doing the jump back close to the wall and behind any enemies. In this demo this I execute this very well, but im also lucky to have only one imp down below. Im also lucky to not get shot by hitscanners in the hallway while trying this, as in a lot of my attempts I would die on the run to the jump, not even getting to attempt it.
  24. Now for the last real RNG check, the chaingunner behind the yellow door. In total I had 4 attempts to this point, with only one making it past him. Again, no real strat here, I try to take a step back after opening the door to evaluate where the imp and chaingunner are so that I can find a good way to run past, but I can't claim to have a good strat for this part. After that, run for the medkit, make your way to the exit, and finally lure the revenant to the left handside to run past him.
  26. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. Im really not surprised this hasn't been ran since 2001, and its incredibly impressive that Adam W was able to get an exit back then, as I can't imagine running this without quick restarts. Im really proud of the time I got, I was expecting a slower run closer to 55, but 46 is just crazy. There is some potential further timesave, you could cut out the medkit at the start, coming back from the outside area and immediately going for the jump, but you would need a crazy health stack and even crazier enemy behaviour. Some very good infighting at the start would be necessary in order to make up for the missing health. This strat would probably save about 7 seconds, making sub 40 possible.... But, we'll have to wait and see if anybody else wants to attempt this in the future. :)
  30. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. Top 10 WORST enemies in ev02p:
  34. 10: Starting room shotgunner
  35. 9: Corridor pinkies and spectres
  36. 8: Yellow door chaingunner
  37. 7: Far shotgunner after red door hallway
  38. 6: Any enemy involved in the YK jump fuckery
  39. 5: Far shotgunner at start that blocks ledge step up
  40. 4: Big room switch shotgunner
  41. 3: Close shotgunner after red door hallway
  42. 2: Starting chaingunner
  43. 1: That fucking shotgunner by the red key door
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