

Mar 21st, 2018
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  7. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `genres`;
  8. CREATE TABLE `genres` (
  9. `id_gr` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT'idx',
  10. `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT'the genre type ie. terror, comedy, etc)',
  11. `description` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT'description of genre',
  12. KEY `idx_genres_id_gr` (`id_gr`) COMMENT'index',
  13. PRIMARY KEY (id_gr) COMMENT'unique key'
  14. )
  15. ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Contains the genre type:';
  16. ;
  20. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `genres_audit`;
  21. CREATE TABLE `genres_audit` (
  22. `id_gr` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT'idx',
  23. `name_old` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT'the genre type ie. terror, comedy, etc)',
  24. `name_new` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT'the genre type ie. terror, comedy, etc)',
  25. `description_old` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT'description of genre',
  26. `description_new` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT'description of genre',
  27. KEY `idx_genres_id_gr` (`id_gr`) COMMENT'index',
  28. PRIMARY KEY (id_gr) COMMENT'unique key'
  29. )
  30. ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Contains the genre type:';
  31. ;
  33. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Ação','');
  34. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Animação','');
  35. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Aventura','');
  36. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Cinema de arte','');
  37. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Chanchada','');
  38. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Cinema catástrofe','');
  39. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Comédia','');
  40. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Comédia romântica','');
  41. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Comédia dramática','');
  42. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Comédia de ação','');
  43. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Cult','');
  44. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Dança','');
  45. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Documentários','');
  46. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Drama','');
  47. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Espionagem','');
  48. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Erótico','');
  49. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Fantasia','');
  50. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Faroeste','');
  51. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Ficção científica','');
  52. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Series','');
  53. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Guerra','');
  54. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Machinima','');
  55. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Masala','');
  56. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Musical','');
  57. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Filme noir','');
  58. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Policial','');
  59. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Pornochanchada','');
  60. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Pornográfico','');
  61. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Robologia','');
  62. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Romance','');
  63. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Seriado','');
  64. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Suspense','');
  65. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Terror','');
  66. insert into `genres`(`name`, `description`) values('Trash','');
  68. ==============================================================================================
  70. /*CREATE TABLE title basics*/
  72. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `title.basics`;
  73. CREATE TABLE `title.basics` (
  74. `id_tb` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT'idx',
  75. `tconst` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT'alphanumeric unique identifier of the title',
  76. `titleType` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT'the type/format of the title (e.g. movie, short, tvseries, tvepisode, video, etc)',
  77. `primaryTitle` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT'the more popular title / the title used by the filmmakers on promotional materials at the point of release',
  78. `originalTitle` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT'original title, in the original language',
  79. `isAdult` tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT'0: non-adult title; 1: adult title',
  80. `startYear` smallint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT'represents the release year of a title. In the case of TV Series, it is the series start year.',
