
Wake up, Lucario!!

Nov 25th, 2012
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  1. Wake up, Lucario!!
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  10. He's so cute when he's sleeping.
  12. His spiked paws folded tenderly under his head, his muzzle half-open, a gentle snoring filling the room. His tail gave a flip and I froze as he licked his lips, mumbling something in his own funny pokemon language to himself. It was only when I saw his chest rising and falling slowly once more under the blankets that I continued my approach. He was so cute that I had to put a hand over my mouth to keep from giggling.
  14. I kneeled down beside the bed and took in his slumbering form. My beautiful Lucario.. So well-muscled and sleek. A perfect creature, in my opinion, elegantly efficient in both form and motion. To see such a thing move is like witnessing dance, but to observe one up close in slumber is like entering a cathedral and viewing every wonder of art and architecture within. The cadence of his breath was like distant chanting to me, the haunting testimony of angelic choirs.
  16. In waking, I almost never got the opportunity to see his palms. That sounds strange until you consider that he only ever allowed his paws to relax in bed. Otherwise, they were almost constantly clenched in powerful fists. The way I found them that morning, open and innocent and soft, made me want to touch them. I found it hard to resist this temptation, and not just in regard to his paws. His fur was a bushy and wild. I wanted to touch all of it, to scratch it and stroke it and run my fingers through it. I wanted to massage every part of him, to feel his thick muscles under my palms. I could feel a certain strange hunger in my hands and in my heart for this.
  18. I put my mouth up close to his ear. Like really close. I could have stuck my tongue out and licked the edge of it. I didn't but I could have. He must have somehow noticed my breathing because I saw his ear twitch and he stirred softly.
  20. It was five in the morning.
  22. "Wake up, Lucario!!"
  24. Putting my hands on his shoulders, I shook the lazy pokemon until he awoke with a great start, growling irritatedly as he kicked his blanket off himself and sat on the edge of the bed, stretching with a great whining yawn. I smiled. I always woke him up like that, after all, a good trainer does her best to keep her pokemon sharp, right?.
  26. "Good morning!!"
  28. "As for me, I've been awake for two hours already-" I bragged "-Had breakfast, got cleaned up and dressed. I even did my makeup, see?" He glared, eyes red and bloodshot from the wake-up call. It seemed for a moment he was asking me why I even bothered, we'd just sweat if off anyway. I shrugged and passed on, although I had half a mind to give him a little shove just to remind him I was a girl.
  30. "I've got a big day for you today, Lu." I smirked. He hated it when I called him by that nickname. "You've got fifteen minutes for breakfast, ten minutes for a shower and five to get your hands wrapped. That means I want you in the gym within a half-hour, got it?"
  32. His ear gave an annoyed twitch and I scolded him "Just because you haven't had a battle in two weeks doesn't mean you can get soft on me, Lucario." I gave him that shove I'd been saving from earlier and stood up. "Oatmeal is on the stove, I'll see you in the gym." I sensed I'd worn out my welcome from the way Lu's arms were crossed, so I stepped out of his room with a smile. "Love ya, Lucario. You're my best friend."
  34. He seemed to soften up a bit so I shut the door in his face and he growled something resembling profanity.
  36. If I seem harsh, then you must not know much about fighting pokemon. They thrive on competition and struggle. Every little skirmish between me and Lucario only serves to strengthen our bond, to sweeten the moments we share with our guards down. A fighting pokemon must be brought up with love and joy, yes, but a true champion only comes forth when it and the trainer view one another both as equals as well as rivals.
  38. I worked the punching bag as I waited for Lucario. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut. That combo will leave even the strongest machoke laid out on the canvas, so write it down. I kicked it until it flexed in the middle and slapped the ceiling, and then I started working on my muay thai- my knees and elbows. A well placed knee will stop a mugger, but an elbow to the throat may cut the jugular. That's a rhyme my dad taught me. He also taught me how to beat slot machines.
  40. Lucario presented himself ten minutes early, smelling of chlorine and soap as he bowed at the door before entering. He always finds new ways to impress me. I grabbed the bag to stop it swinging and put it between myself and him.
  42. "Alright, Lu." I called. "Let's start with bagwork." He bowed again and gave an affirmative bark before he started to punish the bag with a flurry of punches. I called out directions to him from the opposite side of the bag. I remember when I first started training him he had a bad habit of letting his guard fall and resting on his heels. Now when he wasn't punching, his forearms were always up about his head in an impeccable defensive pose, and the grace and agility of his footwork was absolutely astounding. He moved like a fencer, up on his toes with quick, perfect shuffle steps.
  44. That's not to say he didn't still need input. "Don't slouch so much, Lucario." I said. He blushed a bit and increased his tempo. The swiftness of his fists made them appear as a black and blue blur. "...And make sure you breathe out as you sink in those punc-"
  46. Just then he threw a haymaker- a wild punch that only just grazed the bag along its left side. I had to move my head to avoid it. The glancing blow was enough to put a small tear in the side of the bag, through which fine sand was now slowly leaking. I laughed.
  48. "Good job, Lu!" I smirked. "That means we're done with the bag for today. I'll just have to patch it up later." I went to the refrigerator and grabbed us both a bottle of water. "-But I sure hope you're not tired just yet, Mister Lucario."
