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  1. Shinozaki-san ch42: The Three Approach
  3. p127
  4. >Mm~ Tests are all done~
  6. >fufufu I'm pretty confident about today's tests!
  7. >Now that I'm getting used to otaku activities, I can easily balance it out with my studies!!
  8. >N-Not that I plan on getting used to it, mind...
  10. >Regardless of the case, there's no more tests starting tomorrow!
  11. >I can go clothes shopping with Kaede...
  12. >Hey, Akina-chan, Mii-chan!
  14. >What is it, Kaede?
  15. >Actually, this weekend...
  17. p128
  18. >I'm participating in a PrePure doujin event!
  20. >Hey, what did you put down for that last question on maths?
  21. >I think it was 3a.
  22. >Same as mine. That's good to hear.
  23. >Please listen to me when I'm talking!
  25. p130
  26. >So you're participating as a circle, Kaede...
  27. >Yeah~ I wanted to try putting one out~
  28. >I was planning on just being content with simply participating as an attendee...
  30. >But once the thought of trying to release at least one book came to mind, I just couldn't stop!
  31. > I see. Do your best.
  33. >I knew you'd say that~
  34. >Let's all make a book together!
  35. >J-
  37. >Just attending is pushing it as it is, but once you've participated in a circle, you've become a complete otaku, haven't you...
  38. >>The line that must not be crossed
  39. >It's a clear line that I mustn't cross...
  40. >Even if it is Kaede asking for my help...
  42. p131
  43. >Hey, wanna help, Akina-chan~?
  44. >Uuuuuh, m-maybe I'll be barely safe if I catch a cold on the day of the event?
  46. >Y'know, you should've said something earlier so we could prepare for it.
  47. >It's already Thursday, you know.
  48. >Sorry~ I figured it'd be a bad idea to bring it up before the tests~
  50. >So with that said, let the training camp begin!
  51. >Yay!
  52. >>Friday
  54. >Even if you say that, we've only got today and tomorrow to work with.
  55. >By the way, my parents are on a trip so we can be as noisy as we want!
  56. >You're already being noisy.
  57. >I'm having a sleepover at Kaede's house. By all rights I should be happy about this, but...
  59. p132
  60. >So, what kind of book are we making?
  62. >I can just draw what everyone likes, I guess?
  63. >That's too vague.
  64. >It's fine if you can draw, Kaede, but I can't draw at all.
  66. >What about you, Akina?
  67. >Let's draw together~
  68. >M-My drawings are a bit...
  69. >Y'know...
  71. >I-I might be able to write the story~ Just kidding...
  72. >True. Akina's got good modern language grades.
  73. >I know! How about we go with this?
  74. >Go with what?
  76. p133
  77. >Akina-chan will write the story.
  78. >Sure.
  80. >I'll draw the artwork.
  81. >Sure.
  83. >And Mii-chan can be the editor.
  84. >Huh?
  86. >With our powers combined, we'll make a wonderful doujinshi!!
  87. >Yay!!
  88. >Wait a minute! I've never been an editor before!
  90. >I think you can do it, Mii-chan~ You're calm and composed and have an eye for detail.
  91. >You look like you can give us some harsh feedback!
  92. >You're being vague again...
  93. >Hey, it's fine, right!?
  94. >Hey! Stop shaking me around by the shoulders!
  96. p134
  97. >Well, since Kaede's promoting me,
  98. >I can give it a try for now.
  99. >Yay!!
  100. >You're always spoiling Kaede, huh, Mii-chan?
  102. >Eyecatch<3
  104. >So, what do you think of the layout I made?
  105. >>Texttexttexttext
  106. >>Drawing
  107. >Ooh, looks authentic!
  109. >I basically copied off of some skilled guy.
  110. >Once you've written a decent amount of story, Akina, report to Kaede.
  111. >Then she can get started on the drawings.
  112. >Kay!
  114. >I'll work on the cover first!
