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a guest
Aug 7th, 2016
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  1. Settings:
  2. LoginMessageEnabled: true
  3. GUI:
  4. Name: '&cDeath&aEffects'
  5. SelectSoundEnabled: true
  6. SelectSound: NOTE_PLING
  7. SelectSoundVolume: 1
  8. SelectSoundPitch: 2
  9. NoIconSoundEnabled: true
  10. NoIconSound: ITEM_BREAK
  11. NoIconSoundVolume: 1
  12. NoIconSoundPitch: 1.1
  13. MySQL:
  14. enabled: false
  15. username: examplename
  16. password: password
  17. host:
  18. port: '3306'
  19. database: exampleDatabase
  20. CustomEffect:
  21. Particle1: FLAME
  22. Particle1Amount: 10
  23. Particle1Offset: 0.1
  24. SecondParticleEnabled: true
  25. Particle2: HEART
  26. Particle2Offset: 0.1
  27. Partilce2Amount: 10
  28. Icon: NETHER_STAR
  29. Name: '&2Custom &aEffect'
  30. Firework:
  31. BaseColorR: 255
  32. BaseColorG: 255
  33. BaseColorB: 0
  34. FadeColorR: 155
  35. FadeColorG: 100
  36. FadeColorB: 50
  37. ExplosionType: BALL
  38. Flicker: true
  39. Trail: true
  40. Holiday:
  41. SaintPatricksDay: '&2Saint Patricks Day &aEffect'
  42. ValentinesDay: '&dValentine''s Day &aEffect'
  43. Easter: '&eE&da&bs&et&de&br &aEffect'
  44. 4thOfJuly: '&f4&ct&fh &co&ff &cJ&fu&cl&fy &aEffect'
  45. GuyFawkes: '&cG&6u&ey &cF&6a&ew&ck&6e&es &aEffect'
  46. Thanksgiving: '&6Thanksgiving &aEffect'
  47. NewYear: '&cN&fe&cw &fY&ce&fa&cr &aEffect'
  48. Halloween: '&8H&ea&8l&el&8o&ew&8e&ee&8n &aEffect'
  49. Christmas: '&2C&4h&fr&2i&4s&ft&2m&4a&fs &aEffect'
  50. MothersDay: '&dMothers &5Day &aEffect'
  51. FathersDay: '&bFathers &3Day &aEffect'
  52. BlackFriday: '&8Black Friday &aEffect'
  53. EffectNames:
  54. Flame: '&eFlame &aEffect'
  55. Rainbow: '&cR&6a&ei&an&bb&3o&5w &aEffect'
  56. Heart: '&dHeart &aEffect'
  57. Firework: '&cF&fi&cr&fe&cw&fo&cr&fk &aEffect'
  58. Cloud: '&lCloud &r&aEffect'
  59. Lightning: '&eLightning &aEffect'
  60. Coin: '&6C&eo&6i&en &aEffect'
  61. Potion: '&3Potion &aEffect'
  62. Blood: '&4Blood &aEffect'
  63. Note: '&cNote &aEffect'
  64. Flower: '&aF&el&ao&ew&ae&er &aEffect'
  65. Chess: '&8C&fh&8e&fs&8s &aEffect'
  66. Tnt: '&cT&fN&cT &aEffect'
  67. Treasure: '&aT&er&7e&aa&es&7u&ar&ee &aEffect'
  68. Water: '&9Water &aEffect'
  69. Lava: '&6Lava &aEffect'
  70. Ender: '&5Ender &aEffect'
  71. Warm: '&6Warm &aEffect'
  72. Cold: '&bC&fo&bl&fd &aEffect'
  73. Pastel: '&cP&fa&ds&ct&fe&dl &aEffect'
  74. Fish: '&3Fish &aEffects'
  75. Cookie: '&6Cookie &aEffect'
  76. Snow: '&f&lSnow &r&aEffect'
  77. Smoke: '&8Smoke &aEffect'
  78. Meat: '&cM&de&ca&dt &aEffect'
  79. Angry: '&cAngry &aEffect'
  80. Happy: '&2H&aa&2p&ap&2y &aEffect'
  81. Enchanted: '&r&f&k|||&r&fEnchanted&k|||&r &aEffect'
  82. Sun: '&eSun &aEffect'
  83. Thunder: '&3T&eh&3u&en&3d&ee&3r &aEffect'
  84. Coal: '&8Coal &aEffect'
  85. Iron: '&7Iron &aEffect'
  86. Gold: '&eGold &aEffect'
  87. Diamond: '&bDiamond &aEffect'
  88. Emerald: '&2Emerald &aEffect'
  89. BloodHelix: '&4&k|||&r&cBlood Helix&r&4&k||| &r&aEffect'
  90. Nuke: '&eNuke &aEffect'
  91. Circle: '&eO &6Circle &eO &aEffect'
  92. Clear: '&cClear Current Effect'
  93. EffectIcons:
  94. Flame: BLAZE_POWDER
  95. Rainbow: MAGMA_CREAM
  96. Heart: RED_ROSE
  97. Firework: FIREWORK
  98. Cloud: WOOL
  99. Lightning: BLAZE_ROD
  100. Coin: DOUBLE_PLANT
  101. Potion: POTION
  102. Blood: REDSTONE
  103. Note: JUKEBOX
  104. Flower: YELLOW_FLOWER
  105. Chess: QUARTZ_BLOCK
  106. Tnt: SULPHUR
  107. Treasure: CHEST
  108. Water: WATER_BUCKET
  109. Lava: LAVA_BUCKET
  110. Ender: EYE_OF_ENDER
  111. Warm: POTION
  112. Cold: POTION
  113. Pastel: POTION
  114. Fish: RAW_FISH
  115. Cookie: COOKIE
  116. Snow: SNOW_BALL
  117. Smoke: INK_SACK
  118. Meat: RAW_BEEF
  119. Angry: NETHER_STALK
  120. Happy: APPLE
  121. Enchanted: ENCHANTMENT_TABLE
  122. Sun: FIREBALL
  123. Thunder: POTION
  124. Coal: COAL
  125. Iron: IRON_INGOT
  126. Gold: GOLD_INGOT
  127. Diamond: DIAMOND
  128. Emerald: EMERALD
  129. BloodHelix: REDSTONE_BLOCK
  130. Nuke: TNT
  131. Clear: BARRIER
  132. Messages:
  133. NoPermission: '&cYou dont have permission for this effect.'
  134. NoPermissionGUI: '&cYou dont have permission to open the gui.'
  135. NoPermissionReload: '&cYou dont have permission to reload this plugin.'
  136. EffectLoaded: '&6Your previous selected &aEffect &6has been restored.'
  137. ClearEffect: '&aCleared all effects.'
  138. Reloaded: '&aDeathEffects has been reloaded.'
  139. Data:
  140. examplePlayer: example
  141. AFlameGame: '%&#@$'
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