  81. `endYear` smallint(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT'TV Series end year. ‘\N’ for all other title types',
  82. `runtimeMinutes` int(5) NOT NULL COMMENT'primary runtime of the title, in minutes genre',
  83. `genres` SMALLINT COMMENT 'includes up to three genres associated with the title',
  84. KEY `idx_title.basics_id_tb` (`id_tb`) COMMENT'index',
  85. KEY `idx_title.basics_tconst` (`tconst`) COMMENT'index',
  86. PRIMARY KEY (tconst) COMMENT'unique key'
  87. )
  88. ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Contains the following information for titles:';
  89. ;
  91. ALTER TABLE `title.basics` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_genre` FOREIGN KEY ( `genres` ) REFERENCES `genres` (`id_gr`);
  92. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. /*CREATE TABLE title basics audit*/
  96. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `title.basics.Audit`;
  97. CREATE TABLE `title.basics.Audit` (
  98. `id_tba` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT'idx',
  99. `tconst` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT'alphanumeric unique identifier of the title',
  100. `titleType_old` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT'the type/format of the title (e.g. movie, short, tvseries, tvepisode, video, etc)',
  101. `titleType_new` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT'the type/format of the title (e.g. movie, short, tvseries, tvepisode, video, etc)',
  102. `primaryTitle_old` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT'the more popular title / the title used by the filmmakers on promotional materials at the point of release',
  103. `primaryTitle_new` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT'the more popular title / the title used by the filmmakers on promotional materials at the point of release',
  104. `originalTitle_old` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT'original title, in the original language',
  105. `originalTitle_new` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT'original title, in the original language',
  106. `isAdult_old` tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT'0: non-adult title; 1: adult title',
  107. `isAdult_new` tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT'0: non-adult title; 1: adult title',
  108. `startYear_old` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT'represents the release year of a title. In the case of TV Series, it is the series start year.',
  109. `startYear_new` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT'represents the release year of a title. In the case of TV Series, it is the series start year.',
  110. `endYear_old` int(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT'TV Series end year. ‘\N’ for all other title types',
  111. `endYear_new` int(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT'TV Series end year. ‘\N’ for all other title types',
  112. `runtimeMinutes_old` int(5) NOT NULL COMMENT'primary runtime of the title, in minutes genre',
  113. `runtimeMinutes_new` int(5) NOT NULL COMMENT'primary runtime of the title, in minutes genre',
  114. `genres_old` smallint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'includes up to three genres associated with the title',
  115. `genres_new` smallint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'includes up to three genres associated with the title',
  116. `logged_user` nvarchar(50) COMMENT'user action',
  117. `oper_type` varchar(10) COMMENT'Operation type',
  118. `tstamp` datetime,
  119. KEY `idx_title.basics.Audit_id_tba` (`id_tba`) COMMENT'index',
  120. KEY `idx_title.basics.Audit_tconst` (`tconst`) COMMENT'index',
  121. PRIMARY KEY (tconst) COMMENT'unique key'
  122. )
  123. ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Contains the following information for titles:';
  124. ;
  125. ALTER TABLE `title.basics.Audit` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_genre_old` FOREIGN KEY ( `genres_old` ) REFERENCES `genres` (`id_gr`);
  126. ALTER TABLE `title.basics.Audit` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_genre_new` FOREIGN KEY ( `genres_new` ) REFERENCES `genres` (`id_gr`);
  128. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. /*CREATE TABLE title episode*/
  132. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `title.episode`;
  133. CREATE TABLE `title.episode`(
  134. `id_te` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT'idx',
  135. `tconst` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT'alphanumeric identifier of episode',
  136. `parentTconst` varchar(50) COMMENT'alphanumeric identifier of the parent TV Series',
  137. `seasonNumber` SMALLINT COMMENT'season number the episode belongs to',
  138. `episodeNumber` SMALLINT COMMENT'episode number of the tconst in the TV series',
  139. KEY `idx_title.episode_id_te` (`id_te`) COMMENT'index',
  140. KEY `idx_title.episode_tconst` (`tconst`) COMMENT'index',
  141. PRIMARY KEY (tconst) COMMENT'unique key'