  50. He winced softly, smiling back at me. The only endearment he hated more than Lu was probably Mister Lucario. I tossed him the bottle and he drank deeply.
  52. Our next exercise was grappling training. To be honest, his wrestling when we'd first met had been dismal, but he really seemed to enjoy our classes so his improvement was quite fast. We squared up on a mat and for a moment we met eyes, his tail gave a flick.
  54. One thing my Lu never got over was telegraphing his attacks. I swear that damn tail gave that exact same flick before every takedown he'd ever attempted, ever. He dove for my legs but I brought my hips down in a good solid sprawl, forcing him to pull guard to keep me from taking his back. I could see the sweat glistening in his fur and for a moment I again felt that strange hunger, that heavy desire in my breast to touch him. I got an idea.
  56. Passing his guard was no problem; I just wore down his defenses a bit with my knees before setting myself up in side control. He was on his back, defenseless under me. I could hear his breath in my ear as I took the mount.
  58. He tried to bridge, thrusting his hips upward in an attempt to buck me off, but I locked my legs around his waist and took a seatbelt hold about his torso. He was so close to me I could feel him through his pants.
  60. Something deep inside me told me to just lay there. He kept trying to fling me off him but I clung tight, our sweaty bodies heaving together. He was so close I could hear his heartbeat. After a while he tapped, exhausted and defeated. I just relaxed my holds and stood up before offering a hand to help him off the mat.
  62. "You've got to work on your guard, Lu." I teased. He huffed deeply, ever defiant as I smiled at him. "What do you say we get washed up?"
  64. He nodded and we both made our way to the locker room. This being a private gym, we have co-ed lockers and Lucario held the door open for me. I looked in the mirror. True to his prediction, my makeup looked absolutely awful after the workout. The foundation was spotted, my blush had streaked, and my eyeliner was just dreadful. I grabbed a towel and wiped off as much as I could while Lucario got undressed.
  66. I could him walking about behind me, then the sound of a door closing and taps being opened- he was taking a shower.
  68. The urge from before hit me again. It was stronger this time, and I could feel a knot in my stomach forming at the sheer exciting strangeness of it. I looked into the mirror for a moment. I smiled at myself, at how red my face was. My cheeks were hot to the touch.
  70. That's when I made my decision. I took off my clothes and walked into the shower room with Lucario. He glanced for a moment in my direction. It was common for us to shower together after a day's training, so he didn't seem startled. It was only when I crept up behind him that he expressed any surprise.
  72. "I'll wash your back, Lu.." I said, putting my hands up on his shoulders. He turned his head around, a look of dawning disbelief in his eyes as he said something that somehow sounded tough as well as nervous. I took that as a yes. I grabbed the shampoo and poured a bit on his back before starting to knead the beautiful, lush fur with my fingers.
  74. At first, he seemed to tense up at the proposition, preferring very much to soap up his front in an attempt to ignore me, but as my hands worked down from his shoulders his muscles seemed to relax under my palms in a way that seemed far from coincidental. "You're so strong.." I whispered in his ear. "I'm so proud to be your trainer.." I gave into my earlier instinct and ran my tongue along the edge of it and he shuddered deeply, startled by the sudden turn of events.
  76. And then we were kissing, hot water raining down on us, my hands running over his beautiful body, our nudity binding us together. One of my hands ran up the back of his thigh and softly cupped his furry testicles from behind. My heart jumped as he reacted, and I hugged him close, feeling his sheath rubbing against my stomach.
  78. It wasn't long before his length was fully exposed, a good five inches of smooth, pink flesh. He mated me there in the shower. I got on my back and we kissed as he thrust into me in a way both dominant and caring. He came and I gasped with delight.
  80. "You're filling me up, Lucario.." I said, and he closed his eyes tightly, spurting beautiful loads of spunk into me.
  82. We did it again later that same afternoon, and a third time that evening. Both times we laid together in my bed with me on my back. I have a feeling I'll be letting him sleep together with me from here on out.
  84. I woke him the next morning at eleven o'clock with a kiss. I'd slept through my alarm.
  86. "Wake up, Lucario!!" I said. "Good morning!!"
  89. ---
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  95. He blinked groggily and rubbed his eyes, an ear giving a twitch to shoo a wayward fly as he sat up. I wrapped my arms around him and we hugged tightly. I'd never realized how cold my bed had been before he joined me. I wanted to be close to him forever.
  97. "I love you, Lu." I said, pressing a kiss to his nose as I relaxed our embrace. He gave a funny look for a moment before sneezing. I laughed. Even when he was being cute, I found him irresistibly handsome. We kissed again and I could feel my heart increase its tempo, pumping faster in the way it did right before a big bout. There's nothing on earth that feels better than that.
  99. I broke the kiss and tried my best to look stern, although Lucario's slightly disappointed face made me have to stifle a giggle.
  101. "Don't think that just because I let you sleep in today you can get sweet on me... You've got to keep in shape if you want to be competitive..." I scolded, pinning him down to the bed. "After all, you're Lucario, the greatest fighting pokemon in the world..." I nibbled at his ear. "...But even champions need a day off now and then, right?" My hips shifted subtly and I straddled him, he gave a weak growl.