  115. >Nevertheless, Kaede always looks like she's enjoying herself.
  117. >I guess that's right. You can't do these kinds of things unless you're enjoying them.
  118. >Honestly I'd rather avoid making doujinshi at all costs, but maybe just for a little bit...
  120. p135
  121. >All done.
  122. >Quick! And a lot of it!
  124. >I-I kinda got really into it.
  125. >Hey, can I read it?
  126. >S-Sure.
  128. >Uwah! So wonderful~ It's amazing, Akina-chan!!
  129. >I'm honestly surprised. I had no idea you could write this well.
  130. >I've learned a lot about composition writing since last time...
  132. >The composition reminds me of Umino Saki-sensei!
  133. >Buuh!!
  135. p136
  136. >They probably have similar characteristics, now that you mention it.
  137. >Umino-sensei loves Kanade-chan too, after all!
  138. >Th-That was close!
  140. >W-Wait, it's not like it'd be a problem if they were to find out.
  141. >But it would be kinda embarrassing...
  143. >Still, we probably should've settled on a page count earlier...
  144. >Realistically, we're looking at a copy book of around 16-28 pages including front and back covers.
  145. >We're not doing a proper book?
  146. >You mean an offset book? We don't have enough time or money for that.
  148. >Doujinshi can be made in one of two ways.
  149. >Offset books require a minimum of 30 copies at about 40,000 yen.
  150. >You'd sell one for 1,300 yen.
  152. >Printing Services
  153. >Offset Printing
  154. >Normal deadline is 1-2 weeks ahead of time.
  155. >Minimum of 30 copies costing around 40,000 yen.
  156. >This is the normal method which uses a plate.
  157. >On-Demand Printing
  158. >Possible to make a minimum of one copy.
  159. >One book typically costs 3280 yen (example)
  160. >Price can vary as it is a new type of technology.
  161. >Digital printing does not require a plate.
  163. >Handmade Copy Books
  164. >Amount can be freely decided.
  165. >10 yen for every two pages plus 50 yen for covers.
  166. >Can either be printed at home or by using a convenience store's copier machine.
  167. >Since they can printed at a convenience store, they can be assembled even if the event has already begun.
  168. >Too many pages can cost more and be harder to staple together.
  170. >Forty thousand!!?
  172. >Readers who aren't into this kind of stuff can just skip this.
  175. p137
  176. >Unyaaaaaaa!?
  177. >You could buy 80 doujins with 40,000 yen, couldn't you?
  178. >How does 30 turn into 80...wait, what am I even saying!?
  179. >If you sold them at 500 yen a piece, you'd be 25,000 yen in the red.
  181. > But even so, people still make them~
  182. >Well, doujins are more of a hobby than anything, so 90% of circles usually end up in the red.
  183. >Eeh~
  185. >Small lots are pretty hard to figure out, so we'll use 200 copies as an example. Since it costs 5,000 yen to print, 10,000 yen in sales balances out to 5,000 yen in profit.
  186. >200 Offset Copies
  187. >Sales earned: 10,000 yen
  188. >Printing costs: 5,000 yen, Profit: 5,000 yen
  189. >That's a lot of income!?
  191. >But in reality, that number drastically decreases when you factor in participation fees, travel expenses, and all kinds of things.
  192. >200 Offset copies
  193. >Sales earned: 10,000 yen
  194. >Printing costs - Other costs - Profit
  195. >Depending on the region, you might end up in the red quicker!
  196. >200 copies barely makes it through without a hitch, huh~
  197. >Huh, so this is what kind of world this is.
  198. *This is just an example
  200. >If we go with copy books, those cost only 170 yen a piece for a total of 5,100 yen.
  201. >*Based on 30 copies of a 28 page book with colored covers.
  202. >That's an eighth of what the other type cost...
  203. >Since we're beginners, that's the theory we'll go with starting off.
  205. p138
  206. >Huh? So does that mean you only want to make 30 copies?