  142. )
  143. ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT'Contains the tv episode information. Fields include'
  144. ;
  145. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  147. /*CREATE TABLE title episode audit*/
  149. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `title.episode.Audit`;
  150. CREATE TABLE `title.episode.Audit`(
  151. `id_tea` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT'idx',
  152. `tconst` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT'alphanumeric identifier of episode',
  153. `parentTconst_old` varchar(50) COMMENT'alphanumeric identifier of the parent TV Series',
  154. `parentTconst_new` varchar(50) COMMENT'alphanumeric identifier of the parent TV Series',
  155. `seasonNumber_old` SMALLINT COMMENT'season number the episode belongs to',
  156. `seasonNumber_new` SMALLINT COMMENT'season number the episode belongs to',
  157. `episodeNumber_old` SMALLINT COMMENT'episode number of the tconst in the TV series',
  158. `episodeNumber_new` SMALLINT COMMENT'episode number of the tconst in the TV series',
  159. `logged_user` nvarchar(50) COMMENT'user action',
  160. `oper_type` varchar(10) COMMENT'Operation type',
  161. `tstamp` datetime,
  162. KEY `idx_title.episode.Audit_id_tea` (`id_tea`) COMMENT'index',
  163. KEY `idx_title.episode.Audit_tconst` (`tconst`) COMMENT'index',
  164. PRIMARY KEY (tconst) COMMENT'unique key'
  165. )
  166. ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT'Contains the tv episode information. Fields include'
  167. ;
  168. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  170. /*CREATE TABLE resources basics*/
  172. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `resource.basics`;
  173. CREATE TABLE `resource.basics`(
  174. `id_rb` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT'idx',
  175. `tconst` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT'alphanumeric identifier basic',
  176. `url` varchar(100) COMMENT'Media URL',
  177. `poster` varchar(100) COMMENT'Poster URL',
  178. /*`views` bigint COMMENT'vews count',*/
  179. KEY `idx_resource.basics_id_rb` (`id_rb`) COMMENT'index',
  180. KEY `idx_tresource.basics_tconst` (`tconst`) COMMENT'index',
  181. PRIMARY KEY (tconst) COMMENT'unique key'
  182. )
  183. ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT'Contem os recursos para assistir'
  184. ;
  185. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. /*CREATE TABLE resources basics audit*/
  189. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `resource.basics.Audit`;
  190. CREATE TABLE `resource.basics.Audit`(
  191. `id_rba` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT'idx',
  192. `tconst` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT'alphanumeric identifier basic',
  193. `url_old` varchar(100) COMMENT'Media URL',
  194. `url_new` varchar(100) COMMENT'Media URL',
  195. `poster_old` varchar(100) COMMENT'Poster URL',
  196. `poster_new` varchar(100) COMMENT'Poster URL',
  197. /*`views` bigint COMMENT'vews count',*/
  198. `logged_user` nvarchar(50) COMMENT'user action',
  199. `oper_type` varchar(10) COMMENT'Operation type',
  200. `tstamp` datetime,
  201. KEY `idx_resource.basics.Audit_id_rba` (`id_rba`) COMMENT'index',
  202. KEY `idx_resource.basics.Audit_tconst` (`tconst`) COMMENT'index',
  203. PRIMARY KEY (tconst) COMMENT'unique key'
  204. )
  205. ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT'Contem os recursos para assistir'
  206. ;
  208. ==============================================================================================
  210. /* create trigger audit ins_resource.basics*/
  212. DELIMITER //
  213. drop trigger `ins_resource.basics`;
  214. create trigger `ins_resource.basics`
  215. after Insert on `resource.basics`
  217. BEGIN
  218. INSERT INTO `resource.basics.audit`
  219. (
  220. `tconst`
  221. ,`titleType_new`
  222. ,`primaryTitle_new`
  223. ,`originalTitle_new`
  224. ,`isAdult_new`
  225. ,`startYear_new`
  226. ,`endYear_new`
  227. ,`runtimeMinutes_new`
  228. ,`genres_new`
  229. ,`logged_user`
  230. ,`oper_type`
  231. ,`tstamp`
  232. )
  233. Values
  234. (
  235. `new.tconst`
  236. ,`new.titleType_new`
  237. ,`new.primaryTitle`
  238. ,`new.originalTitle`
  239. ,`new.isAdult`
  240. ,`new.startYear`
  241. ,`new.endYear`
  242. ,`new.runtimeMinutes`
  243. ,`new.genres`
  244. , current_user()
  245. ,'Insert'
  246. ,getDate()
  247. );
  248. END//
  250. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  252. DELIMITER //
  254. drop trigger `upd_resource.basics`;
  255. create trigger `upd_resource.basics`
  256. after update on `resource.basics`
  258. BEGIN
  259. INSERT INTO `resource.basics.audit`
  260. (
  261. `tconst`
  262. ,`titleType_old`
  263. ,`titleType_new`
  264. ,`primaryTitle_old`
  265. ,`primaryTitle_new`
  266. ,`originalTitle_old`
  267. ,`originalTitle_new`
  268. ,`isAdult_old`
  269. ,`isAdult_new`
  270. ,`startYear_old`
  271. ,`startYear_new`
  272. ,`endYear_old`
  273. ,`endYear_new`
  274. ,`runtimeMinutes_old`
  275. ,`runtimeMinutes_new`
