
Generic Pulp Adventure Jumpchain v.85

Jan 19th, 2017
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  1. Generic Pulp Adventure Jumpchain
  3. Pulp! The word alone is enough to evoke heady idealism, exotic adventure, and heroism. When the edges of the map were still blurred with mystery and the unknown. Where daring men and women could seek out those edges and return changed, dripping with wealth or made weird by secrets unknown to man. A time of soaring optimism and brilliant, electric energy! Of dark mystery and lurid passions.
  5. You're going to be spending the next ten years in a world where these pulp adventures were not myth, but fact. Not fiction, but history. Where dark alleyways of bright electric cities could still hide men of shadow striking out at evil. Where bold adventurers charted the unknown, driven by a unquenchable thirst for knowledge. When science held a mystery and limitless potential of it's own, unfettered by cynicism. Pulp! Let your tales be glorious, Jumper!
  9. Time Period:
  11. The tales of Pulp span decades; you may choose which time period you like for free.
  13. 1920s; The Roaring Twenties! A time of energy and dynamism, the unchecked march of progress carrying men forward into a future made bright by genius and strong workers. A time of mobsters and crime, of the bold and brave men whom would fight against them. America is dry, and in the world are tales of men making great strides to challenge the unknown, gripping the world with adventure and passion they'd gladly die to fulfil.
  15. 1930s; The Great Depression; when shadows are cast long in the streets, and dynamic energy has long since turned to despair. Things stir in this decade, long fingers of darkness reaching out to grasp the world. Even now, there is still discovery to be made, though it has been turned inward; the familiar streets of yesteryear have become twisted and unknown. What dark mysteries await?
  17. 1940s; War! Tragedy and despair rage across the world. Yet heroism is still present, even now, as good men fight the good fight. Will you stand against the unstoppable titans now raging across the globe in thier lust for power? Will you be the knife in the dark, or a shining force for good? The world awaits your choice!
  20. Location:
  22. While your travels may take you around the world, every story begins with a first step. Roll a 1d8 to see where chance will place you and where you'll first make your mark. In addition, your age and gender may be chosen at no cost.
  25. 1. China - Tottering onto the world stage, China is a region wracked by dichotomy, steeped in ancient mystery and ruin, made grand by thousands of years of history, yet untried and untested in this bold new world that heralds tomorrow. Caught amidst the steps of new empires, between democracy and warlords, between the ancient and the new, the mysteries and adventure the exotic orient contain could fill a lifetime - or several.
  27. 2. North America - The United States of America! Still riding high from a golden age untouched by ruin, this brash youngster contains both the wild spaces where people have yet to tread and the dynamism of new and untested frontiers of science!
  29. 3. South America - That exotic green hell, that speak of forgotten temples to forbidden and strange gods, or mysterious cities hidden high in the Andes. Strange trails await your feet, and the whisper of mysteries await you over each new mountainous peak!
  31. 4. Europe - A place long familiar with human civilization, time has made the hidden places old and strange. From Great Britain to Italy, Germany to Spain, the culture and mystery of the European Continent is open to you, ready to bring those wondrous baubles of hidden secrets and long history into the light!
  33. 5. Africa - The Dark Continent! Dusky maidens and hidden, mysterious interiors draw adventurers seeking both knowledge and profit all. Horrid whispers tell of ancient civilizations hidden within Africa's domain - and of the treasure to be found there. Take care when braving it's myriad unknowns - who knows what could be lurking undisturbed by modern man...
  35. 6. Middle East - The birthplace of civilization! From the Arabic slave trade, to the Persian Empire, this is a place steeped in blood and riches. What grand and terrible things can be found among the sands, lost to the ages? What horrible secrets lay waiting for the bold and the brave to face them down?
  37. 7-8.Free Pick - Your are unhindered in your choice of location, like the true visionary you are; May your journies be wondrous!
  40. Backgrounds;
  42. Drop-in (Free) Your years have brought you to this choice; what is behind you is a known tale, but what lays before you is undiscovered and uncharted. You are the unfettered man, striding across this bold new world - let your legend ring out to strike it's mark on history!
  44. The Family (Free) You have the blood of nobility within you, of kings, or the last of a long line that has been kept secret for centuries, made strange and strong by a plan that spans generations. Something stirs within you, driving you forward to discover that which others fear. Your strides are a challenge against the unknown.
  46. The Apex (Free) Yours is a grand mind. So grand, that it could not be contained by the dusty halls of academic, or the machine shops where tomorrow is forged, or the hangers where the bold and the brave stand at the forefront of aeronautical daring. Wether it is the skies above, mysteries unseen, or unearthed tombs below, you know you will be the first to witness.
