
3rd Induction log. Group trance

Oct 19th, 2015
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  1. 5:05:46 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> ok peeps. I'm gonna start now. Or have I already started? You, having clicked on the spiral have probably already been staring at it for quite some time haven't you?
  2. 5:05:59 pm: <beta> yes
  3. 5:05:59 pm: <blivvy> yes
  4. 5:06:05 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  5. 5:06:41 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And even if the spiral scrolls away out of your view, its ok because you will still be able to picture it in your mind
  6. 5:06:51 pm: [INFO] MindlessZebra51 has joined.
  7. 5:06:56 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Spinning round and round
  8. 5:06:58 pm: [INFO] MindlessZebra51 has left.
  9. 5:07:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> endlessly
  10. 5:07:07 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> No beginning
  11. 5:07:09 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> no end
  12. 5:07:25 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> spinning in dizzying circles
  13. 5:07:44 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It's such a simple motion
  14. 5:07:49 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> round and round
  15. 5:08:11 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> yet so astonishing the amount of attraction you feel to such a simple motion
  16. 5:08:22 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It draws you in
  17. 5:08:39 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Almost as if inviting your mind to spin with it
  18. 5:08:57 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Almost as if it wants you to become one with the spiral
  19. 5:09:08 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And that's ok.
  20. 5:09:26 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Becoming one with the spiral will be a pleasant experience
  21. 5:09:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Spinning round and round.
  22. 5:09:51 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Has your mind already started to spin along with it?
  23. 5:09:58 pm: <Kit> yes
  24. 5:10:00 pm: <beta> spinnning
  25. 5:10:01 pm: <blivvy> yyes
  26. 5:10:06 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  27. 5:10:20 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> This relaxes you
  28. 5:10:29 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Because it's so familiar
  29. 5:10:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The motion, round and round spinning.
  30. 5:10:50 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You've seen it before, hundreds of times.
  31. 5:11:11 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The familiarity of it calms you, soothes you, relaxes you
  32. 5:11:30 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And that's ok
  33. 5:11:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> There's nothing to fear from the familiar
  34. 5:11:55 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You can just let your mind begin to spin with the spiral
  35. 5:12:07 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Letting your mind draw in sync with it.
  36. 5:12:16 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Synchronising your mind with the spiral
  37. 5:12:36 pm: <blivvy> ilfllel
  38. 5:12:56 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And that feels good to synchronise your mind with the spiral doesn't it?
  39. 5:13:02 pm: <beta> yes
  40. 5:13:06 pm: <Kit> yes
  41. 5:13:36 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Do you know what will happen when your mind is fully synchronised with the spiral?
  42. 5:13:50 pm: <blivvy> yyesnno
  43. 5:13:55 pm: <beta> no?
  44. 5:14:01 pm: <Kit> no
  45. 5:14:04 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Then I'll tell you.
  46. 5:14:22 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You'll fall into a deep, pleasing, blissful trance
  47. 5:14:33 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And you want that, don't you?
  48. 5:14:39 pm: <beta> yes please
  49. 5:14:44 pm: <Kit> yes
  50. 5:14:52 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  51. 5:14:52 pm: <blivvy> yesy
  52. 5:15:14 pm: [INFO] Fishy has left.
  53. 5:15:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> So, now, as your mind continues to spin, round and round, you'll probably notice something that you didn't see before.
  54. 5:15:49 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> A loading bar, from a video game
  55. 5:16:06 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It's been beneath the spiral this entire time and you haven't noticed it
  56. 5:16:27 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Because your mind has been spinning with the spiral
  57. 5:16:47 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Do you want to know what the loading bar represents?
  58. 5:16:52 pm: [INFO] DreamyPanda24 has left.
  59. 5:17:03 pm: <Kit> yes
  60. 5:17:03 pm: <beta> yes
  61. 5:17:03 pm: <blivvy> nno
  62. 5:17:04 pm: [INFO] DreamyPanda24 has left.
  63. 5:17:09 pm: <blivvy> yyes
  64. 5:17:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The loading bar represents how far you have to go before you enter that deep, blissful trance.
  65. 5:17:50 pm: [INFO] beta has left.
  66. 5:17:56 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> I know you can see it.
  67. 5:18:44 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It shows how much of you has become one with the spiral with a %
  68. 5:19:18 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Each of you is slightly different. So, your bars will be different.
  69. 5:19:41 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Some of you, might already have reached 100% and become one with the spiral.
  70. 5:19:53 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Some of you, might only be at 20%
  71. 5:20:33 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> While continuing to hold the spiral in your mind, I want you to look at the loading bar and tell me what percentage of your mind has become one with the spiral
  72. 5:20:43 pm: <Kit> 87
  73. 5:20:59 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  74. 5:21:17 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Now then, you're so close Kit.
