
Only cucks and cat ladies are upset by Trump comments

Oct 9th, 2016
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  1. He talks like a normal person, that's one of the things people are drawn to.
  2. And this is the way that normal dudes talk to each other when the subject of the opposite sex comes up, sort of dancing a little bit, but he probably was worried about something.
  4. He made a statement where he, Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course, let me tell you which is not a shocking revelation, i mean it's not a shocking revelation that any man with a normal T level would say this to someone else especially you know Trump was 59 years old the time this happened, and you know I think Billy Bush was in his 30s or something like that, I think. They're just talking to each other, this is how men talk to each other and i think you know a lot of women who realize this too. I think women understand this and say "oh i think the only people that really gonna be bothered by this are men who are cucks who, who don't sleep with their wives, and women forever alone, cat ladies who nobody wants to grab their pussy" so these are the people that are gonna be upset by this, and does that mean that maybe some of the support of Trump peals off, I'm not really sure, I know it certainly affects the cucks.
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