
Serving a Princess Optional epilogue

May 16th, 2012
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  1. >3 days later...
  2. >knock at your door
  3. >You open the door and are greeted by your co-worker, Todd.
  4. >"Heeyy!! anon dude!" he starts with a wave and a bright smile.
  5. >You can smell the dope on him, but you like Todd, Todd is pretty boss.
  6. >"Hey dude, whats up?" you ask.
  7. >"Hey, bro." he starts, rubbing the back of his head. "I got a favor to ask man... My mom is in the hospital right now, and I was wondering."
  8. >Oh god...
  9. >"Can you look after my fluffy dude while I'm visiting her?"
  10. >You bite down on your bottom lip, "I don't know man...".
  11. >"Please dude!" Todd begs, "I promise it'll only be a day, and he's super cool!"
  12. >You grimace before shrugging, "Alright, fine. But I don't promise anything."
  13. >"Super, bro!" he cheers before running back to his dinky little van, bringing out a litter box in one hand and a green fluffy Pony in the other.
  14. >You put the litter box in your office and go and meet Todd again, who has put the green Fluffy Pony on the ground.
  15. >"Now you be good, lil dude!" he says, pointing a finger at the fluffy.
  16. >"I be gud." The fluffy says with a long smile on its face.
  18. >You're sitting on your couch playing some VIDEO GAMES!, when the Fluffy only known as 'dude' rolls a ball to your feet.
  19. >"Pway?" it asks, you looking down.
  20. >"Not right now..."
  21. >Okay.".
  22. >You freeze, looking down to the Fluffy.
  23. >"What?"
  24. >"Okay." it repeats.
  25. >"What, seriously? No screaming? No whining?"
  26. >Dude shakes his head, "Naw, bwo. We can pway latah..."
  27. >You realize how mellow this Fluffy is.
  28. >Oh god, its stoned.
  29. >its like, perma stoned.
  30. >"Actually... I think I will play with you."
  31. >"Cewl, bwo!" Dude says with a clap of his hooves.
  32. >You enjoy your day with Dude.
  33. >You're actually kind of sad to give him up.
  34. >You guess not all of them are THAT bad.
  35. >end.
  37. Yeah, as I said, not my story, but defo one of my favourites I've read so I saved it. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did when I first read it.
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