
Sage and Nick's Second Chat Sort Of

May 21st, 2015
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  1. riddlingArchaeologist [RA] has begun pestering turnstileGadabout [TG]
  3. [RA] Hello?
  4. [TG] Hi there. Who are you?
  5. [RA] My name is Nick. I was the one that tried to get you on my team earlier.
  6. [TG] Oh I remember that! Sorrrryyyyyy about my slow response. I was distracted.
  7. [RA] It's fine. I quite like the other guy. He's pretty cool. You know Sly?
  8. [TG] Yeah I helped him into the game....
  9. [TG] Andddddddd
  10. [TG] I totally wrecked his house. He seemed cool though!
  11. [RA] What does he look like?
  12. [RA] Nevermind. Are you all right? What's your name?
  13. [TG] I think I'm ok.
  14. [TG] I'm Sage.
  15. [TG] And today has been pretty crazzzyyyyyy.
  16. [RA] That it has.
  17. [TG] So.
  18. [TG] Hey.
  19. [RA] Hi?
  20. [TG] You're like, in a weird place too?
  21. [TG] No I was saying it like
  22. [RA] Oh, yeah.
  23. [TG] ok cool.
  24. [RA] It's dark and eerie and covered with boring buildings.
  25. [RA] I'm normally interested in buildings but there's absolutely nothing archaeologically significant here.
  26. [TG] Sounds like where I am... It sure is eerie.
  27. [TG] I haven't seen any buildings.
  28. [TG] But maybe there are some past the fog.
  29. [RA] Hm.
  30. [RA] Well, I can try and help you find some stuff.
  31. [RA] I've been talking to all sorts of people, trying everything.
  32. [TG] Do you know what's going on?
  33. [RA] If I can get a rowboat, and a chainsaw, then I can get an airlift going.
  34. [RA] Not at all. I just want to make a flying machine.
  35. [TG] Huh?
  36. [TG] Why?
  37. [RA] Well, most of the people I've talked to so far don't like their lands so much.
  38. [RA] So I wanted to help them get out of it.
  39. [RA] Also, I need to find a few people.
  40. [TG] I guess that soundsssss pretty useful?
  41. [TG] A chainsaw and a rowboat huh...
  42. [TG] I mean, I'd have to look around, but I might have those around the house.
  43. [TG] How would I get them to you though?
  44. [RA] Umm.
  45. [RA] Well, the girl that I was in charge of managed to make an object appear just by typing the code on the back of a card into one of the machines, carving a cruxite thing, and then alchemising it.
  46. [RA] So if you get them, just read the code on the back of the card out to me and I'll see if that works.
  47. [TG] Oh ok. All of that sounds really complicated, but I can like...
  48. [TG] Flip a card over.
  49. [TG] Like I said I'll be looking around I guess.
  50. [RA] Okay.
  51. [RA] Let's keep in touch, and let me know when you find them.
  52. [RA] I'll be looking forwards to getting to see you. You were really nice on the memo.
  53. [TG] Same to you. Nice to meet you Nick.
  55. riddlingArchaeologist [RA] has ceased pestering turnstileGadabout [TG]
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