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Sep 6th, 2017
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  1. Titanium Dragon - Today at 1:47 AM
  2. My reviews are, primarily, for readers, not writers. I'm hardly the only person who reviews feature box stories - other people have done so in the past (I forget who did the "vs the Feature Box" reviews, but I remember finding them interesting) and a lot of people are interested in whether or not the flavor of the week is something they should spend their time on.
  4. That does not mean that you, as the writer, won't gain anything from it (in fact, my reviewing a story seems to usually give a few dozen extra views), but my primary audience is my followers and other people who might be interested in knowing whether or not a story is interesting.
  6. Some people like that I review stories from the featured story box periodically because it means that I'm not just reviewing well-liked stories from the past and I hit a broader variety of authors that way. Also, it gives me a chance to see different things, and it also can serve as a boost for recently released stories. Yes, a few dozen views may not make a big difference in the grand scheme of things, but sometimes, it can help boost something into the feature box which wouldn't have made it at all. And when I actually read your story, IIRC, it wasn't actually yet at the top of the featured story box, though it was first or second in the box by the time I actually posted my review. Not that it would have stopped me from reviewing it.
  7. I leave a link to my reviews in stories because, in no particular order:
  9. A) I myself like knowing that my stuff has been reviewed, and I know many others do as well
  11. B) Other people come along and see the review and might agree or disagree with it (so yes, I do get views from it, but it also serves the audience - and people do come along and say "this articulates my views" and "I disagree with this and here's why"). I leave these comments on every story I review, not just recent stories.
  13. C) Some people get upset if you review a story and don't tell them about it, as if you're hiding your review from them. I've had it happen on two different occaisions where someone got upset because I posted a review set and didn't leave a notification in their story comments because I got distracted after making my post and didn't do my follow-up comments.
  15. If you don't like me linking to my review from the comments of your story, you are free to delete said comment (and I see you have already done so). Authors have the ability to delete comments from their own stories for a reason, and while many people don't like that people do it, they're allowed to by the site.
  16. As for "fact, not opinion" - all reviews are opinion. They're always a mixture of objectivity and subjectivity, as reviews by their very nature include value judgements. I speak using a voice of authority because that is my authorial voice. Also just kind of the way I talk in general.
  18. It isn't like I hide the fact that I'm making value judgements - I talk about stuff like "For me, it did, but for some folks, it might not be enough." or "But it left me empty, too, because it didn’t really add much in the way of emotional resonance or additional hooks to latch onto me with. I’m not left feeling like this backstory really added much to Sunset’s character, and the story itself, such as it is, doesn’t have much of an arc." or "Sadly, this did not really do it for me."
  19. And for the last bit: "I thought of it, I wrote it, I edited it, I submitted it, but DAMN IT titanium dragon NEEDS to get some benefit too."
  21. Uhm... you write fanfiction. In fact, the very reason you listed here is the reason why George RR Martin doesn't like fanfiction and doesn't think people should write it. Do you think you're doing something morally wrong by using other people's characters, settings, and ideas as a launching point for your own?
  23. Yeah, reviewers do profit off of judging the work of others. But that's commonly accepted as not only acceptable, but a good thing, because reviews are valuable. In fact, criticism, critique, and educational purposes are three carved out exceptions to copyright law in general, and is the space critics inhabit. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, it is actually legal, as opposed to fanfiction, which is mostly copyright infringement (albeit fun copyright infringement).
  25. Aragón - Today at 1:49 AM
  26. okay first of all, no, fanfiction ain't copyright infringement -- fair use yaddah yaddah gray area not really that
  27. second
  28. In fact, criticism, critique, and educational purposes
  29. the review still gives me no criticism
  30. and still spoils the story
  31. because all you did was to literally cover the word 'raritwi'
  32. Titanium Dragon - Today at 1:50 AM
  33. Criticism: the analysis and judgment of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic work.
  34. Aragón - Today at 1:50 AM
  35. which is an amazing way to make sure people know the story isn't just an appledash story from the get-go
  36. so
  37. tell me again
  38. who benefits from that
  39. because I sure as hell didn't
  40. good points: here's a spoiler-ridden explanation on what happens in the story
  41. bad points: repetition
  42. yeah
  43. that sounds thorough
  44. that sounds something you oughta keep up even if the author mentions how it's making him pretty goddamn uncomfortable
  45. god forbid we stop doing something just because it makes some people UNHAPPY jesus christ
  46. that'd just mean we're being, what, polite or something
  47. like you're equalling you writing reviews of mine to me writing fanfiction
  48. there's a bit of a difference in scale there
  49. me writing fanfiction is something hasbro doesn't even know is happening -- relatively to them I'm nothing, and I don't affect them
  50. you writing reviews of me is slightly different, as I'm pretty much exactly the same as you -- user on a fanfiction website -- and, as I already said, that thing is actively making me squirm because I just really dislike the philosophy behind it
  51. and dude, you can just post a normal comment, then add the story to the 'reviewed by titanium dragon' library
  52. which is something the author already sees
  53. everybody else does it this way but you
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