
Magical Burst: Session 9: On the Run

Jan 24th, 2014
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  1. Sarah Salem: HOT NAKED
  2. Satoya Taji: What
  3. Sarah Salem: c;
  4. Eri Motai: is this how I talk
  5. Sarah Salem: no
  6. Eri Motai: ok
  7. Sarah Salem: you better run
  8. Eri Motai: should I hide?
  9. Sarah Salem: possibly?
  10. Action Contraction (GM): what
  11. Eri Motai: I have no clue
  12. Sarah Salem: yeah i dunno either :v
  13. Action Contraction (GM): Ryan you're talking with Frig
  14. summon him here
  15. Satoya Taji: Trying
  16. Eri Motai: SUMMONZ
  17. I tried too
  18. he does not wish to respond
  19. Sarah Salem: i tried to summon frigzodia but it didn't work :c
  20. Satoya Taji: Who is FQWL F?
  21. Action Contraction (GM): whoops
  22. guys?
  23. Satoya Taji: I HAVE SUMMONED FRIGS
  25. Action Contraction (GM): 11/10 its ok
  26. FQWL F.: oh nooooo
  27. Eve Ishi: (( eyyyyyy )))
  28. FQWL F.: ohno
  29. it's dark
  30. everyone run
  31. Eve Ishi: (( who are you even ))
  32. Sarah Salem: ((isnt this potato or something))
  33. FQWL F.: ha
  34. yeah
  35. you plebs nowadays
  36. Sarah Salem: ((change your name to something intelligible))
  37. Action Contraction (GM): Potato likes to watch you guys pretend to be little girls
  38. FQWL F.: with your magical girls and your hoe-moe-secks-ue-als
  39. back in MY day all you had was a spear, a fish arm, and a giant patroitic robot and we LIKED it!
  40. Eri Motai: dan, how do I tame my house
  41. it's rebelling
  42. FQWL F.: oh yeah and mind powers but still
  43. Action Contraction (GM): have you tried turning it off and on again
  44. Eri Motai: yes
  45. Action Contraction (GM): well then you're fucked
  46. Eri Motai: jezus where's the instruction manuel
  47. Action Contraction (GM): potato you can take Smas' place as magical girl when he dies
  48. Eri Motai: nooooooo
  49. Little Lightning: coo
  50. Sarah Salem: (( i said an intelligible name, not a lame one c:))
  51. Little Lightning: ((Hush LL is like the queen of magical girls acording to you guys))
  52. ((hell Appy why don't you just make LL the very first magical girl))
  53. Action Contraction (GM): what
  54. that was said literally like never
  55. and because you didn't want to play when I was looking for players
  56. Little Lightning: ((you guys keep on calling LL a magical girl is what I mean))
  57. ((I still don't want to play))
  58. Action Contraction (GM): same way you didn't want to play Mekton when we were scrounging for players
  59. then you come asking "dude does Mekton have any spots"
  60. Little Lightning: ((I don't remember the Mekton thing, but I think I said that 'cause I was having major trouble concentrating on cyberpunk))
  61. ((I have the attention span of a kid with a minor adhd))
  62. ((because I have minor adhd))
  63. Sarah Salem: (( :v ))
  64. Action Contraction (GM): you 110% definitely and without a doubt asked me about Mekton
  65. several times
  66. Little Lightning: ((oh yeah, I asked about joinging cause it sounded sweet))
  67. Action Contraction (GM): and when I mentioned a possible new player joining you even said "but you said there were no spots"
  68. Little Lightning: ((Appy i'm agreeing with you chill yourself))
  69. Action Contraction (GM): shhh
  70. And Smas fyi whenever I read your name I pronounce it "some ass"
  71. Little Lightning: ((Also data I got more Kamen Rider figures without paying for them))
  72. ((yaaaay))
  73. Sarah Salem: (( the magical burst chat is not the place to tell me that :v))
  74. ((even though those figures are pretty rad))
  75. Little Lightning: ((It is now!))
  76. Eri Motai: (dat smas)
  77. Action Contraction (GM): anyway
  78. we should get started
  79. I guess?
  80. Little Lightning: ((naw))
  81. ((let's just chill some more))
  82. Action Contraction (GM): anybody know if this roll20 chat has like, whisper commands or something so you can privately message someone so only they see?
  83. I'd imagine with all the other shit it has it probably has that
  84. Sarah Salem: it literally tells you
  85. its the join message
  86. scroll up
  87. Action Contraction (GM): and so it does
  88. (To Sarah Salem): you're a faggot c;
  89. Sarah Salem: D:
  90. Action Contraction (GM): now that that's settled, I have no idea where to start
  91. maybe like, the school gets sucked into the underworld
  92. and you gotta fight your way out
  93. and kick satan in the nads
  94. Little Lightning: ((no))
  95. ((make this the filler episode))
