
The one where Ash doesnt want to be sued

Mar 7th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stood in the kitchen at the counter, a cutting board in front of her with a whole eggplant sitting on it. She carefully cut off the ends of the eggplant, Penny sitting happily at her feet waiting patiently to be fed literally anything of the people food. You dont want eggplant, dog. Beginning to slice the eggplant, she raised her voice to call out. "Arizona?"-
  2. Covet: "What?" Felix yelled from where he was sitting on the couch, turning his head that direction. He reached up and scratched his head under his beanie, waiting for an answer. He had a couple of cats hanging out with him as he was watching TV.
  3. Alexithymiaa: "Can you light the barbecue for me?" She asked as she continued to slice the eggplant into thin round pieces.-
  4. Covet: "Yep." He said getting up off the couch making his way outside to the back patio where the barbeque was. He turned on the gas, and took the long lighter thing and stuck it town by where the gas was coming out and watched it light up. He set the lighter down and instinctively went to pull a pack of cigarettes out of his pockets, before he frowned and realized there wasn't any, duh, quitter. There was however the plastic container with the nicotine gum. He flipped the cap on it and popped a piece in his mouth while he sat down glowering, watching the grill.
  5. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : -Finishing with the slicing, she set the knife down and moved the flat pieces to a tray, seasoning them a bit before picking up the tray and moving through the kitchen and outside to set it down next to the barbecue. "I don't think I actually asked you if you liked eggplant at any point. Do you like eggplant?" // Ash pulled up into the driveway of the house in his sleek black Challenger. Climbing out of the car, he situated his gun for safe keeping into the waistband of his ripped black jeans, making his way up to the front door and knocking, the papers Steph served him with yesterday in the pocket of his black hoodie.-
  6. Covet: Felix looked up at Steph and tilted his head to the side, "Huh? Oh, I don't mind eggplant. It's just another vegetable." He said chewing on his gum. Felix wouldn't have heard the rumbling of the beefy muscle car, since they were outside, so he just watched Steph with a smile using that to get his mind of cigarettes. Dammit Remy.
  7. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled at him, reaching over to take his hand to give it a squeeze. "Everything okay?" She asked him since he'd seemed a little spacey. She heard Penny begin to bark inside the house, turning to glance toward the door. "I swear if she's chasing Alfred again..." Leaning in to kiss his cheek, she stepped away and turned to walk back into the house, seeing Penny barking at the front door. Making her way over, she put her foot out to stop Penny from moving forward before pulling the front door open, just staring at Ash. "What the fuck are you doing here?" // Ash's eyes fell on Steph when she answered the door, reaching his hand into his pocket to pull out the folded papers, giving them a little wave through the air. "We need to talk about this."-
  8. Covet: "Yeah, I'm fine. Red" He said with a smile then watched as she got up to go inside. He took a peek at the eggplant not knowing how to know when it was done or not, having never cooked it on the grill like this before. He turned his head to see that Steph was at the door and because she was short he could see Ash. Felix walked in the house with a glower on his face, already in a bad-ish mood, this wasn't going to do him any more good.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -She furrowed her brows as she looked at the paper in his hand, shaking her head. "No... the point of that was so that your lawyer would talk to my lawyer. Not that you would show up at my door. We have nothing to discuss. So as it states, if your lawyer would like to contact mine, that's a different story. Bye." She pushed to push the door closed on him. // Ash stuck his hand out to stop her from slamming the door in his face. "Yeah, I got that. But I dont really think it's necessary to get lawyers involved when we can just talk this out. So if you don't want me to come into the house, fine. At least step outside."-
  10. Covet: Making his way over to the door Casually he looked at Ash, and the hair on his arms and neck stood up when he blocked the door. "Unfortunately for you, it's not about what you think. Option number three is for you to leave and for your lawyer to contact hers. It's all pretty fucking clear."
  11. Alexithymiaa: -She set her jaw as she looked at him, her eyes narrowing on her face. "I dont know why you thought this was a good idea, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave before I call the police and have you escorted off my property." She said firmly, not budging. // Ash let out a deep sigh as the two shut him down, folding the papers up to push into his pocket again before running his fingers back through his hair. "Look... the best thing for you to do right now is to just talk to me about this. I can be reasonable. You're not being reasonable right now. I really think you should take my word for it, and just come talk to me."-
  12. Covet: "Regardless of what you tell her, she doesn't have to do anything you want. Did you ever stop to think that maybe someone professional told her that those papers were the best thing for her to do right now? " Felix said putting his arms up like duh you moron. "Buck up buttercup, you only came all this way to waste your own time."
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Exactly." She said in response to Felix's remark, nodding her head. "I've had legal counsel. Maybe you should have some too. Now... you're interrupting our dinner. Call your lawyer in the morning and we'll sort out your inability to write your own songs through them." // Ash shook his head, growing frustrated with not getting what he wants because he's a fucking brat. Reaching into the back of his pants, he pulled the gun out, pointing it out in front of him over the top of Steph's head and At Felix. "Listen... what's best for everyone right now? Is if you come talk to me."-
  14. Covet: Felix sighed and closed his eyes shaking his head, "And waving a gun around is supposed to make me feel any more comfortable with her going out there with you? Scare me? I haven't had a cigarette in almost two weeks. All you're doing is pissing me off. " He opened his eyes again as he adressed him then reached into his pocket where is phone was, not taking his eyes off Ash.