  103. "...You can't resist pretty girls, can you?" I continued, settling over his waist with what I assume was an evil smirk. "...That's your one weakness..." I could see a small blush forming about his cheeks and I laughed. He was dodging my gaze, something Lucario are well known to do when they're trying to avoid the concession of defeat. I ground my hips into his crotch and he made a noise somewhere between pleasure and frustration.
  105. "You don't have to deny it, Lucario, its fine..." I reached a hand down my panties and started to play with myself. "You can do anything you want with me..." I finally managed to make eye contact and he put his hands on my waist, tail twitching in the same sort of way it did right before he made a takedown attempt. I felt hot, like there was a burning, fiery hunger smoldering right there underneath my skin. He started to pull down my pajama pants, exposing my nethers with a similarly hungry feel to his paws.
  107. Behind me I could feel the fabric of his trousers tenting and I reached a hand back, stroking his firm length with one hand as I pleasured myself with the other. "You wanna put it in me, huh?" I inquired, giggling at his reaction. He'd virtually melted at my ministrations, and his tongue lolled out of his mouth in a strikingly out of character way. He was so cute like this. I loved watching his face as I played with him. "That's good..." I added. "'cuz I want it too..."
  109. I raised my rump in the air for a moment and looked down. I could see his length in the space between us, pink and glistening and just the right fit for me. I slowly lowered myself onto it with a lazy sigh and I looked up just in time to see him close his eyes as he thrust the remainder of the way into me. I gasped at the penetration, and let out a small moan as he started to fuck me proper. I unbuttoned my pajama shirt, exposing my small breasts to the moist heat of his breath.
  111. My body yielded completely to his length, an unconscious surrender on my part. I rode him the same way we always sparred, in an indescribable frenzied harmony with one another. It occurred to me later that sex and fighting just might not be entirely different things after all.
  113. He drove into me fiercely, grunting under his breath as I felt his cock give a desperate jerk. How long had he wanted to do this and I'd just been unaware? If I could do it all over again, I would've taken him to bed the day I caught him. All those nights, squandered on sleep! It broke my heart to think that there'd been such an eager lover just down the hall all this time, wasting his seed down the shower drain as I tried to tide myself over with my hairbrush.
  115. Lucario breathed in as he put one hand on my waist, the other on my shoulder. He flipped us over in a reversal so elegant and graceful that I had to remind myself to praise him about it later. His wrestling had really been improving lately. I lay there, legs wrapped around him from my back as he pushed himself into me. The sensation was incredible. I could feel the beginnings of an orgasm building up deep in my loins. "Lucario.." I gasped. "I'm close..."
  117. He closed his eyes and redoubled his efforts and I gave a cry of joy. I wanted to feel him splattered all over my insides, to milk his manhood for every drop of his fertile spunk. I put my hand on the back of his neck and guided his muzzle to my breast. He licked eagerly at my nipple, sucking on it, nibbling gently with his short fangs. I clutched his head tightly to my breast as I climaxed, great jolting shudders of pleasure shooting through my whole body. The sensation seemed to prompt his own orgasm as well, and he hilted himself in me, tail twitching like a metronome as he spurted his hot spunk over and over deep into my body. My toes curled and my thighs squeezed in on his waist, holding him firmly in position as I tapped him for every last drop.
  119. After a couple minutes he slid out of me, lying down on his side with the soft, creaking sound of body impacting mattress. We kissed for a while and then I sat up, smirking.
  121. "Let's go get cleaned up, Lucario."
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  130. Keep the comments coming, folks! I'm really thankful for all your input. :) Hope you enjoy this installment.
  134. "C'mon, Lucario!" I begged. "You're not sugar, you won't melt!"
  136. He growled softly as he dipped a footpaw in, scowling at the crystal clear water with his arms crossed over his chest. I swam to the edge of the pool he was sitting on and put my arms up over the side.
  138. "Just jump in... The water's really nice..." I smiled up at him. "Dontcha wanna swim with me, Lucario?"
  140. He huffed and looked away, tail stubborn and upright. I laughed. He was wearing a blue pair of swim trunks with pokeball polka-dots that made everything he did look ridiculous.
  142. "You big baby!" I called. "You need to learn to like swimming someday, Lu!" I scooped up a great handful of water and splashed him in the face.
  144. He jerked back, nearly losing his balance as he tried to avoid the soaking. I took the opportunity to grab his ankle and pull him in the rest of the way. He resurfaced sputtering and choking, water dripping from the end of his muzzle. He cussed loudly under his breath, glaring in my direction as he treaded water. I laughed.
  146. "Oh, don't look at me like that, Lucario..." I pressed a small kiss to his forehead. "We can go to the sauna when we're done and I'll give you a massage." He huffed again, a paw rising to wipe some water out of his eyes. "Let's start with laps, okay?"
  148. Every bit of elegance and grace Lucario possessed on dry land was rendered entirely useless in water, and he struggled for every single meter as he floundered from end to end. His stroke was messy, he couldn't figure out when to come up for breath and he gassed out early, panting loudly as his butterfly was reduced to a thrashing doggy-paddle.
  150. He hung desperately off the edge of the deep end, catching his breath for a moment, an ear flicking in a vain attempt to return to anything resembling dryness. I ran up the diving board next to him.