  96. Sarah Salem: ((we kinda already did that))
  97. Action Contraction (GM): every episode is filler
  98. :v
  99. Sarah Salem: ((me and eve 2-manned dat shit)))
  100. Little Lightning: ((bad jokes that only make sense in japanese and fanservice))
  101. Action Contraction (GM): OH OH OH
  102. GENIUS
  105. Eri Motai: (...)
  106. Little Lightning: ((TOLD YOU GUYS))
  108. Little Lightning: ((I MIGHT AS WELL RUN THIS CAMPAIGN
  109. Action Contraction (GM): I wish Ryan ran this instead of me I want to play a kawaii magical girl :c
  110. Little Lightning: WHERE IS HE ANYWAY
  111. oops
  112. Action Contraction (GM): Playing Civ 5 with Frig and probably forgot about us
  113. Eve Ishi: we may or may not be playing civ 5 at the same time
  114. Little Lightning: wiat
  115. Eve Ishi: im multitasking ho c:
  116. Little Lightning: thereare 4 magical girls
  117. Eve Ishi: tho*
  118. Little Lightning: but
  119. it was some random person, data, and ryan
  120. Action Contraction (GM): someone just left
  121. Little Lightning: where did these two come from
  122. Action Contraction (GM): Smas is probably the random person
  123. Sarah Salem: its me, frigs, ryan, and smas
  124. Action Contraction (GM): then there's Frig
  125. Eri Motai: (me? I came from Ryan's Mekton, which introduced me to the group)
  126. Eve Ishi: (( and im me ))
  127. Action Contraction (GM): And Frig came from my original original Fallout campaign, the creation of Brick one
  128. Little Lightning: ((Eh. The Group will always be Data, Appy, Ciaster, Wing, and Me in ym heart. Ryan and EAGLE are kinda the green rangers)
  129. Oh yeah, THAT Frig
  130. Sarah Salem: ((wasnt ryan here before you))
  131. (( :v ))
  132. Little Lightning: ((hush))
  133. Action Contraction (GM): yep
  134. Potato, you're the outsider
  135. Eve Ishi: (( :o ))
  136. Action Contraction (GM): shuuuun
  137. Sarah Salem: ((and then he took a shit on a doorstep and exploded))
  138. Little Lightning: ((I replaced him, endup being his sister, then killed him in a diffrent continuity))
  139. Action Contraction (GM): I don't think we quite care for logic anymore
  140. Little Lightning: I plan on harming him in this one too
  141. Action Contraction (GM): Please do he's been way too high and mighty
  142. Bitching at me because he didn't want to take a wee bit of damage
  143. Little Lightning: ha
  144. I never took damage
  145. I got hit like twice in cyberpunk
  146. same in Fallout, actually
  147. Action Contraction (GM): Sometimes I'm too scared to actually kill you guys
  148. Little Lightning: I was kinda always the character the plot worked with
  149. Action Contraction (GM): but I've been trying to fix that
  150. Little Lightning: Like Cyberpunk was basically just the Bruce and Entropy show
  151. Sarah Salem: i get my ass beat every session
  152. Action Contraction (GM): c;
  153. Sarah Salem: but its fun so i cant complain ;v
  154. Action Contraction (GM): Needs more grimdark
  155. maybe I should teleport you guys to the 40th millennium
  156. Sarah Salem: (( no ))
  157. Action Contraction (GM): magical sisters of battle
  158. Eve Ishi: (( oh god ))
  160. Satoya Taji: Woo
  161. Action Contraction (GM): Oh you're not dead cool
  162. Satoya Taji: Just been waiting
  163. Action Contraction (GM): Last time Eri was a playa and took all da laydays home
  164. Except Ally but she's pretty much Eve's at this point
  165. Satoya's in lesbian with Sarah too so there's that
  166. Satoya Taji: And I got suplexed
  167. Sarah Salem: (( c;))
  168. Little Lightning: so we already have ClockBlock and Nurse Joy
  169. who is the other one?
  170. Action Contraction (GM): The Playa
  171. And the Horny Pussy
  172. Eri Motai: my little brother jezus what is his problem
  173. Eve Ishi: (( wh ))
  174. Eri Motai: ((he shut down half the fucking house))
  175. Eve Ishi: (( wh how ))
  176. Eri Motai: ((flipped the breakers))
  177. Satoya Taji: ((:V))
  178. Action Contraction (GM): Kay
  179. so
  180. you all went home, Satoya is living with Eve, and everyone is happy
  181. Eve Ishi: (( yay ))
  182. Satoya Taji: I am comfortable at my new home, at the foot of Eve's bed
  183. :3
  184. Action Contraction (GM): Thursday, Friday and Saturday pass without any incident, you all doing normal little girl things because really shit has been happening every day technically for like a week there's a point where it needs to stop
  185. Sarah Salem: (( oh i forgot to mention))
  186. Action Contraction (GM): oh boy
  187. Sarah Salem: ((im healed~! no more -2 to everything~))
  188. Action Contraction (GM): laaaame
  189. I gotta get you more debuffs
  190. c:
  191. debuffs for everyone!
  192. in fact, let's just make it a nerf!
  193. Satoya Taji: ((There's always those bracelets you were showing off~))
  194. Action Contraction (GM): shhhshshshshshhhhh
  195. Eri Motai: (da spoilerz they burn)
  196. Action Contraction (GM): I'm not throwing those out in public yet
  197. probably
  198. Eve Ishi: (( wh ))
  199. Sarah Salem: (( hu ))
  200. Action Contraction (GM): AH HA, I'VE GOT IT
  202. And it won't be fanservice
  203. ok maybe a little
  204. Eri Motai: (ok good)
  205. (wait no)
  206. Eve Ishi: (( :v ))
  207. Satoya Taji: ((Yay lesbians))
  208. Sarah Salem: (( taji wants the ))
  209. (( shit wait))
  210. Action Contraction (GM): fuck steam we're doing private chats over whisper here
  211. Satoya Taji: ((:V))
  212. ((Whispurring yay))
  213. (To Satoya Taji): Your phone rings. It's Ally! Huh, she doesn't usually call you. Not since the whole "you carrying her into the face of a terrible monster" thing anyway
  214. Satoya Taji: ((How do I into whispurr))
  215. Action Contraction (GM): ./w
  216. then gm
  217. (From Eri Motai): testing testing
  218. Action Contraction (GM): so /w gm message
  219. (From Little Lightning): ur a fggt
  220. (To Eri Motai): I got it
  221. (From Sarah Salem): this sounds moderately difficult to keep track of
  222. (From Eve Ishi): like dis
  223. (From Satoya Taji): I pick up and answer at once. "Ally! Hiya, whats going on furriend?"
  224. (From Eri Motai): kk
  225. (From Sarah Salem): i guess it wont be too bad
  226. Action Contraction (GM): aaa literally everyone is whispering to me
  227. :v
  228. (From Eri Motai): whispering is good don't deny it
  229. (To Eri Motai): Your phone rings. It's Tami! How nice, a call from a friend to brighten boring your day
  230. (From Eri Motai): "Hey Tami, how's it going?"
