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Aug 12th, 2015
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
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  9. <!ELEMENT exchange (name, address, telephone, emailAddress, applicationDate, availableDate, birthCountry, dateOfBirth?, age?, gender, schoolAddress, yearInSchool?, motherName?, fatherName?, emergencyTelephone, feePaid, essay, spokenLanguages, countryChoices)>
  10. <!ELEMENT name (lastName, firstName, middleInitial?)>
  11. <!ELEMENT lastName (#PCDATA)>
  12. <!ELEMENT firstName (#PCDATA)>
  13. <!ELEMENT middleInitial (#PCDATA)>
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  37. <!ELEMENT gender (#PCDATA)>
  38. <!ELEMENT schoolName (#PCDATA)>
  39. <!ELEMENT schoolAddress (street, apartment?, city, (state|province), (zipCode|postalCode), country)>
  40. <!ELEMENT yearInSchool (#PCDATA)>
  41. <!ELEMENT motherName (lastName, firstName, middleInitial?)>
  42. <!ELEMENT fatherName (lastName, firstName, middleInitial?)>
  43. <!ELEMENT emergencyTelephone (#PCDATA)>
  44. <!ELEMENT feePaid (#PCDATA)>
  45. <!ATTLIST feePaid currency CDATA #REQUIRED>
  46. <!ELEMENT essay (#PCDATA)>
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  64. <!ENTITY it "Italy">
  66. ]>
  68. <exchanges>
  69. <exchange id="I00001" exchangeType="S">
  70. <name>
  71. <lastName>StudentLastName</lastName>
  72. <firstName>StudentFirstName</firstName>
  73. <middleInitial>I</middleInitial>
  74. </name>
  75. <address>
  76. <street>1701 Wright Street</street>
  77. <apartment></apartment>
  78. <city>Madison</city>
  79. <state>WI</state>
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  81. <country>United States</country>
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  83. <telephone>(608) 555-1234</telephone>
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  86. <month>3</month>
  87. <day>23</day>
  88. <year>2015</year>
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  91. <month>3</month>
  92. <day>25</day>
  93. <year>2015</year>
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  95. <birthCountry>United States</birthCountry>
