
Filly Dash Got a D- by DCFTEF (Dad/RD)

Jan 30th, 2014
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  1. Filly Dash Got a D- by DCFTEF (
  3. ---
  5. >Come home from work.
  6. >Wife is in a bad mood.
  7. >What's her problem? Horses don't have monthly periods.
  8. >Wife shows you Dashie's D-minus test.
  9. >*deep sigh*
  10. >You had a talk about this last week.
  11. >She begged you not to punish her.
  12. >Promised to study hard for the next test.
  13. >Well, she didn't.
  14. >You know it wasn't a particularly hard test.
  15. >Already saw your neighbor outside.
  16. >He was proud...his daughter got an A+.
  17. >If Leroy Hooves daughter Derpy can get an A your Dash should be able to at least pass.
  19. >Gotta quit stalling.
  20. >Wife expects you to do something about this.
  21. >No more loving father-daughter talks over shared milkshake either.
  22. >She's got to be disciplined this time.
  23. >Walk up the stairs to her room.
  24. >Knock. She doesn't answer.
  25. >Open the door anyway.
  26. >Just in time to see Dashie flash across the room to her desk.
  27. >She's sitting there, pretending to have been studying this whole time.
  28. >"Oh, sorry Dad...didn't hear you knock...I've got a lot of homework!"
  29. >Now she's lying to you too.
  30. >All hestiation is erased from your mind.
  31. >She needs to be taught a lesson.
  33. >Show her the test paper.
  34. "Rainbow Dash, do you have an explanation for this?"
  35. >Sweating nervously, Dash tries to make it sound like no big deal.
  36. >She's not taking this seriously.
  37. "Dashie, you promised me last week you'd study for this test."
  38. > she's really getting scared.
  39. >", I'm sorry. I'll do better next time. I promise. Double promise!"
  40. "No more promises young filly. You're in big trouble."
  41. >The first tears appear in her eyes, but she's trying to hold it together.
  42. >"But the test was really hard! Almost all the foals failed it!"
  43. "I understand your little friend Derpy got an A+."
  44. "Do I need to ask the parents of your other classmates how their fillies & colts did?"
  45. >Oh man...Dash just walked into quicksand with that one.
  46. >"Well, maybe not all the foals failed..."
  47. "So you were lying?"
  48. >She's getting panicky. She knows her butt is in jeopardy.
  49. >She changes strategy.
  50. >"But Daddy...I'm already not allowed to go on the class trip to see the Wonderbolts!"
  51. >She only calls you "Daddy" when she knows she's really in trouble.
  52. >Normally she's too cool for's just Dad.
  53. "Rainbow Dash that trip is a reward for young ponies who do their schoolwork...not a right you're entitled to."
  54. "You're missing out because you didn't earn it."
  55. "Your punishment for this grade is completely separate from that."
  56. >Oh Celestia...that word triggered the waterworks.
  57. >As soon as you mention punishment the tears flow freely.
  58. >"Daddy please! I promise to work harder! I'll be grounded for a week! Two weeks!"
  59. "You better work harder young filly, or you'll be going across my knee next week too."
  60. >She's crying and begging for forgiveness.
  61. >You can barely understand the words she's sobbing so hard.
  62. >It breaks your heart, but now is the time.
  63. >There's no more reasoning or lecturing her in this condition.
  64. >Best to get it over with.
  65. >You gently take her by the arm.
  66. >Dashie squirms & struggles, but a little filly is no match for a grown stallion.
  67. >You barely need to use any of your strength to guide her toward the bed.
  68. >"Daddy! PLEEEEAAASSEE!" she cries.
  69. >This is so difficult you feel like crying too.
  70. >No...gotta be stern.
  71. >Sit down, slide her over your lap.
  72. >When she was smaller you just used your wing.
  73. >But she's a growing filly, and this is serious.
  74. >Gotta make an impression on her.
  75. >Reach over and take her hairbrush off the dresser.
  76. >She hardly ever uses it on her mane.
  77. >Dashie cries fervently when she sees that.
  78. >"Daddy, please not that! I'll be good...I'll study super hard!"
  79. >You stroke her mane to calm her.
  80. "Rainbow Dash, sweetie, I hate to do this, but if I don't I'll be letting you down as your father. Please understand that even if you hate me."
  81. >"I don't hate you Daddy" she squeaks.
  82. >Oh, that breaks your heart.
  83. >Gotta do this before you lose your resolve.
  84. >You sweep her multi-colored tail out of the way.
  85. >The first smack hits Rainbow Dash's tiny rump.
  86. >She jumps and kicks her legs.
  87. >"Owwww!"
  88. >But you know she's only acting for sympathy.
  89. >It's not going to work.
  90. >The next few whacks fall, she's squealing and kicking her legs now.