  231. (From Sarah Salem): you brought this upon yourself
  232. (To Eve Ishi): Your phone rings! Huh, it appears to be Ko. Your and her personalities are a close match, so it's understandable she'd want to talk with you more
  233. Action Contraction (GM): this is gonna be hell to translate
  234. Eri Motai: (indeed, is steam not being dumb anymore?)
  235. Action Contraction (GM): for the time being at least
  236. god why can't we pick a stable form of doing this
  237. fucking ddosers
  238. Eri Motai: (those tossers probably still want diretide)
  239. (From Eve Ishi): *Eve picks up the phone* "Hiya Ko, whats up?"
  240. Action Contraction (GM): screw it private chats are gonna be done in steam this whispering shit is a cluster
  241. Eve Ishi: (( I support this ))
  242. Satoya Taji: ((Im okay with this :3))
  243. Sarah Salem: (( im good with that))
  244. Action Contraction (GM): fuck steam
  245. fucking steam god damn
  246. Eri Motai: (gaben still not satisfied)
  247. (probably ate all the ethernet cords again)
  248. Little Lightning: are you guys doing this in private chats or something?
  249. Eve Ishi: (( yup ))
  250. Action Contraction (GM): don't worry they're meeting soon
  251. Little Lightning: wow this is ultralame
  254. GM/Logger's Note: Private chats from Steam!
  257. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya and Ally~~
  259. 8:48 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: Your phone rings. It's Ally! Huh, she doesn't usually call you. Not since the whole "you carrying her into the face of a terrible monster" thing anyway
  260. 5:57 PM - SDFN: I pick up and talk to Ally
  261. 5:57 PM - SDFN: "Hiya furriend! Whats going on?"
  262. 8:57 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: "Well... I just, wanted to talk. About everything that's happened. Can we meet somewhere?"
  263. 5:57 PM - SDFN: "Of course! Anywhere in particular?"
  264. 8:59 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: "Hm, I guess the park? Somewhere bright. It's scary to think about, so..."
  265. 9:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: "I just want to know more. Like, everything. What it's about and why it keeps happening."
  266. 6:05 PM - SDFN: "Alright, purrfect, Ill meet you there in a second!" I hurry out of Eve's house and run down to the park
  268. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya and Ally~~
  273. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri and Tami~~
  275. 8:55 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: Your phone rings. It's Tami! How nice, a call from a friend to brighten your day
  276. 8:55 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: (From Eri Motai): "Hey Tami, how's it going?"
  277. 8:56 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: "It's going alright, I suppose. Dad's getting out of the hospital with a few stitches, so that's a plus."
  278. 5:57 PM - Smas: Eri sighs, "That's nice I suppose. Sorry, I still haven't had much time to practice that smile if that's what you're calling about."
  279. 8:58 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: She laughs. "No, no, that's not really what I wanted to talk about. It's about that whole... thing. At the park a few days ago."
  280. 6:00 PM - Smas: "...I'm sorry you had to see that."
  281. 6:00 PM - Smas: "It's... not something that most people should see."
  282. 9:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: "I just want to know more. Like, everything. What it's about and why it keeps happening. Doesn't seem right to keep us in the dark about it."
  283. 6:03 PM - Smas: Eri sighs, "I... guess it's not much of a secret anymore, so I suppose it's fine."
  284. 6:05 PM - Smas: "Look, what that... thing was is anybody's guess. I'd like to think of them as Demons, but the other girls keep calling them... 'You-mas'?"
  285. 6:05 PM - Smas: "I don't really know."
  286. 9:06 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: "Look, can we talk about this in person?"
  287. 9:06 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: "At the park, maybe? I think it'd be easier for me to see your face as you explain it."
  288. 6:06 PM - Smas: "Uh, sure, I guess."
  289. 6:07 PM - Smas: "I'll see you as soon as I can."
  290. 9:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: "Cool. See you."
  291. 6:08 PM - Smas: Eri hangs up the phone and puts on her shoes.
  293. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri and Tami~~
  298. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eve and Ko~~
  300. 8:56 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: (To Eve Ishi): Your phone rings! Huh, it appears to be Ko. Your and her personalities are a close match, so it's understandable she'd want to talk with you more (From Eve Ishi): *Eve picks up the phone* "Hiya Ko, whats up?"
  301. 8:56 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: "Well, um, I was just... wondering. About that whole, um, thing at the amusement park, I mean..."
  302. 6:03 PM - Friggle: "Oh yeah, I thought Eri would explain it to you...uh well. The truth is we don't actually make ice cream. We sorta uhm...kill monsters I think. I haven't really had it explained to me much either...but we protect the city."
  303. 6:02 PM - Friggle: "That's all I really know to be honest...I understand if you don't want to be our friends anymore."
  304. 6:02 PM - Friggle: "And im sorry you were put through that."
  305. 9:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: "Well, it's not that I, or we, don't want to be friends or anything. It's just..." her voice sounds more determined as she says, "I want to know more about it. Everything you can tell me. Why it happens, and what it's about."
  306. 9:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: "Can... we talk about this in person? Maybe at the park?"
  307. 6:06 PM - Friggle: "Oh, sure of course. I know a little spot that's usually pretty quiet at the park if you want to meet there."
  308. 9:06 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: "Mhm, Sounds good, then. I'll see you there."
  309. 6:08 PM - Friggle: "Okay, see ya."
  310. 6:08 PM - Friggle: *Eve heads for the park*
  312. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eve and Ko~~
  315. Action Contraction (GM): Ally and Satoya, Eve and Ko, Tami, Suzu and Eri all arrive at the park within a short time
  316. Perplexed at the increase of numbers of persons in attendance considering they each only talked to one person.
  317. Eve Ishi: (( ohmai ))
  318. Satoya Taji: "Well, this is a bit of a clusterfuck"
  319. Action Contraction (GM): S: "Seems that way."
  320. Eri Motai: "Tami..." Eri mutters whilst looking over the small crowd.
  321. Action Contraction (GM): S: "Tami, you didn't tell me what this was about. Something about an explanation of what happened that night?"
  322. Satoya Taji: "Ally told me she wanted to meet up ovfur here! Not Tami!"
  323. Action Contraction (GM): T: "Well, I called Eri, and wanted to meet her here and ask her about all the stuff that happened. Didn't expect this..."
