
Exec file NEW

Jun 16th, 2019
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  1. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. //
  3. //
  4. //-nojoy -novid -console +exec autoexec +cl_forcepreload 1 -freq 144 +mat_queue_mode 2 -tickrate 128 -d3d9ex
  5. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  6. //
  7. // Crosshair!
  9. //New
  10. cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0.000000"
  11. cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0"
  12. cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1"
  13. cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod ".3"
  14. cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "1"
  15. cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1.000000"
  16. cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy "0"
  17. cl_crosshair_sniper_width "1"
  18. cl_crosshair_t "0.000000"
  19. cl_crosshairalpha "250.000000"
  20. cl_crosshaircolor "5.000000"
  21. cl_crosshaircolor_b "0.000000"
  22. cl_crosshaircolor_g "255.000000"
  23. cl_crosshaircolor_r "0.000000"
  24. cl_crosshairdot "0.000000"
  25. cl_crosshairgap "-3.000000"
  26. cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0"
  27. cl_crosshairscale "1000"
  28. cl_crosshairsize "2.500000"
  29. cl_crosshairstyle "4.000000"
  30. cl_crosshairthickness "0.500000"
  31. cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
  32. cl_fixedcrosshairgap "-4.5"
  33. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  34. //
  35. // Mouse Settings
  37. sensitivity "2" //In-game sensitivity
  38. zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.0" //
  39. m_rawinput "1" //Raw Input on
  40. m_customaccel "0" //Mouse Acceleration off
  41. m_customaccel_exponent "0" //Acceleration Amount
  42. m_mousespeed "0" //Windows mouse acceleration off
  43. m_mouseaccel1 "0" //Windows mouse acceleration initial threshold (2x movement)
  44. m_mouseaccel2 "0" //Windows mouse acceleration secondary threshold (4x movement)
  46. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  47. //
  48. // In-game Settings
  50. fps_max "0" //Frame rate limiter
  51. fps_max_menu "300" //Frame rate limiter, main menu
  53. cl_showfps "0" //Draw fps meter (1 = fps, 2 = smooth, 3 = server, 4 = Show+LogToFile, 5 = Thread and wait times +10 = detailed )
  54. cl_predict "1" //Perform client side prediction.
  55. cl_forcepreload "1" //Whether we should force preloading.
  56. cl_disablehtmlmotd "1" //Disable HTML motds.
  57. cl_disablefreezecam "1" //Turn on/off freezecam on client
  58. cl_autowepswitch "0" //Automatically switch to picked up weapons (if more powerful)
  59. cl_autohelp "0" //Auto-help
  60. cl_showhelp "0" //Set to 0 to not show on-screen help
  61. cl_predictweapons "1" //Perform client side prediction of weapon effects.
  62. cl_mute_enemy_team "0" //Block all communication from players on the enemy team.
  63. cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party "0" //Only allow communication from friends and matchmaking party members. Doesn't apply to competitive matchmaking games.
  64. cl_join_advertise "0" //Advertise joinable game in progress to Steam friends, otherwise need a Steam invite (2: all servers, 1: official servers, 0: no
  66. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  67. //
  68. // Internet Settings
  70. rate "786432" //Max bytes/sec the host can receive data
  71. cl_cmdrate "128" //Max number of command packets sent to server per second
  72. cl_updaterate "128" //Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server
  73. cl_interp "0" //Sets the interpolation amount (bounded on low side by server interp ratio settings).
  74. cl_interp_ratio "2" //Sets the interpolation amount (final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate).
  75. cl_interpolate "1" //Enables or disables interpolation on listen servers or during demo playback
  76. cl_lagcompensation "1" //Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events.
