
Yoshi - Those Who Wait For Something Good

Feb 5th, 2014
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  1. [04:04] <Deedles> It was late afternoon as Blossom had found her way to a large tree on the same mountain peak on which the Wood Temple resided. She wore a green, silk,shirt with black edges, an ontop of of that a black silk dress which sleeves ended at her elbows, its borders a snow white colour, finished off by a pair of black shorts and simple black shoes.
  2. [04:04] <Deedles> Currently she was sat underneath the large tree, her knees tucked up against her torso with her arms wrapped around her knees, finding a sense of comfort and company in the ancient chi that it eminated to her.
  3. [04:18] <Zero_Atma> From her rested spot under the tree Blossom can here the sharp, yet spritely, notes of a bamboo flute being played in the distance which seem to begetting louder as the musician approaches. Yoshihiro sways ever so lightly with each step, playing his jovial tune, vlissfully unaware of Mingxia's presense, his brown and sand shaded outfit covering most of his form.
  4. [04:20] <Deedles> Ming lifted her head from her knees as she heard the flute player approaching, considering if to leave for a moment, but instead stayed where she was, hoping that maybe they'd just pass her by.
  5. [04:22] <Zero_Atma> Unfortunately for the young heir she happened to be sitting right in Yoshi's favorite spot, which he soon discovers as he turns towards it and looks right at her. "Oh, Blossom, didn't see you there." he rubs the back of his head. "Don't get many visitors out here in my thinkin' spot."
  6. [04:24] <Deedles> She perked up as she realized that she recogniced the voice, turning her head towards the drunken martial artist as she smiles faintly "Heh, sorry, didn'tknow any one else would come here." she said quietly as she released her knees with one of her hands so she could reach to the side and place it on one of the giant tree's large roots. "I like the energy here..." she confessed.
  7. [04:25] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi nods and smiles as he looks around, up at the large branches above, the canopy enveloping them in a green umbrella. "Me too, I usually come here to take naps or just think about thinks, it's nice and quiet."
  8. [04:26] <Deedles> "Yeah, it is." Blossom agreed, her eyes closing as she went back to resting her chin on her knees. "I've always liked nature. The chi that flows through it is soothing..."
  9. [04:29] * Zero_Atma ( Quit ( Quit: Don't push the red button! )
  10. [05:12] * Zero_Atma ( has joined #Mei-lifa4
  11. [05:17] <Zero_Atma> "I guess that makes sense." Yoshi admits. "Mind if I join you?" he asks, though he was already walking toward the trunk to find a spot to seat himself either way.
  12. [05:21] <Deedles> She didn't move as she just inhaled and exhaled calmly "No, go ahead." she murmured
  13. [05:29] <Zero_Atma> "So, what brings you all the way out here?" Yoshi asks as he settles in nest to her. "Have the Storm Dragons been treating you well?"
  14. [05:31] <Deedles> Blossom nodded, remaining quiet for a moment before she replied "Yeah, they've been great so far. Shen made sure to tell me that it was my home and I should treat it as such, but I... just needed some time alone, to think about things." she replied, one of her hands resting above her heart.
  15. [05:34] <Zero_Atma> "I imagine someone in your particular position has a lot to think about." Yoshi admits. "Still, Shen is right, you can trust the people around here, especially the mentors."
  16. [05:36] <Deedles> "I know... Everyone's been very kind to me so far, and I appreciate it." She couldn't help but let a soft sigh escape her as she looked up at the canopy of the tree - to her it was a labyrinth of soft green glow in a world made up only of darkness. "It's just a lot ... happening all at once."
  17. [05:39] <Zero_Atma> "It's not every day you find out you're the imperial heir, and suddenly you have to take on all these responsibilities, that sort of thing would be a lot for anybody to bear." Yoshi reaches over to pat one of her shoulders. "You seem to be taking it pretty well."
  18. [05:43] <Deedles> "I already knew I was the Imperial heir, before you came to Yumu. My family has always known, even if we kept it secret." Blossom replied quietly as sheglanced towards his hand. "I've had a lifetime to prepare, and yet, actually being here, knowing that it's time for my family to take back their rightful place..." she bit her lower lip as she looked away "I hold the selfish wish that I could live a normal life..."
  19. [05:43] <Deedles> her hand above her heart gently gripped onto the cloth of her dress as she felt a dull ache in her chest.
  20. [05:53] <Zero_Atma> "You just want to live your own life, that's not selfish." Yoshi insisted. "I know pretty well how that feels..."
  21. [05:53] <Deedles> She nodded slowly as she recalled their conversation back in Yumu "Yes, I remember you saying you were from the Daizen family..."