  324. Eve Ishi: "Uh, I just told Ko to meet me here..."
  325. Action Contraction (GM): A: "Well, I didn't call them! I guess it's cool though, we all get to hang out!"
  326. Eri Motai: "So... who called us all her together? This can't just be a coincidence... can it?"
  327. Little Lightning: Oh my god just fuck already
  328. Eri Motai: here*
  329. Action Contraction (GM): A: "And look, I brought Fred!" Ally pulls a rabbit out of her shirt
  330. Satoya Taji: "Almost like some asshole watching ovfur us arranged this purrfect coincidence"
  331. Action Contraction (GM): A: "Well, way I see it, I called Satoya Tami called Suzu and Eri and Ko called Eevee! Seems perfectly legitimate to me. :3 "
  332. T: "Seems like we're missing Sarah though..."
  333. S: "She'll probably show up eventually."
  334. Satoya Taji: "She's too busy being boring, and straight"
  335. Action Contraction (GM): Ally's face goes red from the lesbianic reminder of something that Eve did during super lesbian rollercoaster night
  336. They haven't really talked about it since then
  337. Sarah Salem: ((i exist))
  338. Little Lightning: I need like a list to keep track of all the lesbian shit you guys do
  339. Sarah Salem: ((blame everyone except me))
  340. Action Contraction (GM): Eve is in lesbian with Ally the NPC, Satoya made out with Sarah, and Eri took the other three NPC girls home like a tru playa
  341. a tru lesbian playa
  342. Eri Motai: (hey, I haven't lesbians anybody :T)
  343. Action Contraction (GM): Sarah walks into your meeting
  344. S: "See? Told you she'd probably show up. Seems like you four are always together."
  345. Sarah Salem: I stand anywhere that isn't next to Satoya.
  346. Action Contraction (GM): You stand next to Ally, who is rubbing her face on her rabbit
  347. Little Lightning: hue
  348. Action Contraction (GM): She's mumbling to herself "Bunny bunny bunny~"
  349. Eri Motai: "So... you guys just wanted to hang out...?"
  350. Satoya Taji: "Ally wanted to talk about what happened back on magical lesbian roller coaster day!"
  351. Eve Ishi: (( brb real quick ))
  352. Action Contraction (GM): T: "Well, not really. I wanted to talk about that... thing, with the rollercoaster."
  353. S: "Seriously, what was that? It was like, a nightmare."
  354. Ally hides her face behind her rabbit
  355. Satoya Taji: "Let me explain this girls"
  356. "That was a youma, a big old magical meanie who exists to hurt purreople! We fight them quite regularly, and if it wasn't fur girls like us, you'd all be dead!"
  357. :3
  358. Action Contraction (GM): K "Oh, my... D-dangerous things like that exist in number?"
  359. Eri Motai: "I still think they are demons..." Eri mutters.
  360. Action Contraction (GM): ("wiiiiitchcraft")
  361. Satoya Taji: "They're evfurrywhere! You probably have passed by tons in your life, you've just nevfur been exposed to one up close befur!"
  362. Action Contraction (GM): T: "...demons? So, magic and demons are real..."
  363. Eri Motai: "...You know Tami, the night with the rollercoaster wasn't the first night I saved you..."
  364. Action Contraction (GM): Ally holds Fred the rabbit in the air like Link does when he gets a new item, proclaiming "This is just like a fantasy anime!"
  365. Then she hides her face in Fred's bunny fur again, "A really scary one..."
  366. Little Lightning: a soft whisper floats i the breeze
  367. "nneeeerrrrddd" you hear
  368. Action Contraction (GM): no
  369. Satoya Taji: I facepalm. "Ally no, any comparisons to anime are just dumb, this is real life my furriend!"
  370. Action Contraction (GM): Ally harrumphs. "But animes are cool."
  371. Eri Motai: "Yeah; like, Gurren Lagann is the bomb."
  372. Satoya Taji: "Well I've nevfur had access to much TV, so I dont even know what you guys are talking about"
  373. Action Contraction (GM): A: "I knoooow! Fred likes Nia, but Cottonball prefers Kamina. Kamina's like, super cool."
  374. A: "I need to show you some time, Satoya! You're missing out."
  375. Eri Motai: "I know right! Man, I wish my bros were that cool."
  376. Action Contraction (GM): S: "Nevermind all that. You said that those demon things come often?"
  377. Satoya Taji: "All the time!"
  378. Action Contraction (GM): S: "Where do they come from? Why do YOU have to fight them?"
  379. Satoya Taji: "Well, we dont really know where they come from, and, if we dont, well, people would die!"
  380. Action Contraction (GM): T: "Were they the cause of the riots that wrecked our coffee shop?"
  381. Satoya Taji: "Ehehe, yeah, they totally caused that, thats what they do!"
  382. Eri Motai: Eri shakes her head, "Yeah, there was one in your coffee shop that night. Me and Sato stopped it, but you passed out."
  383. Action Contraction (GM): Ally rubs Fred in Sarah's face. "Sarahhh, you haven't said like, anything yet. Are you asleep?"
  384. Eri Motai: "I'm surprised your dad didn't mention it, he helped me fight it off."
  385. Action Contraction (GM): T: "He said he didn't remember anything from that night... so I don't know if he was lying, or just didn't remember like me."
  386. Satoya Taji: "I dont remember much myself actually, I got beaten up by a meanie in the riots, and dragged away..."
  387. Eri Motai: "A... meanie? You didn't tell me about that."
  388. Action Contraction (GM): A: "Were you not answering your phone because you were in the hospital or something that one time?"