  152. "Cannonball!!"
  154. I leapt off and flailed in the air for a moment into a sloppy butterfly kick before tucking my knees up into my chest. The impact was almost enough to make me lose my bikini top, but I pulled it back down in time to save my dignity before I surfaced. Lucario snorted, blowing some water out of his snout with an unamused look as I swam over to him.
  156. "Hey there, Lu..." I giggled, tipping my head and tapping the side in an attempt to clear the water out of my ears. "You look like you've had a nice workout..." He nodded at me as I took his paw in mine. "Let's go check out the steamroom."
  158. He sniffed and turned his back on me as he started to climb out of the pool. I followed suit, giving his tail a teasing tug as we went off in search of our towels. He wrapped his around his waist while I draped mine over my shoulders and we entered the sauna.
  160. The heat hit us instantly. It was a dull, heavy warmth that filled the air with the smell of cedar and humidity. We closed the door behind us to prevent losing any of the precious steam. Lucario took a seat on one of the warped wooden benches, and I sat down next to him, leaning lazily on his shoulder. He took up the plastic ladle and sprinkled water over the stove from a bucket on the floor. It hissed and popped on the hot stones, releasing a beautiful white cloud of steam. I could see drops of water forming on the inside of the window.
  162. As long as I'd known him, he'd always loved the sauna. It wasn't at all uncommon for me to find him snoozing in the room, laid out sideways on the bench. I felt blessed to be sharing this with him, and he inclined his head softly, giving me a kiss. I giggled. His fur was stiff from the chlorine.
  164. "So, Lucario..." I murmured into his ear. "...You're still interested in that massage?" He looked over at me as I took his towel from him, leaving it on the floor. I brought my hands up to his shoulders, kneading them gently. I could feel him melting under the softly oscillating pressure and he lay down on his side, murring a bit as his tail gave a contented flip. Sweat dripped down my body, beading up on my brow. I leaned down and nuzzled his neck.
  166. "I love you, Lucario.." I whispered, reaching my hand down his trunks with a smirk. He reacted, body tensing up for a second before relaxing once again. "...What's this?" I giggled, rubbing his sheath with my palm. His whole chest was slick with sweat, and every inch of contact between us felt sticky and wonderful.
  168. He thrust into my hand as his sheath gave way to his quickly swelling shaft, that beautiful pink length. I wanted to watch him as he came, to see his balls twitching and his muscles rippling under his skin as his orgasm came around. He gave a low, growling moan.
  170. "Mn-hmn.." I laughed in his ear. "...I think Mr. Lucario likes it..." He blushed fiercely and seemed to say something in protest, but I silenced him with a kiss. "It's alright..." I whispered, voice gone gummy and thick under the weight of the damp heat. "I like making you feel good..."
  172. I picked up the tempo, pumping my fist up and down his beautiful length as he closed his eyes, growling something under his breath. He was close. "You're such a naughty boy, Lucario..."
  174. He spurted all over his front, thrusting wildly into the air as he reached his climax. I ran my fingers through the small puddles of white and brought them to my lips, tasting him with a smile.
  176. "You're delicious, Lucario..." I whispered, but he wasn't there to hear me. I heard a snore and looked to his face, and it occurred to me that he'd fallen asleep. "...You lazy bastard!" I cried, and still he snored, dick out and flopping around under his waistband. It seemed the pleasure had just been too much for him and he'd passed out.
  178. I did what any girl in a similar position would've done. I left him to his little nap. I took the bucket to the tap to refill it with ice cold water, and returned a minute later to dump the whole thing right on his face.
  180. "Wake up, Lucario!!!"
  184. ---
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  190. "Lu-ca-ri-o!!!"
  192. I struck a wooden spoon on the underside of the empty oatmeal pot I was holding, whooping as Lucario sat up violently, looking around for the source of the racket. I laughed.
  194. "Wake up, Lucario."
  196. He huffed, flinging the covers off himself, exposing his sheathe and furry testicles as he allowed his legs to dangle off the side of the bed. I smiled.
  198. "Get dressed-" I said, banging on the pot once more for emphasis. He lowered his ears with a dirty look. "-and get cleaned up. I'll have breakfast ready for you in fifteen minutes. Guess what we're eating this morning?" I kissed him on the forehead. "It's your favorite- oatmeal!"
  200. He rolled his eyes, growling as he reached for his trousers. I could see him blushing, though, as I turned to close the door to his room behind myself. He was so cute, even when he was being ornery.
  202. Lucario was late for breakfast, and I think I knew why. He seemed a bit sluggish as he ate his plain oatmeal, eyes lazy and unfocused as he shoveled scoop after scoop into his mouth. My first inclination was that he was just tired, but he seemed more clumsy than usual and I could see a warm blush on his cheeks. I noticed him panting between bites and that's when I realized he must've pleasured himself in the shower.
  204. "Lucario..." I called over the table in my best approximation of a sing-song. "...Today we're gonna be working on our groundwork."
  206. The news seemed to upset Lucario a bit. He glowered at his oatmeal suddenly, and his tail gave an annoyed twitch. Lucario hated grappling, more so than any of the other disciplines he'd studied, and for good reason, too. Lucario, unlike pokemon like machop and geodude, are not designed for wrestling. They excel in stylish, Chinese-style martial arts, full of spinning kicks and flying punches. Their tails allow them outstanding balance when standing and their paws are perfectly proportioned for swift, heavy strikes.
