
Evemek: Maturity

Apr 2nd, 2016
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  1. Some months had passed forth since the imbibification of a bit of the Kaor's presence. The elemental had not stuck around. Simply desiring to consume a bit of the aura the kaor leaked ourtwards. Leaving the area, the elemental hath retreated. Frame seeking seclusion so as to cultivate the darkness it had briefly gathered from the Kaor. Seeking to strengthen it's ability to telepathically communicate than it's current frame had allowed.
  3. Waking the Elemental ventured beyond the thic trees it had hidden within. Thus shielding it's frame from prying eyes. Exiting through a croopse of dense dark trees. Rotting wood tainted by sheer association of darkness that festered within the area. Wandering forth, it's eyes glimmered as they saw the frame of Evemek. A hiss given in his direction, meant to garner his attention.
  5. It's voice reverberated forth. Cascading without remorse or pity. It touched upon the mind of the teen. A rough baritone, far from it's further smoother state. Perhaps a result of it attaining a newer form of growth. "Greeetings, once more Evemek. It has been some time, since my near death. As you can see I have not died. Though certain elements had no doubt wished for such." It's voice seemed far more streonger than what it was at the onset of it's evolution. Though if a bit more riddled with static undertones belying it's nature as a zeus.
  6. (Eglencenin)
  7. His memory was acting out again, deluded to that of his mind's infringements upon itself, however, as it occured more often, one saw through it with far greater ease. Perhaps sanity was still at stake, but it grew more powerful in his manipulative prowess over what he percieved as Reality.
  8. This, concept of the void counteracting that which -was-, presence and absence-- mean't that with coupled metaphysical contortion, one could delude the very entities and conditions of what was true.
  10. "Reality... Is false..." He said alloud to himself, randomly midst his second internal fit. The dream was always the same, his body falling endlessly in freefall into a depthless realm of eternal night. The eyes of thousands gleamed in the distance, a solid sheet of vermillion in their glare, likely to be the ilk: Damned and daemonic, all of the same arcane-- All defied by the lifestream to haunt his mind and spirit.
  12. "Just, as this is true..."
  13. A gasp...
  14. He awoke, this time, lying against a tree.
  15. It was another dream... One interupted by a third party he paid reverence to with a shifted gander.
  17. A monstrosity much like the rest of the bygone, but it voiced much differently. It looked unlike anything he's seen before, yet seemingly addled the youth's mind into believing that this entity infact, was...
  18. No, he truly was...
  20. "You look different, but bear the same sound of Eglencenin." He admitted, nudging off from his tree in respect to face him wholly. The urge from within, overwhelmed him, leading him to fall to a knee, devoid of any sadness that once took him whole.
  21. "... I thought you were dead."
  22. (Evemek)
  24. Meiji didn't have time to fight Adrian. Before he even could he ended up doing something completely different and never had the chance to initiate himself into the Royal Entourage. Oh well, he knew he'd be able to later. Though, he'd need to stay on his gaurd no doubt when around the Entourage. They all seemed like a group of rather dangerous people, he couldn't allow them to know the true reason of why he was there. He was soon to make his way back, he needed to find Evemek of course, and upon him taking the path from Byson to Lionheart he suddenly came upon a familiar sight.
  26. It was Evemek! Evemek had somehow been standing out and about, what was going on? Did he break out himself? Meiji was somewhat dumbfounded and would soon walk over to the man, ignoring the yokai nearby for the time being. "Y-You're free? Evemek, I thought you were captured? How did you escape, are you OK?" Meiji would place a hand on the mans shoulder then, showing how much he had worried for his friend and all. The entire time Meiji was thinking he had to go comando rambo, Evemek was already out!
  27. (Meiji Shidoku)
  29. Occultism surged, a malefic writhing veil of vilety that sprung upon the Zeus's frame. A gimlet gaze seemingly glanced upon the kneeling figure of Evemek. A tilt of it's head was given. As it's mental presence flowed forth. Occultism swurging and encapsulating as a more profound telepathic communication was directed upon his entity. Striking out with malice and assaulting into his mind, does the zeus rebuke.
  31. "Death..holds no sway over me. By luck I was able to retain enough mana to regenerate somewhat. Knitting back the flesh that was a result of the grievious wounds that entreatied upon thine being." The elemental snarled, a bit of hate eeking into it's voice.
  33. "Retribution shall occur soon, perchance that fool thinks his fortress is safe from harm. Yet it is not. Several kin and I will storm the place intent on coralling it, freedom for those trapped in the Pit will be offered. In-exchange for the realization of mine words as truth. Those that would hath seen thy dead, decrying that thy potential was not enough, that the magick was of no use. Was not worthy of fear of thy potential shall come to know fear and horror. For those whom hold no magical potential themselves shall be subjected to what would've been thine fates. Ignoble death." The Elemental grinned at the thought. Eyes gleaming with hunger at the eventual carnage that it sought to further propogate.