  389. Satoya Taji: "I, I dont know, I passed out, and woke up getting dropped off ovfur here..."
  390. Little Lightning: yo
  391. Satoya Taji: "And when I woke up I could do this." I ran in a little circle, my rainbow furrollowing me
  392. Eri Motai: (i'm here, my house is trying to succumb to cold))
  393. Action Contraction (GM): where the fuck are frig and data
  394. Eri Motai: ((idk, let me bug em))
  395. Action Contraction (GM): tried that
  396. Eve Ishi: (( eyyy))
  397. *Eve stops being AFK*
  398. Eri Motai: "So that's where you got the rainbow get up."
  399. Satoya Taji: "Well, I would assume so!"
  400. Eri Motai: Eri flashes a look of concern but attempts to shake it off.
  401. Action Contraction (GM): S: "So, let's get this straight. There are murderous demons. And you fight them. With magic. That the gist of it?"
  402. Satoya Taji: "You got it!"
  403. Eve Ishi: "Yeah, basically."
  404. Action Contraction (GM): good input eve bravo 11/10
  405. c:
  406. Eve Ishi: (( c: ))
  407. "We didn't tell you earlier because we didn't want to put you in danger."
  408. Action Contraction (GM): T: "Doesn't seem like that worked out too well."
  409. K: "Though we appreciate the effort..."
  410. Eri Motai: Eri sighs.
  411. "I... wasn't good enough."
  412. Action Contraction (GM): A: "Fred doesn't like evil demons killing innocent people. Not one bit."
  413. A: "And I don't like it either."
  414. Eve Ishi: *Eve looks down at her feet as Ally talks*
  415. Action Contraction (GM): Ally notices Eve's movements and looks away blushing, hiding again in Fred's fur
  416. Satoya Taji: "Well, that and, you didnt believe me when I said I was a catgirl at furrst, would you believe I was a magical lesbian catgirl?"
  417. Action Contraction (GM): Fred, for his part, takes it like a champ
  418. Little Lightning: gay
  419. Action Contraction (GM): nou
  420. Eri Motai: Eri looks away from her comrades, "Did I not get the memo?"
  421. Action Contraction (GM): T: "Not in the slightest. Okay, maybe the lesbian part I'd believe, but the rest? I'm still having trouble believing it."
  422. Satoya Taji: "I can prove both at once!" I twitch my ears slightly before pulling a bone out of my right leg
  423. "Tada!"
  424. Action Contraction (GM): T: "Jesus CHRIST WHAT"
  425. Ko faints
  426. Eri Motai: "Sato, you made her faint the last time you did this." Eri moves for a sweet catch.
  427. Action Contraction (GM): Why do you insist on tearing your legbone out every time
  428. Satoya Taji: "Oh, I furrgot"
  429. Action Contraction (GM): How do you even walk anyway
  430. Eve Ishi: "Eww what the heck Sato!"
  431. Satoya Taji: Shh
  432. Nekomancy
  433. Eri Motai: Eri places Ko safely onto the ground, "Ok, lets keep the grossness down to a minimum."
  434. Satoya Taji: "Pawry! I furrget some purreople aren't used to me doing that!" I put the bone back
  435. Action Contraction (GM): Satoya's phone rings
  436. Eri Motai: (but who was phone?)
  437. (To Satoya Taji): answer all your responses not in whisper. I'll send you the dialoge you hear through whisper but make it so everyone can see your responses
  438. Satoya Taji: I purrick up at once!
  439. (From Satoya Taji): Alrighty then
  440. Action Contraction (GM): shhh
  441. Eve Ishi: (( probs the hospital ))
  442. (To Satoya Taji): You hear sirens and shouts in the background. A loud thump, the sound of someone running, and panting. You hear Princess' voice, "Hey, cat! You there?"
  443. Satoya Taji: "Uh, hey, now's not the best time, whats going on furriend? Sounds a bit, busy!"
  444. Little Lightning: brb gotta wash hair
  445. Satoya Taji: ((Dan told me not to answer in whisper, since we're all standing around together))
  446. ((Just so no one thinks Im dumb and not whispering on purpose))
  447. (To Satoya Taji): "Can fuckin' say that again! Mr. A. did some - " you hear shouts in the background of 'there she is!' and some loud bangs. She continues, "some digging on that whatever you called it, arcane metal shit. Hit paydirt."
  448. Eve Ishi: (( ahh k ))
  449. Satoya Taji: "Really! Purrfect! You sound to be in a bit of a, purrdicament, can I help out?"
  450. Eri Motai: Eri taps Sato on the shoulder, "Hey, I don't mean to be rude, but who's that?"
  451. (To Satoya Taji): "A shipment of the stuff was being moved from one place to another. Supposed to be quick and clean, grab the loot from the truck and go. Didn't work out so well. Look, cat. To make a long story short, I need your damn help."
  452. Action Contraction (GM): A: "Shhhhh Eri, it's very rude to interrupt people when they're on the phone! Don't you know that?"
  453. Satoya Taji: "I didnt mean it like that! I mean, just, anyway you could meet up with me when you're done with your errands?"
  454. Eri Motai: Eri looks as if she's about to reply to Ally, but just drops the subject.
  455. (To Satoya Taji): "Errands? You think this us just a fucking ERRAND? DO YOU HEAR THIS SHIT?!" Multiple bangs, now distinctly identifiable as gunshots, sound over the phone.
  456. Action Contraction (GM): You all hear distant bangs, and the warbling of some very far-off police sirens
  457. Satoya Taji: "I mean, its a sensative topic and there are sensative ears around, Im not going to go blabbing off about your secrets!"
  458. Eri Motai: "Secrets...?" Eri shoots a glance at the dumpster across the street.
  459. (To Satoya Taji): "Oh well that's real considerate of you I'm ever so grateful NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP AND HELP ME!"
  460. Action Contraction (GM): The sirens are much closer now
  461. You also hear the buzzing noise of someone angrily shouting over the phone at Satoya, though you can't make out the words
  462. Satoya Taji: "Right, I'll be right there!" I hang up and look around at the girls
  463. "One of the nurses at the hospital called, Hiroe's not looking so well, and the doctor is out running errands of all things! Im sorry but I gotta go, this is an emergency!"