  75. 5:21:19 pm: <blivvy> 110
  76. 5:21:26 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Well done Blivvy.
  77. 5:21:44 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Keep your mind spinning round and round
  78. 5:21:53 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Go deeper for me
  79. 5:22:19 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Kit, if I ask you to relax what do you think will happen?
  80. 5:22:36 pm: <Kit> bar gets closer?
  81. 5:23:24 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good guess. Your mind will become more relaxed and better able to become one with the spiral. As a side effect, the bar will get closer
  82. 5:23:40 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> So, I ask you kit to relax for me.
  83. 5:23:52 pm: [INFO] mmmm has joined.
  84. 5:23:54 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Let your mind spin round and round.
  85. 5:23:59 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling so wonderful
  86. 5:24:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> So warm
  87. 5:24:06 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> So comfortable
  88. 5:24:15 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Spinning feels good
  89. 5:24:37 pm: <Kit> i felll
  90. 5:24:41 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> What does your bar read now Kit?
  91. 5:24:59 pm: <Kit> 100
  92. 5:25:05 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  93. 5:25:24 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Do both of you feel blissful?
  94. 5:25:31 pm: <blivvy> yyess
  95. 5:25:34 pm: <Kit> yes
  96. 5:25:40 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  97. 5:25:52 pm: [INFO] mmmm has left.
  98. 5:26:25 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Now then, know that you are perfectly safe with me. I won't ask you to do anything that you aren't comfortable with. Tell me, would the two of you like to go even deeper for me?
  99. 5:26:47 pm: <Kit> yes
  100. 5:26:55 pm: <blivvy> yyess
  101. 5:27:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  102. 5:27:26 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> What do you think will happen if the spiral and you speed up your spinning?
  103. 5:27:49 pm: <blivvy> igett mmoressppinyyy
  104. 5:27:51 pm: <Kit> deeper?
  105. 5:28:13 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You are both correct
  106. 5:28:32 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> I'm going to press a button in a moment.
  107. 5:28:54 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> That button will increase the speed of the spiral by twice as much
  108. 5:29:10 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And you will have to reload into the spiral.
  109. 5:29:29 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> But that's ok, because it'll feel even better
  110. 5:29:46 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Spinning faster and faster when I press that button.
  111. 5:30:19 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You will know when I press the button, because I will say "I'm pressing the button".
  112. 5:30:42 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And you will immediately begin loading into a second level of trance
  113. 5:30:48 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> A deeper level
  114. 5:30:54 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> A more blissful level
  115. 5:31:06 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Are you ready?
  116. 5:31:08 pm: [INFO] KittenLicks has left.
  117. 5:31:15 pm: <Kit> yes
  118. 5:31:51 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> "I'm pressing the button."
  119. 5:31:57 pm: <blivvy> yyes
  120. 5:32:11 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling your minds beginning to load once again
  121. 5:32:22 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Spinning blissfully round and round.
  122. 5:32:35 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Relax
  123. 5:32:41 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Let yourself sink deeper
  124. 5:32:50 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling blissful
  125. 5:32:57 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> So wonderful
  126. 5:33:05 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> To sink deeper into trance
  127. 5:33:23 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Tell me, how much have you loaded into the second level of trance?
  128. 5:33:37 pm: <blivvy> 30
  129. 5:33:48 pm: <Kit> 46
  130. 5:33:53 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  131. 5:34:11 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Spinning round and round.
  132. 5:34:25 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Do you feel obedient to me?
  133. 5:34:30 pm: <blivvy> yeyss
  134. 5:34:48 pm: [INFO] ilovemynails has joined.
  135. 5:34:49 pm: <Kit> yes
  136. 5:35:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good, so if I told you to relax and let go, would you do that for me?
  137. 5:35:09 pm: <blivvy> yyes
  138. 5:35:19 pm: <Kit> yes
  139. 5:35:27 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Then let it happen. Relax and let go.
  140. 5:35:33 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling so good.
  141. 5:35:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> So wonderful
  142. 5:36:25 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Obedience leads to bliss. Bliss leads to the spiral. The spiral leads to obedience. An infinite loop playing over and over again
  143. 5:36:46 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Relax
  144. 5:36:51 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Let yourself go
  145. 5:36:59 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Sink deeper for me
  146. 5:37:27 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> How much have you loaded into this second level of trance?
  147. 5:37:36 pm: <blivvy> 90
  148. 5:37:43 pm: <Kit> 84
  149. 5:38:25 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good. That makes you feel better doesn't it? Knowing that you have nearly completed the second level.
  150. 5:38:31 pm: <Kit> yes
  151. 5:38:55 pm: <blivvy> ysy
  152. 5:39:00 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> What do you have to do to finish it?