  35. "However..even if we were to reach the power assault the would be difficult to hold it perhaps." It's voice trailed off in thought. Occultism quickly flowing upon it's frame, as a snarl of frustration ebbed forth from white lips. Tendril of darkness ebbing off it's form to strike at the house behind it, breaking a window. Perhaps alerting whomever was inside that something unpleasant was outside.
  37. It glanced upon the new arrival, a grin of it's white teeth given. An arm likened limb risen upwards in their direction. permeated. The limb..was no true limb at all. It seemed akin to white polished bone. A gleaming white sharpened limb. That was directed at Meiji. It's voice lashed out into their being. Harsh and filled with vast hatred. "Oh..look another approaches. Is this a friend of thy 'self Evemek?"
  38. (Eglencenin)
  40. The Entourage was moreoff an obligation he couldn't flee as of the moment; No matter how far he could run from it, it'd constantly pursue him until the end of his days. Thus, he'd find himself refuge, being lost amongst the woods-- Until found by that of fellow compatriots. He had presumed this one dead for too long, and then-- Meiji? He had actually forgotten about the individual, given their spaced arrivals.
  41. "I am okay." He answered, tame in comparison to Meiji's apparent worried demeanor. "I lived, I was saved..." He pivoted his gander over to the now elemental Eglen, "-- By this one..." He claimed with naught more than the direction of his gaze to direct attention to the demonical beast before him: A zeus, having emerged from their former Gigai stature.
  43. "--It shouldn't." He assured to Eglencenin, with a discouraging nod. "Considering the powers at work, I have my personal doubts that even the greatest of faith and defiance would only result in death." He rose back up to his feet.
  44. "Attempting to storm it, will only lead to more captured, and more death. It's hopeless." Perhaps, he was broken by his numerous failures, convinced that there was ultimately no deviation from condemnation.
  46. "Assuming your ilk do not harbinge the vast quantity to overwhelm such a secure location, protected by potent warriors and spectators... I don't want to test Lord Mathayus' patience." The very utterance that paid everence to the title... It shown his fear. "I don't want to die..."
  47. He was demotivated, and prepared to welcome cowardice. Constant defeat to such extent, coupled with that, of Eglen's alleged demise... That torn asunder what semblence there was of spirit and hope.
  49. " I was too weak. " He admitted, before-- Feeling digressed from the matter.
  50. "... Yes.... That is Meiji. I remember him."
  51. (Evemek)
  53. Maybe Evemek was yet saved? Did he really believe he couldn't escape Mathayus's clutches? Meiji rubbed his chin and glared at the new man before him rather worriedly. "I see..." is all Meiji could say before he'd look in the direction of Lionheart once more. There still seemed to be more he needed to do if he were to actually save Evemek seeing as to how he felt like escape was some what impossible or something. Meiji would then look over at the yokai Evemek had been speaking to, and would give a bow "Well, thank you I suppose."
  55. Sadly, time wasn't his friend today, like usual, and Meiji needed to hurry away. "Im glad to see you again then Evemek, and by the sounds of it I will be able to see you again no doubt. For now I must go and tend to something else, but later...We must talk." he'd then turn and begin to walk off "Til then." is all he'd exit with, now heading west.
  56. (Meiji Shidoku)
  58. Gazing upon the depairing frame of Evemek, the zeus chuckled. A lilting sound rife with scorn. "Your weakness. For without strife, your victory has no meaning. Without strife, you do not advance. Without strife, there is only stagnation. Do not become a victim. Instead remove thy binding that you face currently. Attain the strength you richly deserve. Cultivate it. Ignite your passions, embrace the hate surely that festers from within. Never being sated because thy does not utilize it." The Zeus's voice spoke into the mind of the despairing teen.
  60. Occultism surged as the elemental spoke further stating mentally "You are no more powerful than you make yourself. If you see yourself as having weakness, you are simply increasing the problem. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Do not falter. Do not doubt. Only then can you break the encroaching terror you feel. Only then can you find the hope, you so rightly deserve. Your faith in Kraus was misplaced. By virtue and association with darkness you are evil. Evil is a trait that you should embrace. Turn from the path of fear thy finds thyself upon. Harness your fear. Transform it into a malefic avenue of power. Let it go and subsist upon the hate you feel. Anger is the path to true power. If you feel fear then grasp it and turn it upon thine enemies."
  62. The elemental paused, as darkness surged forth. Ambivalent power that filtered forth to envelop it's entity. A malevolence that wreathed it's entirety as it spoke, voice mired in the faintest trace of occultic power. "To dare to dream of something that has never existed and to make it a reality; to conjure up your deepest fears and darkest hopes then mastering them to never be held under their sway; to pursue a vision ruthlessly and without relenting to any shred of temptation; this is the source of all true power. This is what darkness can grant thee once your fear is shed. If you cannot shed it upon thy lonesome..then allow me to help."