  464. Action Contraction (GM): The sirens are pretty much right next to you now.
  465. The bushes rustle
  466. Everyone roll finesse~
  467. Satoya Taji:
  468. rolling 2d6+6
  469. (
  470. 5
  471. +
  472. 6
  473. )
  474. +6
  475. =
  476. 17
  477. Aww ye
  478. Eri Motai:
  479. rolling 2d6+7
  480. (
  481. 6
  482. +
  483. 5
  484. )
  485. +7
  486. =
  487. 18
  488. Satoya Taji: Damn
  489. Eri Motai: (there it is)
  490. Action Contraction (GM): Oh yeah Eve and Sarah are dead
  491. Eve Ishi: (( what are you talking about ))
  492. rolling 2d6 + 05
  493. (
  494. 1
  495. +
  496. 4
  497. )
  498. +5
  499. =
  500. 10
  501. (( godamnit ))
  502. Action Contraction (GM): Out of the bushes (magical) bursts a girl with flickering pink hair. She tumbles into Eve and lands in a heap
  503. A case in her grasp bounces a few feet away
  504. Eri Motai: (is she, THE girl?)
  505. Satoya Taji: ((Oh great, another character I havent met))
  506. Action Contraction (GM): How many other chicks with firey pink hair do you know?
  507. Eve Ishi: (( I knew she wasnt dead godamnit ))
  508. Action Contraction (GM): She looks around quickly, focusing on Satoya. "Cat, draw the suits off me. I've got a delivery to make."
  509. Satoya Taji: "Do I know you?"
  510. Eri Motai: Eri grabs her Talisman and transforms, "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO HURT MY FRIENDS!"
  511. Action Contraction (GM): Then she notices Eri. "If I wasn't in a rush I'd take your fucking arm off!"
  512. She stands quickly and grabs her case
  513. ?: "Don't have time for your white knight BULLSHIT, you CUNT!"
  514. She bolts
  515. Little Lightning: kk you can can relax now
  516. i'm back
  517. Satoya Taji: "Wait, youre the girl from the riots! The, the one who saved my ass!"
  518. Little Lightning: all is good
  519. (From Satoya Taji): I give her a wink, hoping she plays along
  520. Eri Motai: Eri just stands there panting.
  521. Action Contraction (GM): T: "...wot."
  522. Eve Ishi: *Eve picks herself off the ground* "Uhh, wasn't she..."
  523. Action Contraction (GM): S: "Well she seemed friendly."
  524. Eri Motai: "That girl... she nearly killed Sarah."
  525. Little Lightning: ???
  526. Eri Motai: "The last time I met her."
  527. Satoya Taji: "If it wasnt fur her, I'd be dead, and you know what, I have a debt to repay!"
  528. Action Contraction (GM): Through the hedges, you spot a line of several police cars and unmarked black vans speed by, going in the direction she ran
  529. Satoya Taji: I sigh and transform, heading off in that direction.
  530. Eri Motai: "Sato. You want me to come with you? I'll remain hidden unless she tries to hurt you."
  531. Satoya Taji: "No, I have to make this up to her Eri, I'm purrobably going to get in a lot of trouble, and I'm nyat getting you involved!"
  532. Eri Motai: "Why would you stick your neck out for... You know what, forget it. I don't want to see her again."
  533. Eve Ishi: "Sato, I don't think you should do this..."
  534. Satoya Taji: "Im nyat saying its the right thing, but, if it wasnt fur her, I'd be dead and gone! Its a debt I need to pay."
  535. I head into the fray, alone I assume
  536. Eri Motai: Eri shakes her head, and sneaks after her.
  537. Satoya Taji: ((Fcuk brb))
  538. Action Contraction (GM): The line of high-speed chase vehicles ends, and the sirens begin to grow quieter
  539. Eve Ishi: "I'm not getting involved with that."
  540. "No way."
  541. Action Contraction (GM): You guys spent like 5 minutes chatting about it when you could have done something. Like, anything :v
  542. Eri Motai: ((I thought that the girl and the police chase are part of the same thing))
  543. Little Lightning: "We should DO something!"
  544. "We SHOULD do something!"
  545. "We should DO something!"
  546. Eri Motai: ((shut it, I'm doing something))
  547. Little Lightning: "We SHOULD do something!"
  548. Eve Ishi: *Eve decides to chase after pink-hair then*
  549. Action Contraction (GM): 5 minutes later
  550. Eve Ishi: (( :v ))
  551. Action Contraction (GM): The best you have right now after having waited so long to try and tail the girl is the one street you saw the coppers speeding down
  552. But that street branches off into intersections several times, any of which she could have turned down
  553. Eri Motai: ((I was following Sato, so shouldn't I know where to go?))
  554. Sarah Salem: ((so uh, funny story.))
  555. Action Contraction (GM): Sato started going pretty late too
  556. Sarah Salem: ((i fell asleep like an hour ago and just woke up now))
  557. ((what the hell happened))
  558. Eri Motai: ((not a whole lot frankly, the girl that nearly murdered you showed up))
  559. Action Contraction (GM): I should nerf you for being a jiggaboo
  560. Eri Motai: ((you know, nothing major))
  561. Little Lightning: hey, watch your mouth you porch monkey
  562. Sarah Salem: ((oh i figured she would show up after i checked the elevator site again))
  563. (( was she here to murder me or something))
  564. Eri Motai: ((no, sneaking off with a case of stuff))
  565. Action Contraction (GM): >sneaking
  566. >being chased by 10 siren-blaring cop cars
  567. Satoya Taji: ((Back))
  568. Sarah Salem: ((yeah im not really up to playing right now))
  569. ((i have school tomorrow))
  570. Eri Motai: ((so, shouldn't the cop cars be a give away as to where she went?))
  571. Sarah Salem: ((seeya
  572. Eri Motai: ((unless they are super fast))
  573. Eve Ishi: (( oh by data ))
  574. Action Contraction (GM): you didn't see what street they turned down, if any, after you spent 5 minutes chatting amicably about what to do
  575. Satoya Taji: Wait, whattabout me?
  576. Action Contraction (GM): Your phone rings again
  577. Eri Motai: ((yeah, me and Sato kinda chased right behind her I thought))
  578. Action Contraction (GM): you started chasing her AFTER you chatted about whether or not to chase her
  579. Satoya Taji: I pick up my phone
  580. Eri Motai: (yeah, I suppose)
  581. Eve Ishi: *Eve just chills with the NPC's then*
  583. (From Satoya Taji): ((Since I ran off from the others)) "One distraction, coming up!"