  48. The Unbound (Free) Mystery lies at the edge of the world. Wether you were born to it, stumbled across it, or were forced, you find yourself the herald of powers men have not witnessed in the waking world. You are a myth arisen to stride forward into modern times.
  51. [Perks and Abilities]
  53. Gunplay (-100)(Free Drop-In) Projectile weapons are a well-used, familiar tool for you. While your skills are far from supernatural, neither are they to be scoffed at - sometimes, it's simply enough to lay down a wall off bullets to fend off your foes.
  55. Bold and Beautiful (-100)(Free Family) Your name and image are evocative. When others hear it, your archetype is the first thing that springs to mind, even if it something short and innocuous. This perk also grants you the choice of minor cosmetic alteration to your form, if you so choose; intensely piercing eyes, or bronze skin and brilliant red hair, or albinistic colouration. No one will find these features odd, unnatural or off-putting. At worst, they will find them distinctive, at best, alluring or exotic.
  57. Fisticuffs (-100) Your fists are a well-honed weapon. While others see fit to exhaust their time indulging in esoteric arts that hone the body to a weird and mysterious edge, you take a more straight forward approach. You hit your opponent, and hit them well - a single strike from you is enough to stagger most men. Why bother with arcane philosophies and hidden knowledge when a simple brawl is enough to deal with your opponent?
  59. Exotic Weaponry (-100) Whip, throwing knives, tonfa, staff, bow, blowgun - your taste of weapon runs toward the less common implements of war. You know them, and know them well - you'll be able to use these exotic implements(and more) to keep up with your fellow gun-running adventurers.
  61. Cartographer (-100)(Free Apex) Exploration and mapping are second nature to you. Your maps are extremely accurate, and your topological measurements uncanny in their accuracy. The only regret those that follow your maps will have is that they were not there with you when you made them. You also gain the necessary skill to follow through with your mapping, such as survival and mountaineering; there is no environment you'll find yourself in that you cannot survive. Further, your endurance for travelling such is supreme; expect to find several hundred miles under your feet before your stamina begins to flag.
  63. Well Travelled (-100)(Free Unbound) You have travelled far and wide; exotic locales for others are well-loved and familiar for you. New languages come to you almost effortlessly, and you're capable of fitting in to a new society with little to no trouble. Even if your features are exotic to the local in question - say, a blonde haired, blue-eyed adventurer with Bedouin in the Arabic Peninsula, or travelling with monks in Tibet, your body language and skill at blending in with habit and clothing makes you simply another face in the crowd.
  67. Beyond the Bounds (-200)(Discount Drop-in) Even a foreigner in a strange land will find themselves chained by culture and precedence, restrained by habit and the crushing weight of time. You are above this; a figure unconstrained by the normal rules of a society. You may flaunt and break the taboo with impunity, or openly speak against long-held and cherished traditions without receiving scorn or ridicule. You will never be censured or chastised for these attitudes or actions; something about your manner places you above the meagre and petty constraints of a culture.
  69. Noble Blood (-200)(Discount Family) Nobility tells. You know it, as do others. This perk grants you a near otherworldly charisma, an exotic, feral attraction that very few can deny. More, people will be quick to defer to you if you take charge, seeing their rightful place in the world beneath your gracious and just command. Deference, however, requires reciprocation; abusing this will have them see you for the brute you are.
  71. The Sharp Shooter (-200)(Discount Apex) Your skill with the gun and rifle is beyond compare; nay, others regard it as supernatural. You never miss a shot, and are more than capable of disarming a man with a careful sniping at 50 yards with a quickdraw. More, trickshots come easy to you, allowing you to indulge in flourish and drama; say, should you feel the need to shoot a man's feet free off a concrete block, you can do as such without a single bullet touching him.
  73. A Life Owed, a Life Taken (-200)(Discount Unbound) When you save a man, you save more than his life. You save all that could have been, all potential, all dreams, all hope. People recognize this; those that you save will be more willing to follow you or defer to your expertise. More, betrayal will be unthinkable, even under extreme duress. Treating them unfairly or abusing them, however, will find this effect broken - honour responds to honour, and demands such be returned.
  80. The Unchained (-400)(Discount Drop-in) The Unbound / The Unchained / [No restraints? Unable to be contained/controlled?]
