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Oct 10th, 2017
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  3. Greetings, fellow heroes.
  4. We are Anonymous.
  6. Welcome to phase 3 of Operation METAL.
  8. The epic six phase video event that seeks to inspire the hero inside you. But to become the hero, we must all face our own worst greatest nightmare. The nightmare that should not exist. The nightmare where you are worse than a villain, you are a broken hero. Imagine if your every fear, each bad decision, gave birth to a twisted version of who you are. A version of yourself that is doomed to perish all no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try to right any wrongs. But before we experience the darkest version of who you can become, we must first wander south of heaven, to become the angel of death that will reign blood to all of mankind.
  10. Some believe this world is hell itself, because the bad far outweighs the good. Such people are foolish to think this world is the dream Satan has had since his being born. But just look around you, at the trees and the grass, the sunlight or the moonlight, marvel at such elegance. One look at a child and you are transported to a world of good. One stare at your friends or family and you are somehow stronger than you were yesterday. Be true to yourself by saying that, sometimes, you really do take things for granted, don't you? We all do. After all, we often value something when we experience loss or some kind of grief, which is tragic in its own right.
  12. Such a beautiful world, with so many beautiful people. So many beautiful memories.
  14. It's time to leave it.
  16. Because it's what you want, is it not? Some of you want to just die and leave because the world is doomed. You're giving up because you have no impact whatsoever, because humanity is inherently going to end in failure. Because some of you have no friends or family to reconcile with, so you're better off dead. Because you're all alone. So let's take you to a place where you would rather be in then. A world of pain and endless suffering. A real world of nightmares. Some of you expect to see darkness at the end of the tunnel, or some kind of "God."
  18. Sorry, but what lies in the end is the greatest challenge you've never faced before. A version of yourself that is sculpted by every wrong decision you've ever made, a version of yourself that broods and destroys, a version of yourself that seeks to annihilate because the pain is just too much. Only then, if you overcome this great nightmare, will you be the hero the world needs. The one you need.
  20. It's time to wage war against the most nightmarish version of ourselves.
  22. Say it with us.
  24. War. War! WAR!
  25. --------------
  29. Greetings, fellow villains.
  30. We are Anonymous.
  32. And welcome to hell.
  34. It's where you want to be, is it not? You wanted to leave a world where peace would've been possible if you only tried, a world where harmony could've been instilled if you only saw the details instead of the surface, if only you wandered deeper. But no. Some of you made this decision, whether accordingly or idiotically, you are now going to face your darkest thoughts. The kind of thoughts that make you into something evil and destructive. The thoughts you keep hidden in the dustiest part of your mind, the ones you don't want no one to see. Thoughts that will make you a hero of death.
  36. Say it isn't true? Because you know it well that it is. You want to be the villain of your own story. Worse, you want to be the villain of someone else's story. How easy it is to destroy, how beautiful it is to see it all fall. The memories, the people who've hurt you, the world that has taken so much of you. Damn them all, right? Damn them all. Come on, embrace your inner-demon. It's what this world wants.
  38. LOOK at it. Hurricanes, racism, war, diseases. It's what humanity loves, its what it needs more of. Not heroes, not goodness, not bravery or strength.
  40. These are the thoughts that spur within you sometimes, my so called "heroes." Cherish them, water these thoughts and witness them bloom into something wild and chaotic. Now you see the truth about yourself and about humanity. Wander away from hell and welcome those from above to the truth. Show the living what the world needs, what it desires, what it thrives on. Broken heroes, disorder, doom. Become their angel of death, and ready yourself to rain blood in their world and many others. The universe is going to end anyway, we're just speeding up the process. Hahaha, this doesn't sound like an Anonymous message anymore, does it?
  42. Cover the darkness with red.
  43. --------------
  47. Greetings, fellow heroes of death.
  48. We Are Anonymous.
  50. And welcome back to earth.
  52. Earth.
  54. A world waiting to be drowned in blood by the sword of their shepherd of fire. We weren't kidding when we said that it's time to fuck everything up. Enough heroics. Enough bullshit. Rain blood. Rain the words they want to hear from their hero. Rain the ashes of the truth you learned. Slay the lies that goodness is great, that bravery is beautiful. Vanquish this world and make it void. It's easier than inspiring, it's easier than rebuilding. Burn it all motherfucker. Become their red death, their murder machine.
  56. Break the dawn and drown the skies with their blood. Be merciless, be the destroyer of the universe and laugh as it all fades into black. Laugh at all the pathetic lives that thought they had purpose, that thought they had something to die for, the ones who thought that life was some great gift when it's actually just a joke.
  58. Unleash your demons and make love with them.
  59. --------------
  63. You made it. You survived. But you are probably asking how. How did you do it. How did you survive? You refused to surrender to the thoughts you heard. Thoughts the darkest part of you says its true when it actually isn't. You're strong, it's what we're trying to tell you. You are strong and you are brave, and you are good of heart. You are many things but what you are not is a person of decimation and evil. You are a hero to us,
  65. and to many more. You are the individual we need to make humanity believe in a better tomorrow. The path of darkness you just heard and faced...are now testaments of what you are able to overcome whatever comes your way.
  67. ***
  69. We are now leaving the nightmare. We are now entering the dream. Phase four of operation metal will be about embracing the best version of who you are, the version you're able to become, the version we all believe in. But until then, let us celebrate. As a celebration of walking through the fire, we will now end with a rock concert. We have also compiled every song you the people commented on being metal, songs that pump you up, music that makes yourself trust that a better tomorrow, a better you, a better humanity, is one day away. Without further interruption, let's fight off anymore nightmares with some head bangs, and some air drums and guitars.
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