
Level 10 Wizard + Lvl 1 Slime

Jan 7th, 2020
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  1. >Aspiring human adventurer fresh out of magical apprenticeship
  2. >Eager to find a group of likeminded do-gooders and thrill-seekers to search for treasure, magic, knowledge, and perhaps...friendship.
  3. >Leave your humble notice at the local guild's public board. 'Level 10 Wizard seeking party for general adventuring and all manner of heroic tomfoolery'.
  5. >Return to the board no less than half a day later to a surprising heap of replies.
  7. >Level 91 Dark Elf Assassin wants to party with you (also her reply found its way into your belongings somehow)
  8. >Level 94 Oni Warlord wants to party with you (her reply is a ragged scroll that's been stabbed to the board with a sword)
  9. >Level 88 Succubus Paladin DEMANDS to party with you (she uses lots of strong, forceful language but still dots all of her i's and j's with hearts).
  10. >Trio of Level 60 Orc Barbarians want to party with you (and also insist that they've already got your scent and are setting up camp).
  11. >You've also got several guild invites which include one written in Eldritch
  13. >Level 83 Automaton Sniper leaves a note listing all of her stats and feats with robotic efficiency, even adding a calculation of your adjusted experience gain should you travel with her
  14. >Signed at the bottom with a QR code
  16. >Level 72 Kakuen Monk, looking for eager, young apprentice to teach The Way of the Monkey's Paw.
  17. >Must have a strong wrist, and able to strike hard with an open palm.
  19. >Wanting to party with people that much higher level than you
  20. Best option to refuse them all and go find equal level party members myself
  22. you'll get the best experience from your adventure that way. also, it's a good way to train yourself to defend against sexual advances of any monsters until you find the right monster you want to wife during your adventure!
  24. >Anon is elated to find so many squad mates
  25. >Decides to get all of them into a party together
  26. >Unbearable tension as power-leveled mamono huddle around a campfire with anon
  27. >None of them want to upset him by starting a fight
  29. >Eventually, one of them begins to make a move
  30. >The fragile equilibrium of the group is shattered
  31. >All of the high level monsters around Anon dogpile him to prevent their rivals from stealing a march on them
  32. >The evening ends with an hours-long recreation of the infamous erotic illusion "Poor Little Human Wizard"
  33. >Anon wakes eventually with achingly sore balls, his body parched almost to breaking
  34. >On the one hand, the tension in the group is gone
  35. >On the other, incidents of his party members groping or overwhelming him and pressing him up against a wall for a sudden fuck become an almost hourly occurrence
  36. >The craziest part is, all the fucking is giving him *fantastic* experience gains
  38. Alternate:
  40. Level 1 slime or bust.
  42. >”Waow mister anon! You’re a level 10 wizard! You musta trained real hard in wizard school! I hope you’ll help me learn to be a better knight in training! A-all I gots for now are these pots and pans for armor, b-but this rusty sword can cut a dry branch in three strikes or less! Hiiiyah! I’m gonna be a great knight one day with your help p-partner!”
  43. I must protect this slime.
  45. >Mature, beautiful and tall/high mass Sapphire Slime Exalted Champion Crusader looks back at an old photo of herself and her husband when they first met and sighs happily
  46. >Casually absorbs the photo back into her mass before donning her Mythic-tier armor and heading off
  48. >Partner tries really hard to cut down a branch in only two swings
  49. >fails every time, but eventually you upgrade her Rusty Iron Sword to a regular Iron Sword
  50. >just barely managed to cut off thin branches using two swings
  51. >brags about it to literally everyone
  52. Cute
  54. Hnnng, my heart
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