  82. You are grand beyond measure; mortal and supernatural restrictions have little hope to bind you to their purpose! Physical ropes and chains will find themselves slowly corroding beneath the force of your will, and mystical bindings are yet another feeble attempt to impead your progress. Trying to physically bind you is a fool's gambit; Over time, those bindings, be they metal or rope, will slowly corrode until you are able to break free once more! This extends to attempts to bind you supernaturally, as well - mind control, seals, wards, and such will slowly crumble underneath the onslaught of your mental might. This freedom will not come immediately, depending on the strength of such things, but it will come, as inevitable as the turning of the day. This protection does not extend to such things as a cage, cell, or other such exotic restriction; escaping from these prisons will still require your skill and capability!
  84. The Super Human (-400)(Discount Family) Your willpower is beyond any peer. More, it has grown to the point where flesh follows the mind; through sheer force of will, you no longer age, nor require sustenance or sleep, and what wounds you gain you can close, accelerating your healing capabilities and sealing off bleeding. While your capabilities are impressive, remember that you are still, at your core, human!
  86. The Captain (-400)(Discount Apex) You are master of the sea and sky. Where others dream of, you dare. If it flies, sails, or rides, you can pilot it with supernatural, near-miraculous skill. Airships, ships, submarines, single-seater aeroplanes, race cars - none are beyond your capability. Others are superfluous under your guidance; you could guide an ocean liner across the Atlantic single-handedly. Even better, is the endurance to accomplish this feat; while you are at the helm of your choosen craft, you will not falter in endurance, nor need of food, drink, or sleep, and when you finish from your task, at worst, you will simply need a light nap and a snack. Moreover, you are well-capable of repairing these marvellous machines; patching them back together is mere child's play for you.
  88. The Web (-400)(Discount Unbound) [Heroic Skulduggery?] Sometimes, evil is best fought by evil. And you are the spider nesting deep within that dark heart. Your skill at understanding and navigating the alleyways and backroom deals that make up a criminal empire is without compare; with this, you could build one to suit your purposes... or dismantle one in a terrifying fury of dark righteousness. More, your presence is a thing that fills all these spaces; with but a whisper, you can set in motion a chain of gossip that sends your legend travelling far and wide; whether this gossip is one of fear, respect, or disbelief is your choice.
  93. [The Edge]
  96. Heros and Legends are not something easily constrained. They are not tame things. You must forge your own myth and icon, Jumper. There is no single capstone to choose from; instead, there are multiple. While Drop-ins lack a selection of Capstones, they may instead pick one of the perks below at a discount, and only one.
  99. The Wolfe (-600) (Discount Apex) Your powers of observation and deduction are supernatural; your mental retention, superb. You can recall an idle conversation you had a month ago without a problem, and are well able to know the exact date and time it occurred. As such, you are a brilliant detective and investigator, piecing together the web of interaction that is human society; how others think, how they would react, and why. Morever, your tongue is smooth to match your deductive skills; you can pry secrets from a priest, and he'll thank you afterwards.
  101. The Challenger (-600) (Discount Apex) Genius and Polymath only begin to describe your capabilities. While other lesser men find themselves limited in their areas of knowledge, you rise well above them. Physics, engineering, medicine, aeronautics, chemistry, archaeology, mathematics; you are master of them all, and more besides. This breadth and depth of knowledge means that you are always at the cutting edge of creation. The things you fashion with your hands are always decades before their time; binary computation, robotics, turbine propulsion, airships, submarines, rockets - you can single handedly craft the future. As a side effect of this perk, you may also choose to gain an additional foot of height, likely placing you as a giant among men, your physical physique matching your mental fortitude well.
  103. The Hunter (-600) (Discount Family) Humans are just another animal. You know that better than most. But you also know that they are the most noble of beasts, and you are a further cut above. If there is a crown to be worn, you wear it proudly, and all other animals know it. You have a near supernatural relationship with them, able to communicate and control, coax and convince with a look, body language, and simple force of personality. When you command, they answer. Your hunting skills are also without peer, able to track an target for tens of miles with naught but a brief scent on the wind. Your endurance and strength also match this skill, and the acrobatics you can accomplish are downright uncanny. Snapping the neck of an enraged lion would be a gentle warm up for what feats you can do.
  105. The Body (-600) (Discount Family) Your physical capabilities are supreme. Your combat abilities, without peer. Your physical form has ascended to a level that few can touch, a paragon of human supremacy over all other forms. You can learn new fighting forms and combat styles with ease, your flexibility is fluid, lithe, and nimble beyond compare, and your overall strength has no weak points. You can lift your entire body aloft utilizing your fingertips and a slim ledge alone, for example. Others will look upon you can claim you a super human, but you know that everything you posses is within the realm of human endeavour; you merely encompass them all.