  22. [06:03] <Zero_Atma> "Were, being the key word." Yoshi points out. "The life of a noble just wasn't for me, so I set out to change that."
  23. [06:12] <Deedles> Blossom smiled faintly "It's good that you're following your own path." she told him, before her smile faded and rested her chin on her knees again. She sighed faintly "I miss Taishin..."
  24. [06:43] <Zero_Atma> "You two were really close, huh?" Yoshi asks, though it was fairly obvious. "I'm sure he'd be here if he could, it can't be easy walking in his shoes either."
  25. [06:47] <Deedles> "No, it definetly isn't." Ming confirmed for him "And yeah... we were close. He was like the big brother I never had." she closed her eyes as she tilted her head from side to side while thinking.
  26. [06:50] <Zero_Atma> "Haru and Mizuki are like family to me as well." Yoshi admits, letting out a faint sigh. "I hope they're both doing alright."
  27. [06:56] <Deedles> Blossom lifted her head as she turned it towards him, studying his chi for a moment before a flicker of realization appeared in her faded eyes. She scooted closer to wrap an arm around his shoulders. "I'm sure Taishin will do his best to help them." she assured him softly.
  28. [06:59] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi blinks as Blossom hugs him, looking down at the blind girl for a moment before nodding. "You're right...say, did Shin ever mention Mizuki?"
  29. [07:02] <Deedles> She looked thoughtful for a moment "I know he knew of her, because one of the times he came to Yumu I had to stop him from leveling a whole building outof a fit of rage towards Takeshi. He wouldn't tell me exactly why, though he did use various different phrases to describe what he thought of him... none of them very kind." shetold him sincerely "Sorry that I can't tell you more."
  30. [07:06] <Zero_Atma> "Heh, sounds like he and I are in perfect agreement on that note..." Yoshi shakes his head, arms crossed over his chest. "Thaks anyway, though, I wish I could do more for her. She's the one who helped us find you."
  31. [07:07] <Deedles> "She did?" Blossom tilted her head to the side with a curious look.
  32. [07:08] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro rubs the back of his head. "This might sound sort of strange, but, she came to me in a dream and showed me a fragment of your chi. I didn't have time to ask how she got it, and I haven't heard from her since, but that's how we were sure it was you."
  33. [07:11] <Deedles> She went silently at that, staring at him for a moment "... I think I met her..." she confessed quietly
  34. [07:13] <Zero_Atma> "You have?!" Yoshihiro exclaims, his hands resting on his waist as he looks at her a bit desperately. "Tell meeeeeee"
  35. [07:15] <Deedles> "I remember meeting someone in a dream, it was strange because it didn't feel like any dream I had before. Of course I don't know what she looked like, butit was a female who held water chi, and a bit of corrupt. She tried to speak, but I couldn't hear her, but... I did feel some of my chi being taken from me, but couldn't understandwhy, so the whole experience actually kinda... scared me." Blossom confessed
  36. [07:19] <Zero_Atma> "That's her." Yoshi confirmed. "Please forgive her, she was just trying to help us, I know she didn't mean any harm." he insisted. "She might be corrupted but I know she is not beyond saving, she did help us find you."
  37. [07:21] <Deedles> "I know, I wasn't scared of her, as such." She replied softly as she pulled away slowly "It's just when you spend your entire life knowing that the most powerful being of the Empire wants you dead, or married to him, you end up looking over your shoulder a lot."
  38. [07:27] <Zero_Atma> "Can't say I blame you for that." Yoshi says before slumping back against the trunk of the tree. "At least you had Taishin at the time, now you have all of us to rely on."
  39. [07:28] <Deedles> Blossom's lips quirked into a smile, though it didn't look happy "Yeah, I got all of you protecting me." she murmured
  40. [07:33] <Zero_Atma> "That's not what I meant." Yoshi corrects her, looking directly into Blossom's faded eyes. "I don't think you need protecting, you need people around you that you can trust."
  41. [07:34] <Deedles> She nodded, the joyless smile fading into a pondersome expression "It's a luxury to have, and I'm grateful for it." she said quietly
  42. [07:44] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro suddenly smiles broadly before pulling Blossom into a tight hug. "Didn't want you to think I'd treat you differently because of who your parentswere, you're a nice person, we're friends and I feel like looking out for your friends is the right thing to do!" it was a little blut, to say the least, but it was his way of trying tocheer her up.
  43. [07:52] <Deedles> Blossom smiled faintly as she hugged him back "Thank you..." she said softly before she pulled away, briefly looking thoughtful. "You know... You're right."she added out of the blue as she began getting to her feet "I have so much in my life that I can't decide for myself because it's not just about myself, but... There are some things I can decide for myself, and I will..." she stated as she looked up at the canopy of the tree.