  64. Falling quiet, the Zeus wandered to the kneeling frame of the teen. A flashing grin of white teeth givben in his direction. A limb likened arm extending to rest upon his shoulder. Somewhat cutting into the fabric and into skin. Darkness surged, a malefic porten embrace of vile energy the Yokai directed upon the teen. Stating mentally "Show me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me ogf thine other fears than Lord Mathayus, so I will know which I must force you to face and overwhelm; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you…" Darkness surged, an invasive power that slithered into the cut it had made upon the teen somewhat. Assaulting nerves and causing great pain to his frame. Pain akin to his nerves being lit aflame.
  66. "Face thy fears. Face thy pain! Embrace it! Attain strength from this strife I am inflicting upon thy being. Surpass these limitations or break!" The Elemental stated harshly. Trying to cause the teen to face strife and overcome it. Through sheer will. Hopefully causing the teen to reach for his inner hatred and push past the agony it was trying to inflict upon his entity as an avenue to strength. As a means of showing the teen that hopelessness did not mean another avenue could be reached for power.
  67. (Eglencenin)
  69. Self-doubt? Didn't he have every right to doubt himself? He couldn't even face the silliest of squabbling combatants within the Lion's Den. Time and time again, he had fallen to warriors much like Amyas, and on that fateful day his scythe's fringe was lowered to his neck-- He knew fair and well that he was powerless to save himself should one's wrath carry through. He was an iota midst a sea conjured by the titans-- Aforementioned titans were, these influential characters he came across.
  71. Mathuyas...
  72. Amyas...
  73. Vek'nel...
  74. Pasha...
  75. ...
  77. They were part of a growing list. They were all much more powerful than he, and forced him to lower himself. For every time he allowed himself to lose control, relinquish his grasp on his mind whether be it, occult madness or the glypths scribed upon his right arm-- He found himself, getting into tougher predicaments, each, and every single time.
  79. "I--... I'm afraid to face them... B- Because..." As comforting as total blackness had become, descending from a metaphorical pedistal of torment to one's of empty solace, it enforced a mentality that sated only the masochistic.
  80. "--I don't want to fail." He admitted, body beading up with buds of sweat streaking down his tested visage.
  81. It was, so much... Even as a supposed master, lacking resistance to what was forced upon him, contorted his own artistry into a nightmare.
  83. It was almost akin to being thralled, forced to cast his own illusionary artistry upon himself to visualize the aformentioned entities encircling his own, midst a vacant realm of oblivion.
  84. "I don't want to end up, like my parents... I don't want to be weak, to be fodder. I don't want to be anyone's pitdog..."
  85. He shivered in place, fighting back at what imitated the fabricated abyss' frostbite, tainting his flesh's hue.
  87. Was he to accept that he was, evil? Was it true? How could he, have deviated from Kraus so much? No... He hadn't changed, Kraus did. He was forsakened, abandoned, left to die despite taking to constant prayers. This, was his salvation...
  88. In the darkness, one learned to see, having grown capable and strong. As his teachings had gone thus far, he had to make the surreal, a reality-- And then, face them.
  90. What he thought was, his tenacity... His power to overcome what challenges came his way... Was contradicted, for he was fearful and cowardice. Only now, did he come to realize such. The images of those whom flickered across his perception tormented him, with the backdrop of cacophonous voices narrating the encounters with each one of them. Voices coupled with more voices, of innunmerable quantity and tones that forced such rhetoric into incoherency.
  92. That of his dreams to ascend to Kraus, were crushed outright... For he, was of the same sin that he sought to destroy... But then, came what he craved... From carnal desires simpliest to man, to that of ascension as many of the greedy had taken to. The electrifying reverberations resounding through his physical body, forcing him into a seizure woke him to the startling reality... That he had no true power. He was everything he feared and reviled....
  93. But that, in itself was rectified was it not? For he had come to recall the texts of his studies.
  95. By principle, everything, was also its opposite...
  96. For one to become everything they revile, they must become everything they wish to be... And vice versa. The anguish had desolved into that of a sweet symphony to his flesh-- The clawing sensation, no longer worthy of his internal shriek, but of a deluded blissful sigh.
  97. Was he now, broken? Stripped of his will? Or bettered...
  98. In this unholy baptism, he turned to the skies to deliver an almight wail to echo the forestry for miles.
  100. If this was of pain, it was not of what was physical nor metaphysical, in property... But of his failures... Of his unsated fury and vengeance. There was so much to be attained and he hadn't come close to scratching the surface. He was a fool to consider this, stature of hopelessness and state of devoided emotion would grant him power.
  101. There, needed to be drive... And with Eglen's aid, he was transformed, only through further torture... Nurtured to become something greater than a mere boy dabbling in the darkness.
  102. (Evemek)
  104. [11:46:46] Eglencenin: <*The Elemental left the frame of the teen upon the ground languishing in agony, as it quickly departed the area!*>
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