  108. The Mind (-600) (Discount Unbound) Your mind has burgeoned and grown beyond the capabilities of normal men. Perhaps your skills are driven by evil, and you were taught to harness this away in hidden monasteries to pay for the weight of your sin. Or perhaps you were self taught, having stumbled across arcane tomes in forbidden libraries. Whatever the cause, you possess the capability to overwhelm those of lesser mental strength, hiding away everything of your presence... except for your shadow. Further, you have the powerful capability of suggestion, beguiling others into a course of action via a method similar to hypnotism; though for you, it is simply through your powerful force of will. Further study and meditation will serve to unlock a meagre amount of psychokinesis, granting you the ability to lift simple objects with your mind.
  110. The Element (-600) (Discount Unbound) You're unsure exactly how this came about. Perhaps you were born on an auspicious date - January 1, 1900, perhaps? Or you were exposed to a mysterious artefact, or blessed by a shaman. Or perhaps, you are simply a freak of nature. Whatever the cause, you find yourself a master of one of four elements - Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Darkness. These blatantly supernatural abilities mark you as an archetype of these elements. Your capabilities will start off meagre, but even this gives you a blatant edge among normal men, your inhuman capability marking you as a whispered myth or scoffed-about legend - will you become monster, or hero?
  117. [Items]
  119. [Drop-ins get to pick two items to discount, discounts do not stack]
  121. Companion Import (Free)
  123. A Man's Man (-100) Perhap you saved his life. Perhaps he owes you an honor debt he can never repay. Perhaps he is simply friend and boon companion that has been with you for longer than either of you can recall. Regardless, this companion will have your back for this jump as a trusted fellow and confidant. Posesses the Perks
  127. The Cousin (-200) It seems you have a cousin! This long-lost relative from a previously unknown branch of your family shares in both your wanderlust and strangeness - what perks you've chosen for this jump, he or she will share. You'll not be lacking in friendship and boon companionship with this fellow adventerur. Though, despite the distance from your family tree, it's easy enough to see the resemblence between you and they - you could almost be twins...
  134. 1911s (-50)(Free Drop-in) A beloved standby for any adventerur whom finds themselves in a pinch, rugged and well-tested by time. You gain a pair of them, alongside two magazines for each; when expended, these magazines will be found reloaded within your warehouse. They will remain in excellent condition despite wear and use, requiring no upkeep or cleaning.
  136. Leather Coat (-50)(Free Apex) A marvellous leather flight jacket, cut perfectly to fit. Offers remarkable insulation against the cold, making it perfect for those icy forerays into the upper stratosphere in untested aeronautic designs.
  138. Inverness Coat (-50)(Free Unbound) A classic and elegant coat, pefect for a night-out on the town with formalwear and excellent for fending off inclement weather - or for skulking amoungst the shadows as you contemplate your fell plans to exact justice or fend off evil. As a bonus, wearing such will never impeed your attempts at stealth. Comes in both a low and high-necked version, styled to your preference.
  140. Sword-Cane (-50)(Free Family) This elegant silver and hardwood cane carries within an expertly fashioned straight, single-edged steel blade that never rusts nor dulls; the perfect accoutrement for the gentleman adventurer, serviceable for the bush and high society both.
  142. Marvellous Turbo-pistol (-200) A machine pistol of your own personal design and styling. Having seen fit to deliver hot death as nessecary to the many hordes of foes you've encountered over the years, this Turbo-pistol is well-suited to the task. This shares similar traits of upkeep that the 1911s do, though it might be wise to not let others in on the secret of this marvelous weapon; it requires no reloading, offering up an unending supply of bullets for your enemies to enjoy. Can switch between single-shot, three-shot burst fire, and full-auto.
  144. Slouch Hat (-100) This wide-brimmed, felt hat is the perfect finish for any outfit. Further, it has an odd capability; if you so choose, no one will connect the activity you perform whilst this hat is donned with your public persona, instead attributing these actions to a mysterious figure no one knows the true identity of.
  146. Purba (-200)(Discount Unbound) An evil entity from beyond the dawn of time, bound by holy mystics into the confines of a ritualistic implement. This entity, while bound, is not a tame one - it requires a strong mind to bend the Purba to the user's will. Once linked, however, the Purba does offer some use as a mystical tool of vengenance, allowing the user to motivate the Purba through psychokinesis to fly and lance at thier opponent.