  96. <dateOfBirth>
  97. <month>1</month>
  98. <day>22</day>
  99. <year>1997</year>
  100. </dateOfBirth>
  101. <age>18</age>
  102. <gender>male</gender>
  103. <schoolName>Madison Area High School</schoolName>
  104. <schoolAddress>
  105. <street>123 School Street</street>
  106. <city>Madison</city>
  107. <state>WI</state>
  108. <zipCode>53717</zipCode>
  109. <country>USA</country>
  110. </schoolAddress>
  111. <yearInSchool>Senior</yearInSchool>
  112. <motherName>
  113. <lastName>StudentParent</lastName>
  114. <firstName>Mom</firstName>
  115. <middleInitial>H</middleInitial>
  116. </motherName>
  117. <fatherName>
  118. <lastName>StudentParent</lastName>
  119. <firstName>Dad</firstName>
  120. <middleInitial>K</middleInitial>
  121. </fatherName>
  122. <emergencyTelephone>(608) 123-4567</emergencyTelephone>
  123. <feePaid currency="USD">500.00</feePaid>
  124. <essay>
  125. <![CDATA[
  126. Sample of exchange essay for me to apply. Why do I want to go?
  127. ]]>
  128. </essay>
  129. <spokenLanguages>
  130. <language fluency="3">German</language>
  131. <language fluency="3">English</language>
  132. <language fluency="1">Spanish</language>
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  135. <countryChoice rank="1">Germany</countryChoice>
  136. <countryChoice rank="3">Brazil</countryChoice>
  137. <countryChoice rank="5">Mexico</countryChoice>
  138. <countryChoice rank="2">France</countryChoice>
  139. <countryChoice rank="4">England</countryChoice>
  140. </countryChoices>
  141. </exchange>
  143. <exchange id="I00002" exchangeType="S">
  144. <name>
  145. <lastName>Smith-William</lastName>
  146. <firstName>Julian</firstName>
  147. <middleInitial>J</middleInitial>
  148. </name>
  149. <address>
  150. <street>123 Some Street</street>
  151. <apartment></apartment>
  152. <city>Portland</city>
  153. <state>OR</state>
  154. <zipCode>12345</zipCode>
  155. <country>United States</country>
  156. </address>
  157. <telephone>(123) 123-4567</telephone>
  158. <emailAddress></emailAddress>
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  160. <month>1</month>
  161. <day>14</day>
  162. <year>2015</year>
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  165. <month>2</month>
  166. <day>13</day>
  167. <year>2015</year>
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  169. <birthCountry>United States</birthCountry>
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  171. <month>4</month>
  172. <day>5</day>
  173. <year>1998</year>
  174. </dateOfBirth>
  175. <age>16</age>
  176. <gender>male</gender>
  177. <schoolName>Westview High School</schoolName>
  178. <schoolAddress>
  179. <street>44566 Westview Road</street>
  180. <city>Portland</city>
  181. <state>Oregon</state>
  182. <zipCode>12345</zipCode>
  183. <country>United States</country>
  184. </schoolAddress>
  185. <yearInSchool>Junior</yearInSchool>
  186. <motherName>
  187. <lastName>Smith</lastName>
  188. <firstName>Peggy</firstName>
  189. <middleInitial>H</middleInitial>
  190. </motherName>
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  192. <lastName>Williams</lastName>
  193. <firstName>Ralph</firstName>
  194. <middleInitial>Y</middleInitial>
  195. </fatherName>
  196. <emergencyTelephone>(608) 555-4456</emergencyTelephone>
  197. <feePaid currency="USD">50.00</feePaid>
  198. <essay>
  199. <![CDATA[
  200. I have worked all my life and would like to travel. In order for me to be considered to
  201. be a foreign exchange student, I would need a scholarship.
  202. ]]>
  203. </essay>
  204. <spokenLanguages>
  205. <language fluency="2">Greek</language>
  206. <language fluency="4">English</language>
  207. </spokenLanguages>
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  209. <countryChoice rank="2">Finland</countryChoice>
  210. <countryChoice rank="5">Norway</countryChoice>
  211. <countryChoice rank="1">Brazil</countryChoice>
  212. <countryChoice rank="3">Japan</countryChoice>
  213. <countryChoice rank="4">Egypt</countryChoice>
  214. </countryChoices>
  215. </exchange>
  217. <exchange id="I00003" exchangeType="S">
  218. <name>
  219. <lastName>Morimoto</lastName>
  220. <firstName>Vivian</firstName>
  221. <middleInitial></middleInitial>
  222. </name>
  223. <address>
  224. <street>112 Japan Street</street>
  225. <city>Bunkyo-ku</city>
  226. <province>Tokyo</province>
  227. <postalCode>100-6805</postalCode>
  228. <country>Japan</country>
  229. </address>
  230. <telephone>(111) 222-3333</telephone>
  231. <emailAddress></emailAddress>
  232. <applicationDate>
  233. <month>1</month>
  234. <day>6</day>
  235. <year>2015</year>
  236. </applicationDate>
  237. <availableDate>
  238. <month>2</month>
  239. <day>13</day>
  240. <year>2015</year>
  241. </availableDate>
  242. <birthCountry>Japan</birthCountry>
  243. <dateOfBirth>
  244. <month>9</month>
  245. <day>3</day>
  246. <year>1997</year>
  247. </dateOfBirth>
  248. <age>17</age>
  249. <gender>female</gender>
  250. <schoolName>Tokyo's Finest High School</schoolName>
  251. <schoolAddress>
  252. <street>1223 High School Street</street>
  253. <city>Bunkyo-ku</city>
  254. <province>Tokyo</province>
  255. <postalCode>100-6805</postalCode>
  256. <country>Japan</country>
  257. </schoolAddress>
  258. <yearInSchool>Junior</yearInSchool>
  259. <motherName>
  260. <lastName>Morimoto</lastName>
  261. <firstName>Tina</firstName>
  262. <middleInitial>K</middleInitial>
  263. </motherName>
  264. <fatherName>
  265. <lastName>Morimoto</lastName>
  266. <firstName>Katsumoto</firstName>
  267. <middleInitial>Q</middleInitial>
  268. </fatherName>
  269. <emergencyTelephone>(608) 555-2222</emergencyTelephone>
  270. <feePaid currency="JPY">1000.00</feePaid>
  271. <essay>
  272. <![CDATA[
  273. This would be a great opportunity for me to get out and see the world. I truly enjoy
  274. living in Japan, but I would also love to travel around the world and this opportunity
  275. would give me a chance to do so. France would be a dream trip, but going to the United
  276. States would also be quite wonderful. Those are my top two choices, but in the end--any
  277. opportunity to go to any country would be an absolute thrill!!