  153. 5:39:36 pm: <blivvy> dddno'tknowo
  154. 5:40:09 pm: [INFO] Fishy has joined.
  155. 5:40:18 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> What do you think Kit?
  156. 5:40:29 pm: <Kit> not sure
  157. 5:40:33 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Well it's simple. Surrender. Please surrender for me.
  158. 5:40:52 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Are you surrendering for me?
  159. 5:40:55 pm: <blivvy> yeyss
  160. 5:41:05 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good
  161. 5:41:23 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Are you fully loaded into the second level?
  162. 5:41:40 pm: <Kit> yes
  163. 5:42:04 pm: [INFO] mmmm has joined.
  164. 5:42:06 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And you blivvy?
  165. 5:42:17 pm: <blivvy> yeyss
  166. 5:42:23 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  167. 5:42:36 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You're much deeper in trance now aren't you?
  168. 5:42:53 pm: <blivvy> yse
  169. 5:43:14 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> and you Kit?
  170. 5:43:45 pm: <Kit> yes
  171. 5:44:07 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good. It feels so much better then the first level of trance doesn't it?
  172. 5:44:11 pm: <blivvy> sye
  173. 5:44:12 pm: <Kit> yes
  174. 5:44:19 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  175. 5:44:46 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Would you like to be able to enter this state at a single word from me?
  176. 5:44:57 pm: <Kit> yes
  177. 5:44:58 pm: <blivvy> yesse
  178. 5:45:02 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  179. 5:46:14 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> So, whenever I and only I, hypnosisbliss~, type the word Surrender in bold like that, you will return to this wonderful state for me. Will you do that for me?
  180. 5:46:30 pm: <blivvy> yess
  181. 5:46:51 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And you Kit?
  182. 5:47:16 pm: <Kit> yes
  183. 5:47:23 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  184. 5:47:45 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The more your mind spins, the more this command is cemented into your mind.
  185. 5:48:20 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Ready to be triggerred whenever I and only I, type the word surrender in bold like that.
  186. 5:48:45 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Lets cement it a bit deeper into your mind, just to make sure that it works
  187. 5:49:23 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Focus on the spiral of your mind now, letting it spin and spin and spin, round and round and round. Cementing that command deep into your mind
  188. 5:50:00 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Is the command now cemented in your mind?
  189. 5:50:12 pm: <blivvy> yeys
  190. 5:50:16 pm: <Kit> yes
  191. 5:50:28 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good. Do you want to test your new trigger?
  192. 5:50:51 pm: <blivvy> syey
  193. 5:50:53 pm: <Kit> yes
  194. 5:50:58 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  195. 5:51:11 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> In order to test this trigger, I will have to wake you.
  196. 5:51:42 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> When I count from 1 to 3 and say awake, you will awaken from this deep level of trance.
  197. 5:51:50 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 1
  198. 5:51:57 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Llimbs stretching
  199. 5:52:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 2
  200. 5:52:11 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling amazing and wonderful
  201. 5:52:14 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 3
  202. 5:52:16 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> awake
  203. 5:52:21 pm: [INFO] KittenLicks has joined.
  204. 5:52:22 pm: <blivvy> II'mup, i sawrer! 40
  205. 5:52:32 pm: <Kit> i'm up
  206. 5:52:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> How was that?
  207. 5:52:40 pm: <KittenLicks> Good message to see as I join :P
  208. 5:52:58 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Lol
  209. 5:53:08 pm: <blivvy> Ii'm sstil pretty fuzzy, hypnosisbliss~.. THhat ws goood
  210. 5:53:10 pm: <KittenLicks> How'd the trance go, blissy? ^^
  211. 5:53:13 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Did you two enjoy it?
  212. 5:53:31 pm: <KittenLicks> It must have been long if it was only ending now
  213. 5:53:40 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It was
  214. 5:53:48 pm: <Kit> yeah, i liked it :) was verygood
  215. 5:54:05 pm: [INFO] ilovemynails has left.
  216. 5:54:05 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good, now Surrender
  217. 5:54:16 pm: <Kit> ifell
  218. 5:54:20 pm: <blivvy> iflell
  219. 5:54:24 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Dropping deeply into trance for me.
  220. 5:54:40 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And feeling so amazingly wonderful.
  221. 5:55:52 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Unfortunately, our time is up for now. I would continue but I'm not sure about your time constraints. So just like before, when I count from 1-3 and say awake, you will awaken from this trance
  222. 5:56:01 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 1
  223. 5:56:12 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling relaxed, comfortable and refreshed
  224. 5:56:15 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 2
  225. 5:56:19 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Mind becoming aware
  226. 5:56:23 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 3
  227. 5:56:26 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> awake
  228. 5:56:31 pm: <blivvy> II"mup, issawre! 41
  229. 5:56:55 pm: <Kit> i'm up
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