  44. [07:56] <Zero_Atma> "That's a good way to look at it." Yoshi encourages her, looking a bit curious at her thoutful expression. "Got something on your mind?"
  45. [08:26:14] Deedles: She nodded once "I think so..." She answered, her expression soft.
  46. [08:27:07] DS: Yoshihiro gives her a playful nudge. "Care to share that thought?"
  47. [08:29:39 | Edited 08:29:49] Deedles: A pink tint appears on her cheeks as she smiles earnestly "I've decided that I will wait for him, for as long as I have to."
  48. [08:31:25] DS: "Hmm? wait for who?" Yoshi looked rather confused. "Hold on, don't tell me, let me guess! It's Shen isn't it?"
  49. [08:31:55] Deedles: Her blush deepened as she turned away slightly.
  50. [08:33:23] DS: Yoshi pats her shoulder. "You two hit it off pretty quickly."
  51. [08:39:44] Deedles: "We haven't 'hit' anything yet..." Blossom replied quietly
  52. [08:40:29] DS: "I just mean that you seemed to be getting along well." Yoshi explains, then goes quiet before asking. "Did something happen?"
  53. [08:42:46] Deedles: "Not really... It's more what didn't happen." She answered as she clasped her hands.
  54. [08:45:53] DS: "What didn't-" Yoshi pauses. "You mean you..." he points to blossom "...and him" he points back toward the village. "But he didn't..." the drunkard places a hand on his forehead before hunning it through his hair, pulling hip his gourd for a quick sip. "Huh..."
  55. [08:48:07] Deedles: "Me and him what?" She asks, looking a bit confused.
  56. [08:50:25] DS: "I think I get what happened." Yoshi confesses. "It makes sense now, sort of..." he smiles faintly. "It sounds like you already decided what you're going to do."
  57. [08:52:35] Deedles: "What do you think happened?" She asks curiously
  58. [08:54:58] DS: Yoshi rubs the back of his neck, looking a bit awkward. "That you told Shen that you like him, I'm guessing you didn't get the answer you wanted?"
  59. [08:56:28] Deedles: "I ... Got the answer I expected from him." Mingxia replied
  60. [08:58:37] DS: "But not the one you wanted." Yoshi insisted. "So you'll wait for him like you said." he concludes.
  61. [09:02:34] Deedles: Blossom nodded "Yeah..." Her lips quirk into a small smile "I can't make the decision for him, and there's too much attached for me to want to push the issue... So I will wait. It's the one decision I can make for myself."
  62. [09:05:11] DS: "I think your patience will pay off, in the end." Yoshi admits. "I know it'll be worth the wait."
  63. [09:06:21] Deedles: Her smile brightens, even though it holds some sadness "I think so too."
  64. [09:08:55] DS: Yoshihiro just grins. "I think he just needs some time to realize it himself."
  65. [09:10:38] Deedles: "Maybe... I hope so." Blossom laughs softly, though it's not really happy "Knowing him..."
  66. [09:12:52] DS: "I don't know what it is that's keeping him waiting but he'll have to get over it eventually."
  67. [09:16:03 | Edited 09:16:44] Deedles: Blossom seemed thoughtful at that, before she smiled "We'll have to wait and see." She concluded, before she turned in the direction of the village "In the meantime I got training to do!"
  68. [09:18:34] DS: "Alright." Yoshi relents, though he takes a few steps after her before she goes to leave. "Oh, before you go, do you have a favorite dish?" he asks. "I'd like to make it for you sometime."
  69. [09:20:43] Deedles: "A favourite dish?" Mingxia thought briefly and then smiled "Strawberry cake!"
  70. [09:22:54] DS: "You got it! I'll bring you over a nice strawberry cake to have with your tea!" Yoshi insisted with a bright smile.
  71. [09:28:52] Deedles: She leaned in to hug him "Thank you, Yoshi... For everything." She said softly
  72. [09:30:08] DS: Yoshi returns the hug with a gentle squeeze. "Any time, Blossom, glad to help."
  73. [09:35:31] Deedles: "Talk to you later, okay?" Mingxia said as she smiled up at him.
  74. [09:36:48] DS: "You bet, I'll come and deliver the cake myself." Yoshi assures her.
  75. [09:38:13] Deedles: "I'll have the tea ready." She promised, before she pulled away and turned around to head back to the village.
  76. [09:44:34] DS: Yoshi waves to her as she heads off, the smile on his face still remaining, seems he had some baking to do.
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