
The Giant

Jan 18th, 2016
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  1. Name: It was forgotten long ago, only known by others as "The Giant"
  3. Race: Ancient Human
  5. Religion: Dovendyr, but has forgotten his name as well.
  7. Magic: Fire, Earth, and Magma
  9. Equipment: Rough Clothing made from scraps over the years that only keep his warmth. Walking stick. Clay necklace with unknown symbols. Rucksack
  11. Artifact: Rosetta Compass: A compass made in brass that points to the users wishes, but because I have no wish, it doesn't have a wish, it just randomly points anywhere.
  13. Age: Ancient
  15. Personality: Depressed and Meloncholy
  17. What is your goal?: He's searching for a friend long since dead and a purpose in life, protecting others that haven't lost so they won't feel his own pain.
  19. Appearance: He's a taller giant at around 14'6" foot, but hunches over often. He has a long, gray beard that reaches to almost his stomach, and gray hair longer, tangled, torn, and messed up, covering much of his face and chest. His eyes are notably dull, and sunken in his face, gray in color and seemingly devoid of life. His mouth is dry and cracked and his skin riddled in scars.
  21. Backstory:
  22. Long ago when The Giant was young, he had a friend that much smaller than he, but he protected. They would explore the lands of the wilderness together and share many of adventures, but the good time stopped when his friend a puzzle filled with an artifact from times farther back than either of them. As his friend tried to solve it, days, weeks, and even years passed, driving him to the point of insanity and The Giant himself just wanted to continue their adventures forever. The Friend was able to open the locket, but had already lost himself to his insanity and soon died.The Friend said he just wanted to finish it so they could find the adventures they wanted for so long and that he was sorry for not being able to give that to him and wished for him to have adventures without him forever, passing his life onto the Giant. Or so the Giant believed, and from there the Giant traveled the lands trying to find a way to revive his friend... but could never find it as the compass didn't give him the way by it being impossible because he was in the next life and the Giant would never die.
  23. He was most recently found under a collapsed mineshaft that collapsed nearly three hundred years prior. He was found in between consciousness, more in a daze, but very much alive. After getting food and water he soon left, not giving the people that saved him a name, as he had none, but only a thanks.
  25. Location: He wanders the world itself.
  27. Skills (You get 10 points) (This is only to give me an idea of what your character excels in, and will be put into an actual system, and used. There are advantages and disadvantages to everything, so be careful :^)
  29. Magic: 6
  31. Intelligence: 3
  33. Strength: 1
  35. Dexterity: 0
  37. Charisma: 0
  39. Luck: 0
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