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Laid Bare

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Sep 10th, 2013
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  1. Laid Bare
  3. Synopsis:
  5. There was never a place more innocent than Equestria-- however, when Rarity has a strange dream, she awakens with a sense that something is horribly wrong-- and realizes that all of her friends are naked.
  7. Chapter 1
  9. Where was this bizarre place that Rarity had stumbled upon? At first she thought she was surrounded by ponies, the movement of these beings was strange-- she was briefly reminded of the Diamond Dogs who had once kidnapped her, however while the Diamong Dogs had been savage brutes, these beings moved with grace and elegance-- as Rarity's vision became clear, she realized that their faces were smooth and soft, and they were all wearing beautiful gowns and suits. She was clearly in a ballroom of some sort, but these creatures were unlike any she had seen before. They were strangely beautiful, and rarity couldn't help but want to join them in their dance.
  10. “Who is that!? She's stark naked!” one of the beings spoke in a shocked but feminine voice while staring at her. The female averted her dancing partner's eyes and gave Rarity a cross look.
  11. “Naked? Why whatever do you mean?” Rarity questioned aloud. “Perhaps I am a bit under-dressed for an occasion such as this, but I hardly think--” Rarity was cut off by the sounds of more gasps of astonishment and disdain. Suddenly, she was surrounded by dozens of judgmental eyes, and she felt something that she had never felt before-- she was bare. It was like they were peeling away the walls around her soul, and staring right into her. She felt like all of her secrets and privacy had just been stripped away, and everything about her had been laid out for these people to gawk at. She didn't know why, but she found it extremely unnerving.
  12. “You filthy slut! How dare you show up to the ball like this? Have you no shame?!” another female voice called at her. Rarity couldn't take it anymore, and felt that she had to speak in her defense.
  13. “Now listen, I don't know how I got here or who any of you are, but casting scornful words at a party guest just because she's not as well dressed as you is utterly--”
  14. “Not well dressed? Just look at yourself!” the angry woman shouted.
  15. Rarity's cheeks began to warm profusely-- her ears felt like they were on fire, and droplets of sweat began to form above her brow. Whatever these people were angry about, Rarity knew she had to see, but she didn't want to. Her immense curiosity got the best of her however, and she found her eyes drifting down towards her body, and saw something that filled her with alarm...
  17. … suddenly, she awoke in her bed in a cold sweat. She sat up immediately and was breathing so fast she was practically hyperventilating.
  18. “Oh Celestia, what a horrible nightmare!” she whaled as she rested her face in her hooves. She reached out her forelegs and observed them. There they were, just as they had always been-- two slender white limbs that ended in perfectly pedicured hooves. No unpleasant surprises. She was sitting upright in her bed with, her sheets covering only her legs. Rarity seldom wore pajamas during the summer months, and tonight was certainly not an exception. She found that pajamas and night gowns generally got in the way of her comfort when she was in bed, and besides, the feeling of satin against her body was one of the most pleasurable she knew. Something still felt wrong, though. Maybe it was the mix of her sweat and the cool night air, but Rarity couldn't escape at least some of the feeling she had had in the horrible dream. She reached for the hem of the satin sheet, and slowly slid it up her body until it had reached the base of her neck. She felt safer now, with the sheet between her and the rest of the room, and sure enough, she remembered that aside from Opalescence slumbering peacefully in her own little bed on the floor, she was the only soul in the entire shop. She exhaled harshly one last time, and nuzzled back into her bed. Within minutes, she was fast asleep.
  19. “Good morning Opal!” rarity beamed as she trotted past her cat, who was no longer asleep. She was still somewhat disheveled from the night before, though she was now wearing her bathrobe. Opalescence let out a cranky growl, and buried her face further into her bed cushion. “Mommy is having brunch with her girlfriends this morning, but I put out your breakfast for you. Garnished with watercress, just the way you like it!” she began humming a cute little tune that she often sang while she was sewing as she tidied up her bed and straightened the covers. She peeked in the mirror and recognized what a mess she was from the night before. Her purple mane was in quite a mop, a far cry from its usual perfection, and she could still feel the salt of her sweat in her coat. “Goodness, I am ever a mess! I won't be going anywhere until I've had a proper bath!” And with that, she trotted towards the bathroom door and cast off her robe, which landed on Opalescence. The fluffy white cat let out another growl, and finally got out of bed.
