
Blast Rush 4

Dec 10th, 2019
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  1. [11:47] Nicholas Endore says, "Hey Solon."
  2. [11:47] Chuck looks a tad to his left, eager to practice the new magic he had thought of and acquired.
  4. He taps at the person sat next to him. "Hey, would you care to have a quick match?" he asks.
  5. (Chuck)
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. [11:47] Solon Tofusin says, "Hey, Nicholas."
  9. [11:48] Solon Tofusin says, "Also, sure we can have a match if you would like..."
  10. [11:48] Nicholas Endore asks, "Are you free right now?"
  11. [11:48] Chuck says, "Sweet"
  12. [11:48] Nicholas Endore says, "Ah, do your match first."
  13. [11:48] Solon Tofusin says, "Right after this match yea..."
  14. [11:50] Chuck nods, he gets into position without manning a stance donning nothing but the energy that shrouded him.
  16. It affected him in a different way to his usual magic, the fight was sure to be interesting.
  18. He whips his magic around his hands as he prepares to charge in and deal some crushing blows and spectacularly well placed moves.
  19. (Chuck)
  20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. [11:56] The knight walks over the other arena. Rudely making Nicholas wait for whatever he needs. Its probably a spar as well since Solon asked to spar next time he saw him. Though that doesn't matter right now. What does is this unknown cadet in front of him.
  24. Once he gets to the normal spot he draws his new blade. The one Zachary gave to him before the attack. He hasn't been able to use it yet. He intends to slaughter the Syndicate with it....
  26. He gives the sword a few test swings, before crouching to the ground. Taking his strange Ifrit stance. He takes a deep breath and he bursts into flames.
  28. "Alright ready to go when you are!" He states as small explosions appear behind him. Is seems he will launch himself forward with it. Though he had an idea, what if he used the momentum of his dash to throw explosions at his enemy. While completely untested he aims to try it out.
  30. His lips would curve into a smile. He needs to practice more if he wants to take them on....
  33. (Solon Tofusin )
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. [12:08] Solon rushed at the cadet. Without holding back, his rapid assault of flames would overwhelm Chuck. The cadet was outmatched. Either do to his inexperience or he was just all around stronger. Nevertheless the spar come to an end.
  38. The instant rush of adrenaline, made Solon rush forward. Surrounding the area in a explosive fire, putting the cadet into a daze. He proceeded to assault him with more fire on top of that. Creating a inferno of his burning desire to win.
  40. Explosions covered the arena... The momentum trick worked. He was able to fill the ring with attacks leading to the defeat of his opponent.
  42. Singeing and breaking the floors without care. The heat in the room increased a lot. Solon may have gone overboard. With the cadet on the ground he would release his anger.... Calming down, with a shake of his head.
  44. He needs to get better, but not take it out on others. "Good spar... My apologies about that." He lets out an awkward laugh.
  45. (Solon Tofusin )
  46. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. [12:11] Chuck was outmatched, the opponents skill and experience was far more than he could hold a candle at, seems his experience with his new magic wasn't enough for him to land a single solid blow with it.
  50. Nevertheless he would look up to his opponent with a smile after getting up wiping his nose and saying "Good fight".
  52. He planned on practicing more to change the results next time.
  53. (Chuck)
  54. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. [12:11] Solon Tofusin asks, "So what did you need nich?"
  57. [12:11] Chuck asks, "I still need practice anyone else wanna go?"
  58. [12:24] Chuck doesn't stand a chance. She'd give him credit for effort but he's doing even worse than before and that's something she wouldn't communicate for fear of destroying his drive. It's blatant as he's tossed around the ring that she's too overwhelming for him to even contend with and a linen-wrapped food moves so she can pull his ankle out from underneath him by moving her foot behind his to floor him.
  59. (Id)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [12:28] Chuck felt like he blinked and it was over, ID had gotten even stronger than before, he had been slacking heavily it seemed, he hadn't even remembered how to do his stance any more.
  64. He stared at the ceiling from the ground and reached up to try and reach the lamp above him, in a way it was a metaphor for the gap in power being displayed right now.
  66. Alas as tradition reprimands however he would still get up, give a thumbs up and say "Good fight" despite being heavily outclassed.
  67. (Chuck)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [12:29] She's not satisfied with that fight and walks forward after Chuck moves out of the ring to stare towards the sidelines with hidden eyes. Would someone else challenge her? Only time would tell.
  71. (Id)
  72. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. [12:30] Nicholas Endore says, "Ah, just wanted to ask you to spar."
  75. [12:30] Nicholas Endore says, "And about Explosion magic you have."
  76. [12:31] Solon Tofusin says, "I thought so. I don't want to keep making you sait but Id has now taken the arena.... I don't want her to wait...."
  77. [12:31] Nicholas Endore says, "Its ok."