  584. Eri Motai: Eri taps Sato's phone and whispers to her to put it on speaker phone.
  585. (shoulder, woops)
  586. Satoya Taji: Didnt I run off?
  587. Eri Motai: (I chased right behind you)
  588. Satoya Taji: Great sneaking
  589. (To Satoya Taji): You hear rapid fire gunshots now. They aren't playing around anymore.
  590. Satoya Taji: I bat Eri off of me. "Shh, stay out of this furriend!"
  591. "Listen, I dont want to do this, but." Im summoning a bone titan, in the middle of the street
  592. Eri Motai: I go back to being invisible.
  594. (From Satoya Taji): "Listen! I'm on the other side of town, and instead of chasing after you, I'm going to cause a distraction, a big, violent one"
  595. Eri Motai: ((pst, anyone else here? not seeing a whole lot of chat stuffs))
  596. (To Satoya Taji): "IT BETTER FUCKING WORK"
  597. Action Contraction (GM): sh
  598. Satoya stops in her tracks and summons a bone titan
  599. Several random passerby stop in confusion, some take pictures, and those who remember it wrecking shit at the riots run like hell
  600. Satoya Taji: I make it walk up to the nearest building and start punching windows out
  601. Action Contraction (GM): I almost want to make the nearest building be the "Home for Orphaned and Crippled Kittens" or something
  602. Eri Motai: (do et)
  603. Action Contraction (GM): The titan starts punching out windows of the apartment building
  604. Actually, roll support for the titan's summon
  605. Satoya Taji:
  606. rolling 2d6+7
  607. (
  608. 2
  609. +
  610. 3
  611. )
  612. +7
  613. =
  614. 12
  615. Hey thats a paaaaassssss
  616. ouo
  617. Barely though
  618. Action Contraction (GM): it'll pass no matter what, but this'll just be the perceived "threat level" the cops see it as
  619. Satoya Taji: What would a 12 be?
  620. Eri Motai: (how much xp was last game's monster?)
  621. Action Contraction (GM): That isn't very much at all, probably a squad car or two at best :v
  622. 1
  623. Satoya Taji: OCing
  624. rolling 1d6
  625. (
  626. 2
  627. )
  628. =
  629. 2
  630. Action Contraction (GM): every raise ups the threat level, so you'll need at least 1 more to make them see it as anything less than annoying compared to the shit that's happening now
  631. Satoya Taji: Well then
  632. rolling 1d6
  633. (
  634. 5
  635. )
  636. =
  637. 5
  638. 19
  639. One more to just panic them
  640. Little Lightning: i probs gotta go to
  641. gnight
  642. Satoya Taji:
  643. rolling 1d6
  644. (
  645. 1
  646. )
  647. =
  648. 1
  649. 20
  650. (To Satoya Taji): And you do realize that, being on the other side of town, the cops currently tailing her aren't likely to take interest in a window-smashing thing, right? :V
  651. (From Satoya Taji): I have a plan
  652. Action Contraction (GM): So that's 2 raises over the 12 to make it
  653. Satoya Taji: Three raises
  654. I OCd three times
  655. Action Contraction (GM): no, a raise is 3 over the TN
  656. TN12, you got 20
  657. Satoya Taji: Ah
  658. Fuck it, Ill use my luck
  659. rolling 1d6
  660. (
  661. 4
  662. )
  663. =
  664. 4
  665. 24
  666. Two more raises
  667. Action Contraction (GM): yep
  668. that's gotten quite a number of squad cars and even a SWAT team van interested in your extreme vandalism
  669. Satoya Taji: Purrfect
  670. Eve Ishi: (( noice ))
  671. Action Contraction (GM): The cars surround the titan, the coppers getting into position and issuing cease and desist orders to the titan
  672. they seem to think it's a guy in a suit, or something
  673. Satoya Taji: I untransform and bail
  674. Towards the direction the pink haired girl went
  675. Eri Motai: "Sato... why? What did this girl do that you'll ignore the fact that she nearly killed Sarah in cold blood to help her?"
  676. Action Contraction (GM): when you untransform the titan goes too
  677. Satoya Taji: Right
  678. IN that case
  679. Dont
  680. And raise a nightmare
  681. "She, she saved my life, you dont throw away a life debt Eri!"
  682. Action Contraction (GM): You can only raise the nightmare around yourself
  683. and it doesn't move with you, it's just like making a portal into a nightmare realm
  684. Satoya Taji: So, I drop a portal to the nightmare realm, and run away from the scene, transform
  685. Transformed
  686. Action Contraction (GM): fuck it, I'm not going to bother arguing
  687. fine, you drop a portal to the nightmare and ditch
  688. (From Satoya Taji): Since I ran away from Eri, I call Princess. "Where are you? I dragged half the department and a swat team out here, I'm going to take the rest of the heat off of you now!"
  689. Eri Motai: I just follow after Sato.
  690. Action Contraction (GM): If one wants to lose or find the other, you both better do finesse rolls
  691. Eri Motai: ((you gonna try and outrun me ryan?))
  692. Satoya Taji:
  693. rolling 2d6+6
  694. (
  695. 3
  696. +
  697. 3
  698. )
  699. +6
  700. =
  701. 12
  702. ((Well, if you can roll well))
  703. ((I cant))
  704. Eri Motai:
  705. rolling 2d6+7
  706. (
  707. 1
  708. +
  709. 3
  710. )
  711. +7
  712. =
  713. 11
  714. Action Contraction (GM): offt
  715. Eri Motai: rly now
  716. Satoya Taji: ((:V))
  717. Action Contraction (GM): Satoya manages to lose Eri, who will now have to roll a TN15 finesse roll to even pick up a trace of Satoya
  718. and if she does she'll be quite a ways behind at the very least
  719. Eri Motai:
  720. rolling 2d6+7
  721. (
  722. 3
  723. +
  724. 1
  725. )
  726. +7
  727. =
  728. 11
  729. (rly, same rol?)