  208. Unfortunately, however, Lucario tails are completely worthless against the mat, and their paws, so carefully made to deliver devastating flurries of fists and feet, lack the grip strength necessary for serious jiu-jitsu. Lucario knew this just as well as I did and he frowned.
  210. "You need practice, Lucario!" I insisted. "Just because we haven't seen many challengers lately doesn't mean you don't have to work hard." I smiled and he pushed his empty oatmeal bowl away from himself, crossing his arms.
  212. Of course, we both knew that the ground game was the only one where I had a consistent advantage. As long as I've known him, I've always been able to get him on his back, to make him roll over and tap out. I licked my lips and he shifted uncomfortably.
  214. "Take care of the dishes, Lu." I stood up and started to head in the direction of the door. "I'll be waiting for you at the mats." He growled under his breath and grabbed my bowl, turning on the tap as I smiled at him. He paused for a moment and our eyes met, he blushed and I laughed. He muttered something angry and started to scrub.
  216. He joined me a couple minutes later and I smiled at him again. "Why don't we start with some stretches, Mister Lucario?" I suggested. "Try touching your toes."
  218. He bent over as low as he could go, but Lucario are somewhat notorious for their limited flexibility. He could only reach down to his knees.
  220. "That's okay, Lu.." I encouraged him. "To the count of ten, alright? Ten... Nine... Eight..." I continued to count backwards as I quietly snuck up behind him, my socks nearly silent on the wrestling mat. About when I reached "Three... Two..." I pinched his bottom and he panicked, so flustered he tumbled head over heels onto the mat. I offered a hand to help him back up, unable to stifle a little laugh at his expense.
  222. "I think that's enough stretching.." I remarked, smirking as he turned in my direction. "What do you say we begin, Lu?" I stepped forward with my left foot, bringing my hands up in a classic fighting stance. He nodded and made an affirmative noise, assuming a similar position with a slight lowering of his brow.
  224. We squared off and bowed to one another. His tail twitched nervously as he began to circle me, strafing to the right in what looked to be a perfect Bagua-style step. He brought in a foot at a right angle to the other and pivoted quickly, locking his arm and driving it into my shoulder in a beautiful display of pushing hands.
  226. I countered with my Aikido, turning my waist in the direction of the force while gripping his forearm strongly in both of my hands. I twisted, heaving my hips up as I threw him over my shoulder like a sack of flour. He coughed for a moment on the ground and I put my foot on his chest, smirking triumphantly in his face.
  228. He growled and grabbed my ankle, forcing it upward and to the side. I lost my balance and fell on my backside, where he quickly took side control and got me in an absolutely beautiful scarf hold. I was so proud of him.
  230. It took me a moment to catch my breath again- the fall had nearly knocked the wind out of me, but when I did I wrapped my arms forcefully about his torso, torqueing my body about once again and threw him. Our bodies tumbled together across the mat as we clung to one another, each of us wanting just as badly to end up on top. Once our rolling had stopped, he was on his back, panting heavily, and I was over him.
  232. I put my knee on his belly and pushed off on his shoulders. He grunted softly as I stood up once again, my foot once more in the center of his chest. "Good effort, Lucario." I snickered. "You're really starting to improve. I'm proud of you." My foot started to migrate in a bit of a southerly direction, and I could feel the fur on his well-muscled stomach between my toes.
  234. He huffed softly and I stuck a toe under his waistband. "Y'deserve a reward, I think, Mister Lucario..." He blinked at me, and I looked into his eyes. They were deep and dark and beautiful and I nodded softly with a smirk as I ground my heel into his sheath. He arched his back, the look in his eyes one of pleasant realization.
  236. "Such a good boy.." I could see it growing, and only a couple seconds passed before his pink shaft started to poke out. "...What's this?" I inquired as his full length began to reveal itself. I ran the ball of my foot over it, stepping softly on his penis, and he seemed to enjoy the soft pressure, the feeling of my arch over his adorable balls.
  238. His hips thrust softly and he grunted. He was so cute like this, all pent-up, begging for release. His cock, shiny and slippery, felt amazing on the underside of my foot, and I reached a hand down my panties stroking myself heavily at the sight.
  240. I took the head between my toes and he groaned deeply. He liked it. I lifted it a couple inches from his body and released it, watching his penis bounce as it returned to its regular angle. I laughed. I ran my toes along the whole of his cock, licking my lips at the sight. I wanted to taste it, but watching my Lucario in such ecstasy was too much to pass up. He writhed under my, and I drank it in, every bucking of his hips and every pant that came from his mouth. His tongue hung loosely out the side of his mouth, and a thread of drool extended from it to the mat. I started to play with my clit.
  242. "Damn it, Lucario..." I laughed breathlessly. "You're turning me on.." He responded with a heavy grunt, an ear flicking softly in acknowledgement. "I wanna see you cum..." I whispered, my own orgasm quickly approaching. He nodded softly, grunting again. His eyes had a far-off, glassy sort of look, like he was dreaming. "I'm close, Lu..."