  78. [12:32] Solon Tofusin says, "Alright... Sorry about that."
  79. [12:32] Chuck says, "I can spar ya in the mean time bud"
  80. [12:35] He walks into the ring with his flames still around his body. He face showed a look of determination. More training.... Perhaps something happened to make him like this. Who knows, but right how he draws his blade to fight Id.
  82. Crouching to ready himself for combat he attempts to practice his move once more. "Lets see if I can win this time."
  83. (Solon Tofusin )
  84. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. [12:35] Nicholas Endore says, "Oh, lets do it."
  87. [12:37] Solon steps into the ring and the moment his sword is drawn, she's already next to him, her speed being enhanced for the short burst she needed to close the gap. The next motion is to beat him down in a flurry of movements so she can win the battle.
  89. It's not pretty but it's exactly what she is and what she will be.
  90. (Id)
  91. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. [12:44] The cloaked young woman batters Solon relentlessly and as he falters during a particularly damaging combo, she turns away and Solon is hit with the air pressure of her aura exploding, sending him flying back into the wall.
  95. It's a bit too much, but not entirely out of her domain. Motes of windy mana return to her and reform the faintly luminescent aura within seconds as she moves back to her original spot near the middle of the arena.
  96. (Id)
  97. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. [12:47] Actaeon says, "Sounds good."
  100. [12:47] Actaeon says, "You metal magi are always fun to fight."
  101. [12:48] Aki yawns
  102. (Aki Kurokaiyo)
  103. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. [12:48] It was expected. The gap between the two is the same. He can only do so much before he fails. His magic was roaring against her but she was able to dodge all of it quite easily. As if they weren't there.
  107. His back slammed against the wall, siding to the ground. A look of defeat would cross his face. "Good spar, like normal." He says before he stands up and walks over to the sidelines.
  108. (Solon Tofusin )
  109. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. [12:49] Chuck exclaims, "Good fight!"
  112. [12:49] Nicholas Endore exclaims, "Good Fight!"
  113. [12:49] Chuck asks, "Care for another round?"
  114. [12:50] Chuck says, "It was good he won"
  115. [12:50] Nicholas Endore says, "I would like to first try with Solon."
  116. [12:50] Chuck says, "Sure"
  117. [12:50] Solon Tofusin says, "Alright."
  118. [12:51] Nicholas smiles
  119. (Nicholas Endore)
  120. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  122. [12:52] Solon walks into the arena, with a look of defeat... He needs Zach to train him. To beat Id... to beat Jasper... The Syndicate.
  124. He draws his blade ready fight again.
  125. (Solon Tofusin )
  126. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. [12:53] Nicholas would look at Solon. "Lets train Solon, so we can become stronger!" he would smile as he was ready to fight Solon. "I will go First round with my stance and aura, and on next one i want to test something" he would smile "Lets do it!"
  129. (Nicholas Endore)
  130. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. [12:55] Nicholas Endore says, "time to try something..."
  133. [12:55] Solon Tofusin says, "Go ahead."
  134. [12:55] Nicholas Endore says, "*Takes out a potion and drinks it."
  135. [12:56] Nicholas takes out a potion and drinks it
  136. (Nicholas Endore)
  137. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  139. [13:05] The first round was quite even. Perhaps due to the lack of confidence or he might not have fought a fire magi in a while. The flames thrown around the arena were strong. Taking Solon by surprise.
  141. Regardless he was able to endure them. Allowing Nicholas to test out this potion he had in his pocket. Not sure what it was, he let him test it. If anything it seemed to make the fight more in Solon's favor.
  143. "I'm not sure that did anything..." He stated while battering Nicholas. With a shake of his head he ignored the fact that he even took something to try and help him. Its probably for the best.
  145. He ran forward launching explosions with his momentum, using his arms to fan them out. The fight was ended with that large set of explosions that covered the whole arena. Not being able to escape them. Nicholas was sent flying into the wall. Much like his fight with Id earlier.
  147. "Good Spar. You have gotten quite a bit better since we fought last." He was truthful but Solon was quite sloppy during the fight. He could've done that a lot better.
  149. He just smiled at Nicholas while waiting for him to get up.
  150. (Solon Tofusin )
  151. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  153. [13:14] Nicholas would get up. and laught "Yeah, it didn't help me, i need to read more about what potions do!" he laughts once more. "This was really good, it was nice." he would nod "Yeah i feel i got stronger than before!" he would release his fire aura. "It was really nice, i had fun!" he smiles "It was a long time since i spar with Fire magic and its nice to finally do it." he would sheat his sword.
  156. "And i like your explosion magic, i wanted to learn it, but i changed my mind i want to learn Holy, it would really help me, i Know it" he smiles "But its hard to get holy, i will need someon to teach me and that will be hard."
  157. (Nicholas Endore)
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