  149. Motorbike (-100)(Free Drop-In) Stark, bare-bones, robust - all this and more describe this motorbike, whose frame speaks of endurance and stamina fit to withstand the hardest of challenges. Far from the fastest, or best looking, this bike is instead the toughest, fit to ride well into the rough outback or clogged jungle, to take a beating and come out smiling. Off-road or asphalt, travelling on this bike will not be a chore, instead allowing your intrepid jumper to simply astride this conveyance and enjoy the ride. A smooth, flat road will see this vehicle topping out at 80 miles an hour and can go an entire month before needing to refuel.
  151. Rocketpack (-200)(Discount Apex) This deceptively simple, art-deco styled backpack is in truth a sophisticated result of dark aeronautics and black science, decades beyond it's time. Despite this, it is rather simple to operate, relying in a mix of throttle control and body movements to allow for a myriad of three-dimensional manoeuvring through the skies. It carries enough fuel for 8 hours of continuous flight - refuelling it is but a simple procedure of filling it with aviation-quality gasoline.
  153. Rolls Royce Silver Ghost (-200)(Discount Apex) Expertly detailed in silver and grey, this excellent piece of automotive engineering is the perfect Gentlemen's Adventurer's vehicle in every sense of the word - it's open-air convertible soft-top cab, plush leather seats and classic lines are well-suited for arrival at the finest restaurants and clubs in Europe or America, while robust and hardy enough to see a man into the wilds in comfort and style. This specific Silver Ghost has been slightly modified, giving it a top speed of 120 mph, and able to go for an entire month before needing to refuel.
  155. Cargo Sea Plane (-200 CP)(Discount Apex) This twin-engine cargo seaplane is the perfect aeronautical conveyance for any adventurer, it's boat-like hull and pontoons allowing for landing and take off on any river or lake of appropriate size, in addition to it's lower-able wheels. It's endurance is eternal; there is no need to refuel this air and sea-going conveyance, but it's cargo is limited - at best, there is enough for you, a co-pilot, and enough cargo space to outfit a well-appointed mission for you and 8 of your group. Despite this, this sea-plane is miraculously built, robust in manufacture and very-well manoeuvred indeed - if anything, air-going acrobatics cause it to thrive under your touch. Plus, it's nautical-landing capabilities make it well-equipped for awkward landings where other planes would be stymied, perhaps allowing for use as an impromptu base-camp. It's default colouration is an off-shade gold and red, but it can easily be repainted.
  159. Wealth (-300)(Discount Family) You'll never have want or need of anything. Perhaps your family was of old money, or secured their gold via ill-gotten methods that tarnish your reputation with a hint of black mystery to this day. Or perhaps you're a self-made man; a ruthless business mogul that grew tired of such an easy challenge and now lets your investment linger out of boredom. Or perhaps you secured your wealth via adventure, seeking out forgotten mines to grasp uncut jewels with your very hands. However it was acquired, you're effectively a millionaire in whatever setting you find yourself in. What's more, questions about your wealth and how it was obtained will always have a hint of exotic and evocative mystery about it.
  163. The Cobalt Club (-100)(Discount Family) This business card shaped from fine crystal and inlaid with cobalt is the exclusive keycard to the Cobalt Club - a classy 1920s jazz and swing club decorated in various shades of blue - hence the name. If a city and/or town is large enough to have a movie theater, it will have a Cobalt Club within it's downtown confines. While only open at night, this card gives you exclusive access to the Cobalt Club's special VIP service, with unlimited drink and fine food on call. It does have a dress code, but this is the Cobalt Club - they'll be more than happy to provide proper clothing for you and your guests upon arrival.
  166. The Office (-100)(Free Drop-in) An almost absent gesture has you reach into your breast pocket; therein lies a professional business card, with your title and services offers embossed in florid script. The address, however, is blank - it's but a trifle with a fountain pen to fill in where you hang your hat.
  168. Once this is done, you'll know unerringly the path to a quiet alleyway nearest to the address you scripted in. Down this alleyway is a door, leading to a long hallway; at the end of the hallway is a door with a frosted window, your name and title embossed large across it. Past the door is a simple two-room office; spartan, equipped with a robust wooden desk and a coat hanger to place your hat and coat upon, and a couch to sleep upon. At best, it offers you a quiet place to meet with clients, friends, and confidants, but it does have one other benefit; if you place an ad for your services in a local paper, those who find need of them will also be able to unerringly find their way to your office - even if you decline to publish directions or address.
  170. When you have need of such, this Office can easily be moved - you'll find that business card laying in your breast pocket, now blank. It will not relocate until vacated and out of sight, though - attempting to travel this way is verboten.