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She swallowed hard when Ash pulled the gun out to point it at Felix, knowing full well he wouldnt shoot HER, but growing worried for Felix's sake. Reaching behind her blindly, she tried to push her hand into Felix's stomach to nudge him backwards. "This isnt about him. This is between you and me. So put the gun down and I'll consider hearing you out for ten seconds." // Ash held the gun steadily at Felix's face as he listened. "I'm not really concerned with how comfortable you are, dude." He looked down at Steph again, gesturing to the front porch with his free hand. "That's not how this is going to go. Because you only listen when I threaten him, so I cant exactly drop my leverage. Now... if you'll step outside, we'll settle this lawsuit."-
  16. Covet: Felix quickly swiped his fingers over the numbers for 911, thankful that Steph had turned around to push him to help conceal what he was doing. he glared at Ash, tucking his phone into his pocket, just enough sticking out to pick up the conversation at the very least. "If that's how it's going to be then why not come inside anyways. At least it's warm in here." He said standing in the doorway next to Steph. "Then you get things your way anyways. Which is what you want right?" He was mostly just biding his time at this point.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "No." She said quickly because she didnt know Felix had called the police in his pocket. "I don't want the gun in the house with you." She spoke firmly, her eyes watching Ash. "Just... I'll follow you. Felix, please stay inside." Exhaling deeply, she stepped out of the house and walked toward Ash, slipping by him and pulling her arms around her middle. "Get away from the door." // Ash smirked and followed Steph, keeping his gun pointed at Felix. "If I'm not allowed in the house, we can sit in my car and I'll turn the heat on. Go." He said, nodding his head toward the car before glancing at Felix. "It's probably wise if you just get in the car, Steph."-
  18. Covet: Felix bit the inside of his cheek as he listened to both of them. "Yeah... whatever. Fine. Make it quick." He said grumbling, "I better get a cigarette out of all of this drama." Felix called out acting like more of a douche than he actually was. But it was just an act. He hated the idea of Steph going out there with him alone, with a gun, but at the same time. He believed her that Ash wouldn't hurt her, and it'd be easier for him to talk with dispatch.
  19. Alexithymiaa: -She stared into Ash's face as she listened to him, her eyes flicking back to Felix with a worried glance. Turning in silence she stepped down off the porch, walking over to Ash's car to slide into the passenger seat. // Ash laughed at Felix because Steph had heckled him to quit smoking too and this was all too familiar to him. Lowering his gun, he walked back over to his car, getting behind the wheel and starting the car so he could put the heat on for her. "You need to talk to your lawyer and drop this suit."-
  20. Covet: Felix closed the door and kept most of his head looking in the window out at the car. That way he could still bring up the phone to talk to the 911 peoples. "Hello? Hello?" He said into the phone expecting to hear someone immediately // "Nine one one, what's your emergency?" I heard something about a gun, what's going on Sir?" // Felix took a deep breath and tried to keep his mouth moving as little as possible "My Girlfriend's ex is here threatening her with a gun. He has her out in his car and they're talking, I wasn't allowed to go with them. He's been an issue before."
  21. Alexithymiaa: "The point of filing it was that I didnt want to drop it. What makes you think I'm going to drop it just because you asked me to?" She asked him, her eyes narrowing on his face. // "Because it's in your best interest, and your boy toy's if you do. Or did you want to find out what would happen if you didn't?" He asked her, twirling the gun around his fingers easily.-
  22. Covet: "Can you confirm the address for us please?" The emergency dispatch requested. // Felix gave them Steph's adress, and added the description of Ash's car. " It's an all black, tinted windows, muscle car. I don't know which one." He said. // "What's the ex boyfriend's name?" She asked getting as much information as she could while getting an officer unit sent that direction. // "Ash... Ash.. fuck I can't remember his last name. He's a singer for this band. Not helpful... He might try to run, she's in the car with him....if they spook him." Felix said his ADD brain not helping.
  23. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : -She swallowed hard as she watched him, her hand moving beneath her scarf to fumble with her necklace uncomfortably. "Are you threatening to hurt him if I don't?" // Ash gave a small shrug, setting his gun down in the door compartment of his side. "Do you want to find out?" He asked her, putting the car into reverse as he started to back out of the driveway without letting her out of the car. Cutting the wheel, he pulled out and onto the street, starting away from the house.-
  24. Covet: "Okay But seriously you need to get someone over here now he's pulling out of the driveway with her. The liscence plate is [blah blah numbers letters and such." Felix said feeling a little panicked now. // The operator tried to talk him down, "Sir, an officer unit is on their way right now. Please just stay on the line and stay calm." She called for an additional unit to be on standby. // Felix grumbled, "It's easy for you to say that right now..." He told them the direction that Ash turned as he stared watching nervously out the window. He wanted to call Bryan, but he couldn't because he was on the phone with the help.
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