  278. ]]>
  279. </essay>
  280. <spokenLanguages>
  281. <language fluency="3">Engish</language>
  282. <language fluency="4">Japanese</language>
  283. <language fluency="2">French</language>
  284. </spokenLanguages>
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  286. <countryChoice rank="2">United States</countryChoice>
  287. <countryChoice rank="4">Germany</countryChoice>
  288. <countryChoice rank="3">Canada</countryChoice>
  289. <countryChoice rank="5">Italy</countryChoice>
  290. <countryChoice rank="1">France</countryChoice>
  291. </countryChoices>
  292. </exchange>
  294. <exchange id="I000004" exchangeType="T">
  295. <name>
  296. <lastName>Walden</lastName>
  297. <firstName>Mary-Jo</firstName>
  298. <middleInitial>U</middleInitial>
  299. </name>
  300. <address>
  301. <street>333 North Shore Blvd</street>
  302. <apartment>310</apartment>
  303. <city>Miami</city>
  304. <state>FL</state>
  305. <zipCode>32408</zipCode>
  306. <country>United States</country>
  307. </address>
  308. <telephone>(555) 222-4456</telephone>
  309. <emailAddress></emailAddress>
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  311. <month>5</month>
  312. <day>22</day>
  313. <year>2014</year>
  314. </applicationDate>
  315. <availableDate>
  316. <month>6</month>
  317. <day>1</day>
  318. <year>2015</year>
  319. </availableDate>
  320. <birthCountry>Canada</birthCountry>
  321. <gender>female</gender>
  322. <schoolName>Simple High School</schoolName>
  323. <schoolAddress>
  324. <street>1223 Some Nice Street</street>
  325. <city>Miami</city>
  326. <state>FL</state>
  327. <zipCode>32417</zipCode>
  328. <country>United States</country>
  329. </schoolAddress>
  330. <emergencyTelephone>(333) 435-3423</emergencyTelephone>
  331. <feePaid currency="USD">200.00</feePaid>
  332. <essay>
  333. <![CDATA[
  334. I am coming to bring my knowledge and experience to others, but more so to learn
  335. from others and become a better person.
  336. ]]>
  337. </essay>
  338. <spokenLanguages>
  339. <language fluency="2">German</language>
  340. <language fluency="4">English</language>
  341. <language fluency="3">Japanese</language>
  342. </spokenLanguages>
  343. <countryChoices>
  344. <countryChoice rank="4">Germany</countryChoice>
  345. <countryChoice rank="1">Japan</countryChoice>
  346. <countryChoice rank="3">Brazil</countryChoice>
  347. <countryChoice rank="5">Germany</countryChoice>
  348. <countryChoice rank="2">France</countryChoice>
  349. </countryChoices>
  350. </exchange>
  351. </exchanges>
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