  173. The Train (-300)(Discount Family) You reach within your pocket; therein, is a train schedule with the nearest train stop labelled clearly, but the time is blank. The nub of a well-whittled pencil you carry with you is enough to fill in the time that must be, at a minimum, five minutes ahead of the time you're at now. Arriving at the labelled train stop(which may be, at the least, a spot on the rails in the woods), you'll find the sharp whistle of announcement heralding the arrival of a steam train, a voluminous stack of smoke churning forth from a smoke-stack as it comes into sight, right on the pencilled-in time.
  175. This opulent steam locomotive is well-appointed, with a private dining car(complete with stocked bar), a sleeper carriage(with private rooms for 9, complete with shower and toilet), baggage car, and parlour car to enjoy the long journey. The train itself is well-staffed, though they seem to require neither sustenance, sleep, disappearing and appearing as needed; each individual, from the conductor to the porter to the barman, however, is supernaturally aware of the train's condition.
  177. While the train itself has unlimited endurance, requiring neither upkeep nor fuel, it must still travel on rails to get to it's location. However! This does not mean that the Train itself is limited to one continent. If need be, it can travel to another railway, even those located across the Pacific or Atlantic. This journey always takes place at night; for the passengers, 8 hours pass, though for everyone else, the requisite amount of time required for the locomotive to make that journey would have transpired. This makes for a pleasant and indulgent mode of travel for any gentle-Jumper, faster modes of travel may be required if they're in a race against time.
  179. Post-Jump, you may find this marvellous conveyance berthed at a small Victorian train-station accessible via a portal in your warehouse, where you can then customize and modify this vehicle to your hearts content.
  184. The Airship (-300 CP)(Discount Apex) This gilded and majestic creation of aeronautics is easily the queen of the skies - graceful, slow, and majestic. While far from nimble, this airship is a zepplin fit to capture the imagination and evoke heady imagery of a possible past - where other lighter-than-air craft filled the skies without end. Cabins, dining rooms, dancing hall, machine shops, aircraft bay - this Airship has all of the above, and more besides. While slow, certainly, this creation also allows for nimble landings that other aeronautical designs would be unable to emulate, and sophisticated engineering means this airship does not need fear down-drafts or the like - when landed, it is a stable platform well appointed to serve as the headquarters of any convoy into the unknown.
  186. In addition to the above, it's endurance is unending - it requires no refuelling. Though the wise adventurer would be well to note that it is far from the fleetest of craft - if one wishes to thwart their enemies, faster conveyances might be advised.
  190. The Airfield (-200)(Discount Apex)
  192. This airfield is a mix of spartan and utility; several hangers lay bare, ready and willing to be filled by machinery, and a small office(complete with apartment) are ready to receive visitors. The true benefit is the space it grants; both to play around with machinery without having to worry about errant neighbours, but the runway grants the perfect place to launch headlong into adventure - or keep your vehicle of choice nearby.
  196. The Temple (-200)(Discount Unbound) The scroll is always there when you need it, drawing forth with a flourish from behind your back, or within your coat; so is the small brush that comes with it. Unfurling the parchment with it's arcane ideograms already inscribed on the aged paper, you sign it with your name, a brief, momentary focus of a location coming to mind as you do so. Rolling the scroll up, you give a soft puff of a breath across it's surface, the gesture enough to disintegrate it like ash scattering to the wind.
  198. Arriving at or near your chosen location will find a small pathway leading to a secluded and isolated temple and training ground; the local foliage(or surroundings) having been refashioned so as to provide privacy, and the temple itself has been crafted to suite the local enviroment in both style and substance. The temple grounds include a dojo for meditation and martial practice, a set of modest living quarters for a master and his students, and a small shrine - where the scroll can be found, ready to use once more.
  200. Post-jump, the Temple will be accessible via a doorway in your warehouse when it is not in use.
  203. The Tower (-300)(Discount Apex) You reach into your back pocket; there you find a postcard you must have tucked there in an off moment, it's face showing an idyllic, beach-side shot with the words 'Greetings from Shell Beach' emblazoned across it. It only takes a second to write an address on the other side and slip the postcard into a nearby mailbox.
  205. When you travel to the address you scribbled down, you'll find a massive edifice of a skyscraper, a gorgeous and opulent display of art deco design. A true marvel, a triumph of human engineering rising toward the heavens. While you'll find it riddled with working offices, somehow, the true treasure to be found taking a private elevator up to the upper floors; five stories dedicated to your private offices, lair, penthouse suite, laboratories, and training rooms, all done up in exquisite architecture glorifying human achievement. This tower is the perfect location to plan your next adventure, celebrate your victories, recover from your injuries, and watch the beautiful sights of the city below, a dazzling array of lights and humanity performing a neverending, energetic dance. At the very top of your skyscraper, you'll find a docking level for the airship - or any other floating contrivance that may wish to stop there. There is a mailbox directly outside your private elevator; there you'll find that postcard, unmarked and pristine.
