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a guest
Feb 24th, 2018
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  1. { "help" :
  2. [
  3. { "command" : "dev-blockheight", "description" : "Show current block height" },
  4. { "command" : "dev-setfees", "description" : "Set feerate in satoshi-per-kw for {immediate}, {normal} and {slow} (each is optional, when set, separate by spaces) and show the value of those three feerates" },
  5. { "command" : "listnodes", "description" : "Show all nodes in our local network view" },
  6. { "command" : "getroute", "description" : "Show route to {id} for {msatoshi}, using {riskfactor} and optional {cltv} (default 9)" },
  7. { "command" : "listchannels", "description" : "Show all known channels" },
  8. { "command" : "invoice", "description" : "Create an invoice for {msatoshi} with {label} and {description} with optional {expiry} seconds (default 1 hour)" },
  9. { "command" : "listinvoice", "description" : "(DEPRECATED) Show invoice {label} (or all, if no {label}))" },
  10. { "command" : "listinvoices", "description" : "Show invoice {label} (or all, if no {label})" },
  11. { "command" : "delinvoice", "description" : "Delete unpaid invoice {label} with {status}" },
  12. { "command" : "waitanyinvoice", "description" : "Wait for the next invoice to be paid, after {lastpay_index} (if supplied)" },
  13. { "command" : "waitinvoice", "description" : "Wait for an incoming payment matching the invoice with {label}" },
  14. { "command" : "decodepay", "description" : "Decode {bolt11}, using {description} if necessary" },
  15. { "command" : "help", "description" : "Show available commands" },
  16. { "command" : "stop", "description" : "Shut down the lightningd process" },
  17. { "command" : "getlog", "description" : "Show logs, with optional log {level} (info|unusual|debug|io)" },
  18. { "command" : "dev-rhash", "description" : "Show SHA256 of {secret}" },
  19. { "command" : "dev-crash", "description" : "Crash lightningd by calling fatal()" },
  20. { "command" : "getinfo", "description" : "Show information about this node" },
  21. { "command" : "sendpay", "description" : "Send along {route} in return for preimage of {rhash}" },
  22. { "command" : "pay", "description" : "Send payment specified by {bolt11} with optional {msatoshi} (if and only if {bolt11} does not have amount), {description} (required if {bolt11} uses description hash) and {riskfactor} (default 1.0)" },
  23. { "command" : "listpayments", "description" : "Show outgoing payments" },
  24. { "command" : "connect", "description" : "Connect to {id} at {host} (which can end in ':port' if not default)" },
  25. { "command" : "listpeers", "description" : "Show current peers, if {level} is set, include {log}s" },
  26. { "command" : "fundchannel", "description" : "Fund channel with {id} using {satoshi} satoshis" },
  27. { "command" : "close", "description" : "Close the channel with peer {id}" },
  28. { "command" : "dev-sign-last-tx", "description" : "Sign and show the last commitment transaction with peer {id}" },
  29. { "command" : "dev-fail", "description" : "Fail with peer {id}" },
  30. { "command" : "dev-reenable-commit", "description" : "Re-enable the commit timer on peer {id}" },
  31. { "command" : "dev-ping", "description" : "Send {peerid} a ping of length {len} asking for {pongbytes}" },
  32. { "command" : "dev-memdump", "description" : "Show memory objects currently in use" },
  33. { "command" : "dev-memleak", "description" : "Show unreferenced memory objects" },
  34. { "command" : "withdraw", "description" : "Send to {destination} address {satoshi} (or 'all') amount via Bitcoin transaction" },
  35. { "command" : "newaddr", "description" : "Get a new address to fund a channel" },
  36. { "command" : "listfunds", "description" : "Show funds available for opening channels" } ] }
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