  91. >You give her the next 5 hard and in quick succession.
  92. >Little Dashie screams...her wings flutter furiously.
  93. >It's not an act anymore.
  94. >You can actually feel her trying to lift off your lap.
  95. >Not gonna work, kiddo, you've got her held tight.
  96. >Again and again the hairbrush spanks Dashie's rear.
  97. >Light blue is turning into dark pink pretty fast.
  98. >You fight the urge to quit early...this has to be a spanking she remembers for a long time.
  99. >Dashie is squealing & wailing in pain.
  100. >Drool and not bubbles coming from her muzzle.
  102. >You don't stop until you've reached the number you had in mind.
  103. >Finally; 40 hard spanks.
  104. >But she's not done.
  105. "Dashie, why are you being punished?"
  106. >She can't get the answer out she's crying so hard.
  107. >Give her 3 more hard smacks.
  108. >"WHHHAAAHHH! Because I didn't pass my test!"
  109. "And you didn't keep your promise to study either, right?"
  110. >3 more hard whacks to punctuate that sentence.
  111. >"OOWWWW! *sob* *choke* Because I didn't pass my test and I didn't keep my promise!"
  112. >"Please, PLEASE no more, Daddy!"
  113. >Almost done.
  114. "And what's going to happen if you don't take your schoolwork seriously from now on?"
  115. >"NO Daddy! Please...I won't fail again!"
  116. >That's not the answer you're looking for.
  117. >Little Dash gets 4 more spanks.
  118. >"WHAAHHH! If I don't take my schoolwork seriously I get another spanking!"
  119. "Even worse than this one."
  120. >She's had enough.
  121. >You let her lay across your lap, crying her eyes out, for a few minutes.
  122. >Then you gather her up into your arms.
  123. >It takes Dashie a long time to calm down and get her composure.
  124. >All that time you hold her on your lap and rock her back and forth, stroking her rainbow mane.
  125. >You wipe the drool & snot from her muzzle with your wingtip.
  126. >Not grossed're a parent, you've done way grosser stuff than that.
  127. >When you think she's ready, gently lecture her on why its important to work hard in school.
  128. "You want to be a Wonderbolt someday, right?"
  129. >She nods...her tear streaked face tugs at your heart.
  130. "Well you need to work hard toward that goal show the Wonderbolts you have commitment & self discipline."
  131. >She agrees with everything you say.
  132. >Not sure if she really understands or is just scared of getting spanked again.
  133. >Doesn't matter...she'll think long & hard about this in coming weeks.
  134. >Once she's calm enough to converse you sit on her bed together and talk.
  135. >She lets you preen her feathers.
  136. >She hasn't let you do that since she was a little foal.
  137. >Too uncool.
  138. >Now she just craves the comfort of a daddy-daughter bonding ritual.
  139. >And you're happy to provide it.
  141. >Soon your wife calls you both down to dinner.
  142. >She cooked one of Dashie's favorite meals.
  143. >"I though after today at least something nice should happen."
  144. >It makes Dash smile, cry and hug her mom.
  145. >She has to sit on a pillow through dinner.
  146. >Rainbow Dash's rump was still pink when she went to school the next day.
  147. >No pillows on the seats there...she squirmed uncomfortably.
  148. >The other foals gave her a good natured ribbing.
  149. >Dashie took it with good humor.
  150. >Her weird friend Fluttershy didn't.
  151. >She actually raised her voice and called the other colts & fillies mean bullies.
  152. >Dashie calmed her down, told her it was okay.
  154. >By lunch Dashie's pink rump was no longer the butt of jokes.
  155. >Fluttershy wouldn't leave her side...offering to share her lunch & milk.
  156. >"I have my own lunch, Flutters."
  157. >"But thanks anyway."
  158. >A colt teased them.
  159. >"She's your special somepony, she's your special somepony!"
  160. >Dash threatened to punch him.
  161. >It was a bluff...this was not a good day to take home a note from the Principal.
  162. >The colt still shut up.
  164. >As they went back to class, the teacher called Dash up.
  165. >"Rainbow Dash, your father stopped by to talk while you were at lunch."
  166. >Dash blushed furiously.
  167. >"We discussed your test, and he convinced me to let you take it again on Thursday."
  168. >The filly's face lit up with hope.
  169. >"Does that mean...?"
  170. >"Yes, if you pass you can go on the class trip."
  171. >Dashie's wings fluttered excitedly.
  172. >"OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh!"
  173. >She hugged her teacher.
  174. >"I won't fail again, I promise for real this time! Thank you!"
  176. >Dashie spent the rest of the week studying.
  177. >On Thursday, when all the other school-ponies were at lunch she sat down to re-test.
  178. >Dash held her pencil in her mouth and waited for the word.
  179. >"Alright," said her teacher, "you may begin."
  182. THE END
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