  207. There is a drawback, however; the Tower is limited in it's location. The address must be somewhere amid the downtown area of a city, near it's beating heart and center, another skyscraper amid other skyscrapers. Others won't remark upon this new addition, however, finding it was always there in their memories. The post-card can be re-used in-jump; however, the tower will not transit to it's new location until vacated and out of sight by you and your companions.
  209. Post-jump, the postcard can be utilized, with the same limitations; however, when the tower has not situated itself, it may still be accessed by an art deco edged door in your warehouse, it's grand windows looking down upon a bustling, eternally nocturnal cityscape.
  213. The Mansion (-300)(Discount Family) You glance down at your pinkie finger(or nearest equivalent), and find that a crest ring denoting you and you alone has been placed there. It doesn't take much to find a piece of wax to seal a letter to send in the mail, and you don't think much of stamping your seal when you do.
  215. You'll find your Mansion located at or near enough the address you specified in the letter you sent off; when in the city, you'll find a tastefully opulent yet tightly constrainted mansion hemmed in by larger buildings; in the countryside, you'll find rolling hills and well-maintained yards and driveway surrounding the house itself.
  217. The interior is well-appointed and classy, yet not ostentatious. It speaks of well-maintained years and deep history, a home that has been with your family for generations on end.
  219. The real treasure of this place, however, is the trophy room. Here you will find diases, glass cases, armour stands, weapon displays, book cases, and the like, all as nesscary for whatever item you find in your possession that you wish to show off to others - or, barring that, prized trophies you can enjoy by yourself signifying foe vanquished and triumph accomplished. Even better, you'll find that this room has un-ending space to accomidate these items, though the trick of occluded and compressed space might throw visitors off the first time they witness it.
  221. As a bonus, forced removal of these treasures from the Trophy Room will be impossible by any foe barring Jumpchain.
  223. Post-jump, when not in use, you can find a portal to your Mansion within your warehouse.
  227. The Lair (-400)(Discount Unbound) While others are fit to stand astride the peaks, obvious in their glory and indulging in the view that shows tomorrow, you are a less ostentatious sort. More, your business is dangerous and secretive - your enemies numerous, their methods horrid and brutal. For you, safety is paramount when it comes to relax from your many adventures, to lick your wounds and plan what evil you see fit to lance from the dark hearts of men.
  229. You don't think about drawing the amulet from your throat - it's always there when you desire. Inset on the amulet's circular face is an intricate dial system - you intuitively know the method to correlate the multiple number dials into a set of lat/long coordinates - the gem inset on the face seems to gleam a little brighter once you finish, and you slip it back down to hang around your neck, nodding to yourself. Locating your Lair is but intuitive by this point; you'll find yourself drawn to it when you wish, the Lair located at or nearest as is reasonable to the co-ordinates you dialled. The entrance is always hidden despite the surroundings, accessible by a secret method known only to you that reveals the spiral staircase passageway downward.
  231. Down this hidden pathway is your sanctum sanctorum; an array of 8 rooms in sacred arrangement around the central access and panelled with opulent decoration to suit your whim. Initially barren, it will require work to fashion this lair to suit your desires, but it's true worth lies in it's singular ability; while within, no force possible(barring Jumpchain) can locate you via any means, giving you the perfect demesne to rest in seclusion and safety.
  233. Post-Jump, you will find this Lair accessible via a portal in your Warehouse when it is not in use.
  252. [Drawbacks]
  254. Wold-Newton Family (+0) The dusty halls of pulp are seen by many as fantasy - but for you, they are fact hidden away from the world. The personas so often thought of when the term 'pulp' is spoken are out there, and it's assured that your adventure here will likely cross theirs.
  256. A Travel Through History (+0) Before there were legends, there was history - the men and women that cast long shadows, who's mark on the world are still felt to this day. You'll find your travels in this Jump criss-crossing with these men and women in excess - your daily life will quickly become a who's who of the time period. Adventurers, politicians, forerunners, inventors, writers, singers, philanthropists, and more - expect to find your Jumper greeting them all.
  258. His Apocalyptic Life! (+0) A single decade is not enough to travel through the world of Pulp - you'll start your jump on January 1, 1920, and have it end on December 31, 1949.
  260. Hayseed (+100) You sound like you were born in a barn. Regardless of your background, you possess an aw-shucks country twang that makes others think of you as an un-educated, know-nothing country bumpkin. Expect to be proving yourself, alot.
