
Mami Feat 13

Jul 26th, 2017
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  1. "W-what is happening?" Mami said. Rohan could visibly see she was beginning to breath heavier and sweat, as if breathing itself became a chore. Her limbs became shaky and she slightly slouched.
  3. The gem on her head, a soul gem according to Mami's face pages, was getting dark.
  5. Magical girls were in danger of turning into witches. But a magical girl stand user can never turn into a witch, for her stand was her witch form evolved into a more powerful, and obedient state. No matter how black a magical girl stand user's gem became, she will never become a witch. A useful ability...but one with a tradeoff.
  7. A magical girl's stand and her magical abilities shared the same source of energy. And when that source began to dry up, when the gem became darker and darker, she lost more power. Eventually, if the gem turns completely back and energy is completely drained, the user is left weakened and defenseless, like a ripple user that had trouble breathing. In Mami's case, she had used a lot of both magic and her stand abilities in the fight with Aimi Aozora, meaning her well was close to being dry.
  9. "Don't use your magic! You'll weaken yourself!" Rohan shouted, gaining Mami's panicked attention. "You're going to experience a「stand crash」!"
  11. "W-What?" Mami said.
  13. "S-H-I-T. The weird looking twink with the broken eggshell across his head is correct master." Silk Degrees said. Rohan found it weird its colloquialisms were similar to Koichi's stand. It continued to explain what Rohan was trying to. "You've used up a lot of magic for your tiro finale and other abilities...and I've used up a lot of the same「same inner strength」when fighting those spiders. I'm breaking apart…
  15. "What do you mean you're breaking apart?!" Mami yelled.
  17. "It means master…" Silk Degrees' other arm crumbled away. "We're running out of power."
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