  244. I closed my eyes. It felt like I was flying, all this pent up altitude in me. I was ready to drop, to fall into blissful release. Lucario was too.
  246. My insides buckled and I came. I could feel his sweet cream spurting out from between my toes and he grunted rhythmically with each squirt, balls convulsing as they gave up every drop of beautiful milk.
  248. "G-good boy, Lucario..." I murmured. I'd fallen on my backside from the force of the orgasm, and I crawled up next to my pokemon. I kissed him on the cheek and he licked my face. "I love you so much..." We shared a quiet minute or two in one another's arms, kissing and being lovers as aftershocks ran through my body.
  250. "So, Lu.." I smirked once the afterglow had faded a little bit. "Guess who's job it is to clean the mats today?"
  254. ---
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  260. "Lucario..." I whispered as I prodded his lean chest with my index finger lazily. "Wake up, Mistah Lu... You just gotta..."
  262. He growled under his breath and rolled over, tail springing up like a flag from his furry behind. I stifled a giggle.
  264. "C'mon, Lulu..." I sang just as I revealed the red airhorn I'd been hiding behind my back. I pushed the button, filling the room with a good couple seconds of ear splitting sound.
  266. By the end of the assault, I found him sitting up on the side of the bed, fur standing on end and looking livid. I nudged his foot with mine, smiling. "G'mornin..." I said, ruffling his hair with another giggle. "It's good to see you so bright eyed and eager, Lucario."
  268. He rubbed his red eyes with another growl and I gave him a playful sock to the chest, smirking. "We've got a challenger today." I remarked and he seemed to perk up instantly, eyes widening as he looked over in my direction. I could see his fists clench. "Some kid by the name of Ash." I continued, loving his response. "...Apparently he came into Veilstone half a week ago with some friends and is on the prowl for a Cobble badge."
  270. I could see the fight in Lucario's eyes as I continued. "He's got a good selection of pokemon, I guess, but he's got quite an affinity with this Pikachu." He huffed softly under his breath and I could tell he was already visualizing his victory to come. He was so eager to prove himself once again. I was so proud.
  272. "He's coming in this afternoon." I concluded. "That means I want you fighting fit. Make the bed and I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast."
  274. He nodded, grunting softly as he stood up. He was suddenly brimming with energy, a creature far removed from the petulant puppy I normally found myself working with. He looked to be a proper warrior.
  276. Fifteen minutes later he joined me at the table for our morning meal, oatmeal again. We hadn't had a proper battle in a while, and his glare was more intense than usual as he ate. He stared intently into his bowl, and I could just see his mind buzzing with strategies and tactics. When he stood to clear the dishes, I saw he only ate half of his oatmeal. It's unwise to fight on a full stomach, and he knew that. He makes me so proud to be his trainer.
  278. "Alright, Lucario." I called over to him when he was finished. "We're not going to do any weights today, and we're going to keep the sparring light." He nodded, barking in reply. "I don't want you getting hurt before a big match, you know?" I smirked.
  280. "So we're just going to get you good and warmed up today; some cardio, some stretching, you know the drill. You've trained for this, Lucario. I know you're ready." He barked again in reply and I felt my heart swell with pride. I kissed him on the forehead, and I could feel my cheeks go hot at the thought of him fighting for me.
  282. We retired to the gym and I brought out the strike pads. He crouched and rushed them, his fists flying in the direction of my open palms as we worked our way through a number of positions and exercises. I could hear the sound of his paws slapping against the worn leather echo throughout the gym, and a bead of sweat started to form on his brow. I laughed; just watching him was getting me giddy, the pure exhilaration of our upcoming victory. Distracted by this sudden rush, I found myself tripping over my own feet as he moved forward, ever advancing upon his imaginary rival. I fell flat on my back and he paused with a concerned look to extend a paw in my direction. I giggled and slapped it away.
  284. "I can pick myself up, Lucario." I replied, blushing brightly as I brushed myself off. "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm a weakling." I paused and sat up onto my bottom. "So when you find your rival in this position, what do you do?" I inquired, looking into his dark beautiful eyes.
  286. "Here's what-" I continued as he swished his tail, listening intently. "-You jump on the bastard and break his nose, alright?" He nodded and I laughed again. "Good boy."
  288. Just then I heard footsteps behind me and turned about to look at the intruder. He was a dark-haired boy, about my age, wearing a baseball cap with a blue pokeball symbol on the front. He had a backpack on, in which sat a bright yellow Pikachu and a glistening pokedex hanging from his belt.
  290. "You-" I said, standing up properly. "-must be Ash Ketchum."
  292. He nodded and I saw two more people following behind him. One was a deeply tan fellow, with perpetually squinting eyes and a spiky haircut, and the other was a young girl, the shortest of the bunch. I assumed she was Ketchum's girlfriend, and for a moment I was struck by the... Girlishness of her. I've never been one for skirts or growing my hair out, but to see such a pretty thing entering my gym made me reconsider for just a moment.
  294. I lowered my eyebrows as the boy replied.
  296. "That's right." He seemed confident. His pikachu hopped out of his backpack and scampered on all fours to the front of the group. "And I'm here for my Cobble badge." Lucario growled at the pikachu and it took a defensive posture, cheeks sparking.
  298. "Well you're gonna have to go through us, kid." I replied, I could see a piplup standing next to the girl.