  262. Ugly (+200) You have a face even a mother would be hard-pressed to love. While this may be beneficial if your goal is to inspire terror and fear in your wake, also keep in mind this will make everyone - everyone - assume the worst of you. Wearing a mask will not help - after all, why would you be wearing a mask if you didn't have foul deeds to hide?
  264. Pirates! (+200) The anarchistic scourage of the seven seas have taken a liking to you, after a fashion - they know your coffers are filled with exotic treasures you've won from hidden temples and sacred places, and they'd be delighted to lighten your load, so to speak. Expect to be attacked by pirates of all shapes and colours during your stay here, intent on both harm and larcecy both. Staying away from the water will not help, and you'll find even the skies filled with foul men aboard stolen Zeppelins should you think it safe.
  266. The Yellow Menace (+200) Shiwan Kahn, the direct descendant of Temujin, has set his sights on you, Jumper. His mastery of his mental powers, of mind control and hypnosis, is impressive. But he does not wish to see you dead. No, Shiwan wishes for more; he sees in you as a potential peer, a challenge, a worthy adversary. He will never come at you directly, instead harrowing you from the shadows, with minions, testing your might and skill with lessors while posing moral challenges to see what mettle you possess. In direct confrontations he will be cultured and urbane, fitting well in high society both western and orient. What puzzles he poses to you may not have direct or clear answers. He will never seek to kill, viewing you as a precious foe, but he will act to thwart your plans whenever possible, as it pleases him to see you overcome his challenges.
  268. Opiates and Blood (+200) Don't expect to find clean, fun adventure waiting for you with every Tom, Dick, and Tracy you can find in the nearby club. Instead, you'll find yourself drawn into the seedy underworld, where might is law, honor is priceless and blood and vengence are a coin all of it's own. From the Opiate Trade in China to the Gangsters of Prohibition, the Underworld knows you, Jumper, and you'll find your paths crossing with them more often than you'd like.
  270. Libertine (+200) You have your vices, be they food, alcohol, drugs, or tobacco. While you keep your daily consumption classy, if people become cognizant of your constant intake, they would, more than likely, be disapproving. Going without for even a day is enough to render you irritable and of short temper, likely making you vulnerable in other areas, as well.
  272. The Shadow of Dark Gods (+300) The long reach of forgotten gods and hidden cults will be a constant thorn in your side for the majority of this jump. Horrid temples to unspeakable entities, unforgivable rites and sacrifices, the cold touch of evil forces conspiring to see you slain - all this and more will face you in your years here. While you may find yourself untouchable, those around you will be but grist for the mill; will you rest easy, knowing that your mere presence is responsible for other's suffering and horror?
  274. The Fourth Man (+300) You awaken in a dilapidated cafe, a cup of cooling coffee in front of you, your clothes worn and dishevelled. You have no memories of your prior jumps, nor access to the abilities and perks you gained from them. While your companions are not so limited, they will be unable to bring up your past adventures beyond subtle nudging and hoping for the best. Blatant attempts to reveal your previous travels and capabilities will result in crippling headaches and momentary blackouts, resulting in short-term amnesia on-top of further memory scrambling. It would take both an honorable and cunning friend to nudge you toward the truth and revelation of your station, but, at best, it would simply return your memories before the jump is over. Of course, a foolish and churlish follower might make things even worse...
  277. [Notes]
  279. References: While it may seem odd that a Jumpchain would have references, 'Pulp' is a surprisingly broad genre with a myriad of influences. While it's easy enough to think of, say, 'Indiana Jones' or 'The Shadow' and declare them as Pulp Adventure, if you need inspiration as to the kind of things that you'll encounter in this Jumpchain, here's a list of charachters and stories this Jumpchain was influenced by;
  281. Professor Challenger, G-8 and His Battle Aces, The Shadow, The Spider, The Shade(Comic), Planetary by Warren Ellis, Nero Wolfe, Mr. Moto, The Avenger, Philip Marlowe, The Rocketeer, Tarzan, The Phantom, Lord Peter Whimsey, Monsier Zenith the Albino, Chen Zhen, ect, ect.
  283. The Body: This is based off of Chen Zhen and Doc Savage in specific. If they can do it via physical capabilities, so can you.
  285. The Element: This perk is limited to street/room level in terms of power, and are shamelessly based upon Elijah Snow, Jenny Sparks, and Richard Swift. Well, except for the pyrokinesis. Keep the power level in-mind - The word is 'inspired by', not a direct copy.
  287. Modifications to the Train, Mansion, Lair, and Temple all keep between translocation.
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