  208. >Akina-chan's story is amazing, so shouldn't we make more?
  209. >H-Hey, Kaede!
  210. >This is just an example, but...
  212. >Something like this can happen.
  213. >Guy brings 1000 copies of his work to a doujin event! Only manages to sell 49!
  215. >Even though he was so good.
  216. >It's best to be realistic.
  217. >Yes, understood.
  219. >So with that said, we'll be making 30 copies of a 28 page copybook including covers.
  220. >Excluding covers, afterwords, and publication details, that gives us about twenty pages for the actual story content.
  222. >Since there'll be drawings too, twenty pages worth of story would be... about this much I guess?
  223. >That's harsh!
  225. p139
  226. >First off, you two need to simplify this story since it's way too long.
  227. >Also, I'm worried that the presentation is a little too confusing.
  228. >Unless it's absolutely neccessary, you'd be better off using much simpler words.
  229. >No matter how interesting your story is, it won't get through to anyone if it doesn't make sense.
  231. >You're acting like a true editor, Mii-chan.
  232. >Your critique is certainly precise.
  233. >I'm sure you would've done a better job writing the story...
  234. >Criticising a finished work and making something yourself are two completely different things.
  235. >It's just an outsider's opinion.
  237. >Well, let's take your advice and rewrite it.
  238. >How are things going on your end, Kaede?
  240. >Well, I can draw the stuff I need, but there's also complicated stuff I can't draw~
  241. >I think Haru-sensei said that at times like these, try drawing from real life, right?
  243. p140
  244. >You want me to be a model?
  245. >This is part of an editor's job too!
  246. >No, I'm pretty sure it isn't...
  248. >It's fine. Please look this way!
  249. >Just be quiet and draw.
  251. >Awesome! You're the best, Mii-chan!
  252. >Meow~
  253. >Wait! Was there even a scene like this!?
  255. >We've got a tight deadline so there's no time for goofing around!
  256. >Kay~
  258. p141
  259. >Okay, you two keep at it for a while.
  260. >I'll go and make us dinner.
  261. >Want me to help?
  262. >Maybe when you learn to do something besides making a cat's paw.
  263. >That's harsh!
  265. >Hmm~...
  267. >What's wrong? You're making such serious faces.
  268. >Is the curry too spicy?
  270. >N-No, it's really delicious.
  271. >That's our Mii-chan! This mellow and light dark red roux is like a treasure box of jewels...
  272. >Man, you guys really suck at giving gourmet reports.
  274. p142
  275. >Actually we're stuggling to figure out how to trim down the plot...
  276. >Oh, that's what it was.
  277. >Thanks for the food.
  278. >Glad you liked it.
  280. >For times like these, pick out ten pieces and then trim them down to one.
  281. >Pick what's most important and get rid of what's not needed.
  282. >I see.
  283. >Like Kaede's presence in this kitchen.
  284. >That's harsh!
  286. >What about you, Kaede?
  287. >I've got so many pictures I wanted to draw that I just can't choose.
  288. >That's a lot! How many did you draw for just that one scene!?
  290. >Just do one drawing and move onto the next.
  291. >You can redo them if there's time left.
  292. >Kay.
  293. >This is bad, Mii-chan!
  294. >Now what?
  296. >While getting rid of the surplus material, I ended up deleting the entire thing!
  297. >>Blank!
  298. >That's extreme!!
  300. >It all just felt so important to me.
  301. >I felt that if I had to delete one thing, I'd have to delete something equally important...
  302. >Why?
  304. p143
  305. >Surely you have times where you have to choose between similar outfits, don't you, Kaede?
  306. >Which one?
  307. >Much like money, we don't have an infinite number of pages.
  308. >Why don't you think of this as the same kind of thing?
  309. >I see...
  311. >Mii-chan-sensei, cramming all the stuff I wanna draw into this panel is making them really small...
  312. >I told you to pick only what's essential...
