
Ann and the Heroine Spirit backstories.

Dec 8th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. FELDAS:
  3. In the 1500s, there was once a peasant farmer known as Feldas Roic. She worked a hard life alongside her friend and crush Christopher Loom, and her ill parents.
  5. War with an opposing nation erupted, and many civilians were recruited to help fight.
  7. Feldas and her family were offered quite a lot of money for Feldas joining the war. Since the family were pretty poor and the money might help with her parents illness, Feldas agrees to fight.
  9. Christopher, not wanting his friend to go alone, agrees to fight alongside Feldas. The two were then brought into the military. The two told their families, gathered their things, and said their goodbyes. And went off to fight.
  11. The two spent three years training rigorously. Physically, mentally, and in Feldas’s case, magically, discovering that she is among the few that could actually wield effective spells. In order to harness this energy, Feldas was given a crystal bracelet to her bring out her full potential.
  13. After the training, the two were sent into combat. The battles they faced were brutal. Many on their side were killed, and they had to kill just as much.
  15. Feldas mostly maintained high spirits, while Christopher became more pessimistic, more bitter, and grew hopeless. This caused him to search for some sort of way to end the conflict once and for all.
  17. Three years were spent in combat, with Feldas and Christopher growing more distant over time. Feldas knew Chris was researching something, but wasn’t sure what. Anytime that she asked him about it, he always said something along the lines of “it will help us end this pointless conflict permanently”.
  19. Three more years were spent in the war. Eventually, Feldas heard that her nation won. She was overjoyed that the conflict was finally over. She rushed over to Christopher to tell him the news. Upon getting to him, she learned just what he had been researching.
  21. Christopher had been researching black magic, otherwise known as “Chaotic Energy”.
  23. Chaotic Energy draws from the negative emotions of others. It allows for abilities far beyond that of what normal people can do, even surpassing those who could preform magic. The catch being is that it amplifies the negative emotions greatly.
  25. Christopher had been planning on using the chaotic energy in order to win the war. But due to his negative feelings on the war alongside his worries about Feldas, caused him to become so negative that he wanted to completely destroy the other nation that caused so much pain in his people’s lives.
  27. Christopher explained this to Feldas. “As long as there are multiple nations, conflict will arise. If there was one single nation, everyone would be at peace. No wars, no tragedy. Everyone would prosper. Don’t you want that, Feldas?”
  29. Feldas, knowing Christopher was under the chaotic energies influence, tried to reason with him. “That’s insane! You’ve always wanted everyone to have peace, do you really think slaughtering everyone that comes in your way will get that?!” “This isn’t you Chris, you’re being manipulated, please, snap out of it!”
  31. Christopher took a deep sigh, “You always were a stubborn one...”
  33. Christopher then attacked Feldas. Feldas, knowing what would happen if she didn’t stop Christopher,she knew that he was too far gone, that the corruption was too deep. She knew what she had to do.
  36. Feldas had to kill Christopher. Her lifelong friend, and her lifelong love.
  39. The two battled fiercely. Eventually Feldas managed to strike the killing blow onto Chris, impaling him straight through the chest. The tip of the sword poking out through his back.
  41. Feldas took Chris into her arms. Looking down upon him.
  43. Chris tried to speak to her, but all that came out was stuttering. He soon died in Feldas’s arms as her tears splashed onto his face. Feldas wept for hours, holding the lifeless corpse of her only friend.
  45. After telling everyone what had happened, they gave her their deepest condolences. Soon afterwards, Feldas was allowed to go back to her home.
  47. When she had returned, what met her was not the cozy farm home with the loving family she had grown up with, but a withered shack without anyone inside.
  49. Walking into her parents old bedroom, the bed they shared was empty. Looking down at it, a letter was in the middle of it. Opening the letter, it read out:
  51. “Dear Feldas
  53. We are so sorry to inform you that your parents have passed due to their illnesses. Even with the money obtained from you joining the military, there was nothing we could’ve done. We send you our dearest apologies.”
  55. At the bottom was a signature and a date. The date was two years ago.
  57. Feldas’s parents died, she never got to say goodbye, and she only got the news until just now.
  59. Feldas was devastated by this news. Now not only was her only friend dead, but her family is gone and her home was in ruins.
  61. Feldas did not leave the building for weeks. She didn’t know what to do with herself. Everyone and everything she had was all gone. She still had a lot of money from her recruitment, but what did it matter?
  63. Eventually, she decided to pick herself back up again. She knew that none of her loved ones would’ve wanted her to be like this.
  65. She got a much nicer home within the village, and became a guard to the village. Keeping peace just like Christopher wanted, and making sure nobody dabbled in Black Magic and fell to the same fate Christopher did.
  67. Feldas eventually grew old. She had kept peace in her home, fought for her nation, and possibly saved the world from her friend. It was far from the ending she wanted, but it was better than her dying in the war she supposed. With that she passed away. Her body was buried in a forest, alongside the bracelet that kept her magical abilities in check. Her story had ended...for now at least.
  71. ANN:
  73. There once was a happy couple. Kole Jackson, and Litnar Jackson. They had a 15 year old son named Lee Jackson, with a baby boy soon on the way.
  75. One year later, the baby was born. However, Kole did not survive during the process. Litnar was given the baby to take care of by himself. This baby was named Ann Jackson.
  77. For the next 13 years, Litnar took care of the boys while working in his office job. Making sure to help Lee with anything he needed. He did watch over Ann as well. Though Litnar was aware of it, he was unconsciously favoring Leden due to Ann’s birth killing his wife.
  79. Lee and Ann got along alright. But Ann could tell that something was wrong even from a young age. Litnar was always there for Lee. Every time Lee needed help Litnar was there every time. Though with Ann, Litnar struggled to show up half of the time. Either because he was helping Lee or he was at his work and couldn’t afford to come.
  81. Ann grew pretty isolated from everyone else. He never really talked with his father all that much, and he was hesitant with interacting with any of his peers. Meaning he would often just be in his own little corner doing his own thing.
  83. When Lee was 29, he had to move across the country for his work. He gave Ann and Litnar one last visit, assuring his father that everything would be alright.
  85. Everything was not alright.
  87. Lee got into a fatal car accident on his way to the airport, leaving Ann and Litnar the only members of the Jackson family.
  89. Ann was distraught. But Litnar was absolutely devastated. The son he and Kole raised together was so suddenly ripped from him. Leaving him alone with Ann.
  91. To attempt to take his mind off of the loss, Litnar doubled down on his work. Using it as an escape from his situation. He and Ann grew even more distant, with a good chunk of their interactions were Litnar asking Ann to run over to the grocery store.
  93. And so Ann was pretty much alone. He didn’t have any good friends, he never had a mother, and his father didn’t want to spend time with him, unconsciously or not. With no real goals or dreams, Ann just took every day one at a time, doing whatever his father asked of him. That was Ann’s life...until one day...
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