  21. The hot water began to flow out of the faucet and into the tub, and Rarity began adding her favorite bubble bath mix-- this particular formula was one she took great personal pride in. Rarity was good friends with Flax and Wheat, the hippie couple who created it, and it was thanks to Rarity's marketing savvy that it had become quite popular recently. Next was the salt and mineral crystals, powdered milk, and a bottle of ale-- a little trick she'd learned during her travels, which supposedly helped relax the skin and muscles. If Applejack were here, she would likely mock her for “using her tub to make soup,” and Rainbow Dash would undoubtedly question the logic in pouring good beer into bathwater instead of drinking it, but Rarity's belief had always been that if she was going to take the time to have a bath, she would do everything she could to make it as enjoyable of an experience as possible. She topped it off by picking some petals from the white flowers in the planter outside the bathroom window using her telekinesis, and sprinkled them on the surface of the bubbles. Rarity always adored the fragrance the flowers added, to the point that they were practically an aphrodisiac.
  22. Just before Rarity was about to step into the tub, she looked at herself in the large vanity mirror. She could see most of her body reflected back at her, although this time it was a bit different. Rarity had always been told she was a beautiful pony, but this time, she couldn't help but admire just what a nice package she was, even with bed mane and no makeup. Her excellent posture was the result of the many years she'd spent imitating the fancy ponies she'd see coming into Ponyville from Canterlot when she was a child, but she was also quite happy that she'd been blessed with wonderful curves. She turned her rump towards the mirror, and gave it a little shake. Her soft buttocks bounced a little, but there was not a trace of cellulite. The perfect culmination of a healthy diet and reasonable exercise regiment. With a slight smirk, she raised her tail, and took a brief look at her exposed filly parts.
  23. “To die for.” Rarity remarked foxily. And with that, she finally climbed into the tub. The warm water slowly began to overtake her body, and as she lowered herself, she particularly enjoyed the feeling of the brew reaching up to her marehood. She closed her eyes and let out a sensual coo as the bath water gently massaged her. She lowered her body until she was submerged up to her neck. “Such a silly dream.” Rarity thought to herself. “As if I have anything to be ashamed of. I have a beautiful body, and I am glad to be its owner.” She rotated onto her back, and raised one of her shapely legs out of the tub, and held the pose for a minute. “Every eligible stallion from Ponyville to Canterlot would love to have this, and probably quite a few mares, too.” Her horn glowed as she took the sprayer head off of its hook. “Though I must say, Applejack has a lovely set of hips.” She blushed a little at the thought, and felt herself getting a little warmer. “And what's wrong with admiring them? She works all day in that orchard bucking those apple trees. If she would style her mane and put on some makeup, I'm sure there would be plenty of stallions lining up to...”
  24. Rarity had turned on the sprayer and briefly lost her train of thought. She knew she must be bright red right now. “Why am I thinking about Applejack's bum?” she shook her head, and looked at the shower head floating in front of her. “Hmm... it has been a while, hasn't it?” she pointed the shower head downward and flipped the switch. A warm spray of water began to shower down on Rarity's belly. She began moving the spray in circles around her breasts, which while partially hidden beneath her coat reacted positively to the stimulation. She could feel her nipples hardening, and felt her womb starting to grow warmer. “And then there's her brother... he's so strong and rugged. I bet they call him Big Mac because of his big, meaty...” Rarity went into a fog for a moment, and she realized that she had moved the shower head under the water surface. The jets of water were spraying directly against her vulva and clitoris, and she was overtaken by a feeling of arousal.
  25. It's not that Rarity had never noticed that her friends were attractive before, but there was something particularly sensual when she thought about their bodies today-- how smooth they were, and how exposed they were. “And Fluttershy too. She's always trying to hide herself, but her body is the most... ah!” Rarity had moved her forelegs down to her marehood. She was trying hard to maintain the stimulation on her clitoris, however her focus was now on parting the lips of her vulva. She twinged at the feeling of her hooves against the sensitive flesh, and finally found her entrance comfortably open-- and soon, she felt a rush of warm, pressurized water entering her vagina.
  26. “Ah! They're so beautiful!” Rarity moaned as she slid herself back and forth in the tub. “Why am I thinking these thoughts? I'm a good girl!” she whimpered. Images of her friends' sensuous bodies, both stallions and mares, flashed through her mind. She clenched her teeth as she felt herself approaching climax. Finally, her mind rested on the image of Applejack's wide hips and firm ass sitting on a fallen over log, and she let out a final cry as a wave of erotic ecstasy coursed through her body. She felt her liquid pleasure leaving her womb as tears welled in her eyes, and she finally shut off the running water.
  27. Rarity's lip pouted, and she let out a little whimper as she saw the evidence of her orgasm float to the surface of the water. “Why... why did I just clop to Applejack? Why did I clop to Big Macintosh and Fluttershy? I feel like such a bad pony!” Rarity ran her foreleg across her face to blot up some of the tears that were stinging her eyes, and then lowered herself into the water until the surface was just below her nostrils. “Think nothing of it Rarity.” she attempted to reassure herself. “You are just a bit sexually frustrated, and that doesn't make you a bad pony. When was the last time you shared your bed anyway? High school? Just put it aside, and everything will be...”
  29. …the doorbell rang.
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