

Mar 19th, 2019
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  1. Hey Raven Hooty wasn't talking about you. She was talking about Keira. She's made both of Nevans mom's mad at her
  3. I know she wasn't speaking about me. ask Nevan why I actually left. i am just giving me and Krissy space. i tried.
  5. Well Ma wanted to apologize if she made you run off. So I told her I would let you know. She didn't want you feeling like you did something wrong
  7. Oh no she didn't I was talking to Krissy in pc and was trying to clear things up but she wasn't making i easy to clear up.
  9. Mind if I ask what you mean
  11. Just things me and her talked about friday and now it was confusing me cause i started too feel more.
  13. Yeah I know how you feel. Honestly I've become moody. I'm not really liking how close she's staying to Nevan. Honestly I'm not sure if it's the fact that she's his ex or if it's just my own insecurities
  15. you know Nevan will never leave you just tell him how you feel about it I am sure he will listen and undnerstand ok.
  17. I know he reassures me all the time. I just don't like it is all. Not after she sent him those pics last night
  19. oh
  21. dont tell me that makes it worse now.
  23. It just got under my skin is all. I'm sorry I'm not trying to cause problems.
  25. though did u have to find out or did he tell u about the pics
  27. i know your not i feel jealous that she pushes me away and makes me try and do lal the hard work too get clsoe and then brushes it off like i am nothing
  29. He told me about them and what they were. Then he completely deleted them from his phone because he didn't want them. And I'm sorry your having to go through that it annoys me that you are
  31. Well for one i am glad he showed u and told u about the pics and took them off his phone it shows he loves u hun. and i just hope Neva can help me out getting krissy too see i go through all her crap than nay other guy and yet she cant accept me
  33. I hope he can too. You don't deserve to be dragged around like that
  35. I know but its hard to explain how i feel about ehr when i cant put it in to words.
  37. Well do what yu can on your end ok he is trying too really get her to move on he is and me and him talk often and he gives me advice on what i should do he tells me it takes time.
  39. You don't have to put it into words for me to understand. I know how you feel because I feel that same way about Nevan
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