  313. >It's just the two of them talking, so you don't need to draw anything else.
  314. >Eh~ but...
  315. >No buts!
  317. >Mii-chan-sensei, I've started becoming worried about clothes and I don't think it'll stop until the shops close.
  318. >Fine, use this to decide.
  320. >Mii-chan-sensei~
  321. >Here!
  322. >What now?
  324. >I wanna eat hamburger steaks tomorrow!
  325. >Why're you saying that now?
  327. p144
  328. >Mii-chan-sensei! I rolled the dice and now the story's all jumbled up!
  329. >How clumsy are you!!?
  331. >You don't have to decide everything by the dice, y'know?
  332. >Just use it as a reference...
  333. >Mii-chan-sensei, over here!
  334. >I'm busy right now so don't worry about it and draw!
  336. >Mii-chan-sensei, this time...
  337. >Seriously!?
  338. >That should be good enough!
  340. >Mii-chan-sensei, over here!
  341. >Mii-chan-sensei, this part...
  342. >Mii-chan-sensei!
  343. >Mii-chan-sensei!
  344. >Uuh~~~~
  346. >Ah, geez!
  348. p145
  349. >I never thought that being an editor would be so exhausting...
  350. >Sorry for relying on you so much, Mii-chan.
  351. >Sorry~
  353. >It's fine. Let's just get some sleep so we're prepared for tomorrow.
  354. >Kay, good night...
  355. >She fell asleep quickly!
  357. >She's really like a little kid.
  358. >Her sleeping face is just like an angel...
  360. >Well, I'm gonna go to sleep too.
  361. >Night.
  362. >Good night.
  364. >Still, that was pretty exhausting.
  365. >I'm not Kaede, but I think I'll be able to sleep well tonight.
  367. p146
  368. >!!?
  370. >Fwah~ Good morning~
  371. >Morning.
  372. >Breakfast is almost ready so go wash your face.
  373. >I slept like a baby~ I had a dream where I was sleeping while hugging a really fluffy pillow!
  374. >You sleep even in your dreams?
  376. >Fweh~ Good morning~
  378. p147
  379. >W-Wah, did you not get much sleep, Akina-chan?
  380. >Did you sleep the wrong way?
  381. >Maybe she had a dream about being attacked by a pillow?
  382. >H-Hey now.
  383. >I wasn't in a position to have any dreams.
  385. >Well then, I'm gonna go borrow what we need for the binding and venue.
  386. >Any other essentials you guys need?
  388. >Some snacks and Mii-chan's special pancakes!
  389. >I said "essentials".
  390. >But sure, I guess.
  392. >Okay listen, don't go repeating what happened yesterday while I'm gone.
  393. >We'll be fine~
  394. >I don't trust you in the slightest...
  396. p148
  397. >Well, regardless of whether you laugh or cry, today is the only day we've got left.
  399. >Let's not have any regrets!
  401. >Let's get pumped up and do our best!
  403. >Yeah!
  404. >Well, I'm off.
  405. >You do your best too, Mii-chan!
  407. p150
  408. >Well then, we take the pages...
  410. >sandwich them between the covers...
  412. >and use the stapler.
  414. >Pft
  415. >Kh
  416. >Khkhkh
  418. p151
  419. >We did it!!
  420. >Good job, everyone!!
  422. >Ahahaha, I can't help but laugh! What is this?
  423. >Ahaha, don't hold it in, Mii-chan~
  424. >Stop that! Don't tickle me!
  426. >Hah~ It's just a book, so why does it make me feel so happy?
  427. >It's gotta be brain narcotics.
  428. >They keep on pouring out~
  430. >You said that most circles end up in the red, but...
  432. p152
  433. >We've all been captivated by this!
  435. >Yeah... There's no doubt about that.
  436. >After all...
  438. >This is way more fun than writing stories by myself.
  439. >We made it together...
  441. >Who knew that doujin circles could be so amazing?
  443. p153
  444. >Wait...Hah!?
