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Support Tips

a guest
May 26th, 2015
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  1. 1. Buy wards whenever they're off cooldown. If you don't have money for wards you're doing something wrong.
  3. 2. Learn new warding spots that gives good vision for your team depending on the situation of the game. Entrance to your jungle if you're losing/behind, inside enemy jungle if you're ahead/dominant, etc.
  5. 3. Carry TP from 2 mins onward. Always have mana for TP and a skill cast. Don't spam your spells in lane unless the enemy team is hyper aggression and you have to defend your carry.
  7. 4. Against a solo offlaner learn to zone. Also pull. Most people at 3k don't bother blocking the pull camp. If they do, deward it.
  9. 5. Learn to buy sentry wards and deward their vision. Knowing a ward is in a location doesn't help unless you're planning to surprise them with a smoke gank.
  11. 6. Save your offlaner with your TP and disable(s) whenever you can afford to. Don't ditch your safelaner for him though.
  13. 7. If your safelaner is doing fine go gank mid. Mids love when you gank their lane.
  15. 8. Buy smoke to do above.
  17. 9. Communicate with your team. I'm not talking pings I'm talking about actually using your mic or typing out "i'm ganking mid, get ready", blah blah blah.
  19. 10. Secure runes, tell your mid player (if its a rune-grabbing hero) to go to the opposite rune so you don't waste your time.
  21. 11. Stack jungle whenever you have time.
  23. 12. Don't get caught out and be greedy, especially if you're behind.
  25. 13. Don't auto attack creeps in lane, don't try to take farm from your carry no matter how shit he is at last hitting.
  27. 14. Just because your team is shit and raging at you for being a bad support even though you did the above, doesn't mean you have the right to stop buying wards and doing whatever you want. If you do you're almost guaranteed to lose. Buy out the wards and do what supports do. Mute them if necessary.
  29. 15. Call out missings and take Roshan timers, etc. As a support you can afford to swing your camera around the map and have time to type in chat.
  31. 16. You're poor? Deal with it. Unless you're dying specifically to a certain thing every time (like you're getting stuck under Riki cloud and really fucking need a Force Staff to do something) you can still be useful as long as you're not being a total retard. I've won games with only brown boots at 30 minutes as Pos5 Supp.
  33. 17. Don't initiate fights in the late-game/mid-game. You have no items. If you're an initiator hero (Earthshaker for example) your priority is Blink/Initiating Item X. If you're Pos5 Support (CM, Venge, etc) then sit the fuck back and let your carries initiate. Only walk in when you know you can throw down a disable or need to save your carry (Venge Swap).
  35. 18. Buy Dusts. Buy Sentries. Buy Gem if the game goes late and you are doing ward wars with the enemy support. Vision > Items.
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