  77. cl_allowdownload "1" //Client downloads customization files
  78. cl_allowupload "0" //Client uploads customization files
  79. cl_timeout "90" //After this many seconds without receiving a packet from the server, the client will disconnect itself
  80. cl_resend "7" //Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt
  81. cl_downloadfilter "all" //Determines which files can be downloaded from the server (all, none, nosounds)
  82. mm_dedicated_search_maxping "35" //Longest preferred ping to dedicated servers for games
  84. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  85. //
  86. //
  88. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  89. //
  90. // In-game Viewmodel Settings
  92. cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "1.5"
  93. cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0.75"
  94. viewmodel_fov "68"
  95. viewmodel_offset_x "2.5"
  96. viewmodel_offset_y "1.9"
  97. viewmodel_offset_z "-2"
  98. viewmodel_presetpos "0"
  99. viewmodel_recoil "1.0"
  100. cl_bob_lower_amt "21"
  102. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  103. //
  104. // In-game Texture, And GUI Settings
  107. cl_hud_color "8"
  108. con_enable "1" //Allows the console to be activated.
  109. con_filter_enable "2" //Filters console output based on the setting of con_filter_text. 1 filters completely, 2 displays filtered text brighter than ot
  110. con_filter_text "Damage" //Text with which to filter console spew. Set con_filter_enable 1 or 2 to activate.
  111. con_filter_text_out "Player:" //Text with which to filter OUT of console spew. Set con_filter_enable 1 or 2 to activate.
  112. r_dynamic "1" //Gunfire Lightning. Spot Enemies Easier. FPS CFG’s Disables This. DONT.
  113. mat_postprocess_enable "0" //More fps if set to 0
  114. mat_queue_mode "2" //The queue/thread mode the material system should use: -1=default, 0=synchronous single thread, 1=queued single thread, 2=queued
  115. cl_use_opens_buy_menu "0" //Pressing the +use key will open the buy menu if in a buy zone (just as if you pressed the 'buy' key).
  116. cl_radar_always_centered "0" //If set to 0, the radar is maximally used. Otherwise the player is always centered, even at map extents.
  117. cl_radar_scale "0.7" //Sets the radar scale. Valid values are 0.25 to 1.0.
  118. cl_bob_lower_amt "21" //The amount the viewmodel lowers when running
  119. cl_bobamt_lat "0" //The amount the viewmodel moves side to side when running
  120. cl_bobamt_vert "0" //The amount the viewmodel moves up and down when running
  121. cl_freezecampanel_position_dynamic "0" //Turn on/off freezecam's kill panel dynamic Y movement
  122. cl_freezecameffects_showholiday "0" //Happy holidays from the CS:GO team and Valve!
  123. cl_loadout_colorweaponnames "1" //If set to true, the weapon names are colored in the weapon loadout to match their rarity.
  125. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  127. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  128. //
  129. //Show netgraph when checking scoreboard!
  131. bind "tab" "+scorenet"
  133. net_graph "1"
  134. net_graphheight "9999"
  135. alias "+scorenet" "+showscores; net_graphheight 0"
  136. alias "-scorenet" "-showscores; net_graphheight 9999"
  138. alias "-crosshairsmoke" "cl_crosshairsize 2;cl_crosshairdot 0;cl_crosshairgap -1.9"
  139. alias "+crosshairsmoke" "cl_crosshairsize 1337;cl_crosshairdot 0;cl_crosshairgap -1.9"
  140. bind "v" "+crosshairsmoke"
  143. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  145. // Other Binds
  146. bind "c" "use weapon_flashbang"
  147. bind "x" "use weapon_smokegrenade"
  148. bind "z" "use weapon_molotov;use weapon_incgrenade"
  151. bind "mouse1" "+attack; r_cleardecals"
  152. bind "f" "+lookatweapon; r_cleardecals"
  153. bind "i" "say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
  154. bind "o" "say ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆)╭∩╮"
  155. bind "p" ""
  156. bind "v" "+voicerecord"
  157. alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack;-attack2";
  158. alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"
  159. bind "n" "+jumpthrow"
  161. alias "-crosshairsmoke" "cl_crosshairsize 2.5;cl_crosshairdot 0;cl_crosshairgap -3"
  162. alias "+crosshairsmoke" "cl_crosshairsize 1337;cl_crosshairdot 0;cl_crosshairgap -3"
  163. bind "V" "+crosshairsmoke"
  165. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  166. //
  167. // Final stuff
  169. developer "0"
  170. hud_showtargetid "1"
  172. host_writeconfig
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