  276. ,`genres_old`
  277. ,`genres_new`
  278. ,`logged_user`
  279. ,`oper_type`
  280. ,`tstamp`
  281. )
  282. Values
  283. (
  284. `new.tconst`
  285. ,`old.titleType_new`
  286. ,`new.titleType_new`
  287. ,`old.primaryTitle`
  288. ,`new.primaryTitle`
  289. ,`old.originalTitle`
  290. ,`new.originalTitle`
  291. ,`old.isAdult`
  292. ,`new.isAdult`
  293. ,`old.startYear`
  294. ,`new.startYear`
  295. ,`old.endYear`
  296. ,`new.endYear`
  297. ,`old.runtimeMinutes`
  298. ,`new.runtimeMinutes`
  299. ,`old.genres`
  300. ,`new.genres`
  301. , current_user()
  302. ,'update'
  303. ,getDate()
  304. );
  305. END//
  307. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  309. DELIMITER //
  311. drop trigger `del_resource.basics`;
  312. create trigger `del_resource.basics`
  313. after delete on `resource.basics`
  315. BEGIN
  316. INSERT INTO `resource.basics.audit`
  317. (
  318. `tconst`
  319. ,`titleType_old`
  320. ,`primaryTitle_old`
  321. ,`originalTitle_old`
  322. ,`isAdult_old`
  323. ,`startYear_old`
  324. ,`endYear_old`
  325. ,`runtimeMinutes_old`
  326. ,`genres_old`
  327. ,`logged_user`
  328. ,`oper_type`
  329. ,`tstamp`
  330. )
  331. Values
  332. (
  333. `new.tconst`
  334. ,`old.titleType_new`
  335. ,`old.primaryTitle`
  336. ,`old.originalTitle`
  337. ,`old.isAdult`
  338. ,`old.startYear`
  339. ,`old.endYear`
  340. ,`old.runtimeMinutes`
  341. ,`old.genres`
  342. , current_user()
  343. ,'delete'
  344. ,getDate()
  345. );
  346. END//
  348. ==============================================================================================
  351. /* model #2*/
  353. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `title.ratings`;
  354. CREATE TABLE `title.ratings`(
  355. `id_tr` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT'idx',
  356. `tconst` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT'alphanumeric identifier basic',
  357. `averageRating` decimal(5,2) NOT NULL COMMENT'weighted average of all the individual user ratings',
  358. `numVotes` int(10) COMMENT'number of votes the title has received',
  359. KEY `idx_title.ratings_id_tr` (`id_tr`) COMMENT'index',
  360. KEY `idx_title.ratings_tconst` (`tconst`) COMMENT'index',
  361. PRIMARY KEY (tconst) COMMENT'unique key'
  362. )
  363. ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT' Contains the IMDb rating and votes information for titles'
  364. ;
  366. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `title.crew`;
  367. CREATE TABLE `title.crew`(
  368. `id_tc` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT'idx',
  369. `tconst` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT'alphanumeric identifier basic',
  370. `directors` varchar(500) NOT NULL COMMENT'(array of nconsts) - director(s) of the given title',
  371. `writers` varchar(500) NOT NULL COMMENT'(array of nconsts) – writer(s) of the given title',
  372. KEY `idx_title.crew_iid_tc` (`id_tc`) COMMENT'index',
  373. KEY `idx_title.crew_tconst` (`tconst`) COMMENT'index',
  374. PRIMARY KEY (tconst) COMMENT'unique key'
  375. )
  376. ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT'Contains the director and writer information for all the titles in IMDb'
  377. ;
  379. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `title.principals`;
  380. CREATE TABLE `title.principals`(
  381. `id_tp` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT'idx',
  382. `tconst` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT'alphanumeric identifier basic',
  383. `principalCast` varchar(200) NOT NULL COMMENT'(array of nconsts) – title’s top-billed cast/crew',
  384. KEY `idx_title.principals_id_tp` (`id_tp`) COMMENT'index',
  385. KEY `idx_title.principals_tconst` (`tconst`) COMMENT'index',
  386. PRIMARY KEY (tconst) COMMENT'unique key'
  387. )
  388. ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT' – Contains the principal cast/crew for titles'
  389. ;
  391. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `name.basics`;
  392. CREATE TABLE `name.basics`(
  393. `id_nb` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT'idx',
  394. `nconst` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT'alphanumeric unique identifier of the name/person',
  395. `primaryName` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT'(string)– name by which the person is most often credited',
  396. `birthYear` smallint(4) NULL COMMENT'in YYYY format',
  397. `deathYear` smallint(4) NULL COMMENT'in YYYY format if applicable, else ‘\N’',
  398. `primaryProfession` varchar(250) NOT NULL COMMENT'(array of strings)– the top-3 professions of the person',
  399. `knownForTitles` varchar(1000) NOT NULL COMMENT'(array of tconsts) – titles the person is known for',
  400. KEY `idx_name.basics_id_nb` (`id_nb`) COMMENT'index',
  401. KEY `idx_name.basics_tconst` (`nconst`) COMMENT'index',
  402. PRIMARY KEY (nconst) COMMENT'unique key'
  403. )
  404. ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT'Contains the following information for names'
  405. ;
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