  300. "I don't see any use beating around the bush." The tan gentleman remarked, taking a cellophane wrapped onigiri out of his pocket and taking a bite. "Why don't we get this over with? I'm sure Nurse Joy misses me by now."
  302. "Don't worry." I waved off his remark with a small laugh. "You're going to need hospital by the time I'm done with you." I looked over in Ash's direction. "My gym, my rules." I smiled. "My Lucario against your Pikachu. No substitutions, no potions. Hand to hand."
  304. The boy grabbed the bill of his hat and gave it a twist, turning it backwards on his head with a look of deep concentration as he nodded. "Sounds good to me." He replied as his pikachu gave a short electric crackle. I looked over to Lucario and saw him looking as strong and ready as ever, I felt my heart give a short jump.
  306. I laughed as I locked eyes with the dark-haired boy. "Well I don't have all day, kid!" I called, a bit of a mocking tone in my voice. "Challenger gets first shot."
  308. Ash didn't need asking twice and he pointed a finger in Lucario's direction, calling in a loud voice "Pikachu!! Use quick attack!" He cried, and the Pikachu started to dart back and forth as it quickly began to close the gap between itself and my pokemon.
  310. "Lucario!" I called in reply with equal force. "Double team! Now!" I could see his outline flickering for a moment as he dodged, appearing once again behind the confused Pikachu, who skid to a stop on the mat as it tried to turned about to face him. Lucario grabbed it by the tail, seeming unsure how to deal with the unfamiliar rodent anatomy as it made an attempt to throw it.
  312. "Thunder, Pikachu!" Ash called, and the pokemon closed its eyes tightly, ears flattening as it cried.
  316. I could feel the heat and smell the singed fur that seemed to have resulted from the sudden flash of lightning, and Lucario appeared stunned for a moment. In any case, he'd released Pikachu's tail, and it darted about, once again facing him properly.
  318. "Quick, Pikachu! While he's weak! Use iron tail!"
  320. The Pikachu got a running start before jumping into the air and doing a full front somersault. Lucario still looked to be overloaded from the electricity.
  322. "Lucario, use force palm!" I cried, and the sound of my voice looked to have roused him as he took a striking stance just in time to sidestep the swinging tail and plant a fully-charged palm right in the pokemon's chest. The attack flung the Pikachu several feet into the air, and it arced visibly before finally returning with a slap of fur on mat to the earth. It picked itself up and shook off. It's fur was a bit matted and mussed from the fall, and there was a quickly darkening bruise around it's right eye.
  324. "Pikachu, thunder jolt!" Ash shouted, and the Pikachu reared back on its hind legs for a moment before releasing an arcing bolt of electricity in Lucario's direction. I could smell ozone as I countered "Lucario! Dodge it!"
  326. Lucario sidestepped swiftly and for a moment I thought he was in the clear, but the sparking surge of power found the ground right through the spike in his chest. I could see his skeleton for a split second as the electricity passed through him, overloading his muscles and forcing him to arch his back. He fell.
  328. "He's down, Pikachu! Use thunder jolt again!" Ash yelled. I could feel my heart in my chest as the Pikachu started to charge up for another strike.
  330. "Damn..." I cussed under my breath. I knew my command was at fault for this, and I could feel my palms sweating as I shouted.
  332. "Fall back, Lucario! " I yelled in to him. "Get up and get out of range!" I could see he wouldn't be able to take another one of those electric attacks. "You've gotta lock onto his aura!"
  334. He scrambled up messily, although the moment he was on his feet his posture improved immensely. He stepped swiftly backwards as a look of deep concentration lowered his brow.
  336. As a side note, let it be known that Lucario are highly tuned to the internal energies of living bodies, something we refer to as auras. When lucario are sensing auras, their faces go stern and they reach a level of consciousness beyond that which one normally experiences when fighting. Once the lucario attains a certain amount of awareness, it can generate and release a ball of energy known as an aura sphere. A ball of pure living energy, the aura sphere must be, in my experience, the truest manifestation of the fighting spirit. It's a beautiful thing to behold, as full of unpolluted color as a sunrise and as quietly violent as the deepest ocean.
  338. The second thunder jolt missed, and the Pikachu shot a bolt of electricity that found it's mark in the punching bag hanging next to Lucario. It exploded in a spray of sand. Lucario seemed to have gotten some in his eye, and he rubbed at one with the back of his paw, cussing.
  340. "Lucario!!" I cried, hands making fists. "Don't let him distract you! Find the aura!"
  342. He shook his head and once again stared in the Pikachu's direction, a hungry look in his eyes, like that of a hunter or soldier right before a great battle. I could see the sand, gritty in his normally glossy fur, and the injured eye had gone a bit red. "You can do it, Lucario!!" I continued, and I saw him grit his teeth. If he wasn't dialed in yet, I could tell he was very close.
  344. "Pikachu! It's time to finish this!" Ash cried. "Use volt tackle!"
  346. The Pikachu ran to the opposite end of the gym and started to sprint on all fours in Lucario's direction.
  348. "Now, Lucario! You've got to use aura sphere!" I cried just as the Pikachu jumped, aiming a headbutt right at Lucario's stomach. I could see a shimmering, rippling layer of energy snapping and hissing about the Pikachu as it flew through the air.
