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May 24th, 2017
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  1. [5/22/2017 4:47:10 PM] Cpt.Jack Sorry for the wait
  2. [5/22/2017 4:47:16 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: No problem
  3. [5/22/2017 4:47:21 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: I couldn't do boosts during the wait anyway
  4. [5/22/2017 4:47:41 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: but I can within the next few days so I wanted to get everything set up
  5. [5/22/2017 4:47:52 PM] Cpt.Jack Remember, don't share any of your personal information with the clients, always talk to the customer immediately after you take an order,
  6. don't flame, absolutely NOT USE SCRIPTS or any 3rd party program that might get the client banned,
  8. try to use VPN and use our feature to Disable chat (
  9. Once you take an order you need to talk to the customer and play at least 3 games immediately after, otherwise you will be removed and penalized
  10. Don't add or talk to anyone on the customers account, unless told otherwise, for that use the site chat and play offline
  11. DON'T FORGET GROUP BOOST IS DUO Q, YOU NEED TO HAVE AN ACCOUNT TO PLAY WITH THE CUSTOMER and put the summoner name you used on the order so it can update
  12. The games will update automatically after completed, and once the order is completed the admins will process it as soon as possible
  13. Payments every Monday night, DON'T FORGET TO Save Your PAYPAL EMAIL ON THE BALANCE, otherwise we can't pay you
  14. To take an order you just need to log on your account and check the dashboard, you will hear a sound if there's a new order
  15. Order starts at 60%, once a booster claims it, other boosters will have 1 minute to claim it, if more than 1 booster claim
  16. the order the one that does it for the lesser amount will win the bid and take the order, otherwise the booster takes the
  17. order for the 60%, if you give the minimum bid (40%) the order is yours instantly
  18. We have a 24/7 booster support if you need help or have any question.
  20. Understood?
  21. [5/22/2017 4:48:20 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: Do you guys give us a vpn?
  22. [5/22/2017 4:49:19 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: I'll be fine to not use your chat disabling thingy if possible
  23. [5/22/2017 4:49:24 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: I can just /mute all, or only type constructively
  24. [5/22/2017 4:49:31 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: I'm not a toxic individual and I have the restraint
  25. [5/22/2017 4:49:44 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: plus you guys can most certainly kick me out of your service if I am toxic and I don't want that so
  26. [5/22/2017 4:49:54 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: if yall give us a vpn I'm down, if not ill have to go find one
  27. [5/22/2017 4:50:01 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: everything else sounds good though
  28. [5/22/2017 4:50:14 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: 60% is a good number and your claiming system is cool
  29. [5/22/2017 4:50:28 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: I guess my name on the site could be Jimmy or Jimmy Hawkthorne
  30. [5/22/2017 4:50:32 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: either or
  31. [5/22/2017 4:56:33 PM] Cpt.Jack Ok
  32. [5/22/2017 4:56:39 PM] Cpt.Jack We don't give VPN
  33. [5/22/2017 4:56:42 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: ok
  34. [5/22/2017 4:56:45 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: got any suggestions?
  35. [5/22/2017 4:56:47 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: for a vpn
  36. [5/22/2017 4:57:27 PM] Cpt.Jack ExpresVPN, but you are not obligated to use one is mostly for your protection, but usually isn't necessary
  37. [5/22/2017 4:57:37 PM] Cpt.Jack in any case if the customer asks you say you use it
  38. [5/22/2017 4:57:41 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: yeah
  39. [5/22/2017 4:57:44 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: i do want to use one though
  40. [5/22/2017 4:57:50 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: ill checkout expressvpn
  41. [5/22/2017 4:58:50 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: lemme know what i need to do site wise
  42. [5/22/2017 4:59:02 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: either Jimmy or Jimmy Hawkthorne is fine, or just Hawkthorne idk lol
  43. [5/22/2017 4:59:05 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: something that can identify that its me
  44. [5/22/2017 5:00:08 PM] Cpt.Jack ok
  45. [5/22/2017 5:00:29 PM] Cpt.Jack send me the complete ID and I will create your account later tonight
  46. [5/22/2017 5:00:40 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: what do you mean complete id
  47. [5/22/2017 5:00:43 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: like
  48. [5/22/2017 5:00:51 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: just the name i want the account to be created under?
  49. [5/22/2017 5:03:28 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: if that's all you mean then make it this:
  50. [5/22/2017 5:03:30 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: Jimmy Hawkthorne
  51. [5/22/2017 5:03:38 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: if that's too long, then:
  52. [5/22/2017 5:03:39 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: Jimmy
  53. [5/22/2017 6:12:10 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: feel free to send me the account info here whenever you make it, i'll check skype again tomorrow
  54. [5/22/2017 6:12:17 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: gonna get off for now tho
  55. [5/22/2017 6:12:18 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: o/
  56. [2:58:36 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: Yo
  57. [2:58:39 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: you got the account?
  58. [2:58:43 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: I can start boosts now
  59. [2:58:46 PM] Jimmy Hawkthorne: hmu.
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