  730. (k you get away this time :/)
  731. Eri just shakes her head, confused about the whole ordeal and leaves.
  732. (To Satoya Taji): You hear rapid and shallow panting as she says, "I managed to duck into an alley for now. They know I'm nearby and they're searching every building and alley. It's only a matter of time."
  733. (From Satoya Taji): "Any idea of an address, a certain building? Ive lived on the streets my whole life, I can purrobably find you if you just give me some info!"
  734. (To Satoya Taji): she gives you the street names, which you recognize and realize aren't TOO far. If you're quick you might even be able to catch her before the cops doo
  735. (To Satoya Taji): Better be reeeeal quick though
  736. (From Satoya Taji): I run as fast as my little kitty legs allow
  737. Action Contraction (GM): Kay Satoya, roll physical
  738. Satoya Taji:
  739. rolling 2d6+5
  740. (
  741. 2
  742. +
  743. 1
  744. )
  745. +5
  746. =
  747. 8
  748. Well then
  749. Action Contraction (GM): gj u suk
  750. Eri Motai: (ok dogs want something again brb)
  751. Satoya Taji: Shh
  752. (To Satoya Taji): You realize you haven't hung up yet, and hear angry buzzing from the phone being a ways away from your ear. You cautiously bring it up to your sensitive kitty ears and hear the angry shoutwhispers of "-HAT FUCKING DISTRACTION OF YOURS DID. WHAT MADE ME THINK YOU'D EVEN BE HALFWAY COMPETENT? Fucking SHIT. Nevermind that anymore. Look, I think I found a way out. Won't be pretty, but I'm going to hop down a trash can and follow the tubes to wherever the shit they lead. I'll stash the case, since it won't fit in the can that's here in the alley. Grab it and we'll meet up somewhere. Do NOT fuck this up."
  753. Eri Motai: (how rude :/)
  754. Action Contraction (GM): shh
  755. (From Satoya Taji): "I purromise! Im pawry it didnt work out, just, I had to act fast or else the others would stop me!"
  756. (To Satoya Taji): she hangs up
  757. Action Contraction (GM): we should just stop here
  758. Satoya Taji: Nyaw
  759. Action Contraction (GM): Data's gone and Eve and Eri are doing fuckall
  760. Eri Motai: (you told me to shh, not my problem)
  761. Satoya Taji: Yeah, Eve's just in the park right now, doing things
  762. Action Contraction (GM): I guess it was too much to expect you to go "oh hey that's the girl who almost killed us, she's carrying a case, and being chased by cops! we should chase her immediately!"
  763. instead we get "hmmm. That girl. I wonder, do you think we should follow her?" "I don't know, that girl wasn't particularly friendly. What do you think?" "Oh I owe her a favor I need to follow her." "But that's a bad idea. You shouldn't follow her." "But I must." "But that's bad." "Yes, very bad." "I wonder if we should follow her anyway." "OK I'm going now" "I'll follow you following her." "Ok bye"
  764. Eri Motai: ((you could have had us catch up to her, through the power of being the gm you know))
  765. ((and when I argued that you said no))
  766. Eve Ishi: (( I got ran over than satoya was gunna go kill some fucking cops :v ))
  767. Action Contraction (GM): but I'm being sensible
  768. not my fault you completely failed to do anything when given the prime opportunity :v
  769. you could have rolled to grab her too
  770. or the case she dropped
  771. Satoya Taji: Well, they tried to catch up
  772. Action Contraction (GM): like, anything
  773. Satoya Taji: I did outrun them
  774. Action Contraction (GM): and then you completely fucked that last roll
  775. Eri Motai: ((eh, shit happens. I only went "so slow" cuz I assumed you were just gonna have us be there with the action since me and ryan tried to follow up on it))
  776. Action Contraction (GM): I'm attempting to bring a little bit of a time element into it
  777. don't twat around next time :v
  778. (From Satoya Taji): Regardless of things, I head down to the area near the address and stake out in an alley, waiting for the cops to leave
  779. Eri Motai: ((indeedily, I shall try not to.))
  780. Action Contraction (GM): oi don't try and get this started again satoya
  781. I said we're done
  782. Eri Motai: ((probably didn't help that the only person with speed/time powers fell asleep and left))
  783. Action Contraction (GM): that too
  784. Satoya Taji: ((Aww ono))
  785. Action Contraction (GM): but it's a weekday so he has school
  786. no more weekday games
  787. Eri Motai: ((ok, picking up the ball on sunday then?))
  788. Action Contraction (GM): we played the last 5 fucking days
  789. guess so
  790. Eri Motai: ((da volley ball dat is oh snap beach episode how kawaii as hell))
  791. Eve Ishi: (( ye ))
  792. Action Contraction (GM): we're doing a beach episode at some point
  793. Satoya Taji: Magical beach lesbians!
  794. Action Contraction (GM): Sarah's sister is so dragging her there
  795. Eri Motai: ((yeah, the other side characters haven't gotten much love :P))
  796. Action Contraction (GM): and then you can all eat icecream and get melted icecream on your tits in front of the boyz who get nosebleeds
  797. Satoya Taji: ((But boys are icky))
  798. Action Contraction (GM): well then you can lick the icecream off Sarah's tits
  799. not my problem
  800. Satoya Taji: ;o
  801. Action Contraction (GM): :v
  802. Eri Motai: ((inb4doublesuplex))
  803. Action Contraction (GM): doublesuplexing your head into the sand
  804. Eri Motai: ((WAIT, BIG ISSUE))
  805. ((I just realized that Sarah has a giant hole in her chest))
  806. ((no bikini for her))
  807. Action Contraction (GM): she can wear a one piece
  808. Eri Motai: ((kk))
  809. ((but yeah, hopefully I can have it so that I don't have to stop that chick))
  810. ((again))
  811. ((she'll probably come and whip my arms off in the middle of the night))
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