
Katerina Vondar, tiefling gestalt knight//bard

Jun 7th, 2012
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  1. Name: Katerina Vondar
  2. Race: tiefling
  3. Class: bard//knight 7
  5. Str 10 (+0)
  6. Con 16+2+1=19 (+4)
  7. Dex 14+1=15 (+2)
  8. Int 8 (-1)
  9. Wis 10 (+0)
  10. Cha 18+2+1=21 (+5)
  12. Trained skills:
  13. Arcana (Int) +3 level +5 trained -1 Int = +7
  14. Athletics (Str) +3 level +5 trained -2 armor = +6
  15. Diplomacy (Cha) +3 level +5 trained +5 Cha = +13
  16. Endurance (Con) +3 level +5 trained +4 Con -2 armor = +10
  17. Heal (Wis) +3 level +5 trained = +8
  18. Nature (Wis) +3 level +5 trained = +8
  19. Perception (Wis) +3 level +5 trained = +8
  21. Untrained skills:
  22. Acrobatics (Dex) +3 level +1 untrained +2 Dex -2 armor +1 item = +5
  23. Bluff (Cha) +3 level +1 untrained +5 Cha +2 racial +1 item = +12
  24. Dungeoneering (Wis) +3 level +1 untrained +1 item = +5
  25. History (Int) +3 level +1 untrained -1 Int +1 item = +4
  26. Insight (Wis) +3 level +1 untrained +1 item = +5
  27. Intimidate (Cha) +3 level +1 untrained +5 Cha +1 item = +10
  28. Religion (Int) +3 level +1 untrained -1 Int +1 item = +4
  29. Stealth (Dex) +3 level +1 untrained +2 Dex -2 armor +2 racial +1 item = +7
  30. Streetwise (Cha) +3 level +1 untrained +5 Cha +1 item = +10
  31. Thievery (Dex) +3 level +1 untrained +2 Dex -2 armor +1 item = +5
  33. Feats:
  34. Bonus: Flail Expertise, Improved Defenses, Wrath of the Crimson Legion, Shield Finesse, Ritual Caster
  35. 1st: Skald Training, Walker of the Dark Path
  36. 2nd: World Serpent's Grasp
  37. 4th: Dragging Flail
  38. 5th: Lend Health
  39. 6th: Vicious Advantage
  41. Racial features:
  42. Bloodhunt: You gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied enemies.
  43. Fire Resistance: You have fire resistance equal to 5 + one half your level (8).
  44. Infernal Wrath: You gain the Infernal Wrath power (replaced with Paladin's Wrath).
  46. Class features:
  47. +2 Fort, +1 Ref, +1 Will
  48. Battle Guardian
  49. Defender Aura
  50. Knight Combat Readiness (+2 initiative)
  51. Weapon Talent (+1 attack with weapons)
  52. Weapon Mastery (+1 damage with weapons)
  53. Bardic Training (Ritual Caster, two rituals)
  54. Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Valor
  55. Once per round, when any ally within 5 squares of you reduces an enemy to 0 hit points or bloodies an enemy, you can grant temporary hit points to that ally as a free action. The number of temporary hit points equals 1 + your Constitution modifier at 1st level, 3 + your Constitution modifier at 11th level, and 5 + your Constitution modifier at 21st level.
  56. Skald Aura (replaces Majestic Word)
  57. Multiclass Versatility
  58. Skill Versatility (+1 to untrained skills)
  59. Song of Rest
  60. Words of Friendship
  62. Powers:
  63. Shroud of Shadow (Daily, Paladin Feature)
  64. Paladin's Wrath (Encounter, Feat Utility)
  65. Skald's Aura (Encounter, Bard Feature)
  66. Words of Friendship (Encounter, Bard Feature)
  67. Battle Guardian (At-Will, Fighter Attack)
  68. Defender Aura (At-Will, Fighter Utility)
  70. 1st level:
  71. Defend the Line (At-Will, Fighter Utility)
  72. Power Strike (2/Encounter, Fighter Attack)
  73. Words of Gravity (At-Will, Bard Attack 1)
  74. Staggering Note (At-Will, Bard Attack 1)
  75. Lesser Flash of Distraction (Encounter, Bard Attack 1)
  76. Disruptive Words (Daily, Bard Attack 1)
  78. 2nd level:
  79. Snagging Grip (Encounter, Fighter Utility)
  80. Moment of Escape (Encounter, Bard Utility)
  82. 3rd level:
  83. Echoing Weapon (Encounter, Bard Attack 3)
  85. 5th level:
  86. Song of Hope (Daily, Bard Attack 5)
  88. 6th level:
  89. Revitalizing Incantation (Encounter, Bard Utility 6)
  91. 7th level:
  92. Precognitive Warning (Encounter, Bard Attack 7)
  94. Items: (6400 gp)
  95. Bracers of Mighty Striking (520 gp)
  96. Dwarven Plate +1 (520 gp)
  97. Heavy Shield (10 gp)
  98. Staggering Alhulak +2 (2,600 gp)
  99. Badge of the Berserker +1 (520 gp)
  100. Acrobat Boots (520 gp)
  101. Exceptional Factotum Helm (Heroic) (840 gp)
  102. Belt of Blood (520 gp)
  103. 350 gp in ritual components
  105. Rituals:
  106. Traveler's Chant (Level 1)
  107. Create Campsite (Level 1)
  108. Cure Disease (Level 6)
  110. Basic Attack:
  111. +2 staggering alhulak, +14 (+3 level +5 Cha +3 prof +2 enchancement +1 class +1 feat)
  112. Damage: 1d8+10 (+5 Cha +2 enhancement +1 class +2 item)
  113. Conditional mods: +1 attack, +2 damage when foe is bloodied
  115. AC: 10 +3 level +9 armor +2 shield = 24
  116. Fort: 10 +3 level +2 class +4 Con +1 enhancement = 20
  117. Ref: 10 +3 level +1 class +2 Dex +2 shield +1 enhancement = 19
  118. Will: 10 +3 level +1 class +5 Cha +1 enhancement = 20
  120. HP: 70, bloodied 35, 13 surges (value 18)
  121. Movement 5 (6 race, -1 armor)
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