  350. Lucario took a step back and brought its paws before its chest. Within the blink of an eye, a pea sized ball of pure light had grown to the size of a grapefruit, then a watermelon, than an exercise ball. He pivoted on his front foot and thrust it in the Pikachu's direction.
  352. The force of the strike was enough to send me sprawling, and when the smoke and dust cleared there was a gloved hand extended in front of me. I took it and Ash helped me up. Both Lucario and Pikachu were at opposite ends of the gym, unconscious and I gave a breathless laugh.
  354. "...A draw..." I murmured under my breath as we both rushed to take care of our pokemon. I nudged Lucario's shoulder and he opened his eyes. I smiled at him and pulled him up. "You did a good job, Lu.." I said, laughing at the lopsided smirk he replied with. He rubbed his eye again and we both went in the direction of Ash and his Pikachu, who looked to be bruised and scratched but otherwise just fine.
  356. "You'd best take that little thing down to the pokemon center down the street." I called over to Ash as the Pikachu climbed back into his backpack. "You did good, kid. I think you deserve this." I flicked a shining piece of metal through the air toward him and he reached up to catch it. It was a cobble badge, and he beamed at me for a moment. "Thank, gym leader." He replied, pocketing it. "I'll take care of it."
  358. "You can call me Maylene." I blushed deeply and looked away. He seemed to be doing the same. "You're all welcome to stop in if you're ever passing through Veilstone City." Ash turned in the direction of the door and I could see the girl's piplup standing on its tiptoes, trying to get a good look at the full extent of Pikachu's injuries. The tan gentleman laughed as he followed up the group. "She was right, you know.. I guess we will be seeing Nurse Joy again." The girl punched him in the arm and he rubbed it, chuckling as they made their way out into the afternoon sun.
  360. Them gone, I once again could give my full attention to Lucario. He groaned melodramatically as I put his arm about my shoulder and started to carry him towards the showers. "Don't be such a baby." I scolded mildly, smiling. "Let's get you cleaned up."
  362. Dirt and blood swirled about the drain as I scrubbed his back. Steam obscured my vision, and a crystal torrent of water ran down from the chrome showerhead. I could feel his muscles relaxing as I worked a brush through his fur and he growled softly when I soaped him up. "I want you smelling nice." I retorted, snickering in his ear.
  364. After we'd dried him off and he looked all fluffy and brand-new I pulled out a familiar red spray bottle from my first-aid kit. "This is gonna sting a little..." I warned, depressing the button and applying the potion to his various scrapes. He didn't wince, and I covered them over with band-aids, whistling softly as I tended to him.
  366. "My brave Lucario..." I whispered, kissing him softly. I reached a hand down to caress his sheath absently. He deepened the kiss. I could feel him hardening in my hand and I giggled. "I think he deserves something special..."
  368. I lowered my head and licked the tip of his manhood. It was salty and slick and male. I could feel him tense up a bit and I giggled. "I've wanted..." I whispered, unable to quite finish the sentence in one breath. "I've wanted to taste you..."
  370. He exhaled a long, shuddering breath as I took all of him into my mouth, sucking gently. He moaned and I could feel him emerging more fully from his sheath, swelling more with each passing second. I released his shaft with a small slurping sound and looked up and down its length.
  372. My saliva glistened on his shaft, threads of it continuing to link my mouth to his bright red cock. I ran my tongue along the bottom of it, tracing a prominent vein as he moaned deeply. I cupped his balls in my hand and sucked hard on the tip.
  374. His hips bucked and I sucked harder. I could feel his seed, swirling around deep in his balls, begging for release. I wanted to taste it. I wanted to feel him flowing down my throat. I wanted to swallow every drop of his glistening cum.
  376. I grabbed his shaft and started to pump my hand up and down it, jerking him off with a small laugh. I looked up at his face and saw him with his eyes closed, thrusting blindly into my fist. It was stunning, the difference between Lucario as a fighter and Lucario as a lover. He was so emotionally open, so willing to give himself over to me, to make himself vulnerable. I slid my mouth down his shaft and started to deep throat him, swallowing every inch of his pulsing cock. He moaned again, shuddering with a quickly approaching pleasure.
  378. He gasped, putting his hands on the back of my head and guiding my smoothly up and down him, tail twitching like a spastic metronome. His balls twitched on my chin and I could feel his seed rushing up his cock, jetting hotly into my throat. He held my head firmly as he spurted, and I could feel his well-muscled stomach on the tip of my nose. I could feel his chest rising and falling as he gasped loudly with the rhythm of his orgasm.
  380. His cum was delicious. Musky, salty, sweet and amazing. I swallowed a couple times before he was finished and he released me. I slid back up his shaft, lips wrapped firmly about it to suck off any remaining drop of his spunk.
  382. I licked his furry balls lazily as I looked up. His tongue lolled out as he enjoyed his afterglow and I giggled. "Good boy, Lucario..." I whispered, resting my cheek on the inside of his thigh. My cheeks were red hot.
  384. The next morning I swept the majority of the sandfrom the burst punching bag off the mats and out the front door. I went online and placed an order for a new one. I let Lucario sleep in that morning. I reckoned he deserved it.
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