  445. >This is bad! I'm not doing this so I could be corrupted into becoming an otaku!
  446. >This was just a neccessity so that I could become closer with Kaede! Tomorrow...
  447. >No wait, today I was supposed to be sick with a cold... No wait, I've completely forgotten! There's no escape now!
  449. >Still, I'm so hyped up that I don't think I can fall asleep.
  450. >But it'll be troublesome if we go without getting any sleep, so we need to at least sleep a little bit.
  451. >Good night, everyone~!
  452. >She falls asleep way too quickly!
  454. >Well then, we better get to sleep too.
  455. >We need to get up at 6am tomorrow.
  456. >G-Good night~
  458. >Uuuh, what should I do?
  459. >Maybe I could sneak out later and leave behind a letter saying I'm not feeling so well...
  461. p154
  462. >Unyaaaaaa!!
  463. >Mmm... Marshmallows...
  465. >Hah! The giant pillow!?
  466. >Wait, it's already 6:20!? Crap!
  467. >Don't worry. I got up half an hour early.
  468. >There's definitely no escape noooooow!
  469. >To be continued in Volume 9
  471. p158
  472. >Synchronicity
  473. >So for chapter 42, I'm thinking of having them make a doujinshi together.
  474. >It feels like I've been waiting for them to do this.
  476. >Well, you have a long history of making doujins so I'm sure you've got plenty of material to work with, Hikawa-san.
  477. >Fufufu. Leave it to me!
  479. >Let's see. We gotta have the three of them wanting to make one together.
  480. >Rather than drawing what each of them do, I should get across the feeling of them working together to make it.
  481. >Come to think of it, I started off in a three man circle.
  482. >I made and sold 50 copybooks at an Only event. [TN: Doujin events that cater to a specific genre or series. e.g. Girls Only or Precure Only]
  483. >When it came to our first offset book, we printed two hundred copies and sold them in a year.
  484. >In order to pay for the offset book costs, I had to take up a part-time job during the day.
  485. >I had no idea how to draw manga when I started off. I couldn't figure out to distribute the panels...
  487. >Somehow I've written over 40 pages and it still doesn't feel like it's enough...
  488. >Geez! Just trim it down!
  489. >Why does this sound like something straight out of a novel?
  491. p159
  492. >Dream Doujin Circle Activities
  494. >Hrm, what parts should I cut out... It all seems equally important...
  495. >When I want to put this in, I also want to put this part in... If I cut this bit out, should I take this part out too?
  497. >Alright, I'll just get more material so I can better trim it!
  498. >Skypa on!
  499. >Hey guys, what was it like making your first doujinshi?
  500. >I've got a lot of college friends who know about this stuff, include those I formed that three man circle with.
  502. >I was invited into a circle by someone, but they couldn't draw so I ended up drawing that book. I've been in a one-man circle ever since.
  503. >Mhmm.
  504. >Ah, same thing happened to me. I ended up in a one-man circle too.
  505. >I didn't have any friends my age who could draw so I've been in a one-man circle since the very start.
  506. >Mhm mhm.
  508. >Thank you everyone for your input.
  509. >All Rejected
  511. p160
  512. >Story About a Dream That Wasn't A Dream
  514. >The card tournament penalty game from Volume 7 chapter 36.
  515. >Cards are all well and good, but the main focus should be on the penalty games rather than the card game itself.
  516. >Indeed. Stuff like groping their boobs or something.
  517. >True~
  519. >But stuff like that is just the delusion of us male otaku.
  520. >It's fine if it's a delusion! I'll take a delusion packed with dreams over a reality without them!
  521. >True~
  523. >Female editor who was sitting with us.
  524. >Ah, but girls normally grope each other's boobs as penalty games.
  525. >We don't do it to the girls that aren't in the mood for it though.
  527. >Seriously!?
  528. >For real!?
  529. >Yeah, seriously.
  530. >Did it catch your attention that much?
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